Quartzization multiplicity accounting treatment of germicidal lamps. Typical examples of calculation of ultraviolet bactericidal installation

The disinfection mode depends on the power of the irradiator, the volume of the room, the criteria for the effectiveness of disinfection, due to the functional purpose of the room, and is determined in accordance with " Guidelines on the use of bactericidal lamps for the disinfection of air and surfaces, approved by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation on February 28, 1995.

Open (unshielded) bactericidal lamps are used only in the absence of people in the breaks between work, at night or at a specially allotted time - for example, 1-2 hours before the start of aseptic work. The minimum exposure time is 15-20 minutes.

Switches for open lamps should be placed in front of the entrance to the room and equipped with a signal inscription "Do not enter, the bactericidal irradiator is on." It is PROHIBITED to keep people in rooms where unshielded lamps are switched on. Entrance to the room is allowed only after the lamp is turned off, and a long stay in the specified room is allowed 15 minutes after the lamp is turned off.

Screened germicidal lamps can work up to 8 hours a day. It is more rational to irradiate 3-4 times a day for 1.5-2 hours with breaks to ventilate the room for 30-60 minutes, since ozone and nitrogen oxides are formed during the operation of the lamp, causing irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. AT last years ozone-free germicidal lamps have been created, which is achieved through the use of special quartz glass that does not transmit UV radiation shorter than 200 nm, which causes the formation of ozone.

Irradiation of air with PRK lamps is carried out for 30 minutes several times a day with intervals used to ventilate the room.

It is necessary to take into account the duration of each irradiator in a special log, fixing the time the lamp is turned on and off. Expired germicidal lamps must not be used. The average service life of a BUV bactericidal lamp is 1500 hours, of PRK lamps - 800 hours.

Strict observance of the mode of use of bactericidal lamps is important, since the boundary between the conditions of the positive bactericidal effect of UV irradiation and the negative one, associated with the selection of resistant microflora under weak exposure to UV rays, is not clear enough.

UV rays are effective at a distance of no more than 2 meters and at a relative humidity of 40 to 70%, at higher humidity their bactericidal effect is reduced. On dark surfaces treated with UV rays, 10–20% more microbes remain than on light surfaces under the same conditions. In the shade, such as under a table top or on the back of an instrument, UV radiation has no effect.

Mistakes with negative epidemiological consequences include:

Failure to comply with prescribed exposure regimes;

Non-compliance of the type (open, closed) and the number of irradiators with the needs of sanitation of the premises;

Not taking into account the "age" of the lamps, as it increases, their bactericidal activity is significantly reduced;

Surface contamination of lamps;

- "exaggerated expectation" of the effectiveness of ultraviolet irradiators, contributing to the neglect of other equally reliable methods of sanitation of premises - ventilation, cleaning, treatment with chemical disinfectants, increasing the efficiency of ventilation.

To assess the bactericidal effectiveness of specific irradiators, a bacteriological examination of air and washings from surfaces before and after irradiation is carried out. Sanitation is considered effective if, after irradiation, the number of microorganisms in 1 m³ of air has decreased by 80% or more.

Questions for self-control

1. The causative agents of what diseases can be spread through the air, by aerogenic means?

2. What phase of microbial aerosol is the most dangerous in epidemiological terms?

3. What can serve as a source of air pollution in pharmacies by microorganisms?

4. The main factors in the transmission of pathogens from a sick person to a healthy person or to a drug.

5. Norms of microbial air pollution in pharmacies.

6. Modern methods of air bacterial research.

7. What area ultraviolet radiation does it have a bactericidal effect?

8. What is the mechanism of the bactericidal action of ultraviolet rays?

9. In which pharmacy premises should bactericidal irradiators be installed?

11. What germicidal lamps can be turned on in the presence of people?

12. What is the average service life of a BUV germicidal lamp?

Methodical material for the nurse of the treatment room.(MY CRIB)

The role of a nurse in the process of treating a patient, especially in a hospital, cannot be overestimated. Fulfilling doctor's prescriptions, caring for seriously ill patients, carrying out many, sometimes quite complex, manipulations - all this is the direct responsibility of the nursing staff. The nurse also participates in the examination of the patient, preparing him for various surgical interventions, works in the operating room as an anesthetist or operating nurse, monitors the patient in intensive care units and intensive care units. All this presents high requirements not only to the knowledge and practical skills of a nurse, but also to her moral character, the ability to behave in a team, when communicating with patients and their relatives.

The nurse must strictly follow the instructions of the doctor and strictly observe not only the dosage of the medicine and the duration of the procedures, but also their sequence. When prescribing the time or frequency of administration of drugs, the doctor takes into account the duration of their action, the possibility of combining with other drugs. Therefore, negligence or error can be extremely dangerous for the patient and lead to irreversible consequences.

Modern medical institutions are equipped with new diagnostic and medical equipment. Nurses should not only know what this or that device is for, but also be able to use it, especially if it is installed in the ward. When performing complex manipulations nurse If she does not feel well prepared for this or is in doubt about something, she should not hesitate to ask for help and advice from more experienced colleagues. In the same way, a nurse who is well versed in technique, this or that manipulation, is obliged to help her less experienced comrades master this technique. Self-confidence, arrogance and arrogance are unacceptable when it comes to human health and life. An obligatory quality of a nurse should be the desire to constantly improve their skills, deepen knowledge, and acquire new skills. This should be facilitated by the general atmosphere of the medical institution, which plays an important role in the formation of a highly qualified and responsible employee, the development of high moral qualities, humanism and the ability to contribute with all his behavior to the return of health and ability to work to a sick person.

Infection control is a system of effective preventive and anti-epidemic measures aimed at preventing the occurrence and spread of hospital infections, based on the results of epidemic diagnosis.

The goal of infection control is to reduce the morbidity, mortality and economic impact of nosocomial infections. A hospital infection is any infectious disease that manifests itself in a hospital setting. Hospital infections also include cases of infection medical workers Health care facilities that have arisen as a result of their professional activities.

For a warning nosocomial infection the nurse must:

Separately store outerwear and overalls,

Do not go out in overalls outside the territory of the hospital,

Do not wear overalls during off-duty hours.

Work in the treatment room begins with the current cleaning.

The procedural nurse removes jewelry (watches, bracelets and rings) from her hands. She puts her hair under a hat and puts on a mask.

Routine cleaning of the treatment room carried out at least 2 times a day, more often if necessary: ​​in the morning before the start of the working day and at the end of the work shift. Wet cleaning should always be combined with disinfection and bactericidal irradiation of the room. For disinfection, any disinfectants approved for use and available, according to the methodological instructions for the solution, can be used.

A nurse or nurse puts on a gown and gloves for cleaning. A disinfectant solution is poured into a special container and a clean rag is placed for surface treatment. All surfaces are wiped in strict sequence - a table for sterile material, cabinets for sterile solutions, equipment, manipulation tables, chairs, couches for patients, walls at arm's length (1.5m) from the window to the door.

For cleaning, specially allocated cleaning equipment is used, which has a clear marking indicating the room, type of cleaning work and a specially allocated storage area.

Hygienic treatment of hands skin antiseptic should be carried out in the following cases: before direct contact with the patient

Before putting on sterile gloves and after removing gloves when placing a central intravascular catheter or intravenous injections and other procedures related to the integrity of the skin.

Hygienic treatment of hands with a skin antiseptic (without pre-washing them) is carried out by rubbing it into the skin of the hands in the amount recommended by the instructions for use, paying special attention to the treatment of the fingertips, the skin around the nails, between the fingers. An indispensable condition for effective hand disinfection is keeping them moist for the recommended treatment time.

Pay attention to how you wash your hands:

Before using the product in the dispenser, pay attention if an active substance with a washing effect is added to the instructions, which means that you do not need to wash your hands with soap before using the solution, after drying your hands with a disposable towel, put on Art. gloves;

If it is written on the bottle that liquid soap has an antiseptic effect, then after washing your hands, dry with a disposable towel and put on Art. gloves;

If it is written that it is a skin antiseptic, then wash your hands with soap for the time specified in the manual for using soap

M / s washes his hands under running water with soap for at least 2 minutes. (the time for soaping hands is indicated in the manuals for the specific name of the product used). Dries hands with a sterile napkin or a disposable towel and the same towel or napkin with which they wiped their hands, turn off the tap with water, and if there is no sterile napkin, then 10 grams 70 grams are provided to cover a large sterile table. alcohol, and a mini table 3.0 pour alcohol on your hands and dry your hands by firmly rubbing alcohol into your palms, put on sterile gloves.

Sterile table setting: Be sure to have a tag on the bix, on which it is written what is in the bix and in what quantity, because after sterilization the letters written are often erased, you need to constantly update them, and the date and time of sterilization and the date and time of opening the bix must also be indicated. If the kit is sterilized in kraft paper, then the date and time of opening is written on paper, kraft paper is used for sterilization once.

Before removing the sterilized instrument materials (before opening the bixes):

Visually assess the tightness of the closure of the lid of the sterilization box or the integrity of the sterilization packaging for a single use;

Check the color of indicator marks of chemical indicators, including those on sterilization packaging materials;

Check the date of sterilization;

On the bix tag, the packaging bag put the date, time of opening and the signature of the person who opened it.

In the sterilization register, the bix number, the presence of medical products, the time of opening the bix (package) must be written and the sterilization quality indicator taken from the inside of the opened bix (package) is glued.

Before preparing sterile minitables, the nurse treats (hygienic treatment) the hands with an alcohol-containing skin antiseptic according to the technology

wears sterile gloves. Covering a large instrument table (after processing the hands, the m / s puts on a sterile gown, sterile gloves) takes out two sterile sheets from the bix with tweezers, each of which is folded in half, laid out on the left and right halves of the table in places of fold - to the wall. The sheets are overlapped in such a way that in the center of the table the edges of one sheet overlap another sheet by at least 10 cm, and the edges of the sheets on all sides of the table hang down by about 15 cm. On top of these sheets, a third sheet is laid out in an expanded form so that its edges hang down at least 25 cm. The table with the instruments laid out on it is covered from above with a sterile sheet folded in half along the length of the sheet, or with two sheets unfolded. A large sterile table is set for 6 hours.

AT treatment rooms mini sterile table is covered for 2 hours.

The first tray (ministol) with sterile material

The second tray (ministol) for temporary storage of syringes

On sterile table or mini trays should be marked with the date and time of the sterile table setting.

After studying the prescription sheet, m / s, prepares ampoules with a drug, a package with gloves, syringes in a package. He washes his hands, shakes out the syringe from the bag onto a tray for temporary storage of sterile material, treats his hands with an antiseptic, puts on sterile gloves, pours alcohol on a sterile cotton swab, wipes the neck of the ampoule, and vials with the drug, file the ampoules with a dry sterile cotton swab, break off the filed tip of the ampoule.

We treat hands with an antiseptic

With your right hand, take the needle by the plastic cap and rotate the needle sleeve onto the syringe and grind well. If necessary, put the assembled syringe on a sterile diaper;

Take the ampoule / vial in the left hand, insert the needle put on the syringe with the right right amount preparation, tilting them as necessary;

Remove air bubbles from the syringe by turning the syringe vertically with the needle up, pressing on the piston, gradually squeeze the air out of the syringe;

It is unacceptable to press sterile cotton balls to the neck of a bottle of alcohol or squeeze a ball moistened with alcohol into a common container with alcohol with your hands, pre-moisten a large batch of cotton balls with alcohol and store them for a long time;

In the course of work with the patient, the rules of professional safety are strictly observed.

Injections are performed in sterile rubber gloves, with their change after each patient;

Caps of vials, ampoules before opening are treated with a sterile swab moistened with 70g. ethyl alcohol;

The skin at the injection site is sequentially treated with two sterile cotton swabs with 70g. ethyl alcohol: first a large area, then directly

injection site;

After the injection, a new sterile swab is applied to the wound surface;

For each injection, 2 needles are used (for dilution and collection of injection solution and for injection);

When carrying out parenteral manipulations in the ward, including setting up systems, a mobile instrument table is used, on the upper shelf of which a sterile mini-tray is assembled, on which there is a syringe with the collected medicine between two layers of a sterile diaper, as well as sterile gauze wipes and cotton balls, for injection on a specific sick. There is also a bottle with 70gr. alcohol and a bag of sterile gloves. On the bottom shelf is a container for used material.

The nurse takes the charged system to the ward along with the instrument table, then washes her hands in the treatment room. In the ward, the patient is tied a tourniquet on his hand, treats his hands with an antiseptic (at this time, the patient works with his fist to better see the vein for injection). He puts on sterile gloves, moistens a sterile cotton swab with an antiseptic, wipes the injection site twice according to the scheme, makes an intravenous injection, fixes the system, covers the needle with a sterile gauze.

After the end of the dropper, the needle is removed, a cotton swab with alcohol is applied to the injection site. The system is removed from the bottle and carefully placed in the tray for the used material without disconnecting the needle from the system. All used material on the instrument table is returned to the treatment room. Where the m / s in gloves takes the clamp and carefully disconnects the needle from the system and puts it in a non-piercing container for needle disinfection, the remnants of medicines from the system are drained into a container for biological fluid. Then the system is placed in a container for disinfection of systems, the syringe is washed in container 1 for washing syringes and placed in container 2 for disinfecting syringes.

It is unacceptable to return unused sterile material to the general packaging;

9. Wipe the washed refrigerator dry with a cloth.

Treatment of germicidal lamps during general cleaning

1. The body of the germicidal lamp is treated with the same disinfection. means by which I process surfaces, and the glass part is treated with 95g. alcohol at the rate of 5g. for one large lamp, for small 2.5g.

2. Once a month, the lamp frame is treated with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution per 1 liter 5g. detergent.

3. During current cleaning the frame of the lamp is wiped with disinfectant. means for surface treatment, and the glass part of the lamp is wiped with a dry sterile cloth.

When carrying out general cleaning, 3 rags are used (1st for a soap-soda solution, the 2nd one is applied with a disinfectant, the 3rd (sterile) disinfectant is washed off after exposure), General cleaning is carried out according to the schedule approved by the head. department. The head nurse of the department is responsible for general cleaning. In the notebook of Gen. cleaning on the first sheet must be written the footage of the surface to be treated, the required amount of disinfectant, also during the current cleaning and the approximate start time of the general cleaning, so that there is no overlay with a register of cabinet quartzization after the gene. cleaning.

Now the calculation of disinfectants in the journal of general cleaning.

The senior m / s should have calculations for disinfectants for cleaning all the premises of the department or offices of the clinic. Since the cleaning of all premises except office rooms (staff rooms, office of senior m / s, etc.) is carried out using disinfectants. Therefore, you need to make a folder in which manuals and certificates for disinfectants used in the department, as well as calculations for all premises, will be stored. At st. m / s there should be data on the need for disinfectants for 1,3,6 months.

So that at any moment she could present them to the main m / s for the purchase for the future, knowing her balance. Also, do not forget about the disinfection of waste materials and medical products, etc., and pre-sterilization processing of instruments

To calculate disinfectants, it is necessary to know the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball rooms.

1. S - area

2. L - cabinet length

3. H - cabinet height

4. D - cabinet width

For example

S - floor 6x4 = 24m. x 2 (if the ceiling is being washed)

L - 6 meters x 2 (2 walls)

D - 4 meters x 2 (2 walls)

H - 2.5 meters for gen. cleaning for the current cleaning takes a height of 1.5m.

Find out the area of ​​​​all surfaces of the walls and floor

1) Walls in length 6 x 2.5 x 2 = 30m2

2) Walls in width, taking into account windows and doors (window area can be subtracted at the end) 4 x 2.5 x2 = 20m2

3) Floor 6x4 + ceiling 6x4 = 48m2


Do not forget that during the gene. cleaning, refrigerators, cabinets, tables, chairs, couches and other furniture are washed.

All disinfectant solutions for wiping are taken 100 ml. per 1 sq. m.


Terms: quartzization during current cleaning is carried out for 30 minutes, with general cleaning-2 hours.



    bactericidal lamp OBN;


  • gloves;

    disinfectant solution;

    alcohol 70%;

    cotton swab, rag.

Order of execution:

    The device is intended for disinfection of indoor air.

    Before connecting the device to the mains, make sure that the power cord is not damaged.

    Plug the power cord into the mains for a certain period of time (for current cleaning for 30 minutes, for general cleaning for 2 hours).

    It is forbidden to enter the room with the bactericidal lamp on, entry is allowed 30 minutes after the lamp is turned off and aired.

    The germicidal lamp is replaced after 8000 hours of operation.

    Accounting for the operation of a bactericidal lamp is recorded in the Journal of Quartzization.

    The external finish of the device allows wet sanitization with a 0.1% solution of Javel - Solid (solid chloride, deochlor), twice with an interval of 15 minutes. Wipe the bactericidal lamp with a gauze swab moistened with ethyl alcohol once a week.

    Sanitization and cleaning of the device is carried out after disconnecting from the mains.

    Do not allow liquid to get inside the bactericidal lamp!

    Unshielded mobile bactericidal irradiators are installed at the rate of 2.0 - 2.5 watts (hereinafter - W) per cubic meter (hereinafter - m 3) of the room.

    Shielded bactericidal irradiators at the rate of 1.0 W per 1 m3 of the room are installed at a height of 1.8 - 2.0 m from the floor, provided that the radiation is not directed at people in the room.

    In rooms with intense continuous load, ultraviolet recirculators are installed.

    Troubleshooting a germicidal lamp is performed by a medical equipment service engineer.

    Germicidal lamps belong to class "G" according to the unified classification of medical waste. Collection and temporary storage of used lamps is carried out in a separate room.

9.3 Algorithm "Current cleaning in a hospital, clinic, laboratory, laundry, catering and temporary storage of medical waste of class "b" and "c"

Target: prevention of nosocomial infection.

Terms: ongoing cleaning.

Indications: control of nosocomial infections.


    cleaning equipment, rags;

    measuring containers;




  • disinfectants and detergents;

    bactericidal lamp or recirculator.

Order of execution:


In the operating block, in the department of anesthesiology, resuscitation, intensive care, in the sterile blocks of the central sterilization department and the bacteriological laboratory, in the sectional room and in the laboratory of the pathoanatomical department, the current wet cleaning carried out 2 times a day with the use of disinfectants (solution concentration as for general cleaning):

0.1% javelsolid = 7 tablets per 10 liters of water or

0.1% deochlor = 7 tablets,

0.1% soliclor=7 tablets,

1.0% aldazan = 80 ml to 8 l of water,

2.5% defect = 250 ml to 10 liters of water,

2.0% dulbaka \u003d 200 ml to 10 l of water,

0.2% lysorin = 20 ml to 10 l of water,

0.2% dezosept \u003d 20 ml to 10 liters of water,

0.1% septalite = 10 ml to 10 liters of water,

0.032% septalite DHC = 2 tablets per 10 liters of water.

In other rooms, wards, offices, laundry and in the catering unit of the branch, current wet cleaning carried out 2 times a day using disinfectants at a concentration of 1 tablet per 10 liters of water.

Wet cleaning of all surfaces is carried out: window sills, beds, bedside tables, cabinets, tables, floors, doors, door handles, sinks and taps, water and sewer pipes.

Quartzization of a room or office with a bactericidal lamp or recirculator for 30 minutes.

Hang a sign on the door "Attention, the bactericidal irradiator is on!";

Write down the time in the journal of quartz treatment and in the journal of general cleaning.

Ventilate the room for 15-30 minutes depending on the season.

AT summer period, from June 1 to September 1 annually, the concentration of the working solution of the disinfectant is increased (for example: 2 soliclor tablets per 10 liters of water) in order to prevent intestinal infections.

The air is constantly inhabited by various microorganisms that are carriers of infections and viruses. On the street in an open space, it is unrealistic to fight germs and bacteria. But it is possible to clean the air in the premises with the help of special devices,.

If a person has a high immune defense, his body independently fights against pathogenic microorganisms. However, people with weak immune systems pick up diseases carried by bacteria and viruses much faster. For this reason, germicidal lamps are widely used in medical institutions, schools, kindergartens, and enterprises. Catering.

Scope and purpose of operation

The bactericidal irradiator has become effective tool in the fight against infectious diseases, viruses and many other pathogenic agents, especially during the cold season.

Lamps do an excellent job of disinfecting air, surfaces and water. Open bactericidal irradiators are used only where there are no people and other living beings. And closed lamps are successfully operated in rooms where people and other living beings are located. The maximum effect in air purification and disinfection is demonstrated by the use of two types of mercury-quartz devices.

UV disinfection lamps are suitable for:

  • Air purification.
  • Disinfection of rooms, certain items, tools and equipment.
  • Water disinfection.
  • Disinfection of cutlery and crockery.
  • General improvement of the microclimate.
The principle of ultraviolet water disinfection

Operating requirements

Depending on the nature of the actions performed and the purpose of the premises, they are classified into three categories:

  1. Rooms where disinfection is carried out in the presence of a person.
  2. Rooms where the air is disinfected in the absence of living beings.
  3. Premises where disinfection is carried out with a short-term presence of a person.

For disinfection of rooms with constant presence of living beings it is necessary to use devices closed view, which do not allow direct radiation to enter the room. For this, recirculators are used. With their help, a continuous operation of the lamp is ensured.

If temporary release of the premises from people is allowed, then bactericidal irradiators are used that perform disinfection with a directed ultraviolet stream. These devices do not last long.

Short exposure to ultraviolet light provides children with the vitamin D normally supplied by sunlight. "Solar vitamin" strengthens young bones.

Recirculators are installed in rooms on the walls, taking into account the main air flows, namely next to the heating devices at a height of 2 meters from the floor.

If the room is freed from people for a short time, then mixed-type irradiators become appropriate. While there are people in the room, they work, and when the room is empty, the irradiators turn on for a short time. The operating time of the device in this case is reduced to 5 minutes. The intervals between disinfections are 3 hours. Thanks to mixed disinfection devices, the degree of disinfection of rooms during preparation for operations is increased.

In the absence of a person, disinfection is carried out with open devices or devices of a combined type. The maximum exposure time is 25 minutes. During this time, the required level of bactericidal effect is reached. Service intervals must be at least 2 hours.

Power supply for ultraviolet plants open view is supplied by means of special switches located outside the premises, near the entrance. These switches are accompanied by the use of a light board that reads "Danger" or "Do Not Enter, Disinfection Underway".

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

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Attention! In order to avoid unexpected exposure of people to ultraviolet radiation, devices are recommended that block the power supply to the device in case the doors are opened.

Switches for "ozone-free" devices are mounted in any accessible place. Above them it is necessary to hang a sign "Bactericidal irradiation".

It is mandatory to provide personal protective equipment for employees from ultraviolet radiation: face masks, goggles, gloves. These things are used when there is an urgent need for a person to be in the room during the operation of the irradiator.

Glasses - means of protection against negative impact bactericidal and quartz lamps

The operation of open ultraviolet lamps in a room where there are people is strictly prohibited, according to sanitary regulations.

When operating mixed-type irradiators, the bactericidal flux from the shielded lamp is directed to the ceiling in such a way as to prevent rays from reaching living objects.

Combined devices are equipped with separate switches, which allow separate control of the unprotected and shielded bulbs. At the same time, the operation of open lamps is permissible only in the absence of living beings in the room.

Using mobile types of irradiators for effective disinfection service personnel wear face masks, protective gloves and goggles. These funds prevent ultraviolet rays from reaching the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes. Disinfection is carried out without the presence of strangers.

Installations that use the reflected flow in their work are used exclusively in places where people are for a short time, for example, in warehouses, in toilets, in corridors. At the same time, it is important to comply with hygienic requirements for the degree of exposure, the duration of one-time exposure and the time interval between procedures and the total duration of the irradiator.

Regardless of the purpose of the room and under any conditions, bactericidal devices are placed in such a way as to prevent exposure of a person to a direct directed ultraviolet flux.

How to improve the efficiency of use?

To improve the efficiency of operation of bactericidal devices, the following rules are provided. Closed irradiators or recirculators are installed in the rooms on the walls in the same direction as the main air flows, at a height of 2 meters from the floor surface. If several lamps are used, then they are placed around the perimeter at the same distance from each other.

Bactericidal lamps are placed in places where people often stay

The indicator of the effectiveness of ultraviolet treatment of a room is evaluated by the value of reducing the concentration of bacteria in the air, on the surfaces of furniture, walls and equipment under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The basis is an assessment of the degree of contamination with microbes before irradiation and after the procedure. Both values ​​are compared with the standards.

One of the distinctive qualities of bactericidal devices is the great dependence of their emitting and electrical characteristics from fluctuations in electrical voltage. When the mains voltage increases, the life of the lamps is reduced. With an increase in tension by 20 percent, the operating time drops to 50 percent. If the voltage drops by more than 20 percent, the germicidal lamps burn unsteadily or go out altogether.

During the operation of the lamps, the radiated flux of ultraviolet radiation gradually decreases. A too rapid reduction in flux is observed during the first tens of hours of lamp use - up to 10 percent. With further use, the rate of decline decreases. The duration of the lamp operation is affected by the number of inclusions.

The temperature indicators of the air in the room and the movement of air masses are reflected in the fluxes of lamp radiation. Closed Devices practically do not change their power when external temperatures change, unlike open lamps. The lower the temperature in the room, the more difficult it is to ignite the devices, the sputtering of the electrodes increases, which reduces the service life of the product. If the air in the room is colder than 10 degrees Celsius, some lamps may not turn on.

The electrical characteristics of bactericidal devices practically do not differ from the parameters of standard fluorescent lamps. They can be networked alternating current.


  • Be sure to clean the flasks of bactericidal lamps, as well as the screens used, from dust. These procedures are carried out according to the established schedule.
  • Dust is wiped only on devices that are disconnected from the power supply.
  • Lamps whose operating period indicated in the documents has ended must be replaced with new ones in time. To determine the expiration date, electric meters are used, showing the total operating time of devices in hours. The readings of radiometers are also taken into account, confirming the decrease in the power of antibacterial radiation.

The germicidal lamp instructions for use describe all the requirements regarding safety and rules for interacting with the device. Before turning on the device, you need to carefully set the correct direction of the radiation flux. It is also necessary to strictly follow the safety instructions when using the stabilizers.

Cleaning and processing of the device is carried out only after it has been disconnected from the power supply. These procedures are performed with soft sponges without water. In treatment rooms, kindergartens, clinics, there is always a journal where the operation of these devices is kept.

Safety requirements

When ultraviolet waves up to 320 nm in size hit open skin or eyes, dangerous burns and a serious risk of developing melanoma, a skin cancer, appear. Therefore, disinfecting lamps are used at a time when no one is in the room. In some cases, it is permissible for an adult to be in the room, but the lamps must be protected by an opaque reflective screen that directs the radiated flux towards the ceiling. Remember that no rays from the lamp should reach the area in which there are living beings, including people.

It is forbidden to use lamps that are not equipped with screens if they are in the field of view of a person.

Each illuminator has accompanying documents that describe the technical properties, types of lamps, the magnitude and strength of the flux, expiration dates and date of issue.

In any disinfecting devices, disinfecting lamps and irradiator elements must be kept in perfect cleanliness, since even a slight layer of dust becomes an obstacle to the radiation flow.

Thanks to the study of methodological recommendations, the user on high level will comply with the requirements of the current regulations describing the sanitary standards for the maintenance of various children's, medical, home premises or workshops in production, equipped with irradiators with bactericidal lamps.

When using the described disinfecting devices, it is taken into account that ultraviolet irradiation is not a substitute for standard sanitary and epidemic measures, but only an addition to them in the form of the final stage of space processing.

Bactericidal streams from lamps in case of contact with skin or mucous membranes lead to burns. Therefore, the use of bactericidal lamps is possible only in empty room where there is nothing alive. In some situations, a person may be in the room during disinfection. But at the same time, the lamp is equipped with a reflector that directs the ultraviolet stream upward. The use of unshielded devices near people is prohibited. After completing the procedure, the room must be ventilated, especially if a person hears the sour aroma of ozone.

Mobile type irradiators after use are sent to a special storage room and covered with covers.

Lamps that have burned out for the number of hours allotted for them are subject to mandatory replacement. The reason for the replacement is also a reduction in the flow of the llama, if its indicator is below the limit. This value is determined by metrological control.

If the lamp is broken or damaged, mercury vapor and mercury itself should not be allowed to enter the room.

It is forbidden to throw away both whole used lamps and broken fixtures in general waste containers. These products are sent to the appropriate regional centers for the recycling of mercury-containing devices. If mercury still got into the room, mandatory demercurization is carried out.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in the repair, maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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Attention! During the operation of the irradiator, the formation of ozone indoors is possible. This substance is hazardous to human health. Children and persons with chronic respiratory diseases are particularly sensitive to the negative effects of ozone. Therefore, regular monitoring of the ozone content in the air of the treated room is required. Concentration exceeding the norm is unacceptable.

To reduce the risk of ozone formation, ozone-free lamps are now preferred - closed devices covered with uvio glass, rather than quartz. And quartz lamps can only be used in a room freed from living creatures.

Disinfection of premises in catering

Catering establishments such as cafes, canteens, kitchens and restaurants are at high risk for outbreaks and the rapid spread of infectious diseases. Consequently, these establishments are closely monitored by the relevant authorities.

As a rule, disinfection in canteens and restaurants is carried out for prevention. This procedure includes not only mechanical cleaning, but also disinfection with bactericidal lamps.

Disinfection of the kitchen at catering establishments is also important. They are carried out to prevent spoilage of food, its contamination with pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, bactericidal lamps are now widely used in hot and cold cooking shops. Such lamps study the ultraviolet flux that destroys bacteria in the air and on indoor surfaces. UV irradiators can be used not only for space disinfection, but also for inventory disinfection, kitchen equipment, containers and devices.

Educational organizations often become a hotbed of viral diseases, and the peculiarities of their functioning contribute to the spread of infections. Among the factors that cause a high risk of the spread of diseases transmitted by airborne droplets in educational institutions, we can name overcrowding of groups and classes, crowding in recreations, locker rooms, insufficient knowledge of personal hygiene rules, which is especially true for primary school students and preschoolers.

It is not uncommon for one or two children with signs of the disease to be enough for the infection to be transmitted by airborne droplets to other pupils in the class (group). That is why during periods of an epidemic rise, special attention should be paid to the organization of the morning filter when children are admitted to kindergarten (school) in order to prevent a student with signs of illness from being in a team. When a sick person is identified, it is important to isolate him in time.

No less important for preventing the emergence and spread of infections during the epidemic rise is the implementation of disinfection measures in classrooms and group rooms. In addition to the widely used chemical methods disinfection, currently educational organizations also use the method of ultraviolet disinfection of premises. The article will focus on the physical method of disinfection.

At ultravioletdisinfection indoors, the impact of irradiation on the structure of microorganisms in the air and on various surfaces, leads to a slowdown in the rate of their reproduction and extinction. ultraviolet bactericidal irradiation air environment premises are carried out with the help of ultraviolet bactericidal irradiators and installations, which are used to reduce the level of bacterial contamination and create conditions to prevent the spread of pathogens of infectious diseases.

Our reference.According to clause 2.3 R 3.5.1904-04 "Use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation for indoor air disinfection", ultraviolet bactericidal installations should be used in rooms with an increased risk of the spread of infectious agents: in medical and preventive, preschool, school, industrial and public organizations and other places with large crowds of people.

The use of ultraviolet equipment, according to the Moscow Department of Education, can significantly reduce the level of microbial contamination of the air in rooms with an increased risk of the spread of infectious agents in group, educational and other rooms with a large concentration of children - canteens, assembly and sports halls. The practice of using ultraviolet equipment in educational institutions in 2005-2010. showed a decrease in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) among children by more than 30%.

Ultraviolet germicidal irradiators

An ultraviolet bactericidal irradiator (hereinafter referred to as a bactericidal irradiator) is an electrical device consisting of an ultraviolet germicidal lamp or lamps, a ballast, reflective fittings, parts for attaching lamps and connecting to the mains, as well as elements for suppressing electromagnetic interference in the radio frequency range. Bactericidal irradiators are divided into three groups: open, closed and combined.

At closed irradiators (recirculators) bactericidal flux from lamps located in a small enclosed space housing of the irradiator, has no outlet to the outside. In this case, air disinfection is carried out in the process of pumping it through ventilation holes available on the chassis with a fan. Such irradiators used for air disinfection in the presence of people .

At open irradiators, the direct bactericidal flow from the lamps and the reflector (or without it) covers a wide zone in space. Combined The irradiators are equipped with two bactericidal lamps separated by a screen so that the flow from one lamp is directed outward to the lower zone of the room, and from the other - to the upper one. Lamps can be switched on together or separately. Open and combined irradiators can be used for disinfection of the premises only in the absence of people or during their short stay in the premises .

In the presence of people with restrictions on the operating time, use indirect room irradiation method. It is carried out using lamps suspended at a height of 1.8-2.0 m from the floor with a reflector facing upwards so that the direct radiation flux enters the upper zone of the room. The lower zone of the room is protected from direct rays by a lamp reflector. The air passing through the upper zone of the room is actually exposed to direct radiation. Reflected from the ceiling and the upper part of the walls, ultraviolet rays affect the lower area of ​​​​the room, in which people can be. The best degree of reflection is achieved if the walls are painted in White color. And yet, the effectiveness of air disinfection in the lower zone is practically zero, since the intensity of reflected radiation is 20-30 times less than the direct one.

Bactericidal irradiators can be mobile and stationary. The latter are usually mounted on the wall. Mobile irradiators are the optimal solution for institutions where disinfection is not carried out simultaneously in all rooms. In preschool educational organizations, a mobile irradiator can be located, for example, in a place where toys are stored. In schools, it is more convenient to use stationary recirculators.

The main disadvantage of ultraviolet disinfection of air and surfaces is the lack of a prolonged effect. The advantage is that when using this method, it is excluded harmful effect on humans and animals, which cannot be said about disinfection with chlorine-containing substances. In addition, germicidal lamps, unlike quartz lamps, do not produce ozone during operation: the lamp glass filters out the ozone-forming spectral line. Their use is safe for the respiratory system, and rooms with continuously operating bactericidal lamps do not need mandatory ventilation.


In the most common low-pressure lamps, 86% of the radiation falls at a wavelength of 254 nm, which is in good agreement with the peak of the bactericidal efficacy curve, i.e., the efficiency of UV absorption by DNA molecules.

Some features of the use of bactericidal irradiators in educational organizations

First of all, ultraviolet irradiation in educational organizations should be used for air disinfection. Surfaces in the premises of kindergartens and schools are disinfected with disinfectants, but a bactericidal irradiator allows them to be additionally processed. At the same time, it is important that the surfaces to be disinfected are clean and not cluttered with foreign objects. A special area of ​​application of bactericidal irradiators in kindergartens is the disinfection of toys. The fact is that some types of toys (large soft toys, play structures made of different types materials, etc.) cannot be processed chemicals, wash or take apart to disinfect individual elements. In this case, when conducting ultraviolet disinfection of the room, large toys are placed in an open space, composite toys are disassembled and laid out as much as possible.

Rules for working withbactericidalirradiator

1. The operation of bactericidal irradiators must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements specified in the passport and operating instructions.

2. The operation of bactericidal installations is not allowed for personnel who have not undergone the necessary training in in due course which should be documented.

3. Irradiators closed type(recirculators) should be placed indoors on the walls along the main air flows, in particular near heating appliances, at a height of at least 1.5-2.0 m from the floor. The location of the recirculator must be accessible for processing.

4. Every week, the lamp of the bactericidal irradiator is wiped from all sides from dust and grease deposits with a sterile gauze cloth. The presence of dust on the lamp reduces the effectiveness of disinfection of air and surfaces by up to 50%. Dusting should be carried out only when the bactericidal unit is disconnected from the mains.

5. Normally, closed-type bactericidal irradiators do not emit ozone. However, if the lamps fail or reach the end of their service life, the smell of ozone can occur in the room. In this case, immediately remove people from the room and thoroughly ventilate it until the ozone smell disappears.

6. All premises with bactericidal installations, operating or just being commissioned, must have a certificate of their commissioning and a log of their registration and control.

Journal of registration and control of ultraviolet bactericidal installation

According to Appendix 3 to R 3.5.1904-04, the register of registration and control of the ultraviolet bactericidal installation is a document confirming its operability and safety of operation. It must record all bactericidal installations in operation on the premises of the institution, as well as the results of control checks of the condition of the bactericidal irradiator. The journal consists of two parts. Examples of registration of each of them in accordance with Appendix 3 to R 3.5.1904-04 are presented below.


Unlike quartz lamps or open irradiators, the operation time of closed irradiators used in the presence of people is not limited. Bactericidal recirculators with irradiators installed in them can safely work for 8 hours a day. However, in practice, irradiators are turned on during the disinfection of surfaces and objects or immediately after it to achieve maximum effect disinfection during exposure.

Our dictionary

Volumetric bactericidal dose is the volumetric density of bactericidal radiation energy (the ratio of the energy of bactericidal radiation to the air volume of the irradiated medium).

For the premises of children's playrooms, school classes, household premises public buildings with a large crowd of people during a long stay, the value of the volumetric bactericidal dose, which ensures the achievement of disinfection efficiency up to 90, 95, 99.9% when irradiating microorganisms with radiation with a wavelength of 254 nm from a low-pressure mercury lamp, is 130 J/m3.

For premises of educational organizations indicator of microbial contamination in the air, i.e. the total content of microorganisms in 1 m 3 of the air, is not regulated. However, it is normalized b value actoricidal (antimicrobial) efficacy , reflecting the level of reduction of microbial contamination of the air or on the surface as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, expressed as a percentage as the ratio of the number of dead microorganisms to their initial number before irradiation. For educational organizations, the value of bactericidal effectiveness should be at least 90%.

In conclusion, let us once again pay attention to the fact that the use of closed-type bactericidal irradiators in kindergartens and schools significantly reduces the risk of ARVI and other infections among adults and children, which is especially important during periods of epidemic upsurge. However, bactericidal effectiveness without compromising the safety of children and teaching staff can be achieved only with strict observance of the rules for operating bactericidal installations.
