Precious wood. Rare wood species

noble tree

Alternative descriptions

Branches of a southern evergreen tree, a wreath of them is a symbol of victory, glory, reward

A bush whose branches and leaves are used to make a championship wreath

soup sheet

Male name: (Greek) from the name of the tree

Champion's Wreath Seasoning

spice tree

Spice, do not eat raw, but boiled ones are thrown away

Essential oil plant

Southern evergreen tree or shrub whose fragrant leaves are used as a spice

Evergreen deciduous tree

It has long been considered a symbol of glory, greatness, victory, and now we use it in soup

Tree with spicy leaves

What tree did the gods turn the nymph Daphne into?

. "seasoning" for fame

Raw materials for glorious wreaths

Tree, emblem of Apollo

Evergreen symbol of victory

Tree with victorious leaves

Plant for winners

Soup wreath material


Winners tree

Leaf spice

Southern tree

Noble spice

Fragrant, noble

Leaf in soup

Spice for the first course

Spice first

Tree of laureates

Tree, source of camphor

Leaf in soup

Southern wood, spice

Victory symbol in soup

Fragrant leaf in borscht

In soup or on your head

Fragrant leaf in borscht

Winner tree

A symbol of victory, and we put it in the soup!

Leaf diving into soup

Spice for borscht

Both for the wreath and for the borscht

Sheet for borscht

Baby name Lavrentia

Reduced Lawrence

Tree of Glory

crown seasoning

Victory sheet for the first course

Small form of the name Lavrentiy

Diminished from Lavrentiy

Its leaves are a spice

Tree supplier of wreaths and seasonings

Children's name of People's Commissar Beria

Short version of the name Lavrentiy

Triumphant Tree

scented leaf

Tree for those who excel

Tree "for a wreath"

General... Georgievich Kornilov

Shortened Lawrence

Spice in soup

Daphne was turned into this tree

What did the Egyptians call bubastide?

Diminutive of the name Lavrentiy

Simplified Lavrentiy

Soup spice

Spicy leaf

White general... Kornilov

Fragrant leaf in borscht

Children's version of the name Lavrentiy

Fragrant leaf in borscht

camphor tree

Lavrenty in adolescence

Boiled in soup but not eaten

Winner plant

Raw materials for wreaths and soups

Leaves for a wreath

Noble... supplies leaves to culinary specialists

Sweet leaf in soup

Southern plant

Spice as a reward

Aromatic spice leaf

Both for the wreath and for the soup

Spice in the form of a leaf

Triumphant plant

Seasoning from wreath

Additive to cabbage soup

Southern evergreen aromatic plant whose leaves are used as a spice

A tree, a wreath of branches of which is a symbol of victory, glory, reward

Essential oil plant

Tree for seasonings and wreaths

Evergreen tree, shrub of the laurel family (spice)

. "Seasoning" for fame

What tree did the gods turn the nymph Daphne into?

Tree "for a wreath"

Leaf with smell

Leaf diving into soup

M. generic name of the tree Laurus; spicy Bay leaf comes from the noble laurel, nobilis, with which the ancients crowned heroes; Camphor is obtained from camphor laurel. Reap laurels, become famous. To rest on your laurels, to rest after a glorious life. Wolf laurel, plant. Daphne laureola, homogeneous with laurel, wolf's bast, mezereum. Laurel, from laurel, related to it. Laurel cherry, laurel cherry. Prunus lairocerasus tree; the tree is of the same kind as plum, thorn and bird cherry. Laurel leaf, plant. Laurophyllus

A symbol of victory, and we put it in soup

What did the Egyptians call Bubastide?

Raw materials for wreaths and soups

Soup leaf from the winner's wreath

Tree for seasonings and wreaths

Oak is foliage plant from the beech family, growing mainly in the northern hemisphere. In total, there are over 600 of its varieties; 19 species grow in our country, among which the most common is pedunculate or summer oak. It grows mainly in the European part of Russia, the Caucasus and Crimea. Summer oak wood is particularly durable, has a beautiful texture, and is resistant to frost and drought. In general, oak differs from other tree species in size - the height and thickness of the trunk. Wood is strong, dense, and therefore wood has heavy weight. It is worth noting that oak wood is considered the standard, and the characteristics of other species are often compared with oak wood.

Oak wood is very expensive and this is understandable due to the features that the material has:

  1. Oak boards are the strongest, densest and most reliable among competitors, thanks to this their wear resistance and ability to withstand heavy loads cannot be compared.
  2. This wood is afraid of moisture much less than other tree species due to its natural impregnation with tannins - substances that protect against rotting and harmful effects microorganisms.
  3. Specificity of oak structure. Due to the high porosity, some difficulties arise during the processing of the board. It is also extremely undesirable for oak quick drying, as cracks may appear. Wood can only be coated with the most durable varnishes; oil may cause stains.

Thanks to its high quality indicators oak board found wide application in many areas. To begin with, we note that dry oak board, due to its ideal structure, has virtually no flaws, propeller effects or bends; it can be used even in the most difficult construction work, since oak can withstand serious structures. The main material made from oak is edged and unedged boards.

Edged or planed material is made from a log, and its side edges are trimmed from the bark. The width of the edged board is usually twice the thickness. Edged board mainly used in furniture production and finishing works, and unedged - in construction.

In general, oak boards are very valuable in construction: they are used in the construction of building frames, in parquet, carpentry and furniture production, for finishing work, in the production of windows and doors. Due to their moisture resistance, oak boards are used for the construction of rooms with high humidity - baths, swimming pools. Houses in the construction of which oak was used have good sound insulation, retain heat for a long time and have a long service life. For decorative works fits well handsome bog oak, which has a dark gray and black color, which is obtained by aging oak for a long time under water (several decades). Oak wood is also used in bridge construction, shipbuilding and hydraulic engineering.

I would especially like to note the importance of oak in furniture production. Its wood has a positive effect on our body, cleanses the biofield, increases activity, fills vital energy. It has been proven by medicine that the energy of this valuable material has a positive effect on the human heart and liver. Therefore, it is important that we are surrounded by furniture made of quality materials. In addition, oak is one of the few that has such beautiful design and texture. Its color has the ability to change, and if initially it has a light brown tint, then over time it can become a more noble dark color. The older the wood, the better its quality, so trees that are about 200 years old are usually used.

One cannot help but say about natural parquet, especially those made from valuable oak wood. Oak is used to make massive parquet board, and artistic parquet. A wide variety of colors and textures allow you to show your imagination, and with the help of special tinting agents, oak boards can be given a white or light blue tint. Oak board has an unusually beautiful and clear pattern, and when manufactured solid board not a single cut is formed, due to which the entire long history of the tree, captured by nature, is depicted on the planks.

After oak, the second most valuable wood is beech. Beech grows in Europe, Western Asia, the Caucasus, and Crimea and is a slender columnar tree up to 50 meters high, with a diameter of up to 2 meters. Its bark is gray, smooth, and darkens with age. Beech wood is white, has a yellowish or reddish tint. Old trees have red-brown wood, are rare and especially prized. The density of beech is similar to oak, making this species a heavy hardwood.

Beech board is good finishing material, well processed, has smooth surface, easy to glue and bend. Beech wood, compared to oak wood, is more susceptible to fungal attack and absorbs moisture more strongly. Therefore, the use of beech for finishing buildings has some limitations. Beech dries faster than oak, and fewer cracks form. By steaming, you can soften the wood and change its color.

Beech boards are used to make plywood, stairs, and parquet. It comes from beech good veneer, used for finishing work. Also, due to its ability to bend and high strength, barrels are made from it, although less often than from oak.

The main area of ​​application of beech is furniture manufacturing, where the material may be used in the form of solid wood, plywood, molded plywood or veneer. Solid beech is a good alternative to oak, not much inferior in quality, but has a lower cost, and is suitable for making durable modern furniture. Wood has a pleasant peach and pinkish tint, so beech furniture will help refresh the space. And even with a complex, intricate design, it is impossible to overload the interior with beech furniture due to its shades. Beech is suitable for the manufacture of furniture that is especially subject to stress, such as children's furniture, office furniture and for seats intended for public places. Beech is used to make chairs (most often of all tree species), beds, tables, frames upholstered furniture, garden furniture and sun loungers. Beech beds are almost as good as oak in terms of quality, but they are cheaper, significantly superior to pine in both quality and cost, being, as it were, an average link between these species. Beech furniture is good choice connoisseurs noble breeds trees.

Beech furniture is most suitable for use indoors, where the humidity is stable, outdoors special treatment of the material is required by impregnating it with special solutions. After treatment, the furniture can be used for open verandas or gazebos. Beech lends itself well to the process of artificial aging, which is why many furniture manufacturers love it. Beech, just like oak, is good for making bent furniture.

Beech veneer is used for finishing work; it covers walls and ceilings. But veneer is used much less frequently than solid wood. A large area of ​​application is the production of things for everyday use. For example, kitchen equipment: cutting boards, handles of knives, brushes, dishes, trays, clothespins. The material is also valued in the production of toys, as it is quite hard and does not leave splinters.

As from any valuable wood, beech parquet is especially valued. Its pleasant pinkish tint gives the room a cozy and discreet atmosphere. The structure of wood is well suited to any interior. But it also has its own characteristics. The range of colors available beech board- from pinkish to white, varied, and to make the color more uniform and uniform, the material has to be steamed. The procedure takes three days, and if this is not done, the surface will be mottled. Beech parquet is soft, warm and pleasant, so it is best used in children's rooms.

Beech wood with coniferous species has also found its application in the production of containers. This includes the production of transport pallets, boxes, and barrels from plywood or solid wood. Loading platforms for containers are made from beech plywood sheets. Beech sleepers impregnated with oil are used in railway construction, as well as in landscape design.

In addition to the listed advantages and wide range of applications, beech wood is also good firewood, which burn quietly and for a long time with a hot flame. Heat The burning of beech makes it an ideal fuel for grilling. Beech wood is also a good raw material for high-quality charcoal.

Hello, readers and simply visitors to the “build a house” blog. Today we continue to consider the structure of wood. But the only thing is that these rocks are not so popular in construction. But they are no less popular for making various crafts (such as crafts made from rowan) and souvenirs. In some ways they are inferior to what we looked at in the last one, but in some ways they are superior. Let's watch and evaluate.

Rare wood

Deciduous rare wood type maple– strong, hard and heavy, which makes it more resistant to cracking. Has a peculiar and beautiful texture. It is practically not deformed and has great resistance to dampness. Its disadvantage is its predisposition to rapid rotting. It is considered a rare wood species.

Aspen cannot be classified as a rare deciduous species. Compared to maple, it is softer and has few knots. Gives in perfectly. That's just because the structure made from it is too porous small parts, are too fragile and may break during the manufacturing process.

Hawthorn, is not so rare, but it belongs to a valuable hardwood species. The density, hardness and especially the flexibility of its wood are simply exceptional.

Hawthorn is very well processed and almost does not warp. Can its wood be considered a disadvantage, but as it ages, its wood darkens and takes on a brownish-red color. Highly susceptible to wormholes.

May you ask; Why all these subtleties? Well, if we decide to work with wood, then we must know everything about it. And in the future we will have fewer questions like: why did this wood darken? What kind of wood is better to make a small but more durable part from? Etc. Understand that when working with one or another hardwood, every detail is important. Anyway, if you're not interested, you can just skip it. And we will move on.

Widely popular in carpentry production, It has . It has fairly strong and hard light red wood. Resistant to cracking. But, like maple, it rots quickly. By the way, crafts made from rowan are more durable and beautiful. Rowan is probably the most graceful tree. She is very easy to work with, even in artisanal conditions. Well-made crafts made from rowan are very popular both here and outside our country.

Deciduous wood breeds alders Quite often used in furniture assembly and house construction. It is practically indestructible. Therefore, it is more often used in the construction of well log houses. Due to its inability to absorb odors, it is often used when laying pantries and food barns.

Excellent strength, durability and flexibility lilac wood. But due to its too thin trunk, it is very rarely used in carpentry. Lilac wood has a yellowish color with purple veins. When treated with solutions of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid, lilac wood takes on a bright red hue.

Linden, like previous breeds deciduous trees, refers to soft- deciduous trees. Its wood is widely used in the manufacture of large carved parts in furniture. In addition, it is one of the few woods that does not crack or warp when dried. Linden wood has a strong structure and almost does not rot.

Made from wood poplars get beautiful products and small details. But it is susceptible to rapid decay and, when dried, cracks and warps. In general, poplar wood is very difficult to work with. Very few people undertake to work with him.

Hardwood apple trees are considered one of the most durable and beautiful breeds. But during drying, this tree dries out greatly and warps. Because of this, it is worth working with it when completely dry. It, like the pear, is well suited for making jewelry, household utensils and finishing furniture.

The pear is beautiful, dense and uniform deciduous wood, going more often to the work small parts. It is rare to get a large canvas from its trunk.

Pear wood is perfectly processed with a simple cutter, and in all directions. In addition, it is well impregnated and polished. The disadvantages of pear are that without varnish it instantly darkens and immediately begins to fade.

Pear should be classified as both soft and hard deciduous wood. Raw wood It is considered soft, but once you soak it and then slowly dry it, it immediately becomes quite hard.

Like apple trees, plums are highly susceptible to warping and cracking when dried. Its wood is quite strong and hard, with numerous veins, and is highly polished and chipped. Plum is perfect for making decorations and finishing embossed parts of furniture.

Cherry wood is often used for making pipes and furniture products. The yellowish-red color of cherries fades over time. Very easy to chip and plan. Cherry can easily be disguised as mahogany.

By soaking cherry wood in lime water, it loses its ability to turn pale. Purchased over characteristic color wood

The deciduous tree species discussed above actually grow on the territory of our country. Nevertheless, the most popular is imported wood extracted from species found only in tropical and equatorial latitudes.

In the next article we will move on to metals and look at the tools that are necessary when working with metals. . And that's all for now. Good luck and good mood to everyone.
