Automation of factory and service canteens. Canteen equipment

Why is canteen automation necessary? Let's figure it out. The classic dining formula seems to have always been this: generous lunch on schedule, nice price tag, fast service. The canteen is still democratic, but today only professional players enter the corporate catering market, capable of technically feeding the whole enterprise.

The canteen concept is developing, euro canteens are opening, competition is intensifying in the corporate segment, and the average check is growing. The selection to the big leagues is based on two criteria - speed and quality of service. And automation is responsible for both.

Accept order in 10 seconds

One of the most important parameters when automating the dining room is the speed of serving guests. 6-10 seconds - this is how much time, according to Traktir, a cashier should spend on processing one order. A properly configured interface optimizes business processes so that fewer cashiers can serve more customers.


Traktir supports all types of cards, including popular proximity cards. Thus, your employee will be able to use his electronic pass both for identification and for settlement in the canteen.

Rapid integration of accounting into the overall infrastructure of the enterprise

We have proven that implementing a canteen accounting software can be quick and painless. How? With the help of two components. The first is a single platform 1C (medium and big business in Russia, as a rule, automated on the solution "1C: Management manufacturing plant"). The accounting system in the dining room Traktir was developed precisely on the basis of 1C. The second is the open code of Traktir, which will allow you to quickly and cheaply combine data into a single information field.

personal income tax

If your company partially or fully pays for lunches for its employees, compensation for meals must be taken into account when calculating personal income tax. Traktir processes and uploads payment information to various payroll solutions. For example, "1C: Payroll and personnel accounting" and "1C: Manufacturing enterprise management".

Thus, the automation of the canteen using the Traktir program will allow solving a whole range of tasks for managing and competently keeping records in the canteen, as well as operating smoothly for several years, punching more than a million checks per year!

What is the difference this decision? The dining room belongs to fast food enterprises and, unlike, for example, a restaurant, prepares dishes in advance, before they are sold through the “distribution zone”. In general, the whole process of automating a canteen is to automate warehouse accounting - the chain of sales accounting, the release of dishes and the write-off of products from the warehouse.

For these catering establishments important condition effective work is the speed of service, because every day at lunchtime a peak load is created in canteens, especially if the canteen is located in a walk-through place or within the reach of large enterprises. At enterprises Catering or in canteens working under an agreement with large enterprises, programs of subsidies and special meals for employees often work, which increases the requirements for accounting Money for each specific client, while simultaneously providing a high speed of cash settlements, - says Olga Anatolyevna Vasadze, head of the implementation and support department of the Pilot SPb company.

One of the main disadvantages of working the old fashioned way, without automation of technological and accounting processes, is the tendency of staff to abuse and steal products and finished products. This is typical for establishments of any type, any form of ownership and size.

The systems of technological and accounting automation of the canteen should provide:

    High speed of customer service (conveyor service);

    Control of the turnover of funds and products;

    Control of personnel actions.

Features of canteen automation

If it is necessary to account for each client of the canteen, the automation system should ensure the personalization of receipts and costs for each client of the enterprise. It is necessary to identify each client, link his mutual settlements to a personal account, export data to the company's accounting system, which makes the final settlement with the employee, subtracting the funds spent on food from the salary in the canteen. If an enterprise has established a system of subsidies for food or paying for food on credit, this must also be taken into account in the settlement system. In any, even the most advanced automation system, it is imperative to take into account the possibility of eating in the canteen for cash and by credit or debit card for business travelers, those who arrived on an excursion to the enterprise and other persons temporarily staying on business.

An important factor in canteen automation is the elimination or minimization negative impact human factor:

    The impossibility of abuse of personnel;

    Acceleration of routine stock inventory operations;

    Reducing planning errors;

    Providing a flexible system of discounts and bonuses.

The specificity of canteen automation arises when an enterprise provides its employees with meals on credit, food stamps, or organizes set meals and other benefits. Despite the fact that the principles of work in public catering are not very different from each other, the automation of each canteen requires a thorough study of the specifics of its work. Of course, it is possible to use standard universal automation systems for catering enterprises with a loss of functionality and user convenience, but this approach turns out to be fundamentally wrong. Based on the analysis of business processes of a public catering enterprise, a scheme for constructing an automation system and the stages of its implementation are developed in order to reduce production losses and minimize costs.

Automation of corporate catering based on R-Keeper automation system

With its rapid development modern market services for organizing corporate catering is primarily due to an increase in the degree of "civilization" in relations between the employer and staff. Now it is difficult to imagine that the employer does not think about the problem of organizing high-quality corporate catering. The situation when employees come to work with sandwiches is irretrievably a thing of the past.

Competent catering at the enterprise becomes the main argument in the struggle of the employer to attract skilled labor.

Let's consider how accounting is implemented when organizing a corporate canteen and how much IT solutions are needed in a particular case. To do this, we highlight the main stages that characterize the "maturity" of catering at the enterprise:

Stage 1: Arrangement of a specially prepared room for eating. Such a room is available in a company of any size. The exception is organizations located in business centers. The food itself is chaotic and unorganized. As a rule, the room is equipped with a kettle, coffee maker and refrigerator. It is not uncommon for a room to be multifunctional and used in parallel, for example, for business negotiations. Leaving aside issues of sanitary and fire safety and we only emphasize that the organization of the catering itself is still completely given to the discretion of the employees. Automation tools in this case are not required.

Stage 2: Centralized organization of permanent hot meals. At this stage, depending on the size of the organization and the availability of free space, either own service catering, or a long-term contract is concluded with a specialized company for the provision of services for the preparation and delivery of food (catering).

It is at this stage that most commercial organizations numbering from 50 to 500 people. It is important to emphasize that at this stage the food system has already been “brought out of the shadows” and has all the necessary certificates from the licensing authorities, which largely confirms the responsibility of the employer to employees. At the same stage, as a rule, a compensation system is introduced, which ranges from 50% to 100% of the cost of lunch. The main factor complicating the implementation of such a system is the unwillingness of the employer to invest in accounting automation. At the same time, the employer, for obvious reasons, does not want to pay for reduced-price meals for non-residents, for example, visitors or employees of other organizations located in the neighborhood. As a result, various manual methods individual accounting lunch distributions: from paper coupons to a register that lists employees.

Stage 3: The enterprise regards corporate catering not as a separate non-production function, but as one of the important components of the corporate environment. In this case, the power accounting process is automated and integrated with other management processes. For example, an employee's work pass is used as a means of authenticating an employee in a food accounting system. If the enterprise has a distributed infrastructure and has several production sites, each of which organizes food, information on the number of portions issued is collected centrally and a constant analysis of food costs is organized.

The principle of paying for meals by bank transfer (using magnetic or contactless cards) is used in almost all corporate canteens automated based on the R-Keeper automation system. And, as practice shows, its use significantly increases the speed of service.

At the same time, it is convenient when payment cards are electronic passes, by which employees enter the plant through the access control system. If the company plans to compensate employees for some cost of lunch per day, week or month, this can also be done automatically. The card properties set the amount limit per day, week or month. It is equal to the monetary equivalent within which an employee can purchase meals in a corporate canteen by paying with a card. For example, you can indicate that an employee has been allocated a subsidy from the enterprise in the amount of 90 rubles. for a day. Accordingly, if the cost of his lunch exceeds this amount, he will pay extra in cash. Also, money exceeding the limit can be deducted from his salary.

With the help of R-Keeper, you can limit not only the amounts that the company compensates, but also the categories of dishes. Those. make "free" meals only from a certain part of the menu. Employees will supplement their diet from another part of the menu, paying extra for it themselves.

On the basis of the "card" system, it is also possible to set a schedule for staff - to divide lunches into several shifts. Then employees from the first shift will not be able to dine on the second shift (their cards will be inactive at that moment), this will significantly reduce the queues during peak hours. In this sense, the system is very flexible - you can set a schedule, for example, only on certain working days, etc. For each card, you can get detailed and easily customizable reports.

It should be noted that a similar food system for employees at an enterprise can be organized as on your own, and by the catering company. If there is no desire or opportunity to create a kitchen on your premises, then this function can be entrusted to a third-party organization. At the same time, automation specialists are involved in the implementation of such projects in any case. All of the above capabilities of the automation system: accounting for portions dispensed, compensation for lunches from wages etc. – will be available and implemented by specialists as part of the terms of reference for the project.

Similar solutions based on R-Keeper are installed and operating in such corporate catering outlets as canteens at Coca-Cola, Ford, TOYOTA, NOKIAN TIRES, WRIGLEY, BOSCH, VOLVO and many others. Today, the process of organizing corporate catering at these enterprises is fully controlled and managed both in financial plan as well as in terms of the quality of service provided to employees.

Journal "Automation and security in the service sector" № 6, 2010

In our time, canteens have received the right to a "second life". Dining is associated with quality home cooking at inexpensive prices, but at the same time, it is a fairly profitable object and occupies its own niche in the restaurant business. This type institutions requires a special approach to the organization of the workflow.

An important factor for attracting regular and potential customers in canteens is the quality, price and, of course, the speed of service. The height of these indicators can be achieved through the competent organization of business processes and the installation of professional software, specialized for the needs of canteens.

System canteen automation- is a complex solution and contains modules canteen automation. In combination with specialized equipment provided by the KKS Group, it is possible to install a system at the facility that meets all the requirements and specifics of this type of institution:

  • distribution line ( operational work cashier, the ability to work with different types of menus, work with cards of company employees, work with groups of cards, work with hot keys, quickly view the previous account without leaving the current one, etc.)
  • Operational information on the work of all cash desks of the enterprise, hourly reports from cash desks, current availability in warehouses and production facilities.
  • Work with the big amount menu, various price categories, for different types eating.
  • Working with semi-finished products.
  • Warehouse, production reports.
  • Own accounting and management accounting, specialized in the work of public catering.
  • For diet canteens, the system has a "Diet Nutrition" module, which allows you to create menus based on existing diets and dishes linked to diets.
  • For canteen automation in educational institutions - drawing up norms for a person.

Canteen automation system + equipment = KKS complex solution

At canteen automation must be taken into account that without specialized equipment the problem will be solved only "half". Because the speed of processing the client's account requires not only the attentiveness and professionalism of the cashier, but also has high requirements to the speed of computer equipment, KKS Group of Companies selected a comprehensive solution for high-quality canteen automation and similar catering establishments.

Canteen software - an effective automation tool

Modern canteen program is a tool that automates management, allowing the owner to increase profits by increasing sales and reducing costs, including theft, overcharges, overpriced payroll due to lack of control.

Canteens like a budget option nutrition, are widely used today. For many, the dining room is associated with home-cooked food, and many prefer canteens over fast food. And in order to optimize all the processes of canteen management and automate the operations of ordering, preparing and selling dishes, it is necessary to use a modern automated canteen management system. At the heart of such a system is a special canteen program– a solution that provides the manager with access to all credentials.

Benefits of implementing an automated system in the canteen

Dining program provides the following benefits:

  • compliance with the so-called FZ54 law - working with an online cash register;
  • speeding up the customer service process and minimizing queues;
  • cost reduction through control;
  • automated reporting;
  • automation of the process of calculating and ordering ingredients;
  • accurate calculation of the cost of prepared dishes or the so-called foodcost;
  • non-cash payment with organizations for the meals of employees.

Possibilities of managing the dining room using software

The cost of products changes frequently throughout the year and it is very important for a canteen to control the cost of production, which depends on the cost of ingredients. Dining program allows you to make a calculation for each dish and enter the norms for laying the ingredients. Based on purchase prices of ingredients canteen program automatically calculates the cost or food cost of the finished dish. In this way, the manager can control and manage cost fluctuations by substituting ingredients or changing the planned menu.

Dining program allows you to significantly speed up the process of servicing at the checkout through the use of non-cash payment systems. In most canteens, the main influx of visitors occurs during lunch and queues form at the checkout due to the fact that cash takes too long. When using specialized canteen programs in this case, visitors to the dining room present a contactless card at the checkout and payment occurs instantly. The card balance can be replenished through special self-service kiosks or by bank transfer from an organization that pays for employees' meals.

Knowing the approximate number of people eating, the user canteen programs can calculate the number of dishes to be cooked. The program will automatically “break” the dishes into ingredients based on the data of the calculation cards and calculate required amount ingredients. Taking into account the current balances in the warehouse, it is easy to place orders for ingredients to the supplier.

Powerful reporting system dining program will help to control the work of the enterprise, including all items of expenditure. For example, incorrect prediction of the number of people eating will lead to overruns of ingredients and subsequent write-offs.

Demonstration of canteen automation system

For an offer for canteen automation and demonstration of all the capabilities of this module, you must contact the commercial department of the KKS Group of Companies.

Employees of the department will always be happy to help in organizing a competent business process at your enterprise.
