Electrical, sound and noise insulation materials. Soundproofing walls in an apartment: modern materials: types and self-installation Insulating materials for walls

Construction industry offers many various types thermal insulation materials. Despite their diversity, they can be divided into several main types. The most used materials for thermal insulation:

  • mineral wool insulation;
  • expanded polystyrene and its extruded modification;
  • foamed polyethylene with metallized coating;
  • polyurethane foam.

Each of the listed insulation options has its own strengths and weak sides and optimal area of ​​application.

Properties of mineral wool insulation

Mineral wool is a modern modification of glass wool and does not have many of the disadvantages of the latter. It is made from waste from the metallurgical industry with the addition of processed basalt rocks. Available in the form of mats and rolls of various sizes.

On to the cons mineral wool insulation significant specific gravity, gradual subsidence under the influence of its own gravity and “dusting” during installation.

These thermal insulation materials have the following advantages:

  • high thermal insulation ability;
  • good noise absorption;
  • fire resistance;
  • low cost.

Widely used for insulation of floors, walls, roofs, attics and basements. Used as a heat insulator for ventilated facade systems.

Expanded polystyrene - insulation characteristics

It is a foamed polymer material with high heat-insulating characteristics. Applicable as basalt insulation, when processing all structural elements Houses.

Positive differences:

  • light weight;
  • high sound insulation;
  • good vapor barrier and compression resistance;
  • resistance to moisture, chemical and biological factors;
  • ease of installation.

Disadvantages: fragility, low fire resistance and the ability to release toxic compounds upon fire.

There is an extruded analogue of PPS on sale, which has best characteristics in terms of density, plasticity and moisture resistance. Extruded polystyrene foam – modern insulation ny material. It is more durable and stable, easy to process, but its cost is higher than conventional foam. The areas of application of both varieties are similar.

Modern heat insulator consisting of foamed polyethylene and aluminum foil. There are many varieties available, varying in thickness, the presence of self-adhesive film and the number of reflective layers (there may be one or two).

Advantages of insulation:

  • Small thickness with high thermal insulation ability. A sheet of penofol corresponds to the efficiency of a mineral wool board, which is 20 times thicker than it.
  • Good vapor barrier;
  • Protects from external influences of moisture and wind;
  • Versatility. Thanks to the reflective ability of the foil, it protects against all types of heat loss: convection, thermal conductivity and radiation;
  • Ecological cleanliness;
  • Easy to cut and install.

It is successfully used wherever materials for thermal insulation are in demand: in construction, industry, automotive, and defense. In the residential sector it is used as insulation of any elements of buildings, water supply and sewerage pipelines, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Indispensable as a reflector installed between the heating radiator and the wall.

Polyurethane foam for thermal insulation

A progressive insulation method consisting of spraying liquid composition onto the insulated surface. The hardened and expanded polymer creates reliable protection by cold. Thermal insulation materials such as polyethylene foam and polyurethane foam are the most effective technical solutions.

The advantages of PPU include:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • seamless technology that does not form cold bridges;
  • good adhesion to most building materials;
  • accessibility of the most difficult places;
  • anti-corrosion properties;
  • resistance to moisture, fungi and mold;
  • noise protection properties;
  • durability.

The weak point is instability to direct sunlight. This can be prevented by painting or using polyurethane foam as a heat insulator in curtain facades. Therefore, polyurethane foam is used everywhere where the materials listed above are used.

Polyurethane foam is applied using complex equipment, working under high pressure, and using expensive components. Only qualified specialists can carry out this work. This explains the high cost of this method.

The technologies presented above are not all options for insulating residential buildings. There are other materials for thermal insulation: expanded clay, insulating plaster, foam rubber, perlite, insulation made from recycled hemp and flax, non-woven insulating fiber, foam glass and others. They account for less than 5% of the total volume of heat insulators used. The main types of materials used were discussed above.

Thermal insulation materials are products for construction that have a low level of thermal conductivity. They are intended for insulation of buildings, technical insulation and protecting cold chambers from heating.

To decide on the choice of material for thermal insulation, you need to know its properties and characteristics. It is important that the material has low thermal conductivity. The latter is ensured by the movement of molecules that transfer heat. Thermal insulation materials help slow down their movement.

Important properties of insulation materials

Thermal insulators are called Construction Materials with a low thermal conductivity coefficient. If thermal insulation is used to retain heat internally in a building, the materials are called insulation.

Materials for thermal insulation must have a number of properties:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • porous structure;
  • density;
  • vapor permeability;
  • water absorption;
  • biosustainability;
  • fire resistance;
  • fire safety;
  • temperature stability;
  • heat capacity;
  • frost resistance.

Common types of insulation

There are quite a few types of materials for thermal insulation, one of them is insulation with a fibrous structure, which includes mineral wool. It has high porosity, approximately 95% of its volume is air. That is why mineral wool has good thermal insulation properties and is often used to insulate buildings. Its production is quite affordable, and therefore the price too. The advantages of mineral wool include:

  • does not retain moisture;
  • does not burn;
  • provides sound insulation;
  • long service life.

It is worth noting that when moisture gets on the material, it loses its thermal insulation properties. When installing mineral wool, it is necessary to use a hydro- and vapor barrier film.

Glass wool is made from fibers that are obtained from quartz sand, soda, and lime. Materials for thermal insulation can be purchased in the form of a roll, plate or shell. According to its characteristics, it resembles mineral wool, but is a little stronger and dampens noise to a greater extent. The disadvantage is the low level of temperature stability.

Foam glass is made by sintering gas-forming agents with glass powder; it is produced in the form of slabs or blocks. Its structure has a porosity of up to 95%, which provides excellent thermal insulation properties. Foam glass - quite durable material for thermal insulation, having the following characteristics:

  • frost resistance;
  • water resistance;
  • incombustibility;
  • strength;
  • long service life.

Disadvantages - high price and vapor tightness

Cellulose wool is a wood fiber material with a fine-grained structure, which consists of 80% wood fibers, 12% fire retardant and the remaining 8% antiseptic. Thermal insulation material is laid using two methods: dry and wet. For the wet installation method use special installation, which is used to blow out wet cellulose wadding. Thus, the adhesive properties of pectin are activated. The dry method can be done manually or using special equipment. Cellulose wool is poured in and compacted to a certain density. Cotton wool is quite affordable and has good insulation properties.

Materials for thermal insulation are quite varied, so it is necessary to study the properties in order to make a choice. After all, each building requires a certain material.

The problem of insulation outside and inside a living space is acute in any climatic zone. The main task is to choose the right thermal insulation material. And this is not as simple as it seems. It is necessary to know such properties of insulation as thermal conductivity, water absorption, strength, service life, as well as installation details.

The insulation process usually affects all structures of a living space - walls, floor, ceiling. External or combined insulation (inside + outside) is preferable. Thermal insulation only from the inside of a living space is undesirable, since the dew point will move even deeper into the wall or move to the border of the wall and insulation.

Thus, it is not enough to choose the optimal thermal insulation material; it is necessary to install it correctly.

Important. The stove (inside) and chimney (outside) also need insulation. If this is not done, the walls located close to the stove will crack. An uninsulated chimney becomes covered inside with condensate, which, when mixed with exhaust gases, turns into acid. It quickly corrodes the walls of the chimney, rendering it unusable.

What types of insulation are there?

Modern thermal insulation materials are varied. In private housing construction, along with high-tech insulation (polyurethane foam, penoizol), natural insulation materials are still used. This is due to their availability and low cost.

The following thermal insulation materials are used indoors and outdoors to insulate walls, ceilings and floors:

  • expanded clay (concrete attic and interfloor ceilings are insulated with this material from the inside, expanded clay is also poured into the cavity between the walls);
  • cork (insulation of walls and floors from the inside);
  • ecowool (walls, floors, attic - it is preferable to insulate from the inside due to the property of the material such as hygroscopicity);
  • mineral wool (walls, floors, attic floor– suitable for insulation both inside and outside);
  • polystyrene foam (outside walls, concrete screed);
  • penoplex (due to such properties as low water absorption, it is possible to insulate walls from the inside and outside, concrete screed, roofing, interfloor and attic floors);
  • penoizol (walls and floors - it is preferable to insulate from the inside; the property of penoizol to absorb water well requires care when insulating externally);
  • polyurethane foam (any surface, including metal and plastic pipes hot and cold water supply - insulation inside and outside).

Mineral wool is a non-flammable insulation material, so it is used for thermal insulation of stoves and chimneys.

Thermal insulating materials for walls

It is best to insulate walls from the outside during the construction stage. Wall thermal insulation materials are divided into natural and artificial. There is also a division into bulk, slab/mat, roll and foil rolls.

Natural insulation materials include:

  • mats and roll insulation from hemp and algae (a rare and expensive insulation material, suitable for thermal insulation of walls);
  • clay plaster (adobe);

Artificial thermal insulation materials for walls are:

  • expanded polystyrene (regular and extruded);
  • polyurethane foam (sprayed thermal insulation);
  • penoizol (poured into cavities);
  • ecowool (cellulose bulk insulation);
  • mineral wool (stone/basalt) in rolls, slabs, mats;
  • thin roll insulation with or without foil.

The characteristics of thermal insulation materials (comparative) can be seen below.

This parameter is measured in W/m*K. The lower the thermal conductivity, the better material retains heat in the living room.

This parameter is directly related to the density of the insulation. Loose thermal insulation has much lower thermal conductivity than solid insulation:

Polyfoam 0.045

Penoplex 0.032

Polyurethane foam 0.019 – 0.035

Penoizol 0.028 – 0.038

Ecowool 0.038 – 0.045

Mineral wool 0.045 – 0.07

Measured in %/day. An important technical characteristic showing the speed at which thermal insulation materials absorb water. A high rate is not a reason to stop using it. Insulation with high water absorption capacity requires careful double-sided waterproofing.

Comparative characteristics of materials:

Mineral wool 2

Measured in mg/(m.h.Pa). The characteristic shows how breathable the material is. All breathable insulation materials can be used for thermal insulation wooden walls. According to experts, the vapor permeability of insulation is not always useful. Often, completely clogging the pores and organizing micro-ventilation are much more effective.

Comparative characteristics of vapor permeability:

Polyfoam 0.018

Polyurethane foam 0.04 – 0.05

Penoizol 0.21 – 0.24

Mineral wool and ecowool 0.3


This parameter is very important for thermal insulation. If the other characteristics of several insulation materials are the same, then it is this parameter that tips the scales in favor of choosing the most durable insulation material.

Foam ≤ 13

Penoplex up to 40

Polyurethane foam up to 50

Penoizol up to 75

Ecowool no less than 50

Mineral wool for at least 70 years

By analyzing this data, you can create own opinion about different insulation materials and choose those that are best suited for your purposes.

Important. Natural thermal insulation materials made from hemp and algae have low thermal conductivity, but absorb water well, which, coupled with their high cost, makes them unpopular for insulating walls from the outside and inside.

The exception is expanded clay and cork. The first is poured between the walls in the well masonry and spilled with cement laitance. This prevents the material from settling and increases its strength. This wall insulation is cheap, and buying it is also not a problem. To reduce the thermal conductivity of insulated walls, you need to mix expanded clay of different fractions.

Cork is an excellent thermal insulator. Its properties are such that cold cannot penetrate into the insulated room, and heat cannot escape from it. In addition, it does not absorb water and has an attractive appearance. True, the cost of such insulation is significant, so it is often used for finishing walls with additional thermal insulation properties.

Floor insulation

Of the many insulation materials, expanded clay and polystyrene foam are often used for floor insulation (less often penoplex, since it is significantly more expensive than polystyrene foam). Cork can also be used to insulate the floor (as a substrate for linoleum or carpet covering, as well as finishing). The properties of this material are unique. It does not absorb water spilled on the floor, perfectly dampens noise, and has a velvety texture to the touch. Its surface is never cold.

Expanded clay is used to insulate the floor in the attic. It strongly absorbs moisture, so it is necessary to do double-sided waterproofing. Because of this characteristic, it is not recommended to insulate a wooden sheathed attic floor with expanded clay (material that accidentally picks up moisture significantly adds weight).

Styrofoam high density ideal for insulating floors cement screed. The same can be said about penoplex, although it is more expensive and therefore is used much less frequently for floor insulation.

Mineral wool is another insulation material that can be used to insulate both floors between floors and the attic. Due to its hygroscopicity, mineral wool requires double-sided waterproofing.

The technology of floor insulation with foam plastic includes several stages:

  1. Preparation of the base (cleaning of debris and dust).
  2. Treating the floor with deep penetration primers.
  3. Laying a waterproofing film (necessarily extending onto the walls, the joints are taped with construction tape).
  4. The foam is fixed to the floor with glue, the joints are coated with sealant.
  5. Be sure to leave a gap between the walls and the insulation.
  6. A special reinforcing mesh is installed on the insulated floor (it is mounted on racks and located at a distance of 2.5 - 3 cm above the insulation level).
  7. All that remains is to fill the floor with a self-leveling mixture.

Ceiling insulation

It is possible to insulate the ceiling from the inside only if the height of the room allows it. Aerated concrete slabs are a good choice for these purposes. They weigh very little and are easily attached using foam board adhesive. The joints are sealed with sealant. Additionally, you can lay foil thermal insulation.

Polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam, as well as mineral wool, are used only from the attic side (as described above).

Thermal insulating roll materials

Thin roll thermal insulation made of foamed polyethylene is a weak obstacle to cold air entering the room through micropores and cracks. However, foil roll materials– a great addition to a warming pie.

Foil thermal insulation (penofol, foil-isolon) laid on top of any insulation will play a dual role - repellent thermal insulation and waterproofing. In this case, there is no need to purchase separately waterproofing materials.

Advice. Rolled foil insulation is demanding to install. They will not work if, for example, clapboard is laid directly on them. A working gap between the foil and finishing. Therefore, a lathing with a thickness of bars of at least 3 cm is always made on top of rolled foil insulation.

Various types of thermal insulation materials (bulk, roll, slab) allow for insulation various surfaces– walls, ceilings, floors. Fireproof thermal insulation (non-flammable) is suitable for insulating stoves (it is not the stove itself that is insulated, but the nearby walls).

Heat loss, especially in winter time, negatively affects the health of apartment residents. 30% of the heat escapes through cracks in windows and doorways, and 20% is lost through the floors, mainly on the ground floor, where the heated room is in contact with the ground, if there is no thermal insulation layer. Floor insulation makes your life more comfortable: you can walk on the floor barefoot at any time without fear of catching a cold. The heat in the apartment is maintained thanks to the thermal insulation of the floor. The question arises: “Which floor insulation should you choose?”

Today we will tell you about what types of floor insulation exist, what are their advantages and disadvantages. We will introduce you to the criteria for choosing a thermal insulation layer, tell you which insulation is best for retaining heat in the house, and how to install it correctly in a particular room.

Criteria for choosing floor insulation

To choose the right material for floor insulation, you should pay attention to the following criteria.

The insulation must be:

Types of floor insulation

To choose the right thermal insulation material, you need to know what types the industry offers and what their advantages and disadvantages are.

There are several types of insulation:

  • mineral;
  • polymer;
  • wood-chip.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay is baked clay in granules.

Despite its advantages, there are also minor disadvantages.

Expanded clay takes a long time to dry and slowly releases absorbed moisture. Expanded clay generates dust, so you need to wear a respirator when working with it.

Otherwise, expanded clay is a convenient and high-quality insulation material. Expanded clay is used to insulate walls, floors, and roofs of houses.

Polymer house insulation

These include:

  1. expanded polystyrene foam;
  2. polyurethane foam;
  3. foamed polyethylene on a foil base;
  4. penoizol-liquid foam.

Expanded polystyrene

One of the polymer floor insulation materials is polystyrene foam. This is a foamed plastic mass. Consists of individual granular cells.

  • This is a durable material that, despite its light weight, can withstand high loads.
  • Due to its low weight, foam itself creates minimal load on the walls and foundation.
  • It is moisture resistant, so it can be used in places with high humidity on the balcony.
  • Polystyrene foam retains heat for a long time, almost without absorbing it. It surpasses many insulation materials in terms of thermal insulation.
  • When insulating floors, you can get by with a small thickness of polystyrene foam.
  • The price of polystyrene foam is low, which is an important advantage of this material and attracts the attention of buyers.

An important disadvantage of polystyrene foam is that when burned it emits harmful substances which are poisonous and dangerous.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam differs from polystyrene foam in its manufacturing method and characteristics. Polystyrene foam is obtained by exposing the granules to steam. At high temperatures, the cells increase in size and fill the entire mold. A foam element is added to extruded polystyrene foam when high blood pressure and temperature, which is extruded through the extruder.

The thermal insulation properties of extruded polystyrene are much better than conventional polystyrene foam. But extruded polystyrene foam has lower vapor permeability. Another disadvantage is high flammability.

Foamed polyethylene on a foil base

Foamed polyethylene on a foil base is one of the best floor insulation materials. It is obtained by melting polyethylene in a special container with the addition of liquefied gas, which acts as a foamed reagent. A foil film is applied to one side of the polyethylene foam, which reflects heat. Foil polyethylene is supplied in rolls, sheets, and slabs.

  • The closedness of the cells contributes to high hygroscopicity. The water resistance of the material allows you to insulate floors and walls in baths and saunas.
  • The material is resilient and elastic, durable: it can withstand significant loads and does not deform.
  • Caustic acids, alkalis, gasoline and other petroleum products do not affect polyethylene.
  • Laying foil polyethylene is easy and simple by hand, because it weighs little and is quite thin. Foil insulation is designed in such a way that it reflects heat back into the room. In external environment does not transfer heat. Therefore, it should be laid with the reflective side up.


Penoizol-liquid foam.

It is good because it is poured into all the cracks and hard to reach places.

Insulation is especially necessary when building a house, because it fills all the air voids and thereby retains heat.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is one of the best floor insulation materials of our time.

Wood-based insulation materials include:

  • plywood;
  • cellulose wadding;
  • sawdust.


Ecowool is a loose material made from cellulose. It is filled automatically or manually, covering the most inaccessible places. The cotton wool is poured into special pumps, and it passes into the room through thick pipes. Ecowool is not liquid.

The disadvantage of ecowool is its fear of moisture, so it is not recommended to use this material in rooms with excessive humidity.

Sawdust materials

Sawdust itself is not used for insulation because it does not meet fire safety requirements. Mainly used for insulation:

  1. sawdust pellets;
  2. wood concrete;
  3. wood blocks.

Wood blocks are sawdust with the addition of copper sulfate and cement.

Sawdust granules are obtained by adding antiseptics to them, making them resistant to the appearance of microorganisms. Sawdust granules have low thermal conductivity and high sound insulation properties.

Arbolit-wood concrete.
It is fire resistant. It has increased strength and can quickly restore its shape after excessive loads. Excellent absorption sound waves, keeps warm.

Its disadvantage is low moisture resistance. If you want to make insulation from wood concrete, then the humidity in the apartment should not exceed 75%. A finishing protective layer should be laid on top of the wood concrete.

One of popular insulation materials is cork. This best insulation under linoleum, but also the most expensive. Cork fiber is obtained by processing oak wood. The wood is crushed, the particles are glued together with suberin, which is part of oak. They are steamed and pressed to form cork fiber. The material is completely natural, it does not contain any polymer additives. The material is durable, moisture-resistant, lightweight. Due to its structure (consists of cells, each of which is filled with a gaseous substance) it is considered the best heat insulator.

Cork fiber can be used as a substrate and as an independent floor covering.

How to lay insulation on the floor

Different insulation materials need to be installed differently.

Mineral wool is laid between the joists. But the glass wool should be properly insulated so that when it wears out, dust does not get into the apartment. It is very important to leave a ventilation gap.

Laying ecowool

Ecowool is laid mechanically or manually. Small particles of ecowool pass through the hose, and the operator uses air to direct the material with glue added to it onto the wall or floor. Sticking. Ecowool particles create a thermal insulation layer. Cotton wool is applied to the floors manually, both liquid and dry. It just falls asleep between the lags. Placed on top vapor barrier membrane, and then wooden floors. The price of ecowool insulation along with work is 2200 per cubic meter using the dry method and 2800 per cubic meter using the wet method.

Laying expanded clay

There are 3 options for laying insulation such as expanded clay:

First you need to sweep the floor, clean construction garbage. Need to make a bed PVC film or special vapor barrier layer. Mark the level of the screed. Then glue edge tape 10 cm wide in order to leave a gap from the walls. Fill the floor with expanded clay, level it with a rule, and fill it with screed on top. You can separate the screed with a waterproofing layer;

Laying foam

Expanded polystyrene is laid and then filled with cement or concrete. This is a floating screed.

Logs are placed under wooden floors, and foam plastic is laid between them.

The third way to lay polystyrene foam is to lay it on a concrete floor, and on top of them are sheets of plywood.

Polyurethane foam application technology

First you need to prepare the base: remove debris. Unevenness of the base does not matter when laying polyurethane foam. The main thing is that there are no oil stains on the surface, otherwise there will be no reliable adhesion of the insulation to the base in this place. You should pay attention to the humidity of the floor; it should not exceed 5%. The air temperature must be maintained at least +10 degrees. Polyurethane foam is applied through a special nozzle. Components A and B are mixed and sprayed. The material must be evenly distributed using special equipment over the surface of the base. The specialist himself regulates the thickness of the polyurethane foam layer. The insulation dries within 24-48 hours. If the insulation is placed between wooden joists, then after the material has dried, installation can be done finishing coating. If polyurethane foam is placed on concrete base, then you need to fill it on top cement-sand screed, which will protect the thermal insulation layer.

Today we told you about floor insulation. We revealed the advantages of each of them and reported on the features of their installation. And which one is better is up to you to choose. We hope you make the right choice.

During construction or repairs, walls, ceilings, floors and other surfaces are covered with special materials, to prevent heat loss during the cold period and was not bothered by the heat in summer season. One of them is roll insulation, often used for large areas.

Advantages of roll material

This material has many advantages. The main thing is that the insulation in rolls copes well with preserving optimal temperatures indoors. There are other advantages:

Main types of insulation

Thermal insulation in rolled rolls can be used both for external and internal laying. There are options specifically designed for pipes and communications. Roll insulation for walls directly under the wallpaper is also available for sale.

The raw materials used for their production are also different. Thermal insulation made from mineral components is the most common. Foamed polyethylene is also popular. Natural insulation materials like corks are less common and used. Some types have an additional layer in the form of foil or paper. Let's consider each option in more detail.

Special thermal insulation coating

To improve the performance of their products, companies that produce rolled thermal insulation add certain coatings. The basis under them may be different.

Types of mineral wool in rolls

There are several varieties of insulation in this group. Their structure is the same, they differ in composition.

Any type of wool must be covered with a vapor barrier, especially in rooms with high humidity. And it also holds back the smallest particles of fibers that appear over time and negatively affect a person. Raw materials often contain formaldehyde, which also affects health. High-quality rolls should have a minimum of this substance

For laying mineral wool The frame must be installed. On the walls, the panels that hold it in place are pressed firmly so that the canvas does not move out over time. For the necessary protection from the cold, the number of layers can be increased.

Manufacturers often divide their products according to the purpose of the insulation. For ceilings and floors, the rolls will be lighter. For the main floor, walls, and other surfaces, the density of the material is usually increased. Due to this, the dimensions of the roll also change:

  • length from 3 to 8 meters;
  • thickness in 3 options (50 mm, 100 mm, 150 mm);
  • width from 0.6 m to 1.22 m.

Manufacturers of insulating wool

Construction stores offer a wide selection of mineral wool. Let's look at the features of materials from some companies specializing in this area:

Has many positive qualities. It is obtained by filling heated polyethylene with gases. As a result, a mass is formed with many closed bubbles inside, which subsequently hardens. For special strength, it is also “crosslinked,” i.e., the bonds of molecules are strengthened chemically.

Therefore, they are available for sale two options: stitched and, accordingly, unstitched. Both types have very low thermal conductivity, but the first one still has better characteristics, and therefore costs more (its density is 30 kg/m³). The general properties of the materials are:

The difference is that cross-linked polyethylene foam is capable of absorbing sounds well, but its brother cannot boast of this. It works worse as a sound insulator. At mechanical impact the unstitched version loses its shape irrevocably. Cross-linked has greater compressive strength, which means it can be used for insulating horizontal surfaces.

Due to the thinness of the material, rolls can be up to 30 meters in length, width from 0.6 to 1.2 m. Thickness reaches 1 cm. Negative nuances for polyethylene are flammability and current conductivity (electricity passing nearby must be well insulated) . To secure the material to the wall, special glue is required.

Penofol brand polyethylene foam

Penofol insulation - appeared recently, but has already stood out among its peers. It is not destroyed by weather conditions and aggressive environment. Thermal insulators from this company have several varieties:

  • the foil coating can be fixed on either one or both sides;
  • rolls with an adhesive layer (even more simplifies installation);
  • specialized type of insulation for communication networks;
  • insulation for harsh conditions with a thickness of up to 40 mm.

The combined technology makes it possible to further reduce the thermal conductivity of insulated surfaces. A moisture-resistant and durable material that does not require the cost of vapor barrier, can be used in various directions. Does not lose its properties in the temperature range from -60 to +100 C°.

Cork insulation for surfaces

An environmentally friendly and durable raw material for the production of thermal insulation is cork oak bark. Absolutely natural ingredients make rolls safe for health. The crushed bark is combined with organic glue and pressed. Thickness ranges from 2 to 6 millimeters. The length of the roll reaches 10 meters, the width is mostly one meter. Most often, in this form, the cork goes under wallpaper, on a substrate for laminate or “warm flooring”.

Thermal conductivity index not inferior mineral wool, however, the layer used is much thinner. Cork insulation is not flammable, does not absorb water well, and retains noise. However, its density is high, and therefore its weight is high. The safety factor is high, the service life is stated to be up to 50 years. The negative side is the price of “naturalness”; compared to the others, it is quite high.

This insulation is produced mainly by Portuguese companies: Wicanders, Izora, Amorim. They offer a wide range of insulating rolls, which can also serve as wall decoration. Installation is also simple; basically, the cork is placed on glue.

Modern technologies provide a huge selection of heat insulators for any premises and structures. The selection criteria are based on what surface needs to be covered and how much the buyer is willing to pay for it to maintain comfort in their home.

The choice of thermal insulation material is a responsible process. Today, many manufacturers have begun to produce insulation that can perform several functions at once. It not only makes the surface warm, but also creates reliable protection against wind, moisture, steam and corrosion.


If you decide to insulate the walls, then going to hardware store, you can see that the assortment is quite wide outside. Each of the available insulation materials differs not only in its thermal insulation qualities. Let's look at the main ones.

Liquid materials

Several years ago, builders actively used solid thermal insulation materials to insulate walls. But not so long ago construction market new ones began to appear, having a liquid consistency. In appearance and consistency, such products are similar to paint, which is why they are often called insulating paint.

In the photo - liquid thermal insulation materials for walls

By composition liquid thermal insulation presented in the form of small capsules made of ceramics and glass. They are filled with air or inert gas. The role of the binding component is performed by acrylic polymers. The finished product is a thick dough.

Hard materials

To insulate walls, rigid insulation materials can be used, the installation of which is much simpler. They represent geometrically correct slabs, thanks to which you can get ideal flat surface. Then simply plaster or veneer it various materials. For the most part they fit like .

The photo shows rigid thermal insulation materials for walls:

Solid insulation does not shrink or wrinkle. Installation of solid insulation does not require lathing, frames or other structures. The materials are highly durable and their service life is more than 50 years.

Warm plaster

Among the advantages of this material are high strength indicators. This suggests that the surface is very difficult to damage, which cannot be said about previous materials. Warm plaster is a liquid heat insulator. It's nothing more than cement-sand mortar with the addition of natural and polymer fillers.

On the picture- warm plaster

Thanks to them, it is possible to reduce the thermal conductivity of the original composition. The thermal conductivity of walls with a heat insulator will directly depend on the fillers used. When laying out a thin layer 1-1.5 cm thick, you can replace 50 ml of polystyrene foam. But you can understand what warm plaster for the facade looks like and how it is used by looking at the photos and information

Gas-filled plastics

This material for thermal insulation of walls is considered one of the most effective. To obtain it, the foaming method is used different materials. The result of this process is a sheet foam insulator.

Photo-gas-filled plastics

Its installation is simple and convenient. Expanded polystyrene can easily be considered one of the leaders among all produced foam plastics. You can use a heat insulator to insulate walls from the outside. But what they are and where exactly it is used is described in this article.

Liquid foam

This is another option liquid insulation. Its name is penoizol. Its filling is carried out using hoses between the walls, in the cracks, and in the formwork at the time of construction. This insulation option is a budget option, since its cost is 2 times cheaper compared to other analogues.

The photo shows liquid foam for walls

Liquid foam is able to resist microbes, is breathable, does not burn well, and has a long service life. But what kind of liquid thermal insulation for walls from the inside exists, in addition to the above, is described in this

Extruded polystyrene foam

Polystyrene granules are used to make this material. They are melted by the action high temperature. The material is then extruded from the extruder and foamed. This gives such .

Photo-extruded polystyrene foam for walls

Thus, it is possible to obtain strong, durable and breathable insulation. He communicates well with various coatings walls

Glass wool

This material is a type of mineral fiber. Glass scrap is used to make it. Glass wool is produced in different densities and thicknesses. If you need thin fiberglass, then you need to choose a material with a thickness of 5 cm. This is enough to replace a meter-long brick wall.

In the photo there is glass wool for the wall

Fiberglass has high fire resistance and elasticity. Characterized by excellent heat and sound insulation. But when installing fiberglass, you need to take care of your safety by wearing a respirator.

Election criteria

When choosing a thermal insulation material for insulating external and interior walls, a number of requirements must be taken into account:

  1. Thermal insulation performance. The higher this indicator, the better the material will retain heat.
  2. Weight. The lighter the heat insulator, the fewer difficulties arise during its installation.
  3. Vapor permeability. If this indicator is high, then excess liquid will drain freely.
  4. Flammability. In this case, the indicators can determine how fire hazardous the material is and whether it poses a threat to the house and its occupants.
  5. Eco-holic purity. When purchasing modern insulation, you can be sure that it consists exclusively of natural raw materials.
  6. Lifetime. It is necessary to select insulation that has a long service life, so as not to waste extra effort and money on repeated work.
  7. Price. And although the price of a heat insulator is indicated as the last criterion, for many it is the most important. Of course, you must understand that the more expensive the material, the higher its specifications.

When working with walls, it is useful to know the difference.

Thermal insulation of walls is responsible work, which requires the choice of high-quality insulation. Today there are enough options on the construction market, each of which has its own technical characteristics and is suitable for insulating walls outside or inside the house.
