Flower business what's next. How to open a flower business: profitability, opening nuances and pitfalls. Flower shop - it's profitable

Experienced businessmen who have achieved some success often say that they do not care what they trade. The flower business is different in that you will have to sell a very beautiful product, while the profitability of such a business, if it is properly organized, is quite high.

At the same time, in case of violation of contractual obligations by counterparties, losses can be quite significant. At the same time, experts predict high rates of development of the flower business in Russia in the coming years. That is why for those who want to deal with flowers, it is not too late to start their activities.

How to open a flower business?

Before you seriously engage in the sale of flowers, you need to carefully consider how to organize a flower business. Of course, flowers are a sought-after commodity, but at the same time quite perishable, so its sale should be carried out as soon as possible. Otherwise, the flowers will simply wither, and it will not be possible to reanimate them.

Therefore, outlets for the sale of such goods should be located in busy places, preferably not far from the business center. The fact is that in any organization it is customary to celebrate the birthdays of employees, and these days it is customary to give flowers. If you are starting a flower business from scratch, then first you need to register as an individual entrepreneur and rent a tent in the market. Remember that registration of activities is a prerequisite, otherwise you may be fined for illegal business.

Flower business business plan

Every business starts with a business plan. It can be drawn up on paper, or maybe just in your head, but in any case, it is necessary to think over a plan for organizing a business.

When compiling it, they usually start from the costs of purchasing the main products - flowers, then it is necessary to take into account all the mandatory payments that need to be paid to the budget and extra-budgetary funds, as well as other necessary expenses (rent, wages of employees with accruals and other expenses).

At the initial stage of the business, the selling price of the product, which will form the flower business income, must be set taking into account the prices of competitors, sometimes their level may be even lower to attract customers. However, pricing in flower shops-salons is carried out according to a slightly different principle than in kiosks and markets, since the price of the goods also includes the cost of the service - which is why it must be well debugged.

To increase profits and create additional convenience for buyers, most flower shops practice taking orders via the Internet, delivering bouquets directly to the buyer, some of them have established cooperation with wedding salons.

The flower business is seasonal, and the provision of additional services makes it possible to compensate for the drop in revenue during the low season.

Business plan for a flower shop

If you have a certain capital, it is best to open a flower shop or salon. By expanding the range and selling related products, such a business will have a higher profitability. However, this will require renting or purchasing (which is quite difficult) a room with an area of ​​at least 50.0 square meters. meters.

In addition to the trading floor, there must be a storage room. The presence of a split system that maintains optimal temperature conditions is also necessary. Freshly cut flowers are best stored in a deli refrigerator. The trading floor needs to be equipped with shelving, and you should not forget about the need to purchase simple office equipment.

If you are not good at composing flower arrangements, then it is a good idea to think about the workplace of a florist. In addition, you will need a variety of packaging material for decorating bouquets.

All these costs must be covered from your own funds, since banks practically do not give loans to start a new business. As for planning activities, then, of course, you can invest in a ready-made business plan for a flower shop, but it’s not so difficult to draw it up yourself, having thought through all the details of this business.

Sample business plan for a flower shop

For clarity, we will show how to draw up a business plan for a flower shop. So, we need a room with an area of ​​​​at least 50.0 square meters. meters. The minimum list of equipment required to open it includes the following:
No. Equipment name | Quantity | Price per one. (rub.) | Total price (rub.)
1. Gastronomic refrigerator 3 42500.0 127500.0
2. Shelving 20 2800.0 56000.0
3. Split system Fujitsu Genera" 2 20800.0 41600.0
4. Rack 1 5600.0 5600.0
5. Office chair 3 2900.0 8700.0
6. Ergonomic office table 2 3200.0 6400.0
7. Computer desk "Classic" 1 3050.0 3050.0
8. System unit, monitor, printer 29000.0
9. Specialized florist workplace1 12500.0 12500.0
10. Vases, specialized flower stands, consumables 25000.0
Total 315350.0

Thus, the initial minimum capital costs for the purchase of equipment for a flower shop will amount to 315.4 thousand rubles. The amount is not that big, but do not forget that the main costs will fall on the purchase of goods and operating expenses.
Suppose that 3 people work in the salon-shop (1 seller, 1 florist, 1 contract accountant). The owner of the business acts as a manager.

With a markup of 90.0% (which is an average in such a business) and an average daily revenue of 34.2 thousand rubles, the gross monthly income will be 855.0 thousand rubles.
Now let's calculate the average monthly expenses:

  • purchase of goods - 450.0 thousand rubles;
  • salary with accruals - 97.5 thousand rubles;
  • rent - 120.0 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills (including average annual heating costs) - 56.0 thousand rubles;
  • consumables for current needs - 15.0 thousand rubles;
  • taxes (UTII) - 15.0 thousand rubles.

Total costs - 753.5 thousand rubles.
The net monthly profit of the salon will be 101.5 thousand rubles. Thus, the profitability of the flower business will be 11.9%. (The calculations assumed the minimum income that an unpromoted flower shop and real expenses can receive).

flower stall business plan

A flower kiosk, unlike a store, has a smaller sales area, it does not provide for a florist, and the range of goods is less wide. If the store, in addition to flowers, may provide for the sale of related products - potted plants, souvenirs and gifts, ceramics, soil, then in a kiosk, as a rule, only the main product is sold.

The profit of a flower stall is completely dependent on the turnover. In general, drawing up a business plan for a flower kiosk is no different from drawing up a business plan for a flower shop, only the numbers will naturally differ.

With the same revenue, the profitability of the kiosk will be significantly lower due to much higher costs and rather large losses. It is also obvious that the organization of the work of a flower kiosk will require less investment.

Buying a flower business

Sometimes you can see ads of the following nature: “I will buy a ready-made flower business”, which is not surprising given its high profitability. If you are already engaged in a certain business, have experience and, most importantly, considerable capital, then you can buy a ready-made flower business.

However, in this case, you will have to evaluate it, which means finding out all suppliers, terms of delivery of goods, average monthly income and expenses, main buyers, relationships with the tax office, creditors and debtors, and many other nuances.

Buying a flower business in Moscow, and besides, a successful one, is a rather rare thing, therefore, without knowing the real reasons for its sale by the owner, it is not worth making a deal.

However, if you study well the state of affairs in the flower business that is offered for sale, then you can thoroughly bring down the price, and the purchase transaction can turn out to be very profitable.

Sale of flower business

The flower business is sold for completely different reasons: unprofitability, disputes between co-owners, the need to obtain funds to pay accounts payable, repayment of bank loans. Today, on the Internet, you can often see ads for the sale of a flower business in Moscow.

When making such transactions, it is very important that the property where the shops or salons are located is owned by the business owner. In this case, the transaction price increases many times over.

This happens due to the fact that the rent in the capital is unusually high and increases every year. As a result, the flower business in Moscow in some cases may even have negative profitability, which is one of the reasons for its sale.

Flower business at home

If you live in a private house with a fairly large plot of land, love flowers and understand them, then the best option would be to organize a flower business at home. Some of the most common home grown flowers are roses, dahlias and asters.

Such a business will be quite profitable, because you only bear the cost of buying seeds, tubers or seedlings, however, seeds and tubers can be obtained independently, but rose seedlings must be purchased from nurseries.

In order to engage in a flower business at home all year round, you need a greenhouse, the construction costs of which will not be so big.

True, this will increase the cost of electricity, but, as practice shows, they will more than pay off. The main thing is to find buyers: they can be flower stalls, shops, you can also sell flowers on your own.

One of my friends, growing flowers at home, changes foreign cars every year.

So think: is the flower business profitable?

Interesting video How to make money on flowers!

How to open a flower shop and earn income in the shortest possible time.

Not a single holiday is complete without beautiful bouquets that guests rush to hand over to the hero of the occasion.

But there are still weddings, anniversaries, corporate banquets, during which it is customary to decorate the hall with flower arrangements. Add to this the dates of lovers, because there are still ardent young men who want to give their lady of the heart fresh roses or daisies, and you will understand how profitable this type of business is.

If you are looking for a niche in entrepreneurial activity, then it will not be superfluous to find out how to open a flower shop what kind of start-up capital is needed in this business and how profitable this type of business is.

The answers to your questions can be found in this article.

Capital investments: 500,000 - 600,000 rubles.
Payback of business - from 1 year.

Benefits of opening a flower shop

Not in great demand among entrepreneurs ...

Many dealers are afraid to deal with such a delicate product. Yes, and this market is really filled to a sufficient extent, because, wherever you look, grandmothers are everywhere offering uncomplicated bouquets grown by their own hands, then flower stalls with a small and inexpensive assortment of goods, or pretentious markets where they sell bizarre compositions at exorbitant prices.

And yet, opening a flower shop can become a cost-effective and profitable business, because it has many undeniable advantages:

  1. You do not need to have a lot of money in order to launch this startup.
  2. You don't have to be a florist or have an agricultural background to own a flower shop.
    Your business is business, and leave the rest to specialists.
  3. In order to open your own flower shop, you do not need huge areas, which means that renting a room will not ruin you.
  4. Flowers will always be a hot commodity while people celebrate birthdays, fall in love, get married, have children, that is, live a normal life.
  5. This type of business in itself implies creativity, you can come up with more and more competitive advantages and increase your customer base.

Competitive advantages of your flower shop

A business started from scratch does not promise huge earnings at the startup stage. Until you have a wide customer base, you cannot dream of super profits.

To attract a lot of customers, you need to figure out how you can profitably differ from your competitors. Alas, the competition in this type of business is quite serious, so you have to try.

Fortunately, owning a flower shop allows you to create many competitive advantages.

For example:

  • Maintain a reasonable pricing policy.
    It is unthinkable not to overprice the flowers, but to mark up enough to keep the business profitable.
  • Offer the customer a good range of products.
    You should have flower arrangements for every taste and budget: small inexpensive bouquets for schoolchildren and students, luxurious roses or orchids for wealthy clients, intricate compositions for originals, etc.
  • Hold promotions on holidays: March 8, Valentine's Day, September 1, etc.
    For example, “Three bouquets for the price of two”, “Buy a bouquet and get a card as a gift”, etc.
  • Consider a loyalty program for regular customers.
  • Organize a delivery service for those who cannot deliver the bouquet in person.
  • Make sure that the sellers and florists working in your flower shop are as friendly, smiling and competent as possible.

Disadvantages of Opening a Flower Shop

This type of business, like any other, implies the presence of not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

Often, entrepreneurs do not want to open a flower shop for a number of reasons.

The most common are:

  1. Perishable goods.
    Even clothes have their expiration date, going out of fashion. But stale clothes can at least be sold at a discount.
    It is rather difficult to carry out such an action with flowers: few people want to buy half-dead flowers, albeit at a low price.
  2. The seasonality of this type of business.
    For example, summer is considered the low season for sales, but on holidays, flower products fly away instantly. But after all, you should always pay taxes, pay salaries to employees, eat and dress, regardless of the season.
  3. When ordering large quantities, you can get a defective product, hidden among quality flowers.

And yet, these disadvantages of opening a flower shop can be fully compensated by not ordering more goods than you can sell, not spending all the profits, but saving enough to survive the low sales seasons painlessly, working only with trusted suppliers.

Features of owning a flower shop

“If you want milk, don’t sit on a stool in the middle of the pasture, waiting for the cow to come to you and offer her udder.”
Richard Branson

A flower shop is also a business, so it operates according to the laws of entrepreneurial activity. The more clients, the more profit.

And yet, the flower business has its own nuances that must be considered before starting a business:

  1. The most favorite flowers of Russians, however, like Ukrainians and Belarusians, are roses.

    In pursuit of originality, consumer tastes cannot be ignored.
    It is necessary, depending on the season, to have daisies, gerberas, freesias, lilies, chrysanthemums, sunflowers, dahlias, asters, alstroemerias, irises, carnations in the assortment.

  2. The assortment of flower shops is similar.

    You are unlikely to find any extraordinary flowers from a supplier that are not available from competitors, so focus on original colors, creating interesting compositions, a variety of flower types, selling not only ready-made cut flower arrangements, but also plants in pots.

  3. March 8, September 1, February 14 - the days of big earnings for flower sellers.

    No one will judge if you raise prices substantially these days.
    But in the summer, you will have to tighten the belt more tightly, since there are much fewer flowers at this time.

  4. The sale of flowers cannot be called waste-free.

    15–20% of discarded plants are considered normal. You shouldn't be upset about this.

  5. In order to keep the freshness of your goods as long as possible, you should install special refrigeration equipment in the flower shop.

    It is not cheap, but it will help to further reduce costs.

4 ways to make money selling flowers

Your own flower shop is a conventional name for a business. Most often, entrepreneurs who want to sell such a beautiful and delicate product open the following types of outlets:

    Flower pavilion.

    This is the most profitable option for those who do not have a large start-up capital, because, in fact, you only need to rent a retail outlet in a crowded place, for example, a large shopping center, underground passage, etc.
    If you choose the wrong place to trade, where there will be few people, you risk burning out.

    It is also important to take into account the low level of solvency of the future clientele, therefore, when purchasing goods, give preference to inexpensive flowers. Special equipment or decor in the flower pavilion is not required.

    Actually a flower shop.

    Here you will have to invest much more money and rent a small retail space, decorating it to your liking.

    Due to the fact that your sales area will increase, you will be able to sell not only cut flowers, but also ready-made compositions, plants in flowerpots, etc.

    The clientele of flower shops is middle-class, so do not make huge fancy arrangements in advance. They can be made to order from scratch.

    Flower boutique.

    This is a slightly pretentious establishment for customers who appreciate not only the quality and assortment of goods, but also the interior, level of service, etc., so you will have to invest a lot of money in your flower boutique.

    You can also experiment with the range of goods: buy both classics and exotic plants from suppliers.

    You don’t have to pacify your imagination in composing flower arrangements either.
    A flower boutique does not have to be opened right in the center. If you compare favorably with competitors, then your products will come to remote areas.

    Online flower shop.

    Here, in addition to renting a room and purchasing refrigeration equipment, you will have to spend money on creating a website.

    Another disadvantage of this type of business is the inability to get a random customer, since purchases are made on a pre-order basis. To increase the profitability of an online flower store, it is recommended to combine it with a regular one.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a flower shop

The main components of the implementation of this type of business are the premises, its decor, the purchase of equipment, establishing relationships with suppliers and recruiting personnel.

In addition, you will need to officially register your flower shop and advertise it in order to get your first customers.

It will take no more than 4-5 months to launch a startup if you can agree with all government agencies.

Registration of a flower shop

Of course, you will have to register your enterprise, like an individual entrepreneur, and register with the tax service.

You do not need to obtain a special license not to open a flower shop from scratch, but you will have to get the approval of the fire service and the sanitary and epidemiological station that the room you have chosen meets all standards.

The cost of registering an enterprise ranges from 30,000 rubles and more.

All these procedures should not take you more than 2 months.

Flower shop premises

To start a business, it is not necessary to purchase or rent a huge area. You will be enough and 30 square meters. m.

Not only a trading floor, but also at least one household room where the staff will rest and change clothes, where you can store part of the products, etc., as well as a bathroom.

Renting one square meter, even in small towns, is an expensive pleasure.

In the regions, the cost of a monthly rental of premises will range from 25,000 rubles. In large cities, this amount can be two or even more times higher.

In addition, keep in mind that if you want to place your flower shop directly in the center, and such a location will certainly have a beneficial effect on business, then renting a room will cost even more.

If the condition of the premises you found is not too good, then it will have to be renovated. If there is no need to repair the hall for a flower shop, then you will definitely have to decorate it in such a way as to attract the attention of customers.

Fortunately, the flowers themselves are a great decoration, so you don’t have to spend a lot of money on interior decoration.

Flower shop equipment

In addition to commercial furniture (counter, shelving), you will have to equip the utility room with at least a minimal set of furniture: staff changing lockers, a table, chairs, etc.

Remember that flowers are perishable goods, so they are much better preserved in the cold. You can purchase a special refrigerator for flowers to store goods, although ordinary industrial refrigerators will also work.

flower shop staff

People always need flowers, so it is desirable that your store works seven days a week, for example, from 10.00 to 22.00.

To do this, you will have to hire several sellers to work in shifts.
If you have registered a small flower shop (about 30 square meters), then you can get by with one seller per shift. If you are aiming for a larger enterprise, then you should think about hiring two salesmen for a shift.

You need to hire a professional florist to create original floral arrangements, but to keep the cost of a new venture down and allow it to take off, you need to hire a salesperson who knows how to put together simple yet beautiful bouquets.

Therefore, to open a flower shop, you need the following staff:

Until your business begins to bring in a lot of profit, you should not hire a driver who will bring flower products from suppliers (you can arrange delivery directly to the office) or deliver them to customers at home.

This position should be considered later, when the business gets back on its feet.

Accounting and store management you can do on your own.

Flower suppliers to the store

If you are not planning to build a greenhouse and grow flowers for sale yourself, then you will need suppliers.

The most popular suppliers of flower products in Russia are the Mytishchi State Farm of Ornamental Horticulture, the Yuzhny State Farm and CJSC Kosino Agricultural Firm.

Perhaps you will open a new supplier that will suit you in all respects.

flower shop advertisement

Of course, the most popular way to attract customers is to serve them well and sell quality products.

If your business is just starting to function in the market, then use ads, videos on local radio and the Internet (social networks, city forums) to advertise it. And you should also invest in a colorful sign that will immediately attract the attention of customers.

How much money do you need to open a flower shop

So, if you are wondering: “How much does it cost to open a flower shop?”, then for everything about everything you will need a starting capital of at least 500,000 - 600,000 rubles.

Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
Total:RUB 550,000
Company registration30 000
Premises rent and repair100 000
Purchase of furniture and cold. equipment200 000
Purchase of the first batch of goods50 000
Employee salary (per month)60 000
Advertising30 000
Additional expenses50 000

We offer you to view a selection of useful tips from an expert:

when and how best to open a flower shop,

what should you pay attention to?

Profits from opening a flower shop

Get ready for the fact that the flower business, like any other type of business, will not initially bring fabulous profits, so include in the amount of the starting capital the cost of renting the hall and staff salaries (at least for a period of up to 3 months).

As soon as your business gets on its feet, then revenues will automatically increase.

Download a ready-made business plan for a flower shop with quality assurance.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

Flower shop revenue calculation

As you can see, in a favorable scenario, a flower shop begins to pay off after 3-4 months of work. Expected profit: 20,000 - 50,000 rubles per month.

Of course, with such monthly income, you should not expect your business to pay off before a year of successful activity.

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The flower business is quite a profitable area - according to statistics, only one store out of ten closes. Therefore, if you decide to do it, then you made the right choice. In addition to all the so-called aesthetic beauty, it is also very profitable. In this article, this niche will be described in detail.

Like any field, the flower business has its own nuances. Starting from the problem of finding suppliers, ending with storage and sale. Since this is a fairly competitive niche, you should stand out from the rest. Also, success depends on many factors, consider everything in the business plan. Starting from climatic conditions, ending with population density and infrastructure development.

The advantages of such a business:

  • high profitability;
  • several ways of development;
  • possibility of gradual scaling;
  • the ability to expand the range without investment;
  • many peak periods for sales;
  • the opportunity to embody aesthetic creativity.

Disadvantages of this business:

  • high cost of logistics to remote regions;
  • the problem of finding normal suppliers;
  • the safety of the goods;
  • dependence on the dollar exchange rate;
  • dependence on weather conditions.

Where to begin

How to open a flower business? First of all, you need to analyze the market for demand. You can do this simply by walking around the city and counting the existing stores. Further, it is necessary to calculate the available capital and the cost of rent, in this case, it is very expensive.

Where to get flowers

If the population of the city is about a hundred thousand people, then most likely you have large sellers. They can do wholesale business. If you still could not find a supplier, you need to look in the nearest large city. If this option does not work, you need to look for contacts on the Internet. Also, it is quite profitable to work directly with suppliers from Ecuador and Holland.

Business organization options

When you are a novice businessman, it is advisable to choose directions and development options. In the paragraphs below, we will cover the main ones. Also, it is desirable to determine the scope of your competence in matters of this niche. It can be the ability to decorate flowers, determine freshness, or beautifully combine a bouquet. Based on the available capital, determine which flowers you will sell, which related products, and so on.

Sale of home flowers

If you have enough free time and free territory, this is an option on how to start a flower business from scratch. But keep in mind that there are quite a few species of such plants. It is quite difficult to build even a small business in such conditions. But if you live in a rural area and have your own plot, this opens up more opportunities. Growing flowers on the site, creating greenhouse conditions for them, is quite realistic.

Several types of flowers that you can grow at home:

  • chrysanthemums;
  • pelargoniums;
  • tulips;
  • azaleas;
  • annual asters.

Photo gallery "Types of flowers"

Salon opening

It is fair to assume that a flower shop is an order of magnitude higher than a regular store. The difference lies in the range of services provided to customers. In the first case, it is only selling flowers and making bouquets. But in the second, it is an opportunity to order the decoration of surfaces with flowers, the creation of designer baskets and so on. More often, salons even visually look more luxurious than stores.

Average cost of launching a salon:

  • rent of premises (100,000 rubles);
  • showcases and coasters (70,000 rubles);
  • florist (30,000 rubles);
  • consumables (20,000 rubles);
  • the first batch (150,000 rubles).

Total: 320,000 rubles.

Online store and delivery

In the case of this group of goods, you can start a business without investment. You can do this using the online store. The latter can serve as a channel for additional sales, as well as a starting position at the beginning of a business. Delivery from an online store quite strongly stimulates sales and positive reviews. The main thing, in this case, is the punctuality of the courier and the availability of a vehicle.

Video "Flower business"

From the video you will learn how to organize the work of a flower salon.

- an idea that visits many people who dream of having their own business and finally starting to work for themselves. The advantages of this type of activity are minimal initial costs, ease of organization and great prospects in terms of development. With the right design of the business and the presence of a business plan, you can achieve good success and recoup the costs within a year.

In what direction can you work?

Before proceeding with the registration, formalization and purchase of equipment, it is worth understanding the formats of the flower business. The following options are available here:

  • Small flower tent. There is high competition here, but with the right choice of a place for trading, a shortage of buyers is excluded. In order to count on big profits in business, it is important to know the features of flower storage, take into account their fragility and fragility. On average, twenty types of flowers are enough for such a business. Product packaging plays a major role.
  • Small flower shops. Such outlets should be based in busy places where there is a large flow of people. Unlike a tent, here the entrepreneur has a large area at his disposal, which allows him to expand the assortment by adding flowers in pots, souvenirs, flower soil and other goods to the sale. This format implies higher investments. The average payback period depends on the time of year when the store was opened. If this happens before the holidays, the costs will recoup faster.
  • Online flower shop. This type of business is suitable for people who have real life trading experience. The question is is it profitable to open a flower shop online. With the development of the Network, this direction has become really popular and brings a stable profit. People get the opportunity to place orders without leaving their homes. The advantages of the method are that there are no large expenses, because it is not necessary to spend money on the purchase (rent) of premises and equipment, as well as the search for employees.
  • specialized boutiques. Such a flower shop is located on the first floors of buildings or in shopping centers. Here everything should be at the highest level, starting with the external design and ending with the preparation of the bouquet. To open such a boutique will require higher costs (about $80,000). With a competent approach in doing business, you can count on stable profits and a quick payback. On average, such a salon can bring 5-7 thousand dollars.

Subtleties of registration

The next step is to formalize the business. Here it is important to consider options for the form of ownership - IP or LLC. The first type is suitable for a flower pavilion or a small shop. There are no problems with obtaining a certificate from the authorized bodies. The optimal taxation system for individual entrepreneurs is the simplified tax system, thanks to which you can reduce tax expenses (you will have to pay only from actual profits). This option helps out in the off-season, when the flower shop brings less profit.

Another thing is when it comes to a large salon or boutique. Influential people and companies make purchases here, so you cannot do without registering an LLC. A feature of this organizational and legal form is the possibility of making payments by bank transfer, through a specially opened current account. Here, the optimal form of taxation is UTII, when the calculation is made according to average parameters, and payment can be made in installments.

The next stage after the registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur is the purchase of KKM and its registration with the Federal Tax Service. If you act on your own, it will take about two weeks. If you use the service of cash register sellers, the procedure will take about three days. According to the legislation, an individual entrepreneur can work without a cash register. The problem is that not all suppliers are ready to cooperate without a stamp.

What documents are required?

The flower shop must have the following documentation:

  1. Review book.
  2. SES conclusion.
  3. Permission to trade (issued by municipal authorities, taking into account Federal Law No. 381).
  4. Price (optional).
  5. Sales invoice (may not be shown to customers).

All papers must be correctly executed and available to customers. The rest of the documents should include a lease agreement, a cash register, as well as a certificate confirming the registration of KKM. It must be kept in the store. Employees will also need to have health books.

To open a flower shop , certificates are not needed, but their presence increases the confidence of buyers. If you work with experienced suppliers, they will definitely have certificates. It remains to make a copy of the document and keep it at hand.

Finding a place

Choosing the location of a flower shop is an important and far from easy task. In this type of business, there is always competition, so you will have to sweat over the search for a suitable premises. The average cost of a retail space with a large flow of customers is 60-100 thousand rubles a year. If you have any difficulties in finding a place, you can invite a specialist.

There are several options for arranging a store:

  • In a small “house (tonar, trailer).
  • In the mall.
  • In an already rebuilt house (the first line by the road).
  • In a separate building (best option).
  • In the pavilion, consisting of modular elements.

From the standpoint of costs, it is more profitable to rent premises in a shopping center, and the “pavilion” option will cost more.

Remember that the success of a business largely depends on the correct choice of location, so it is undesirable to rush into this matter.

Purchase of equipment

Now consider, what it takes to open a flower shop. The minimum set includes work tables, showcases, shelves, racks and refrigeration equipment. You will also need a tool for florists, which include:

  • Secateurs.
  • Scissors.
  • Clippers and more.

The purchase of a KKM for an individual entrepreneur is optional (as mentioned above), but if you choose an LLC, you will have to fork out. With this form, you can not do without printing checks and other documents confirming the purchase.

Range selection

When compiling step-by-step instructions for business development, it is worth taking into account one more factor - the product range. If you deal only with slices, you can’t count on big profits. Expansion of the range is indispensable. On sale should be fresh flowers, green spaces, various compositions of dried flowers. Of the additional products with which you can expand the range, it is worth highlighting:

  • Cache-pot of various shapes and sizes.
  • Decorations for bouquets.
  • Toys, postcards and souvenirs.
  • Figurines made of marble, plaster or plastic.

It is advisable to replenish and update the choice of goods on a regular basis, which guarantees a stable income and coverage of customer needs.

Staff selection

Do not underestimate the importance of another stage - the selection of employees. A small store can get by with three employees, namely an administrator, a florist, and a salesperson. If you have an Internet resource, as well as a delivery service, you will need one more person.

You can not take to the store people who previously worked only on the street. Experienced entrepreneurs assure that the taste of such people has already been spoiled, so instead of beautiful bouquets, “wreaths” are obtained. In addition, when selecting people, you should not pay attention to documentary evidence of experience - the presence of certificates, diplomas or other papers confirming the completion of courses. Experience plays a key role in this field.


It is not enough to open a flower shop - it needs to be promoted, to convey to people information about the emergence of a new outlet. The amount of profit at the initial stage depends on the success of this stage. Lots of promotion options:

  • Create a beautiful sign.
  • Smart window dressing.
  • High quality goods.
  • Creation of advertising posters and submission of announcements.

You can create your own website on the Internet, which will perform two functions at once - to bring new customers and provide information about the outlet, promote the brand. If funds are available, you can advertise on radio or TV. A good option would be to cooperate with large companies that can be offered wholesale at a more affordable price. If you make the expenses for the promotion of a flower shop regular and choose the right strategy, the result will come.

Basic costs

Now consider the main dilemma, how much does it cost to open a flower shop from scratch. The items of expenditure are as follows:

  1. Room rental. Costs depend on many criteria, from the area to the location of the outlet. For the arrangement of the store, 45-50 square meters are enough, which will cost 20-100 thousand rubles of rent every month. When opening a boutique in the city center, you will have to pay more, but it is undesirable to immediately invest a lot of money (in the absence of experience).
  2. Room renovation. The rented area is not always suitable for trade (if it is not a place in a shopping center). So the costs can increase by another 20-30 thousand rubles with the usual cosmetic repairs. If a designer is involved, the costs are much higher.
  3. Equipment. Equipment costs depend on the form of business. So, the purchase of KKM will result in 10-15 thousand rubles, and the total costs will be (based on the list above) about 150-200 thousand rubles.
  4. Staff. If you have four employees, you need to be ready to give 80-100 thousand rubles a month. At the initial stage, you can get by with one seller, and take care of the rest of the issues. With a professional approach to organizing a business and hiring an experienced florist, you will have to spend a large amount. The services of such specialists cost 30-40 thousand rubles a month. In addition, employees will have to be sent to advanced training courses, which also translates into a tidy sum - approximately 5-30 thousand rubles (depending on the regional location).
  5. Primary purchase. Already at the beginning of the activity, it is necessary to purchase goods so that you can offer something to customers. An average of 40-50 thousand rubles (for the capital) will go to buy a cut. Rates are lower in regions. The total cost of filling the store is 350-400 thousand rubles.

The total monthly expenses average about 700-800 thousand rubles. This amount can be significantly reduced if you save on equipment, repairs, rent and other cost items.

How to increase profit?

When developing step-by-step instructions for business development, it is important to focus on increasing profits in the future. Profit depends on the following factors:

  1. Choice of scale of activity (boutique, pavilion, shop).
  2. Location.
  3. Supply security.
  4. Product advertisements.
  5. Applied methods of sale.
  6. The size of the initial investment.

How to increase income?

To increase the level of profit, you should use the following tips:

  • In addition to a bouquet for a young girl, you can offer chocolate or other sweets. The gifted person will be satisfied, and the flower shop will receive additional income.
  • The presence of chewing gums or special sweets can be useful for a young couple who may kiss during a date.
  • It is possible to sell alcohol along with flowers. At the same time, there is no need to buy a license - it is enough to conclude an agreement with one of the stores selling alcoholic beverages.


The flower business is considered a profitable business. Its advantages include:

  • Small start-up capital. It is not necessary to start immediately with the opening of the store. At the start, you can limit yourself to a pavilion near the metro. In this case, the costs will be about 300-400 thousand rubles.
  • Ease of closing a business. If necessary, you can cover up activities and sell equipment.
  • Large trade margin. The average markup in the flower trade is 120-150 percent (not counting the cost).

Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting the fragility of the product and the seasonality of the business. But such disadvantages are not a reason to refuse such an attractive way of earning.

Selling flowers is a fairly popular activity. However, not everyone who tried to do this interesting business got the desired result. Is it so beneficial? And how to competently organize the work of your own flower shop so that it makes a profit, not a loss?

Flower shop - it's profitable!

Flowers are a commodity that is in great demand. According to statistics, their sales in Russia in 2012 amounted to more than $4 billion. And this is quite a large amount. Basically, imported products are sold. The average markup in the store ranges from 100 to 300%.

Of course, it is worth considering the possible risks. After all, every business faces this. But the flower shop is a special business. The risks here are quite high. Flowers are a very capricious and fastidious commodity. Weather changes, careless handling, various force majeure - all this can lead to their damage and significant financial losses.

Another enemy of flower shop products is time. After all, its shelf life is very short, and no one will buy sluggish flowers. If you want to open such a store, then you will have to work very organized and efficient. And in this case, your efforts will pay off, and the flower shop will become profitable.

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How to open a flower shop and organize its work

Before you open your flower business, analyze the market.

Choosing the location of a retail outlet is a very important decision that needs to be made slowly and wisely. Choose a place where there will always be large flows of people. This may be the area next to a major metro station in the city center or the intersection of crowded streets near any entertainment facilities, office centers, etc. It is desirable that the place be easily accessible to both motorists and pedestrians. An additional advantage will be the opportunity to open a retail outlet next to the civil registry office. Weddings take place every day, and thanks to this, the number of your customers will constantly grow.

In addition to the location, you will need to choose a room. The size of an average flower shop is about 30 square meters. m. This is if you want to sell not only flowers, but also related products (pots, fertilizers, etc.). If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can open a flower pavilion and limit yourself to 5-8 square meters. m.

As with starting any business, you need to register it. One of the most popular ways is to register as a sole trader. Choose the desired taxation system and prepare the necessary documents for registration. In addition to the standard package, you will need permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station and a medical examination of the staff.

Be responsible in recruiting staff. Do not hire people who are far from the flower business. Looking for good florists. It is desirable if they can not only show a document confirming the relevant education, but also have sufficient experience as florists. Your employees should not only be able to take care of products, compose flower arrangements, but also competently advise customers. If you plan to carry out flower delivery in addition to traditional sales, then you should take care of the staff who will deal with this. Choose responsible and polite couriers. As mentioned above, all your employees must undergo a medical examination. Therefore, you should not hire people who have any problems with documents.

In order for you to need to find suppliers. It is better if there are several of them, because working with only one is very risky. Any unforeseen circumstances may arise, and you will have to "slow down" your business. Carefully inspect the products of potential suppliers. It must be fresh and without any flaws.

Before you open a store, consider the range of products. Do not immediately focus on too expensive and unusual types of flowers. To start, choose the most popular products, and then replenish them, keeping an eye on fluctuations in demand. Do not buy too large quantities, even if it is the most common item. After all, the average shelf life of flower products is about 20 days, and it is rather difficult to immediately calculate sales volumes.

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Equipment and decoration of a flower shop

Don't skimp on equipment for your store. Despite the fact that initially it will cost you a pretty penny, in the future the investment will pay off. Lighting plays a special role. Consult with experts about which lamps are best to choose. Flowers perceive light differently than humans, and a certain range of radiation is useful for them. In addition, different types of flowers prefer different temperatures. Therefore, it makes sense to install local heat sources.

An important element is the climatic equipment and ventilation. The room must not be too cold or too hot. This can sadly affect the safety of your products. Make sure that the equipment can cope with adjusting the optimum level of humidity. Do not forget to purchase a refrigerator for flowers. It will be hard for you to do without it. You can not buy too large for a start and limit yourself to medium dimensions. If your room is small, then place the refrigerator as a showcase. So you save space.

Stands for goods should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable. Choose the best balance between sophisticated design and functionality. Buy attractive and high-quality containers and flowerpots. Not only the image of your store depends on them, but also the duration of the "life" of flowers.
