Which wifi router to choose for home. The most powerful and high-quality WiFi router for a large home

We think that today it will not be easy to find a user who does not use and has never heard of wireless routers (another name for this class of equipment is a router). This device, if we talk about the main function, allows you to create a local network at home or in the office, combining several clients and providing them with Internet access through one connection. Computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, camcorders, network drives, printers, receivers, TVs and other equipment can act as clients. Recently, more exotic options have appeared, such as lamps, sockets and kettles. For direct connection, wires or wireless Wi-Fi networks can be used.

There are many models of wireless routers on the market today, the cost of which differs by dozens of times, so the question of choosing the best option is common. In this article, we will talk about what characteristics this type of equipment has, what you should pay attention to when choosing, and how to correctly draw up your own requirements.

First of all, we note that today almost any equipment is a combination of a hardware platform and software. From the user's point of view, both elements are essential, and only their effective interaction allows you to get a good result.

Also note that in this article we will talk about the most popular segment of devices with an Internet connection using Ethernet technology - a standard network cable (twisted pair). But some of the information will be useful for those who use various options DSL and optics.


Let's start with the first group, which is relatively easy to evaluate, since these parameters are most often given in the product description.

Wired ports

The vast majority of routers have ports for connecting a wired network - both for the operator's cable and for their own clients. An exception may be, perhaps, only mobile models that support only cellular networks and Wi-Fi. This is one of the simplest characteristics - you only need to know the number of ports and their speed. The scheme that has become the standard is designated 1 × WAN + 4 × LAN, that is, one port for connecting to the provider (WAN) and four ports for your devices (LAN). Some routers have 1×WAN+2×LAN or 1×WAN+8×LAN schemes, which accordingly changes the number of connected without additional equipment clients.

If you do not have enough LAN ports, then network switches will help to increase their number. This relatively simple and inexpensive device allows, roughly speaking, to make four or seven or more out of one port. We only recall that the rule for wires is that each client has its own port. At the same time, the length of a standard cable from the router to the client cannot exceed 100 meters.

With speed, everything is also simple: the options relevant for the mass market are 100 Mbps or 1000 Mbps (1 Gbps). Accordingly, this figure determines how fast devices connected by cables can exchange data. Most providers on the market today are limited to 100 Mbps, and if you only plan to have a couple of laptops and smartphones among your clients, it may not be necessary to have gigabit ports on the router. However, if you plan to use a network drive and powerful desktop computers, running at 1 Gbps will be much more comfortable. It is also important to match the speed of wireless connections.

A wired connection has one significant advantage over wireless: its speed is constant and maximum. It does not depend on the activity of neighbors, distances and other unpredictable factors. But, of course, this option is not suitable for mobile devices, and also requires cabling. There are no restrictions on the maximum number of wired clients for the vast majority of home configurations. One has only to pay attention to the overall speed of the Internet channel for all. For example, if you want to watch two high-definition online broadcasts at 15-20 Mbps each at the same time, then it is advisable to have a tariff plan of at least 50 Mbps.

Wireless access points

The second, perhaps even more important today, characteristic of a wireless router is the parameters of the access point installed in it. The main characteristics here are the number of bands, supported standards and maximum connection speeds.

There are two Wi-Fi bands in use today: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. In urban areas at 2.4 GHz, you can watch dozens of neighboring networks, which affects both the speed and stability of your connection. So we recommend looking at dual band devices (2.4 + 5 GHz) as 5 GHz is still relatively free today. Of course, this only makes sense if your customers have 5GHz support. From a technical point of view, a dual-band router has two independent radio units and creates two independent access points. Clients can connect to any of them, but only to one at a time.

There are two main Wi-Fi standards on the market today: the most massive 802.11n and the increasingly popular 802.11ac. The first works in the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands, but 802.11ac can only use 5 GHz. At the same time, other things being equal, 802.11ac provides a higher connection speed. As with the range, customers must support these standards.

As for speed, we note that the so-called connection speed is indicated in the characteristics of the router. The real performance in data exchange tasks is usually about two times lower. In addition, a wireless access point shares all its speed among all connected clients, so the more of them simultaneously communicating, the less speed each has. In addition, there is a dependence of speed on distance and the presence of obstacles.

The easiest way to estimate connection speeds is by the number of antennas. For 802.11n, a single antenna can provide a maximum of 150 Mbps (both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz). The presence of two antennas allows us to talk about 300 Mbps. And if there are three of them, then you can connect at 450 Mbps. And again here we must not forget about consistency with the characteristics of the client. For example, most smartphones only have one antenna, so a 450 Mbps router can only be useful for them in terms of improved coverage, but not in terms of formal connection speed.

It is also worth noting that some models of clients and routers have restrictions in the 2.4 GHz band. The above 150 Mbps are provided only when operating on a “wide channel” (may be referred to as “40 MHz” or “HT40”, in fact, equipment in this mode uses two channels at once, and not one with an increased bandwidth). But some devices, in the presence of neighboring networks, are only able to provide a 20 MHz channel, which leads to a connection speed of up to 72 or 65 Mbps per antenna.

The use of 802.11ac is also interesting in that the current implementations of this standard support four channels simultaneously (“80 MHz”, “HT80”). This allows for 433 Mbps per antenna (867 Mbps per two antennas, 1300 Mbps per three antennas). So on smartphones it is quite possible to get figures of the order of 200 Mbps for a real data exchange rate.

We note here two more points. Do not forget about the consistency of characteristics with wired ports. If you have 100 Mbps on the WAN and LAN ports, then no 802.11ac will be able to fully “open up” on a mobile device when accessing the Internet or computers local network. In addition, in the upper segment today there are devices that are not very correctly called “tri-band”. AT this case we are talking about the fact that the router has one access point at 2.4 GHz and two at 5 GHz. At the same time, the latter operate on different sets of channels and do not interfere with each other, which formally can provide an increase in overall performance with the correct distribution of clients over different access points.

Another characteristic associated with wireless communications is the design of antennas. Most router models have external antennas, and only a small number differ in the use of internal ones. In our testing in a city apartment, we did not notice any clear advantage in the first, and rather it is worth focusing on the case design in this matter. The second point is related to the possibility of replacing antennas. In some situations, this can be useful for installing better ones or for moving away from the router case. However, the real effect will have to be evaluated independently. Given that the developers agree on all the parameters of the radio part, no one will give guarantees that it will get better.

An essential characteristic of a wireless connection for many users is the quality of coverage. Unfortunately, it is practically impossible to adequately evaluate it in testing, since all apartments and broadcast conditions are different, and testing in open space will not provide useful information to city users. So here you have to focus on the characteristics specified by the manufacturer and user reviews. As for solving the issue with insufficient coverage, the most effective and correct option (after choosing the location of the main router) is to install additional access points or repeaters.

In the general case, it is worth evaluating a router by “range” solely on its own at the place of its installation and with specific clients, since the quality of wireless communication significantly depends on their capabilities and characteristics. At the same time, today mobile devices, especially when it comes to smartphones and tablets of not the most famous brands, can rarely boast of a high-quality implementation of the radio module and an effective antenna.

Home models usually do not have formal restrictions on the maximum number of clients served. In practice, in many cases they "pull" a dozen or two devices. But much in this case will depend on the clients used and on their requirements for speed and traffic volumes. It is one thing to connect five smartphones to view websites, and quite another to connect five IP cameras with high resolution and bitrate.

USB ports

On some models of mid-range routers and on most representatives of the upper segment, there are USB ports. It can be either one port of version 2.0, or two, with versions 2.0 and 3.0. The services most commonly used with them include connecting drives (for file sharing), printers or MFPs (for network printing), and cellular modems (for a backup or primary Internet connection).

In most cases, you can use USB hubs (preferably active, with additional external power) to increase the number of devices connected at the same time.

Directly, the possibilities of working with USB devices are determined by the firmware of the router, and we will talk about them later in the article. Here we only note that USB 3.0 is required only if you plan to work intensively with large files on drives - USB 2.0 is enough for other services.


These characteristics (in particular, the SoC / processor model and the amount of RAM and flash memory) are difficult to directly "translate" into the user experience of working with the device, and to evaluate them, it is better to focus on the results shown by the device in performance tests. So it’s usually worth paying attention to them only from the point of view of installing alternative firmware versions on the router.

And in this case, you need to focus on the presence of these firmware for a specific router model, and not on the installed microcircuits. The most well-known brands in this market segment are Broadcom, Mediatek, Qualcomm and Realtek. Some of them are focused on mass models, others - on devices of the upper segment. For the end user, in most cases there is no difference between them, since he evaluates the finished product, and not one or two microcircuits.

Other Options

In some cases, you should also pay attention to such characteristics as overall dimensions, the presence of a wall mount, the number and location of LED indicators, the presence of power off and Wi-Fi buttons, the location ventilation holes, design and power supply.

Software features

The software (firmware) built into the router no less than the processor or radio unit affects the operation of the device. Usually, each manufacturer has a certain basic unified set for all models and expands it depending on their hardware features (for example, the availability of USB ports). For some time after the announcement of the device, the most responsible developers offer firmware updates that fix the shortcomings of previous versions or add new functionality. But we, perhaps, have not seen a situation where a new firmware at some point significantly changed the impression of the router. So in this matter, for most users, we would recommend that in case of questions about the software, immediately return or change the device. This will be the easiest and fast way problem solving.

Let's see what features of the firmware today you should pay attention to when choosing a router.

Internet connection

Hundreds, if not thousands of providers work in the vastness of our country, not to mention their differences in different regions, so that the issue of correct operation with the operator's equipment is the most frequently discussed on thematic forums. Fortunately, in many cases, we can still talk about the implementation of standard connection types - IPoE, PPPoE, PPTP or L2TP. If in doubt, it is best to contact your ISP for a list of compatible models or ask a question to users in your region.

IPoE is the simplest and fastest way, when the WAN port of your router simply receives an IP address from the provider's equipment. PPPoE is a little more complicated and requires specifying a username and password in the router, which are issued by the operator. These two types of connection are the least resource intensive for the router and provide the highest speed. Almost any modern router model can be said to provide maximum operating speeds for installed wired ports.

PPTP and L2TP are, fortunately, less and less common these days. For them, in addition to the name and password, you must also specify the address of the provider's access server. These modes create a greater load on the processors of routers, and may also have certain compatibility issues.

Some manufacturers implement special assistants in routers to simplify configuration for certain providers.

Note that in some models, an additional scheme for connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi is implemented, when the router acts as a client of the operator's wireless network. At the same time, it simultaneously works as an access point, in addition to servicing wired ports.


The provision of services for watching TV channels through Internet operators is in great demand in our market. Unfortunately, at the moment there is no single standard or even a limited set of them, since each operator chooses the most convenient and profitable option for himself. The configurations encountered include connecting an IPTV set-top box to a dedicated port on the router (including using VLAN technology to separate traffic), broadcasting TV channels using multicast technology, installing a set-top box behind a router without a dedicated port, using a computer program, and others.

You can check the compatibility of a particular router with the operator's service only when you are in its network, so we cannot technically provide this in our tests.

If it is important for you to work with an IPTV provider, you must first clarify the details of the provision of this service and the recommended connection scheme. If you work on a dedicated port for the set-top box, you will need a direct network cable from the router to the TV, which will work exclusively for the set-top box. We also note that wireless communications are not well suited for this type of traffic, but in some situations they can still be used.

The simplest guaranteed solution to the problem is to use the operator's equipment. However, judging by our experience, in many cases it is possible to configure other equipment to work with this service.

USB ports

The presence of USB ports can bring a home router to new level, allowing you to implement many additional functions. True, this requires the appropriate firmware.

The most commonly used options are connection hard drive or flash drive for file sharing via SMB (Windows network) and FTP. The second protocol also allows you to provide files to remote users over the Internet. Depending on the USB version, wired port speed, and platform performance, this service can be used to store work files, create backups, organizing a media library and solving other problems.

In most models with USB ports a DLNA server has also been implemented, which allows you to broadcast multimedia to SmartTV and other receivers. True, there may be subtleties of compatibility with devices and formats. On some fast devices, you can implement a system for offline downloading files from the Internet using various protocols that does not require a constantly turned on computer.

The second most popular task for a USB port is serving a 3G / 4G modem to provide Internet access. This can be either the main channel, for example, for giving, or a backup channel, which is used in case of failure of the main wired connection. Here you should pay attention to the support of specific models of cellular modems. The compatibility list is usually given on the router manufacturer's website.

The USB port on the router can also be used to turn your printer into a network model. In the firmware, in this case, at least the print function is implemented, but working with a scanner in an MFP is not always possible.

additional services

In the general case, the software functions described above are sufficient to organize Internet access for home devices. But, of course, the possibilities of firmware are usually much wider.

Features such as built-in DDNS client, IPv6 protocol support, and bandwidth control (QoS) can be useful for connecting to the Internet. True, the QoS service in many routers does not work very efficiently. Some models of routers have solutions for creating multiple connections to the Internet, which allows you to provide redundant communication channels.

An IPTV scenario may require the implementation of support for the IGMP protocol and/or the udpxy service, which is especially useful for wireless clients.

The wireless access points of the router can be used to organize guest networks, whose clients will only have access to the Internet, but not to the local network segment. Some users are interested in access lists and Wi-Fi scheduling programming.

Given that access to the Internet through a router is carried out using NAT technology, this can be considered a certain protection against intrusions, since direct access to the local network client from the outside is impossible in this case. Additionally, routers may have a firewall, install additional filters, create port translation rules to allow external access to services (for example, for a network drive).

There is also a module for setting a schedule for accessing clients to the Internet (it is often called "Parental Control"). With the spread of mobile devices, it is useful to implement filters for accessing sites by category, such as SkyDNS and Yandex.DNS.

In high-performance models, we often find a VPN server, which is useful for organizing secure remote access to a local network via the Internet.

Additionally, there may be network diagnostic functions, extended event logs, and display of other service information.

Web interface

In most cases, routers are configured through the web interface - opening a page with the device address (usually or in the browser. Sometimes it happens that this page is automatically redirected when you try to access the Internet through a router. Also in this case, on a new device or after a factory reset, the setup wizard may start. The minimum required parameters to get started are the options for connecting to the provider and the name / password for the wireless network. We also recommend that you change the factory administrator password.

During operation of the device, it is usually not necessary to look into the web interface. The exceptions are additional services, such as downloading files, as well as checking the status and diagnosing the connection. So usually the design of the interface and its usability have little effect on the choice of model.

Mobile applications

Today, several companies offer branded mobile applications as an alternative to launch the router and control its operation. This can be useful for initial setup from a tablet or smartphone, which is not always convenient for a "full" web interface. In addition, through these programs, you can quickly change some settings - for example, turn on the guest network or allow certain clients to access the Internet.

Usually these utilities work only "from the inside" - when you connect your smartphone to the router's wireless network. But sometimes there are cloud options that do not require this. This option is interesting if you need to remotely (for example, from work or while on the road) control the operation of the router.

Alternative firmware

Most users after purchasing a router use it with factory firmware. Sometimes, for example, on the recommendation of the provider's or manufacturer's technical support, it is updated to a new version published on the developer's website. However, we cannot fail to mention in this material such a possibility as installing alternative firmware versions on the router.

In the general case, they mean all options that are not developed directly by the device manufacturer. But in terms of the level of "alternativeness" there can be significant differences. In particular, there may be versions in which some shortcomings of the original version have been corrected by enthusiasts or the set of its capabilities has been expanded. There may be versions created without using the source code. Another compromise is to work with the original firmware and add new features to it by installing a package manager.

Depending on the specific router model, installing alternative firmware can be either very simple (for example, downloading a file downloaded from the Internet using standard tools) or complex, including disassembling the device and connecting a console cable. Sometimes it may also be necessary self assembly firmware from source codes. Any such option usually violates the terms of the router's warranty service established by the manufacturer. On the other hand, in most cases, if the router is physically functional, you can return the original version to it.

The reason for using alternative firmware may be incompatibility with the operator's parameters, the need for additional functions, an increase in speed, and others. So with this question, everything is purely individual and depends on the device, operator, user, as well as his requirements, experience and skills.

Other Options

In addition to the characteristics of the router described above in terms of hardware and software, when choosing, you should pay attention to other parameters. Among which, after the cost and availability in stores, it is worth paying attention to brand awareness. In particular, this determines the presence and activity of the user community, technical support, service centres and a guarantee.

Separately, it is worth noting the presence of lists of recommended router models from operators. Focusing on them will minimize connection problems, especially additional services. However, usually the models from the list are not very interesting from a technical point of view.


As you can see, despite the formally simple set of the main tasks solved by the router, many factors that are significant for the real experience of working with it can be hidden in the little things and details. At the same time, there are several hundred models for the home segment on the market, and their cost varies from about 1 to 30 thousand rubles.

Therefore, when choosing a device, it is worthwhile to begin with as accurately as possible to determine your requirements and tasks. The main ones include the number of wired and wireless clients, the required connection speeds, the type and speed of connection to the provider, the need to implement additional network services (in particular, IPTV or a VPN server), and the ability to work with USB devices. After that, it will be possible to compile an approximate list of applicants and study them in more detail on the manufacturers' websites and in reviews on thematic resources.

AT following material we will consider the most popular, in our opinion, profiles for using home wireless routers and offer several relevant model options for them.

Development information technologies forces people to have electronic gadgets at their disposal: from smartphones to laptops, tablets. However, by and large, they are useless without going online.

If the apartment or private house has an Internet cable, each device can be connected to the World Wide Web. Based on this, the question arises of how to choose a router that provides high data transfer rates and stable operation over a long period of time?

What should you pay attention to when choosing a router?

You can purchase the most expensive router (router) with maximum performance and stylish design, but it will not be able to work because the type of WAN port (connection of the Internet cable to the router) was not taken into account. The most popular connection types include:

  1. ADSL - is carried out on the basis of a telephone cable and provides access to the network through communication with the subscriber's telephone line.
  2. FTTB is the most popular internet login. A twisted-pair fiber optic cable is connected to a private house or apartment. At the end of the line is a standard RJ-45 connector.
  3. Docsis is not the most common connection type. It is characterized by the presence of a coaxial cable with a low conductivity coefficient. Such Internet is not very fast.

Thus, when answering the question "how to choose a router for an apartment", you should take into account the type of Internet connection. Choosing the wrong WAN port type will result in the router not being able to function, resulting in the need to purchase new hardware.

Additional technical characteristics of the router

If the port has been chosen correctly, it is necessary to determine the maximum speed that the equipment can provide. All routers have different price, which depends not only on the manufacturer, but also on the maximum speed of receiving and transmitting data. If there is an Internet connection with gigabit speed characteristics (i.e. downloading huge files from the network occurs almost instantly), then by purchasing a router with a WAN port, you can easily lose the declared speed (it will be cut 10 times).

Not the last role is played by the presence of a Wi-Fi module. In fact, this is the main function for which the router is purchased. When answering the question "which WiFi router to choose", you should take into account the range in which the equipment operates. At the moment, almost all models operate in two modes: 802.11 g (maximum speed - 54 Mb / s) and 802.11 n (modern high-speed format that allows data transfer in the range from 400 to 450 Mb / s).

Why are USB ports needed?

It should also be noted the presence of several LAN ports, i.e. the possibility of simultaneously connecting several Internet connections to one router. The USB port also plays an important role. All mid-priced models have such connectors. Their presence makes it possible to connect additional devices.

This applies to network printers, 3G modems, flesh devices. If detachable antennas are included in the kit, then the range of the router can be significantly expanded (for example, to several rooms at once). In any case, the question of which router to choose for the home cannot be given an unambiguous answer. It all depends on where the equipment will be located (with concrete walls, the Internet coverage radius will be much smaller than with drywall), what are its speed characteristics and brand.

Choosing a home router by manufacturer

Your home router may not have the maximum specifications. It is enough that it has an optimal range of data reception, and the transmission speed contributes to a comfortable stay on the Internet.

Now you can find a huge number of companies specializing specifically in the production of routers. Most popular: D-Link, Asus, ZyxeL, Tp-Link. Each model has its drawbacks. For example, D-Link routers work with connection breaks, despite the fact that this company is very popular among users of the CIS countries. As for Asus, these manufacturers have not yet solved the problem of digital television - it refuses to be played via Wi-FI.

However, despite all these disadvantages, each of the presented companies has its own service centers in most cities of the Russian Federation. This means that in the event of a breakdown, you can always file a claim and deal with the problem. What can not be said about Chinese models: it is unlikely that you will be able to find a suitable repair center. Thus, when wondering which router is better to choose, one should give preference to models of well-known companies. The overpayment will be insignificant, but there will be much less problems with their work and finding a repair center.

The internal stuffing of the router

The technical parameters of digital equipment are of particular importance. In this case, we are not talking about the data transfer rate, but about the size random access memory and processor type. The router is a high-performance equipment with digital filling. Therefore, it needs a certain amount of RAM to process data.

For optimal network performance without delay, the size of the internal drive should be in the range from 64 to 128 MB. As for the processor, with a frequency of 300 MHz, there should be no problems with the data transfer rate. The presence of antennas will increase the range (relevant for rooms with concrete walls) of the router, allowing multiple devices to connect to it. This also applies to non-traditional gadgets. So, when answering the question of how to choose a router for a TV, you should consider the type of USB input. Digital television, as a rule, transmits information in two ways: through a WI-Fi network or by directly connecting the TV to the router.

Router with multilink connection: how much will it cost?

Support for all types of internet connections – important characteristic router. Each model has its own type of network connection. Simply put, not every cable can be connected to a WAN port. If there is no desire to deal with connection types, then it is better to purchase an average-priced model (from 1500 to 2000 rubles). They work with any internet connection.

Thus, figuring out how to choose the right router, you need to decide on the optimal technical characteristics of the equipment. Not only the speed of Internet data transfer depends on this, but also the cost of the router, the presence of additional ports and functions in its composition.

How to set up a router?

After buying a router, it becomes necessary to configure it. Most models have corresponding instructions and an installation disk. However, if there is no disk and time to understand the documentation, you can configure the router according to the diagram.

So, first you need to connect an Internet cable to the router through the WAN port. If everything is done correctly, you should check the operability of the equipment. The 2 LEDs on the control panel will flash to confirm the connection. Then you should directly connect the router to the computer.

To do this, a wire must be included with the router. One end must be inserted into any socket of the router (if there are several), the other end must be connected directly to the network card of the personal computer. After that, the router settings will have standard view. This means that the password and login to enter the router management menu will look like admin.

To enhance your network security, it is recommended that you set your own 8-digit alphanumeric password. To do this, you need to go to any browser. Enter in the search bar, after which the router menu should open. There you should select the System category and go to the Password Settings tab. After changing the password, click the "Apply" button.

How to choose a cheap router?

After the optimal technical characteristics are selected, the price should be determined. The question arises of how to choose a router that will be stable and provide high data transfer speeds for reasonable money?

Among cheap routers, models should be distinguished, the price range for which is from 500 to 1500 rubles. Such models have a Wi-Fi connection speed from 150 to 300 Mb / s. The absence of additional USB ports eliminates the possibility of connecting network equipment (printer, Flash cards). In most cases, such routers will need to be rebooted several times.

This is due to the fact that the filling installed in them is not stable and does not provide high conductivity of the network signal. Such routers are recommended for those who have an Internet speed of no higher than 15 Mb / s. Otherwise, it will be “cut” by the router due to the weakness of the internal filling. Router examples: Asus RT-N12, D-Link-620.

What are the features of budget routers?

The ideal router for home use models should be considered, prices for which range from 1500 to 3000 rubles. The routers of this series are distinguished by stable operation on the Internet due to high-quality internal characteristics. Moreover, these models allow you to transmit a Wi-Fi signal, the speed of which exceeds 600 Mb / s. The router's processor ensures smooth operation. In addition, there is no need to reboot it.

In most cases, these models have one USB input. This makes it possible to use additional functions of the router (network drive, torrent client). When answering the question of which router to choose for your home, it should be noted that models of this price category will best meet such characteristics as the ratio of speed and quality of equipment operation, with minimal cost for its purchase. These devices include Zyxel Keenetic Lite, Netgear 3210.

Does it make sense to buy expensive routers?

This topic is relevant for owners of high-speed connections, data transfer in which is measured in gigabytes. Prices for these types of routers start at 3000 rubles. Routers of this category allow you to transmit a Wi-Fi connection signal at speeds up to 750 Mb / s. High-quality internal filling almost completely eliminates breakdowns, freezes, and malfunctions of such equipment. Declared and actual data transfer rate will be almost the same. This suggests that the router does not “cut” it.

In addition, the presence of 4 or more USB ports allows you to use all the additional functions of the router. Such models make it possible to open your own servers on the Internet or separate “rooms” within local networks. Thus, when considering how to choose a router, you should take into account the speed of the Internet connection and the purpose of using the equipment. If you need it solely to create a Wi-Fi connection point, then it makes no sense to overpay for additional features that you are unlikely to use.

The main misconceptions of router buyers

So, after you have received information about what a router is, you can start searching desired model in the shop. This is where the main problems arise. They are related to typical consumer misconceptions about the quality of digital equipment, which have nothing to do with the real state of affairs.

The first misconception is that a consultant will recommend a good model. Actually it is not. He is interested in selling an expensive and branded item. In the event that he sincerely wants to help you, he will not be able to do this for one simple reason: he will not know all the technical parameters of your Internet connection. It is this indicator that has a decisive effect on the router. Which one to choose is up to you.

The second misconception is that all routers are the same. This is also not true. Some routers have characteristics that differ from devices in the same range. Therefore, choosing the right model can play a key role in network performance. The best option can be found by reading the reviews of different models and making their own conclusions about the positive and negative characteristics of routers based on them.

It should be borne in mind that the advice of friends or colleagues should not be regarded as the truth in the first instance. For example, you were advised a router of a certain manufacturer and with clear characteristics. For some, it will work just fine: high speed, no problems and failures under high loads. But for others it's not suitable option. Since the data transfer rate is higher, and, consequently, the router cannot cope with the loads, which leads to its constant reboots and overheating.

Thus, when wondering how to choose a router, you should remember that you can make the right choice only by focusing on several components: work goals, Internet connection speed, Wi-FI coverage range, availability of additional functions.


The purchase of the optimal model of a network router depends on the specific purpose of its use. When thinking about how to choose a router for a tablet or laptop, it should be noted that for these gadgets, the speed of the Wi-FI connection will be the defining characteristic. For home purposes, models at a price of 1,500 to 3,000 rubles are suitable. Firstly, they are distinguished by relative stability of work, and secondly, they have optimal conductivity sufficient to connect a smartphone, laptop and tablet at the same time. In any case, the choice is up to you.

Time flies very fast and if earlier it was "cool" to have a desktop computer connected to the Internet, now it is already a "ordinary" thing. Most of the house already has a lot of modern electronic devices, such as laptops (netbooks), TVs with a network interface, tablets, smartphones, network printers. Based on this, sooner or later the question arises "How to connect all these devices to the Internet?", And the continuation of this question "How to choose and what to buy a Wi-fi router for home?"

Many people go to the store and buy the cheapest devices, but immediately face a lot of troubles that they didn’t even think about, for example, the router cuts speed, constantly freezes, gets very hot, the connection constantly breaks, or in general, the provider refuses to connect this device.

We will try to help you with the right choice of a router for your home, we will tell you what characteristics you need to pay attention to.

What is a "router" anyway?

Router (English router, transliterated into Russian - "router") - an electronic device that is used to combine two or more networks and controls the routing process, i.e. Based on information about the network topology and established rules, it makes a decision about forwarding network-level packets between different network segments. In our case, the router must combine 2 networks - the global Internet and our local home network.

It should be noted that the name "router" in search queries and, accordingly, in everyday speech is much more common than "router".

What you need to know about Wi-Fi when choosing a router for your home?

Most home devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) can only be connected to the network via a Wi-Fi interface, so in the future we will talk about Wi-Fi routers.

Consider the basic Wi-Fi standards.

Reception and transmission of data according to the Wi-Fi standard can be in several ranges. The main ranges are shown below:

  • 2.4 GHz (the most popular, therefore it is heavily overloaded in most places, which can negatively affect the data transfer rate. At the same time, most modern gadgets support work in this range. "2" is used when marking the device);
  • 5 GHz (less popular. Many providers use this range to supply the Internet if this is not possible via a wired interface. Some modern devices support both ranges. "5" is used when marking the device).

There are also devices for other bands (for example, 3 GHz or 900 MHz). But 99% of home devices do not support such frequencies.

Data transmission over Wi-Fi is carried out according to certain standards. The table shows the main characteristics that you need to understand when choosing a Wi-Fi router:

Standard Range Maximum transfer rate, Mbps Peculiarities
canal real
802.11a 5 GHz 108 40 sensitive to obstacles
802.11b 2.4 GHz 11 5 old devices work
802.11g 2.4 GHz 54 24
802.11n 2.4 GHz
5 GHz
150 55 with 1 antenna
300 110 with 2 antennas
450 165 with 3 antennas
600 220 with 4 antennas
802.11ac 5 GHz 433-6770 over 200 depends on the number of antennas.

The latest standard only (802.11ac) began to be implemented in 2014. Primarily used to connect to an ISP. But despite this, some top models of phones and tablets already support it. Most phones, tablets that support the 802.11n standard have only one WiFi antenna, so their maximum real speed is 55 Mbps.

The table lists the standards in the order in which they appear. The new standards are backward compatible, i.e. if your laptop works in the 802.11b standard, it will normally connect to the 802.11n Wi-Fi router, but the data exchange rate will be no more than 11 Mbps. It should be noted that at this point in time the entire access point switches to this mode, i.e. all subscriber devices will work according to the 802.11b standard.

The WiFi speed should not be less than the Internet speed, otherwise the router will "cut" the speed. But it should be noted that if the WiFi speed of your laptop (tablet) is lower than the WiFi router and Internet speed, then the speed reduction problem will be in your device. Wired speed (through Lan-port) is usually higher than WiFi.

Do I need an external antenna for my Wi-Fi router?

Each WiFi router has one or more antennas, but they can be external (with a gain of 1.5-5 dBi, more often 2 dBi) or internal (with a gain of 1-1.5 dBi). But it should be noted that when a device is connected to a router via WiFi, 2 transmission channels are conditionally created - from the router to the device (Rx) and from the device to the router (Tx). Most often, the problem occurs in the second channel, since usually the transmitter power of the device is much less, and the signal, for example, from a smartphone simply does not reach the router.

The WiFi signal is greatly weakened when passing through thick walls, and there may be such a situation that the smartphone "sees" the router, but cannot connect (the second channel is not created). This should be taken into account when choosing an installation location for a WiFi router - when correct installation WiFi zone will be throughout the apartment.

Based on the above, when choosing a WiFi router for a home with an external antenna or an internal Internet speed difference, you will not see it, only with an internal antenna it will fit better into your home interior. The main thing is to choose the right place for the router.

Routers can also support MIMO technology, this is when multiple streams are created to increase the throughput of a wireless network. In practice, there are devices with MIMO 2x2, less often with 3x3 and 4x4. You should be aware that the entire bandwidth (if rough, then the speed) is divided between all subscribers who are connected at that time. MIMO technology is useful and significantly increases the speed with a large number of subscriber devices.

In the simplest, the total Wi-Fi power (Y) of the device is determined by the formula:

Y dB = P dBm +G dBi,

where P dBm is the transmitter power in dBm (conversion from mW in the table below).
G dBi - antenna gain in dBi.

mW 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 500 750 1000 1500
dBm 10 13 14.8 16 17 17.8 18.5 19 19.5 20 23 24.8 27 28.8 30 31.8

For example: TP-LINK TL-WR841ND has external antennas with 5dBi gain and 100mW transmitter, the total power is 25dB. MikroTik RB951G-2HnD has internal antennas with a gain of 2.5dBi and a transmitter of 1000mW, the total power is 32.5dB.

In the above examples, a router with an internal antenna will have a greater range than with an external one. Please note that most Wi-Fi routers have a connector for connecting an external antenna.

Wi-Fi Network Security

The range of the network is not limited to your apartment, which allows other people to access your network. To protect the network from intruders, you need to configure your router accordingly.

Most routers use the following data encryption standards:

  • WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), but this standard is vulnerable. There are a lot of Wi-Fi hacking programs on the network that are protected by this standard;
  • WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) - uses keys for encryption up to 128 bits long (TKIP technology);
  • WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access version 2) - uses keys for encryption up to 256 bits long (AES technology).

For more security, you can use MAC address filtering or hidden SSID mode. These methods are available in most routers.

In some models, the WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) function can be used (in TP-Link devices it is called QSS (Quick Security Setup)) - setting up a wireless network using this technology takes minimal time and is useful for those who do not want to delve into router settings.

There are 2 connection types when using this function:

  • hardware - the WPS button is pressed for a few seconds on the router and on the connected equipment, and after a while (up to 2 minutes) these devices will connect themselves. In the future, the connection will be made automatically;
  • software - when connecting on the connected device, you need to enter the PIN code that is on the label of the router, then the network connection wizard will do all the necessary settings by itself. At the end, you will need to remember (or set your own) WPA2 key. You will use this key when connecting other devices to your access point.

Previously, in the first versions of this function, the security of its use was very low. Now it has been finalized and, as its creators assure, it takes about a year to hack. Be careful when using this feature and only show your PIN to people you trust. If somehow this PIN code becomes known to outsiders, then disable this function in the settings and configure the wireless network manually, if necessary.

Green Wi-Fi

To date, the influence of Wi-Fi on the human body has not been studied, but there are a lot of rumors about its harm. To reduce its influence, there is a function to reduce the transmitter power. Most routers set the transmitter power level to high, medium, low. In Mikrotik routers, you can most accurately adjust the transmitter power, which allows you to provide the lowest radiation power and at the same time have a stable Internet.

What should be considered when connecting the router to the global network?

Depending on the interface for connecting to the global network (WAN port), routers can be divided into:

  • xDSL Wi-Fi routers (connection to the provider's network is carried out using one of the technologies of the xDSL family, for example, the operator Ukrtelecom uses ADSL technology. The maximum transmission rate according to the ADSL2+ standard is 24 Mbps)
  • 3G/4G Wi-Fi routers (wireless connection is used. The maximum connection speed to Intertelecom using EVDO-B technology is 14 Mbps).
  • Ethernet Wi-Fi Routers
  • SFP Wi-Fi routers (connection is via fiber optic cable and the speed can reach 1 Gbps)
  • EPON / GEPON / GPON Wi-Fi routers (connection is made to the PON network. Now the most developing technology for connecting the private sector, villages and cottages. The speed when using EPON technology (GEPON / GPON) is up to 1 Gbps, 10GEPON - up to 10 Gbps /With)
  • DOCSIS Wi-Fi routers (connection is via a TV cable. Maximum speed when using EuroDOCSIS 2.0 technology: data reception 50 Mbps, transmission - 27 Mbps)
  • Wi-Fi routers (connections to the provider are carried out via a wireless interface).
  • universal Wi-Fi routers (which allow you to connect using several technologies).

In the future, we will consider only Ethernet Wi-Fi routers. This is due to the fact that when using other technologies, the provider provides its devices, and the subscriber chooses from specific models. But most often, and this is more reliable, the subscriber is provided with a subscriber device without Wi-Fi with 1 Ethernet output (for example, XDK E8010U-B or ZTE F401 is used for the GEPON network) and the subscriber connects an Ethernet Wi-Fi router to this device.

It should be noted that the "twisted pair", if the cable runs along the street, is very much affected by atmospheric factors (thunderstorm, static) and very often the WAN port burns out during a thunderstorm. Most routers have only 1 such port, so the router is sent for repair or in the trash. To protect the port, we recommend using a twisted-pair lightning protector.

It should also be noted that in Mikrotik Wi-Fi routers for home, you can use any port or several ports at once as a WAN port, which allows you to simultaneously connect to several providers to increase connection speed and Internet stability.

Router hardware.

The router is the same minicomputer. The main characteristics that you should pay attention to are the frequency of the processor and the amount of RAM. As with choosing a computer, the more these characteristics, the better, but also the higher the price.

If you need Internet at speeds up to 50 Mbps, you are not very fond of torrents, do not spend much time in powerful network games, then the frequency of the processor 300 MHz and 32 MB of RAM is enough. Otherwise, you need a more powerful router.

Most routers have multiple LAN ports for connecting wired home devices. If you have high-speed (more than 80 Mbps) Internet or you like to play games on a local network or just want a gigabit network, then you need a router with Gigabit Ethernet ports (for example, MikroTik RB951G-2HnD). Otherwise, Fast Ethernet ports (up to 100 Mbit/s) will suffice.

Router software.

Each router comes with special software, often referred to as "firmware".

There are 2 approaches to router software:

  • for each model, its own software is created (used in most routers);
  • software is created for a whole line (series) of devices.

Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage of the first approach is that the resources of the device are used most rationally. But it should be taken into account that new protocols, opportunities are constantly appearing, there are errors in the software, so it must be updated periodically. The same providers eventually switch to new protocols. But very often it happens that the manufacturer has new promising models and the development (improvement, improvement) of software for old models stops, and then the subscriber needs to buy a new router. Alternative firmware comes to the rescue, which most often has more features, but it should be noted that when using alternative firmware, the warranty on the router is lost, and problems may also arise in the operation of the device (carefully read the reviews about the firmware). By the way, by the availability of alternative firmware and the frequency of updating the original firmware, one can judge the popularity of the model. Versions of the original firmware can be viewed on the manufacturer's website in the "Technical support" section. To see if alternative firmware is available, search for "alternative firmware [model name]". A large number of alternative firmware speaks of the problems and lost features of the original software.

The advantage of the second approach is that the software is updated constantly and they are more functional. So, for example, MikroTik routers use the proprietary RouterOS operating system, which allows even entry-level routers (for the home, and these are MikroTik hAP lite, Mikrotik mAP 2n, MikroTik RB951 series) to use the capabilities of professional equipment.

Almost every modern router supports all popular protocols and can work in the network of any provider. But we recommend that you check with your ISP for hardware requirements before purchasing, because they do not work with some models.

Additional features and capabilities of WiFi routers.

To additional features and opportunities WiFi routers can be attributed:

Don't go after multiple features in your router because you may never use them and the price of a multifunctional device is much higher. Moreover, each of the functions creates an additional load on the router, which reduces its performance as a router.

What else you need to pay attention to when choosing a WiFi router for your home?

The router should fit well into the home interior. For example, the Mikrotik mAP 2n WiFi router has an elegant look and compact size (smaller than a lighter). This is a great idea for an apartment.

P.S. Mikrotik is a Latvian company (headquartered in Riga) that was founded in 1995 to develop wireless routers and ISP systems. Mikrotik equipment is of high quality and is used by ISPs, companies and individuals around the world.

Copying of material is welcome if there is an active link to the site.

A router is a very complex device with many technical characteristics. We will focus on those that play an important role for the buyer.

WAN port type and connection protocols

The WAN (or Internet) connector is used to connect an Internet cable to the router. This is the first detail that you should pay attention to when buying a device. The compatibility of the selected model with the provider depends on it.

A typical router has a WAN port in one of two formats:

  1. DSL(ADSL, VDSL and other subtypes) - for connecting to the Internet via a telephone line.
  2. ethernet- to connect through a special provider channel.

There are also universal routers that support several formats, including DSL and Ethernet. But they are much less common.

First of all, find out what technical requirements your Internet service provider has for the router. Visit the official website of the provider or call the support service.

In addition to the WAN port format, to technical requirements may include connection protocols with which the router must be compatible.

If instead of DSL and Ethernet, the provider uses specific connection technologies, which rarely happens, then it is better to trust the choice of equipment to specialists.

Number and type of LAN ports

Computers, consoles, TVs and other stationary equipment that needs stable wired access to the Web are connected to the LAN ports of the router. This connection always guarantees maximum speed, which is independent of distance and interference.

And the more such connectors in the router, the more devices can be connected to it via wire. Typically, routers are equipped with four LAN ports. But if this is not enough for you, choose a model with additional connectors.

The type of LAN ports determines the maximum speed of data exchange between the router and other devices connected to it via a wire.

There are two such types:

  1. fast ethernet provides speeds up to 100 Mbps.
  2. gigabit ethernet- up to 1 Gbps.

If your ISP offers Internet access at speeds greater than 100 Mbps, choose a router model with Gigabit Ethernet ports. So you will use your channel to the fullest.

WiFi standards

The maximum possible data exchange rate between the router and the fleet of devices connected to it wirelessly depends on the Wi-Fi standard. Two standards are relevant:

  1. 802.11n- a widespread version that is supported by the vast majority of gadgets. Possible speed - up to 600 Mbps.
  2. 802.11ac- the standard that is gaining popularity, provides the highest speed - up to 6.77 Gb / s.

But don't let the specs fool you: the values ​​shown are only theoretically possible within the technology. Actual speeds are much lower.

The speed indicated by the manufacturer is also most often unattainable in practice. This is only a possible value without taking into account distance and interference.

Thanks to backward compatibility, you can connect any gadgets via WI-Fi to a router with the 802.11ac standard. Even if they only support 802.11n and older versions. But to unlock the full potential of 802.11ac, both your router and every other device on your wireless network must support this standard.

It is not necessary to chase novelty and buy a router with 802.11ac support. If you use the Internet only for web surfing and office tasks, you can save money and get by with a model with the 802.11n standard.

Number of Wi-Fi bands

Some routers can operate simultaneously in different frequency bands. In this mode, the router is able to support not one, but several independent Wi-Fi networks at once.

Many popular models are able to distribute data transmission between two ranges. Thus, they create two networks at frequencies of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, respectively.

  1. Frequency 2.4 GHz ideal for connecting smartphones and office equipment.
  2. Frequency 5 GHz provides more stable and fast connection, and therefore better suited for multimedia devices that work with video and other heavy content. So, if you do not want to connect a TV or set-top box through wires, you can use Wi-Fi at a frequency of 5 GHz.

These networks can operate in parallel without limiting each other. But again, their total speed will not exceed the limit set by the Internet provider.

In addition, not all gadgets support a 5 GHz network.

Number and type of antennas

In addition to the standard and frequency of Wi-Fi, the speed of a wireless network depends on the number of antennas in the router. The more of them, the faster the data exchange between the connected devices and the router.

The 802.11n Wi-Fi speed limit for the single antenna model is 150 Mbps. With two - 300 Mbps, with three - 450 Mbps. That is, with each antenna, the maximum possible speed increases by 150 Mbps. And in the 802.11ac standard - at 433 Mbps.

Recall that we are talking about theoretically possible speeds at ideal conditions. In reality, these figures are much lower. In addition, do not forget that the total speed of Internet access via Wi-Fi cannot exceed the provider's limit.

Antennas can be built-in or external. As practice shows, in a typical city apartment, the type of antennas is not so important. Contrary to popular myth, the difference is barely noticeable.

But for large rooms, it’s still worth choosing a router with external antennas so as not to have. In addition, if external antennas are removable, if necessary, they can be replaced with more powerful ones.

Availability of a USB port

By choosing a router with one or a pair of USB connectors, you can connect additional devices to it. For example, a USB drive will provide remote access to a shared file storage through any device on a Wi-Fi network. A wireless USB modem will be your backup way to get online if cable Internet stops working.

Brief selection guide

Let's go through it again key points articles. This checklist will help you choose a good router.

  1. Find out the provider's requirements for the router: WAN connector type and connection protocols. Only then choose a model.
  2. For Internet speeds above 100 Mbps, buy a device with Gigabit Ethernet (1 Gbps) LAN ports. If the speed is lower, Fast Ethernet connectors (100 Mbps) will suffice.
  3. If you need access to the Web only for browsing sites and working with documents, you can limit yourself to a router with one antenna and support for the 802.11n wireless standard.
  4. But if you stream video, play online games, use a lot of wireless devices, download large files often, and don't get used to denying yourself, then choose a dual-band router with multiple antennas and support for 802.11ac.
  5. If you wish, you can buy a model with a USB port to connect a drive or a wireless modem to it.

I don’t know about you, but for me the choice of some kind of equipment, including a router, is a lot of time spent searching for the right model, hundreds of reviews read, and constant doubts: “take this one or that one”. I've been using some old, wired mouse for more than a month now, only because I can't find a new one for myself. And this despite the fact that I basically know what I need, some technical points, etc.

Router and router are one and the same. Wrote about it. In the article I will use both names.

In this article, we will try to deal with the choice of a Wi-Fi router for a house or apartment. This is the category of devices in which I can give some advice, talk about all the nuances, and even advise specific models. As for advice on buying specific models, I really do not like to give such advice. If only because I wasn’t at your house, I don’t know for what purposes you choose a router, what kind of Internet you have, how many and what devices you will connect to the Internet, is there any interference in your house, and most importantly, how much money do you plan spend on buying a router. This point applies not only to routers, but also to other equipment.

But, if you want direct specific recommendations, then at the end of this article, I will give as an example several models of routers that I would advise you to buy. But, if anything, it's not my fault 🙂 Let's consider the choice of a router for a private house or apartment. Although, here you can probably also include small offices.

And now an important piece of advice. If you have an unlimited budget, and you don’t mind spending a decent amount, then buy one of the most expensive routers that you can find in some popular online store. Take the one you like the look of. It will cost approximately $300 (if you do not take into account Apple routers). But, it will definitely work stably, and it will have everything you need.

And one more piece of advice. If you want to save as much as possible and purchase the most budget router, then it will come in handy.

First, we will understand the technical aspects, what you should pay attention to when choosing a router. For what purposes is this or that model suitable, and whether there will be problems in the process of use. Then, I will write my opinion on which Wi-Fi router is better to buy in 2016 and 2017, so that your purchase does not quickly become obsolete, and you do not have to buy in a year new model. Well, as promised, I will advise a couple of specific routers that should be suitable for an apartment (private house).

Choosing a router for the home: technical points

First of all, you need to figure out what kind of router we need in general. In terms of technical characteristics: type of WAN port, number of LAN ports and their speed, operating frequency WiFi networks and its speed, the presence of USB connectors, and various additional functions.

You should already have a rough idea of ​​what you will be using the router for. It is clear that you are buying it most likely to distribute the Internet to your devices via a Wi-Fi network, and possibly via a network cable.

Advice. If you have stationary computers (without Wi-Fi), then after installing the router you can not lay cables to them, but connect wirelessly, you can buy right away.

The main thing you need to focus on when choosing a router for your home is the area that should be covered by a Wi-Fi network signal, the number of devices that will connect to the router, and the tasks that you will perform on these devices.

Everything is simple here: the router may simply not cover all the rooms of your house with a signal. For example, due to a weak transmitter, or antennas (and their number). And if you buy a cheap router, then it simply cannot work stably when connected a large number devices. Or, when watching online video in high quality, in online games, etc. There will be constant freezes, reboots and the like. As you already understand, everything is very individual. As a rule, the more expensive the router, the more load it can withstand, it will work more stably, and the further it will be able to “break through” the Wi-Fi signal.

We select a router for the provider (type of WAN port)

The first thing you should pay attention to is the type of WAN connector. This is a way to connect a router to an ISP. This information is always included in the specifications. It all depends on what kind of internet you have.

  • ethernet- the most popular type of connection. This is a regular RJ-45 network connector. Almost all Wi-Fi routers on the market have an Ethernet WAN port. And the provider lays a regular network cable in your house, which we directly connect to the router.
  • ADSL modems with Wi-Fi- in fact, these are ordinary routers, only as a WAN port, they have an RJ-11 connector for connecting a telephone cable. And if you already have a regular ADSL modem, then you need to buy a simple router with a regular Ethernet port (and connect it to the modem).
  • 3G/4G Wi-Fi routers- if you have Internet via a USB modem, and you want to set up Internet distribution via Wi-Fi, then you will need a special router with support for 3G / 4G modems. About choosing a router to work with a USB modem, I wrote in the article. Usually, in the characteristics of such routers it is written: WAN port - USB 3G. Update: new article with tips on choosing a router to work with USB modems:

There are routers that can be called universal. Because, for connecting to the Internet, they can have, for example, a regular Ethernet port, and a USB port for working with 3G modems. But, the presence of a USB port does not mean that there is modem support. You need to look at the specs.

Protocol support: Another point that I think can be ignored. There are protocols for connecting to an Internet provider: L2TP, PPPoE, PPTP. On modern routers, this should not be a problem. Unless you have some special provider.

Wi-Fi network: frequency, speed, range

Wi-Fi network frequency (5 GHz and 2.4 GHz)- at the time of this writing (May 2016), most routers (mostly not expensive), which are on sale, distribute a Wi-Fi network at the usual 2.4 GHz frequency, which is already heavily loaded. But, models that support Wi-Fi at a frequency of 5 GHz are actively appearing on the market. This is a new technology, and it is a 5 GHz router that I would advise buying in 2016 - 2017. Learn more about dual band routers (dual band because it supports both 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz), pros and compatibility, I already wrote in the article: . You can already find dual-band models at a very good price.

WiFi speed- the cheapest router models, distribute Wi-Fi at speeds up to 150 Mbps. I would advise not to buy such models. Unless, you take a router to connect one or three devices and surf the Internet, or watch videos in low quality. It is better to report 5-10 dollars and buy a model that distributes a wireless network at speeds up to 300 Mbps.

As for wireless network standards, there must be support for 802.11n. And if you choose a router from the middle price category and above, then it is advisable to already take a model with support for a new, high-speed one.

The speed depends on many factors: the number of connected devices, the power of the router, provider, interference, etc. Read the reviews, as a rule, they immediately write there whether the router cuts the Wi-Fi speed a lot or not. Regarding the connection speed over a wireless network, you can read more.

Wi-Fi network range- many people ask: "how to choose a router with a maximum range of a wireless network." The question is good and understandable, but it is very difficult to give a specific answer to it. Because, the range is very much affected by walls (their number and materials), interference (mainly from neighboring Wi-Fi networks), the location of the router in the house, and the power of the router itself. The signal passes very poorly through concrete mills in which there is metal.

If you have a large apartment, say more than 100 square meters, or a house with several floors, then most likely one router will not be enough, even the most powerful one. In this case, the most correct option is.

And if you choose a router for one-room apartment, then in your case even the cheapest model is enough, in terms of network range. For medium sized homes, I would recommend buying routers starting at $50. Well, it is advisable to buy models with at least two antennas (power by 5dBi). But, there are good models with internal antennas, which are almost as good as external ones. As a rule, the presence of, for example, three or more antennas does not affect the range of the Wi-Fi network, but the connection speed. Also, it is worth paying attention to whether the antennas are removable or not. In case you want to replace them, install more powerful ones.

According to my observations, the range does not depend much on the price of the router itself. Most likely because the maximum power of the router is simply limited by the manufacturer (according to the laws of the country in which they are shipped).

Availability of ports: LAN and USB

At least 1 LAN port will definitely be. Typically, routers have 4 LAN ports. There are more. A LAN port is needed to connect devices to the Internet via a network cable (PCs, TVs, game consoles, etc.).

As for USB ports, they are not currently available on cheap models. But, it seems to me that soon there will be no routers without USB. Therefore, I advise you to choose a router with at least one USB port. He is needed for USB connections drives, printers, or USB 3G modems (if there is modem support). By connecting a flash drive or an external HDD to the router, you can share files or start a DLNA server. And by connecting a printer, you can set up a print server.

It all depends on the specific model and manufacturer. For example, models from ASUS can still independently download files to the drive. I already wrote. You can see for an example.

Wi-Fi router power and performance

The filling of the router is also very important. The more powerful the processor and the more RAM, the more stable the router will work. It will keep more connected devices, torrent downloads, online games, DLNA server operation, etc. without any problems. And, most importantly, there will be no drop in speed, ping, packet loss.

I do not think that it is necessary to directly study all the nuances associated with the hardware on which this or that router works, unless you are interested. Everything is very simple here, the more expensive the model, the more powerful it is. If you buy a router for 15-20 dollars, connect several devices to it, start downloading a torrent, an online game, and open another online video, then most likely it will just freeze. Or, the speed will drop very much. And it will only work after a reboot. This is quite normal for its price category.

That's exactly why I don't recommend saving on a router. Because, you connect all your computers, tablets, phones, TVs to it, and all of them will suffer from a weak router, which will cut speed all the time, and simply “fall” from the load. This brings a lot of inconvenience, and most likely, in the near future you will think about buying a new router, more powerful and, accordingly, expensive.

Price and manufacturer

At the moment, the cheapest router can be bought for about $15. I already wrote above that you should buy such routers only if you do not need a lot of performance and speed.

It is better, of course, to take routers that cost from $ 30 and above. This is solely my opinion. These devices are suitable for home use, but without fanaticism. Here you need to understand that we get exactly as much as we pay. Well, it all depends on the tasks that the router should handle specifically in your case.

As for the manufacturer, the most popular of course are TP-LINK, ASUS, D-LINK, ZyXEL, Linksys, Tenda, Netis. If you're wondering, I now have ASUS. I love TP-LINK routers, which I also often use and recommend to others. For relatives, the inexpensive TP-LINK TL-WR841N has been working for more than five years without any problems. Not so long ago I got acquainted with routers from ZyXEL. Also liked it very much. Tenda makes inexpensive models.

I don't think it's necessary to get hung up on the manufacturer. Look by models, by characteristics, by price, by appearance finally. I am familiar with the routers of all manufacturers that I listed above, and I can’t say that some are bad, but some are good. Each manufacturer has certain points that I personally liked or didn’t like. (control panel, equipment, instructions, packaging, setup process, reliability, etc.). But, this practically does not affect the operation of the router.

I often see questions like: "which router is better, ASUS, or TP-LINK". You can argue endlessly which brand is better and which is worse. I think that in this case, it would be more correct to consider specific models that are close in price.

We figured out the price and brand: the more expensive the better, and the brand is not for everybody.

Which router to choose in 2016 - 2017

In my opinion, in 2017 you need to buy a dual-band router (which supports Wi-Fi 5 GHz, and 802.11ac). And to have at least one USB port. Even if you don't need it right now.

These two points: support for Wi-Fi at a frequency of 5 GHz, and the presence of a USB port, make the router modern, and it will not become outdated in half a year. Most likely, in 2017 it will be relevant, and you will not have to change it.

I give an example from my own experience. This winter (around December 2015) I bought a new router for my parents' house. He works there with a 3G USB modem. Got it not cheap. Good, powerful router, with two USB ports (a modem is connected to one, and a drive to the second). But, it does not support wireless network operation at a frequency of 5 GHz. And some time after the purchase, I realized that I made a mistake with the choice. Having bought an expensive router without support for the new standard.

Sooner or later, you will want to connect your devices to a 5 GHz Wi-Fi network. (more speed, and less interference, especially true for apartments). Or, you want to share files on a drive connected to the router. Therefore, it is better to spend a large sum right away than to buy a new router in a year. In addition, you can now find a very affordable dual-band router with a USB port for about $30.

This is just my opinion and of course you may not agree with it.

Everything is very difficult, which one to buy a router for home?

I wrote at the beginning of the article that the router needs to be selected specifically for your tasks. And you need to focus on the very room where he will work, and of finances. And yet, I wrote that I really do not like to give advice on specific models. Besides, I don't know anything about you, about your house and the tasks that a router should perform. But, if you are already asking like that :), then I will advise several models of routers that should be suitable for not big house or apartments. And for connecting a small number of devices. I will only recommend models that I have worked with. We divide them into three categories.

Inexpensive, modern router

First of all, I would definitely recommend a router, or TP-LINK Archer C20. It's not the cheapest home model, but it's dual-band (Wi-Fi 5 GHz), has 1 USB port, and looks really nice.

Easily suitable for the home, and will easily cope with watching online videos, downloading torrents, and playing online games. If you look at other manufacturers, then not many have similar models. In terms of characteristics and price, only Asus RT-AC51U and Xiaomi WiFi MiRouter 3 are similar. Perhaps some other options have already appeared.

The most budget option for a small apartment

If you want to save a lot of money, you have a small house, and few devices, then you can consider the following options:

Very often new models appear, and I am not familiar with all the options that can be considered for purchase. Therefore, look at suitable routers, read reviews, be guided by the price and take the model that you like best. Now there are no problems with this, we go to any online store, and choose until we get bored.

We did not consider expensive models. I think that this does not make sense. If possible, buy. They will definitely get the job done. Especially if you have a smart TV that needs a stable connection at good speed.


I hope that my advice somehow helped you decide on the choice of a router, and you were able to purchase the best option that will delight you with stable operation.

It is important to understand that no one will be able to choose the right router option for you. At least until the ports are received necessary information about the house in which it will be installed (area, walls), about the devices for which you need to provide access to the Internet, and about the tasks that will be performed on these devices.

Summing up, I repeat that it is better not to save on the router. Buy as expensive as possible in your case. And if you are already considering cheaper options, you can focus on the models that I wrote about above. Well, it is advisable to buy a dual-band router, with at least one USB port.
