How to open a cosmetics store: building a business on beauty. How to open a natural cosmetics store

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

A private entrepreneur living in the Voronezh region, Maria Pavlova, owner of the “Beauty is Nearby” store, told her story. Completely disappointed in the service in perfume stores, Maria decided to open her own and do everything as she saw fit. Now her store is thriving and has regular customers who speak of it as a store that can really help you buy what you need. Maria has 6 sales consultants on her staff who will help you choose the right scent.

Opening a cosmetics store

Once I was choosing cologne for my beloved dad in a cosmetics and perfumery store and mentally complained that the consultants were minding their own business and could not help me at all.

There are no special samplers in the store with which you can choose the desired smell, and the smell itself, which you are trying hard to smell, interrupts the “aroma” of coffee and sandwiches that the guard indulges in.

I was terribly angry at this disgrace. Still would! One of the best stores in the city. And then the idea came to me to create my own store, where attention would be paid to clients, and not to their problems.

But everything turned out to be not so simple, I am a complete amateur in business, and I had no idea where to start.

However, my intuition suggested that I need a clear, structured plan of how and what to do, how to organize everything, what equipment to buy, and many other little things that need to be calculated before starting the project.

“I need a business plan!” – I thought, and went online to look for someone who could compose it for me. Seeing the prices for such work, my ardor cooled. I was sorry to throw away so much money for not the best difficult work, and I decided to write it myself.

First of all, I decided to storm the Internet in search of a more or less adequate business plan for my cosmetics and perfumery store. And, I must say, the results disappointed me.

I didn't find anything good. But the Russians don't give up! I decided to go a different route and found a business plan template. I paid 350 rubles and received an excellent template from which I could create at least 10 business plans!

My happiness knew no bounds. Everything was clear as daylight, but there were some difficulties. For example, I need specific numbers. When creating a new business, you need to count every penny so as not to go broke, but whatever, I’m very bad at doing calculations.

But then my friend, who is a final year student at the Faculty of Economics, came to my aid!

I collected all the necessary data and fused it all to my savior.

Two weeks later he gave me completely ready plan, which had all the numbers I needed.

When I counted how much money I saved by deciding to go this route, I involuntarily whistled.

It turned out that my super-duper plan cost me 1,500 rubles, of which 350 rubles was a template, and the rest was a bottle of cognac as a thank you to a friend, instead of the 50 thousand that consulting firms or RBC wanted.

Moreover, for 1,500 thousand I received a business plan that was completely suitable for ME, it was based on my conditions and my capabilities.

Dear beginning businessmen and businesswomen, you should not buy for crazy money ready-made business plans, which are not guaranteed to be completely suitable for you.

You can save a lot of money! Try buying a template and reworking it for yourself. As it turned out, it is not at all difficult, you just need a little time and desire.

Any economist can help you with the numbers, or, if you don’t have one, then a consulting firm. Reworking the numbers obviously won't cost 50 thousand! This way you can get what you need and at the same time reduce all costs to a record minimum.

Advertising video for the cosmetics and perfumery store “RIVE GAUCHE”

Some useful information and a brief presentation of a business plan for a cosmetics and perfumery store:

Business plan for a perfume store

Brief summary and expected costs

We present to your attention a business plan for opening a perfume and cosmetics store.

The store will work to perform the following tasks:

1. Complete satisfaction of the consumer market with the sale of high-quality cosmetics and perfumes.
2. Creation of a highly profitable store that brings a stable monthly income.
3. Making a profit.

To finance the project, an amount of 970,000 rubles is required.

You can get it from investors, or by taking out a commercial loan from a bank at 17.5% per annum.
The investors' profit from interest, in this case, will be 66,089.33 rubles. The total income from the enterprise is expected to be 16032305.5 rubles for 2 years of conditional life cycle project.

To properly organize the work of the store, you need to perform a number of actions:

  • Choose the right store location;
  • Choose yours unique interior, which will distinguish your store from other analogues;
  • Correctly develop a range of products;
  • Conclude a long-term lease agreement for a store premises, or, ideally, purchase it;
  • Buy everything necessary equipment and the initial batch of goods;

  • Find suppliers who are ready to supply goods on an ongoing basis and enter into long-term contracts with them;
  • Hire the number of personnel required for your store;
  • Properly place goods in the hall, using marketing tricks that encourage customers to purchase more than they need. To do this, it is recommended to invite a specially trained person;
  • Conduct an advertising campaign. In particular, print advertising booklets to inform passers-by, order billboards to place around the city, place advertisements in newspapers and magazines. If possible, conduct radio and TV campaigns. All these actions will attract a lot of customers to your store, which will significantly increase sales volume and final profit.

Table No. 1. Consumer potential of cosmetics stores in Russia


Any enterprise needs equipment, and a perfume and cosmetics store is no exception.

So for normal functioning store you will need:

1. Showcases.
2. Wall racks.
3. A variety of lighting equipment.
4. One or more cash registers.

The disadvantages of this type of business are as follows:

1. Enough high level competitive enterprises.
2. High level of capitalization of investments.
3. Very high level of smuggling and low quality products. In this regard, you need to carefully select suppliers and check all the goods that are brought to you. It is necessary to cooperate only with trusted suppliers.

At successful development business should think about creating a chain of stores. Opening a network is much easier than opening your first store.

  • Legal aspects
  • Registration
  • Premises and equipment
  • Staff
  • A little about advertising
  • Costs and profits

Cosmetics and perfumes are products that are very popular among women of all ages and this is not surprising! We all want to be beautiful and sometimes we are ready to pay fabulous sums for it. This is why such a business is very profitable if done correctly. In this article we will find out the main nuances of how to open a cosmetics store from scratch.

Legal aspects

In the business of selling cosmetics, there are strict requirements for products. Today there is a technical regulation of the Customs Union “On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products”, which clearly describes all the rules that must be strictly observed if you want to open a professional store. Be sure to study these regulations before starting your own business.

Before starting a business, please note that all goods must be certified and stored in certain temperature, have an expiration date and special packaging with detailed composition and other useful information. All these and many other conditions are described in the legislation. You should also cooperate only with trusted suppliers who provide all Required documents for products. This is very important aspects, without which you will not be able to open good store cosmetics. By the way, we also recommend reading a useful article on the topic “ How to choose good name for your own company?».


To open your own business, including a cosmetics store, you need to register your activity. Here you will have to go through several mandatory steps:

  • register your activity as an individual entrepreneur(Individual entrepreneur) or LLC (Limited Liability Company);
  • select OKVED code 52.33 for your activity: “Retail trade in cosmetics or perfumes” (in addition to this, it is advisable to select a few more thematic codes “in reserve”);
  • decide on the taxation system - the most good options will be simplified tax system or UTII.

Premises and equipment

In order to open a profitable cosmetics store, you need to choose a suitable premises. You can rent a place in mall, on the first or ground floors of a residential building or even in a separate building. It's not that important. It is important that the building is located in central areas with high foot traffic. Of course, because of this factor, the rent will be significantly higher, but as a result, you will start earning money faster after opening the store and will only benefit. As for the area of ​​the rented premises, it is best if it starts from 40 sq.m.

Before starting a business, be sure to conduct a competition assessment so you know what to expect. This is especially true for those women who plan to open a business in small town, where entrepreneurship flourishes. You should not rent space next to a well-known branded cosmetics store. No matter how good your “shop” is, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to make profitable business in such a tough competition.

Before opening a cosmetics store, you will need to take care of purchasing the necessary equipment. This includes glass display cases, shelves, racks, workplace sellers and other furniture so that the goods are always visible. You should also purchase before opening cash machine and register it with the tax authorities.

It is impossible to open a prestigious cosmetics store without the proper assortment. It may include the following product groups:

  1. Hair products
  2. Decorative and caring products
  3. Perfumery
  4. Nail products
  5. Household chemicals

Today, almost any product can be purchased on the Internet, and owners of online stores often earn good income.

An example of a product that is sold online is cosmetics. IN Lately Selling cosmetics online is becoming an increasingly popular activity, so we can conclude that profitable business is selling cosmetics online. Trading on the World Wide Web has many advantages that can be listed for a long time. For example, there is no need to rent an office or premises for a store; there is no need to spend money on security guards, sales consultants and other workers that might be needed. That is why young businessmen are increasingly asking themselves the question of how to open an Internet site and sell goods using it. It is worth knowing that for this you need to have cosmetics.

An interesting fact is that the niche of perfumery and cosmetics in the Russian segment of the Internet is represented by about a hundred stores, most of which is inoperative or does not receive any orders.

Analyzing the leading sites selling cosmetics via the Internet, it is worth knowing that their traffic is about 5,000-15,000 visitors per day.

Several dozen mid-level stores have approximately 30-40 orders per day. We should strive to achieve such indicators in our cosmetics sales business in the first six months.

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What is the cost of opening an online store selling cosmetics?

Opening a store on the Internet requires the following expenses:

  • organizational costs for online;
  • organizational expenses for offline;
  • working capital;
  • costs of maintaining the site every month.

It is worth understanding that there are two ways to create an online store:

  • creating a website from scratch;
  • launch on the basis of an existing company.

If the choice falls on the first option, all components of the listed expenses are important. In case the website will be created based on shelf company, some of the expenses for offline can be discarded, since some issues related to this have already been resolved. Costs can be reduced if the entrepreneur initially works from home and acts as an online store manager, and the goods are not purchased, but simply picked up from the supplier’s warehouse to order.

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Organizational costs for online

First you need to register a domain. The cost will depend on the zone that will be selected. "RU", for example, will cost approximately 500 rubles annually.

The next thing you need to order is an exclusive online store design. The cost of the design will be approximately 30,000-60,000 rubles.

In order to launch a store on the Internet, you will need to purchase an online store management system along with hosting and technical support. It is important to note that payments can be made either every month or once a year. Approximate costs are 2000-5000 rubles per month or 24000-60000 rubles per year.

Total costs - from 55,000 to 120,000 rubles.

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Organizational expenses for offline

The first thing you need to take care of is registering an enterprise in the form of an LLC. Then you will need to open a bank account, if you don’t already have one, and also deposit the minimum authorized capital 20,000 rubles.

The next stage will be to organize the manager’s workplace, which should contain the following elements:

  • laptop;
  • printer (inkjet or laser);
  • cash machine.

Costs for this equipment are approximately 40,000-60,000 rubles, depending on the selected manufacturers and type of printer.

The total offline expenses will be approximately 60,000-80,000 rubles.

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Working capital of an online store selling cosmetics

If it is planned to place about 1000 items on the site, of which about 75 are popular, then it makes sense to keep only the last ones in stock, and provide the remaining 925 to customers upon order.

If one item, for example, costs 1,000 rubles, and it needs to be purchased in at least two copies, the costs will be approximately 150,000 rubles.

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Monthly costs of running an online cosmetics store

General expenses will consist of the following items:

  • rent small room for an office warehouse - 20,000 rubles per month;
  • accounting support - 15,000 rubles per month;
  • payment of utility bills for telephone and Internet - about 5,000 rubles every month;
  • office expenses - 1000 rubles per month;
  • payment for work performed by the manager (if such an employee is hired) - 25,000 rubles every month;
  • contextual advertising - from 20,000 rubles per month;
  • store promotion in search engines- about 20,000 rubles monthly;
  • additional advertising experiments - another 10,000 rubles per month.

The total costs will be approximately 116,000 rubles.

At the very beginning, the owner of an online business can cope with the functions of an order manager and assortment and price manager on his own in order to save money. If the store develops and the number of orders increases, it is recommended to hire individual employees to perform the duties of managers.

Courier delivery is a separate cost item, but it is often included in the cost of the order. That is why, until an online store selling cosmetics organizes its own delivery unit, it is recommended to use the services provided by courier services that specialize in delivering goods from online stores.

It is worth noting that you can save money on some expense items if you want and need it. However minimum expenses to create a business, sales of cosmetics on the Internet amount to 100,000 rubles, and monthly costs for maintenance - from 30,000 rubles. Price examples are given for Moscow.

The total costs of creating an online store may vary, so the amount must be calculated in each case individually.

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What needs to be done in order for an online store to pay off and generate stable income

In order for an online store to become self-sustaining, the amount of net profit must be no less than the monthly maintenance costs, taking into account all taxes and additional possible expenses.

For example, if to achieve payback the profit must be 1.5 times greater than all the above costs, we can conclude that the monthly profit should be about 170,000 rubles. In this case, the store will pay for itself.

If average cost one unit of goods in an online store costs 1000 rubles, while the trade margin is about 70%, then in order to achieve payback, you need to sell about 400-440 goods per month, that is, about 20 goods every working day. To sell 20 products per day, site traffic should be about 2000 people per day.

Regarding advertising, it is worth saying that after the first few months of promotion, a situation may occur in which 40% of visitors will come on their own. This is due to personal recommendations from clients and repeat sales. The other 40% can be obtained through contextual advertising and search engine optimization, and the remaining 20% ​​will come from links on third-party sites. In this case, the conversion will be 1%.

In order to promote an online store to initial stage, it is recommended to recruit as many users as possible who will receive their first positive shopping experience in the store. The quality of service must be monitored so that customers return and purchase other products.

Selling not every product brings significant income and allows you to open a successful business. Cosmetics and perfumes are not one of these; they are always in demand.

The main thing is to organize things correctly. What should you consider when starting such a business? What details and pitfalls should you be aware of?

Legality of products

One of the difficulties of such a matter is mandatory certification. All perfumery and cosmetic products must comply with the rules of labeling and execution of the necessary documents; it is also important to monitor quality confirmation and expiration dates. When concluding agreements with distributors and manufacturers, all these points will need to be taken into account.

In addition, it is important to choose products with proper packaging. It should contain all necessary information. You can find out all the requirements and rules in Technical regulations, which concerns the CIS countries. Already during sales, you also need to monitor the condition of the products so that expired goods do not fall into the hands of buyers. Selling such products can lead to complaints, loss of customer confidence and reduced profits.

Official documents

It doesn’t matter what product you plan to sell: whether it will be expensive selective cosmetics or organic products made independently, you will need administrative registration activities. First of all you need to register as individual entrepreneur or the founder of an LLC. The first option is more convenient for a small establishment, while the second is suitable for those who plan to develop a large-scale retail network.

When preparing the necessary documents, you need to choose the right type of activity: the papers must indicate retail perfumes, household chemicals and cosmetics. After this, you need to decide on taxation. Consult a financial professional and choose between single tax on imputed income or a simplified system. Only after all these procedures will you be able to conduct business completely openly and legally, without fear of penalties.

Search for premises

It is important not only to immediately figure out which products are profitable to trade, but also to find exactly where to do it. Right choice store space is also of great importance. It is most convenient to rent premises in a large shopping center or find a separate point in ground floor residential building. Alternatively, you can rent a separate small pavilion. The rental price is certainly important, but the main thing is to take into account the number of potential buyers.

Therefore, a slightly more expensive premises on a busy street will be much best choice, how budget area in a quiet area with few buyers. Successful trading will quickly recoup the cost of rent. The store area should be from thirty to ninety square meters. Optimal size- about forty-five squares. This way it will be possible to conveniently organize the space and not overpay the landlord for too much space.

Purchase of equipment

Like any other trading business, cosmetics and perfumes require certain costs for setting up a store. You will need counters, racks and shelves, an eye-catching sign and a cash register. When choosing the design of a retail space, try to take into account the characteristics of the rented premises. If its area is small, it is better to install only wall counters and shelving. If the hall is spacious, you can place island display cases in the center.

If your store specializes in professional cosmetics, the distributor can offer you branded shelving to display such products. Bright and open counters increase sales, but when using them, be sure to equip them with a reliable security system.

If you are more attracted wholesale cosmetics, the sales floor is not necessary at all, the office where they will be presented is much more important detailed catalogs and all kinds of samples of the products you offer. The bulk of the goods will be stored in a warehouse.

Assortment development

You should consider what your product offerings will be long before you start your business. Cosmetics and perfumes are extremely diverse, so the range can be very wide and from any price category. Try to offer customers both decorative and care products, products for the body and hair, for personal hygiene and hair removal. Consider creating gift sets from the most popular products.

Focus on both customer demand and suppliers’ lucrative offers. To begin with, choose the most popular products, and order all new items in small trial lots, determining as sales progress how relevant this or that product is. The list can be expanded to include related products, for example, hair accessories, gift packaging, jewelry, household chemicals, and underwear.

Is it profitable to trade cosmetics and perfumes? Quite, because mark-ups on perfumes range from 45 to 100 percent of the cost, care and decorative means sell for more wholesale price by 20-50 percent, and household chemicals- by 15-25 percent.


Employees who are sociable and interested in their work always have a positive impact on the business. Cosmetics and perfumes are among the areas for which this is especially important. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan, you should immediately take into account required amount sellers and consultants.

A small store will require four employees who will work in shifts. An administrator is also needed who will control the quantity of goods and carry out accounting. If you want to save money, you can do this work yourself. When conducting an interview, pay attention to how the consultants communicate.

If you have information about modern cosmetics brands, you can open your own business. But in order for it to be profitable, you need to understand how to open a cosmetics store from scratch.

Relevance of the “cosmetic” business

Today, the development of the cosmetics industry can confidently be called rapid. The tendency to be beautiful and look younger than one’s real age is also gaining momentum.

Of course, the business idea of ​​opening a cosmetics store is neither original nor new. However, it will always be relevant. Marketers believe that cosmetic products are the ideal product that any woman saves on last, but renews it often.

Appearance plays an important role for people (not only for the fairer sex) - therefore, many are willing to spend a lot of money on taking care of their face, hair, arms, legs and body.

As for seasonality, it does not introduce any clear restrictions on the sale of cosmetics, which allows you not to store unsold goods in warehouses or urgently sell them at large discounts, to your detriment.

Another advantage of the cosmetics business is its small size. Such products will not take up much space, which means you will not have to rent premises with huge areas, spending additional funds.

But the average markup for a similar category of product is often 100%, 200% or even 300% (the latter applies to sales of items from the luxury category). Such differences from cost (i.e., profitability indicators) allow a businessman to quickly make a good profit.

Determining the business format

When starting a business, it is very important to decide what to focus on: opening a physical or electronic store (online version). Of course, the second option will be easier for a beginner (you can exclude many organizational issues: searching for premises for trade, concluding a competent and profitable lease agreement, obtaining all kinds of permitting documents from inspection authorities, etc.). The client, however, trusts purchases in a real store more, where he can take a closer look at the contents of the windows, touch the goods, see and evaluate the color and aroma, and most importantly, take his purchases home right away.

When choosing a specific niche, focus on worthy products that will distinguish you from your competitors. You can offer clients, for example, organic, pharmacy or mineral species cosmetics, high-quality product care products, some kind of professional line, VIP products or, conversely, budget options.

When selling cosmetics or perfumes, you can use the following business format options:

  • online store,
  • offline store,
  • direct sales (through personal meetings with acquaintances, colleagues or friends);

Comparison of different business formats

Before you finally decide how to build sales and where to start, decide for yourself what trading will look like. To do this, evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of each format.

  1. The required starting capital is from 250,000 rubles (this is lower than that of a physical store).
  2. Payback is about 9-10 months.
  3. Labor and time costs are high; combination with other (main) activities will not be possible. This format is not suitable for those looking for part-time work.
  4. The risks are quite high: from purchasing goods of insufficient quality to purchasing products that are not in demand. The cosmetics market has a high level of smuggled and low-quality products - so you will have to choose suppliers very carefully and double-check all the goods that will be brought to you more than once. It will be possible to cooperate profitably only with trusted suppliers.
  5. There are many competitors, including chain stores, which creates a serious risk of not maintaining the pricing policy.
  6. Possible earnings - from 10 to 120 thousand rubles per month.

  1. The starting capital, on average, will be half a million rubles - and this is the largest investment compared to other formats.
  2. Payback will take at least 1.5 years.
  3. There are a lot of labor and time costs, it will not be possible to combine it with the main activity. This is not a part-time job.
  4. In addition to the standard risks of purchasing low-quality or unsaleable goods, you may choose the wrong location for your store, which will lead to a lack of the expected number of customers and significant losses in the business (including its closure).
  5. The level of competitors (networkers) is high. The risk of not maintaining the pricing policy cannot be ruled out.
  6. Earnings can range from 50 to 250 thousand rubles per month.

Network marketing

  1. You can start without starting capital or with a minimum of a couple of thousand rubles.
  2. Payback - from 1.5-2 months.
  3. You will spend little time and labor - so this format can be combined with your main activity.
  4. The risks are extremely minimal. The quality of the product will initially be high (world brands have a high reputation among customers), and the marketing has already been thought out for you.
  5. The level of competitors is assessed as “low”.
  6. Earnings will be at least 10 thousand rubles per month.

Plan for building a business in sales of cosmetic products

Successful entrepreneurs know that failing to plan is essentially planning to fail. Hence the relevance and urgent need to work out in advance detailed business plan with correct calculations of all costs, determination of the break-even point, as well as identification of the source of financing, target audience, leading “players” in the cosmetics market, etc.

Opening an online store (business plan)

There is no single template for drawing up a successful business plan for an online store. This is always an individual, original and, in some way, creative work. For some, the strategy will take hundreds of pages, others will decide to limit themselves to a superficial description of key businesses and general features. One of the options for an optimal business plan for an online cosmetics store, which you can use as a basis for yours, looks like this:

  • description of the new online store,
  • description and listing of goods,
  • analysis modern market cosmetics,
  • marketing plan,
  • production plan,
  • organizational plan,
  • financial plan,
  • real risk assessment,
  • ways to register a business,
  • technical creation of a store website,
  • suppliers and purchase of goods,
  • conclusion additional agreements(transport and delivery services).

The first half of the sections is theoretical, the second is practical, with a calculated justification for what was discussed in the first part (specifically, with numbers).

Opening an offline store or sales office (business plan)

Of course, your costs will directly depend on the area point of sale, product range and its price category, suppliers and other important factors. Therefore, proper organization of a physical store requires a number of actions:

  1. Choose the right store location.
  2. Think over a unique interior that will make your store stand out among hundreds of others.
  3. Develop your product range wisely.
  4. Purchase premises for a store or enter into a long-term lease agreement for it.
  5. Find reliable suppliers who are ready to supply you with products on an ongoing basis and enter into long-term contracts with them.
  6. Purchase all the necessary equipment (from furniture and display cases to small items that fit the theme) and the first batch of goods.
  7. Hire the staff you need for efficient work stores quantity.
  8. Present (place) the product favorably on the sales floor, not forgetting about marketing tricks that encourage the buyer to purchase more than he wanted (you can invite a specially trained person for this purpose).
  9. Conduct an advertising campaign to attract customers and increase sales (print advertising booklets to inform ordinary passersby, order billboards to post information about the opening of a store in different parts of the city, place advertising blocks in newspapers and magazines, you can even connect radio and television).

Analysis of the market and your competitive advantages

For a correct assessment competitive environment pay attention to the following points:

  • what opening hours do other cosmetics stores prefer,
  • what price niche do they occupy,
  • what brands they sell.

The level of competition largely determines the possibility of your advancement in the market, attracting new clients, etc. The mistake of most beginners is to ignore this external factor. Because of this, you will not be able to correctly correlate the potential of the business and soberly evaluate it weak sides. The unusually high level of competition in the cosmetics sector requires measures that can set your store apart from others of the same kind.

What could become your competitive advantage?

  • Promotions and sales before the holidays or during certain days months.
  • A system of discounts (possibly cumulative) for regular customers.
  • Trade in a unique cosmetic or perfume brand.
  • Pleasant, friendly and highly qualified sales consultants.
  • Low prices.
  • Free gift bags when purchasing gift sets or high-value items.
  • Payment options (accepting not only cash, but also cards, etc.)

What to sell and where to buy products?

The success of a business largely depends on the range of goods, as well as the prices at which you will purchase them from suppliers. No matter how much you want to save money, work only with those suppliers who can offer you a guarantee of product quality. The risk of receiving a multi-digit fine should stop you from making rash transactions. But if one of your customers also suffers as a result of using cosmetics purchased in a store, then the punishment can be much more serious.

The variety of goods may consist of the following types of products:

  • Cosmetics from the manufacturer. Sale famous brands(not only elite, but also economy class), which people already like, will be effective at reasonable prices. These can be both foreign and domestic manufacturers trade marks, the main thing in them is certificates. But the difficulty here is not to lose out to chain stores in pricing policy (after all, the range of prices for the same brand is sometimes very large, and it will not always be in your favor).
  • Homemade cosmetics own production. The uniqueness of such products allows you to trade in something that others do not have. However, it is important to remember that these products must also be certified.
  • Products from a cosmetic company. Most of the world's famous cosmetics brands adhere to direct sales. Their products are different high quality And good assortment. The same Avon company has a lot of modern, diverse cosmetic products (from skin care products to perfumes and decorative cosmetics).

How do advertising and discounts work?

There are many ways to attract customers: and modern marketers do not limit themselves to free samples, discounts or gifts. Today you can surprise and delight your customers with a wide variety of promotions:

  • seasonal sales;
  • discounts for a certain (of course, large) purchase volume;
  • discounts in honor of a specific occasion (customer’s birthday, store opening date, 1st day of each month, etc.);
  • discounts for purchasing goods of a particular category;
  • discounts on “product of the day” or “product of the week”;
  • “bring a friend” discounts;
  • gifts for purchase;
  • discount cards;
  • savings cards;
  • competitions, quizzes and sweepstakes.

Optimal types of advertising for different formats of cosmetics stores

  • a large beautiful sign that will be visible from afar;
  • a clamshell or stopper placed directly in front of the store;
  • leaflets for distribution in the area where the store will open or has already opened;
  • information in in social networks and at the city forum.

The following areas of advertising are relevant for an online store:

  • video advertising on YouTube,
  • advertisements on Internet boards,
  • information in catalogs of different sites,
  • posting information about the store on forums,
  • advertising on popular social networks,
  • email newsletters to attract specific clients,
  • contextual advertising with ordering articles from copywriters,
  • banners on other third-party sites.

As for network marketing, cooperation with large companies beneficially solves the issue of advertising and ways to attract customers. You don’t have to spend a lot of time and money thinking through and implementing all kinds of promotions and discounts.

Take advantage of the fact that everything has already been thought up for you and, in addition, is accompanied necessary tools that will facilitate the process of selling goods (flyers, booklets, etc.)

We count money to open a business selling cosmetics

Online store expenses

Every month you will have to spend at least 50,000 rubles on contextual advertising and content filling. Freelancers or web studio specialists may be suitable candidates for promotion.

Opening an online cosmetics store and the first three months of its operation will cost you no less than 300 thousand rubles.

Offline store

A starting budget for a physical cosmetics store would look something like this:

Monthly you will have to spend:

  • for salaries of sellers (60,000 rubles minimum);
  • for business expenses (20,000 rubles).

In total, opening an offline cosmetics store and its life in the first 3 months will require at least 500 thousand rubles.

Network marketing

Comparing with the two budget calculations described above, it becomes clear that starting a “cosmetic” business in the field of network marketing will cost a minimum of costs. In order for a novice businessman to become a representative network company, it is enough to be a consumer of a product that he buys for himself personally. Registration itself does not require any money at all, nor does the use of branded marketing materials (catalogs, samples, etc.) that help make sales.

The main thing

So, investments in online or offline stores can pay off, but with serious risks and time costs. But for successful business, built in network marketing, you don’t need any special knowledge and skills, and with proper business planning you can easily get a good profit in a minimum period of time.
