How to sew french curtains. Master class: we sew curtains with our own hands. Simplified sewing: step by step instructions with photos

Luxurious, chic, rich, stylish, palatial, solemn, charming - these are all the epithets that characterize French curtains (awnings). The interior, which is crowned with them, becomes truly royal. Smooth lines, soft arcuate draperies, combined with a light texture of fabrics and a variety of finishes, will leave few people indifferent. Unlike more practical models of curtains and curtains, such as Roman or roller blinds, the French in the first place is beauty, and only then - functionality.

They look especially impressive in a frame. classical style, or Provence style. Sewing an awning for your living room, bedroom or kitchen on your own is a laborious task. But if you are patient and friendly with sewing machine- you can sew French curtains. You just need to remember that such a model of blinds requires strict observance of proportions in the interior, otherwise it will look heavy, weighting in it, which is not far from dissonance.

In general, the awning is a cascade-lifting model. This is its similarity with the Roman and Austrian curtains: all these are varieties of blinds. But the first draperies do not exist at all (only horizontal folds), the second drapery of the lower part is formed when the product is lifted up, and when lowered they look even.

The marquise, on the other hand, consists entirely of festoons (sagging assemblies) in the lowered state. As they rise, they become deeper and more expressive.

Marquise curtains for formal interiors

French curtains in the interior of the room can only cover the window opening (for example, tulle in the Provence style kitchen), often combined with curtains or lambrequins, or they can play the first violin, occupying the entire width of the wall. Here, the presence of upper curtains depends on the overall stylistic design space and the need to create complete blackout (if it is a bedroom or home theater).

Special cut - special textiles

To begin with, let's make a reservation that the marquis blinds are far from the most economical option window decoration: fabrics to sew French curtains will take several times more than ordinary curtains, moreover, expensive ones are preferred here, quality materials, rich (respectively - also not cheap) finish. Therefore, before sewing such curtains, you need to make sure that they are ideal for a particular situation, and the cost of them will be justified by the beauty of the product, and harmony with the surrounding space.

French curtain in the kitchen - I wonder why?

In order for the gathers to be even and beautiful, the fabric chosen for these blinds must be well draped. Light, soft textiles are suitable: tulle, thin satin, silk, veil, chiffon, moire, organza. But if you sew French curtains from hard, dense, heavy fabrics with a pronounced rough texture, they can distort your entire interior in Provence style beyond recognition, because they will have a completely different look when assembled.

Marquise organza curtains, an interesting pattern of vertical stripes in assembled

How to sew a marquise

In principle, sewing it is quite simple: the side and bottom seams are sewn in a straight line, the upper braid and curtain tape are sewn in a straight line in the center of each scallop. It is much more difficult and painstaking work to carefully pick up the fabric and install the lifting device.

Let's figure it out in order.

How much fabric to take, so as not to be mistaken

The calculation of the required width depends on the desired depth of the scallops: the more the width of the material exceeds the length of the cornice, the deeper the drapery cascades will fall. On average, this value is 1.5. That is, for a window with a cornice length of 2 m, you need to take a tulle 3 m wide.
The calculation of the cut length for French curtains is made based on the thickness of the selected materials and the desired assembly depth. For example, for a deep assembly of organza, the estimated length of the curtain must be multiplied by 3, for tulle - by 2, for a veil - by 2.5. For more easy assembly these numbers can be reduced. For example, let's take a height of 2.5 m. To sew an awning with beautiful assembly, tulle need to take 5m in length.

Calculation of the number of scallops: what to consider

When calculating the number of draperies, you need to proceed from the size of the window and the selected fabric. For narrow and high ones (for example, in a Provence-style kitchen), it is better to choose a small step - 25-35 cm, for wide ones - up to 50-60 cm and even more. The thinner and lighter the material from which these draped blinds will be sewn, the smaller French curtains can have scallops.

The required web width is another factor affecting the number of scallops. Do not forget that the width of the awning before assembly is several meters. And here you can not do without stitching several canvases together. Therefore, it is necessary that each such seam hit the middle of the festoon, where the curtain (gathering) tape will be located. At the same time, allowances for seam processing must be left on the sides.

Tailoring technology

Expand on flat surface future French curtains, but for now just pieces of tulle stitched together until the required width is obtained. Mark the center lines of the scallops with chalk or pins, leaving allowances for processing: from the sides and bottom of the curtains - 5 cm each, from above - 2 cm.

Fold over and stitch the side seams twice. Baste the gathering tape along the markings with a needle or pins. At the same time, it should not reach the bottom cut of the material by 5 cm, to the top - by 2 cm. Attach each tape from both edges.

If the top edge of your blinds is also gathered, it is enough to fold it in 2 cm and attach a fastening tape that will adjust the width of the assembly. If you want your French blinds to have a smooth top, first divide the difference between the width of the tulle and the length of the curtain rod by the number of scallops. Either sew the resulting value into a tuck (30-50 cm deep) in the center of each scallop, or lay it with a bow fold and sew horizontally. After that, attach the fastening tape. Now fold and stitch the bottom of your blinds twice.

If you were going to sew them on a window in a romantic kitchen with a touch of Provence, where it is not supposed to raise and lower the curtains, then everything is almost ready. It remains only to pull the curtain tape to the desired size, fasten it with knots, straighten the assembly and hang the awning on the eaves. You can decorate the kitchen.

French marquise curtains in the interior of a small kitchen can look heavy, be careful in experiments

When is a lifting mechanism needed?

If the romanticism of Provence fanned your bedroom or living room, we have not finished sewing French curtains for them yet. In these rooms, the scalloped curtain must rise, therefore, it must be assembled before tightening lifting mechanism.

Special rings must be sewn in the center of each gathering tape. At the same time, we retreat from the lower edge at least 5 cm, from the top - at least 12 cm. The distance between the rings is about 30 cm (with small scallops - less, with wide ones, respectively, more).

Special weights must be attached to the bottom of each gathering tape to keep the fabric in a vertical position. Now we tighten the scallops, straighten the assembly so that it is uniform, tie the ends of the cords of the curtain tape.

Next you need nylon cords. They need to be fixed on each lower ring and threaded up through all the rings. Then skip along the top row of rings in one direction, gathering together, and tie all the ends into one knot. With the help of such a control system, the structure will change its height.

Now you can attach the tulle to the fastening hooks of the eaves.

French curtains in an interior decorated in the Provence style or similar design directions look especially impressive if they are sewn using a suitable decor: ruffles, tassels, fringe, decorative braid.

Vintage style in the interior of a private house, marquise curtains in Provence style
Marquise curtain decor - brushes, beads, glass When you need high taste and a sense of beauty curtains that emphasize the status and belonging to a certain type of activity
Combination of French curtains and curtains, original decor
Lambrequin according to the type of French curtains Marquis
A gentle version of the French curtain, combined with transparent curtains and decor
The prototype of the French curtains Marquis, embodied horizontally, in a lambrequin
With taste and some good naivete - black trim of French-type curtains from a white veil
French marquise curtains look beautiful in the interior of the kitchen, provided that the space is filled with minimal kitchen attributes
Marquise curtains as tulle for baroque, rococo furnishings
Marquise curtains with glass beads for a loggia or balcony

When buying fabric, you should rely on the width of the finished product. The width of the curtain depends on the shape and size of the window, the type of cornice. In addition, allowances for the assembly factor of the product are taken into account, which mainly depends on the preferences of the hostess.

On French curtains sewing quite a lot of fabric is required, since to create airy lush folds you need more material than the amount of fabric needed to sew a regular curtain: one and a half times as wide, twice as long.

What fabric should I choose for French curtains?

The selected material for the curtains should be elastic, drape well, lay down in soft and smooth folds. Basically, traditional fabrics are used for sewing French curtains - these are thin and light fabrics with a smooth texture: silk, moire and satin, wool, cambric, organza, transparent light tulles. Fabrics can be any colors and shades. Sometimes used modern materials with a denser texture, which form hard and lush folds. Usually the edges of such curtains are decorated with frills, ruffles, tassels, fringe. If desired, French curtains can be supplemented with a lambrequin and heavier curtains. To complete the stylistic and color solutions The interior is influenced by a well-chosen fabric texture, color and pattern of the material.

DIY French curtains with photo instructions

It is not difficult to sew French curtains with your own hands with a photo instruction for your home: for this you need to be proficient in sewing technology and all the intricacies of operations on sewing machine, know technological features used fabrics and apply imagination, which will prompt interesting ideas for interior design. A beginner should not take on sewing such complex curtains, it is better to practice creating more simple products. We offer you an option how to sew do-it-yourself french curtains photo.

Determination of tissue consumption

Width. Usually the width of the curtain should be equal to the length of the cornice, but for a spectacular assembly, the width of the fabric can be slightly increased. Without applying the coefficient, the width of the curtain is calculated as follows: the width of the cornice plus four centimeters for the processing of side seams.

Long. To ensure good drapery of the curtains into lush folds, it is necessary that its height be one and a half to two and a half times longer than the height of an ordinary finished curtain. Length calculation: the desired height of the curtain, multiplied by two, plus two centimeters for the processing of the top edge, plus five centimeters for the processing of the bottom edge (hem).


  • the cloth must be laid out on the desktop, straighten the material and carefully trim the bottom edges;
  • when cutting, it is necessary to take into account the additional length for hem and allowances;
  • before starting work, the fabric should be processed on the sides and then ironed.
  • For the formation of beautiful draped folds after tightening at the top of the braid, as well as for strictly vertical arrangement curtains along the upper edge make tucks along all vertical lines. Depending on the height of the curtain, the size of the undercuts can change: with the lengthening of the curtain, the undercut becomes longer and deeper.

How to sew French curtains with your own hands photo

The step is the distance between the vertical lines along which the mounting narrow tape with ringlets for the cords is sewn.

Braid or decorative fabric can be sewn between the drapery guides.

Drapery tape

Drapery in height is done using a narrow drapery tape (braid with rings for threading the cords of the lifting mechanism). The length of the tape is bought from the calculation: the height of the cut of the fabric, multiplied by the number of scallops, plus the height of the cut of the curtain.

Calculation of the number of scallops

For large windows wide sections on curtains are better suited, and for tall and narrow ones - small soft waves (from twenty-five to forty-five centimeters). The number of scallops for large windows can be calculated from the following table:

  • Lay the curtain face down on a horizontal, flat surface.
  • Pin the braid along the vertical lines with pins so that the lower edge of the curtain coincides with the end of the braid;
  • From the side edge, the draping braid must be placed close to the side edges. After that, you need to bend the lower ends of the braid by 2.5 centimeters, after pulling the cords out of the hem. Attach the ribbon to the curtain. Next, iron the bottom edge of the curtain twice 2.5 centimeters each and stitch the bottom edge.
  • After sewing on the braid, the upper cut must be adjusted to the width of a special fastening tape (with its help, the curtain is later draped and hung on the eaves).
  • Then close this section with a ribbon and sew it on a sewing machine.
  • To the lower edge of the curtain, along all the guide lines of the stitched tape, special weights are sewn to maintain the vertical position of the curtains.
  • The cords must be pulled tight so that the lush folds are evenly distributed over the entire width of the curtain. Secure the folds with ribbons in this position.

Time to sew handmade french curtains it will take quite a lot. However, this piece of furniture will delight you and your loved ones with its amazing beauty for a long time. Decorating your home with handmade products, you can emphasize your individuality and good taste.

Home improvement is always troublesome, but nice moment, especially if the decoration elements are made by hand. Today we will study the master class "How to make French curtains", with the provided photo and video materials.

French curtains - what is it?

Technically, the tailoring of French curtains is the tailoring of a fabric with soft folds in the form of waves and, if desired, their fastening with threads or laces. They come with a lift with the help of fasteners that lift them up and when the canvas is folded, folds are obtained in the form of waves, which gives the curtains splendor and volume.

Exist various sizes curtains: to the floor, and there are shorter ones, to the windowsill, often short curtains hang in the kitchen. They look very nice if they are supplemented with curtains, tassels or lambrequins.

Where to start sewing

First you need to choose a fabric, it is best to take silk, tulle, batiste or satin. Velor or wool looks very original.

Colors can be matched in peach, pale yellow, beige, white or pastel colors, but bright curtains they look very elegant, it's a matter of taste and interior decor in general. When the issue is resolved with fabric and color, then you need to calculate the footage of future curtains, because such curtains look very elegant, and this is the effect that is achieved by correct calculations. Now about everything in order!

Fabric choice

Here you can fantasize endlessly: dense and heavy fabrics look good, but light tulle ones are also suitable. When choosing a fabric, you need to focus on its supply in drapery. Folds depend on the texture of the canvas and its density.

If we make curtains from a dense and soft fabric, then we will end up with descending waves. If made from light and stiff fabric, then as a result the folds on the curtains will be lush and voluminous.

Very carefully it is necessary to select fabrics with different patterns, because the pattern may be lost or look too small in the abundance of wavy folds. Most often, a plain canvas or with a soft pattern in the form of floral or vintage images is chosen. If you choose a colored fabric, then such curtains will create a sweet and charming atmosphere.

In normal and classic version Such curtains are made from a fabric of light and smooth texture. Such curtains look very elegant if the fabric has a slight sheen.

Fabric quantity

In order for the curtains to get beautiful folds in the form of waves, it is required a large number of canvases. To calculate ordinary curtains, they proceed from the size of the window, here the assembly coefficient is equal to at least 1.8 along the width of the canvas. Given the width of the crossbar, add five centimeters to the seams on each side of the finished curtain and * 2, with the addition of an allowance for the seams: three centimeters on top of the curtain, five centimeters on the bottom of the curtain.

Auxiliary calculation depending on the width of the curtain:

width of the curtain fabric in cm - number of borders - distance between the border:

290 – 5 – 58

340 – 6 – 56,7

390 – 6 – 65

390 – 7 – 55,7

440 – 7 – 69,9

440 – 8 – 55

490 – 8 – 61,3

490 – 9 – 54,4

540 – 9 – 60

540 – 10 – 54

590 – 10 – 59

590 – 11 – 53,6

640 – 10 – 64

640 – 11 – 58,2

640 – 12 – 53,3

690 – 10 – 69

690 – 11 – 67,3

690 – 12 – 61,7

740 – 11 – 62,7

740 – 12 – 57,5

Do-it-yourself French curtain: master class

First, we process the fabric so that there is no further shrinkage. To do this, soak the canvas in water. room temperature for fifteen minutes, wring out and dry or iron with the steam function turned on.

  1. We process the canvas along all edges and the entire length from the bottom. To do this, lay out the canvas and fold it twice, the width of the fold is from one to one and a half centimeters, and carefully hem it.
  2. We perform two folds in the lower part of the future curtain by two centimeters and again carefully hem it.
  3. Count the drawstrings. We need to measure tightly in width about forty or fifty centimeters at regular intervals.
  4. To form the drawstrings with the help of pieces of fabric, we need to sew a fabric three centimeters wide along the marked lines and carefully fold inward along the edges.
  5. The width will be adjusted using cords or ropes threaded into the drawstring.

Sometimes they make rings sewn to the drawstrings. The distance between the rings depends on the size of the window. Another option for the formation of drawstrings is tape folding along the height.

Laces or ropes threaded into the drawstrings are pulled together and thus you can choose the height and volume of the folds. From above, the curtains are decorated with ribbons, they serve to fix on the cornice. Now we fix finished curtain on the eaves, fix on the sides and adjust the bottom of the curtain, and you're done. It remains only to admire this beauty. They will decorate any interior and bring comfort to your home.

Enjoy your creativity and good luck in your work!

Do-it-yourself French curtain: video workshops

The refined beauty of French curtains causes aesthetic delight. Their folds are so perfect that it seems incredibly difficult to create such beauty on your own. But in fact, even a beginner can sew French curtains with his own hands. Following a simple step by step algorithm the manufacture of this interior product, you can create a lush for your living room or bedroom window decor in an aristocratic style.

If you are starting for the first time self-tailoring French curtains, we offer a landmark: detailed step by step master class with photos.

Calculations for French curtains

At first glance, this model seems complicated due to the splendor and beauty of the folds, but in fact there are no particular difficulties in tailoring. It will take not so much to sew French curtains:

  • Fabric - better translucent, transparent or translucent. French curtains are often sewn from delicate tulle, since this model is the very embodiment of elegant chic. However, French curtains are also sewn from denser, satin fabrics: such window framing is suitable for halls and luxurious bedrooms.
  • Curtain tape to gather fabric. But this is an optional element: you can cut a drawstring from curtain fabric.
  • Fringe - its use is also optional.

As you can see, in the simplest version, you can limit yourself to only fabric and threads.

Calculate required amount material is easy. One and a half coefficient is laid in the width. This means that the width of a piece of fabric that is taken for sewing French curtains should be 1.5 times the width of the window opening.

With the calculation of the length is a little more complicated. You can choose a standard pattern, which assumes that the length of the fabric is 2 times the height of the finished product. But there are other options: the length of a piece of matter depends on the collection of folds in the future product. What coefficient to lay in length will be indicated in a specific pattern.

If you use not ready-made braid, but drawstrings from the same fabric, add another 5 cm to the width for each. How many coulisses will be required? It's simple: one more than festoons. For example, if the window is narrow, and there are only two scallops, then three pieces of drawstrings (or pieces of braid) will be required. Two will be located on the sides, and one between the scallops. If there are three festoons, then four drawstrings will be required, and so on.

When buying curtain tape, calculate the number of lengths needed in the same way, and then multiply by the length of the piece of fabric.

As for the scallops, you choose their number yourself, depending on the width of the window. They can be both wide and narrow. There are many different patterns of French curtains on the Internet with different amount festoons.

How to sew french curtains?

In our example, for simplicity, there will be only two festoons, and three kuliskok. The algorithm for sewing French curtains is as follows:

French curtains with several scallops are sewn according to the same principle, only in point No. 3 the fabric is not folded in the center, but along pre-lined lines corresponding to the number of drawstrings.

To decorate a window with such an "awning" it is not necessary to go to a specialized store or atelier. Its tailoring is quite simple, therefore, with due attention and observance of simple rules, it is easy to do it yourself. In order for the finished product to be light, fit in beautiful waves, not slide down under its own weight and not taper to the bottom, you need to read the tips below.

Fabric choice

In the description of the do-it-yourself French curtains master class below, one of the varieties of organza, crystal, is used. For such a model of the product, it is best to use similar types of fabrics:

1. The material should be light, rather thin than dense, should not special efforts fold into soft folds. These requirements are met by the characteristics of such materials: the above-mentioned organza, muslin and satin, guipure and silk, and others.

Due to their characteristics, these materials can lie in neat and soft folds. Translucent fabrics will reliably protect from prying eyes inner space rooms, but at the same time will continue to let in a sufficient amount of daylight.

2. Absolutely not suitable for the manufacture of such a product plan are heavy and dense materials: velvet and toile, taffeta and moire, damask and chintz, canvas and brocade and others.

It is extremely difficult to fold folds beautifully on such matters. In addition, their weight is quite impressive, and if you use them in this form (many folds are collected), then it will increase at least three times. The cornice simply cannot withstand such a load.

types of curtains
cutting diagram

cut the fabric to the required length
sew on the braid

preliminary calculations

The description below of sewing French curtains with your own hands (master class) began with calculating the size of the canvas for purchase. A window 1.4 m high and 2 m wide was taken as an example. Ready product should have a height of 20 cm (height from the cornice to the window sill) and a width of 50 cm more (25 cm on each side of the slopes). Calculation the right sizes canvases are conducted as follows:

1. We multiply the desired final width by 1.5 (maximum 1.6, otherwise the product will sag along the bottom edge). In our case: 2 m 50 cm x 1.5 \u003d 3 m 75 cm (we will round up to 4 meters, since folds and folds will be made along the vertical line).

2. We multiply the desired final length by 2 (this is done if a special braid is sewn in the process for a similar cut of the product, otherwise you will have to take more due to the fabric sliding down under its own weight). In our case: 1 m 60 cm x 2 = 3 m 20 cm.

3. A special braid will be stitched on the canvas every half a meter, for the described option you will need to buy 9 segments, the length of which is equal to the length of the product (total - 27 m). Additionally, a segment will be sewn along the top of the fabric. If it is sewn with the expectation of tightening the cord (folds are formed from tightening), then you will need to purchase 4 m. If the folds along the upper edge are made independently during work, then a cut 2.6 m long is taken.

do-it-yourself french curtains steps 1-3
steps 4-6

steps 6-9
