When to transplant roses. How to transplant a blooming rose? When is the best time to repot roses in spring?

From time to time it becomes necessary to move the plants in the area from one place to another. Rose transplantation requires compliance certain rules, which allow you to successfully root a perennial flower in a new place. Often, novice gardeners make mistakes: they transplant a blooming rose, choose the wrong time to move the bushes. As a result, the plant begins to get sick, stops blooming or dies.

When is the best time to repot roses?

The reasons why roses in the garden need to be transplanted can be different:

  • depleted soil;
  • deterioration of illumination due to overgrown neighboring plants;
  • regular attack by pests;
  • creation of new flower beds.

The planned movement of the flower to a new location is best done at the end of the season. Autumn transplantation of roses is considered the safest for the plant. You can transplant a bush in early spring, this will slightly "push back" the beginning of flowering, but will not have a negative effect on the plant. The most difficult thing is to transplant an adult specimen in the midst of summer season, especially during abundant flowering.


A rose is transplanted to a new place in the spring at a time when the soil is saturated with moisture after the snow cover has melted, warmed up by 7-10 ° C, and the buds on the bush have not yet swelled. During this period, provided optimal conditions for survival of bushes. The disadvantage of spring transplantation is that the rose spends extra energy on the formation of new roots and adaptation to the place, which prevents the onset of flowering.

The calendar period for carrying out work on moving a flower depends on the climate. AT middle lane roses are planted in early April, in the southern regions in mid-February.


If it becomes necessary to transplant adult bushes in the summer, special rules should be followed. The plant is subjected to cardinal pruning. Remove all buds and flowers, shorten the shoots by half. In tall roses, trunks no more than 50 cm high are left; in dwarf varieties, shoots are cut off after 2-3 buds.

Preferred transfer time evening hours and cloudy weather. At first, a rose planted in a new place is often watered, protected from sunlight and winds. On hot and dry days, spray warm water.


Transplantation of roses in the fall is carried out 3-4 weeks before the onset of frost. In this case, the plant successfully takes root in the still warm soil, but does not have time to grow new shoots. An earlier date for planting a flower in a new place will provoke the growth of green mass, which will weaken the plant before the winter cold. Planting roses just before the temperature drops to negative values ​​\u200b\u200bleads to the death of the perennial. A weakened plant will not have time to grow new roots, adapt to changing conditions and will not endure the winter cold.

Choosing and preparing a place for a rose garden

Lush bloom, immunity to pests and diseases is achieved by planting roses in the right place. The plot for the flower garden must meet several requirements:

  • illumination during daylight hours. Do not plant perennials in the shade of trees, shrubs or garden buildings;
  • soil fertility. Flowering plant needs a lot of nutrients;
  • lack of stagnant water and spring flooding of the site. Roses growing in too wet soil are constantly exposed to fungal diseases;
  • wind protection. You should not take a plot under a flower bed with roses, which is blown by cold streams from the north and west sides.

Site preparation is carried out a few weeks before transplantation. The soil is dug up, freed from weeds, old roots and other debris. The soil is enriched with mineral fertilizers and wood ash. Poor soil is additionally fertilized with rotted compost or humus. Top dressing is carried out no later than 2 weeks before transplantation, so that root system the flower did not get burned.

Preparing the plant for transplanting

The main task when transplanting an adult bush is to preserve the root system as much as possible. Move the roses to a new place along with the clod of earth in which they grew. Grafted flowers are characterized by deep roots, especially the main stem. The length can be more than one and a half meters. It does not make sense to dig out the main root completely, it can be chopped off. Own-rooted seedlings, as a rule, have a shallow root system.

In dry weather, it is necessary to water the flower abundantly 2 days before transshipment. It is quite easy to dig out small specimens, their root system corresponds to the ground part and the procedure is not difficult. The situation is different with large bushes. To transplant such roses, compliance with the technology is required:

  • the branches of the plant are carefully tied with twine or wrapped with a coarse cloth. This makes it easier to access the ground around the plant;
  • around the rose bush they dig a trench with a diameter equal to the ground part of the plant, gradually deepening along the entire length of the roots;
  • the longest root processes chopped off with a sharp shovel or other garden tools. The place of cut before planting is treated with ash;
  • the excavated earthen lump is carefully transferred to a durable plastic film, transferred to the landing site.

If roses are planned to be planted the next day, the ground around the roots is wrapped with a damp cloth to prevent them from drying out.

How to transplant roses

It is advisable to transplant the excavated bush into a prepared hole as soon as possible. If damaged areas of the roots are visually visible, they must be removed by processing the cut blue vitriol or ash. Large specimens of bushes can be moved around the site on burlap and transplanted into the planting hole with it. Roots will grow through loose tissue without any problems.

Landing pattern

The diameter of the hole for the bush is determined in accordance with the circumference of the main part of the shoots. The pit is dug 15-20 cm wider and 10 cm deeper. The distance between individual seedlings is left according to the following scheme:

  • miniature, undersized species - after 30-40 cm;
  • hybrid tea varieties - after 60-90 cm;
  • weaving, standard species - at a distance of 50-100 cm;
  • large-sized, tall varieties - after 1.5-2 m.

Such a planting scheme will allow growing roses to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and lighting, and will exclude the interweaving of root shoots between individual bushes.

Procedure technology

A layer of fine gravel or broken brick is laid on the bottom, sprinkled with a slide fertile soil. An earthen clod with a plant is placed, part of the earth is sprinkled and spilled with water. The remaining soil is filled up, gently tamped and again spilled with water. deepen rose bush so that the root neck is at the same level as before transplantation. If you transplant a rose correctly, it will take root in a new place within 2-3 weeks.

Secrets and features

Regardless of the variety, age and condition of rose bushes, there are uniform requirements for transplantation:

  • use clean garden tools to reduce the risk of infecting a weakened rose;
  • provide air shelter for the winter, flowers transplanted in the fall;
  • transplant bushes no more than once every 3-4 years;
  • before transplanting, remove dry, diseased stems, buds and flowers.

In addition, there are special rules for transplanting different types perennial flower.

How to transplant a blooming rose

It is possible to transplant a rosette during flowering, but the procedure will require more time and effort. It is recommended to do this only if absolutely necessary. Old, large specimens may die due to severe stress. In small bushes, shoots are radically cut off, leaves and flowers are removed. This reduces the percentage of evaporation of moisture, and all forces are directed to rooting. Needed in the summer heat frequent watering, the soil is kept moist until new shoots appear on the shoots.

Climbing species transplant

The main difficulty lies in the accurate release of the shoots of climbing and climbing varieties from the support. The optimal period to successfully transplant a weaving species is autumn months. They begin to prepare the bush for moving in August. In young shoots, the top is shortened so that by autumn it is partially desalinated. Old stems are cut by 2/3, diseased and dry branches are removed. The cut site is disinfected with ash or garden pitch.

Replanting old bushes

It is difficult to transplant a large or old rose to a new place due to the large size of the overgrown root system. Digging and moving a flower is easier with two people. It is recommended to transplant an adult rose in autumn or early spring. Growing conditions are selected as close as possible to the previous ones. Before you start digging, clean and sharp tools are prepared, with which too long processes of roots are cut off. Roots injured by transplantation are easily affected by pests and diseases, so the ground and open areas are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The rose has earned a reputation as a capricious flower. Transplant blooming beauty moving to a new place is not easy, it requires effort, proper preparation and aftercare. Due to the severe stress experienced by the plant during transplantation, abundant flowering resumes one year after successful rooting.

There was an urgent need to replant three rose bushes. Two are unsuccessfully planted in a lowland and strongly lock, one is simply not in place. How and when is the best time to transplant? Our land has not completely thawed now, it will be possible to start transplanting only in June. Is it possible to transplant roses with leaves during a period of intensive growth, will they die at this time or is it better in September? In September, rooting in our conditions is no more than 3 weeks, and then, if transplanted at the beginning of September. Tell me, please, I don’t know what to do. Almost every gardener constantly redoes something, transplants plants in his garden from place to place. Moreover, it is often necessary to replant not only recently purchased, but also adult plants, including roses. How to transplant an adult bush?

When roses are transplanted.

Early spring and late autumn best time for transplanting adult plants. However, problems may arise with the wintering of roses, because for them the terms autumn transplant from the end of August to the middle of September.

Is it possible to transplant a rose in summer?

Unfortunately, it often happens that thoughts of redevelopment visit the gardener in the summer, when all the acquired "beginners" and seedlings have already been planted, and the chores of preparing for winter are yet to come. Of course, summer is not the best time to transplant roses, but sometimes for some reason there is no other way out.

In principle, you can transplant a rose at an inopportune time, but then you need to help it take root in a new place: donate flowering this year and cut the bush harder.

If the bush is large, then we leave the rose 40-50 cm, and if there are a lot of shoots, it is better to remove some of them completely, at the same time giving the rose nice shape. If the bush is small and the roots were almost not damaged, you still need to prune the young, unripe shoots, and also remove the flowers and buds.

In the first month after a summer transplant, water the plant as often as possible (be sure to take into account the weather, otherwise you can just flood the plant). In addition, the rose must be shaded for a while. Daily spraying helps very well (it is better to spray in the morning or in the evening). Summer unplanned transplantation should not be carried out in sunny days, and in cloudy, rainy weather is better.

Transplant technology adult rose.

First you need to prepare a landing hole, filling it according to the requirements of the rose. Weed roots must be removed from the future planting pit. After preparing the site, you can start digging up the rose bush that needs to be transplanted.

Of course, it is far from always possible to dig a plant along the projection of the crown, but still we must try to do this with as large an earthen clod as possible.

This is quite difficult, since the earth in rose gardens is usually loose and crumbles easily. Beforehand, the rose must be well watered so that the earth holds better, and also tie a thorny rose bush to facilitate the approach to it. When we talk about "as large an earthen clod as possible", we mean a clod large enough to be dragged. But still, it is quite difficult to cope with an adult rose bush, it is better to attract an assistant.

First, dig a small trench around the perimeter of the rose, gradually deepening it. After digging a deep enough groove, tie an earthen lump with a cloth or polyethylene (best suited cling film) and dig under the base of the bush. Long roots that interfere with digging can be chopped off. There is nothing to worry about if the bush has the right care in the future.

Then put something strong under the base of the bush (not a shovel, because it can break, but rather a crowbar or similar tool). Using it as a lever, pull out the bush. If the transplant takes place within the same garden, the rose can be laid on a fabric or bag prepared nearby and dragged to the planting pit. If the rose has a long journey, the roots and earthen ball must be preserved before planting by wrapping it with a damp cloth (make sure that the cloth does not dry out).

Place a rose with a lump in the prepared planting hole, check the height so that after planting the bush is covered with earth at the same level as before. If necessary, deepen the hole or, conversely, raise it a little.

Next, fill the earth up to half of the pit and begin to remove the bandage of the coma. Then pour heavily with water, wait a bit until the water is absorbed (if the roots were badly damaged during transplantation, then it is better to water the rose the next day (it is necessary to let the wounds heal. Watering can be replaced by spraying).

After that, add earth to the top of the hole, remove the strapping and water again. Wait for the water to leave, add some more earth and “tread” it well around the bush so that there are no air voids around the roots of the rose.

If the earth is very loose and it was not possible to save a lump when digging, carefully inspect the roots of the rose, cut off the damaged ones. Then you need to put a rose bush in a planting hole (it is better to fill a mound and distribute the roots on it) and gradually cover it with earth, alternating with watering. If the bush is small, about 1 bucket of water will be needed for irrigation, if it is large - 1.5-2 buckets.

Sometimes it happens that the rose does not seem to notice the transplant. But often, especially when transplanting late spring or in summer, the rose then "swings" for a long time. In this case, use watering and spraying with a solution of "Zircon", according to the instructions.

And yet roses are not such gentle creatures, they are quite tenacious. The transplantation of this plant, although undesirable, is quite possible, although this is a rather laborious process.

There can be many reasons for transplanting roses, for example, you want to change the design of the site, create a rose garden, or vice versa plant bushes throughout the plot, as they grow, create an unwanted shadow for each other and complicate their care.

Whatever the circumstances that cause rose bushes to change their place of residence, you need to remember some little secrets of the transplant process:

  • Need to pick up appropriate place for the queen of the garden. It should be taken into account that the rose does not tolerate neighborhood with many plants, she does not like shade, and areas where moisture stagnates will simply destroy her beloved bush.
  • It is also important to choose the right time for transplanting roses. The best time is early spring or autumn.
  • The bush should be prepared for transplantation. The first thing to do is to cut the shoots. The approximate height of the bush during transplantation can be from 40 to 50 cm.
  • The pit is dug out with a margin in order to lay drainage on its bottom, on top of which nutrient soil and compost are poured. All this is desirable to do in advance.

Let the pit brew, not forgetting about watering. At least 2-3 weeks in advance, the necessary pit is prepared. So the earth is compacted, and nutrients saturate the soil.

  • Dig up the roots along with an earthen clod. It should be noted that the roots of a rose bush grow approximately the same diameter as the crown. Therefore, care should be taken to damage the roots as little as possible, both when removing them from the ground and when transporting the plant to a new place.
  • Watering. It is necessary to moisten the landing site itself and the planted plant well. Even if you have to transplant roses in the fall.

So you can protect your favorite roses from the scorching sun, pests and improve their care.

There are several ways to transplant, 2 of them are more popular:

  • Classical;
  • Wet.

And each of them deserves to be used.

How to repot roses the classic way

It is best to transplant roses in this way if it was not possible to save an earthen ball. Then, it is worth carefully examining the roots, assessing the damage, and, if the bush is still young enough, then cut off the underdeveloped and damaged ones. After that, it is worth soaking the roots in a solution of humate, a root-forming growth stimulator, for 2 hours.

At the bottom of a pre-prepared pit, a hill is made, along which the roots of the rose will be evenly distributed. At the same time, it is important that the grafting site is 3-5 cm below the soil level. Water is poured into the pit, then a layer of soil is poured up to about half the recess, and it is well compacted. After that, you will need to water again. Now the pit is already buried completely, after the water has been absorbed. The earth should be well compacted again so that air does not remain between the roots.

After planting, you need to make sure that there is moderate, but constant watering, so the earth does not dry out, but it does not become waterlogged.

Wet way to transplant roses

This method is very simple and convenient. Water is poured into the pit (a bucket, but more is possible), and, while it has not yet been absorbed, humate or a heteroauxin tablet is added. And immediately, the roots of a rose bush are placed in the water along with an earthy clod. More water is added. Now you need to wait until the water is absorbed, gradually dissolving the earth and deepening the roots of the plant along with it. Then the pit is dug in and well compacted. It would be nice to use mulch so that the earth does not dry out.

When is the best time to repot roses?

There are advantages to both autumn and winter transplanting. Therefore, when it is possible to transplant roses, it is up to everyone to decide, depending on the conditions and opportunities.

For example, if this work is done in the spring, when there are no threats of frost, then you can not worry about shelter. True, now the bushes are at risk of being in the scorching sun, and suffer from overdrying of the soil, if it is not possible to water them in time. But they quickly grow under favorable conditions, easily take root and develop. And so that the sun does not burn the rose, it is recommended to cover it for a while with spruce branches. Planting in the spring in cold climates is especially relevant.

But, mostly gardeners prefer transplanting roses in the fall. This helps the plant to take root and harden.

The main advantage of planting bushes in the fall, and this is from mid-September, to the 20th of October, is that roses are less susceptible to disease during acclimatization.

Since the air temperature is still quite high, rose bushes have time to take root before the onset of frost. When the cold begins to approach, and at night the temperature can drop sharply, this delicate plant should be covered.

Video: how to transplant roses

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How to transplant a rose, how to choose right time for a rose transplant - let's prepare for this process in advance so that with the onset of spring we will be fully armed. And then our favorite flowers will please our eyes all season long.

You will need:

What you need to know

Transplantation is best done in the spring, while the buds are still in hibernation, or in late autumn, three to four weeks before the first night frosts, while choosing a cloudy day or evening.

Before this autumn, high shoots should be shortened by about a third and dried branches should be cut off; during a spring transplant, it would be better to thoroughly cut the bush and give it the correct shape. When cutting a climbing rose when transplanting, you need to leave at least 50-60 cm of the plant.

It happens that you have to replant a rose in the summer - in this case, it is worth sacrificing flowering this year and cutting the bush shorter, providing it with timely watering and, if possible, shade from the sun.

Preparing a new landing site

A few days before transplanting, you need to dig a hole - its depth should correspond to the development of the root system of the rose bush.

At least 50 cm deep and 60 cm in diameter.

Digging up a rose bush

Before digging, you need to water the ground well near the bush.

Then it will be possible to dig up a rose with a large earthen lump, and this is very important, since the roots are less damaged this way.

It is better to carefully tie the bush itself or simply wrap it with a cloth - this will help to avoid injury.

The excavated bush, together with an earthen clod, must be wrapped in a cloth or bag and transferred to a prepared pit. And so that the lump of earth does not crumble, the fabric can be left in the pit - after a while it will simply rot.


  1. It is important that the saved earthen ball is on a par with the ground surface.
  2. To do this, the dug hole must either be deepened or sprinkled with soil.
  3. Having installed the bush in the pit, you should simply fill it with prepared soil, lightly tamping, and then pour plenty of water.
  4. For a bush of medium size, 1-1.5 buckets of water will be enough.
  5. Leaving in the ground, the water will pull the soil with it, so you should immediately fill in the recesses and tamp again.

When is the best time to repot roses? This should be done in early spring days or already in late autumn. However, when wintering roses, unexpected problems may arise. Therefore, the timing of the autumn transplant is August and September. Summer is considered not the best time to plant, but you can do it. It is just necessary to help the plant to adapt normally to a new place.

General transplant rules

If you have a large rose bush, you need to leave the flower 40 centimeters, and in case a large number shoots, remove some of them. Thus, you can give a beautiful shape to the bush. If the size of the bush is relatively small and the roots are not damaged, you should still cut the immature shoots, and remove the flowers and buds.

The first month after moving, it is advisable to water the flower as often as possible. It is also necessary to clean it in time in the shade, as well as spray it. In the summer, it is better to transplant in cloudy weather, since in hot weather it simply will not take root.

In regions with mild winter flowers are best planted in autumn, and if the climate is more severe in the area, roses are planted in open ground in spring. However, gardeners recommend planting these flowers in the fall, then in the spring they will delight with the first flowering.

In autumn, roses can be planted in the ground from mid-September to October. An earlier transplant will adversely affect the seedlings. More late boarding increases the likelihood that seedlings simply do not have time to give roots and suffer from frost in winter.

Is it possible to transplant roses in summer?

To properly move the plant, the following steps must be followed:

  • With a spatula, you need to designate a circle of digging bushes with the expectation that you do not damage the main and lateral roots;
  • The bush must be dug from all sides so that the lump with the roots is freely removed from the pit;
  • With a shovel, pry off and turn the root ball into the hole, laying the bush on its side;
  • Remove the bush from the hole and put it on the cloth. Wrap the root ball in it so that the earth does not crumble during the transfer;
  • The bush should be transferred to a previously prepared hole, the root ball should be freed from the material and placed in the prepared hole no deeper than it was before transplanting;
  • The bush should be well watered.

Transplanting roses in a pot in summer

This action is best done in August, when the flowers will grow profusely, and by the time the buds appear, the roots will fully form. For transplanting, you need to take small pots, as in large ones the earth will sag more slowly. And because of this, the roots will begin to rot.

Also large pots look ugly in the interior of the room. In large pots, the plant produces abundant greenery and very few flowers.

Try to grow potted plants in small vases and repot them frequently, adding mineral fertilizers to the soil. In order for the flowers to grow well, it is better to transplant them on a crushed earthen layer to protect the root system. The potted plant can be repotted throughout the summer months.

To strengthen the rooting, the plant should be placed in the shade for a couple of days and moderate watering should be done.

How to transplant roses in autumn

In autumn, transplantation should take place in mid-October. By this time, the plant will be fully rooted before the onset of the first frost. Before planting, dug out bushes need to be shortened a little and cut long shoots.

Basic rules of the autumn process:

  • The landing site must be well prepared. To do this, dig a deep hole so that the bushes are at the same depth as before;
  • Digging bushes for planting should be done carefully. In a circle half a meter in diameter, make notches with a spatula, gently pry off an earthen lump and pull it out;
  • It is recommended to keep the roots as much as possible and carefully transfer the bush with an earthen lump to a new hole;
  • The earth around the bush immediately after planting must be crushed, and then loosened.

It is recommended to transplant bushes in the garden in good land with the addition of mineral fertilizers that stimulate root growth. Depending on the variety of roses, you need to know how to transplant them correctly. For example, before transplanting spray roses, shoots need to be cut by 2-3 cm, climbing varieties cut in half, standard - by 1/3.

To transplant a rose bush, it is necessary to transfer an earthen lump by placing it on a fabric that is tied in a knot. The fabric at the end can be removed or left. Matter without the addition of synthetics will simply rot in the soil.

How to transplant a summer rose after shopping in a store

A newly acquired rose should be transplanted immediately or wait for the end of flowering. An indicator of the tightness of a plant in a pot is that roots come out in the drainage holes. In this case, it is necessary to immediately transplant the plant, without waiting for the end of flowering.

Flowers with high cohesion simply do not have enough nutrients and oxygen, so the roots quickly dehydrate. As a result, the leaves fall, the plant may even die.

Basic rules for transplanting flowers after purchase:

When can roses be transplanted - in summer, winter or autumn? Most best term for transplanting it is autumn or spring. At this point, the soil is completely thawed. If necessary, you can make a summer transplant, subject to some rules, such as the maximum preservation of an earthy coma, the presence of cloudy weather and slight pruning.

When to transplant roses? In summer it is possible, but with high humidity. Better stop your choice in the fall, then in the spring they will be able to please you with amazing flowering.

Gardeners sometimes have to replant not only young plants, but also those that have been flaunting on the site for more than one year. And that may be different reasons. In this article, we will tell you how to properly transplant roses to another place in the garden.

Roses are considered rather capricious flowers, but this does not mean that they need to be blown off dust particles and in no case be transplanted. If such a need arose, then even mature plant can be relocated to another location. But at the same time, some rules should be taken into account.

When is the best time to repot roses?

The most suitable time for transplanting roses to another place is early spring and early autumn (from late August to mid-September). It is better not to carry out this procedure in late autumn, since a rose that is not strong after transplantation may not survive the winter well.

If you have no other choice, you can transplant a rose from place to place in the summer (always in cloudy weather). But in this case, you will have to cut the bush a lot. If the plant is quite tall, then you need to shorten the shoots to 40-50 cm, and remove the old ones completely. When transplanting a small bush, only young unripened shoots need to be cut.

Instructions on how to transplant a large or old rose

The conditions for growing a rose in a new place should be as close as possible to the previous ones so that the plant experiences less stress. The new habitat of a rose can be different only if the current one does not suit her at all. But the site must be protected from the wind. And keep in mind that roses do not like deep shade and soil in which moisture stagnates.

Carefully prepare the planting hole: remove all weed roots, put drainage on the bottom, fill the hole fertile soil(you can add compost) and leave for 2-3 weeks so that the earth settles a little. After that, start digging the bush.

Try to dig a rose according to the projection of the crown - with the largest earthen clod. To make this easier to do, first water the soil under the bush abundantly. Then the earth will crumble less. To make it easier to approach a sprawling plant, tie its shoots with a tight rope.

Dig a trench around the perimeter of the bush and gradually deepen it until you get a fairly deep ditch. Then tie an earthen ball with any fabric or plastic wrap and keep digging under the base of the bush. If the roots of the plant are too long to prevent you from getting the earthen ball, chop them off with a sharp blade of a shovel. With proper care in a new place, they will quickly recover. Just before planting, it is advisable to sprinkle the places of cuts with charcoal.

If the bush is very large, place a strong and rather long object (for example, a crowbar) under its base and, using it as a lever, pull the plant out. Carefully place the bush on the previously spread fabric and drag to a new location. To prevent the earthen ball from crumbling, tie it with twine.

If the rose has a long-distance "relocation" (for example, to another site), then the earthen lump must be wrapped with wet burlap so that the roots do not dry out.

Place the rose in the planting hole so that the bush covered with earth is at the same level as it was in its original place. Remove the bandage from the coma after filling half of the hole with soil. Then water the soil with water, wait until it soaks in, and then fill the planting hole to the brim and water again. If the soil has settled, add a little earth so that there are no air voids around the roots of the rose.

When transplanting a large rose bush, 1.5-2 buckets of water are consumed.

This method is suitable if you are looking for an answer to the question of how to transplant a tea rose, as well as any bush form.

In the first month after transplantation, the plant should be regularly, but moderately watered and shaded during the bright sun. In spring and summer, daily spraying of the crown is also recommended. After transplanting roses, it is undesirable to disturb them for several years so that they adapt to a new habitat.

How to transplant a blooming rose?

If you want to transplant a rose during flowering, then this year you will have to sacrifice beauty, since all flowers and buds should be removed from the bush. This is necessary so that the rose takes root well in a new place and directs all its forces to restoring the root system, and not to forming flowers.

In addition, you need to be especially careful with the roots and try to minimally injure them, while it is desirable to save even long roots. Otherwise, the transplantation technology does not differ from the above.

How to transplant a climbing and climbing rose?

When transplanting these plants, you also need to take into account some features. The first step is to remove the shoots from the support. Ramblers retain all the shoots of the current year, and at the end of August (if the transplant is carried out in the spring), their tops are pinched so that the branches become woody. Shoots older than two years are completely removed immediately after flowering.

When transplanting climbings, it is better to shorten all long shoots by 1/2 or 1/3, otherwise it will be difficult for you to transport the plant to another place.

As you can see, transplanting an adult rose is a rather laborious process, but still possible. And with proper care, your flower garden queen will bloom no worse than before.

Important tips for creating a rosary!

1. When you work color solution on paper, remember that the background for the rose color is a white sheet, even if you added green around it. In nature, everything is not so. Background - most often green color, or the color of a fence, house, any building or plant. For roses, conifers serve as an excellent background, especially those with gray-blue needles, such as blue spruce, they are different size, or junipers.

2. If you suffer for a long time, but you don’t like the combination of colors, add a white or gray color between them, such as a white rose, or a woolly cleaner, wormwood. These achromatic colors harmonize your combinations. But keep in mind that roses love "greasy" soil, and other flowers grow quickly.

3. If you have a long rose garden or mixborder, use the repeat principle. This will help to collect even spontaneously placed plants into a single composition. For example, along the 6-meter path to the house, a rose garden is planted with roses of various colors and sizes. And they are all loved, and all of you are very happy.

With a rhythm of 1.2 meters, plant some plant that is quite noticeable in the color of foliage or flowers, that is, it needs to be repeated 5 times. It can be a rose or some kind of perennial or several plants. The distance between repetitions depends on the length of the rose garden, mixborder.

4. Roses are a win-win combination with plants that have small flowers in blue-violet tones. For example, with bells, veronica, garden geraniums and other perennials. For help, you can turn to English mixborders. Classic combination with lavender it is difficult to grow this plant in our conditions.

If you really want to, use narrow-leaved lavender, and certainly grown from seeds. It can be covered with roses. 5. Perfectly complement any rose garden, mixborder vertical accents. These can be tall plants, such as digitalis, delphiniums, or climbing plants on supports - obelisks, such as climbing roses, clematis.


Almost every gardener is constantly redoing something, dragging plants from place to place in his garden. Moreover, it is often necessary to replant not only recently purchased, but also adult plants, including roses. How to transplant an adult bush?

When to Transplant Roses Early spring and late autumn are the best times to transplant mature plants. However, problems can arise with the wintering of roses, because for them the timing of the autumn transplant is from late August to mid-September. Is it possible to transplant a rose in summer?

Unfortunately, it often happens that thoughts of redevelopment visit the gardener in the summer, when all the acquired "beginners" and seedlings have already been planted, and the chores of preparing for winter are yet to come. Of course, summer is not the best time to transplant roses, but sometimes for some reason there is no other way out.

In principle, you can transplant a rose at an inopportune time, but then you need to help it take root in a new place: donate flowering this year and cut the bush harder. If the bush is large, then we leave the rose 40-50 cm, and if there are a lot of shoots, it is better to remove some of them completely, at the same time giving the rose a beautiful shape. If the bush is small and the roots were almost not damaged, you still need to cut the young unripe shoots, and also remove the flowers and buds. In the first month after a summer transplant, water the plant as often as possible. In addition, the rose must be shaded for a while. Spraying daily helps a lot.

Of course, an unplanned summer transplant should only be carried out not on sunny days, but on cloudy, preferably rainy weather. Technology of transplanting an adult rose First, you need to prepare a planting hole, filling it according to the requirements of the rose. Weed roots must be removed from the future planting pit. After preparing the place (and ideally, let it "brew", that is, wait for the earth to settle), you can start digging up the rose. Of course, it is far from always possible to dig a plant along the projection of the crown, but still we must try to do this with as large an earthen clod as possible.

This is quite difficult, since the earth in rose gardens is usually loose and crumbles easily. Beforehand, the rose must be well watered so that the earth holds better, and also tie a thorny rose bush to facilitate the approach to it. When we talk about "as large an earthen clod as possible", we mean a clod large enough to be dragged. But still, it is quite difficult to cope with an adult rose bush, it is better to attract an assistant. First, dig a small trench around the perimeter of the rose, gradually deepening it.

After digging a deep enough groove, tie an earthen ball with a cloth or polyethylene (food wrap is best) and dig under the base of the bush.

Long roots that interfere with digging can be chopped off. There is nothing to worry about if the bush has the right care in the future. Then put something strong under the base of the bush (not a shovel, because it can break, but rather a crowbar or similar tool). Using the lever, pull out the bush. If the transplant takes place within the same garden, the rose can be laid on a fabric or bag prepared nearby and dragged to the planting pit. If the rose has a long journey, the roots and earthen ball must be preserved before planting by wrapping it with a damp cloth (make sure that the cloth does not dry out). Place a rose with a lump in the prepared planting hole, check the height so that after planting the bush is covered with earth at the same level as before.

If necessary, deepen the hole or, conversely, raise it a little. Next, fill the earth up to half of the pit and begin to remove the bandage of the coma. Then pour heavily with water, wait a bit until the water is absorbed. After that, add earth to the top of the hole, remove the strapping and water again. Wait for the water to leave, add some more earth and “tread” it well around the bush so that there are no air voids around the roots of the rose.

If the earth is very loose and it was not possible to save a lump when digging, carefully inspect the roots of the rose, cut off the damaged ones. Then you need to put a rose bush in a planting hole (it is better to fill a mound and distribute the roots on it) and gradually cover it with earth, alternating with watering.

If the bush is small, about 1 bucket of water will be needed for irrigation, if it is large - 1.5-2 buckets. Sometimes it happens that the rose does not seem to notice the transplant. But often, especially when transplanted in late spring or summer, the rose then "swings" for a long time. And yet roses are not such gentle creatures, they are quite tenacious. The transplantation of this plant, although undesirable, is quite possible, although this is a rather laborious process.

ADVICE FROM LYUDMILA. If you are transplanting an adult rose, then look at the length of the roots. If the roots are 50 cm long, then leave the branches 50 cm long above the neck of the rose .. So it will take root easier .. Of course, add root. or epin and along the leaves and under the root ..

The beautiful queen of flowers is capricious and picky, so transplanting roses in the fall to another place is considered an extremely important event in caring for a delicate flower. Follows with special attention refer to the timing of the transplant and the process itself garden work that can be scheduled for fall or spring. In emergency cases, you can change the place of residence of the flower in the summer, but subject to the maximum preservation of the earthy coma and partial pruning.

Why transplant?

There are several reasons why gardeners have to transplant their pets:

The optimal transplant time is autumn, but this does not mean at all that this cannot be done in spring or summer. When growing the queen of flowers, it is important to choose the right place for the rose garden. The site should be under the rays of the sun most of the day. It is better to choose for planting the south side or the east, where there are no drafts and stagnant moisture.

Transplanting rose bushes

When can a gardener transplant roses? Terms of garden work in different regions of the country will be different. Autumn is considered the optimal period for planting plants. At this time, seedlings take root better, become more resilient. It is necessary to have time to transplant flowers at the end of August or in September. At the same time, in the Moscow region, the terms are increasing, and transplantation is allowed even in October, but no later than its middle.

In the Urals and in areas with a more severe climate, the seating time will be earlier. Choosing the moment of planting roses, you should focus on the onset of cold weather. Seedlings need a minimum of 2 weeks to root, so transplanting can be done 2 or 3 weeks before frost arrives.

Transplantation is possible in early spring, but this is practiced in the northern regions of the country. Regarding the question when better in spring or transplant in the fall, we can say that gardeners recommend September-October. Experts note the following advantages of autumn work:

  1. In autumn, you can more accurately calculate the time for transplanting flowers; work is organized 2-3 weeks before the first frost. In spring, the weather is changeable, so it is difficult to find the right moment.
  2. In autumn it rains more often, and in general at this time the humidity is higher than in spring. This favorably affects the rooting of plants.

Spring and autumn transplant technique

Transplantation of an adult rose is most often carried out in September, but when choosing a date, the region where the plant grows should be taken into account. Spring transplantation of roses in the garden will be successful if work is started before the buds appear. The seedling will have enough time for the development of the root system and adaptation. An exception from the list is standard roses, it is more favorable to transplant them in April. If the planned rose transplant in the spring for some reason was delayed, then for quick rooting, the seedling is shaded for a week.

The process is reduced to several planned stages:

Transplanting an adult rose is likely to cause the bush to be a little sick in the summer. There is nothing wrong with this, if you carry out competent care for the flower, then the plant will take root perfectly.

Video: planting garden roses.

Classic and wet fit

What is the best way to transplant a garden rose? Flower growers use one of the methods:

When organizing landing work it is necessary to ensure that the root neck (grafting site) is 3-5 cm below the ground level. This will protect the seedling from numerous wild shoots.

By any of these methods, you can transplant a tea rose, bush or climbing. In the first 30 days after transplantation, the plant should be regularly, but moderately moistened. In spring and summer heat, spraying in the evening or morning will not be superfluous.

What to do with a blooming rose?

Is it possible to transplant a garden rose in the summer? It is undesirable to do this, but if there is a serious reason for this, then you will have to sacrifice the contemplation of flowering this year. All formed buds will have to be cut off in order to garden rose spent energy on the development of the root system. Transplantation of blooming roses in summer to another place is organized in rainy weather or cloudy days. It is necessary to treat the roots with special care in order to injure them less.

Regardless of whether roses are transplanted in July or August, large bushes will have to be cut, leaving about 50 cm.

If many young shoots have formed, then it is better to remove some of them. Agrotechnical work will be similar to those indicated above. After planting, regular watering, shading and spraying is required.

Ways to get new rose bushes

climbing rose in the garden

A transplant involves not just the process of moving to a new place, but also the reproduction of an overgrown flower. There are several methods for dividing a rose:

  1. The classical method is simple and time-consuming at the same time. You will need to take a shoot, remove leaves from it and cut a kidney on its underside. A chip should be inserted into the cut and the shoot should be placed in a groove dug next to the main bush to a depth of 10 cm. The shoot is sprinkled with a layer of soil, rammed and spilled with water. At the beginning of autumn, the young plant is separated from the mother plant, and after 3 weeks its top is cut off. Then transplanted to a permanent place of growth.
  2. The method of propagation by cuttings is considered the most common and easy to perform. best period for division by cuttings is June or July. To obtain cuttings, an area of ​​\u200b\u200ba one-year-old shoot of a rose with a thickness of at least 5 cm is taken. In this case, the cuttings should be cut so that each has at least 2 buds. The cut from above must be made 2 cm above the existing kidney, and the cut from below is made immediately below it. Leaves are removed from the bottom, as well as all spikes. The lower cut should be treated with a growth stimulator and planted in prepared soil, while maintaining an angle of 45 °. If the seedlings were grown in a greenhouse, then after they were transplanted into open ground the room needs to be treated.
  3. Reproduction by dividing the bush is possible if the plant has many shoots. A suitable bush will need to be dug up, cut off its roots, shoots by 1/3. Each must have part of a root and a minimum of 2 kidney-shaped processes. The resulting delenki are dipped in a solution of mullein and clay, after which they are deepened into the ground by 5 cm and watered.

Reproduction is carried out by more labor-intensive methods. These include:

  • receipt;
  • division by vertical layers;
  • reproduction by root offspring.

Learn more about transplanting in the video.

Shelter for the winter

Since the transplanted plant is not quite strong, it will have to organize a shelter. There are several ways:

  • the use of spruce branches;
  • hilling with humus or peat;
  • acquisition of modern specialized materials;
  • the use of sawdust and fallen leaves.

Each summer resident selects material for shelter, taking into account his own capabilities and planted varieties. It is recommended to cover seedlings after the first slight frost so that the plant is hardened.

In general, the process of transplanting in spring and autumn is not so complicated. All you need to do is follow the rules carefully. Having settled in a new habitat, the rose will certainly bloom and delight with the tenderness and beauty of the buds.

You can plant roses in spring, summer and autumn. However, landing in any of these periods has its own characteristics. This must be taken into account. Now we will talk about the rules of autumn planting.

Planting roses in autumn

In autumn, roses are planted from mid-September to mid-October. If you plant a little earlier, the bush will take over and above-ground part will begin to grow actively, and the root system will noticeably lag behind in growth. This can even lead to the death of the plant in winter.

Where is the best place to plant. A place in the sun perfect option, the semi-shade is also suitable (a place where the sun shines for several hours a day). Roses planted in the shade do not bloom well and will hurt endlessly.

After planting, the plants must be watered.

Do not plant in lowlands where water accumulates in spring. Plants will certainly survive the summer, and most likely they will dry out in the winter. If there is simply no other place, then make a high bed.

Preparing seedlings for planting. Carefully inspect the roots, if they are long, it is better to shorten them. But even short roots still need to be trimmed slightly. Just refresh the cut, then callus forms faster. The cut must be white color if it is brown, then the roots have begun to die. Trim until the cut is white.

The root neck of purchased seedlings is often wrapped with electrical tape - it must be removed.

Landing holes. Planting holes are prepared based on the size of the roots. If the land is not particularly fertile, then pour a nutrient mixture consisting of sand, peat and soddy soil in equal proportions into the hole. After that, there should be enough space left in the planting hole to accommodate the root system. The roots should be loose and in no case be wrapped up.

How deep to plant. It is necessary to plant seedlings in such a way that the root neck (grafting site) is in the ground at a depth of about 5 cm. With such a planting, the cultivar will take its additional roots, and the rosehip shoots will most likely not break through the soil layer. You will then have less problems with wild growth.

Landing. Lower the seedling into the hole, straighten the roots and carefully pour soil mixture. Create a watering hole and water well. Watering is necessary even if the ground is damp. After watering, the earth in the planting hole will compact and there will be no air voids around the roots, and this is very important.

When the water is absorbed, sprinkle the earth if it has settled heavily and cover the hole with some kind of mulch.

Pruning the seedling after planting. it important point! At spring planting seedlings are pruned, leaving only a few buds. When planting roses in the fall, seedlings should not be cut in any case. After pruning, the plants begin to produce young shoots, and there is no time for them to ripen. With the onset of cold weather, they will surely die. Therefore, when autumn planting pruning is best postponed until spring.

The shoots of young seedlings are elastic, flexible, and when sheltered for the winter, they are simply bent to the ground.

How far apart should roses be planted?

Between the bushes leave:

  • Tea - hybrid and floribunda roses 50 - 60 cm.
  • English roses 70 - 80 cm.
  • Climbing roses and large scars 1 - 1.5 m.

Autumn rose care

Autumn rose care is the preparation of plants for the upcoming winter. Only healthy bushes with well-ripened shoots will successfully survive the winter. In order for the shoots to ripen well, it is necessary to exclude all factors that provoke the growth of young shoots. First of all: nitrogen fertilizing in the second half of summer and even more so in autumn, abundant watering, pruning of shoots in early autumn.

autumn pruning

Top dressing. In autumn, roses do not need to be fed. Spend the last top dressing in August. It should be only phosphorus-potassium (without nitrogen). Phosphate fertilizers promote root growth, and potash fertilizers increase the winter hardiness of plants, this is just what we need. In the store you can pick up special autumn fertilizers for roses, or you can use the old, proven ones: superphosphate, potassium salt, potassium chloride.

How to water. If the autumn is rainy, you can not water at all. In dry weather, it is necessary to water, but moderately. In winter, plants should receive moisture, especially if the shelter is “dry” in winter.

Transplanting bushes in autumn

A rose plant is quite unpretentious and easily tolerates a transplant, but you need to know the basic rules.

When is the best time to transplant? Roses should be planted and transplanted in autumn in September - October. Choose a cloudy day for this or start work in the late afternoon when it gets cooler.

The most important thing in transplanting roses is to carefully dig out the bush, being careful not to damage the roots. Although, if the plant is already old enough, this will be difficult to do. But even if some of the roots are damaged, this is not fatal for a rose, it will restore them quickly enough.

Start digging the bush from all sides, gradually deepening. Sooner or later you will reach a tap root that goes deep into the ground. You still can’t dig it out, you just have to chop it off.

After that, try to get the bush out of the hole without breaking the earthen ball. To carry the plant to a new place, you can use a large bag or piece of film, tarpaulin, which is prepared in advance.

We transplant the rose to a new place. We are preparing a landing pit a little larger than the size of the root system with an earthen clod. If the land is poor, then dig a hole a little more and add fertile soil there.

Rose transplant.

When transplanting, do not forget to deepen the root neck into the soil by 5 - 6 cm. If it was already deepened during the initial planting or you are transplanting a self-rooted rose, then plant the plants at the same level at which they grew.

The transplanted rose must be carefully watered and the hole mulched. Tie tall bushes to a driven stake, otherwise the plant may be tilted by the wind and then it will be difficult to level it. Set aside pruning until spring.

Autumn pruning of roses

For inexperienced flower growers, pruning roses is a real headache. They will approach a bush with a pruner and try on for a long, long time - what is there to cut off.

In fact, this procedure is quite simple. You just need to understand what, why and when you need to cut. Don't remember, just understand. Today we will talk about the autumn pruning of roses.

So: autumn pruning, by and large, roses are not needed. Roses are pruned in the fall only to make them easier to cover for the winter. If it is possible to bend the bush to the ground - bend down and cover. Do the main pruning in the spring.

The only thing that must be done is to remove all young, unripe shoots. They cannot be left. Not only do they have no chance to survive the winter, but they can also become a source of infection for the entire bush.

The situation is similar with the leaves, they are also recommended to be cut, collected and burned. Of course, removing leaves from a tea-hybrid rose is not a difficult task, but from a large climbing rose bush ... I never cut the leaves from climbing roses, it was always a pity and there were never any problems. How you do it is up to you.

The basic rule of autumn pruning: Pruning roses in autumn can be started when at least the night temperature is below 0º.

Make cuts oblique (so that water drains from them faster) and cover them with garden pitch.

Autumn pruning of hybrid tea and floribunda roses

This is how a cut bush of tea-hybrid roses should look like before shelter for the winter.

It is unlikely that adult bushes of such roses will be bent to the ground, so they are usually cut off in the fall. This is done very simply, all shoots are shortened to 25 - 30 cm. According to the rules, the cut must be made oblique and 0.5 cm above the kidney located on outside shoot (a young shoot grown from this bud should not grow inside the bush, but to the side).

In the fall, you can forget about this rule and cut as you like. During the winter, the tops of the shoots will freeze, dry out and they will still have to be cut again in the spring. Then everything must be done according to the rules.

In the photo you see how a cropped bush of tea-hybrid roses should look like before shelter for the winter.

Pruning ground cover roses

These roses are the easiest to bend to the ground, so they do not need any pruning. Remove only faded flowers from them.

park roses

This group of roses also does not need autumn pruning. Remove only old flowers and fruits.

Pruning climbing roses

Climbing roses bloom on the previous year's shoots and therefore should not be heavily pruned. Bushes grow very large, with powerful shoots. For winter shelter, they must first be bent to the ground, and this is almost always very difficult to do. To facilitate this task, you can cut out old, broken shoots and shoots that grow “in the wrong direction” and interfere with shelter in the fall.

Shrubs, English and standard roses

For all these roses, only unripe shoots, dry branches and old flowers are removed in the fall.

Rose cuttings in autumn

An interesting video clip about the autumn cuttings of roses:

Most rose lovers take cuttings in early summer. Someone is getting good results, someone not really. Very often, failures are associated with increased summer temperatures. For rooting, 24 - 27 degrees of heat is most suitable. And if it’s +35 outside, then what kind of can is it under a can or under a film in a greenhouse? It is quite difficult for a young plant to take root and survive in such conditions.

I want to talk about a method of cutting roses in the fall, which is devoid of this and many other shortcomings. Of course, the method is not new, but not everyone knows about it. Some know, but do not use, not particularly believing in its effectiveness, and the method is not only simple, but also effective.

Preparing a site for cuttings. If you have a greenhouse buried in the ground, then it is ideal for autumn cuttings of roses. You can dig a trench as deep as a spade bayonet or a little deeper. If clay appears at the bottom of this trench, then dig a little more and fill it with earth mixed with sand.

One important condition: this trench or greenhouse should not be flooded with water either in winter or in spring.

Preparation of cuttings. When you cut the roses in autumn, cut the cuttings about 20 cm long with 4-5 buds. Leaves are not needed, remove them immediately.

Planting cuttings. Stick the cuttings into the ground to a depth of 5 - 6 cm, so that two buds are in the ground, and the rest are on the surface. Fill the greenhouse tightly with fallen leaves and cover with lutrasil. Nothing else needs to be done until spring.

In the spring, make a film cover over the greenhouse, water, ventilate, and when you realize that the cuttings have taken root, gradually remove the film.

The second part of the video, what happened to the cuttings in the spring:

As you can see, autumn cuttings of roses are simpler than summer ones, endless spraying is not required, and in general care is much easier.

At the end of the article, I would like to say a few words about garden tool. First of all, about the secateurs. When working with roses, we use this tool very often. First of all, it must be well sharpened and in good condition. A dull, loose pruner injures plants and tests the gardener's nerves.

Now, both in regular stores and online stores, there is a huge selection of a wide variety of secateurs for every taste. Women flower growers should pay attention to the ratchet secateurs. With it, you can cut thick, dry branches with minimal effort and, not least, the cut is even, smooth.

Ratchet pruner GRINDA 8-423033_z01

While looking at a photo of such a pruner, it's just a beautiful picture, and only when you take it in your hands you understand how convenient this tool is.

In order not to injure your hands, work with gloves. Only not in ordinary ones, but special ones for working with thorny plants.

LISTOK gloves for working with roses made of imitation leather.

In such gloves you will work calmly without fear of injuring your hands.
