How to adjust a plastic door. How to adjust a plastic balcony door. How to adjust a plastic door on a balcony yourself

Do-it-yourself adjustment of balcony and interior plastic doors is a set of actions aimed at eliminating problems that arose when handling PVC (polyvinyl chloride) structures.

Regardless of how expensive the plastic structure is installed in the room, and no matter how high-quality the fittings are, sooner or later a situation may arise in which it is required. This can happen as soon as the next day after installation plastic construction, and 10 years after that.

In a situation where the owner of the premises in which it is installed, or another person does not want to seek help from specialists in this industry. He has the ability to independently adjust the plastic doors. When handling the door structure, he must be aware of the following issues:

  • in what places of the door mechanism are the units intended for adjusting the plastic door located;
  • problems that may arise when handling a plastic door and ways to resolve them;
  • adjustment door hinges GreenteQ.

Elements of adjustment of a plastic door, common operating problems and methods for eliminating them

We bring to your attention a training video:

Adjusting plastic doors with your own hands - eliminating common problems

Do-it-yourself adjustment of plastic doors

Plastic doors are widespread almost everywhere: they are readily installed in industrial, public and residential buildings, since their cost is very reasonable. But along with undoubted advantages These designs also have a drawback: they have to be adjusted from time to time.

Fortunately, this procedure is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. And if you at least know approximately which side you need to grasp the screwdriver from, you will be able to handle it yourself without calling a specialist.

All you need is a modest set of tools and our article, from which you will learn how to properly adjust the structure and when, in fact, it needs to be done.

When to start adjusting?

Most users of plastic doors realize the need for adjustment only when the signs of “disease” become more than noticeable:

  • the canvas closes and opens with difficulty, clinging to the frame;
  • the lock handle barely turns;
  • despite the closed doors and airy thermal curtain above the door that is being described, from the side of the block you can feel an invigorating flow of cool air, as if there was no canvas at all.

But it is not at all necessary to bring it to such a deplorable state.

Techniques that can help you determine when you need to start making adjustments.

A clear sign that a plastic door requires your attention is wrinkles on the seal. Carefully inspect the sealing cord around the entire perimeter of the opening. If damage is detected, do not hesitate to proceed with the adjustment, even if everything is still functioning quite well.

Tip: to protect the seal from irreversible deformation, coat it with a silicone-based compound.

Open slightly plastic door and leave her in this position, standing still and trying not to breathe. If adjusted properly, it will remain motionless; if it is skewed, it will close or open spontaneously. Of course, the results of the experiment should not be affected by drafts of natural origin or from fast-moving household members.

The graphic method is also quite witty. To implement it you will need a pencil and a damp cloth. Having previously taken a position on the side opposite to the opening of the door, close it and draw along the contour of the door leaf (perimeter) along the pillars and horizontal strips boxes four straight lines, using them like a ruler In order to evaluate the results of your creativity, the door must be opened. Ideally, the drawn lines and edges of the canvas will be parallel. Deviations from parallelism will tell you in which direction and at what angle the misalignment occurred. Upon completion of the diagnosis, do not forget to wipe everything with a damp cloth.

Another simple test will check the uniformity of door pressure. Position the sheet of newsprint so that when closing it is sandwiched between the door leaf and the frame. Now pull out the paper, remembering the force you had to apply to do this. Now, in the same way, insert the sheet a little higher or a little lower and pull it towards you again.

In addition to eliminating distortions, seasonal adjustments should be made to the pressure of plastic doors that separate the room from the street. With the onset of cold weather, the pressure on the door leaf must be strengthened in order to make the closure as tight as possible and thus prevent cold air from entering warm room. When the thermometer column creeps up, the clamp will need to be loosened. Leave the door with “winter” settings on summer season is impractical, since under conditions of increased pressure the seal and block mechanisms quickly wear out.

Let's start adjusting

If you decide to make the adjustment yourself, please prepare the following tools:

  • a set of keys with a hexagonal profile (some door models may require keys with an asterisk profile);
  • screwdrivers with straight and Phillips blades;
  • pliers.

You can find out what to do if the key is stuck in the door lock.

To adjust metal-plastic doors we will use special screws that are installed in the hinged mechanisms (hinges) under the decorative trim. There are three such screws on each hinge and each of them has its own zone of influence. Simply put, each screw pulls the door in its own direction.

Let's figure out in what cases and where exactly it needs to be pulled.

Horizontal adjustment

Distortion in the position of the door leaf often occurs due to its sagging. If the deviations reach critical values, the door begins to cling to top part vertical post of the box (from the handle side) and behind the part of the threshold farthest from the hinge post.

The door may also rub along the entire length of the vertical post due to thermal expansion. In the first case, the door must be pressed against the hinge post only in the upper part, in the second - along the entire length. This is what horizontal adjustment is all about.

To implement this, it is necessary to use the longest of the adjusting screws, which have a horizontal location. By pulling it, we will move the door in the direction of the hinge post. If it is necessary to eliminate the distortion from sagging, tighten the screw more firmly on the top hinge and a little less on the middle one. If you are struggling with the result of temperature deformation, tighten the screws evenly on all three hinges.

What to do if insulation is necessary metal doors, read .

Vertical adjustment

If the door only catches the threshold, and along its entire length, then it simply “slipped” down without creating a distortion. In this case, they resort to vertical adjustment of the door, that is, to raise it or, which happens when installed incorrectly or due to the same temperature expansions, to lower it.

The screw that needs to be operated on in this case, is located vertically, and its head is located at the lower end of the loop. By tightening this screw, we will raise the door, and by loosening it, we will lower it.

Pressure adjustment

By turning the third adjusting screw on each hinge, you can change the tightness of the door pressing against the seal from the side of the hinge post. In order to achieve the same from the handle side, you should first carefully examine the end of the door leaf.

Some models are equipped with three eccentrics, which, like the hinges, are located at the top, bottom and middle. The eccentrics should be turned with the same tool as the screws - a hexagon or asterisk.

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In other options, the door pressure on the handle side is adjusted by turning the locking pin located on the frame. This trunnion, as a rule, has a notch, by the position of which one can judge the degree of compaction.

Also, to strengthen or weaken the clamping density, you can change the position of the strikers located on the door frame. Like the hinges, they are equipped with adjustment screws.

What is facing stone for the facade you will find out.

For more information on how to independently correct the shortcomings of plastic structures, see the video.

“Figure correction” for a plastic door

If adjusting the hinges of a plastic door did not save the situation, it means either they have exhausted their service life, or the door has “floated”, turning from a rectangle into a parallelogram. In both cases, through simple operations you can try to change its shape:

  1. Using a chisel or knife, carefully pry off the glazing beads that hold the glass unit in place. In this case, it is important to remember or mark the position of the beads so that upon completion of the operation, each of them can be returned exactly to its place.
  2. While pressing the glass unit, install additional plastic spacers around its perimeter. The frame of the door leaf will tighten slightly, changing its shape.
  3. Place the beads in place. During installation, they are lightly tapped with a rubberized hammer or the back of a screwdriver if its handle is made of a soft polymer material.

Find out the structure of the front door lock.

Handle adjustment

You can tighten a loose handle with a very simple technique.

In the place where the handle is attached to the door leaf, there is a small plate that can be rotated around the same axis as the handle.

If, after increasing the pressure, the handle begins to turn more tightly, this is normal. But if you have to exert too much force to turn it, then you have overdone the pressure or the door needs to be checked for distortion. Well, if the handle barely turns even by open door– it’s time to lubricate the mechanism or look for a replacement.

We have learned how to adjust plastic doors ourselves, but is there anything we can do to make sure we have to do this as little as possible? The installation of two devices will save the owner of a PVC door from unnecessary hassle.:

  1. Door opening limiter. During operation, the door can often open wide open so that the leaf rests against the slope. In this case, the door mechanisms are subjected to significant loads ( door leaf acts as a lever), which cause their imbalance. The door opening limiter is designed to prevent these phenomena.
  2. Microlift. Even in the closed position, the door continues to hang on its hinges, which sooner or later leads to sagging. At this moment, she really needs support, which only a microlift can provide. It looks like a roller or plate on which closed door leans, unloading the awnings.

It is best to ask the supplier to install these mechanisms at the stage of ordering the door, but some of their varieties can be installed even if the plastic door has already been manufactured and installed in place.

Plastic doors conquered the market two decades ago, and now they are used everywhere. Plastic is very practical and available material, so this is quite natural. Doors made from it are easier to design and manufacture, and consumers, in turn, like them because they provide tightness and are relatively lightweight. Plastic is easier to care for than many other materials, including wood or iron. However, when using plastic entrance systems, the same problems arise as in other cases. The door can sag, rub against the frame, touch the floor - such defects will cause a lot of trouble. But even without a wizard, everything can be fixed; all you have to do is read the instructions. Under no circumstances should it be allowed to reach a situation where the door simply jams or stops going into the frame. Adjustments should be made from time to time as a preventative measure.

Why adjust PVC doors

There are a number of reasons for adjusting the door position. Firstly, this is the shrinkage of the building. The phenomenon is typical for new buildings and is considered the norm. Secondly, improper operation leads to the need for regulation. door design. Using flaps and handles for hanging items, such as clothes and towels, increases the load on hinges that are not prepared for this in advance. Sash sagging is another reason to adjust the position. The fact is that the door leaf itself is a heavy structure, and this process will occur in any case. Rapid or frequent temperature changes are a reason to adjust the structure from time to time, since all this leads to depressurization. Door systems made of polyvinyl chloride are also susceptible to this effect. It is also recommended to regularly check gaps and distortions to monitor the dynamics of possible changes.

Types of plastic doors

Door structures made of plastic according to their purpose are divided into:

  • input;
  • interior;
  • balcony

Plastic structures are characterized by high strength, even without metal inclusions. This also applies to interior doors made of plastic. With the type of construction, everything is a little more complicated. There are sliding, folding and swing doors. Constructions from the first category are a system of two sashes moving in different directions along guide rails. Sliding plastic doors are often equipped with an automatic opening function. Such systems respond to pressure on the lower platform. Such doors save space, but make a lot of noise and are expensive. Folding systems consist of two or more folding sashes. They are also called “accordions”. Due to the joints, the thermal insulation of folding plastic doors is worse. Swing systems come in single and double leaf types and can be opened towards or away from you.

Frequent defects that require adjustment of plastic doors

The door may sag under the influence of its own weight. This sometimes happens with plastic doors, despite their relatively low weight. Sometimes the canvas “mows” to the side. Its condition is checked by drawing a line. Parallelism with respect to the bottom of the opening is assessed. One of the most common reasons for adjustment there is play in the fastenings. Much depends on the design itself: with some doors this happens regularly, with others rarely. In most cases, you have to correct loose handles and adjust the fasteners on the hinges. These elements must be monitored in order to correct defects in a timely manner.

Other signs that need adjustment are cold air leaking in and increased noise levels in the room. Sometimes there is a friction sound when the sash is closed. This means that the door has begun to touch the frame and the hinges need to be adjusted. There are also problems with the locking device of the lock - when the door is closed or in any position.

Tools needed when adjusting plastic doors

To adjust and simplify the process standard set tools are prepared in advance. Among the most important tools are pliers, pliers, Phillips and flat-head screwdrivers, L-shaped keys with a 6-sided cross section (another name is furniture keys). If you don’t have the latter at home, you will need to contact construction supply stores. It is recommended to assemble the instruments in several sizes, within the range of 1.5-5 mm. The whole set will cost about 500 rubles. A screwdriver with the necessary bits can replace a Phillips and flathead screwdriver. The most commonly used attachments are T and TX. A screwdriver will be useful in another sense. He will free his hands from extra work. You will also need scissors to cut the seal and needles.

The list of tools for adjusting plastic doors should also include:

  • chisel or special knife;
  • spinning hammer;
  • handle for removing loops;
  • spatula for unpacking.

Instructions for self-adjustment of doors

You can correct minor problems with the location yourself. Initially competent installation will help ensure that this moment does not come soon, but if irregularities are discovered, their elimination cannot be postponed until later. And this is connected not only with the possible expiration warranty period. Firstly, the warranty itself already constrains actions, since any intervention will give the manufacturing company a reason to refuse appropriate service. And secondly, it is also possible that you will have to buy a new door at your own expense. If the warranty is no longer valid or you have decided to make the adjustment yourself, you must strictly follow technical instructions and recommendations from experts. Special attention Care should be taken to adjust the fasteners. You can increase indoor comfort by increasing or decreasing the tightness of the door structure.

Door adjustment involves the following steps:

  • Vertical adjustment.
  • Changing position in the horizontal plane.
  • Setting up hinges, hinges and awnings.
  • Handle adjustment.
  • Sealing of contacting surfaces.
  • Adjustment of various parts of fittings.

Height adjustment

It is better to adjust the canvas height immediately after roughness or dents on the seals are noticed. To change the position of the canvas, you will need to tighten the lower hinged loop. Actions are performed according to a specific algorithm. First we gain access to the adjusting screws on the bottom hinge. They are usually hidden under decorative strip. This element is removed by moving it towards you and upward. We perform this action carefully, because over time the plastic becomes prone to drying out and cracking. Next we work with the vertical adjustment screw. Place a 6-point wrench into the head the right size(usually 4mm). Then we turn it. Clockwise movements will raise the sash, and reverse movements will lower it. Some manufacturers of door structures have an “asterisk” instead of a hexagonal hole.

Typically, closed-type overhead hinges are installed on doors made of plastic or metal-plastic. In systems without metal inclusions, as a rule, two fastening units are sufficient. If there is a double-glazed window, the option with three fastenings is considered optimal. The curtains are adjusted by several different ways. They are directly related to the height adjustment of the canvas, as well as its movement left and right. The adjustment is made using the adjusting screw. The sash should be slightly open at this time. Movements are made clockwise or counterclockwise. You should not tighten only one fastener, because this may cause a curvature in the profile, and when opening the door, a creaking or crunching sound may appear. The need for adjustment of hinges and canopies will be indicated by drafts, cracks that appear, slowdown or difficulty in closing the sash. Prevention of defects will significantly increase the service life of plastic door structures.

Violation of the door system installation technology will lead to serious problems that cannot be corrected by normal adjustments.

Horizontal alignment

This type of adjustment involves moving the sash parallel to the top and bottom of the structure. The door can cling to the top near the supporting post or to the threshold next to the opposite one. The canvas is also subject to thermal expansion, which increases the above problems. To make adjustments, you will need a 4 mm 6-sided wrench, or less often, another tool. Screw for horizontal alignment located by analogy - horizontally. To complete the task, open the door, insert the key into the hole and turn it. Rotating clockwise will pull the blade towards the loop and lift the bottom on the side of the opposite post. Moving the tool in a different direction will have the opposite effect. If you need to eliminate rubbing or neutralize the effects of thermal expansion, then you will need to influence all door hinges.

What to do to close tightly - frontal adjustment of eccentrics

Eccentrics are designed to control the tightness of the abutment of the door frame parts to each other. The operating principle is similar to the functional load performed by them in window designs. The clutch density is regulated by turning these same eccentrics. There is a clear sequence of actions for the tightest closure. First, the hinges are freed from the decorative flaps. Then the sash opens and the lock is pressed. The top of the door is then slid back to allow normal access to the cams. Then the screw rotates. If required level pressing has been achieved, all that remains is to perform the final actions. Moving elements should be lubricated. Then the lock is pressed and the door returns to its original position. The greatest pressure is ensured by the position of the eccentrics at the maximum level. After adjustment, the locking bolt is lowered, the parts are shifted and the fastening is tightened.

Difficulty closing

The most common problems are misalignment, sagging, loose fit, and difficulty turning the handle. In worst cases, the door stops closing altogether. If the situation is easier, and the canvas simply no longer fits tightly in the opening, then the reason is purely technical. Most likely, you will only need to adjust the fittings. But if the sash does not fit into the frame at all, then you will have to look for a breakdown. The most common causes of problems are unsuitable fittings, foreign objects getting into the door mechanism, or damage to the integrity of the structure. Less troublesome than door jamming, but more frequent negative aspects are sagging or skewing of the door and inconvenience when turning the handle. If in the latter case the cause is too sharp movements of the handle or leaf, then the distortion and subsidence are associated with excessive load on the axis of the door structure.

The hinges are constituent elements hinges and other fastening units. Integrated ball bearings, for example, reduce wear and make the opening process easier and smoother. They, like other hinges, should be lubricated in a timely manner. Depending on the detected defect, 3 adjustment methods are used - vertical, horizontal and frontal. In the first case, you will need to remove the protective cap and insert a screwdriver into the hole in the end. Horizontal adjustment involves working with an adjustable screw. When manipulating the tool, you should pull the blade towards the loop. The third method, frontal, involves adjustments on the stand opposite to the hinges. There may be eccentric hinges there. You can work with pliers, a wrench or other tools, it all depends on the specific case.

How to change the seal

First you need to choose and purchase a new one. Typically this is a plastic rubber band. For a plastic structure, you will need material of the appropriate shape. These seals come in 2 types: for frames and sashes. The old gasket is easily removed. First, a place is selected where it can be picked up, and then with a sharp movement it breaks out of the groove. Next, clean the groove from dust and dirt. Then insert the end of a new elastic band into the clean groove. We insert the entire pad into the groove. Then we run our finger along the tape, pushing the pad into the groove. The piping will remain outside. It will take on the role of protection from drafts and street dust. At the same time, you can adjust the door. Installing a seal is also an opportunity to adjust the tightness of the door connection. In addition to installing a high-quality seal, it is also worthwhile to press the door by turning the door leaf clamp bolts. This is especially true in the period before winter.

Adjusting the handles is one of the simplest manipulations. In everyday life, the most common types of faults that occur are stiffness and looseness. Imbalances are corrected in the same way. First, the protective plate covering the mount is rotated 90°. This insert must be moved carefully, as it is made of thin plastic. Once access to the adjusting screws is gained, there are 2 options left. Tighten the screws more tightly if the problem is a loose handle. And on the contrary, we loosen the fixation if the handle is tight. Then we put the record in initial position and check the connection. If the play remains the same as initially, then there may be a crack in the housing. In this case, new fittings will be needed. If the door is double-leaf, then the halves are adjusted alternately.

How to adjust for winter

First of all, we check whether the sash is sagging and how it fits to the frame. Then you need to find out if there is blowing from the gaps. This can be checked with a regular sheet of paper. Then you should start checking the quality of the fasteners. If necessary, replace the seal. However, the main aspect of door preparation in the winter/summer cycle is the clamp. Its effectiveness is determined by a cylindrical element - an eccentric. This part must be adjusted with a flat-head screwdriver or a hex wrench, depending on the configuration. If the eccentric is smooth, then to turn it you will first need to pull the element away from the blade. Maximum tightness is guaranteed by a 6-sided key No. 4. The mark on the eccentric should “look” towards the overlap with which the blade is pressed to the box. If this manipulation is carried out correctly, then even in strong wind the likelihood of cold air leaking in will be minimal.

Adjusting the door when sagging

If the edges of the door cling to the door frame pillar, this indicates subsidence. In this case, when closed, a more or less noticeable gap will appear in the upper part. The technical part of correcting the defect will consist of adjusting the gap between the hinge unit and the canvas. This process is somewhat similar to aligning the sashes in windows. The skew is eliminated with a horizontal setting that allows you to move the canvas left and right. The first step is to find the horizontal adjustment screw in the lower hinge structure. The hole is located at the bottom of the hinge on the door frame side. By turning the screw, the blade is brought closer or further away from the loop. In the first case, rotations are performed clockwise, in the second - counterclockwise. Then the possibility of freely opening/closing the door is checked. The shutter swings open 90°, and if everything is in order, then the position can also be adjusted through top loop. Usually 1-2 turns of the key are enough.

What to do to make plastic doors less likely to need adjustment

There are several ways to facilitate the functioning of doors:

  • installation of door closers;
  • choice suitable option designs;
  • installation of a microlift;
  • lubrication of fittings;
  • arrangement of reliable protection from the wind.

It is impossible to completely protect the door from exposure, just as it is impossible to do without leveling. However, by using the above methods, repairs and frequent adjustments can be avoided. The experience of many people shows that some problems can be prevented. It is necessary to realize the importance of the choice of loops. The latter are intended for structures where the load will be approximately 80 or 160 kilograms. The number of loops also matters, but not always. These elements are designed for an average of 200 thousand openings/closings. In any case, it is recommended to maintain a certain safety margin. Reliable protection from door sagging is a microlift. It consists of a bar installed on the canvas and a corresponding element on the frame. Both parts are connected when closing, raising the door slightly and reducing the load on the hinges. A few drops of lubricant also improves performance characteristics. Rubber seals will reduce the impact strong winds and drafts.

Features of plastic entrance doors

Plastic entrance systems are manufactured using metal-plastic profiles with separate air chambers and stiffening ribs. Profiles are made either only from plastic or using reinforcement. To increase the strength of the structure, the frame elements are connected with metal mortgages. Form frame structure, like the whole product, can be very diverse - trapezoidal, rectangular, arched, etc. entrance doors Special bolts, high-security locks and power hinges are mounted from plastic. A multi-way locking mechanism is provided to ensure maximum tightness. A plastic door of any configuration consists of elements such as the door leaf, frame and fittings. Unlike other types of doors, metal-plastic ones can have a frame made of a solid metal profile.

The door closer is a mandatory element of the fittings

They differ according to the type of installation:

  • external;
  • hidden;
  • floor

And the operating principle:

  • knee;
  • slide.

This device is designed to ensure smooth door movement. As a result of its use, the service life of hinged hinges and other fittings and, accordingly, the entire door structure increases. The closer must be used in door systems V in public places, because the door opens and closes there a large number of once a day. Design features different options These fittings differ greatly - in the closing mechanism, location and method of installation. According to the place of fixation, there are external, hidden and floor closers. Devices of the first type are placed at the top, of the second - inside the canvas and frame, while floor-mounted ones are mounted in the sash and on the floor. The last subtype is suitable for both single-sided and swing doors. According to the mechanism option, there are two categories of closers: with knee (scissor) and slide gear.

Adjustment and configuration of the closer

Adjusting the closer affects the overall speed of closing the door. For interior rooms it is better to reduce it, and for entrance rooms to increase it, but a lot depends on specific situation. Using the closer, the speed of the closing stroke (pressing the door to the frame) and the intermediate stroke are adjusted. In the first case, we are talking about prioritizing: make the movement fast or slow it down to relieve excess load on door frame. With the second option, thanks to the settings, it is possible to organize the passage of several people at the same time. Setting up the closer is not difficult, because it has a special screw. The door closing speed decreases if you turn it clockwise. If the speed has changed too much, the bolt is returned to an intermediate position between the current and initial position and adjusted again. The screws must not be unscrewed more than 2 turns. To adjust the aftershock, the adjustment is made 15-20 cm from the frame. Control of the third adjustment screw determines the intermediate speed.

Using the same 3rd screw, the door closing delay is adjusted.


Those wishing to purchase a door should not skimp on materials, fittings and design configuration. After all, someday it will be displayed on key functions doors. When a defect has already been discovered, you should contact warranty service. However, if the situation is not serious or the warranty period has expired, then you can eliminate the shortcomings alone. Most often, problems arise such as sagging of the door leaf, its displacement towards the hinges or the stand with the strike plate, difficulty in moving the door when closing, decreased tightness and imbalance of the fittings. Most of these defects can be corrected with a regular hex wrench, which is easy to find on sale. The door mechanism must be adjusted at least twice a year - before the start of winter and a few months before summer. You need to change the density of the junction of the parts of the box. If there are any difficulties during the process of setting up the door mechanisms, you should immediately contact qualified assistance.

The majority of the population have installed plastic windows and doors. Over time, during operation, almost every owner of a plastic door has a question about how to adjust the balcony door mechanism.

Of course, you can call specialists who will quickly fix the problem and adjust the mechanism, but it is not always possible to come to the call right away. Most often you have to wait several days. Therefore, it is advisable to independently master these skills and, if necessary, having minimum set tools, adjust the hinges of plastic doors with your own hands.

About the plastic door

When work is being done to install a new plastic door, specialists must immediately carry out adjustment work on site. For some time, the door’s operation will not cause any complaints, but over time, given that the door is heavy, it may “squat” a little and will close poorly.

Despite all the issues taken into account when purchasing a door, its excellent quality and a trusted company that will install the door, it is advisable to be present during the commissioning work and make sure that you were actually provided with such a service.

After adjusting the hinges of the plastic door is completed, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. The door frame should be pressed tightly against the frame around the entire perimeter.
  2. Check the door mechanism: the door should open and close easily. If it opens or closes with force or creaking, this means that the adjustment has not been completed completely.
  3. To check the verticality of the door, you need to use building level.
  4. Open the door, but not completely, but halfway, and see if it opens (closes) randomly or not. This testing must be carried out in a complete absence of wind and draft. If the door is adjusted according to the rules, then it should remain motionless.

How to determine the door pressure density

This knowledge will help not only check the work of specialists, but also determine possible deviations in the operation of the mechanism.

If the door closes tightly, or when you approach it you feel a strong flow of air, then this indicates that it is time to make adjustments.

To check whether the door is pressed well to the frame, you need to perform the following test:

  1. Take a sheet of paper (do not fold it!).
  2. Place the sheet between the door frame and frame.
  3. Close the door tightly.
  4. Pull the edge of the sheet towards you and pull it out, paying attention to the force with which the paper is pulled out.
  5. Perform the action around the entire perimeter of the door.

If the paper comes out easily in several areas, then the door fit is fine. If you make an effort somewhere, this means that the tightness of the fit is broken.

You can see the sagging of the door like this: take an ordinary pencil and outline the open door around the entire perimeter. The lines should be parallel to the edge of the door frame; if deviation occurs, adjustment is necessary.

Troubleshooting other problems

One of the common problems with a plastic entrance door is:

  • the lower shutter (part of it) catches the edge door frame(part of the threshold). This indicates sagging of the sash, which bends under its own weight. This is due to the fact that the large weight of the door leaf is taken by the double-glazed window, and if a double-glazed unit with a glass thickness of more than 4 millimeters is installed, then the hinges will weaken over time under the weight, and the door leaf will begin to shift;

  • the sash touches the frame in the middle. The reason is displacement of the side part of the sash due to weather conditions(temperature changes) or other factors. In most cases, such displacement is eliminated by adjusting the hinges of the plastic entrance doors;
  • The sash is not pressed tightly to the frame, and air flows from under the seal. The door pressure needs to be adjusted;
  • wobbly handle.

Door adjustment

Before you begin work and adjust the hinges of the plastic door, you need to purchase the following tools:

  • screwdriver: regular, flat and Phillips;
  • hex keys of different diameters;
  • gasket set.

Let's adjust the door sag. To eliminate this malfunction, you need to point the door leaf upward and move it slightly towards the hinge located above. This is done as follows:

  1. It is necessary to open the sash by turning the handle (but not for ventilation!). Using a hex wrench (adjustment 4 mm), turn the screw in the end of the sash near the top hinge.
  2. To tighten the sash, you need to make one or two turns clockwise.
  3. Close the sash.

  1. Remove the protective cap from the loop located below. This is necessary in order to adjust the top screw.
  2. Turn the screw at the top end of the hinge, slightly lifting the sash. You need to twist it clockwise.
  3. Check whether the door leaf moves freely. If it’s tight, turn the loops again.

Attention! The fittings for plastic doors can be made for hex keys or for special ones in the form of a “star”. This nuance must be taken into account when working and, if possible, purchase such a key in advance.

Adjustment of grazing in the middle part. If the leaf clings to the frame in the middle of the door, then it is necessary to move it towards the hinges. First you need to “move” the sash down towards the hinge, insert the key into the screw located on the side and tighten the sash.

If the above actions do not solve the problem, then you need to adjust the top hinge of the plastic door again. This will be enough to eliminate frame snagging.

How to adjust the pressure. The pressing force of the door to the frame is carried out using locking elements. They are located inside the sash and have an eccentric shape. The trunnions must be adjusted using a special wrench and pliers.

It is enough to adjust the door pressure in winter and summer. Moreover, for the winter period it is necessary to set the pressure strong, and for the summer period - weaker. You need to press the sash to the frame from the hinge side using the adjusting screws of the upper and lower hinges of the door.

Horizontal hinge adjustment

Hinges for plastic doors are adjustable both horizontally and vertically. Let's look at the horizontal adjustment:

  1. It is necessary to open the door and unscrew the screws from the upper hinges (there are two of them). You need to unscrew the screws with a hex screwdriver (3 millimeters).
  2. Then close the door and remove the trims - there are adjusting screws under them.
  3. To avoid skewing the door, the long screw is tightened in the upper hinge a little stronger than in the lower one.
  4. To ensure that the door moves evenly towards the hinges or in the opposite side, you need to remove the trim from the hinge located below, tighten it and slightly loosen all the horizontal screws in the door hinges.

In this photo you can see the location of a hinge with a decorative trim and a hinge for plastic doors without a trim.

Vertical hinge adjustment

Vertical adjustment is made when the door needs to be raised or lowered. To figure out how to adjust a plastic door vertically, you need to find a screw for adjustment at the bottom end of the hinge. It is located along the hinge axis. By the way, some models of plastic doors, including entrance ones, are equipped with a closed screw system. Such a screw can be hidden under a plug, which must first be removed.

In order to adjust the door, you need to use a 5 mm hex screwdriver. By rotating the screwdriver clockwise, the door needs to be raised slightly, and when the screwdriver is rotated counterclockwise, the door should be lowered.

This photo shows a screw for adjusting a plastic door vertically.

You can watch the adjustment of plastic door hinges in this video:

Before each user plastic products, after a long time of operation, a dilemma arises - how to adjust the plastic door? Whatever high performance The door and its components, which are designed to ensure the closing and opening of the PVC door, did not possess the quality; after a certain time, the mechanism, one way or another, will need adjustment.

If it is necessary to regulate a PVC door, it would be more rational to contact the appropriate specialists, in particular those who installed it. But, unfortunately, such an opportunity is not always available, and it is unlikely that the technician will be dispatched on the day of the call.

In addition, mastering the skill yourself is not at all difficult, since the process of adjusting a plastic door is not something supernatural. Moreover, customizing plastic products is never a frequent procedure. Adjusting a plastic door is only relevant if you have a complaint about the functioning of the door.

The installation of a new plastic door also includes adjustment work, which is carried out immediately, and for a long time afterwards, the design should not raise unnecessary questions. But after a period of active use, the product will still need to adjust the mechanism, as a result of sagging, poor clamping or the inability to close the door.

Despite the excellent quality and confidence in the organization that installs the door, it is recommended to personally observe the adjustment process to make sure that the adjustment of the plastic doors was carried out correctly.

Upon completion of work related to the establishment of hinges of a plastic structure, pay attention to the following points:

  • the frame should be pressed tightly against the box around the perimeter;
  • opening and closing the door should be easy, without additional effort, without squeaks;
  • use a building level to check the verticality of the door;
  • check the random opening and closing of the sash. To do this, you need to open the door halfway, and when checking, exclude the influence of wind and draft.

Frequent damage to plastic doors

The most popular defects in product operation are:

  • The bottom edge of the sash touches a part of the frame that functions as a threshold. This occurs as a result of the sash sliding under the influence of its weight;
  • The canvas touches the middle of the frame. The reason for this is the direct movement of the sash under the influence of various deformations, as well as temperature;
  • Poor pressing of the sash to the frame, as a result of wear of the seal;
  • Staggering and falling out of the door handle socket.

Initially, it may seem that adjusting a plastic door is a complicated procedure based on the options possible malfunctions. But in fact, you just need to understand which mechanism needs adjustment, and the instructions below will help you troubleshoot problems with your own plastic product.

Adjustment of plastic structure

Before you start installing a PVC door with your own hands, stock up on screwdrivers (regular, flat and Phillips), hex keys different sizes, gaskets.

Competent instructions and necessary tools will allow you to correctly perform the entire cycle with your own hands, and as a result, the adjustment of plastic doors will be carried out successfully and safely.

Eliminating sash sagging

To eliminate such a breakdown, you should point the blade upward and slightly move it towards the loop, which is located above. Open the sash, and using a hex key (4 mm), turn the screw on the end of the sash at the top, at the location of the hinges.

To move the sash, make about 1-2 turns in a clockwise direction. After this, close the sash and remove the protective cap from the hinges located below. Turn the screw on the top hinges, slightly lifting the blade. If the sash moves easily, then the problem is solved.

Pressure adjustment

Schemes for adjusting hinges on a plastic door.

To adjust the pressure of the canvas to the frame, you need to use locking element. It is located inside the sash and acts as eccentrics. The trunnions are adjusted with a special key and pliers.

Do-it-yourself pressure adjustment is done in summer and winter periods, this is sufficient for normal operation of the product. In winter, you should independently adjust the pressure tighter and stronger than in summer. It is necessary to press the sash to the frame from the hinge side using adjusting screws.

Horizontal adjustment

Correction of the operation of hinges of a plastic structure can be done in both vertical and horizontal directions. In order to horizontal adjustment, first remove the door from the hinges located at the top.

Then close it and lift the caps that hide the adjustment screws. To avoid warping the product, tighten the long screw at the top hinges slightly with more force than at the bottom. To ensure uniform movement of the sash, remove the trim from the hinges and tighten it by loosening the horizontal screws located in the door hinges.

Vertical loop adjustment

If it is necessary to raise or lower the product, adjust the mechanism vertically. There is an adjusting screw along the axis of the lower hinge. To adjust the plastic entrance doors, a hex screwdriver (5 mm) is useful.

By turning the tool, the door can be raised slightly, and if the screwdriver is rotated in the opposite direction, the structure will be lowered.

How to avoid frequent adjustments?

It will not be possible to completely get rid of door adjustments, but making it less frequent is quite possible. When purchasing a double-glazed window, make sure that the fittings match the weight of the panel.

The optimal weight of the sash is considered to be 100-130 kilograms.

Sagging of the structure under its own weight can be eliminated by mounting auxiliary element fittings, which is called a sagging compensator, better known as a “microlift”.

Such a detail is simply necessary for the product, especially if there is a double-glazed window with impressive dimensions of the structure. And if you correctly install the support rail - the opening limiter - with your own hands, you can easily avoid jamming and sagging of the structure.

As you can see, adjusting a plastic door is not very difficult if you wish.
