What is heavier pine or Christmas tree. What is the difference between pine and spruce: description and comparison of trees. Basic characteristics of spruce and pine in comparison

Some Customers, having seen "pine-spruce" wood in the felling contract, ask only for pine without spruce. Although it does not reduce the real life of a wooden house. But, it seems to be cracking, it turns blue more strongly. Has weak energy. In fact cracking, twisting of a tree in a log house does not depend on the breed, on the conditions of growth and operation of the chopped structure. Spruce, on the contrary, turns blue less. Energy is a subjective thing. There are many reasons to choose spruce. They are objective.

Spruce is at least as good as pine. At adverse conditions(protracted heat + humidity + lack of antiseptic) spruce, unlike pine, is less prone to discoloration. Wood-staining fungi penetrate the wood superficially (pine is more affected), then removed with wood bleach or sanding easier from spruce. It is important to understand - any blue is not rot, only appearance changes. Strictly speaking, the tree turns black rather (sometimes even turns green). The original color is easier to restore. It is more interesting, homogeneous, noticeably lighter than pine.

Due to the light shade of wood and the absence of a core that is pronounced in color, spruce is loved not only by those who prefer light interior finishes, but also by manufacturers of glued beams. There is beauty and smooth surfaces initially included in the price, the joints of spruce-jointed lamellas are less noticeable. If the beam is glued from pine, it turns out to be luridly motley. Pine is darker due to its higher resin content. In any hand-cut log house from combined species coniferous trees after a month under the sun, the difference in color is almost imperceptible. Over time, a log without tinting, when painted in a spruce log house, acquires a uniform beautiful golden hue.

In composition, structure, pine and spruce are very similar: cellulose 41.9 / 44.1%, lignin 25.5 / 28.9%. The main external difference is at the root or in a stack along the bark of a tree. In pine, the bark is layered, coarsely scaly, in spruce it is darker (blacker), the scales are smaller. The difference from the end of the log is visually noticeable: due to the higher resin content, the core (which is of little use) is darker. Light mostly late wood with growth rings. Spruce has a white core, as is the outer latewood. If there are spots, it is not possible to trim cleanly - a marriage (rotten), a tree not suitable for felling. Spruce itself is a good wood. No wonder the proverb is "spruce hut - the heart is healthy." In terms of durability, pine is not inferior.

Another seemingly insignificant difference between these two similar breeds is the structure of the cells. Which affects the shrinkage of the tree, the reaction to changes in humidity environment. When shrinking / shrinking the log house, the entire structure of the spruce cells remains closed. In pine, this happens only with the core, the sapwood cells do not change their open structure. Hence, a more noticeable damage to the pine by the fungus, the absorption of a moderate amount of moisture by the spruce. What is expressed in a less significant change in the volume of the wall log in the rain, more efficient selection of excess moisture from the air in the interior. But, the overall actual biological persistence is higher in pine than in spruce.

The open cell structure of pine sapwood gives it better breathability through walls in log house. However, spruce is also interesting. Has a looser structure, respectively large quantity air in solid wood. The more air inside (the less density of the tree), the warmer the walls of the house. By analogy with fluffy fur hat in winter, in contrast to a dense fur headdress.

Pine, taking moisture from the air, gives back a lot if necessary during interior spaces. It's good in the house. The Christmas tree, on the contrary, prefers to give moisture to the street, which is good for the Russian bath, where the excess of moist air inside is large by definition. In the house for drying walls, this ability is useful too.

Spruce boards bend strongly, but never burst under heavy weight like pine boards. The tree is lighter. Therefore, they prefer to make bearing structures: skates, floor beams, mats, rafter runs (slags). Bend holds better - tough fibers.

On floorboard spruce is poorly suited, it splits when dried. But her knots are small, round (for pine oval), unusually strong. In old spruce huts, there is a crown half already rotten from time to time, and the knots are intact. The knots are also white - they do not spoil the interior. If it is necessary that he be elite, and not simple - in a sweet heart rustic style. In pine, knots, unlike spruce, are predominantly brown, large and noticeable, more often tobacco ones are found.

What kind of wood to use in the construction and decoration of the house? Usually the choice is among the most popular species in Belarus - pine or spruce. This choice is due to the availability of these lumber, as they grow on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Moreover, pine is always in a winning position due to its greater distribution. However, there is also such a tree as larch, which is brought to us from Russia. Larch closes the top three among conifers. Let's try to figure out which is better - spruce, pine or larch.

How to choose wood

The consumer is primarily interested appearance of wood. Here, as they say, there are no comrades for the taste and color. Everyone chooses solely from their preferences. Moreover, the grade of wood also refers to personal preferences. For example, it seems to someone that Extra grade wood is similar to plastic, because. it has no knots.

Spruce, pine and larch wood color

white spruce planks
yellowish pine planks
reddish larch boards

Spruce, pine and larch are conifers. The wood was spruce, the whitest, the knots are small and randomly arranged, the core is not expressed. In pine, you can already distinguish the core, its wood is more yellow, the knots are larger and grow in bunches. The larch heartwood has a reddish hue, it is very large and dense, and is very different in color from the sapwood.

spruce pine

Decay resistance of wood

The second most important issue is the resistance of wood to decay. This question is answered by

However, the difference is not entirely clear in GOST. After all, everyone knows that larch is more resistant than pine or spruce. For this there is the concept of the relative durability of wood(resistance to decay of lime sapwood is taken as 1.0).

The resistance of spruce to decay is average. Moreover, along the entire cut from the center of the trunk to its edges, it is approximately the same. Pine belongs to resistant species. As for larch, there is one caveat - the core has a very strong natural resistance. But the resistance of sapwood in larch is less than even in spruce.
By impregnation protective compounds pine is definitely in the lead, i.e. its sapwood perfectly absorbs antiseptics and oils. And what is most interesting, spruce is the least resistant species of those considered, it is impregnated as badly as larch, which stronger than spruce factor of! Those. For exterior finish best breeds- pine or larch. Spruce is good for interiors.

Mechanical properties of wood

The third thing that interests us is the properties of lumber that affect their operation and processing. All considered conifers have sufficient structural strength. They can be used without restrictions in construction and decoration.


Due to the dense core, larch is the strongest, heaviest and coldest. It is very difficult to process, it is especially difficult to saw and plan - the tool becomes tarred and blunt. However, staining properly prepared wood is usually not a problem. Larch has very high shrinkage ratio, and swelling pressure. This is a consequence of the postulate denser wood the more bound moisture it contains.

Larch is much more prone to warping and cracking than pine and spruce, and has high internal stresses. To reduce these phenomena, larch moldings must be covered with protective compounds that prevent the penetration of moisture into / out of the tree. Only if this condition is met, it retains its physical parameters (does not dry out / swell, does not crack). If you use larch as piles, then this parameter is not important. In constant humid environment larch only becomes stronger (hardens). During installation, larch necessarily requires pre-drilling (because it can crack). When using larch as a terrace board, compensation cuts must be made to relieve internal stress. That's why terrace board larch is always made in the "velveteen" profile (comb).


The Christmas tree is the loosest and warmest breed. IN fresh spruce is easy to process, although hard small knots often cause many problems during processing, up to chipping the blades of the processing tool. With high humidity, it quickly rots and collapses. For outdoor use, spruce must be in a special way. Indoors, spruce absorbs odors more than other species. But at first, the spruce house has a wonderful microclimate. Due to the homogeneous structure of the wood, spruce is the least prone to warping and cracking. Spruce bends well, is less resinous, practically does not turn yellow over time.


Pine is the golden mean among conifers. Like spruce, it has a low shrinkage coefficient; warps much less larch. It is perfectly processed - sawn, polished, impregnated, glued. Pine is the main structural material when building houses. The disadvantages of pine include its softness, it, like spruce, is easily scratched and damaged. To reduce this disadvantage, pine boards are treated with varnishes that penetrate into upper layer strengthen the surface. This mainly applies to furniture and floors.

Wood shrinkage coefficients

As mentioned above, larch has a higher coefficient of shrinkage and swelling than pine or spruce. The exploitation of wood outdoors in our climate occurs at 12% in summer to 20% in winter. In GOST 6782.1-75, the following data are given in the tables: the shrinkage of a bar 100 mm thick to a moisture content of 17-19% is 3.4% for pine and spruce and 4.4% for larch. These coefficients are important to consider when installing terraces and facades. It is necessary to leave the necessary gaps for the natural expansion / contraction of wood, depending on the season of the year.

Thus, mechanical properties wood do not give a clear answer, which is better - spruce, pine or larch. It all depends on where the wood is used.

The use of spruce, pine and larch

Larch more in demand in places with high humidity, on terraces, facades of houses. She will behave like flooring in passage places, where they often walk in heels. This tree is also suitable for parquet. But a larch house will be cold, and the facade will be heavy, requiring very reliable fastening. When using it in outdoor decoration, on terraces, larch requires constant attention - treatment with protective oils.

Pine- this is an excellent structural material, it behaves well as a finishing one (planken, lining, imitation of timber ...). Pine is unpretentious during operation, but for outdoor use it requires antiseptic or any other protection. When using pine on terraces, it is preferable to use the so-called deck board. The deck board does not have a comb on the front side. Since pine is enough soft wood, then the comb eventually takes on a rather untidy appearance. In addition, the comb is an excellent "garbage collector". Pine facades behave well when the weather changes. They hold paintwork well on themselves, and also have a beautiful natural pattern.

Spruce more in demand in the manufacture of paper than in construction, although it makes an excellent finishing material For interior decoration premises. Spruce lining is distinguished by its whiteness and the absence of a pronounced pattern. spruce use without corresponding antiseptic treatment when outdoor decoration is undesirable. This tree does not have such a supply of natural antiseptic (resin) as pine or larch.

Ultraviolet acts negatively on any tree, regardless of breed or grade, as well as on any coating. Spruce, pine or larch will fade in the sun the same way. And this means that for the street, the determining factor is protection against decay. A burnt board can be repainted, but a rotten one can only be replaced.

Article Pine or larch was modified: September 13th, 2018 by the author LesKhimProm LLC

In order to answer such a question objectively, it is necessary to consider representatives of conifers in more detail and for their “usefulness” for construction and comfort in general. Below is a table, it is not intended to compare both trees, but clearly demonstrates the real qualities of lumber varieties for construction. Having studied this information, we can conclude that it is advisable to purchase one or another type.

Table of real qualities of spruce and pine

If the information is not enough, you can always turn to competent sources for clarification. Given below detailed description each item in the table. So:

Useful properties of rock for private construction Spruce Pine
Color White From bright yellow to brick
Hue stability High Changes to a more intense shade
Fiber structure Uniform Pronounced
Humidity natural 12% 12%
Resinousness Low High
knotty A large number of small A small number of large
Natural rot protection Medium High and even exceptional, depending on the variety
blue Doesn't turn blue This effect wears off over time.
Mechanical restoration Difficult due to a large number knots Any
Scope of use Baths, gazebos, furniture Residential buildings, log cabins, frame
Price From 2500 rub/m³ Up to 4000 rub/m³

The general qualities include the longevity of the material and finished log house. Some of them are able to stand for at least 300 years. It is worth paying attention to the diameters of the trunks, the larger, the warmer - spruce cannot boast of this, but pine, on the contrary.

So, what is the best tree to build a house from? Spruce, pine or pay attention to other species? The answers are given in the table below.

Color and structure of fibers

This is what attracts customers visually and leaves a mark in memory. From this point of view, a pine house is more attractive than a log house made of spruce, which has a single shade that does not change over time. A variety of colors from sunny to ocher is appreciated by true aesthetes.

However, buyers are deterred by blue. They consider it a sign of rot. People! This is wrong! This only speaks of the freshness of the cut and over time the pine will become beautiful, and even change shades.

And a house made of spruce, like all wood, will become dark from moisture and nothing more. Annual rings delight the eye with their unusual pattern - this fact applies to pine. Spruce cannot boast of such - its structure is homogeneous and invisible due to color.


It is almost the same in both breeds. But it is worth remembering that the cut time has a difference - if it is made in winter, then there will be no complaints. Summer harvesting is fraught with distortions and great shrinkage in the future.

IN more it refers to pine. Spruce without proper resistance through clamps during drying leads and bends, it is more susceptible to this than pine.

Resinous and knotty

In addition to slovenliness, this effect has another unpleasant and, frankly, destructive feature - it will not allow our lungs to breathe, clogging the pores with sticky vapors. You need to inhale only a decoction of coniferous needles, and not resin. Therefore, the choice of a spruce log house for the house will be unpromising, but just right for a bath.

But sometimes abundant knotty is a design find. This approach can be used using various skins on the facades or as a decoration of the inside of the bath. By arranging such patterns relatively symmetrically, the owner will receive an exclusive object, causing envy among neighbors.

Rotting protection

Conifers, unlike hardwoods, with the exception of oak, always contain a high concentration of their own protective solutions. They prevent the spread of pathogenic bacteria, mold, rot and put a good barrier to rodents. However, this property is more pronounced in pine than in spruce.

This is due to the fact that the unseparated channels along which the "immunity" moves are longer than those of spruce, where the knotty still interrupts their flow. A house made of a Christmas tree will have to be treated with protective compounds earlier than a house made of pine.

The owner of the material should remember that when raw materials are brought to the construction site, they must be processed before the start of warehousing and storage - construction does not take place in one day. After processing, logs or beams are placed on supports, without contact with each other, and covered with a styrene film from precipitation. From time to time it is removed and the material is aired.

Ability for mechanical and manual processing

It is high in both breeds, as the structures are soft. But nevertheless, neat cuts and saw cuts are best tolerated by pine, but chipping and grinding are best tolerated by a Christmas tree. It all depends on the desired end result and the intended product.

Both breeds produce exceptionally beautiful, twisted furniture, valued in the West. Manual cutting is not difficult, if only the master is skilled in handling a saw and an ax. This, by the way, can play a cruel joke with an inexperienced builder - it is quite possible to grab a large piece of wood, so they act with caution.

Scope of use

It is extensive - you can build a house from a pine or a Christmas tree, make furniture, arrange gazebos, baths, wells. However, for residential buildings, pine is a priority, for all others, a Christmas tree can be used. This advice is for those who seek to reduce the cost of building an entire complex on the site.

Lumber from the described species

Budget construction with the use of wood is quite possible without the use of an array. Is it about a beam or frame construction. Agree, using a skeleton is much more profitable than a whip.

Used for sewing Wall panels or the same lumber from the selected breed, costing several times less than whole raw materials. In this case frame house from a Christmas tree or pine is in the same pluses, if we talk about appearance.

But in a constructive sense, the presence of inclusions in wood is of great importance. It is categorically impossible to use spruce for bearing supports, bearing in mind that when dried, knots tend to fall out, thereby reducing strength. Therefore, it should be purchased for cladding, or use spruce timber for a house on horizontal planes wireframe object.

Not always practical advice influence consumer choice. But he should take into account that the construction of a residential building is not only external beauty, but also a great responsibility. Before starting construction and choosing raw materials, you need to ask yourself the question - will the family pull the maintenance of a wooden object, which is sometimes very expensive.

The construction of houses from logs and timber has always been popular: wood is environmentally friendly and safe material, the construction is fast, the walls and facade do not require thorough finishing and insulation. The most difficult thing is the choice of wood species for the production of a log house. What is better - pine or spruce for the house? We will determine the main characteristics of trees to select the appropriate material.

Spruce or pine

Coniferous trees have been used for construction since ancient times. They differ from deciduous high operational characteristics. The most common are spruce or pine for the home. How do they differ from each other:

Index Pine Spruce
Color and its characteristics Brick-colored to bright yellow with natural color intensification during service White, color does not change over time
Blue* Temporary discoloration possible, disappears during processing Less prone to bluing, temporary blackening or greening possible
Structure uniformity stable, pronounced Uniform along the entire length of the trunk
Resinousness Increased Low
Number of knots Large rare Various frequent
Ease of processing Easily processed material with a soft structure Difficult process due to abundant knotting and hardness of wood
12%, does not shrink significantly 12%, but may change in volume after drying

* Blueing occurs due to exposure to wood fungi. The resinous nature of the pine prevents this phenomenon, the infection quickly passes. To speed up cleaning, wood is treated with special impregnations. Spruce is less resistant to fungi, so it sometimes takes on colors from black to green.

As can be seen from the comparison, pine and spruce are independent, different materials. The choice of one or another breed depends on individual preferences, but most developers opt for pine lumber because of their affordability and unpretentiousness in operation.

Pine timber house, pros and cons

Logs are made from wood, solid and glued laminated timber. The last most common material in view of high performance:

  • Strength up to 200 kg/cm2;
  • Weight (density) up to 520 kg/m3;
  • Easy workability in production and construction site;
  • Due to the high resin content, the materials resist excess moisture and mold;
  • The soundproofing of the walls does not let in the sounds from the street.

A pine house is durable; a comfortable microclimate is naturally maintained inside the premises.

The disadvantages of the breed include:

  • Susceptibility to decay and fungi. With proper processing of wood, this disadvantage is eliminated;
  • The formation of transverse cracks during the drying of the bars;
  • The high cost of a quality timber or log house.


Arkhangelsk pine is distinguished by a dense whip, which does not need refreshing treatment for a long time.

View of the Angarsk softwood durable, never turns blue, throughout the entire period of operation, the log house emits natural phytoncides that disinfect the air. Such material will be expensive.

Karelian pine is suitable for making logs of small length. The tree has a dense structure.

Having decided to build their own house, future owners always face the question: what kind of wood is best suited for this. Let's try to deal with this issue. Moreover, we will proceed from the fact that most developers make a choice only between pine and spruce. We will limit ourselves to the same types of wood.

Pine wood is distinguished by its special charisma and bright texture. Knots along the trunk are rarely scattered, but they emerge brightly and clearly. On the cut of each log, the difference between the sound and sapwood part of the trunk is clearly visible. Pine wood, used in the construction of the house, is a source of persistent and rich smell. Pine is the most resistant among other wood species to the destructive effects of fungi.

Pine is suitable for those who want to achieve a vivid feeling of living in wooden house.

However, having made a choice in favor of pine, you need to understand that this wood also has certain disadvantages:

  • if the wood wall covering is not “covering”, it is quite difficult to choose a color that would level out the big difference in the existing shades;
  • a big problem is the active release of resin at the locations of the knots.

If after the construction of the house you have left trimmings of logs, build a beautiful and a comfortable bench. we tell you how it's done.

spruce wood

Spruce has a homogeneous structure. The color of its wood is light, milky. Each log has a huge number of small knots. When applying the finish painting, the walls acquire a uniform color.

Among the shortcomings that spruce wood, the following should be noted:

  • an abundance of knots requires special attention when finishing a log house, since the cracks in the place where the knots come out to the surface of the log must be sealed. Note that the cracking of knots almost does not occur in pine;
  • there are quite a few resin pockets on the spruce material. For this reason, before finishing the log house must stand during the summer. This allows all pockets to open and release all the resin they contain;
  • spruce wood is a poor sound insulator.

What kind of wood to choose?

The physical and mechanical properties of both types of wood are very similar, their density and shrinkage coefficient are almost the same. Therefore, in terms of strength, pine is not inferior to spruce and vice versa.

When choosing, one should proceed not from physical and mechanical characteristics, but from what kind of finishing is planned to be carried out upon completion of construction. If there is a desire to avoid the hassle, it is better to give preference to spruce. It is she who provides a hassle-free combination various materials and technologies. Pine wood is suitable for those who like the charisma of wood, who appreciate the brutality and pleasure of living in a wooden house that smells like wood.
