Modern design in kindergarten. Group design in kindergarten (36 photos) - how to create a project. That's how we changed everything

Lena Novikova

Photo report on the topic: « Kindergarten room design» .

This is an art studio where children are engaged. Wall with children's work.

This is the back wall of the art studio with shelves where samples of art crafts and other manuals are located.

This is how the ceiling and windows are decorated.

This is a wall decoration in one of the locker rooms.

This is a wall in the corridor, which contains information for teachers.

So I decided to paint the wall in one of the bedrooms.

Locker room in the senior group.

This is the wall in the prep group.

Corner of nature in the middle group.

Speech zone in the "Bee" group.

This is the transition to the bedroom.

Corner for parents in the locker room.

Central staircase.

This is the bedroom of another group.

Prostenok in the younger group.

Dressing room corner.

Wall near the kitchen with "menu".

This is also a dressing room.

This is the parental corner in the younger group.

This is the wall of the corridor to the nursery. The drawings are made on the ceiling tiles.

This is a stairwell.

This is a panel on stairwell when moving to the second floor.

This is a wall in the hallway near the medical office.

Wall in the study area of ​​the senior group.

Wall in the study area in the preparatory group.

Wall in the bedroom.

Many more works I can present to your attention, but only in the next folder.

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Children are the flowers of our life, we have no one dearer than them, we are so happy when we have them. And since then we begin to give them all the best, surround them with warmth, care and love. That is why it is difficult for parents to choose one kindergarten which would suit them completely. The kind of place that kids go to. preschool age and spend a lot of time there, must comply with certain existing standards, which say that the child here should feel comfortable, cozy, convenient, so that it would be pleasant and interesting to spend time here, and most importantly, it should be safe for kids. In addition to all this, every parent would like to see good, educated, sweet educators, to whom they could entrust their baby with a calm soul.

The interior of the kindergarten, its design should be taken responsibly, everything should be carefully thought out. Since each room, which is intended for total time escorting children should be arranged in a special way. By its appearance, the interior should influence, contribute to the artistic, aesthetic and cognitive development of preschool children. Now you understand how much the interior means, what functions are assigned to it, and why it is necessary to think through and implement it competently, carefully, correctly, so that everyone, both adults and small ones, feels comfortable, cozy, convenient in this room. To do this, you will need to use aged modern styles interior design or neoclassical, and so use simple shapes. And no matter what style of interior design you choose to decorate the premises, use a large number of indoor plants. They will contribute to the production of fresh air in the room, in addition - it is very beautiful, gives the interior liveliness, lightness, beauty. And in order for the effect to be really like this, do not forget to organically combine the interior of the kindergarten with plants.

The interior of the kindergarten, and the basics of designing rooms for children

The task is to make some microcosm that will arouse interest in all children. To achieve such a result, to cope with the task perfectly, you will need to divide the room into several functional areas. It should be work zone, sleeping area, bedroom, as well as a play area.

The interior design of a kindergarten should by no means remind you of a hotel lobby or an office. It should be the opposite of these rooms. In order to make the premises of the kindergarten look beautiful, comfortable and cozy, use light curtains made of translucent material, sofa small pillows, lots and lots of soft toys.

All these items will help your little child to quickly adapt in kindergarten, and will also help to relieve the stress of the child.

Now let's talk about those moments that can be considered the main ones in the development of interior design. And so, when developing, it is important to take into account, determine the dimensions, height of the objects that will be present. This is very important, as it affects, affects the well-being of the child. For example, if you need to define optimal height table for the child, you need to seat him for him. After that, the child who is sitting at the table should bend his arms so that his elbows are at a right angle. If the table top is level bent arms baby, it correct height table.

As for the arrangement of furniture. Place the furniture in the room so that there is as much free space as possible, so that there is a place where children can play outdoor games, do exercises, and so on.

The interior of the kindergarten must be equipped with play islands, which will contain a large number of completely different toys, craft materials, mobile furniture, floor with soft coating, sketchbooks, paints, pencils, plasticine and steel things that preschool children like so much.

Kindergarten preschool furniture is different from ordinary furniture. And this is undeniable. Firstly, there are differences in design and appearance, secondly, in quality, and, thirdly, in functionality. These are the main factors that you need to pay attention to when choosing children's furniture.

Discreet and laconic interior kindergarten, public spaces largely determines appearance, children's furniture design. The bases for it are wooden or metal frames. Furniture should be durable and environmentally friendly. Therefore, for example, when buying children's tables, what should you pay attention to? Special attention, so it is on the quality and composition of chipboard used in the manufacture of countertops and other furniture parts. Ideally, if the furniture is completely wooden. This is a guarantee of environmental friendliness and durability of furniture. For example, let's take laminated board, which is still used in building furniture. So, it often breaks down without serving two or three years. But that's not the most important thing either. The main thing is that this material contains resins that evaporate by reacting with external environment L. Accordingly, children breathe fumes which are very harmful. And take, for example, seats that are made of plywood, although this is prohibited. Children's lockers should also have durable structures to be environmentally friendly. Without special knowledge in the furniture business, the quality of children's furniture can be judged by the guarantee given by the manufacturer. It should be at least two or three years old. If the fittings used are not of high quality, then the furniture will loosen within one year.

For you can use bright, saturated color schemes. The main thing is that each color harmonizes, combines, complements each other. The colors that you will use in the interior should not create contrast, they should flow smoothly into each other. In general, colors are very important, they play an important role in the interiors of the premises, regardless of their functional purposes. They can not only decorate your surfaces, but if used correctly, you can visually increase the space in the room. If you do something wrong, then the space in the room visually, on the contrary, may become smaller. And colors and their shades have a direct impact on a person. That is why each of them has its own characteristics, which are created by professional psychologists. Therefore, you should not rush with the choice of color for decorating a kindergarten. Therefore, we emphasize once again that you do not play on contrasts, do not make sharp transitions in color, as this will distract the child's attention.

The interior of the kindergarten may at first glance seem not luxurious, not rich, but this is not important, not the main thing. It is important for parents that an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and love for children reign here.

Each interior, no matter what the room, must somehow be decorated, it is necessary that there are decorative objects, elements and so on. The walls in the kindergarten, they, like no one else, need decoration. If they stand empty, then the interior will look unfinished, unfinished. But when you hang various pictures on them, draw images of characters from cartoons beloved by all children, decorate with shelves on which crafts of kindergarten students will be located, the room will look completely different, it will acquire liveliness, brightness, good, positive mood , fun, smiles.

As you know, kindergartens usually have several groups. So, at the entrance to the groups, I would like to see exhibition corners where they could show off, stand crafts, drawings of your children. If you have been allocated a little space for such a corner, then you can make it visually more spacious due to mirrors. When you hang a mirror here, the room will immediately sparkle with new colors. Place the exhibition corner at a height that is accessible to children so that they can easily take their crafts from there and put them in their places. In addition to convenience, it will also teach little children to be neat and careful.

If the building of your kindergarten has more than one floor, but for example two, then it definitely has a staircase. So, in order to properly arrange the stairs, you need to pay enough attention to it. In order for children to walk up the stairs calmly, they need to be interested. How exactly to do it? For example, you can hang photo frames along the stairs that will tell children about the history of their kindergarten. You can be smart and come up with something else, more interesting, exciting.

It is not at all surprising that in families where children are born, parents immediately begin to think about which kindergarten they will send their baby to when the time comes.

They, of course, would very much like to see light spacious rooms, a lot of beautiful play structures, a variety of toys and balls. However, often the reality is far from our fantasies.

Today at the Design Museum we want to show you one modern kindergarten located in Israel. I would like to hope that such an idea will someday become a reality in our country.

More and more in Lately attention has been paid design projects for children who use advanced and innovative solutions. Tel Aviv-based Lev-Gargir Architects designed this fabulous place for children.

During the design of this garden, considerable attention was paid not only to the correct layout, safety, good lighting of rooms for children, but also to aesthetics, creativity and beauty.

Thus, an amazing room was created - a private kindergarten, in which children will spend the whole day with great pleasure.

During this project, the architects partnered with local furniture, interior and toy designer Sarita Shani Hei, whose unusual decor, colors, materials and accessories reflect the understanding of the needs of the child and imbued with great respect for children.

Its main principle is the understanding that there should be nothing pretentious and flashy in the interior for children - children, while fantasizing, must come up with a new reality themselves. In the interior of such a kindergarten there is nothing aggressive and unpleasant for children.

The philosophy of developing the design of the space of this institution of the 21st century is the following principle - from what environment children grow up, the development and formation of their feelings in childhood will depend.

Therefore, the garden spaces have been designed in such a way as to encourage children to be creative, sensitive and independent. Starting point for original design The interior was served by a 1950s style building.

The one-story building was divided into several public places: hall/entrance, creative zone, sports zone and library, and also it has four classrooms, each of which is created with its own features on different themes: ocean, nature, transportation and majestic realms.

Each room has its own exit to the courtyard. The total property of the preschool institution consists of 1,000 sq. m. (0.25 hectares), and the garden building itself covers an area of ​​​​about 400 sq.m.

The main factors influencing the design of the kindergarten were the appearance of the open space, the interior layout, convenience, sustainability, practicality, and budget.

In the interior of the premises there are custom-made wardrobes, bookshelves and large wooden interactive toys, which are very aesthetically pleasing and functional, meet the needs of children in the game.

The furniture is made of plywood and solid wood. The color scheme consists of three primary colors: blue, white and red, with natural wood tones.

Such a palette evokes energy and a sense of joy, while the surrounding space is dominated by a calm, minimalist style, free from overloaded design in the interior to maintain a constant joyful play.

Admiring the marvelous photographs and architectural delights of this private kindergarten, it is worth noting that, of course, our preschool institutions far from such a level, but, nevertheless, beautiful architecture and interior design cannot be the key to a good upbringing of children.
