How and how to feed raspberries in the spring so that there is a good harvest. How to feed raspberries during flowering and berry growth Feeding raspberries how and what is better

" Raspberry

Every gardener knows that raspberry bushes grow well and give a rich harvest in chemical-rich soils. To create favorable conditions for this plant, it is important to choose the right fertilizers.

Feeding raspberries in the fall helps increase the yield. Organic and mineral substances introduced according to established rules are used as top dressing.

Not only the raspberry fertilizer calendar will help determine when to fertilize. The plant itself will tell you what exactly it lacks, and what fertilizers are already superfluous. And you don’t have to be an experienced gardener to be able to identify the problem.

It is necessary to carefully examine the shrub, paying attention to the change in color of the leaves., stem thickness. Having detected the problem in time, the owner will have time to solve it so that the lack / excess of fertilizers does not affect the yield. So, how the bush signals the problem:

  • if the plant's shoots are weak and thin, the foliage is small, this indicates lack of phosphorus;
  • the appearance of yellow leaves with green veins indicates an iron deficiency;
  • leaves do not grow well, turn yellow, starting from the middle - add magnesium to the soil;
  • the shrub looks burnt, turned brown - there is little potassium. In this case, the plant may not survive the winter;
  • small, yellowing leaves indicate a lack of nitrogen. At the same time, the plants do not grow or do it too slowly, they look drooping;
  • leaf color is very dark, shoots grow quickly - too much nitrogen. This leads to early shedding of berries, a decrease in yield.

Fertilizers for raspberries are needed annually, every season (except winter) - only under such conditions can you get a rich harvest of large berries. If the soil in the raspberry area is clayey, fertilizers should be applied one and a half times more. If the ground is saturated with sand, fertilizing is required more often.

What to fertilize in the spring before fruiting?

Before carrying out spring dressing, it is important to prepare the bushes. First of all, cut off the lower shoots. Pull the weeds by hand, gently loosen the top, 10 cm layer of soil. This must be done so as not to injure the roots.

In order to have reason to expect a rich harvest, mineral fertilizers are required in the spring. What fertilizers to apply in the fall under raspberries:

  • superphosphate- this fertilizer contains a huge amount of substances that are most useful for plants: sulfur, potassium, magnesium and others. This fertilizer leads to an increase in the yield of raspberries, an acceleration of development, an increase in resistance to various diseases;
  • potassium salt- Nutrient. An excellent substitute for this fertilizer will be custom ash, which, apart from other benefits, does not contain chlorine, which adversely affects raspberries. It is recommended to apply dry or diluted;
  • nitrogen fertilizers. Urea and ammonium nitrate.

It is better to fertilize raspberries with minerals in a complex way. The best effect is obtained when using a mixture of 60 g of superphosphate, 30 g of ammonia sulfur and 40 g of wood ash. Mix all this in a bucket of water. Apply to the soil in two doses, and do the second top dressing in the first month of summer.

It should be borne in mind that not every land will benefit from any fertilizer. Therefore, it is better to do an analysis of the agrochemical composition of the earth before making it. And only by its results to draw conclusions about the introduction of specific types of fertilizers.

How to feed repair raspberries in August?

How to feed raspberries in August, especially after fruiting? In the summer, at least a single fertilization is required during the ripening period of the berries. Many gardeners recommend doing another additional bush fertilizer - in June.

The plant should be saturated with nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus. In addition, bushes are sprayed with an aqueous solution of magnesium sulfate and boric acid. You can’t do this in sunny weather, but it’s pointless to spray before the rain.

If desired, they can be replaced with infused wood ash. To do this, 500 ml of ash is poured into 10 liters of hot water. It is not worth fertilizing with nitrogen during this period - this will reduce the frost resistance of the shrub.

Fertilizer for raspberries in September

How to feed remontant raspberries in the fall after pruning? It is very important to fully feed the plant in the fall, because during the period of growth and fruiting, it spent a considerable amount of nutrients. The lack of these elements leads to inhibition of development and reduced yields next year. Thoroughly rinse and loosen thoroughly before application.

In autumn, organic matter should be added - it contains the necessary trace elements. The shrub easily absorbs such fertilizers, so it will meet the spring healthy and full. More often in the fall, the following fertilizers are used:

  • rotted manure. Gives strength to the shrub during rapid growth in spring. In cold weather, it will help to warm and keep the roots intact. Use 6 kg of manure per square of land;
  • rotted compost. In no way inferior in efficiency to manure. In addition to saturation with valuable substances, it disinfects the soil. A good solution is the use of foliage, leaves, waste from vegetables;
  • peat. Slightly saturates the soil, but its value is different - it improves the structure of the soil;
  • bird (chicken) droppings. Use an aqueous solution, evenly watering the raspberry area.

It is very important to start processing raspberries in September and correctly calculate the amount of fertilizer. The dose depends on the appearance of the plant and the quality of the crop. If the shoots are thick, the height of the shoots is up to two meters, while at least 1.5 kg was collected from the bush, it should be fed in the prescribed manner. If the shoots are thin, grow poorly and the harvest is not enough - it is recommended to increase the amount of fertilizer applied.

Giving raspberries the necessary amount of nutrients in autumn and spring can both improve the quality of the bushes and improve yields. It is important to observe the deadlines and feed strictly according to the schedule.

Is nitrogen necessary in autumn?

Nitrogen stimulates plant growth in the long term, which interferes with the maturation of shoots and greatly reduces the frost resistance of the shrub. Therefore, it is believed that even at the end of summer it is not worth fertilizing raspberries with nitrogen. That's a moot point.

Secondary root growth begins in August. Nitrogen is the main ingredient in this process. Therefore, nitrogen should not be applied in the fall. At the end of summer - perhaps, but more often the small amount of fertilizer that was applied in the spring in early June is enough for the plant.

Most plants are able to use the nitrogen deposited earlier in the foliage for the growth of the root system.

Preparing for winter

Begin preparing the bushes for winter should be before the onset of negative temperatures. Raspberries overwinter in a state pressed to the ground. However, before bending the bush, it is necessary to prepare the shoots.

Pruning raspberries involves removing old withered and thin young branches. As a result, only new thick stems remain, which are cut at the top by 15-20 cm. A distance of 60 cm is maintained between the bushes. If shoots have sprouted between them, remove them.

Leaves from the shoots are removed carefully so as not to damage the buds. If the leaves are left, they will become damp, rot and can burn the buds. After cleaning, the bushes are bent, securing with wire staples. The bushes are placed as close to the ground as possible so that in winter the entire raspberry bush is covered with snow.

After the snow has fallen, you can’t forget about the bush - if there is not enough snow, you need to add it to the bushes. The resulting crust is knocked down so that the raspberries breathe.

Residents of the northern regions in the fall should additionally cover the bushes with straw.

If everything is done correctly in the fall, the raspberries will rise in all their glory in the spring. If some of the shoots have died, they must be removed so that they do not spread the disease.

Fertilizers - pests

Raspberries should be fertilized with caution, since top dressing can both accelerate the flowering of the plant and ruin the raspberries.

Thus, nitrogen cannot be used in large quantities, as raspberries will grow constantly and not "sleep" in the winter.

Fertilizers with potassium, which include chlorine, are harmful. In autumn, shrubs under which such fertilizers were applied become ill with chlorosis.

So, before you start fertilizing, it is important to find out which ones will specifically have a positive effect on the plants. At the same time, no matter what the soil turns out to be, it is impossible to leave raspberries without top dressing. In order for the plant to develop correctly and give a rich harvest, you will have to find a "golden mean".

Countless clusters of ruby-red honey-sweet berries hang from powerful one and a half meter shoots - such beauty is difficult to describe in words, it is better to see it with your own eyes once. There are legends about the yield of raspberries, but such impressive results are simply impossible without careful care of raspberry plantings. And in such care, feeding plays a huge role.

What do raspberries love?

At the beginning of the growing season, raspberries are in dire need of nitrogen fertilizers.

Have you noticed that you will not meet wild raspberries in a meadow or in an open field? Under natural conditions, this plant can most often be found on forest edges, where the soil is rich in organic matter, which is formed from rotting leaves and branches. Therefore, it is not surprising that garden raspberries are also very demanding on organic fertilizers, without which there is nothing to count on a good harvest of this berry.

Many gardeners believe that fertilizing raspberries with mineral fertilizers is optional. However, this is not the case. Judge for yourself: in addition to the formation of the crop, the plant spends a huge amount of nutrients on the development of root offspring and replacement shoots. And how much of the nutrients are washed out by the rains, and also lost along with the removed weeds and extra annual offspring? In a word, it is simply necessary to feed raspberries, and what and how I will tell further.

Feeding raspberries: how to determine what plants lack

With a generous filling of planting pits, top dressing begins to be introduced only from the third year of operation of the berry plantation. Only in this case can we hope for a large harvest of large berries.

To find out what your raspberries are missing, just take a good look at the bushes.

With a potassium deficiency, raspberry leaves become small, their edges darken and crumple like an accordion. Phosphorus starvation is manifested in the thinning of the shoots and the formation of purple spots on the leaves in the middle tier of plants. And when plants lack nitrogen, they look depressed and produce weak, short shoots.

However, if the shoots have grown above two meters, the leaves have a bright green color, and the raspberries are full of overgrowth, then overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers takes place. In such a situation, the rate of nitrogen application from the next season should be reduced by 1.5 times.

When and how to feed raspberries

During the flowering period, plants remove a huge amount of nutrients from the soil.

At different stages of the growing season, raspberries need different nutrients. It is advisable to apply organic nitrogen fertilizers for this crop in the fall, since this contributes to a better development of replacement shoots, and less root growth is formed (compared to top dressing in spring). However, spring top dressing with nitrogen is also acceptable.

Throughout the summer, you can regularly feed the plants with nitrogen-containing natural fertilizers, or complex mineral fertilizers. Better yet, alternate watering with "mineral water" and organic matter.

Do not be afraid to feed raspberries with nitrogen fertilizers (according to the instructions). Raspberries do not accumulate nitrates if nitrogen fertilization is completed before the plants enter the fruiting phase.

There are many options for feeding raspberries, here are the most successful of them:

Mulching plantings with fresh or rotted manure / humus / compost. Organics are scattered under the bushes in the fall at the rate of 3-4 kilograms per square meter of plantings. You can carry out this operation in the spring: for this, the soil on the raspberry bed is covered with a thin layer of manure, and a 10-15-cm layer of humus or garden compost is poured on top. When watering and raining, water will pass through the manure layer, be saturated with nitrogen and deliver it straight to the roots of plants. In addition, humus mulch will prevent unwanted nitrogen evaporation.

Mulching plantings with peat with the addition of urea or saltpeter. If you do not have organic matter at your disposal, then the soil in the garden with raspberries can be covered with peat at the rate of 1-2 buckets per square meter of plantings. At the same time, for every 10 liters (bucket) of fertilizer, 25-30 grams of saltpeter or urea are added.

Feeding raspberries with ash. In this case, wood ash (2 kg / sq.m.) is scattered between rows at the end of summer and lightly covered with a rake. Ash can be added in the spring, but in a smaller dose - 100 grams (1 cup) per square meter of plantings. By the way, regular addition of ash to raspberry bushes improves the taste of berries.

Watering raspberries with solutions of urea or saltpeter in the spring. For one-time top dressing per square meter of raspberries, 60-100 grams of one of these fertilizers is used. This dose can also be applied in parts, up to mid-June. During autumn mulching with organic matter, such top dressing is carried out only if there is a weak growth of shoots, while the dose is reduced to 15-20 grams of nitrate or urea.

Watering raspberries with liquid organic fertilizers in the spring. Solutions of slurry (1:10) or chicken manure (1:20) moisten the soil around the raspberry bushes at the beginning of the growing season (May - early June) at the rate of 3-5 liters per square meter. In total, it is enough to carry out 2-3 such top dressings. If there is no manure, then you can water the berry plantations with herbal infusions, humates and yeast.

Application of mineral fertilizers. During fruiting under the bushes, you can add 30-50 grams of nitroammophoska or 50 grams of superphosphate, 15 grams of ammonium nitrate and 20-30 grams of potassium sulfate (potassium magnesia) per square meter. After harvesting berries, raspberries can be fed with complex mineral fertilizers (for example, 50-80 grams of nitroammophoska per square meter). A complete mineral fertilizer can also be replaced with 20-30 grams of ammonium nitrate, 60 grams of superphosphate and 20-30 potassium sulphate (potassium magnesia) per square meter.

Mineral and organic top dressings are applied only on spilled, wet soil, otherwise a high concentration of dry substances can cause burns on young raspberry roots.

Compost and humus plus ash can serve as a full-fledged replacement for any other fertilizers if they are used annually (preferably in autumn) and at an increased dose - from 10 to 15 kilograms of humus and 1-2 kilograms of ash per square meter of raspberries. Then your raspberries will not need any other top dressing for the whole next year.

Gooseberries, raspberries, currants - these names are known to everyone. Compotes, preserves, jams and other twists are made from raspberries, currants, strawberries, strawberries, gooseberries grown on their site. Berries are grown in almost every area. Plants do not require specific care, therefore they are loved by summer residents. Once a year it is necessary to cut the shoots and fertilize. The complex of fertilizers contributes to the formation of ovaries from 25% or more. So how to feed currants, gooseberries, raspberries in the spring? Read on.

What needs to be done to get a high yield

Systematic watering and timely fertilization for berry bushes and fruit trees will ensure a high yield during the fruiting period. The moisturizing procedure does not raise questions, but the technology for introducing nutrients must be taken seriously. The gardener must know how to feed raspberries in the spring, what kind of fertilizers to apply for different types of berries, and in what volume.

For normal development, plants require a sufficient amount of phosphorus, magnesium, nitrogen, potassium, calcium. When planting bushes, the soil is fertilized with phosphates, potassium and organic complexes, which contribute to the development of the plant over the next 2-3 years.

To fertilize adult and fruit-bearing bushes of raspberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries, you will have to use more fertilizing than for young, 3-year-old plants that are just entering the growing season.

How nutrient deficiencies manifest in crops

If the bush suffers from a lack of useful elements, the castings develop more slowly than usual, while remaining small with an unsaturated pale color. Having noticed such signs last year, be sure to take care of the berry tree next spring. How to feed remontant raspberries in spring? Add urea - 10 grams or replace it with ammonium nitrate - 15 grams. The proportion is calculated for 1 m 2. Sometimes the bushes are poured with a solution of manure in a ratio of 1:8, mullein - 1:5, bird droppings - 1:10. Before watering, soak the fertilizer in water and let it brew for 1-2 days. A 10 liter bucket will be enough to moisten the soil for 3-4 currant or raspberry bushes.

Berry-raspberry: fertilizer for bushes

Before proceeding with the introduction of a mineral or organic complex, cut off frozen shoots, clean the area from dry leaves and grass, and remove weeds. Do not use sharp tools, use your hands instead. Otherwise, you risk damaging the roots placed under a small layer of soil.

Prepare your feed:

  1. Dilute ecofoska or azophoska (2-3 tablespoons) in 10 liters of water. With the resulting solution, the berries are poured with the calculation of 1-15, l per bush.
  2. You can prepare an organic fertilizer by dissolving manure in water in a ratio (1:10) or replacing it with chicken manure (1:20).
  3. An infusion of weeds will help to enrich the root system with nitrogen. About a bucket of grass is poured with water and left for 5-7 days in a warm room. After the expiration of the period, 1 tbsp is added under each of the bushes. wood ash. Then watered.

Having figured out how to feed raspberries in the spring, do not forget about mulching, which is desirable to carry out after fertilizing. For this, peat or manure is suitable. So the moisture at the base of the bush will linger longer, and it will also attract earthworms that loosen the earth, saturating it with oxygen.

Now you know how to feed raspberries in the spring and how to process them so that the bushes do not suffer from diseases and pests.

Gooseberry fertilization scheme in spring

Interestingly, this culture is fed immediately after the snow melts. At this time, the earth is saturated with moisture and the root system absorbs well all the nutrients that enter it.

Nitrophoska (2-3 tablespoons) and wood ash (1 tablespoon) are added under young bushes; for adult plants, the dose is doubled.

If there are manure fertilizers on the site, you can cover the bushes with them in a circle, forming a layer up to 3-4 cm.

Important! Berries under the age of 3 years do not need to be fed, especially if the soil was enriched with a mineral complex during planting.

What fertilizer is suitable for currants

How to feed raspberries in the spring before flowering, you already know, but what kind of fertilizer do currants taste like?

The fertility of the bushes depends on the variety of the plant and the care provided to it. Young currants under the age of 3 years do not need to be fed. From the third year of life of the berry plant, it is necessary to provide plants with comprehensive care in the form of the introduction of mineral and organic compounds. It is important to know how to feed raspberries and currants in spring. You can determine the lack of certain useful substances by the appearance of the bushes.

Features of spring feeding of berries

If organic matter has not been applied to the soil since autumn, then nitrogen fertilizers are added in early spring: ammonium nitrate (25-30 gr.) Or ammonium sulfate (40-50 gr.), Taking into account the consumption per 1 m 2.

At the end of spring, foliar fertilization is useful for berry growers. If you don’t know how to feed raspberries in spring, special solutions will do:

  • superphosphate or sulfate - 1-2%;
  • manganese sulfate - 0.1-0.5%;
  • boric acid - 0.01-0.05%.

You can use a special solution for pollination of raspberry bushes, gooseberries. At 10 l. water is diluted with potassium permanganate (5-10 gr.), boric acid (2-3 gr.), blue vitriol (30-40 gr.). Such a tool will help saturate the berries with microelements and contribute to the faster formation of ovaries.

Important! Each of the ingredients is dissolved in a small amount of water separately, after which the concentrated solutions are mixed together, and then water is added until the volume specified in the instructions is reached.

If you do not know how to feed raspberries in the spring before flowering, visit a specialized store. Horticulture centers are full of ready-made products in the form of special soluble preparations and liquid fertilizers for root crops and various types of crops. Each of them is accompanied by a leaflet with instructions for use. Thanks to this, novice gardeners will not be mistaken in the question of how and with what to feed raspberries and currants in spring.

What can replace organic fertilizer complexes

If organic fertilizers were not available and they can be replaced with mineral ones.

A composition of nitrogen (20 gr.), Phosphate (15 gr.) and Potassium (20 gr.) supplements is suitable. If you don’t know how to feed raspberries in spring or what fertilizers to apply under currants, in no case choose chlorine. with pink, white and red berries categorically do not tolerate this component. Therefore, it is appropriate to replace potassium chloride with sulfate. Top dressing is applied under the bushes by embedding the components into the soil to a depth of 10 cm. After that, the berries are watered, mulched with a layer of peat, rotted sawdust or humus up to 4 cm.

Foliar top dressing of currants, raspberries, strawberries

Many people ask how to feed strawberries and raspberries, currants and gooseberries in the spring. A complex rich in microelements is suitable. Currant needs selenium, zinc, humate. After dissolving the components in water, leaves and shoots are sprayed with them, giving the plant a cold shower in cloudy weather.

There are plenty of preparations on the market that contain all the minerals necessary for balanced growth and development of bushes. They are available in tablet or powder form. Solutions are less common. If you don’t know how to feed raspberries in early spring, try Uniflor-micro. Reviews of gardeners characterize the remedy as effective, enriched with a group of minerals necessary for berry growers. 1 st. l. The drug is dissolved in 10 liters. Water is used for its intended purpose. Bushes are treated in two approaches - in early spring before flowering and during the formation of fruit ovaries.

Fertilizers of new generation AVA

How to feed strawberries and raspberries in spring? A new modern complex called AVA will do. If this type of fertilizer was used when planting the plant, then the next time the mineral complex can be applied only after three years. This preparation contains a complete set of components up to minerals that contribute to the normal growth and development of bushes.

The unique properties are explained by the stimulation of nitrogen-fixing bacteria that accumulate nitrogen from the upper layers of the soil and attract it to the root system of the plant in the required amount.

How to properly fertilize

If you have already chosen how to feed raspberries in early spring, then AVA fertilizers are fed once every 36 months. Around the bush, along the circumference of the crown, they dig a small groove 5-10 cm deep, and add 1-2 tbsp. l. Fertilizers, evenly distributing it around the entire circumference of the recess. The top of the trench is covered with earth. The drug is not scattered over the surface, because, like other mineral complexes, it will be ineffective. Root top dressing is preferable.

The exceptional qualities of the drug are that the composition does not immediately dissolve and does not go underground. Under the influence of temperatures above +10, the granules gradually melt, filling the soil with useful components. That is, in the winter, the product is not consumed.

Now you know how to feed remontant raspberries in spring, what type of fertilizer to choose and what complex currants, gooseberries or strawberries need. By fertilizing, you will be able to achieve more productive flowering, and as a result - a high yield for the season.

Raspberries are a fragrant, tasty and juicy berry that most gardeners prefer to grow. Raspberries are a source of valuable trace elements, nutrients, a whole arsenal of vitamins. From it you can make compote, fragrant jam, sweet jam.

And in order to harvest a large crop of fragrant large sweet berries, you need to know how to feed raspberries.

Raspberries are an unusually tasty delicacy, a wonderful dessert. To get a rich harvest of large and sweet berries, it is necessary to periodically fertilize the shrub, otherwise there will be few fruits, and they will be small.

Raspberry is not a very capricious plant. Gardeners advise to carry out two top dressings - during flowering and after harvesting.

How to fertilize raspberries during flowering?

Before top dressing, it is necessary to remove all weeds growing around raspberries. Also be sure to cut the lower shoots.

Raspberries most of all prefer both mineral and organic fertilizers. In May, it is advisable to feed the raspberries with organic fertilizers. To do this, dissolve 2 tbsp in 10 liters of water. tablespoons of sodium humate or half a liter of mullein. Regarding mineral fertilizers, it is advised to dissolve a mixture of 30 grams of ammonium nitrate, 60 grams of superphosphate and 30 grams of potassium salt in 10 liters of water. Especially useful for raspberries will be wood ash, which significantly increases the yield.

Feeding raspberries in autumn

The best option for successful feeding of raspberries is a solution of chicken manure. It is prepared as follows: 1 part of chicken manure is dissolved in 30 parts of water.

The litter solution is used in the fall, evenly watering the entire territory of the raspberry bush with it. Professional gardeners apply dried chicken manure. It is scattered around the bushes.

  • Superphosphate and ammonium nitrate. If you take superphosphate, then one tablespoon of this substance is scattered under each raspberry bush. Ammonium nitrate is used at the rate of 12 grams per 1 sq. soil meter;
  • Complex. In 10 liters of water, dissolve 2 tbsp. spoons of potassium chloride. Before starting top dressing, it is imperative to trim the raspberries. To get a rich harvest, raspberries are fed every year;
  • organic fertilizers. For these purposes, manure or humus is used.

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Raspberries are a healthy and tasty berry. This unpretentious berry shrub grows well in the most forgotten corners of the country house and constantly thanks us with a good harvest. And if you pay a little attention to raspberries, cut them in time, find out when it’s right and, most importantly, how to feed the raspberries, the crop will immediately increase significantly.

Raspberry is a berry bush with prickly shoots. However, recently breeders have been trying to breed varieties with bare shoots to make it easier to pick berries. Because of the delicious berries, everyone tries to plant raspberries on the site, but due to the fact that the raspberry is very sprawling and does not look very decorative, they usually plant deep into the site, in the farthest corner and forget about it. There, in the shade of garden trees, raspberries bloom poorly and bear fruit, which inexpressibly surprises the owners. What else do raspberries need? Here are some tips to help you get serious raspberry harvests from a small area all season long.


The best time to plant raspberries is spring. Some varieties can

Planting raspberries must be carried out in a sunny place. The more light, the better. Raspberries, growing by themselves, shade themselves; they do not need companions in the form of garden trees.

Seedlings are planted in trenches or holes, into which humus is first poured. The seedlings are buried a few centimeters deeper than they grew in the old place. On average, they are deepened by 4-6 centimeters. The distance between the holes is about 60 centimeters, and between the rows of raspberries - about a meter.

The planted plant is well shed with a bucket of water, having previously formed a hole for irrigation.


Raspberry is a moisture-loving plant. Therefore, in the season it must be watered abundantly in order to get a good harvest of delicious berries. Moisture is especially necessary for the plant during flowering, development and ripening of fruits. Therefore, the first abundant watering is done before flowering, the second after 2-3 weeks. The next watering is done at the time of harvest. The last time the raspberries are watered after pruning.

Raspberry pruning

Raspberries give a harvest on the shoots of the second year. This rule does not apply to repair raspberries. You need to know this in order to successfully form a raspberry bush.

The next year after planting, at the moment when the buds begin to bloom, raspberries are formed by pruning, leaving several strong and healthy shoots. The tops of the shoots are slightly shortened, but not much, since the main fruit buds are at the top. The shoots are attached to the support.

Autumn pruning is the removal of dried shoots.

Raspberry fertilizer

Raspberries are fed several times a season:

  • during flowering and the appearance of the ovary;
  • during fruiting;
  • after the end of fruiting.

The most important trace elements for raspberries are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen fertilizers reduce the resistance of raspberries to frost, so fertilizers are applied in the following sequence: nitrogen fertilizer in spring and summer, potassium-phosphorus in autumn. Raspberry fertilizer in summer is recommended with organic-based formulations, as raspberries respond well to organic matter. In addition, organic fertilizers have a positive effect on the quality of the crop.

Feeding raspberries in spring

In May, i.e. in spring, raspberries are fertilized mainly with nitrogen-containing compounds in order to enhance vegetation, shoot growth and thereby increase its yield. Mineral fertilizers should not be applied, because harvesting an environmentally friendly crop is the goal of every gardener.

Feeding raspberries during flowering

Here are some recipes for feeding raspberries when they bloom:

  1. Feeding with mullein is carried out in the proportion of 1 part of mullein to 10 parts of water. Let it brew for about a week;
  2. A solution of chicken manure in the proportion of 1 part manure to 10 parts water, let it brew for about 10 days, and then use it as a fertilizer, diluting a liter jar of infusion into 10 liters of water;
  3. In the infusion of chicken manure or mullein, prepared according to the rules, add wood ash in the proportion of 1 cup per 10 liters of water, as well as bone meal, which is applied directly under the roots, mixed with humus;
  4. Yeast in an amount of 100 grams is dissolved in a 10-liter bucket of water; you can fertilize raspberries with a similar composition in spring and summer. It perfectly stimulates the growth of green mass, activates flowering and increases productivity.

Feeding raspberries in summer

The second feeding is carried out when the berries begin to actively sing. You can feed raspberries in July with organic or biohumus compounds. Do not use mineral compounds so that they do not affect the quality of the crop.

  1. Apply compositions based on biohumus, diluting according to the instructions for the drug;
  2. You can feed the raspberries again with infusion of mullein or chicken manure;
  3. Stimulate productivity by feeding with yeast infusion.

Feeding raspberries during fruiting is necessary for the plant to increase productivity, improve the quality and taste of berries.

Autumn top dressing

During the autumn feeding period, it is recommended to introduce herbaceous plants into the soil, for example, vetch, clover, mustard. Overheating, the grass loosens the soil and gives additional fertilizer to the raspberry roots. In addition, a mixture of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers is applied under the plant, which will enable the plant to lay flower buds for the next season.

  1. 30 grams of phosphorus and 20 grams of potash fertilizer are mixed, the dry mixture is embedded in the soil around the bush;
  2. They pour it under a bush and close up up to 1 kg of wood ash per square meter of raspberries; raspberry ash fertilizer is recommended to maintain the optimal amount of potassium in the soil

Feeding raspberries with yeast

Feeding raspberries with yeast greatly stimulates the vegetative process, flowering and fruiting of the bush. Therefore, you can feed the raspberries during the ripening of the berries with yeast. In addition to the fact that such top dressing will become a stimulant, it will also strengthen the immunity of the plant, increase productivity and positively affect the quality of the crop.
