Why does the chest hurt at 9 months of pregnancy. Ninth month of pregnancy: preparation for childbirth and delayed pregnancy. Problems of pregnancy of the last month and their solution

Then he will be able to live independently and not need additional equipment. And the woman feels much lighter.

At the 9th month of pregnancy - Changes in the body of the fetus

The baby is already fully formed, even the nails on the fingers have grown, the testicles have descended into the scrotum of the boys, subcutaneous fat is well developed, which helps to maintain a constant body temperature. The original lubrication is preserved only in the folds of the skin. Fluff or lanugo is almost gone. Meconium accumulates in the intestines.
The head of the child in the ninth month of pregnancy begins to sink to the very bottom. Since there is very little space in the uterus, the active movements of the child are already limited. He often sleeps. The baby is gaining weight, saves strength and prepares for childbirth. His height is 50 cm, and his weight is more than 3 kg.

At the 9th month of pregnancy - Changes in the body of a woman

It becomes much easier for a woman to breathe, there are no problems with digestion, but there is a need for frequent urination, as the lowered uterus constantly presses on the bladder. The woman is constantly tired, as the total weight has increased by 12-13 kg.

During the 9th month of pregnancy, the uterus prepares for childbirth, so “false contractions” become more frequent. Before childbirth, the uterus increases the production of prostaglandin hormones, which in turn stimulate the production of oxytocin in the pituitary gland. The muscles of the cervix begin to contract, the process of its opening begins. The placenta and fetus, for their part, also put pressure on the cervix. That's how they start.

1. The day before the birth, a woman knows that she will give birth soon.
2. On the eve of childbirth, a woman may have a “second wind” and she is no longer tired.
3. She begins to feel constant pressure on her rectum and pain in her groin. This is the head of the fetus is already pressing on the cervix.
4. There may be sacral pain. It is the bones of the pelvis that begin to diverge before childbirth so that the baby's head can pass freely.
5. The number of secretions increases sharply, water or mucous plug may break. Vaginal discharge may be pink in color. These are small vessels that burst during contraction of the cervix
All these signs can appear a day before delivery.

Tips for women at 9 months pregnant:

1. Let the husband or other relatives do the housework.
2. It is useful to have more rest, walk, do relaxation exercises, listen to music.
3. Stock up on food in the refrigerator so that while mom is in the hospital, dad does not go hungry.
4. Check the list if all of the things. Be sure to purchase nursing bras.
5. Prepare a passport, an insurance policy and an exchange card in one package so as not to forget when traveling to the hospital.
6. Do not forget to pay attention to your husband, because he is no less afraid of the upcoming birth.
7. Sex life is undesirable, but kisses and conversations, on topics of interest to both, are useful.
8. Do not be afraid of the discharge of water and the onset of contractions. If a woman gives birth for the first time, then childbirth can last from 2 hours to a day. So you will have time to get to the hospital on time. If the pregnancy proceeded normally, you can get ready for the maternity hospital already with regular increasing contractions, but you can also go in advance.

It will take a little time, and your baby will be with you!

9th month of pregnancy: photos, sensations, discharge

Pregnancy day by day is approaching its end. With the onset of the ninth month, all the thoughts of the expectant mother about the upcoming birth and the well-being of the baby. Very soon a new person will be born.

But it is necessary to properly prepare for this event, because the 9th month of pregnancy is the period when it is time to complete all unfinished business, prepare a room for the baby, purchase the necessary things and find out as much information as possible about the upcoming birth.

Fetal condition

By the beginning of the ninth month of pregnancy, the body length of the fetus usually reaches 46-47 cm, and body weight - 2600-2700 g. By the end of this month, the baby's height is 50-51 cm, and the weight is 3500 g. Of course, these figures are average. Some children at the time of birth weigh much less than three kilograms, and some strong men have a body weight of up to 4.5 kg or even more.

A healthy and full-term child is considered to have a body weight of 2600 g or more at birth, and a height of 46-47 cm. At the same time, the respiratory, digestive and other systems must fully function in the baby. The weight of a newborn also depends on the hereditary characteristics of the parents, so it can differ significantly from the average.

In the development of the fetus in the ninth month of pregnancy, the following changes occur:

  • The skin acquires a light pink tint, although even by the time of childbirth it may remain a little yellowish or cyanotic.
  • The length of the hair on the head varies from a few millimeters to 0.5-2 cm.
  • In a male fetus, the testicles descend into the scrotum at 9 months.
  • In the intestines, a dark-colored substance is formed - meconium, or the so-called original feces.
  • The body of the fetus begins to produce enzymes necessary for the digestion of breast milk after birth. From the moment the fetus began to make the first swallowing movements (the ninth week of pregnancy), the digestive system was fully formed, and the sucking reflex is activated in the baby immediately after birth.
  • The formation of the respiratory system is completed.
  • Despite the fact that the baby is quite active at a period of 9 months of pregnancy, his movements are not felt by the mother strongly enough, because there is very little free space left in the uterus.
  • The cartilage of the ears and nose becomes firmer, while the bones of the skull remain slightly softened to make it easier for the baby to move through childbirth.

Changes in a woman's body

In the body of a pregnant woman in the ninth month of pregnancy, the following changes occur:

  • The body weight of a woman does not increase as intensively as before, and on the eve of childbirth, the weight stabilizes. The total weight gain from the time of conception until the birth of the baby is 10.5-16 kg. When pregnant with twins or triplets, a woman can weigh much more, but in this case, delivery usually occurs before the start of the 9th month of pregnancy.
  • Edema may appear or increase, and very often expectant mothers have swollen legs. After childbirth, these symptoms usually disappear.
  • The contours of the figure are gradually changing: the belly goes down, and the baby's head is placed in the lower part of the pelvis.
  • Breathing at the 9th month of pregnancy becomes freer and easier, heartburn may also disappear, which is associated with the prolapse of the abdomen.
  • On the eve of childbirth, hemorrhoids may become aggravated or appear due to increased pressure of the uterus on the vessels near the anus.
  • Often at this time, symptoms of depression and insomnia appear, which is associated with a very strong anxiety of the expectant mother regarding the upcoming birth. To sleep better, you should regularly ventilate the room and give up the habit of resting on your back.
  • White discharge is normal when the 9th month of pregnancy is underway, and a change in their color may indicate the approach of childbirth.
  • The abdomen periodically becomes hard, i.e., turns to stone, and the tone of the uterus increases.
  • It becomes difficult for a woman to bend over, so she should stop washing the floors, and use an ottoman or a low chair to change her shoes.

Analyzes and examinations

During the ninth month of pregnancy, it is advisable for the expectant mother to visit a doctor every week. Ultrasound during this period, as a rule, is not performed, because the third prenatal screening has long been passed, so this examination can be performed only if there are additional indications.

Ultrasound photosAll photos

At each visit to the antenatal clinic, the specialist will measure the woman's body weight, blood pressure, the height of the uterine fundus, check the position of the fetus by probing the abdomen, assess the condition of the cervix, listen to the baby's heartbeat and perform other manipulations provided for by the examination program.

Also, the pregnant woman will need to do another blood test and a smear on the flora in order to prevent infection of the fetus during childbirth and to cure the detected disease in time.

Additionally, the doctor can determine the expected date of birth, based on the results of examinations and the date of the last menstruation. Now any woman knows how many weeks of pregnancy there are in 9 months, so she can independently calculate this day, given that childbirth usually occurs at the end of the 40th week.

Possible dangers in the ninth month of pregnancy

During the final month of bearing a baby, the following complications may occur:

  • Fetal hypoxia, acute or chronic. In the first case, the baby's condition can deteriorate dramatically due to compression of the neck by the umbilical cord, premature discharge of amniotic fluid, or under the influence of other factors. Chronic hypoxia develops due to dysfunction of the placenta, in which the supply of oxygen to the fetus deteriorates. It is possible to suspect the development of hypoxia if the rhythm of the fetal heartbeats is disturbed (the pulse may become more rare) or if the frequency of movements increases.
  • Late preeclampsia is a disease in which the condition of the woman and the fetus in the womb worsens due to disorders of the cardiovascular, urinary and endocrine systems. With gestosis in a pregnant woman, blood pressure increases, edema occurs. In emergency cases, a caesarean section is required.

Harbingers of childbirth

The ninth month of pregnancy differs from the previous ones in that it ends with the birth of a baby. Childbirth can occur both at 40 weeks or a little later, or earlier, at a period of 38-39 weeks, while they are considered timely.

Childbirth at 36-37 weeks, although they are a little premature, they practically do not pose a danger to the child, because all of his systems and organs are already formed and ready for work, you just need to increase the missing body weight.

That is why, throughout the entire 9th month of pregnancy, a woman should be ready for the possible onset of labor and be aware of what symptoms this is accompanied by.

Tummy photosAll photos

Harbingers of childbirth can be distant, i.e. indicating that the baby may be born in a week or two or even later, and those that warn of the very imminent onset of labor, after a few hours or for a maximum of one or two days.

The first group of symptoms include lowering of the abdomen, disappearance of signs of heartburn, increased urination, increased pain in the lower back. Periodically pulls the lower abdomen, but the pain is not too intense.

The second group of precursors is represented by the following symptoms:

  • discharge of the mucous plug from the cervix, while the woman may notice a thick discharge with traces of blood;
  • discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • the appearance of the first contractions, manifested by strong pain in the lower abdomen.

If the above signs occur, it is necessary to hurry to the hospital, especially in the case when the waters have broken, because the baby may suffer due to hypoxia.

In the event that the harbingers of childbirth do not appear at the end of nine months of pregnancy, doctors may decide to stimulate labor.

Some women try to speed up labor on their own by lifting weights, trying to have sexual intercourse with a partner, or masturbating in an attempt to masturbate to orgasm.

Unfortunately, this can not only cause contractions, but also lead to the development of dangerous complications, such as profuse bleeding and heavy bleeding.

The ninth month of pregnancy makes serious demands on the lifestyle and behavior of the expectant mother. The more attentive a woman is to her own health and well-being, the more likely it is that the baby will be born healthy on time. During this period, the following tips will be especially relevant:

  • To keep the body in good shape, you can perform special exercises for expectant mothers, but only in agreement with the doctor and better under the supervision of a qualified trainer.
  • The diet should be diversified as much as possible, but foods that are potential allergens (strawberries, citrus fruits, etc.) should be excluded.
  • The pregnant woman’s menu should have enough protein food so that the baby has a sufficient supply of nutrients for the future formation of milk teeth, the rudiments of which were formed when the ninth obstetric week of pregnancy was underway.
  • It is better to refrain from drinking black and especially green tea, which removes such a beneficial substance from the body as folic acid.
  • Alcohol is not allowed at all, as it can cause a serious deterioration in the condition of the fetus.
  • If you gain too much weight, you must follow the diet recommended by your doctor. A woman will be able to lose weight more intensively after childbirth.
  • Nausea for a period of 9 months of pregnancy does not indicate toxicosis, but the development of complications, so a doctor's consultation is necessary when such problems appear.
  • Dyeing your hair in the ninth month, as well as in any other period of pregnancy, is not necessary and even dangerous, since chemicals through the scalp can enter the bloodstream and adversely affect the condition of the fetus.
  • In case of a cold, it is better to get rid of fever and a runny nose in a non-drug way, in extreme cases, you can consult a doctor who will select the most harmless drug.
  • It's time to pack a bag for the maternity hospital, in which you should put not only a set for a newborn, but also sanitary pads for a woman. For this purpose, it is better to try to purchase not ordinary products that are used for menstruation, but look for special postpartum pads.

Additional information can be found on the forum for expectant mothers. There you can find detailed information about the planning and course of pregnancy, see what the fetus looks like in the ninth month, watch a video of interest, find photos of pregnant girls, post your photos, and also find out how childbirth begins.

Source: https://sputnikdetstva.ru/kalendar-beremennosti/9-mesyac.html

Why white discharge appears - secretion features in pregnant women

Allocation of white secretion during pregnancy is an understandable reason for the excitement of many girls. This reaction of the body is due to the development of the unborn baby in the womb.

Abundant secretion of white clots occurs due to cardinal changes in the hormonal background. The secret of a soft cream or colorless shade does not pose a threat to the development of the fetus and the health of the mother. But if the mucus has changed color, smell, and there is a lot of it, this is a reason to be wary and turn to a gynecologist.

Features of vaginal secretion in pregnant women

Signs of pregnancy are not always visible in the initial stages of development. The first manifestations can occur at 5-6 weeks of gestation, when a small amount of white or pinkish mucus begins to stand out from the vagina.

During this period, the fertilized egg joins the walls of the uterus, because of this, bleeding wounds appear on the mucous membrane. Scanty bleeding mixes with mucus and takes on a pink or orange tint.

Quite often, girls think that they are menstruating and do not pay much attention to it.

Pregnancy may not always make itself felt in the early stages. Sometimes a woman can find out about her after a delay (at 7.8, 9 weeks), when the menstrual cycle did not start on the allotted day.

Scanty, clear or pale white, odorless mucus often appears both before ovulation and during gestation. Whitish discharge resembles egg white, which is produced from the genitals. The secret performs the function of protecting the microflora, and helps the sperm to swim to the egg.

In the absence of pathological processes, the secretion should have a uniform consistency without clots and particles. If the secret has changed its smell or color, itching, burning or redness in the groin area, it is recommended to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.

What are the types of white secretion

There are two types of non-pathological white vaginal discharge:

  1. Thick elastic secretion of a transparent shade or like milk.
  2. Watery white discharge.

How abundant the secret will be depends on the activity of progesterone or estrogen production in the female body. The more hormones, the more mucus.

Most often, such secretion is observed in the middle of the menstrual cycle. At first, the mucus is more watery and transparent, with each subsequent day, it becomes more viscous and thick, like snot.

After the end of menstruation, it again becomes watery.

In the first trimester, the appearance of a thick secretion indicates the formation of a mucous plug in the vagina. It protects the uterine cavity from harmful microbes and external irritants. When mucus accumulates a lot, it comes out of the vagina. This usually happens by 6-7 weeks of gestation. At 11–12 weeks, the cork completely comes out, freeing the uterine cavity to the outside.

Liquid discharge during pregnancy appears only in 1-2 months of gestation. They should alert the expectant mother, as this is the first sign of organ inflammation. The pathological process is manifested due to the ingestion of infections that affect and irritate the mucous membrane. Often during this period there are aching pains in the lower abdomen or abdominal cavity.

Another reason for the appearance of an odorless liquid secretion during the gestation period is an allergic reaction. It happens on personal hygiene products, body care products, powder or underwear.

In addition, such discharge sometimes appears after protected intercourse. This is due to the fact that the lubricant that contraceptives are treated with irritates the vaginal mucosa, thereby provoking copious secretion of mucus.

Usually, the production of a large amount of lubrication decreases a couple of hours after sex.

It is important to note that normal secretions should not have a curdled consistency, contain flakes and clots, as these indicators indicate the progression of diseases in the body. If you experience these symptoms, you should contact your doctor.

Causes of white discharge during pregnancy

Why does vaginal lubrication appear during gestation? As evidenced by the reviews of obstetrician-gynecologists, there are a large number of reasons why a white or transparent lubricant appears.

The main factors include:

  1. Actually pregnancy. It is during this period that the cervix is ​​blocked by a mucous plug. Because of this, a woman develops light beige or milky formations. In the first and second trimester, such discharge should not cause discomfort, pain and burning.
  2. The development of thrush in the body provokes the appearance of curdled, green, yellow or brown mucus with a pronounced sour smell. In this case, the body temperature may rise, and health may worsen. If a woman has thrush, curd formations, a specific smell, itching and tingling are observed in the vagina. This condition is dangerous for the woman and the fetus, so the disease requires immediate treatment.
  3. Progression of infectious pathologies. Infections in the body of a woman are most often transmitted sexually. Harmful microorganisms get inside and secrete their secret, which negatively affects the health of the child and the expectant mother. Infections can develop in the body of a pregnant woman both in the first weeks and at 38–39 weeks of gestation. In the 1st trimester, diseases are extremely dangerous for a girl and can provoke a miscarriage. In the third trimester, infections cause internal bleeding and complicate childbirth. Therefore, treatment should not be delayed, treatment should be started from the first signs of pathology.
  4. Sometimes the manifestation of white mucus is a sign of spontaneous abortion. In this situation, the secretion will be enhanced, and have a dark, cloudy color. If the manifestation of the secret does not stop after 35-40 minutes, then you should consult a doctor. From 24 to 37 weeks, these signals may indicate that the fetus has stopped growing and developing in the womb. If such a diagnosis was made in the later stages of gestation, then the woman is prescribed a caesarean section or causes natural childbirth in order to save the child and the expectant mother.
  5. Personal hygiene. Panty liners can cause excessive lubrication. Quite often, manufacturers add natural plant extract to pads, shower gels, intimate hygiene soaps and creams, which can provoke an allergic reaction. During the period of gestation, the woman's vagina is more sensitive to external stimuli. Therefore, when interacting with the means, the ovaries can produce a large amount of secretion, which is brought out.

When there is no cause for concern

Vaginal secretion is a natural process of the female body, observed before menstruation and during the period of bearing a child. Lubrication helps protect the body from harmful bacteria.

Its consistency and color depends on the amount of hormones produced. Therefore, at each stage of gestation, its different amount.

Especially a lot of it happens in the first 4 weeks and at 11-13 weeks of gestation, when the egg is tightly fixed to the uterine walls.

When a mother-to-be has a light creamy, odorless lubricant, there is no reason to worry. These are normal physiological processes in the body after the conception of a baby.

But, if it has become darker or blood clots, flakes appear in it, you should go to your doctor. These symptoms indicate pathological processes in the body that can harm the girl and the fetus.

Do not delay treatment, as organ diseases can lead to serious consequences in the future.

When to see a doctor urgently

During the gestation period, the girl should carefully monitor her health.

Seek medical attention immediately if you have the following symptoms:

  1. Itching, burning or tingling in the vagina.
  2. Change in the shade of vaginal lubrication (bloody, green, brown, orange, yellow).
  3. Change in the consistency of the secret (foamy, with clots or flakes).
  4. Drawing or sharp pains in the lower abdomen.

The expectant mother should understand that during the bearing of the baby it is absolutely impossible to self-medicate. Therefore, if something bothers her, it is best to contact a qualified specialist and identify the causes of ill health. The sooner a girl notices signs of pathology and consults a doctor, the less risk there is to her health and the development of the baby.

Methods of treatment

If the secretion is odorless, bright in color and not accompanied by pain, this phenomenon is not dangerous. This is a natural physiological process that becomes noticeable at 1-2 months or at 9 months of pregnancy.

In cases where the development of an infectious disease has been detected, a medical method of treatment is used. The girl is prescribed drugs to suppress the pathogenic microflora of the body and to restore and strengthen the immune system.

Do not forget about proper nutrition and daily routine. This is the main component of good health and well-being. It is impossible to delay the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, since it will be even more difficult to cure a severe form of the disease. In addition, it is fraught with miscarriage and other forms of miscarriage.

Experts are sure that the best method of preventing problems during pregnancy is its competent and full-fledged planning. A special herbal complex based on Altai herbs Seraphim Collection will help to cure chronic chronic infections that prevent a healthy pregnancy. This is a safe and effective remedy with a minimum of contraindications.

In more detail, which discharges are considered the norm and pathologies, you will learn from the video:


Vaginal discharge is a common occurrence in a woman's life. In the normal course of pregnancy, they have a white or creamy color. If the secretion has changed its shade, consistency, or a sour smell has appeared, you should consult a gynecologist and undergo an examination, as these are the first signs of the development of pathologies in the body.

Source: https://AzbukaRodov.ru/bolezni-i-oslozhneniya/belye-vydeleniya-pri-beremennosti

Possible discharge during pregnancy

The birth of a new life leads to global transformations inside the mother's body: the hormonal background is rebuilt, the outlines of the body acquire smoother lines, and the emotional state of the woman is radically different from the previous one. Vaginal discharge during pregnancy is also not the same at different gestational ages. And it is the secretion of the gonads that often becomes an indicator of the well-being of the mother and her unborn baby.

In this article, we will talk about what kind of discharge occurs during pregnancy, determine the options for the norm and signs of a potential threat. To understand the essence of the issue more deeply, we will consider the problem in the context of the life stories of ordinary women.

Light discharge from the genitals

Olga, 25 years old: “Vaginal discharge at week 22 became watery, itching, burning and redness of the labia appeared. For what reason can such discharge appear during pregnancy in the second trimester? Analyzes during registration were clean.

Anna, 26 years old: “Waiting for my first child. I have been very attentive to my health all the time. At the thirty-sixth week, more translucent mucus began to flow. I have to constantly change my panty liners. What does this mean?"

As can be seen from the stories above, white discharge from a pregnant woman can have a completely different consistency and accompanying symptoms.

First of all, it should be remembered that a change in the secretion of the gonads is a natural and logical process, because fundamental changes occur in the female body.

under the influence of progesterone

Up to 8-10 weeks, the secretion is usually thicker, creamy. The reason for this lies in the active production of progesterone - one of the main hormones of the "interesting situation".

Mucus plug formation

From the tenth to the thirteenth week, the secretion may become more fluid and will have a pronounced mucous character. This is also the norm for the initial stage of gestational age. The period up to the fourteenth obstetric week is marked by such an important event as the formation of a mucous plug - reliable protection of the unborn baby from infections and other adverse external factors.

Under the influence of estrogen

After 14 weeks, estrogen comes into play, under the influence of which the whites become more transparent and plentiful. It is always worth remembering the individual characteristics of the body. In this or that case, the nature of secretion may vary. But the general trend continues.

What should be the discharge during pregnancy at this time? Natural whites should have a light shade (from transparent to white-yellow). Moreover, symptoms such as irritation, itching, hyperemia, swelling, pain upon contact of the mucous membrane with urine should not be present.


If these symptoms occur, then such discharge is not considered normal.

Sometimes the cause may lie in an allergic reaction to some personal care items (hygienic product, washing powder, synthetic underwear fabric, aromatic component of a daily napkin). Even if such a reaction did not occur before, then with the birth of a new life, the situation could change dramatically.


When itching and hyperemia are supplemented with a secret in the form of grains of cottage cheese with a sour smell, then we are already talking about a fungal infection.

This disease is called in the common people "thrush", and in the medical environment - candidiasis. A disease can occur at any time, giving a woman increased inconvenience with her manifestations.

The cause of the development of the disease may be a decrease in immune defense or an imbalance in the microflora of the vagina.

See additional photos of discharge with thrush at the link.

Fungal discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester requires mandatory treatment, since at the time of delivery, infection of the baby may occur. That is why cheesy secretion at 9 months is an occasion for a detailed conversation with the doctor about antifungal sanitation of the vagina before the upcoming birth.

Bacterial vaginosis is a common cause of profuse watery leucorrhea during any week of pregnancy.

Brown secretion: norm or pathology?

Marina, 27 years old: “An incomprehensible situation forced me to write. More specifically, discharge at 23 weeks. They are brown, uniform and intense. Nothing seems to hurt, but I feel weakness all over my body. And the baby seemed to calm down - for a couple of days I don’t feel his movements at all. It's getting scary."

Kristina, 18 years old: “I found out that I was“ in position ”. I don't understand, how is this possible? After all, there was no delay! Menses came on time. True, it was quite a bit and only 2 days. But they were! If I hadn’t started to feel sick, I wouldn’t have known for another month what a surprise awaited me!

Alina, 30 years old: “The early pregnancy went well - no problems or complications, but the discharge at week 30 turned everything upside down. She stumbled on the stairs and fell on her side. After that, I saw a few minor drops of brown color on the linen. Almost spent on conservation. But now the discharge of light brown color has gone again. What is their reason?

Brown discharge can sometimes be completely harmless. An example is the so-called implantation bleeding, when on the 9-10th day after fertilization, the fetal egg is introduced into the uterine wall.

See a photo of the discharge during embryo implantation in one of our articles at the link.

Also, a small amount of brown secretion can be observed at the very beginning of the period, on those days when the woman had her period earlier. In this case, the culprit of the abnormal phenomenon can be considered the instability of the hormonal background.

One of the pathological causes of a brown or red-brown vaginal secretion in the first third of the term can be an ectopic fixation of the ovum, which is extremely dangerous for the health and even the life of a woman.

See photos of discharge during ectopic pregnancy. A brown secret in this case may precede the development of active bleeding.

In parallel with the dark secret, there may be soreness in the area where the fetal egg was supposedly localized, as well as general malaise.

Brown discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy always indicates some kind of violation.

Most often, they are either the first signal warning either about the threat of spontaneous miscarriage, or about the onset of such an equally dangerous condition as placental abruption.

In the first case, a woman may feel pulling or cramping pains in the abdomen and lower back, weakness, malaise and pressure fluctuations, and in the second, most often, deterioration in well-being at an early stage is not observed at all.

Frozen pregnancy

Another rather tragic reason why dark brown discharge occurs is the fading of fetal development. The gradual exfoliation of the membranes and causes a similar secretion. At the same time, pulling pains can be felt in the lower abdomen and sacral region.

Cervical erosion

May cause brownish secretion and erosive lesions of the cervix. In this case, the secretion becomes quite liquid, and their number will increase after sexual contact or gynecological examination.

As the size of the uterus grows, especially in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, areas affected by erosion begin to bleed more. It will be interesting for you to see a photo of the discharge during cervical erosion during pregnancy.

Blood on linen: what does it mean?

Yana, 23 years old: “For what reason can bloody discharge appear in the ninth month of pregnancy? There are still about 20 days before the birth. In the evening, she fell ill sharply and became a stone stomach, and then she noticed traces of blood on the linen. I feel normal, but somehow anxious? Should I run to the doctor tomorrow, or can it still do?

Polina, 27 years old: “There was blood at 27 weeks. I will not say that a lot, but a rich color. There is nothing at rest, and if I start to move actively, it starts to bleed. I am on vacation. I would not like to interrupt the rest for a frivolous reason. What can such vaginal discharge during pregnancy mean?

Olga, 23 years old: “I am now on my fourteenth obstetric week. Suddenly there was blood with bubbles. I have never seen such a thing! Like foam! There was vomiting not because of the taste of the food, but even from the smells of many. Sometimes, on the way to work, I had to get off the tram three times - such nausea. There is constant drowsiness and weakness. What is this incomprehensible discharge?

Secretion of a bloody nature is almost always a danger. And it doesn’t matter if a woman is in the fifth obstetric week or in the twenty-seventh. Each period has its dangers.

An exception can only be bloody secretion at the time of implantation of the fetal egg, but in such a case, the amount of blood is so insignificant that it can be called bleeding with a huge stretch.

In all other cases, the presence of blood will signal that the well-being of the expectant mother and her baby is at risk.

Ectopic pregnancy

If a woman has spotting in the first trimester (approximately 6-13 weeks), accompanied by intense pain and a deterioration in her general condition, then this blood loss can be triggered by an ectopic pregnancy.

bubble skid

Another rare but likely cause of bleeding in the first three months of term is a hydatidiform mole. The characteristic signs of this dangerous condition are: early acute toxicosis, malaise and, accordingly, a bloody secret, resembling foam in its structure.

Bubble drift is a dangerous pathology that can provoke the development of an oncological process, therefore, if suspicious symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Detachment of the placenta

Placental abruption is a common cause of bleeding during late pregnancy. In the vast majority of cases, a woman does not have a pain syndrome, and blood appears at moments of physical stress and disappears at rest.

Sometimes, at first, a woman notices light red or pink marks on her underwear, which, as the pathology progresses, can abruptly change into heavy bleeding.

Detachment can lead to serious consequences, up to the death of the fetus, therefore, at the slightest suspicion, an ambulance should be called.

Mucus and blood with clots are characteristic signs of a frozen, ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage that has begun.

With all these abnormal processes, pain and malaise are present. Only a gynecologist can accurately name the cause of bleeding after an appropriate examination.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy

Natalia, 32 years old: “The discharge at week 38 acquired a rich yellow color. I read the reviews of the girls on the forums, but could not understand what was happening to me. There are painful sensations of a pulling nature on the right side. This is dangerous?"

Irina, 22 years old: “I am now in the thirty-fourth week. The discharge is yellowish, rather liquid, sometimes there is a slight itching. I passed the tests, did an ultrasound - everything is fine. The doctor said not to panic and prescribed Linex to support the microflora. I did not notice any special changes after the course. How to be? Is it normal for discharge to be like this?

Light yellow discharge during pregnancy can be considered normal only if their amount is moderate, and there is no discomfort in the intimate area.

The reason for their appearance may be fluctuations in hormone levels. At the very beginning of the gestational period, such secretion is able to accompany the period of implantation of the fetal egg into the endometrium of the uterine cavity.


If such a vaginal secret has a specific smell, causes swelling of the large and small lips, itching of the vulva and pain when emptying the bladder, then the attachment of an infectious agent is most likely to blame. For example, a similar picture can be observed when infected with chlamydia, gonorrhea or trichomoniasis. Gardenelosis is another opportunistic provocateur of a dark yellow secret from the vagina.

Leakage of amniotic fluid

Light yellowish discharge in the later stages is quite capable of being leaking amniotic fluid.

So, for example, yellowish, odorless discharge at the 40th week of the gestation period is a sure sign that you should not hesitate to visit the hospital - the baby is in a hurry to be born.

Similar discharge in the second trimester is much more insidious. You should seek the help of a doctor without the slightest delay - there is a high risk of preterm labor.

Purulent green secret: causes and dangers

Violetta, 24 years old: “I am expecting my second child. Is green discharge normal at 14 weeks? They are not very strong, but their smell alarms me - it smells like spoiled fish. What does this color of discharge during pregnancy and this terrible smell indicate?

Julia, 22 years old: “Weird liquid discharge appeared at 41 weeks. They are dark green in color. The doctor insists on hospitalization, says that it is necessary to stimulate childbirth. But I'm anti-stimulation. I want my child to be born on his own, without the use of harmful medicines. However, the way the discharge looks worries me. Are these symptoms normal in the last weeks of the term?

Green discharge during pregnancy is not considered the norm. They can occur both at the beginning of the term, and in the middle, and in the last month of pregnancy. However, the causes that cause them may be different in each case.

Purulent discharge in the first trimester, as well as in the second, is more often explained by the active reproduction of pathogenic microflora resulting from STI infection. More often, in the presence of such a secret, the diagnosis is "colpitis", which is caused by various microorganisms (chlamydia, gonococci, streptococci) or "cervicitis", caused by inflammation localized in the cervix.

Sometimes an imbalance in the microflora of the vagina can provoke a secretion with a greenish tinge. In either case, secretion is often supplemented by an unpleasant odor, irritation of the mucous membrane, and itching.

Greenish discharge at the end of pregnancy, especially if labor is delayed, may signal leakage of amniotic fluid stained with meconium. Overcarrying is fraught with the development of oxygen starvation of the fetus. If childbirth has not begun before 42 weeks, you can no longer delay. It is necessary to induce labor artificially or resort to delivery by caesarean section.

So the last - the ninth month of pregnancy has come: a woman and a baby almost ready to get acquainted with the new world, which is still “deployed” in the tummy, go to the “finish”. With the onset of the ninth month of pregnancy, childbirth can begin at any time, and you should not be afraid of this - in the ninth month, the baby is already considered full-term, the small body is quite ready to meet the conditions of the outside world. And by this time, the woman should be ready “fully armed”: for sure, the essentials for the maternity hospital are already waiting in the wings, the nursery for the long-awaited baby has already been equipped, and mommy listens to herself every day, waiting for the start of real, and not training, fights .

Baby at nine months pregnant

At this stage, the baby is already completely ready for life outside the womb: the lungs make respiratory movements, the baby has developed a sucking reflex, as one of the main reflexes of the first year of life, the digestive system is ready to start “receiving” and “processing” breast milk.

A child at nine months of pregnancy can already “boast” of the proportional addition of a small body, its skin acquires a soft pink color, and the lanugo germinal fluff gradually disappears from the body. Lanugo, and with it the remnants of the original lubricant after the birth of a child, can only be preserved in those parts of the body where special protection is required - in folds or on delicate shoulders.

By the ninth month, the child is already in a position from which it will move along the mother's birth canal, as a rule, this is head presentation - the baby will stand “on the head” until the very beginning of childbirth. Now the baby occupies the entire uterine cavity, in this regard, he has practically no opportunities for active movements.

The nervous system is completing its formation, the “finishing touches” are being made. The intestines already have relatively good peristalsis - it even contains the original feces meconium, consisting of decayed blood cells, "recycled", dead cells of the intestine and skin. A certain amount of iron has already accumulated in the child’s liver, however, while it is still in the mother’s tummy, the liver continues to “stock up” with iron - it will be needed to perform the normal function of hematopoiesis during the first year of the baby’s life. The heart is ready to start working under new conditions: after birth, the hole in the central septum will close, thereby ensuring blood circulation through the lungs - now the lungs are still excluded from the circulatory system, because the baby is not yet breathing "for real", even though the lungs are doing respiratory movement.

In the ninth month, the testicles may continue to descend into the scrotum in male children, in rare cases, boys may be born before this process is completed. Also, the child’s immune system has not yet completed its formation, the process of its formation will continue after childbirth: now the child receives antibodies from the mother’s body through the placenta, after birth it will “extract” them from breast milk.

By the time of the onset of childbirth, babies come with completely different indicators of weight and height. So, the weight of a full-term mature baby can range from 2600 to 3600 g, growth usually reaches 48-54 cm.

Feelings and well-being of a woman in the ninth month of pregnancy

At the ninth month of pregnancy, a couple of weeks before giving birth, a woman suddenly feels that it has become easier to breathe: the baby’s head has sunk into the pelvic area, the uterus is no longer pressing on the lungs so much, respectively, breathing is easier. But at the same time, it is possible that instead of breathing difficulties, there will be a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, a dull pain in the pubic area, groin or inner thighs, which is associated with pressure on the baby's head on the nerve endings.

Since the uterus is still pressing on the bladder and stomach, frequent urination persists, and constipation may accompany the woman until the end of pregnancy. Edema can still make itself felt, the risk of developing varicose veins is still high.

By the end of pregnancy, the nature of the vaginal discharge changes - they become thicker and contain more mucus, in which blood streaks can be observed. More often, such phenomena appear after an internal examination or physical intimacy with a spouse.

The abdomen in the ninth month no longer increases in size, but the skin on the abdomen can itch unbearably. It is imperative to treat the skin with special anti-stretch marks, especially since now they can appear even overnight: many accomplished mothers tell how they went to bed in the evening with a smooth and “clean” stomach, and woke up in the morning with red stripes on the skin.

By the end of pregnancy, the appearance of symptoms inherent in the early stages, namely, dizziness and fainting, is quite possible. But now they appear not as a result of a woman’s stay in a stuffy room, but more often due to clamping of the genital vein when a woman is resting on her back. That is why, including in late pregnancy, experts recommend sleeping on your side, preventing the development of "vena cava syndrome."

The last month of pregnancy is characterized by some distraction, inertia and forgetfulness. At the same time, literally on the eve of childbirth, “explosions” of energy, hyperactivity are not uncommon, when emotional and physical fatigue give way to impulses for arranging an apartment - the so-called “nesting instinct”.

The ninth month is considered difficult and for the reason that now, due to cardinal changes in the body, it hurts and grabs here and there - pain is present in the back and lower back, under the ribs, pain occurs in the pelvic region and buttocks, in the lower abdomen, legs cramp at night with a painful spasm, become noticeably more painful than uterine contractions ... It remains to be patient just a little bit - all these unpleasant phenomena will disappear after the birth of the baby, and they will be replaced by new chores and sleepless nights of a completely different nature.

Harbingers of childbirth in the ninth month of pregnancy

It has already been mentioned above that, starting from the ninth month of pregnancy, childbirth can begin in any of the following four weeks. Moreover, no doctor will undertake to accurately and unambiguously calculate the day when the baby “decides” to leave his mother’s tummy - even on an ultrasound scan, a woman is only given an approximate date of birth.

But, at the same time, the so-called so-called will tell the pregnant woman about the approach of the cherished "hour X". Some of them have already been discussed, namely: the prolapse of the abdomen (when the baby moves its head into the pelvic area) and the frequency of urination.

In addition to these mentioned signs of approaching childbirth, a slight decrease in body weight can “signal” the imminent birth of a child. Loss of 1-2 kg a few days (weeks) before delivery is due to hormonal changes, in addition, it can happen due to a decrease in appetite and loss of some fluid.

The fact that childbirth is just around the corner can also be recognized by the discharge of the mucous plug. So, as the cervix matures, its canal begins to open slightly, respectively, a mucous plug comes out of the cervix, which closed the canal throughout pregnancy. A woman learns about the discharge of the mucous plug by finding a lump of colorless or yellowish mucus on her underwear, possibly with streaks of blood or blood-colored mucus.

In the meantime, the body is in every possible way completing the “preparation” for childbirth, it is necessary to prepare as much as possible for this important event: finally decide on the maternity hospital, prepare all the things that will be needed after childbirth (underwear and clothes for yourself and the baby, a bag with cosmetics and hygiene items). When leaving home, a woman must always have a passport and an exchange card with her.

Nutrition in the ninth month of pregnancy

In the last month of pregnancy, attention should be paid to the organization of proper nutrition: the process of the upcoming birth and the well-being of the born baby largely depend on what and in what quantities a woman now consumes.

So, in the last stages of pregnancy, it is recommended to completely exclude allergen products from the diet that can cause the development of allergies in a child. In addition, soft unpasteurized cheeses, pates, canned foods, which can become a "source" of intestinal infection, should be abandoned.

It is necessary to somewhat "correct" the usual pattern of eating foods containing calcium (primarily dairy and cottage cheese). If during the second half of pregnancy the need for calcium is indeed significantly increased, its excessive consumption in the last months in the future may affect the rapid closure of the fontanel in the child and the associated increase in intracranial pressure. From now on, 1-2 glasses of kefir or 150 g of cottage cheese daily are enough to provide the body with calcium in the right quantities. As for cottage cheese, it is better to give preference to home-made and not very fatty cottage cheese, refusing cheese sweet masses.

By the ninth month, fried, fatty, salty foods, sweets and muffins should completely disappear from the diet. Although fish and meat are still necessary, however, in the last month of pregnancy, the consumption of these products is recommended to be significantly reduced - meat and fish reduce the elasticity of perineal tissues, which causes painful childbirth and.

The “main focus” in nutrition is now better to do on vegetables and fruits, cereals with a small amount of lean meat or fish. It is useful to add olive oil and lemon juice to vegetable salads, refusing to dress salads with mayonnaise.

Dishes are preferably steamed, baked or stewed, boiled. Hot food should not be eaten, it is better if it is warm or cold. Food should be taken slowly, chewing well. You can drink a glass of water before meals - to feel fuller faster and improve digestion. That's just water must be without gas - soda is now banned.

Sex in the ninth month of pregnancy

Is it possible to have sex in the ninth month of pregnancy - to determine the doctor leading the pregnancy. There are very mixed opinions about whether intimate relationships are acceptable in the last month. So, some experts recommend refraining from physical intimacy in the last weeks of pregnancy, since sex can provoke labor before the due date. Other experts do not see anything dangerous in the fact that mom and dad allow sex in the ninth month of pregnancy. Of course, provided that there are no serious contraindications for physical intimacy, in particular, the presence of a threat of premature birth, leakage of amniotic fluid, low placenta,.

In general, it is up to the doctor to decide on the possibility of sex in the last month of pregnancy. If the specialist was given a "red color", you should choose the most comfortable positions for sex, excluding pressure on the mother's stomach. The best positions are kneeling or on the side.

By the way, sex can be one of the methods if the baby "lingers" in the tummy longer than the due date. For example, male semen contains substances called prostaglandins, which have the ability to soften the cervix and cause it to contract.

Tests and examinations in the ninth month of pregnancy

In the ninth month, a woman will have to visit a doctor weekly. At the meeting, the doctor assesses the general well-being of the pregnant woman, measures weight and blood pressure, examines the limbs for the severity of edema. In addition, mandatory urine tests are performed to measure protein and sugar levels.

Visits to the doctor also include an assessment of the preparation of a woman and a baby for childbirth: a specialist listens to the baby's heart, determines its position and size, the height of the uterus, and examines the cervix to assess its degree of maturity.

At the beginning of the ninth month, during a vaginal examination, the doctor may also take. If any changes are suddenly detected, the woman will be recommended emergency preventive treatment.

If the pregnancy is “protracted”, the period has “passed” for 40 weeks, and childbirth does not even think to begin, the doctor will conduct a second examination. If there is no progress in the maturation of the cervix, the woman will be recommended to go to the hospital, where measures will be taken to artificially create a favorable background for the onset of labor.

In the ninth month (33-36 obstetric weeks) you need to be especially attentive to your health. There are only a few weeks left before the birth. What symptoms and sensations are normal during this period, and which should cause you concern?

The calm second trimester is over, now you now need to carefully monitor your health and well-being. At 33-36 obstetric weeks, you will need to undergo a general and gynecological examination, take a general blood test, as well as for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, hemosyndrome, and a general urine test.
Starting at 36 weeks, you will definitely need to visit your OB/GYN every week.

Does your stomach hurt at 9 months pregnant?

At the 9th month of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen? This is within the normal range, if the pain is not strong and short-lived. They testify to the training contractions of the uterus, because she is now actively preparing for the upcoming birth. If the spasms are strong and recur every 15-25 minutes, this is most likely the onset of labor.

Discharge at 9 months pregnant

Physiological are colorless or white odorless discharge. A change in their color or smell indicates changes in the body.

Bleeding at 9 months of pregnancy is a symptom of placental abruption. Call an ambulance and prepare for childbirth.

Thrush at 9 months pregnant

Such a nuisance as thrush (candidiasis) can overtake you at any time. If you are worried about itching and burning in the area of ​​the labia and vagina, curdled discharge has appeared, then these are symptoms of thrush. Do not self-medicate and consult your gynecologist. He will prescribe the appropriate treatment. It is imperative to treat thrush so as not to infect the baby.

Toxicosis at 9 months of pregnancy

What to do if nausea occurs at 9 months of pregnancy? If it is regular, combined with poor health and increased swelling, you should consult a doctor. It is necessary to exclude nephropathy and late toxicosis (preeclampsia) - a dangerous complication of pregnancy.
Nausea with vomiting can be a consequence of food poisoning.

Cold at 9 months pregnant

You got the flu or SARS at the 9th month of pregnancy and you have a fever? Report this to your doctor. It is very undesirable to take any medications at this time, as they also enter the baby's body. If the temperature is above 39 ° C, you can take antipyretics.

Influenza in the third trimester is dangerous because the baby can also get sick (the risk is not high) or provoke premature birth. After recovery, be sure to see a doctor. He will assess the condition of the baby.

heartburn at 9 months pregnant

What to do if you suffer from heartburn at 9 months of pregnancy? almost all women in the third trimester experience this unpleasant phenomenon. Heartburn causes acid reflux from the stomach into the esophagus. This process provokes squeezing of the stomach by the uterus. To get rid of heartburn, you must:

  • exclude spicy, fried, floury and too fatty foods from the diet;
  • eat small meals 4-6 times a day;
  • after eating, try not to bend over for 30 minutes;
  • with an attack of heartburn, drink some warm milk or still water;
  • drink milk with a drop of fennel essential oil.
A good and harmless remedy for heartburn is freshly squeezed potato juice. It neutralizes acid and relieves inflammation in the stomach.

Edema at 9 months of pregnancy: what to do?

What are the dangers of swelling at 9 months of pregnancy? The hormone progesterone, which is produced a lot during this period, slows down the excretion of sodium, which retains fluid in the tissues. Only those edemas that are caused by kidney or heart failure are dangerous. If edema is accompanied by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine, hospitalization is necessary. These are symptoms of nephropathy or preeclampsia.

The last month of pregnancy has arrived. It will be one of the most difficult, because the child is large and it becomes difficult for the mother to carry him under her heart. Everything around is literally saturated with impatient expectation - parents, relatives, family friends and a prepared children's room are waiting for the baby to appear. If it's not ready yet, it's time to finish the preparations.


The ninth month of pregnancy closes the last, third trimester. Childbirth can occur on any day, since only about 5% of all births occur on the expected date (the same DA), the rest occur from 38 weeks to 42 weeks Anytime.

The month includes several final obstetric weeks: 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 weeks. Starting from the 37th week of pregnancy, the birth is considered urgent, and the baby will not be premature.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30

Fetal development

From the beginning of the 9th month, the baby begins large-scale preparation for the upcoming birth. For him, this process will also become a serious test, because passing through the birth canal is not at all such a simple task as it might seem. The processes that are currently taking place in the child's body will contribute to its adaptation to a new environment after birth: to a new type of breathing, to the absence of an aquatic environment, to a different temperature, as well as to the abundance of microbes and viruses that inhabit our world.

Babies descend lower, press their head against the exit from the uterus. This is their starting position. The pressure of the head on the internal pharynx of the cervix stimulates its maturation and disclosure, brings the moment of childbirth closer. At the same time, it becomes easier for the mother to breathe, because the uterus does not press so hard on the diaphragm, heartburn disappears, but urination becomes more frequent.

The child is grouped, tucks his chin to his chest, folds his arms, tucks his legs, it is in this position that he will begin to be born when the time comes. It is worth considering some features of each week of the ninth month of pregnancy.

36 week

At this time, the baby reaches a weight of 3 kilograms. We are talking about the average baby, because now all the crumbs are very different: there are large ones, the weight of which has exceeded 3 kilograms, there are miniature ones, the weight of which is within 2.7 kilograms. Both are normal if the child does not have malnutrition, and the lungs are sufficiently mature. These two factors will ensure his survival if he is born right now. Children also grew up in different ways, the average height at this time is 46-49 centimeters.

Most children no longer have lanugo (fine hair on the skin of the body), the cheese-like lubricant is preserved only in the skin folds where mechanical friction is possible: inguinal folds, popliteal, elbow and neck folds. If the lanugo is still partially preserved, there is nothing pathological in this - even if the baby is born "fluffy", the hair will fall out on its own during the first weeks of life.

There is no need to treat or promote it.

All the bones of the child became strong, dense, and stored a sufficient amount of calcium. Movable and soft while only the bones of the skull remain, but it should be so - the baby will have to go through the narrow birth canal head first, and if the bones are too strong and cannot adapt to the situation, then the baby may get stuck.

At this time, children have a luxurious manicure - the nail plates for the first time during the period of intrauterine development begin to protrude beyond the phalanges. The child, if he is born now, will still be premature, but the degree of prematurity will be determined as the mildest, not requiring resuscitation for the most part.

37 week

From this week, the fetus begins to add 40-50 grams per day. The adjustment of the sense organs begins - the sensors have to do a great job of launching the adaptive mechanisms of the brain after the baby is born. Everything is ready for this in his body.

The lung tissue of most babies is already mature capable of ensuring normal spontaneous breathing. A newborn at this time will not be considered premature, he still looks like a newborn. The baby does not move much - it has become too crowded in the uterus for active movement, but often hiccups - it is believed that this is how children rehearse the respiratory reflex, which is already fully formed, and also “tune” the digestive system - soon food will come not through the blood, but through the esophagus .

Children sleep a lot, dream. What they dream of is not known for certain to medicine, but studies have shown that the REM phase prevails, which made it possible to conclude about dreams.

38 week

About a third of women give birth this week. These are normal, urgent births that do not cause concern among doctors and should not frighten a woman. The child got heavier on average, now children weigh from 3.3 to 3.6 kilograms with a height of 50-52 centimeters.

At this time, only 2% of boys did not have their testicles descend into the scrotum, but there is still time. There is even less amniotic fluid, which gives the woman an unforgettable experience - albeit rare, but very significant pushes and kicks from the inside. The position in which the child is in the womb is final.

And if the baby has not turned over head down, then doctors try to perform a caesarean section to reduce the risk of birth injuries for the baby and his mother.

39 week

The vast majority of pregnant women give birth this week. The child is completely ready for life outside the mother's womb, it remains to wait for the readiness of the maternal organism. The baby diligently helps her mother: the placenta produces oxytocin, which, having accumulated in sufficient concentration, forms a generic dominant and stimulates contractions and uterine contractions. If the cervix is ​​immature, at this time the woman may be offered hospitalization in order to prepare the cervix for the opening and birth of the baby in the hospital.

Most planned caesarean sections, for which a woman has medical indications, are carried out this week, so as not to wait for the independent onset of labor.

40 week

While the mother suffers in anticipation of the day of birth, the baby suffers from tightness. It is very difficult for him to move, the walls of the uterus quite tightly cover the fetal bladder, in which there is very little water left. The placenta is rapidly aging and losing function, and therefore oxygen starvation of the baby may occur. In most cases, the child's body is already strong enough to activate compensation mechanisms and help the baby to wait out the remaining days before birth under difficult conditions without harm to health.

Since the child is cramped, he experiences a certain stress, and therefore in a small children's body, the stress hormone adrenaline is produced. Now he is also helping his mother. Adrenaline increases the production of oxytocin, and the mother's body begins to prepare more intensively for childbirth.

Woman's well-being

The ninth month for the expectant mother is filled not only with a variety of sensations of all shades and nuances, but also with anxious expectation. Bags in the maternity hospital are collected and stand in the most visible place, the phone is always charged and at hand. Now it is better not to go far from home, but when leaving, do not forget to put your passport and exchange card in your purse- childbirth can begin anywhere and anytime. The presence of documents with you will greatly facilitate the task of getting into the maternity hospital of your choice in advance.


The movements of the child become rare, but their norm remains the same - at least ten episodes of activity in 12 hours. Now it is important to track the movements and their nature with great attention. A slowdown may be a sign of a severe and uncompensated condition, the suffering of a child, and sharp and frequent movements, painful for the mother, may indicate that hypoxia has just begun.

In both cases, you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Often, women notice that closer to childbirth, movements almost completely disappear and regard this as a harbinger of childbirth. But you should be prudent. A doctor's note won't hurt.


The uterus reaches the peak of its growth. It is located almost on the area of ​​​​the entire abdominal region, which causes tightness and dysfunction of other organs - pressure on the bladder leads to frequent urination, while urine leakage can provoke both coughing and laughter. Pressure on the bile ducts leads to diarrhea, and pressure on the intestines and lower veins leads to varicose veins, constipation and hemorrhoids.

A small belly does not mean that there is a small fetus in the womb, the child can be located with its face and arms and legs towards the mother's intestines, and then the bellies really look much neater. In most cases, there are no small bellies at the end of the third trimester.

back hurts because of the huge and heavy uterus and fetal pressure, it hurts small of the back because of the displaced center of gravity, hurt legs, knees. Feelings are not the most pleasant, but quite understandable. Preparing the cervix, softening it, and opening it up can be accompanied by a sensation that women describe as “tingling inside.”

Psychological condition

The hormonal background is rapidly changing. Progesterone is replaced by estrogens, relaxin, oxytocin and prolactin. This burning "cocktail" eventually starts the birth process, but beforehand, in the course of preparing the body for this important moment, it affects the mental state - the woman becomes very anxious, vulnerable, tearful. Therefore, family scandals and scenes in the last month are not uncommon.

A woman needs a special attitude from her relatives and her husband, she needs attention and participation. Not getting them, she becomes irritable. The hormonal background and stress leave their mark on the nature of sleep - very often insomnia occurs in the last month. Violation of night sleep is also associated with the inconvenience of coups from side to side.

The left and right side are the only acceptable and possible sleeping positions shortly before childbirth.

weight gain

The woman’s body begins to get rid of excess fluid, which progesterone diligently accumulated “for a rainy day”. That's why weight may drop, usually lose weight by the end of the month by 2-3 kilograms. The placenta becomes lighter, there is less water in the fetal bladder, all this, one way or another, affects the fact that a woman becomes lighter.

Pathological weight gain during this period may indicate preeclampsia. With it, there are not necessarily external edema (legs, hands, face swell), sometimes late toxicosis is manifested by internal edema, which is even more dangerous. That is why now you need to eat as little salt as possible, and weigh yourself as regularly as possible. Despite the reduction in weight, the skin is stretched to the limit, so in the abdomen and mammary glands, severe itching can be observed.

Pubic bone

Many expectant mothers have pain in the pelvic bones at this time - they diverge under the action of relaxin, a hormone that softens the ligaments and bones of the pelvis. It is no coincidence that such a mechanism was invented by wise nature - it will help to give birth to a child easier. But now it is important to ensure that the pain is moderate. If it becomes impossible to walk, stand, sit, roll over, you should inform your doctor.

It is possible that there is symphysite, and in that case, a caesarean section may be prescribed to prevent injury to the pelvic bones of the woman in labor. “Shots” in the pelvis and pelvic bones, which happen from time to time, are a sign of compression of the nerve endings by the already big baby.


Discharge from the genital tract becomes a little more than before, and now you need to be very careful about them. Discharges are considered normal. light, transparent, free from impurities. Brown ones can talk about problems with the placenta, green ones - about an infection, white ones with itching and the smell of yeast - about thrush. Any abnormal discharge is a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. All infections and malfunctions must be treated before the onset of labor so that there is no risk of infection of the baby during its passage through the birth canal.

Separation of mucus in parts or a large clot with impurities of blood or brown streaks- discharge of the mucous plug, which closed the cervical canal throughout the entire period of bearing the baby. This is a sign that the birth is already approaching. The presence of watery discharge may well be leakage of amniotic fluid.

A woman needs to immediately go to the doctor to get a referral for hospitalization.

Other problems

Among the common problems of the last month - cystitis and hemorrhoids. In both cases, the woman can already receive treatment, since the effect of drugs on the fetus no longer poses such a danger as before. Shortly before childbirth, women are increasingly pulling the lower abdomen, the uterus is tingling - you just need to get used to this and accept it as inevitable. Dizziness is associated with a large amount of blood circulating in the body of a pregnant woman. If you feel dizzy, it is important to control your blood pressure and try not to leave the house alone.

The tone of the uterus, which occurs from time to time, is training contractions. As the birth approaches, they become more frequent and intensify. And a runny nose can have a physiological origin - swelling of the mucous membranes is characteristic of many expectant mothers. After giving birth, such a runny nose disappears within a day.

When to go to the hospital?

This is the main question that worries the expectant mother. If a woman gives birth for the first time, she is doubly afraid to overlook and miss the signs of the onset of childbirth. Let's calm down right away - it's impossible to view this in principle. Here is a list of situations in which you should go to the maternity hospital:

  • rhythmic contractions of the uterus began (the uterus tenses, grabs and releases the lower back about once every 10 minutes) - these are full-fledged labor pains, you can safely go to give birth;
  • the waters have broken (immediately or in parts) - we do not wait for contractions and go to the maternity hospital;
  • bloody discharge appeared - we do not wait for either water or contractions, we call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital.

Today, there are many smartphone apps that will help you count contractions at the slightest suspicion that labor has begun. But you should not completely rely on them - measure the time and regularity yourself, using a regular watch with a stopwatch. When calling an ambulance, tell:

  • Your age;
  • gestational age;
  • symptoms: frequency of contractions, duration of each;
  • color and approximate amount of amniotic fluid, if they have departed;
  • what kind of births.

The birth process largely depends on the behavior of a woman in the last month: excitement, stress, fear increase muscle clamps at the physical level, which slows down the maturation of the cervix, makes it difficult to open, childbirth takes longer and more painfully. Help prepare for childbirth the following recommendations:

  • practice the breathing and muscle exercises recommended in the methods of "Childbirth without pain and fear" in order to start applying them from the very beginning of the birth process;
  • move more, walk, do housework - this contributes to the maturation of the cervix.

Traveling by air is no longer strongly recommended - pressure drops can provoke the onset of labor right on board the aircraft. But sex is not prohibited, but only on the condition that there are no complications of pregnancy. With multiple pregnancies, IVF pregnancies, any complications, as well as after the discharge of the plug and leakage of water, sex is prohibited.

Important! After the cork is released, you can not take a bath - you can only take a shower while standing.

Let's take a look at some more helpful tips.

  • You can treat your teeth, but with great care. If it is possible to postpone dental procedures, it is better to transfer them to the postpartum period.
  • Temperature, SARS, colds, chicken pox, flu are no longer dangerous for the child, but they can complicate the situation of the mother - with signs of the disease, they will only be admitted to the observational department (infectious diseases) in the maternity hospital.
  • Try not to eat foods with high allergenicity in recent weeks, so as not to provoke a tendency to allergies in a child - now you can’t eat tangerines, oranges and seafood. Products of medium allergenicity should be limited to a minimum.
  • Alcohol (even champagne and beer) is prohibited, as is coffee. They can stimulate the onset of labor when the cervix is ​​not fully ripe, which can lead to injury to the birth canal and the baby. You can drink only clean drinking water and herbal tea.
  • It is not recommended to dye your hair, do a perm, build up your nails in the last month - the placenta is already too thin and may not contain the toxic substances contained in hair dyes, solutions and manicure products.

Most importantly, do not rush the birth.

Everything must happen in its own time. Trying to call them at home can be very dangerous.
