Eucharis care at home why eucharis does not bloom propagation and transplantation of flowers photo. How does the Amazon lily live at home? For propagation by bulbs you need

Eucharis is a very beautiful tropical plant that can decorate not only nature, but also an apartment or house.


This bulbous plant belongs to the amaryllis family. Ro Eucharis from South and Central America where it grows in forests. Received the nickname "Amazon Lily" because... it can be found in large quantities in the Amazon. Despite the fact that Eucharis loves tropical and subtropical climates, he also feels great at home. In total there are about twenty species of this plant, similar to each other.

It is a beautifully flowering plant with large, pointed, oval-shaped leaves. The leaves are preserved sufficiently for a long time, but some of them may fall off after autumn flowering. The new leaves at first resemble a tube, but over time they straighten out and become shiny leaves of a dark green color.

This plant mainly blooms twice a year: in early summer and mid-autumn. But if you care for Eucharis correctly, then by the New Year he can once again please everyone with his beautiful flowers. Eucharis is white or bluish in color and resembles a daffodil in size (diameter about 12 cm). There can be no more than ten of them in total, the number depends on the type of plant. The aroma of Eucharis flowers is very subtle and pleasant. After flowering, be sure to cut off all flower stalks.

Caring for Eucharis at home

There are three types of this plant that are most popular for growing at home. These are Eucharis snow-white, grandiflora and “Sandera”. There are a few simple rules which should be followed when caring for this plant. The cardinal directions most suitable for Eucharis are east or west. Like many plants, Eucharis does not like direct sunlight. The temperature should preferably be no higher than +25 C and no lower than +16 C. The Amazon lily prefers a warm and open space, so it will feel great on the balcony on summer days, only the flower should be in partial shade. But at night it is best to bring the plant into the room, because if there is a strong drop in temperature, the flower may begin to shed its leaves.

Eucharis needs constant soil and air moisture. Therefore, it must be sprayed every day. Humidity is the most necessary condition For of this plant. And when flower stalks appear on Eucharis, spraying should be stopped, because moisture is very dangerous for flowers, it causes them to turn brown and become covered with spots.

If the flower is located close to the battery in winter period, this will cause a lack of moisture in the soil, so you need to place the pot with the plant in a special tray filled with wet gravel.

In addition to spraying, you should wipe the leaves of Eucharis with a damp cloth or wash them occasionally warm water. During the flowering or growth period, watering should be twice a week, and during the dormant period, once will be enough. Although the soil should be slightly moist, it is not recommended to flood the plant - this may cause the bulb to rot. Eucharis needs to be watered only when it is partially dry. To achieve the second flowering in a year, the plant needs to be moved to a darker room (with a lower temperature), watered less often and stopped feeding.

Reproduction and transplantation of Eucharis

The plant is quite whimsical, so it does not like transplanting. It is recommended to do it no more than once every 4 years. In addition, transplantation is best done in spring period, but only after Eucharis has faded. The best soil for him it is a mixture of sand, rotted manure, peat and leaf soil. A large pot is required because the plant should have a lump of soil left. Frequent replanting can lead to lack of flowering.

Eucharis is propagated either by separating a part of the plant during transplantation, or by using a bulb. The bulb can be purchased with or without leaves. If there are no leaves, then it must be planted in a small pot and sprinkled with soil, which should not completely cover the bulb. Leaves will appear in about a month and a half, or maybe earlier. And if the bulb was purchased with leaves, then the planting depth should not exceed five centimeters.

Feeding Eucharis depends on the growth phase. If growth is active, then it needs to be fed once a week (mineral and organic fertilizer must be alternated). After flowering, you can stop feeding and resume again in the spring.

The plant begins to bloom when daughter bulbs appear. If these bulbs fill the entire pot, then in this case the plant needs to be replanted, dividing it. It is best not to plant less than three bulbs in each pot. After division, Eucharis should not be fed or watered abundantly until the first leaves appear. If there is only one bulb in the pot, the plant will only grow, but not bloom.

The secret of the Amazon lily is that the more densely the bulbs are planted, the more beautiful and often the flowering period will last.

Eucharis is a perennial bulbous plant belonging to the Amaryllis family. It is distinguished by a shortened stem. The shiny leaves of Eucharis are large and have a broad oval shape. The length of each of them is about 30 - 35 cm. The edge of the perennial leaves is wavy. They are located on long petioles. Neither during the transition phase nor at rest should the plant lose its leaves. If this happens (most often due to improper care), then the perennial reacts very sharply to the falling of leaves, even to the point of death.

Eucharis flowers are somewhat reminiscent of narcissus flowers. They have a long greenish tube and a crown of the same color. Due to the fact that the flower's tube is quite long, the corolla of the perennial gracefully hangs down. This makes the plant even more decorative. Flowering of Eucharis can be recorded twice. The first time - in the spring, the second - in late autumn. Some plant growers note that this perennial is capable of blooming not two, but three times a year!

Eucharis is rightly classified as an unpretentious plant.

Eucharis: competent care at home

The flower grows perfectly in room conditions, if only the grower follows all the recommendations for timely, and most importantly, reasonable (!) care of the bulbous plant.

Location of eucharis in the house

The bulbous plant, like many other representatives of the flora, prefer to grow on windowsills on the western or eastern side of the house. This is not surprising, because eucharis does not tolerate bright midday sun. And here the south side of the house is definitely not suitable for placing such a flower. In the north, the perennial will experience a lack of lighting.

Important point! Do not forget to shade the plant from bright sunlight. This advice especially applies to the spring-summer period, when the sun is active.

IN summer time Eucharis can be safely grown on a glassed-in veranda or balcony. But here the grower needs to know one thing important rule: Never leave your bulbous perennial outside during the first frost of the night. This can cause serious harm to the plant, including its death.

Perennial growing temperature

Traditionally, as for many other plants, the temperature of the bulbous eucharis depends on the stage of life development of the plant:

  • During the growing season and flowering period, the temperature should range from +24 to +28 degrees. As we mentioned above, if the summer is warm and dry, then the plant can be safely placed outside. In addition to the fact that in the fresh air the flower will receive a wonderful boost solar energy, it is on the street that the plant grows vitality for further successful growth and development.
  • With the arrival of autumn cold weather, the plant should be immediately brought into the house. Hypothermia of the root system and freezing of the leaves are of no use to it. By winter, temperature indicators drop. During the cold season, the temperature of the flower ranges from +17 to +18 degrees. During the rest period, these indicators drop to +10 degrees.

Proper watering of the plant

Eucharis is a moisture-loving plant that needs frequent and abundant watering. In this case, the age of the plant is a determining factor:

  • During the growing season and during flowering, a young plant should be watered once every 2-3 days. It is worth making sure that the substrate is slightly moistened, but not damp.
  • Mature indoor flower you can water less often. You should wait until the substrate is completely dry and only then water the plant.

During the winter period, eucharis is watered very, very rarely. During the dormant period, which lasts 1 - 1.5 months, it is quite acceptable not to water the plant at all. During this period, the perennial will gain strength, energy and will delight the grower with even more abundant, exquisite flowering than last season.

Water for irrigation of eucharis must meet the following requirements:

  • To be defended. It is not recommended to water the bulbous plant tap water. This can destroy an indoor flower. Some plant growers use boiled water for irrigation. According to some observations, this helps the plant bloom profusely. But in this case, it is impossible to give accurate forecasts, because the flowering process depends not only on the quality of water for irrigation.
  • Have room temperature. Do not under any circumstances water the plant cold water. This is a sure path to the death of a perennial.

Remember! It is very important for the plant to periodically spray the leaves. It is important not to get on the flowers. Many plant growers simply wipe the leaves with a damp sponge. This is also a great opportunity wash off dust from the plant.

Air humidity

Indoor perennials prefer to grow in a room with high humidity. Therefore, the grower should:

  • Spray frequently. Let us once again emphasize the point that you should not touch the flowers.
  • Adjust the humidity in the room using a household humidifier.
  • Place a saucer of water next to the flower.

Soil for Eucharis

Eucharis is a bulbous plant, so you can absolutely safely purchase it. ready soil for the corresponding types of domestic flowers. The main thing is to check the expiration date of the soil. If it has long expired, you should not use such a substrate. It can cause serious harm to the plant.

There are many various options, allowing you to prepare a nutritious soil mixture for perennials yourself. We have selected some of the most popular ones, which are often used by many experienced plant growers.

Methods for preparing soil mixture for eucharis

Method No. 1:

  • peat - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • leaf soil - 3 parts.

Method number 2:

  • peat soil - 1 part;
  • leaf soil - 1 part;
  • turf soil - 2 parts;
  • adding sand as a leavening agent - 0.5 parts.

Method number 3:

  • rotted mullein - 1 part;
  • leaf soil - 4 parts;
  • compost - 2 parts;
  • coarse sand - 2 parts;
  • loam - 1 part.

In some cases, it is quite possible to grow a plant hydroponically.

Important! Be sure to provide the plant with a decent layer of substrate. It can be expanded clay, coarse sand, or pebbles.

Fertilizers for Eucharis

Fertilizers for eucharis should be applied throughout the spring and summer period. This should be done at least once every 2 weeks. In this case, the concentration should be several times less than indicated on the packaging.

Mineral liquid fertilizers for flowering plants are perfect for feeding. indoor plants.

You should not overdo it with nitrogenous fertilizing, as this may negatively affect the flowering of the bulbous perennial.

In autumn and winter, all fertilizing should be stopped. As we mentioned above, during the dormant period the plant does not require any watering or fertilizer. The end of the dormant period will be marked by the appearance of new offspring. The main thing is not to miss this moment and start caring for the plant on time.

Eucharis transplant

The indoor perennial is very, very sensitive to any kind of interference. Therefore, when purchasing a bulbous plant, it is very important not to injure it with the first transplant. Check with the seller in advance what nutrient substrate the plant was planted in.

Ideal plant transplant option: 1 time every 3-4 years. This is exactly how long it will take for the flower to completely entwine the earthen ball with its roots and form a large number of bulbs If you replant a flower less often, it will die from lack of nutrients in a pot and cramped.

Preferred transplant option: transshipment.

The best time to replant perennials is spring. The pot should be chosen wider than its predecessor. We lay a layer of drainage at the bottom of the container, then fill it with nutrient substrate. Then we place the eucharis together with the earthen lump in the ground and sprinkle it with earth on top.

After transplantation, the plant begins to be watered on day 5-6. You can start spraying the plant immediately after transshipment.

Reproduction of Eucharis

Eucharis can be propagated at home in several ways, the most popular and effective is by children.

Divisions for new plantings are obtained by dividing the bush and the mother bulb into shares. Each division should have at least four bulbs left. Then they are planted in separate pots and cared for in the same way as adult plants. Such divisions will be able to bloom this year.

Another method is propagation by seeds. It is considered labor-intensive; flowering can be achieved no earlier than after 5 years.

Problems when growing eucharis

Eucharis is unpretentious plant. If all growing conditions are strictly observed, then you will not have to fight diseases and pests so often.

Important to remember! For the normal development of eucharis, the flower needs a lot of space. The flower does not like its surroundings. Ideally, the bulbous plant will be the only inhabitant of the windowsill.

Eucharis should not be over-watered. Because of this he suffers root system plants.

The lack of annual flowering of the plant can be correlated with a lack of nutrients in the soil, insufficient lighting, or an improperly organized (or completely absent) dormant period.

Most often, the plant suffers from fungus gnats, aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. You can get rid of pests using insecticides such as Fitoverm, Aktelik, Intavir, Decis.

A delightful member of the Amaryllis family, Eucharis will gracefully decorate your home. The main thing is to shade the plant on a hot afternoon, do not forget to replant on time, water and spray moderately, and also water the perennial. With proper care, an indoor flower will delight you with flowering one to three times a year.

Location West or east window.
Lighting Shading from bright sunlight is necessary.
Growing temperature In summer +24 +280 C, in winter +15 +170 C (but not lower than +100 C).
Watering Moderately abundant watering (depending on the age of the flower and time of year). Periodic spraying in summer.
Humidity High. 60-80%.
The soil Nutritious, moisture-intensive.
Fertilizer Mineral liquid fertilizers for flowering indoor plants. Apply once every 2 weeks in the spring and summer.
Transfer Once every 3-4 years. In spring time.
Reproduction Children (simple) and seeds (labor-intensive).
Diseases and pests Bulb rotting, leaves falling. Pests: fungus gnat, aphids, mealybugs, spider mites.

The flowers of this plant seem to be made of the finest snow-white porcelain with a noble matte shine, and the leathery dark green leaves set them off even more. This is exactly what the Amazonian lily (eucharis) is like. Home care, features, photos various types- all this will be interesting for those who are interested in indoor floriculture or want to acquire this wonderful flower.

Eucharis (Amazon lily)

It is no coincidence that the plant received this name. Eucharis has everything that is so valued in indoor plants: large dark green leaves and snow-white flowers with a pleasant subtle aroma, vaguely reminiscent of lilies or even daffodils. This type belongs to the Amaryllis family. The genus has approximately 20 representatives. Eucharis is native to the evergreen tropical forests (lower layer) of the Central and South America. The plant came to Europe in the first half of the 19th century. Eucharis, which is easy to care for at home, immediately fell in love and became one of the popular flowers in greenhouses and on window sills.

Description of Eucharis

The Amazon lily is a bulbous plant. The bulbs reach a diameter of up to 6 cm and have a spherical shape. The number of leaves on a plant varies from 2 to 7, and their presence does not in any way affect the intensity of flowering. They have a lanceolate shape and a rich dark green hue. The leaves grow up to 55 cm in length and 20 cm in width, provided the correct and good care. Their texture is very interesting, they seem to be slightly wrinkled and have clear longitudinal veining. Flowers appear in August-September on a long peduncle (up to 80 cm), collected in umbrellas. Their shade may differ depending on the type (white or greenish).

Types of Eucharis

Of the twenty species of the genus of the same name, only three are the most common in indoor culture.

Choosing the right place

If you don't have a lot of direct sunlight in your home, then you can safely choose eucharis. Care at home (reviews confirm this) is quite simple. The plant is not too demanding. However, the place is better for Amazon lily choose the right one right away. Firstly, eucharis is a fairly large plant and will require a lot of space, so it is often grown in floor flowerpots. Secondly, this flower grows mainly in the lower tier of the tropical forest, the light reaches it, but for the most part it is diffused. Direct sunlight on Amazon lilies is contraindicated; they will simply burn the leaves and flowers. The most optimal and favorable option is bright, diffused sunlight. However, eucharis still tolerates slight shading and will grow well even opposite a north window.

The most optimal temperature regime during flowering and active growing season - from 24 to 28 °C. In winter, the rates drop. After flowering ends, the so-called dormant period begins. It is not as clearly defined as, for example, in succulents or cacti, but it still occurs. At this time, you must avoid sudden changes in temperature and maintain it within 17-18 °C, but not lower than 7-8 °C, otherwise you will destroy the eucharis. Home care (rest period) described above should be carried out if you want abundant and long-lasting flowering. If the plant does not rest, then over time (at best) it shreds. Flowering will be minimal.

What kind of soil is required for eucharis?

If you prefer to use store-bought soil, then choose those mixtures that are intended for amaryllis, hipeastrum, vallotta and some other bulbous plants.

Eucharis is an inhabitant of the tropics; in its natural environment it grows on soils with good moisture and air permeability, rich in organic matter. When compiling the soil yourself, this must be taken into account; this is the only way you will ensure good nutrition eucharis. Home care includes competent drafting soil for planting or replanting. The approximate ratio of the components is as follows: leaf soil/humus/river sand - 2/1/1. The soil reaction should be slightly acidic; adding peat in small quantities (0.5 parts) is welcome. Remember to have good drainage to ensure outflow excess moisture and air access to the roots. You can use expanded clay, coconut or walnut shells.

Watering and air humidity

The plant loves water, but you still need to be very careful with watering, as the bulbs can rot. In the summer, that is, during active growth and flowering, the Amazon lily is watered twice a week. With the onset of the rest period, reduce to one. Water required room temperature, well settled. Between waterings, you need to let the top layer of soil dry out; this is what serves as a guide, so you won’t flood the eucharis. Home care also involves regular spraying of the plant. Eucharis loves moist air. The only exception is the flowering period - drops of water falling on the inflorescences will spoil their appearance, so it is better at this time to limit yourself to wiping the leaves with a damp cloth or sponge.

Feeding Eucharis with fertilizers

Since the plant has a period of vaguely defined dormancy, fertilization should be done only during the period of active growing and flowering, and then completely stopped. Frequency - once every two weeks. Experts in the field of indoor floriculture recommend alternating fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers. It is best to use liquid complex preparations specifically for flowering indoor plants. Fertilizers must be diluted in water in strict accordance with the instructions on the package.

Eucharis transplant

The good thing about this plant is that it is best to replant it once every 3-4 years. The first sign that it is time to transplant will be the numerous bulbs that no longer fit in the pot, sometimes it even cracks due to their abundance and pressure. The pot for eucharis should not be so high as wide. The plant is extremely sensitive to the transplantation process, due to the fact that the roots are very easily damaged. Therefore, it is best to transship without damaging the main lump. Watering is then reduced until new leaves begin to appear. Most optimal time for replanting occurs after the end of flowering.

Eucharis: home care, reproduction

There are two methods of propagation: vegetative and seed, the first is the most common. Eucharius forms quite a lot of small daughter bulbs. Most best option their detachment from the mother bush - in a group. 5-6 bulbs are separated, with much less damage to the roots, the plant takes root better, quickly produces new growth and blooms in the same year.

Propagation by seeds is a rather painstaking task and makes sense if you want to get a new or rare species. It is important to remember that seedlings begin to bloom only in the fifth year.

Eucharis: home care, illnesses

The Amazon lily has a fairly high immunity to various pests and diseases. However, sometimes thrips, spider mites and scale insects still appear on the plant. This is mainly due to improper care. Thrips and scale insects are very dangerous. Up to a certain point it is difficult to notice them. This usually happens when they form large colonies. Succulent leaves are affected first. At the first signs of pests, the plant must be treated with a special insecticidal preparation (for example, Fitoverm, Actellik).

But any disease is best prevented, so it is important to know what kind of care eucharis requires at home. Leaves wither, turn yellow, or the plant has stopped growing - all this is a reason to think about whether everything is okay with the roots. It is best to check them and replant the plant in new soil. Of the fungal and bacterial diseases, eucharis most often affects gray rot. The main reason for its appearance is too humid air combined with low temperatures. If the plant is slightly damaged, then immediately treat it with Bordeaux mixture, Topaz or Champion. If the disease has severely affected the eucharis, then the rotten areas must be cut out and carefully dusted with preparations containing copper (Oxychom).

Why doesn't Eucharis bloom?

The main advantage of the Amazon lily is, of course, its flowers and bright leaves. But it happens that a plant pleases only with greenery. And this despite the fact that eucharis receives care at home. Why doesn't the plant bloom? The very first and main reason is incorrect landing. For active flowering, single bulbs must be overgrown with a sufficient number of children. This happens only after 3-4 years. Therefore, when planting in one pot, you need to place 3-4 bulbs. The closer they are to each other, the more abundant and frequent the flowering.

Secondly, the reason for the lack of flowers may lie in drafts and frequent temperature changes during the day or in general. Therefore, it is important to know which home care Eucharis prefers. It does not bloom very often due to non-observance of the dormant period. Give the plant a rest and move it to a cooler place for the winter, significantly reduce watering until the earthen ball is almost completely dry, do not fertilize, and then in the spring the eucharis will become active. You will understand this by the new shoots that appear. From this point on, watering should be increased.

Eucharis (eucharis) is native to the subtropical forests of the Amazon.

In this regard, this plant received a second name - Amazonian lily, although the shape of the flower is more similar to a daffodil.

Eucharis has gained popularity in indoor floriculture due to its elegant white flowers with a subtle, pleasant aroma.

Of all existing species This plant is suitable for growing at home:

Eucharis white;

Eucharis grandiflora or Amazonian (grandiflora);

Eucharis dentata (callifuria).

Despite its tropical origin, the Amazon lily is unpretentious in care and, if observed, simple rules It will delight you with its flowering twice a year.

Eucharis: care at home. Reproduction, transplantation


Eucharis is propagated vegetatively and by seeds. At home, the first method is used. The Amazon lily forms a large family of daughter bulbs. They are separated only after they are sufficiently separated from the mother bulb. It is better to do this in March-April. Separated children are seated in separate pots with pre-prepared soil.

Daughter children are ready for transplantation


Eucharis is difficult to tolerate disturbance of the earthen coma and damage to the roots, so it should be replanted rarely - once every 3-4 years. A sign that a transplant is necessary is the formation of numerous daughter bulbs. Whether to separate them from the mother bulb or not depends on the goals of the grower:

If you need to propagate a plant, then each child is planted in a separate container;

If you want to get from a plant lush flowering, then it is better to transplant the bulbous family without separation.

Best period for transplantation it is March. Healthy plants transferred to a new pot without destroying the earthen clod. Sick specimens must be inspected for bulb rot before transplanting. In this case, the soil is carefully shaken off or washed off from the roots, the damaged parts are cut off, the sections are disinfected and treated with fungicides. Bulbs with leaves are buried 4-5 cm into the soil.

Planting eucharis: bulbs with roots and leaves are planted to a depth of 4-5 cm

If there are no leaves, then the bulb is planted so that its top remains above the ground level. This will make it easier to monitor the development of the plant.

For planting, experienced gardeners advise using narrow and tall pots with holes at the bottom. Thick drainage is required to prevent stagnation of moisture and rotting of the root system.

If you get a bulb without roots and leaves, then take a container for it in such a way that the distance from the edge of the pot to the bulb is no more than 2-3 cm. The substrate must be diluted in half with sand and slightly moistened. The planted plant is placed in a bright, warm place.

The first 14-20 days after transplantation, eucharis is watered moderately - as the soil dries. If bulbs with leaves have been planted, they can be sprayed regularly. New shoots will appear on leafless bulbs approximately 30-45 days after planting.

Eucharis: care at home. Soil, temperature and humidity, watering, fertilizing

The soil

For the Amazon lily you need fertile soil with good air and moisture permeability. This must be taken into account when preparing your own soil mixture. For its production, components such as humus, leaf soil, sand, peat (1: 2: 1: 0.5) are used. At the bottom of the pot, a layer of drainage made of expanded clay, coconut shells, and small crushed stone is required to drain excess moisture. If you choose from mixtures sold in stores, it is better to opt for amaryllis soils.


Eucharis grows well in partial shade and does not tolerate direct sunlight. At home, its optimal placement would be windows facing east or west. In summer, the plant can be sent to fresh air, having previously provided it with protection from the midday sun and precipitation.

Air temperature and humidity

This native of the tropics is thermophilic, so the most optimal temperature range during the growth and flowering period is +24-28C. Large temperature changes affect the size of flowers - they become smaller. After flowering, Eucharis begins a dormant stage: at this time the plant is kept within 17-18C. At +10C and below, the plant may shed its leaves, and the bulbs begin to rot. Eucharis does not make any special complaints about indoor air humidity. It should be sprayed only during the active growing season. During flowering, this procedure must be carried out carefully so that moisture does not get on the flowers, because drops of water cause brown spots to form on them. Dust from the leaves is wiped with a damp cloth.


Eucharis should be watered moderately, avoiding overdrying and excessive moisture of the soil. The next watering is carried out after the soil has dried by 1/3 of the volume (if the soil is waterlogged, the root system of the plant rots). Irrigation water should be at room temperature. Excess water accumulated in the pan after watering is drained. During the period of rest " drinking regime"reduce - the soil in the pot remains half dry.


Eucharis is fed every 2 weeks during the active growing season, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers For flowering plants. After the end of flowering, the Amazon lily enters a period of rest and feeding must be stopped.

Eucharis: home care, flowering conditions

With proper care, eucharis blooms at home 2-3 times a year. The flowers open one by one, each of them blooms for 8-10 days, while emitting a delicate, pleasant aroma. The flowering time of the Amazon lily can be regulated by a certain scheme of watering and fertilizing.

Schedule life cycles eucharis (Roman numeral - month number, one cell - half of the month). Yellow– plant rest period, green – active growing season, red – flowering.

If eucharis does not bloom at home, then this happens for the following reasons:

Incorrect landing. Before a young plant begins to bloom, its bulb must grow children within 3-4 years. To speed up flowering when planting in one pot, you can plant several bulbs. The closer landing capacity, the sooner flowering will occur.

Large temperature changes inhibit the growth of the plant and provoke rotting of the bulb. As a result, flowering does not occur, and if the plant does develop flower shoots, the flowers turn out to be small.

The resting stage is not observed. It begins after flowering ends and lasts 1-1.5 months. The amount and volume of watering during this period is reduced and the eucharis is kept in a semi-dry state (the soil in the pot should dry out by half its volume). You can determine the degree of drying of the substrate by the weight of the pot, with special humidity indicators or with wooden sticks, plunging them into the ground. At the same time, it is necessary to organize good lighting. When new shoots appear, watering is increased and feeding of the plant is resumed.

Eucharis: care at home. The main problems when growing eucharis

Errors in care affect appearance eucharis. The gradual yellowing and dying of leaves is a natural process. Massive yellowing and death of leaves occurs due to improper watering (excessive or insufficient), low air temperature (below +10°C) or exposure to direct sunlight. In this case, you need to remove the bulbs from the soil and inspect them: if they become soft to the touch or change color, this indicates the process of rotting. To save the flower, the damaged parts are cut out and the wounds are dusted with powder. charcoal, air-dried and planted in a new substrate.

With a lack of moisture, eucharis leaves lose turgor. If their shape is not restored after watering, the cause may be hypothermia in a draft during transportation.

Curling and severe drooping of leaves is a sign of damage to the root system or frostbite from drafts.

Eucharis leaves drooped due to draft

Deformation of adult leaves occurs when the air around the plant is dry. Rubbing them with a damp sponge will help them recover. If all the leaves (both young and old) lose their shape, then the reason is most likely the appearance of pests, excess fertilizer, or overcooling of the soil and roots.

If there is a lack of nutrients, the plant may shed old leaves at the same time as new ones appear. Most often this happens in winter when insufficient lighting.

One of the most common diseases of the amaryllis family, to which Eucharis belongs, is gray mold, caused by the fungus Botridis. It develops at high humidity and low air temperature and waterlogging of the soil. At the initial stage, the leaves lose their elasticity, become soft, and turn brown at the edges. Gray mold then appears on the infected areas and they die. At the first signs of the disease, the affected parts of the plant are removed, the rest is treated with a copper-containing fungicide (Topsin-M, Fundazol, solution copper sulfate).

Another common fungal disease of eucharis (and the entire Amaryllis family) is stagonospora or red burn. It is characterized by the appearance of red elongated spots on leaves, peduncles, buds, and bulbs.

Red burn on eucharis bulbs

At severe defeat the leaves are deformed, the flower stalks bend and droop, and putrefactive lesions develop on the bulb. As a result, the plant is suppressed and dies. The progression of the disease is favored by sudden changes in temperature and overwatering. Over time, black crusts of pycnidia form on the spots - sources of fungal spores. To combat red burn, it is important to use only high-quality planting material. Before planting, the bulbs must be treated with a fungicide (Oksikh, Maxim. Rovral, Abiga-Pik) for 30 minutes and dried (2 days).

Of the pests, Eucharis can be affected by the fungus gnat, mealybug, spider mites, thrips and scale insects.

Fungus gnats (sciarids) are small black midges whose females lay eggs in the roots of plants. The damage is caused by larvae that eat root tissue. As a result, the plant lags behind in growth, withers, and does not bloom. To combat these pests, the soil in the pot can be watered with Aktara (0.8 g/l of water). In the future, adjust watering - mosquitoes breed in waterlogged soil.

The amaryllis bug settles under the scales of the bulb. Causes curvature of leaves and peduncles, and subsequently drying out of the plant. In case of severe damage, eucharis must be sprayed with an insecticide (Aktara, Akarin, Vertimek).

Spider mites affect plants in dry indoor air. If there are few pests, then the above-ground part of the eucharis is washed with a soap solution and a higher air humidity is maintained. At mass destruction the use of acaricides is justified (Sunmite, Akarin, Kleschevit, Fitoverm).


It is recommended to transplant in March, during the dormant period. Gently loosen the earthen ball and straighten the roots; their most tangled parts can be washed with water. The bulbs are planted to a depth of 2-3 cm, after which the soil around them is well compacted. If the bulbs are missing leaves, you can plant them so that the top remains above the soil, allowing you to observe the beginning of growth.

The substrate is prepared from leaf soil, compost, coarse sand or other baking powder. Sometimes the mixture is made up of heather, turf and deciduous soil with the addition of sand. If desired, heather soil can be replaced with peat soil. For eucharis, prepare the soil moist, but not waterlogged.

In order to grow a lush specimen of a plant with big amount leaves, you should use a wide container with several holes in the bottom for planting. At the bottom you need to pour a thick layer of drainage from shards or expanded clay; if this is not done, the eucharis bulbs may rot from stagnant water.

3-5 bulbs are planted in one container, group planting is a prerequisite abundant flowering. If you plant the bulbs individually, they will not bloom until they have multiplied in sufficient numbers. Eucharis blooms better if the pot chosen for it is small.

After transplanting, eucharis should be watered very carefully for 2-3 weeks, when the surface of the soil dries out. If the plant has leaves, they need to be sprayed generously regularly. About a month after planting, the top of new leaves will appear from the bulb.

Watering should be moderate; the soil should not be over-moistened or over-dry. For irrigation use soft, settled water. During the growth period of the plant, the substrate should be kept moister than that of other bulbous plants; after flowering it should be stopped.

Eucharis grows best in well-lit places, but it tolerates a lack of light well. At the same time, midday sun is contraindicated for it, so it is best to leave the plant on a western or eastern window.

Eucharis can be taken to open air during the warm period, you just need to take care of protection from direct sunlight and precipitation. You should not leave the plant outside during cool nights, especially during the first autumn frosts. It is recommended to pull a small piece polyethylene film, creating a small greenhouse around the eucharis.
