Contextual advertising system. Types of contextual advertising. What determines the cost of contextual advertising

Any business, even the most profitable and interesting at the beginning, in the end, can begin, as they say, to slip. Customers are paying less and less attention to the product, activity is falling, and the entrepreneur is faced with the problem posed in the title of this article - how to remind potential buyers of yourself? The correct answer is advertising. However, modern printed and outdoor advertising shows its extreme inefficiency - there is so much of it around a potential client that he subconsciously develops a dislike for the product. The ideal way to re-assert yourself and attract customers is to order contextual advertising. What is it and how to use it? More on this later.

Contextual advertising - what is it?

To date, this type of advertising from time to time show their high efficiency and relevance. It is a text link or banner that announces you and your company to the audience that is most interested in it. Modern contextual advertising, the prices for which will pleasantly surprise anyone, is highly targeted - in other words, it hits exactly your target. target audience leaving only a small percentage of potential buyers and customers uncovered.

An example of contextual advertising ads in Google, Yandex

Principles of contextual advertising

In fact, the principle is very simple and lies literally “on the surface”. According to the logic of placing contextual advertising, with a search query, the user wants to see not only useful information, but also promotional links - useful for those who want to make a purchase or place an order. In other words, if the user is looking for information on the tag “ plastic windows”, he is most likely interested in the purchase of such windows, their installation or maintenance. Using the opportunity to order contextual advertising, you will make sure that the ad about you will be seen by exactly those users who are interested in similar information. Thanks to this feature, contextual advertising, the prices for which are not so high, is many times more targeted than traditional advertising.

Today, there are many services that can correctly place contextual advertising and ensure that as many potential customers as possible get acquainted with your company. For example, a web service that is distinguished by the absence of additional commissions, automatic settings and the presence of a robot that manages advertising, which, you see, is indispensable for beginners. In the same time ordinary species advertisements, such as banner or transit, can reach at best 15% of your target audience, which does not at all correspond to their cost.

Earnings on contextual advertising

contextual advertising today it is beneficial, not only for those who want to remind themselves with its help, but also for third-party sites whose creators place ads on their own. Part of the money from indexed clicks goes to the site creator, and part goes to the provider, so with contextual advertising, spending a very small amount of money, you can earn many times more - if there was a desire, but such an opportunity is provided.

Why contextual advertising?

Summing up, let's say once again why ordering contextual advertising is profitable and convenient for everyone:

  1. Focus only on the target audience. Such advertising is seen only by your potential customers and those who may well become them, as a result - increasing attention to your company and the product / service it produces.
  2. Low price. You can order contextual advertising at a price much lower than print counterparts. At the same time, the return on its activity will be many times greater. You will feel the effect in a short period of time.
  3. Practicality and convenience. In order to order such advertising, you can always find a professional who has long had a hand in it. As a rule, contextual advertising does not require a lot of designer work, which means that its creation will be many times faster and cheaper. A specialist will help you target advertising to the needs of your target audience.

As follows from the above, contextual advertising is beneficial to everyone. However, like any other advertising, it will only work if it appears in right hands, run by a real specialist. It is in the search for such a specialist that the main task of the advertiser lies, and contextual advertising will not be slow to remind those whom you want to reach out to.

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Contextual advertising - special kind advertising on the Internet that appears in accordance with the search query, or depends on the meaning of the page. For example, you score in Yandex or any other search engine query "how to choose a TV". Above, below or to the right of the main links appear text ads dedicated to your search query. In these places there is contextual advertising of sites about TVs or their purchase.

Context Feature

The main feature is the unobtrusive demonstration of advertising. That is why such ads are not annoying.

How contextual advertising works

A special program automatically selects ads according to a special algorithm. They usually correspond to the theme of the page and which the site visitor entered.

The main leaders of contextual advertising

Contextual advertising is managed through specialized interfaces to create specific ads or keywords. This is how a clear management of various advertising campaigns is realized. In Russia, the most famous contextual advertising regulation systems include:

Contextual advertising from yandex, google, begun
  • Yandex.Direct- a system with the help of which advertisements are placed in the Yandex search and on partner sites, where the subject of the site pages is determined automatically.
  • Google AdWords- a system with which advertisements are placed in Google search and on partner sites. The subject of advertising is determined automatically.
  • Runner- a system with which advertisements are placed in the search Rambler, and shows ads in the global network of personal sites.
  • MediaTarget- a system for displaying advertisements on LiveInternet projects.

Contextual advertising principles

  • The customer's advertisement is shown only to those users who are interested in it.
  • Advertising is placed on well-known search engines or thematic sites.
  • The customer pays for transitions to the site by clicking on an advertisement.
  • The customer himself determines the price for the transition to his site.
  • The distribution of places is implemented according to the auction principle (the leading place in the search engine is occupied by the one who paid the maximum price).

It's easy to calculate. CRT (click through rate - the product of the number of clicks and the number of impressions) is multiplied by the cost per click. We get a number. If you have more than others, then your ad will be shown. If it's less, then it probably won't. To get into the impression, you need to increase the CRT or increase the cost per click.

What is contextual advertising?

Context in Latin means connection or connection.

The display of contextual advertising is always relevant to a person's request or area of ​​interest that intersects with the subject of the advertised service or product. This method of selecting ads greatly increases the likelihood of a response to an ad.

Why do you need contextual advertising?

Context is very common in situations such as:

  • Promotion of goods;
  • Advertisement of services;
  • Increasing sales;
  • Bringing new products to market;
  • As an effective addition to the main channels of advertising outside the Internet.

Contextual advertising on the Internet is an ideal and unobtrusive variant of cooperation between the buyer and the seller. It is worth “telling” the search engine about the desire to buy something or order a certain service, as you can immediately get an answer with the phrase: “order from us”.

Accordingly, the main task in compiling a selling advertising campaign is the selection of keywords and anchors that will attract interested buyers to the site, saving money for an advertiser who is only interested in the target audience.

Services such as Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrika and Yandex.Wordstat will help to study and understand the audience, as well as select key phrases for contextual advertising.

Contextual advertising of any format is widely and massively used to increase brand popularity. It can easily make a very recognizable brand out of a novelty.

In this case, it makes sense to order contextual advertising and pay not for each click received, but for the number of impressions. For such advertising campaigns, such a contextual advertising service as Begun is perfect.

Advantages and disadvantages of contextual advertising

Contextual advertising giants such as Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct and Begun have already gained immense popularity and are ready to provide their audience with a wide range of ads on various topics and work with automatic detection of interests, as well as page topics.

  • When displaying contextual advertising, the interests of users are taken into account in terms of entering a request, browsing pages, personal interests and history of search activity;
  • Ability to use geo-targeting and select when ads are shown to users. Thus, the contextual advertising ordered by you can be shown at a strictly defined time of the day;
  • Large coverage of the audience and Internet resources of various directions.
  1. The most tangible disadvantage of contextual advertisements is their constant click-through. Such actions are performed not only by advertiser competitors, but also by unscrupulous webmasters whose goal is to Additional income. Such actions lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of advertising and to additional costs;
  2. The cost of a click in a really highly competitive topic can reach $10 or even more. Some advertisers are not willing to spend that kind of money in pursuit of getting the best ad position. As a result, everyone loses;
  3. AT recent times, when sites are spammed with ads, it began to terribly annoy users. Moreover, it greatly hinders the search for the necessary information;
  4. Many users install various programs and plug-ins for blocking contextual ads, so not all users will be able to see your ads.
  5. Links from contextual advertising systems are encrypted or work using a redirect, which does not bring any benefit to the site in terms of promotion. It is quite obvious that such links do not affect the position of the advertised site in the search results.

The most popular contextual advertising services (Yandex.Direct, Google AdWords, Begun) - basic information for beginners

The above pros and cons apply to all three of these contextual advertising systems, although each has its own principle of operation.

Google AdWords contextual advertising has a very good system selection of ads that takes into account the interests of users, their preferences and activity when typing certain requests.

If there are no relevant queries for issuance in the search, the advertising context is selected taking into account personal interests. This is perhaps the main advantage of contextual advertising in Google.

Yandex.Direct has a narrower direction of issue, focused exclusively on search phrases, and if there is simply no advertising for a certain query, it is not displayed in the search.

On the selection of ads, like Google, Yandex has just begun to experiment, but it will take a very long time to go to the full implementation of such a system.

Setting up contextual advertising - basic information for beginners

There are a lot of secrets for setting up advertising campaigns, and on the net you can read not only something really important, but also heaps of thoughts that for several years have not even had minimal effectiveness, confirming their significance.

We will focus only on the main points of setting up contextual advertising, which can really help reduce costs and increase the effectiveness of an ongoing advertising campaign:

  • The right approach to the selection of keywords that will be used in compiling contextual advertisements;
  • Geographic indicators are very important so that ads are not clicked by citizens of another country or a distant region;
  • Setting the time of impressions;
  • Setting the budget for an individual ad and daily spending;
  • Disabling unscrupulous sources from which ads are clicked;
  • demographic features.

Yandex.Direct - advantages, disadvantages, features

Yandex.Direct existed back in 2001 as a service for low-budget companies and was designed only for impressions. After 2 years, the system was completely improved and pay-per-clicks were introduced:

Advantages :

  • Availability of geotargeting;
  • No additional targeting fees;
  • A huge proportion of advertising is designed strictly for search traffic, and not for advertising on the site.

Flaws :

  • Cumbersome statistics interface;
  • It is not possible to show ads for queries that include more than 5 words;
  • There is no effective automatic bid management;
  • Too limited in the size of the title bar and text of the contextual advertisement;
  • It is not possible to export advertising campaign statistics to Excel.

Runner - advantages, disadvantages, features

Advantages :

  • original design;
  • Convenient usability;
  • Huge audience coverage;
  • Possibility automatic control rates;
  • 9 ways to pay for advertising services;
  • Detailed information on any ongoing advertising campaign;
  • Convenient preparation and uploading of reports;
  • Plenty of space for ads;
  • Availability of an affiliate program.

Flaws :

  • Unreliable statistics;
  • Long statistics update;
  • Long moderation;
  • Lack of regional targeting;
  • Poor audience quality.

Google AdWords - - advantages, disadvantages, features

No matter what happens and no matter what they say, Google contextual Advertising in terms of extensive opportunities for conducting advertising campaigns is a full-fledged leader:

Advantages :

  • Advertising with graphic and text blocks;
  • Low activation cost;
  • Efficient transfer cost management;
  • Setting a daily budget;
  • Round the clock statistics;
  • Quick placement of ads;
  • Quick and easy ad change;
  • Completely independent selection of keys;
  • Geographic targeting;
  • Accurate display scheduling;
  • Selection of the most effective advertising places.

Flaws :

  • No advertising discounts;
  • Intentional price increases by competitors;
  • The complexity of managing advertising campaigns;
  • Does not accept all bank cards;
  • The high cost of clicks in highly competitive queries.

Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct, and Begun are three clear leaders in contextual advertising. Which one to trust is up to you, they all have pros and cons.

The best option would be to run an example of contextual advertising for 2-4 weeks in each service. Thus, you will not lose a lot of money and make for yourself a summary of the profitability and payback of placing an advertising campaign.

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If the user entered the query "rent one-room apartment in Moscow”, he will be shown the relevant advertisements for the delivery of housing in Moscow, but not in St. Petersburg or Samara. If a young mother needs a table for feeding, in addition to sites of this topic, she will see additional offers from online stores with goods for children.

A student needs quick money and drives in a request for earnings on the Internet. The system processes the request and, in addition to the required information, issues promotional offers.

Contextual advertising: how it looks and works

The first page of Yandex or Google shows several such ads.

The first four links at the top of the page are special placements. They are noticed first of all, but the advertiser will have to pay a lot for his offers to be shown in these positions. We wrote, read it if you want your advertising campaign to be more effective.

Dynamic Impressions- a block with ads on the second and subsequent pages of the search engine. You can not talk about their effectiveness - a rare visitor bothers to scroll beyond the first page.

There are businesses that offer a product or service. To increase profits, they need to expand client base. This cannot be realized until people know about the store or firm.

The Internet provides platforms for placing ads on a commercial basis, acting as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer.

The advertiser chooses a platform for the ad. Register an account, replenish the account with the desired amount. Makes a commercial offer with a unique description and photos of the product, sets the settings and budget for the advertising campaign, launches it. Ad activation starts after moderation. Such advertising is paid not for a month, not for impressions, but only for a click on an ad, that is, for potential buyer.

Being in search of something, the user sets queries in the search engine, for example " new refrigerator". If the request matches one of the key phrases, the client will immediately see commercial offers according to the request. A positive outcome implies the transition of a potential buyer to the site and the performance of a targeted action (a call, an application). Regardless of the decision of the user who clicked on the link, the advertiser is charged the amount set per click.

Then everything depends on the specific commercial offer, pricing policy, site quality (there are sites that you want to leave in the first second). Right Design and unique trade offer is the key to a successful business.

Contextual advertising for a brand is a type of ad that indicates trademark or organizations. There is much debate about the legality of such advertising. But the mention famous name serves as an effective bait for customers. The opinion of experts is twofold: on the one hand, the mention of the brand has a psychological effect on the visitor, pushing them to buy. On the other hand, an experienced client knows what he wants and will look for the website of the right manufacturer.

What tools and platforms do professionals use?

Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords are the leaders in the advertising market focused on the Russian consumer. There is also a Begun platform, created on the basis of Rambler. Rarely in demand due to the low popularity of the search engine - the number of unique visitors per day is much less. But Runner still has pay-per-view ads. Such a system is suitable for selling new products or a little-known product.


The share of search queries in Yandex among residents of Russia and neighboring countries is 70-80%. Therefore, there is no doubt about the effectiveness. Direct was developed in 2001 and specialized only in displaying ads. Later, the system was improved, payment for transitions appeared. For entrepreneurs, this is an easy way to advertise a product and get the first responses in the shortest possible time.

There is no fixed cost for the transition here, everything works on the principle of an auction. The minimum tariff for one click is 30 kopecks.

In addition to the search engine, ads are placed on partner sites registered in Yandex.Direct and forming Advertising network Yandex. The system is different simple settings, if necessary, you can handle it yourself. The main thing is to understand the problems of the target audience.

The disadvantages of the site include restrictions on the size of the title and text of the ad. Also, in response to long queries (more than 5 words), promotional offers will not be shown. For example, a search for "Apartment for rent Akademichesky district in Moscow cheap" will not return any results.


Google AdWords appeared on the market much later. But popularity is gaining quickly, due to the spread of training master classes on the Internet.

The settings system allows you to very carefully set up an advertising campaign, unlike Direct. Another plus is low competition, so the cost per click is much lower here. The minimum cost per click is 1 kopeck. If desired, the advertiser can set up a payment for the conversion - the money will be withdrawn if there is a transaction with the client.

Google Analytics is used to analyze the audience and evaluate the performance of the campaign.

What is it for and who is suitable for contextual advertising

Every business needs advertising. On the web you can find negative feedback about contextual advertising: "The budget was leaked, the client does not go, I'm sitting without profit." Golden Rule when setting up - clear information about the product and the uniqueness of the offer. After reviewing it, a potential client must be sure that this is what he was looking for.

The second aspect is understanding who needs this product, and whether it is needed at all. For example, the sale of sunglasses in the winter in St. Petersburg is unlikely to succeed.

The main tasks of contextual advertising:

  • Increase in sales volumes.
  • Service advertising.
  • An additional source of target customers in addition to advertising on other sites.
  • Presentation of a new product.

Contextual advertising is an unobtrusive tool for finding new customers. According to experts, it is useful for both businessmen and their potential clients. Sellers profit from targeted buyers. And people in the shortest possible time find the necessary product or service, saving time on visiting and studying many sites.

Who is contextual advertising suitable for?

  • Individuals and legal entities offering specific services: cleaning apartments and offices, nail extensions, fitness clubs, etc.
  • Owners of online stores with a narrow specific product.
  • Businessmen using a corporate website with a clear description of goods or services.
  • Sellers of information products - courses, master classes, language schools.
  • Owners of private legal and notary offices.
  • Owners of chain stores who want to quickly sell a particular product.

Who does not suit

  • For owners of large industrial enterprises and large firms.
  • businessmen representing a wide range of goods. Such an advertising company requires complex settings and a considerable budget.
  • Entrepreneurs from a highly competitive niche, but with limited budget. The cost of a top request can reach $50 or more. At the same time, there is no guarantee that the user who clicks will make a purchase.
  • Businessmen offering a new little-known product - no one needs a pig in a poke.
  • Those who sell inexpensive piece goods. For example, hair clips and other hair accessories. The average check goes for 150-250 rubles, one transition costs about 50 rubles. Keep in mind that not every click ends in a purchase. We also remove the cost of goods, as a result, there is a meager profit.
  • Tobacco and electronic cigarettes, alcohol, goods for adults.

Before setting up contextual advertising, you need to make sure that they are looking for the advertised product or service on the Internet. The Yandex.Wordstat service will come to the rescue. It is enough to enter the name of the product or service offered. The system will show how many requests were received for last month. As a result, it will become clear whether advertising is needed or not.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of contextual advertising

  • The first calls appear on the launch day.
  • You can always adjust the settings.
  • The advertiser determines the cost per click.
  • Campaign testing with minimum budget 500-1000 rubles.
  • The fee is charged only for transitions to the site.
  • Attracting only targeted visitors.
  • Recently, sites are full of ads. Users install programs to block ads.
  • Advertising activity ends with the budget.
  • A good result requires a high cost per click. Not every businessman at the start can afford extra spending.
  • The high cost of the services of a specialist in tuning.
  • Incorrect settings can result in a drain on the budget without a single call from the client.

We hope that our article helped to find out what contextual advertising is and how it works. Each entrepreneur must independently decide whether to launch an advertising campaign or prefer another way to attract profits.

    It is customary to distinguish three types of contextual advertising:
  1. search advertising- shown on the search results pages after the user has entered any query that is relevant to the topic of your ad,
  2. thematic advertising- shown on the pages of those resources, the subject of which is similar to the subject of your ad,
  3. behavioral advertising- is shown on the pages of those users who were interested in this topic, for example, they entered queries similar to your topic in a search engine.

Some terminology:

  • CPC model - pay per click
  • CPM model - pay per 1000 impressions

Keywords and matching

  • Broad matchMen's Shorts" will be shown for queries containing all variants of words, synonyms and individual words. That is, they will be shown even for the query "polka dot shorts".
  • Modified Broad Match. Ad with keyword " Shorts + men's" will be shown for queries containing all variants of the word male, i.e. will not be shown for the query "polka dot shorts".
  • Phrase match. Ad with keyword " "Men's Shorts"" will be shown for queries containing both of these words and in that order, it will be shown if there are additional words before or after this phrase. It will not be shown for the query "shorts for men" or "men's shorts".
  • Exact match. Ad with keyword " [Men's Shorts]" will be shown for queries containing both of these words and in that order, and there are no additional words before and after the phrase.
  • Minus matching. Ad with keyword " Men's shorts - pattern - photo" queries like "shorts pattern" will be excluded.
  • Indirect match. Ad with keyword " Men's shorts -[shorts] -[shorts]"Exclusion of some word forms from the query. "Men in shorts" will be excluded

How it works?

You are contacting a contextual advertising operator, for example, Yandex.Direct , Google.AdWords , Begun , Tak and others "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "marketgid" .com", "", "", "", "". Fill out a special form, where you specify the title of the ad, its content, the cost per click and the row additional options: where to show, when, to whom. Then you put a certain amount into your account in this service through payment systems or a bank card.

Your ad will then start showing on pages that are relevant to your ad's keywords. And for each click (transition) on your ad, the amount that you indicated during registration is debited from your account. The larger the amount you enter, the more sites will display your advertisement. The more enticing your ad is and the more people click on it, the less money your ad will be shown.

Website favicon - how to make it?

Some ads have a small icon before the text. It would seem - a trifle, but! Ads containing a small icon in front of the text have a CTR (click-through rate) 2-3 times higher than those without. In order for a small icon to appear in front of your ad, you need to make a favicon.ico - a thumbnail of your site.

"Special accommodation" and "guarantee" - what is what?

Guarantee- this is the placement of the ad to the right of the main text. The guarantee is always much cheaper, but the click-through rate on these ads is much lower. Click-through rate (CTR) for ads in special placement can reach up to 100%

Advantages and disadvantages of contextual advertising

  • Speed. Once you have registered your ad and deposited money, your ad will start showing. You get instant results.
  • recoil. Contextual advertising attracts targeted visitors, i.e. those who are looking for your product or service.
  • High price. You have to pay for everyone who clicks on your link. Moreover, the declared cost of a click determines how your ad will be among others. The more competition, the more you have to pay for each visitor.
  • The fragility of the result. As soon as you stop paying for contextual advertising, targeted visitors immediately stop coming to you. What can not be said about investments in search engine optimization.

How to choose the price of a contextual ad?

Type in search engine keyword your ad and see how many ads for that keyword already exist. If there are few ads, then the price should be set to the minimum. The more ads, the higher the cost per click.

The position of the ad (first or last) depends not only on the price, but also on the CTR (click-through rate). This indicator is calculated as the ratio of how many people saw your ad to how many people clicked on it. So, if out of 100 people who saw it, 20 clicked, then the CTR is 20%. The higher the CTR, the higher the ad is. In order to save on money, you need to correctly compose an ad. I recommend that you create several ads and see their click-through rate for a few days, after that, leave the most effective ones.

5 most common PPC mistakes

  1. Very few keywords used. Ads are shown for the most obvious, at the same time the most competitive words. Moreover, the most common words, extra words are not "minus" (it's good if autofocus is enabled in Yandex.Direct).

    What is the result? The client overpays, fights for common words with a low return, at the same time, the “delicious” words, for which the “hottest” clients come, remain out of his field of vision. A common result is low return on advertising, frustration and abandonment of the most effective tool.

  2. The second common mistake is one ad for all campaign keywords. Both “ordering a bus”, and “bus for delivering people to the office”, and “bus with air conditioning” show an ad:

    Bus order from 750 rubles per hour
    from 4 hours without delay. From 8 h discount!
    Address and phone

    But it is quite clear that those who are looking for a bus with air conditioning, it is the air conditioner that primarily worries. Compare:

    Air-conditioned bus from 750 rubles/h
    Coolness and comfort. Call!
    Address and phone

    Which ad will get the most attention?

  3. The third mistake done and forgotten. There are no perfect campaigns. Compiling each campaign, separate options and moves are used. To make the campaign as effective as possible, its results must be evaluated and refined: vary ads, keywords. Even if the campaign was created by a genius, over time the picture in the search changes. The actions of competitors are changing, the priorities of customers are changing. Therefore, the campaign cannot simply be launched and forgotten.

    Query analysis, search for transactional and non-competitive target queries, sharpening ads for each keyword, further analysis and adjustment of the campaign, reaction to competitors' actions take time; but it's worth it, because the efficiency increases many times over.

    In the event that you do not have this time, our specialists will come to the rescue. And even if you have time, use it for something that only you can do - and entrust the development and management of campaigns to specialists.

  4. The following error does not directly relate to a campaign on Yandex or Begun, but it greatly affects the results of advertising: the web page your ad leads to(the so-called "landing" page).

    Usually this page is used main page site. Sometimes it's justified, but most of the time it's not.

    On the landing page, a visitor who came through an advertisement should immediately find what he was looking for and for which he clicked on the ad. Looking for HTC Desire? Should find this phone, not a directory link. Looking for a dry cleaner? Must immediately find the address, directions and telephone.

    Look right now at the page where your ads lead to:

    • is it easy to do to the visitor what you want from him - to call, write, order?
    • does she stick? We in Russia are sensitive to aesthetics, and even a sloppy site can ruin all the results of an advertising campaign;
    • Is there a rational justification why the purchase should be made from you?

    Don't be discouraged if you find problems that kill the campaign. From experience, we can say that on a rare site, even a beautiful one, there are pages that are able to perform well the tasks of receiving visitors through advertising.

    That is why the “Advertising Page” service appeared: development of a landing web page with a well-built design and selling text; this page allows you to increase the results of an advertising campaign by several times. Try to adapt the page to accept advertising yourself, and if it doesn’t work out, contact us.

  5. And the last, simply fatal and most offensive mistake. No matter how brilliant the advertising campaign is, no matter how sharp the advertising page is, everything can kill the “last mile”.

    Who takes the call from the client? How fast? How exactly? How polite? The experience of our calls shows: 70% of offices answer imperfectly, 30-35% so that not only to order, you don’t want to call anymore.

    We make such calls regularly, this is included in the package of support for advertising campaigns. And you? When was the last time you trusted a manager?

When contextual advertising is not useful

  • the product is fundamentally new, they do not know about it and do not look for it; moreover, do not look for other goods/services that satisfy the same need;
  • margin (yield) is less than 30 rubles and resale is unlikely;
  • sales are made in a region that is not geotargeted (does your region have geotargeting? Check this list);
  • the sale of goods is illegal or not provided with proper licenses and certificates;
  • You sell goods remotely and there is no registered individual entrepreneur or legal entity(according to the Law on advertising on the site, you must specify the OGRN; But you can always agree with someone ;-)).

How to raise CTR in Yandex Direct and Google Adwords

In this article, we will not talk about the conversion of an advertising channel, which depends not only on the advertising campaign and the quality of traffic, but also on the site itself, but we will talk about the most important indicator of an advertising campaign - CTR.

If the CTR is high, then the offer is interesting and brings the target audience. Otherwise, the wrong audience sees the ad, or the bids are too low and the ad does not reach the user's field of view, choosing an offer with a higher position.

In addition, the higher the CTR, the lower the cost of a click (transfer) from a search engine for you. A high CTR also increases the Quality Score of your ads. It allows you to receive clicks for the same queries as competitors, but at a better price.

  1. Pick only most relevant keywords that will bring the most interested audience. For example, the request " Stretch ceiling” does not indicate that the user is interested in buying. In addition, this request is high-frequency and will help you get rid of the lion's share of the advertising budget.
    Do not bet on high-frequency queries. It is better to leave them for a snack when the advertising campaign starts to pay off. Add “buy”, “price”, “order” to this request and get the highest quality traffic.
  2. When selecting key phrases, you need more specifics, immediately cut off requests indirectly related to your business. For example, if you are engaged in the evacuation of cars, then by the key "Evacuation", your ad may appear for the queries "Evacuation of the population", "Evacuation rules". Don't make such big mistakes.
  3. Use multi-word phrases! Three, four or five words in a keyword is great, the more words in the keyword, the more relevant the ad text and title will be.
    Let these phrases be low frequency, but there will be many of them and the cost per click will be low.
  4. Add as many negative words as possible.
    If this is not done, then any of your keywords with additional words in the request (photo, download, free, reviews, characteristics) will cause the ad to be shown. I think you don't want to pay for such users.
  5. Do not forget about word forms and synonyms, they can be different parts speeches and there will be completely different quantitative and qualitative indicators for them: cheap - cheap, installation - installation, price - cost.
  6. The use of specialized programs to search for keywords is not forbidden, but always manually check the semantic core, because requests with typos and transliteration can get into it.
  7. When creating ads use keyword in title and text.
    Search engines allocate in bold exact match search query and ad text. The ad becomes more visible and attractive.
  8. Include information about promotions in the ad text, special offers and discounts, but a discount below 20% - does not work well for search ads.
    Add price in the text or title of the ad. It will help the user to instantly decide whether he is interested in such an offer or not, in extreme cases, you will save the budget if the price is too high for the user.
  9. Don't include your company name in the title and body of your ad unless it's famous brand well established in the region. It is better to spend symbols on a call to action.
  10. try use advanced settings, at least additional links, only they can increase the CTR by 20% - 30%
    Google also provides the widest choice of settings. For example, phone numbers, reviews, addresses.
  11. Don't be afraid to experiment! Test various texts, try non-standard approaches to writing them, it will help you find best option and better understand what motivates users.