Calculation of the construction of a house from a bar. How to calculate the amount of timber per house, assembling a house from timber Calculation of material for a timber house

Coming close to the cherished goal - to build wooden house, you should familiarize yourself with the quality characteristics and the procedure for calculating the timber. Picking up solid lumber that meets construction standards, correctly determining the required amount is the primary task of a difficult path.

Types and purpose of timber

Housing construction is carried out using glued or profiled timber. The quality characteristics of the product depend on the production process of the material. Source of profiled timber - conifers trees. Depending on the size and purpose of the building, 3 main options for a standard beam are used:

  • a summer house for a summer residence or a bathhouse is built from a material with a section of 100/100 mm;
  • for capital housing of medium size, products with a cross section of 150/150 mm are suitable;
  • cottages or houses of impressive size are built from a bar of 200/200 mm.

The length of the product is usually 6 m. There is a possibility individual order material with non-standard sizes. The front side of the beam is arcuate or rectilinear. Products are processed on machines with subsequent grinding of one side. Its location inside the housing avoids subsequent wall decoration. The presence of spikes at the end of the beam provides an increase in the level of protection against moisture and cold of the future building, and also facilitates the process of its construction. Having completed the installation stage of the log house, it is given time to settle for shrinkage during the year. The process can be accelerated by several months by pre-drying the timber in specially equipped chambers.

The production of glued laminated timber is significantly different:

  • The log is pre-sawn into pieces called lamellae.
  • Boards are processed on planing equipment and placed in drying chamber, where, in a gentle mode, the moisture content of the material is reduced to 10%.
  • The material is re-planed, sorted and glued into timber with special waterproof compounds using hydraulic equipment.

Remark ! Laying boards opposite to the cross section of the fibers relative to the adjacent product increases strength finished material and resistance to decay processes. These actions bring glued laminated timber to the leading positions in terms of strength relative to the profiled product.

It is possible to improve the strength index when using profiled larch material, but this significantly increases the cost. Supplies. In glued material, there is a variant when one larch lamella is combined with less expensive species during pressing. This trick allows you to improve the quality characteristics of glued laminated timber with a slight increase in its cost.

What other differences are observed in the material when different way production?

  • The glued version is characterized by humidity in the region of 10%. Pre-drying the profiled product as much as possible reduces the indicator to the level of 20%, which is the reason for the increase in construction time due to longer shrinkage finished log house. However, a solid product is not subject to cracking, and with a glued production method, there is a risk of minor cracks.
  • Focusing on a significant difference in cost (profiled products are almost half as expensive as glued analogues), one should not forget about the subsequent finishing. Lamellas are often left without additional processing, while they try to hide the profiled material with additional decor.
  • Delving into the question environmental safety, it is worth noting the complete harmlessness of the profiled timber. The owner can independently choose special impregnations that provide protection against decay and fire. The connection of lamellas is carried out through the use of adhesive composition, the quality and harmlessness of which lies solely on the conscience of the manufacturer. Therefore, there is a possibility of chemical fumes that have negative impact on the condition of the residents.

As can be seen from the description, each of the materials has significant advantages and certain disadvantages. Stop at the best option only the owner of the upcoming construction is capable of.

The method of calculating the material for building a house

When designing housing from a bar, it is worth considering it standard sizes to minimize waste. In addition to the material for the log house, the material will be needed for the pediment, partitions, floor and ceiling beams.

Basic calculation formula

The calculation of the cubic capacity of the timber uses the following parameters:

Let's say for one-story house 6x9 with a room height of 3 m and one partition you will need:

  • We determine the perimeter: (6 + 9) x2 + 6 \u003d 36 m;
  • Calculate the total area: 36x3=108 m;
  • Required timber volume: 108x0.15 = 16.2 m 3.

Some material is saved by cutting door and window openings. However, when purchasing, the volume of timber is always rounded to big side taking into account the likelihood of defective products.

Calculation of the volume for beams on the floor and ceiling

The amount of material required for beams, logs and other elements directly depends on the size of the house and the type of truss system. For beams of the ceiling and floor, a beam of 100/150 mm is sufficient. Referring to the dimensions of the future structure described above, calculating the amount of timber for the floor and ceiling separately includes the following steps:

  • With a distance between the beams of 1 m, the number of products: 9/1-1=8 pieces;
  • With a standard length of 6 m, it is necessary: ​​8x6 \u003d 48 m of timber;
  • We determine the volume: 0.1x0.15x48 \u003d 0.72 m 3;

Taking into account rounding, in general, 1 m 3 of material will be required for floor and ceiling beams.

truss system

Mainly used in suburban housing gable roof. It is important to design the slope correctly: a small angle will provoke snow retention, if excessive high roof intensifies wind load. It is optimal to stop at the option of 45 degrees. The recommended step between the rafters is 0.6 m, the timber is taken with a section of 100/150 mm. A more frequent step allows you to apply a smaller thickness. So:

  • Using the Pythagorean formula, we determine the length rafter leg, based on the width of the house 6 m. It is equal to 4.2 m, the triangle will take 8.4 m of material.
  • Taking into account the length of future housing, the number of triangles: 9:0.6-1=14 pieces;
  • The total length of the material: 8.4x14 = 117.6 m;
  • The volume of material with a section of 100/150 mm: 117.6x0.1x0.15 \u003d 1.76 m 3.

Do not forget to make a supply of material, taking into account possible waste. The easiest way to check the correctness of your calculations is to use an online calculator. A more accurate answer can be obtained from the developer. Some companies provide budgeting services for free.

It does not matter whether you have found a decent construction company or decided to make a house out of timber with your own hands - at some stage you just need to calculate the amount of lumber required to build it. What do you need to know for this? Firstly, how much and what kind of timber is needed for the house. Secondly, how much is approximately in one cubic meter. And only then you can carry out a simple calculation of the cost of construction and even draw up an approximate estimate.

We calculate the amount (consumption) of timber per house

Immediately make a reservation that all the calculations below for the amount of timber per house are approximate. More exact volumes of required material can be determined based on a specific project. wooden house. On walls made of timber, the cubature of lumber can be calculated as follows:

  • calculate the perimeter of the house;
  • multiply the perimeter by the height of the floor;
  • we multiply the obtained value by the thickness of the timber used to build the house;
  • as a result, we have the number of cubes that is necessary for the construction of one floor

If other than external walls the presence of internal partitions (also made of timber) is also implied, then they are additionally taken into account. If desired, you can calculate not only how much timber is needed per house in terms of volume, but also in pieces. To do this, it is enough to divide the resulting volume by the volume of the piece product.

Let's bring specific example: need to build a small cottage 5×7 m with a simple attic and one partition. Ceiling - 3 m. In this case, a beam with a cross section, for example, 150 × 150 mm, will be used. The pediment will also be laid out of timber. Our calculations will look like this:
- the perimeter of the house, taking into account the length of the partition: (5 + 7)? 2 + 5 \u003d 33 m;
- the volume of the walls of the first floor: 33? 3? 0.15? 15 cubic meters;
- the cubature of the beam that went to the pediment is considered approximately as half of the material required for the construction of two walls 5 m long and 3 m high: 5 × 3 × 0.15 \u003d 2.25 cubic meters.
In total, about 17.25 cubic meters will go to the walls. timber or, taking into account 20% of the stock, about 20 cubic meters. m. material. But it should be understood that here we did not take into account, for example, floor beams made of glued laminated timber (regular or profiled), as well as other design features: window and door openings, for example, on the contrary, will reduce the need for lumber. Therefore, you can safely add 5 cubes. As a result of such approximate calculations, it turns out that the construction of our house will take about 25 cubic meters of timber.

How many timber in a cube

Simple calculations allow not only to calculate the cubic capacity of a beam per house, but also to determine almost the exact number of beams. This is easy to do: it is enough to know the required volume of lumber and the volume of a piece product. It remains only to divide the first by the second - we get how many pieces of beams are needed to build a house. Below we have presented a table in which we examined the most common cross-sectional dimensions with a material length of 6 meters.

Beam dimensions

The size of the timber used in the construction of the house matters, but everything must be approached from the point of view of economic feasibility. It is, for the most part, about the thickness of the walls and the heat-conducting characteristics of the material. Below we will consider the issue of timber thickness in two cases: during the construction of a summer (country) house and a building for permanent residence.

Thickness and width

The width of the beam should worry the developer only if it is planned to permanently live in a house built from it, and even then not always - after all, any wooden wall can be insulated with effective thermal insulation, thereby avoiding losses for "street heating". So, if you are planning to build a conventional country house, then it is quite possible to use a material with a cross section of 100 × 100 mm. Using ordinary non-planed material, you still have to solve issues with facade cladding and interior decoration, dealing, for the most part, with the problems of the aesthetics of the house. But when building a house for permanent residence, it is better to use a profiled beam with a width of 150 mm or more. In this case, you still have to insulate the walls. As for the thickness, everything is simpler here - it just depends on the number of beams needed to build walls. But, meanwhile, this also affects the number of seams between the crowns. Summarizing the above:

  • thickness and width of timber for country house practically irrelevant (for seasonal residence during the warm season);
  • for permanent residence, you can choose a material of greater width, but you still have to insulate the walls. And you can save on the cubic capacity of the timber, while betting on high-quality insulation– it will be cheaper and more efficient in terms of reducing heat losses

So to really build warm house only from a bar, the thickness of its walls for the Moscow region should be about half a meter. The same effect will be when using a beam 150 × 150 and 10-15 cm of thermal insulation.

Please note that not all manufacturers and sellers of lumber are honest with their customers: you can often encounter a situation where the dimensions of the beam section are less than those indicated. For example, a bar 150x200 actually turns out to be a material with dimensions of 140x190 or even less. Be sure to check before buying real parameters timber! This will help you not to get into a mess, save money and nerves!

Estimate for a house from a bar

Before you decide on the choice of a construction company that will build your house, you should start monitoring offers. How to determine the most cost-effective option? Everything is very simple - request an estimate for a house from a bar according to the selected standard or individual project. In such an estimate, ALL costs associated with the construction of the house must be indicated. This includes the cost of all building materials, and in fact, the payment for the implementation of all types construction works.

Having chosen several construction companies that you liked, you should request an estimate for a house made of timber. Normal companies offer them for free. It is noteworthy that for different companies, estimates for the same buildings can differ not only by 10-20%, but also at times - it all depends on the appetites of the builders. It is advisable to have on hand the most detailed list of works and materials required for building a house according to your project. This is the only way you can avoid unforeseen expenses that usually pop up already at the stage of building a house.

If desired, an estimate for the house can be compiled independently: for this you need to calculate the consumption of all materials and multiply their number by average price. To this, you will have to add an amount of approximately 50-100% of the cost of building materials - the price of work. You will get a very approximate calculation of the cost of a house made of timber, but it can be used to analyze offers from specialized companies.

Wood has always been the most popular material for building houses and baths. In our time, the demand for wood is still high. In order not to spend extra money, you need to correctly calculate how much timber is worth buying.

What are the difficulties in calculating the volume of a beam

At the time of preparation, before construction begins, it is not easy to calculate required amount timber. The volume is calculated in cubic meters, it is at this moment that difficulties begin. It is difficult for the buyer to understand the correct calculation of cubic capacity. It is required to calculate so that during construction work it is not necessary to buy an additional amount of timber. After all, it will be a shame if in the midst of construction work there is not enough board. Again, you will have to run around the market or companies in search of the missing part, spend your money for delivery. Or after the construction is completed, you will have to think about where to attach the remaining material.


If you figure it out, then there is nothing complicated about it. For example, take the following values.

When calculating, it turned out that 30 boards 6 meters long, 50 millimeters thick, 200 millimeters wide are required. All data must be multiplied. To do this, all units must be converted into one measurement value - a meter. It turns out that the width of the board is 0.20 meters, the thickness of the board is 0.05 meters. We multiply: width x length x thickness x quantity = 0.20 x 6 x 0.05 x 30 = 1.8 cubic meters.

If the buyer knows how many cubes of lumber are required, you can find out how many boards are contained in a cubic meter. We calculate how many pieces are in one cubic meter, if the lumber is 200 millimeters wide, 50 millimeters thick, and 6 meters long. All quantities must be divided. Volume/width/thickness/length=1/0.20/0.05/6=16.666.

For a quick calculation, you can use the table. Before you calculate the cubic capacity of the timber, you need to find out what parameters it will have.

Beam Width (mm)

Beam thickness (mm)

Beam length (m)

The number of cubic meters in one bar

The number of timber in one cubic meter (pcs)

According to the table, it is clear that in a cubic meter the number of units of timber depends on the dimensions of length, thickness, width. Therefore, in one cubic meter, changing the dimensions, we get a different amount of timber.

Subtleties in the calculation

In order to use your funds economically and rationally, it is necessary to calculate the number of cubic meters as accurately as possible. But when buying, take not much in stock, about five to ten percent more, because the timber may turn out to be defective, it may twist at the time of work, and other unforeseen situations may also occur.

Whatever the volume of work, you always need to take different ones. For the construction of walls, only one is suitable, on truss system different ones are used. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully plan the project of a house or a bath. Using tables or formulas, calculate the quantity and required dimensions.

How to independently calculate the cubic capacity of a bar for a house

For example, consider the option of a small one-story country house for summer living. It was decided to build a house six by six meters with a ceiling height of three meters and make one six-meter partition. We calculate the cubic capacity of the timber per house with such parameters. If the house will be used only during the summer period, it is worth buying a bar with a section of 100 x 100 millimeters. When planning year-round living, it is necessary to make walls of thicker material, the width of which will be at least 150 millimeters.

Calculation required volume timber on the house:

  • perimeter: (length + width) x 2 + partition = (6 + 6) x 2 + 6 = 30 meters;
  • house wall volume: (perimeter x beam thickness x wall height) = 30 x 0.1 x 3 = 9 cubic meters for summer house. Or 30 x 0.15 x 3 = 13.5 cubic meters for a house with winter residence;
  • gables: (width x beam thickness x height) \u003d 6 x 0.1 x 3 \u003d 1.8 cubes will be required for a summer house. And 6 x 3 x 0.15 = 2.7 cubic meters for living in the house all year round.
  • Add up the results and add 20% of the total volume to them, for a reserve. (9 + 1.8) + 20% = 10.8 + 2.16 = 12.92 cubic meters and (13.5 + 2.7) + 20% = 16.2 + 3.24 = 19.44 cubic meters.

How to calculate the cubic capacity of a beam per bath

Recently, the fashion for a holiday outside the city has returned. Young families with children are increasingly purchasing garden plots. Many are wondering how to build with their own hands and how to calculate the amount of lumber per bath. If you understand all the subtleties and moments, then there is nothing complicated.

The most demanded 4 x 6 meters. It is better to do it from natural timber. Starting construction, you need to decide on the exact amount of lumber. For external walls use 250 x 130 mm, on internal partitions 130 x 95 mm. Let's calculate:

  • The perimeter of a bath of this size is 5500 x 3500 millimeters.
  • For each of the walls, 21 timber is required. This is calculated taking into account the size of the floor and the thickness of the ceiling.
  • The log house has four walls. It turns out (6 x 2) + (4 x 2) = 20 meters. Converting to millimeters, it turns out 20000.
  • Need to find overall length bars. For this, the number of bars x per length = 21 x 20000 = 420 meters. Converting to millimeters, it turns out 420000.
  • Multiplying the resulting amount by the size of the beam, we get 420 x 250 x 130 = 13.65 cubic meters.

To calculate the required amount of timber for partitions, use the same description with the only difference that a different size of timber is required, 95 x 130 millimeters in size. The cubic capacity for partitions is also calculated. Timber is used for interior walls smaller by thickness.

For large volumes

How to calculate the cubic capacity of a bar for big house? In this case, lumber is required different lengths, width, thickness. It will be easier to calculate not the volume of wood (dense), but use the calculation of the "folded cubic meter". In the first case, the results are used when measuring each beam separately, without voids. In the second case, all the lumber is stacked, joining the bars together. different sizes so that they are the same length. When everything is sorted and evenly stacked, measure the dimensions (width, length, height). The results obtained are multiplied. Now - how to find out the cubic capacity of a dense beam. To do this, the result of the folding cubature should be multiplied by a special coefficient.

Crown calculation

In order to find out the required number of crowns in a log house, it is necessary to divide the height of the house by the height of the timber (working). Let's calculate the cubature of a bar for a house measuring 9 x 9 meters with one cut. For example, we use a beam profiled 140 x 190 millimeters, it is necessary to calculate the number of crowns at a height of 2.5 meters.

Calculation: 2500/130 = 19.23. We round up, it turns out 19 crowns are needed for a given height. The length of one crown is 9 meters, it is required to calculate how many running meters are in one crown, along with overcuts. Let's calculate how many linear meters in lower crown. To do this, add up all sides 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 45 meters. To calculate the total running meters in this house, it is necessary to multiply the length of one crown by the number of crowns. It turns out, 19 x 45 = 855 running meters. Given the zero crown, you need to add it to the total number so that there is a row shift. 2.5 x 9 \u003d 22.5 meters of running halves of the crown. 855 + 22.5 = 877.5 m. p., this is with door and window openings.

How to correctly calculate the cubic capacity of a profiled beam? To do this, multiply the resulting length of the crowns by the height of the beam and multiply by the thickness of the profiled beam = 877.5 x 140 x 190 = 23.34 cubic meters required for a house measuring 9 x 9 meters. Be sure to take into account when calculating the loss of the beam, approximately 7% of the total, for trimming and sawing.

Advantages of a wooden house built using timber

  • No need for internal and exterior finish Houses. The walls are even and smooth. They look beautiful.
  • Moisture does not penetrate into the seams located between the crowns. Moisture does not collect on the walls and rot does not appear.
  • After a while, after shrinkage of the log house, no caulking is required.
  • The beam has a tight connection with a lock, which protects against blowing.
  • Virtually no cracks appear and are not deformed during shrinkage.
  • Natural material, environmentally friendly.
  • It does not require long assembly, it is assembled quickly, like a designer.
  • The houses have a beautiful aesthetic appearance.
  • The house is easy to care for, there is practically no dust on the walls.
  • Possibility to paint the house in any color.

When the idea to build a house comes to the stage of practical actions, there is always a need to calculate the required amount of material. Accurate calculations are carried out according to the project of a particular house (See).

  1. Calculate the perimeter of the house by adding the lengths of the outer walls.
  2. Obtaining the area of ​​the outer walls of one floor by multiplying the perimeter with the height of the walls.
  3. Calculation of the number of cubes by multiplying the area with the width of the beam.

This results in the amount of material required per floor. When it is planned to install additional internal partitions made of timber in the house, then they must also be taken into account. Knowing the total volume of material in 1m³, you can calculate it in pieces.

And so the formula for calculating the volume of timber in cubic meters:

  • p is the length of the walls of the house (meters).
  • h is the height of the walls (meters).
  • l is the thickness of the beam (meters).

On the example of a house (dimensions 6 × 9m, 6 meters additional inner wall, height 3m, timber 0.150 × 0.150m), the calculation of the required material does not look like this:

  • p=9+9+6+6+6=36m.
  • h=3 meters.
  • l=0.150 meters.

After multiplication, the volume of the required timber is obtained:


Calculations of the volume of building materials become a little more complicated if material of different lengths and sections is needed to build a house from a bar. Then, first, the volume of the beam of each section is calculated separately, and the values ​​\u200b\u200bare added up.

The most popular material has a length of 6 m, while the walls in the example are longer, then they plan a main wall, which becomes a carrier.

The size of the beam, of course, plays a role, but it is important to evaluate the economic feasibility and take into account the heat-conducting parameters of the material.

The width of the beam becomes relevant when year-round living is planned in the house, but any house can be insulated with high-quality thermal insulation. When is it planned to build country house, then you can choose a material with dimensions of 0.100 × 0.100 m.

You can calculate the volume of one beam by multiplying its width, thickness and length. Then the volume of a six-meter beam is 0.150 × 0.150 m. has a volume of 0.135m³. After calculating the total volume and quantity of timber in 1 cube, you can estimate the estimated cost of the material.

The most accurate calculation of the volume of a beam is carried out if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows and doors is subtracted from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, and the resulting value is multiplied by the known thickness of the beam.

You need to know that when a house is built from profiled timber, then 10mm. the crown “enters” the profile and a larger volume of material is required than calculated using the above methods.

Simple formulas do not take into account the lengths of outlets formed when cutting "into the bowl", they also increase the total cubic capacity.

By making calculations, you can also determine how many pieces of timber are needed per house by dividing the total amount of material (cubic meters) by the volume of one product.
