Subdivision d console protection of apartments. Security alarm for an apartment

Anyone who plans secure your home or workplace by installing a burglar alarm, they are interested in various organizational issues. For example, how much does the protection of an apartment cost or the price per month for a security agency. What kind prices for various security companies for the installation of sensors, gasket cable lines, as well as what time of arrival of the alarm group is guaranteed by this or that company. A large number of licensed security organizations, allow you to choose best option for your home.

Installation of a security alarm

The first thing a property owner faces is company choice, which will perform all work on the installation, commissioning and maintenance of the security alarm system. Installing a security alarm in an apartment involves installation work. Depending on the number of rooms and their area installation work may include a certain amount of the following operations:

  • Laying wire lines on walls and ceilings
  • Chasing channels in the walls
  • Installation and connection of various types of sensors
  • Installation of the control panel
  • Commissioning works

When laying loops and gating, the type and material of the walls, as well as the height of the ceilings, are taken into account. Prices for all types of work various companies may differ, so there is always a choice.

It should be borne in mind that the competition in the security services market is very strong, so many companies introduce a system of discounts and bonuses.

The cost of typical work

Approximate prices for electrical installation and commissioning:

  • Drilling one hole - 15-20 rubles
  • Through passage in the wall from 10 to 50 cm - 300-450 rubles
  • Shtroblenie brick wall- 160 rubles per linear meter
  • Shtroblenie concrete wall- 280 rubles per linear meter
  • Cable laying on screeds - 20 rubles per meter
  • Cable routing in plastic box together with its installation - 50-65 rubles per meter
  • Installation and connection of a magnetic contact sensor - from 230 rubles
  • Installation and connection of a motion or glass break sensor - from 300 rubles
  • Installation of a control panel - from 1000 rubles
  • Control panel programming – from 3000 rudders
  • Start-up and adjustment of the security alarm - from 1500 rubles

After all installation work is completed, a representative of the security company makes commissioning of security alarms, and its verification in all modes. The company concludes with the property owner standard contract where its obligations are clearly spelled out. The contract specifies the terms of routine maintenance, if necessary, the monthly subscription fee and the allowable time of arrival of the alarm group.

Some security companies indicate in the contract the presence and fines for false calls.

Console security

If an autonomous burglar alarm is installed, the contract may not be concluded. In the event of any defects or malfunctions in the system, the homeowner calls a company representative on the phone. In this case, each call is paid separately, in accordance with the current list of services. Replacement parts are also paid for.

Many homeowners prefer to connect their apartment burglar alarm to central monitoring console. Then the property owner pays a monthly subscription fee. This is the most reliable protection of the apartment. The price per month may differ for different companies, but, in general, the prices are approximately the same.

Remote control has a number of advantages:

  • This is the most efficient and reliable appearance signaling
  • Prompt arrival of the rapid response team
  • The complex system can respond to fire, gas leakage or flooding
  • Some companies allow insurance reimbursement in certain cases
  • Redundant communication channels can be used for full guarantee

When insuring property, the amount of payment increases in proportion to the value of the property, which is declared by the owner. Disadvantages of centralized security are the presence of a monthly subscription fee and fines for false calls in case of incorrect operation of the security alarm. To avoid penalties, it is necessary to conclude contract for Maintenance . In this case, the service company bears all responsibility for equipment failures, since the monthly regulations are carried out by its employee.

To put the apartment on guard are used various ways. Most often, a device is connected to the security device to read the code from the Touch Memory electronic key or the like. Some modern control panels are equipped with a compact keypad, which allows, in addition to arming and disarming, programming the device operation algorithm.

Market prices

For the convenience of property owners, security companies offer very convenient financial plan solutions. For example, the owners of an apartment, during the year, pay a small monthly fee, while the apartment is not put on an alarm system, since there is always someone at home. And only for the period of a business trip or vacation, the remote burglar alarm of apartments is turned on, while the price increases, but only for the period of absence of the owners.

Monthly subscription fee includes constant monitoring of the object on the centralized monitoring console and the immediate dispatch of a rapid response team in the event of an individual security device(unauthorized entry).

The approximate cost of a monthly subscription fee from private companies:

  • City apartment - from 500 rubles
  • Cottage - from 1200 rubles
  • Maintenance - from 500 rubles

Modern security alarm systems, most often, use the GSM channel to transmit an alarm message to the remote control. In some cases, a fixed telephone network or an additional radio channel module can be used to duplicate the signal.

Private security

Some property owners do not trust various security companies and prefer a reliable and proven way to protect an apartment or house. This is an appeal for private security services. This structure has vast experience and well-equipped consoles with the appropriate dispatch service. Private apartment security has its own price list, where the price of subscription services may be somewhat lower than that of private ones. security companies, but the cost of installing and installing a security alarm is usually more:

  • Monthly subscription fee - 380 rubles
  • Maintenance - 200 rubles
  • Liability - 200,000 rubles
  • Installation of one motion sensor - from 1000 rubles

To the question of prices and choice of a security service provider. It is difficult to give a specific recommendation here, since the cost of services of security companies depends not only on the city, but also on the area within the same settlement. Private security has a strict tariff, and it does not change. Turning to a private company, you can count on bonuses and discounts, but if market prices change, the cost of work can be increased. You should not contact the company that provides the cheapest services. This could backfire in the future.


Please be informed,

Department of private security warns!

Attention! Department of private security warns!

Dear visitors of the site, now there are organizations that position themselves as strategic partners of the FGKU "UVO VNG of Russia in the city of Moscow", using on their websites images similar to the symbols of the units of the Russian Guard, as well as posting false information about the conclusion of tripartite agreements with the Department of Private Security.
These companies are misleading people!

FGKU "UVO VNG of Russia for the city of Moscow" officially declares that it does not provide intermediary services to commercial organizations.

The non-departmental security units of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for the city of Moscow conclude agreements for the protection of property only with the owners of the property and their legal representatives.

To conclude an agreement for the protection of an object, apartment and other places of storage of property of citizens, you can leave an application on this website, the only official website of the FGKU "UVO VNG of Russia in Moscow" () , or contact the inter-district department of private security of your Administrative District.
Contact numbers can be found in the "Subdivisions" section.

Please be informed, that in accordance with the order of the FSVNG of the Russian Federation No. 669 of December 28, 2018. "Rules for the protection of property of individuals and legal entities under treaties by the troops of the National Guard Russian Federation" mounting technical means protection must be carried out in accordance with the terms of reference and (or) the act of the initial examination approved by the employees of the FGKU "UVO VNG of Russia in the city of Moscow."

Non-departmental security of citizens' apartments with connection to centralized monitoring panels (CMS) is the most reliable and optimal way protection of personal property.
Currently in Moscow console security private security police is carried out in 250,000 apartments and places of storage of personal property of citizens.
A typical algorithm for the console security of an apartment is that the burglar alarm installed in the apartment, via a telephone line, through the centralized monitoring equipment located at the telephone exchange of OJSC "MGTS", transmits an alarm message to the monitoring station of the territorial division of private security, which ensures reliability and timeliness of the arrival of the immediate police response team on an alarm signal.
In the absence of a telephone number of MGTS OJSC in the apartment, an alarm is also installed in the apartment, but alarm signals are transmitted directly to the monitoring station with duplication of the alarm message over the GSM channel.
Also, the means of an emergency call to the police, which has received a common name as an alarm button (PTC), can also be included in the burglar alarm. When it becomes necessary to receive emergency assistance from law enforcement agencies, it is enough to press KTS so that a police squad arrives on call in a matter of minutes. Moreover, the KTS can be in the form of a stationary button or wearable key fobs that ensure the transmission of an alarm signal both from the apartment and from the adjacent territory.
It is easy to put an apartment under protection, the average cost of equipping an apartment with security alarms is 24,500 rubles, the cost of replacing obsolete devices with more modern and reliable ones is from 12,500 rubles, for the protection of non-telephonized apartments, individual houses and cottages in Moscow, GSM-channel systems are used. The cost of installing these systems is from 35,000 rubles.

Traditional mechanical locks have repeatedly proved their inability to provide complete protection from the “hands” of professional burglars. Certain skills and experience of intruders are not afraid of even such obstacles as vigilant neighbors and "coded" doors in the entrance. However, there is a solution to the problem - to put your home on guard using the systems offered by our company. We are engaged in the sale, installation and maintenance of non-departmental protection of apartments in the capital and the Moscow region.

Who needs remote control?

Private protection of apartments in Moscow will not allow robbers to break the locks and enter the premises without timely notification of law enforcement agencies. The service is needed for those who can become or have already been the object of attention of intruders.

The installation of a security system is recommended for real estate located in the vicinity of the city, especially in areas with increased criminal activity. Affordable tariffs for non-departmental security of apartments in Moscow make it possible to use the service without a significant burden on the family budget.

The composition of the security kit

The set of equipment is a carefully thought-out set of devices that guarantee functionality regardless of performance. engineering systems. The basic cost of the console security of the apartment includes the installation costs of the following elements:

  • Motion sensors and security detectors. Means for monitoring the position / status of access points (doors, windows) and generating alarms.

  • Reception and control device. Used to monitor parameters, receive, process and transmit alarm signals.

  • Keyboard. Required for manual on-off and settings.

  • battery. Provides power during power failures.

  • Uninterrupted power supply unit. Guaranteed continuous operation.

Console security of apartments can also include other equipment, for example, etc. A complete list of options and combinations can be found by contacting our engineer.

Principle of operation

Console housing security in Moscow works on the principle of monitoring and warning. The main role is played by the sensitive elements of the apartment alarm: sensors and announcers (security, alarm and fire). When they are triggered, a data packet is generated about possible problems with home security. After the alarm signal is transmitted to the central monitoring station (CMS) of the local unit of non-departmental security (UVO).

Modern control panels support 3 channels of communication with the security console: Ethernet, Wi-Fi or GSM. Most control panels are available all at once. The first two are used as the main ones, and communication via a GSM connection is used as a backup (if the Internet is temporarily unavailable). Priority and channel configuration is set at the device level.

After receiving an alarm signal on the remote control, the operator passes it to the patrol unit of the Russian Guard closest to the object and contacts the owner or authorized person. The task force immediately leaves for the address. The average time of arrival at the facility in Moscow is 4-5 minutes, in the Moscow region - 8-10 minutes. If sensors and detectors of other systems are connected to your remote control ( Fire safety, gas leak control, etc.), the operator sends a signal to the appropriate emergency services.

Advantages of a remote alarm for an apartment

Put housing on guard in Moscow - guaranteed to receive:

  1. Continuous security. The system works regardless of weather, time and your presence. She provides required level protection even when the owners are thousands of miles away from home.

  2. Efficiency. Sensitive elements are placed in such a way that it is impossible to sneak into the apartment unnoticed. At the same time, the cost of private security of the apartment makes it affordable for anyone.

  3. Reliability. The vigilance of the sensors cannot be “put to sleep”. Thanks to an autonomous power source, the equipment works even in emergency conditions.

  4. Complete security. Equipment is used for assembly, the reliability of which is confirmed by certificates and tests in our laboratory.

  5. benefit. The cost of remote protection of an apartment in Moscow with subsequent maintenance is cheaper than the maintenance of a janitor. And the equipment works without rest.

  6. Timely response. Even if the attacker was noticed by neighbors or passers-by, time is lost to respond, which plays into the hands of the thief. The alarm is triggered instantly and a force group arrives at the facility in a matter of minutes.


Dear residents of the Tagansky district of Moscow, in order to increase your personal safety and the safety of personal property, the private security department for the Central Administrative District of Moscow offers you to equip your apartments with security, fire and alarm systems.

The history of private security begins in 1952. Until that time, all the objects of the national economy of the country were guarded by the departments themselves, containing in their states a whole army of watchmen. By a special Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of October 29, 1952, part of this army is transferred to the subordination of the police, departments and departments for the protection of property are created in the internal affairs bodies. This day is considered a birthday public service protection, which, being withdrawn from departments, became known as “private protection”.

In its structure of private security, guard and paramilitary units were organized, which carried out external protection of especially important, sensitive facilities, small industrial enterprises and construction organizations, economic, administrative and other objects. central authority management became the security department, formed as part of the Main Police Department of the USSR Ministry of State Security.

Police protection of objects

In 1964-66, as an experiment, with the permission of the Council of Ministers union republics in some cities of the country, instead of guard guards, police guards of objects were introduced. The advantage of such protection in comparison with the sentry was indisputable, because. an armed police officer, while on duty (route), guards not only objects, but also public order and ensures the fight against crime. The protection of objects by police units justified itself. In this regard, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, by order N 1025r dated 10.05.67, proposed this form of protection of objects to be extended to other cities of the country with the replacement of guards and foremen of guard units of private security under the internal affairs bodies with their content at the expense of private security.

Since 1970, a specific type of protection has been used in the practice of police protection - protection with the help of centralized monitoring consoles. In 1980, banking institutions began to be transferred under private protection. In 1985, part of the facilities guarded by the so-called "departmental police" also came under private security. Granting to the subdivisions full independence in matters of concluding contracts and remuneration of labor created conditions for a qualitative improvement in the activities of the paramilitary and sentry guards. Thanks to this, private security began to develop rapidly, expanding the scope of activities both geographically and mastering new forms of work in order to ensure maximum efficiency protection of protected property from criminal encroachments. And today, the Private Security Service remains the leading structure in the market for ensuring property and personal security.

Currently, as of March 2014, under the protection of the centralized security point No. 5 of the UVO in the Central Administrative District of the FGKU UVO of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, is located about 4 631 apartments and 358 objects various forms property.

Private companies are mainly of interest to those who, for some reason, do not particularly trust or do not want to get involved with the police. But even in Moscow there are no more than a dozen such more or less large organizations.

What do you prefer anyway?

UVO has more low prices. In the capital, the installation of equipment by the police costs somewhere from 9 thousand rubles (for more details, see "The price of the issue"), by a private security company - from 35 thousand rubles. True, the equipment of private traders is considered cooler and more modern.

The subscription fee for the police is about 200 rubles a month, for private traders - from 950 rubles. But the protection of warehouses, enterprises from the police costs a tidy sum - here the services of private traders are often more profitable.

Private security services are available regardless of the area where you live. Where there is a police department, there is also a UVO. And private traders work in a fan, that is, in those areas where they recruit required amount clients. If you live on the outskirts, it may turn out that only the police serve your house. If you don’t want to get involved with UVO, convince several (preferably a dozen) neighbors to signal a private company - at the entrance, house, summer cottage, etc.


The contract should state: if theft occurs, the organization is obliged to compensate for the damage. Usually property is insured - and the more expensive security system, the larger guarantee payouts. And here, if troubles still come, the security company will surely try to evade payments. Agree, it is much more promising to negotiate (and sometimes even sue) with a private organization than with your own militia.


How much does the equipment cost

From 9 thousand rubles - door lock.

From 1500 rubles - one motion sensor in the room. The number of sensors depends on the number of rooms.

From 1500 rubles - one sensor that controls the leakage of water. Put in the bathroom and the kitchen.

From 1500 rubles - one sensor that monitors gas leakage.

From 650 rubles - one sensor for apartments with animals. They do not react to the movements of a creature lighter than 30 or 45 kg.

These little things need to be considered in advance

To conclude an agreement with the UVO, it is enough to call any police station - they will tell you the right phone number there. Come to the department, write a statement addressed to the head of the department. An inspector will come home to check the object. There are little things that both the police and the private security company will ask you to eliminate before they conclude an agreement with you.

For example, if the windows, the balcony overlook the canopy, you live on the first or last floor you will be asked to accept additional measures protection: put bars, motion sensors on windows, etc.

If you don't have a phone at home, the task becomes more difficult. We'll have to install sensors that transmit signals via radio waves, and these are much more expensive. You can "borrow" a telephone line from your neighbors and set up an alarm with them, but you yourself will have to negotiate with them.

The contract is usually concluded for a period of 2 to 12 months, and then, if necessary, extended.

If you are leaving with the whole family and there is no one to leave the keys, you can hand them over to the police - they will be kept in a special pencil case, with a code number.

If the alarm goes off in your absence, an outfit will arrive at the house. Will try to reach you or a trusted person. If no one appears in two hours, he will collect witnesses and open the apartment. Employees of the UVO will check everything, write an act and again hand over the object for protection.

A call for an accidental alarm also costs money - about 200 rubles (from the police). The most common cause is pets. So that the four-legged animals do not call the outfit every time they get bored, you need to install special motion sensors. They do not react to the jumps of a living creature lighter than 45 kg.

In second place among the causes of the alarm is water leakage. Yes, such sensors, if desired, can also be installed in the apartment. If it works, a signal will go to both the operatives and to your DEZ.

How often do guarded apartments get robbed?

According to the employees of the UVO, there are several such cases per year for more than two hundred thousand clients. Most often, thieves leave only after seeing the sticker on the door "Protected by the police."

Sometimes they try to open the door "on a jerk" (a common method among burglars), manage to grab the first thing that comes across and run away. They know that they have from 2 to 7 minutes before the arrival of the squad.

But if aces are working, like those who opened the apartment of Lyudmila Matvienko, no alarm system will help here. But such professionals work exclusively on a tip, and there are only a few of them in the country.


The Internet slows down, the police drive 2 hours!

Sergey F., layout designer of Komsomolskaya Pravda, says:

We live in the Central District of Moscow, we put the apartment on the alarm back in 1999 - after a series of explosions in Moscow. During this time, they never robbed, thank God, there were no problems with the phone.

But this fall, I was solemnly announced: your telephone exchange is becoming "digital". If you want to extend the contract with private security, you need to install a new "block" (a system that removes the alarm from the apartment when you return home). I honestly gave 13 thousand rubles.

The result of the installation of the "fancy" block: the phone began to act up, it makes noise in the receiver. And the Internet slows down with terrible force!

I wanted to install "Stream" (high-speed Internet), but they were immediately taken aback: for those who have telephone lines "alarmed", the connection costs $ 60, plus you yourself will have to drag additional wires, plus $ 19 you have to pay extra monthly to the chosen tariff! Who wants to overpay three or four times?!

All this would be excusable if the local police really reacted promptly. But since the beginning of the year, the alarm went off twice in the apartment "idle" (it happened through our fault). The first time the detachment arrived after 50 minutes, the second time - after 2 hours! We asked: why so long? The policemen explained that they could not get into the entrance in any way ...

If the alarm went off, according to the rules, the police should call the owners, the private security has three (!) Our numbers - at least one would definitely answer. None of them called. It's a shame, you know.

The private security officers who arrived did not even bother to check our passports - what if we are not the owners of the apartment at all ?! The only plus is that they did not take a fine for a "false call" either.
