Business plan for a bean processing complex. Growing legumes as a business. Beans - growing and care

Attachments: from 2.3 million rubles

Payback: from 1 year

Agriculture is actively supported by government policy. Therefore, business in this area can become good source income. One of the directions is growing beans. Let's explore this business idea in this article.

Business concept

Beans are one of the most popular products due to useful properties and protein content. It’s not for nothing that they call it “meat from the garden.” In addition, beans are not difficult to care for.

Mineral soils with neutral acidity are suitable for its cultivation. The technology for growing beans involves the following manipulations:

  • fertilizing the soil with minerals;
  • soaking seeds in a special solution;
  • washing and drying;
  • landing;
  • crop care - watering, weeding, pest control;
  • cleaning and processing.

You can sell bean products to shops and catering establishments.

What will be required for implementation?

Minimal investments are not enough here, since the goal is to organize successful business, which will bring profit for more than one year. To implement a commercial project you will need:

  • land plot;
  • seeds for planting - 500 kilograms per 100 hectares;
  • fertilizers and pest control products;
  • transport;
  • hired workers.

Step-by-step launch instructions

Since sowing of beans occurs in the spring, preparation must be carried out several months in advance, even better in the fall.

  1. Register an LLC. Working officially in the field of agriculture, you can count on subsidies and benefits, and receiving land.
  2. Buy equipment necessary for large farms . In other cases, you can use a rented one: a tractor for plowing the land, a combine for harvesting.
  3. Purchase seeds, fertilizers and pest poisons.
  4. Hire workers.
  5. Find a sales market.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

How much will you need to spend:

  • 20,000-25,000 – LLC registration;
  • 500,000 – land rent;
  • 50,000 – seeds 500 kilograms;
  • 100,000 – fertilizers and poisons;
  • 200,000 – plowing;
  • 500,000 – rent of a warehouse for storage;
  • 500,000 – wages for hired workers;
  • 500,000 – transportation and other expenses.

In general, 100 hectares of land will require an investment of 2 million 400 thousand rubles. The larger the land plantation, the greater the investment, but also the higher the profit.

Monthly expenses

There are no special expenses expected each month. If fertilizers and poisons are purchased, then you will have to spend only on hired workers and unforeseen needs. This is approximately 200-300 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn?

Using simple arithmetic, we calculate the profit. From one hectare of land you can get 5-10 tons of beans, depending on the yield. In turn, productivity depends on several factors: proper care crop, seed quality, weather conditions. On average, a kilogram of beans can be sold for 60 rubles. From 10 tons of harvest, the net profit will average 600 thousand. From a plot of 100 hectares, the average profit will be 40-60 million rubles, excluding all expenses and investments for the next year. If you grow beans in the southern regions using seeds of early ripening varieties, you can sow the legume crop twice a year.

Payback period

All expenses will be paid off after harvesting and selling the crop, that is, in two to three months.

Risks and disadvantages of business

Agricultural business is always associated with certain risks. Profit depends on yield, which may be reduced due to weather conditions. Beans - heat-loving plant, so cold summers and rains can be detrimental to it. Timely work on fertilization and treatment with pest control agents is also important. Be a little late and you may be left without a harvest.


Labor in agriculture requires not so much financial resources as a great physical return. If you approach the matter responsibly, you can make good money by growing tasty and healthy beans.

Beans are an indispensable dish for people who adhere to proper nutrition and look after their health. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of legumes for nervous system, heart and skin. Due to their high nutritional value and enormous benefits, beans are very popular in cooking. It is used to prepare first and second courses, and even desserts. The demand for culture and constant demand encourage everything large quantity entrepreneurs to start their own bean growing business. It is worth saying that although growing a crop requires effort and investment, it is a fairly simple task, because the crop itself is unpretentious. Therefore, many even beginning entrepreneurs have a chance to build a good and profitable business in growing beans.

Bean growing business: the essence of the idea

Growing beans as a business idea is a rather labor-intensive and painstaking task that requires certain knowledge and effort. But by properly organizing the process of growing legumes and establishing distribution channels, entrepreneurs can receive a considerable income in a short period of time.

Will be less risky this business for people living in rural areas and having cultivated land plots. Having your own plantation and the equipment necessary for cultivating the soil will allow you to minimize the cost of renting land and purchasing equipment, which will accordingly reduce the cost of goods.

But even a person who has no experience in agricultural activities can start growing beans, because this business idea is easy to implement and has a number of advantages:

The ease of growing technology, which even inexperienced gardeners can master. Crops do not require specific care or constant treatment. The main thing you need to know when planting seeds: beans are a heat-loving crop, so in order to get maximum yield plants need to provide the crops with a warm temperature regime.

Low business costs

Long shelf life of beans. In the event of a temporary lack of marketing options, a persistent legume crop, subject to storage rules, can retain its commercial properties for up to 5 years.

Fast payback of the project. After sowing bean seeds, you can harvest the crop within 70 days. At the same time, about 1 kg of legumes can be collected from 1 square meter of land. In addition, beans produce a harvest twice a year.

Availability of constant demand

Before starting a business project for growing beans, first of all, you need to analyze possible markets marketing the crop, studying the technology of its cultivation, calculating possible costs and income and assessing the projected profitability of the project.

Product distribution channels

Beans are a very well-known and popular legume crop in cooking; there is always a demand for it. There are several ways to sell products:

  • sell beans in person at the vegetable market;
  • supply goods in bulk to other suppliers or vegetable warehouses;
  • supply the product directly to catering establishments.

Bean growing technology

The business of growing beans has one main advantage - the basic technology of growing the crop, which allows even beginners and non-professionals to succeed in the business. It is worth noting that the climate of our country is excellent for growing this useful plant.

Stages technological process growing beans:

  • Selection and preparation of land. Plantation preparation should begin in the fall, continuing to fertilize the soil in the spring immediately before planting. Warm-loving legumes should be planted at temperatures not lower than 14°.
  • Caring for crops. It should be said that no specific care measures are required, you just need to follow general rules– timely watering, loosening, fertilizing the soil.
  • Harvesting. Crops ripen within 2 months. The main thing at this stage is not to let the culture become overripe, because then it will lose most its beneficial properties.

Project costs

In general, the bean growing business is low-cost. However, the entrepreneur will still have to incur some costs. They can be grouped as follows:

  • Purchase costs planting material. One package of bean seeds of 5 g will cost entrepreneurs 300 rubles.
  • Costs of caring for crops. To achieve maximum yield, farmers need to carefully monitor the quality and acidity of the soil, remove pest plants, and water the crops in a timely manner. You may have to purchase special equipment that will help automate and speed up this process.
  • Plantation expenses. Having a personal plot of land will reduce the cost of the finished product by the amount of this group of costs.
  • Costs of paying for the services of hired workers (for large scale crops).
  • Transport costs associated with the sale of beans.
  • Project profitability forecast

At proper cultivation Beans can be harvested twice a year. From 1 hectare of crops you can collect 100-150 centners of valuable legumes, costing 60 rubles / kg. Thus, the project’s revenue for cultivating 1 hectare of bean crops will be about 600 thousand rubles. Such high incomes may well cover all growing costs and bring considerable profit.

Assessment of the possible profitability of the project

The most significant indicator when choosing business ideas is the profitability indicator of the business. To determine the business efficiency ratio, it is necessary to correlate profit and production costs. Since the expected income of a bean growing business significantly exceeds the total costs, we can talk about the high profitability of this business idea.

However, it is worth considering that big influence influence the efficiency of a bean growing business weather and quality of planting material. Therefore, to reduce risks, it is advisable to start a business by cultivating small plots of land.

As a conclusion, it should be said that a bean growing business is an easy and affordable activity that can bring good profits with minimal investment and effort.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

It would be more accurate to call this crop leguminous vegetables. The fact is that the nutritional value The value of mature bean seeds turns out to be slightly less than the value of cereal seeds. Many agricultural enterprises are engaged in the cultivation of legumes, among which the most common in our country are beans, soybeans, peas, lentils and peanuts.

The popularity of these crops is explained by several factors. Firstly, there is a huge variety of species in the legume family. Secondly, legumes are simply a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and vegetable protein. In terms of protein content, legumes are almost as good as meat. At the same time, according to nutritionists and vegetarians, the protein contained in crops such as soy, peas or beans is absorbed by the human body much easier than the protein found in meat. Even when using usual ways cooking (boiling, frying, stewing), the digestibility of bean protein reaches 80%, which is a very high indicator. At the same time, leguminous vegetables contain a minimal amount of fat, which makes them indispensable products in dietary and vegetarian nutrition. However, legumes are valuable not only for their proteins, but also for their unique set of organic acids, vitamins, fats and mineral salts. Legumes are also used in medicinal practice. They are rich in folic acid and potassium, contain B vitamins and manganese, a large number of fiber and dietary fiber. As nutritionists say, after just a month of daily consumption of 100-150 g of beans, a noticeable decrease in cholesterol levels is observed in the blood. Minimum rate consumption of legume vegetables, according to the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences, is about 15-20 kg per person per year!

But that's not all. Let's continue our list of advantages legumes in front of other plants. This time from an “agronomic” point of view. Leguminous plants enrich the soil with nitrogen. At the same time, they are not very demanding on the composition of the soil, the frequency of watering, or care, and can withstand frosts down to –4°C. They are very resistant to diseases, are easy to treat, and the appearance of pests can be prevented without large investments in special preparations and processing.

Specifics of growing legumes

However, although there are indeed a lot of varieties of legumes, they all have their own characteristics, which must be taken into account when choosing the plants that you will grow. The main difference lies, first of all, in the timing of planting. You need to choose crops based not only on the demand for them and your personal preferences, but also optimal conditions for their cultivation. So there are species that are distinguished by good resistance to cold and early ripening. They germinate already at a temperature of 3-5°C and are relatively undemanding to temperature conditions. Their growing season ranges from 65 days. These legumes can be grown in any climatic zones, since with a short growing season they manage to produce a crop in a short time - before the onset of cold weather (in the northern regions).

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There are also certain leguminous crops that are heat-loving and do not tolerate sudden temperature changes. Among them there are also early ripening species (for example, certain varieties of beans), which can be grown in central Russia. However, in this case, the seeds are planted later than usual - not earlier than the middle, or even the end of May, when there is no longer frost. However, you can also use the seedling method, and then you can plant legumes a couple of weeks earlier.

There are also types of legumes that, unfortunately, are not suitable for growing in regions with a cool climate. These include, for example, chickpeas, mung beans and a number of others. But you must also take into account that most plants of this species love moisture (beans, peas, mung beans, soybeans). Although there are other, more drought-resistant representatives of the legume family (beans, chickpeas).

If you plan to grow legumes on a large scale, then you need to consider soil requirements. Ideally, it should be heavy clay. Without good fertilizer However, you still can’t do it (most often “classic” manure is used). Lighter soils are also suitable, but in this case the main requirement is high humidity. On acidic soils legumes don't grow very well. It is best to use neutral soil with a pH level of no more than 7. If you plan to use peaty-boggy soils for sowing, you must first add copper-containing fertilizers to the soil, otherwise the plants will “go” to the stem, but will produce few seeds. It is best to allocate fields for legumes where beets, turnips and cabbage were previously grown. Moreover, after leguminous vegetables, the field can be planted with any vegetable crops, especially tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes and cucumbers. But 3-4 years should pass between bean harvests.

The soil for sowing legumes is dug up in the fall and at least 25 cm deep. In the spring, before planting, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil. As we mentioned above, it is mainly manure, to which double superphosphate, lime and potassium chloride are added. Per square meter of soil requires 0.5-1 bucket of manure, 30-50 g of superphosphate, 300 g of lime and 10-20 g of potassium chloride. Wide Application when planting legumes, phosphate rock also has (60 g per 1 square meter). One ton of manure requires about 20 kg of phosphate rock during composting. Instead of manure, you can use 4-5 kg ​​of humus or compost. Immediately before sowing, 15 g of urea is added to the loosened soil.

Planting legume seeds

Legume seeds are resistant to low temperatures. Unlike many other plants, they germinate at temperatures from +6°C. However, it must be taken into account that bean sprouts appear quite quickly - within one to a week and a half after sowing, and if there is frost at this time, the plants may die. For this reason, it is recommended to adhere to optimal timing landings. In the southern regions this may be the second half of April, but in the central regions - no earlier than the second half of May (best of all - in the twenties of May).

Ready ideas for your business

Before planting, seeds are inspected and damaged by pests and diseases are removed. The shelf life of seeds is quite long - 10-12 years, but it is better, of course, to use seeds with a shorter shelf life. Sometimes seeds are heated for three hours before sowing at a temperature of +40°C or at hot water temperature +50°C for five minutes followed by rapid cooling at cold water. Before heating, the seeds are soaked in water for 4-5 hours room temperature. It is extremely important not to overexpose the seeds in water to avoid rotting. These simple manipulations can significantly increase their germination. Before planting, the seeds are also dipped in water for five minutes. warm solution 2 g molybdenum ammonium and 2 g boric acid, diluted in 10 liters of water at a temperature of +40°C, which helps prevent damage to plants by the nodule weevil. In addition, seeds are often treated with bacterial fertilizer (nitrogin or rhizotrophin in a proportion of 1 g per 1 kg of seeds).

Legumes are sown earlier than other crops (starting in mid-April, depending on the region). Although still optimal time Mid-May is considered for sowing, when the soil is sufficiently moist and the seeds germinate quickly. They are sown in rows with a distance between rows of 50-60 cm. In each row, the distance between seeds is 12-15 cm. Planting density is 20-30 viable seeds per square meters with a planting depth of 6-8 cm. In order to save space, beans can be sown in rows of potatoes or cucumbers. This not only increases profitability, but also has a beneficial effect on the yield of both crops. In good warm weather, the first shoots can be expected by the middle to the end of the second week after sowing. If the air temperature is low enough and there is too much rain, then the period from sowing to germination may be slightly longer.

Ready ideas for your business

When choosing a sowing method, the variety of legume crop is taken into account. For example, legume varieties come in both climbing and bush varieties. For first grade plants, support trellises up to two meters high are required. In principle, large expenses for creating trellises are not required - stakes are dug in on both sides of the row, onto which wire or rope is then pulled at a distance of 15 cm from each other, or a nylon mesh. Seeds are sown on both sides of the trellis. However, for large sown areas, it is more advisable to give preference to bush varieties of legumes that do not require additional supports.

When choosing varieties, take into account the fact that beans are prone to cross-pollination. At the same time, they begin to bloom from the lower nodes. The earlier the variety, the lower the node. A lower nodes bear more flowers than those located higher. For this reason, if you grow legumes different varieties on one site, then the area of ​​the latter must be large enough to ensure spatial isolation between crops of different varieties. If the area of ​​the plot is limited, then it is advisable to sow it with legumes of one variety.

Before the emergence of seedlings, it is recommended to loosen the soil, and then carry out inter-row cultivation to a depth of 8-12 cm. The main guarantee good harvest legumes – loose soil and the absence of weeds on the field. After the seedlings have grown a little, the plants are hilled until they reach a height of 50-60 cm to strengthen the root system and increase the plants’ resistance to winds.

Although, in general, legumes are not as demanding of excess moisture as many plants, but still during the flowering and fruiting period they need good watering. At the same time, it is recommended to feed them mineral fertilizers. Legumes are sensitive to air drought. This means that in dry areas they do not survive, burning out in the sun and dry air before they produce seeds. In regions with short daylight hours, beans bloom and bear fruit much worse than in areas with long daylight hours.

Ready ideas for your business

Cleaning time various types beans depend on several factors. The most important of them are the duration of the growing season and the ripeness phase in which the fruits of a particular plant species are used.

If you eat green pods (asparagus beans, sugar varieties peas, snake beans, etc.), harvesting is carried out at several times as the beans grow, while untimely harvesting not only worsens the quality of the product, but also reduces the overall yield. If mature grain is eaten, it is harvested once after the fruits have fully ripened.

For example, the period of technical maturity of early types of beans occurs after 44-47 days, and for mid-season varieties - 50-55 days after the appearance of the first shoots. By this time, the beans become long, up to 10-15 cm in length, and their grains reach the size wheat grain. Harvesting is carried out selectively over two to three weeks.

In any case, the beans are removed when the seeds in them are almost completely developed, but have not yet become sufficiently coarse. If the fruits are intended for consumption as a whole (that is, grains with their shell), then they are collected when the pods are still juicy and the grains have already reached their optimal size (usually about 1 cm). If grown grains are eaten raw, then the beans are harvested when the seeds are still in milky ripeness, but have already reached their maximum size. The beans located at the bottom of the stem are harvested first. They are torn off, freed from the sashes and packed into bags for subsequent packaging or sale by weight. This work is done manually. Most often, the harvest is harvested in three to four stages, with intervals between harvests of 1-1.5 weeks.

The beans are harvested along with the tops. Sheaves are knitted from it and then left to ripen. Threshing is subsequently also done manually. An average of 40 g of seeds can be collected from one plant. Tops are an excellent food for cattle and other animals.

After harvest aboveground part the plants are cut off and the roots are buried in the ground during further processing of the site. The fact is that the nodules on the roots of beans contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria, as a result of whose vital activity nitrogen accumulates in the soil during the growing season of plants. Legume roots are also used to make compost.

Equipment and business prospects

Let's take a closer look at what an entrepreneur will need to organize his own business. To cultivate a small plot of 30 acres (personal farming) you will need a mini-tractor (or walk-behind tractor), a plow for it, a hiller for the mini-tractor, a body for transporting goods using a mini-tractor. This equipment will cost approximately 80-100 thousand rubles.

Is it worth saving on equipment? You can also purchase long-outdated equipment from Soviet times, but the savings in this case will be questionable. Old equipment constantly breaks down. In addition, its use leads to loss and damage to the crop. New technology Russian production It costs less than imported ones, but is not very inferior to the latter in quality and performance. Therefore, it is better to purchase it rather than used and obsolete equipment.

Additional costs are associated with harvesting, cleaning it from husks and contaminants, sorting it, packaging and transporting it. Let us remind you that the collection of legumes is carried out manually, which reduces the profitability of the entire production, unless, of course, you plan to hire workers and not harvest the crop yourself.

In the future, it is advisable to expand your farm by renting or purchasing new land for sowing, because, as mentioned above, it will be possible to re-sow legumes on your plot only 3-4 years after the previous harvest.

Legal and accounting issues of running an agricultural business

If the land where you plan to grow legumes for personal use or for sale in small quantities is your property and belongs to the category of private plots (personal subsidiary plots), you do not have to register as an entrepreneur and simply sell your products (or rather its surplus) on the retail market. However, you should not count on big profits in this case. If you want to have not just Additional income, but a profitable business, you will have to register as an individual entrepreneur. When registering, you will need to select an OKVED code. In our case, the encoding 01.11.1 is suitable. Growing grains and leguminous crops

This group includes the cultivation of hard and soft wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice and other grain crops; growing and drying leguminous crops (peas, beans, beans); growing seeds, including elite and reproductive seeds intended for sale. Please note (if you are planning to expand your farm in the future), this grouping does not include growing sweet corn(see 01.12.1).

Which taxation system should you prefer? The Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT), which is 6% of net profit, is one of the most profitable. As the name implies, only agricultural producers, that is, enterprises or individual entrepreneurs who themselves produce these products and sell them, can pay the Unified Agricultural Tax. If you already have an operating enterprise and want to switch to the Unified Agricultural Tax, then the amount of income from the sale of agricultural products should be at least 70% of your total income. For producers of agricultural products, there are two taxation regimes - general and special. There are certain differences between them. Enterprises paying taxes according to the general taxation regime must pay VAT, unified social tax, property tax (for property used for the production and storage of finished agricultural products, a benefit is provided), transport tax(For trucks and agricultural machinery there are also benefits), transport tax (for trucks and agricultural machinery there is a benefit), income tax (preferential tax rate on profits from the sale of agricultural products), land tax, mineral extraction tax, tax for the use of water bodies and environmental pollution.

Individual entrepreneurs who switch to a single agricultural tax are exempt from paying personal income tax, VAT (except for imports), property tax, and enterprises and organizations that have chosen this taxation system are exempt from paying VAT (except for imports), property tax and tax on profit. All other fees are paid as under other taxation systems, but the benefits for agricultural enterprises are obvious.

If you are an agricultural producer and fall under the above requirements, you can switch to the Unified Agricultural Tax as follows: general procedure, by submitting a corresponding application to the Federal Tax Service in the period from October 20 to December 31 of the current year, and individually - within thirty days after registration as individual entrepreneurs or legal entity. In the first case, your enterprise will switch to the Unified Agricultural Tax from the new calendar year, and in the second, when registering with the Federal Tax Service. Keep in mind that you will not be able to opt out of your chosen tax system during the year. But there is also the possibility of forced abolition of the Unified Agricultural Tax if your enterprise begins to conduct activities that are not related to agriculture, or the share of sales of agricultural products becomes less than 70%.

It is also worth considering the fact that the expenses of an individual entrepreneur or an enterprise that conducts agricultural activities are limited to expenses for the purchase of fixed assets, wages employees and advertising with the obligatory maintenance of a book of income and expenses. Only those funds that go to your current account or to the company’s cash desk are considered income.

Sales of legumes

It is not enough to grow and harvest vegetables. We also need to sell them. The distribution channels for legumes depend on several factors: the scale of your production and the crops you grow on your plot.

If you operate as a private household plot (and we will consider exactly this format within the framework of a small business), then you can sell the surplus of your household plot either independently (in the markets) or through intermediaries. To work with wholesalers, your volumes will most likely not be large enough, and they will not be able to offer you favorable prices for your products. Although one of the most profitable areas of work now is the sale of legumes for freezing. Previously, this segment was dominated by foreign-made products (mainly Poland). Now, after the introduction of sanctions by EU countries, the amount of imported products has decreased significantly. Wherein domestic producers they are just beginning to explore the vacated niche, which, one might say, is practically empty today.

But in any case, no matter what sales option you choose, a number of documents will be required to sell vegetables grown on personal subsidiary plots and peasant farms. In particular, you must have a certificate for your land plot (whether it is owned or leased). Then you need to get Required documents for the sale of vegetables at retail (Federal Law “On the quality and safety of food products” dated January 2, 2000 No. 29-FZ). You should receive several documents in the area where your site is located - this is the State Quarantine Act phytosanitary supervision and Certificate of quarantine examination (“Rules for organizing work on issuing veterinary accompanying documents”, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 24, 2006 No. 8524). A number of documents are issued directly at the agricultural market, which has the State Laboratory of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise (GLVSE): permission to trade (Federal Law “On Retail Markets and on Amendments to Labor Code Russian Federation" dated December 30, 2006 No. 271-FZ, Article 12, paragraph 4) and the result of a laboratory examination for the sale of vegetables (Article 21 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine” dated May 14, 1993 No. 4979).

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How to organize a business growing beans on your own plot? Where to start a business, how to grow and where to sell green beans? Read the idea for a bean growing business with calculations.

Business plan for growing beans

Beans are in high demand and are very easy to grow. Minimal care and good income - that's what beans give. Having small areas, you can start a bean growing business, easily combining it with other similar ideas.

Evaluating the idea

Before starting, we evaluate the idea. First of all, we answer the questions:

  1. Is the climate suitable for growing beans?– The crop is thermophilic, so suitable climatic conditions are important.
  2. Are there areas for planting?– to make good money, you need to have at least 10 acres of land.
  3. What to grow in crop rotation?– It’s hard to imagine a business without crop rotation, since the plot needs to be changed every year.

The article describes what can be grown simultaneously with the crop and what with crop rotation. This process is necessary in business. Land can be purchased or rented. As for the climate, you can choose a specific variety of beans for each condition. We will also evaluate the pros and cons of the case.


  1. Small labor costs for 5-6 months.
  2. Not a difficult growing process.
  3. Fast payback.
  4. Constant demand for products.
  5. The long shelf life of beans is 5 years.


  1. Without crop rotation, business is practically impossible.
  2. Weather conditions affect the growth of beans.

As with answering questions, we understand that weather and crop rotation are the main nuances in the matter. The advantages are obvious: simple growing process, quick payback, demand, storage. Therefore, the business is interesting, not complicated and profitable.

Preparing the soil, planting beans

Planting beans.

First of all, it is important to know that when growing beans, you will have to organize crop rotation. Beans are not grown in the same place more than once every 3-4 years. Therefore, territories will have to be changed, and other crops will have to be grown in old areas. So, after and before beans, you can grow and make money on pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, and corn. In order to make a profit from beans every year, the plot is divided into 4 parts, and beans are grown in a new plot every year.

Tip #1. Find an agronomist who will describe your crop rotation and help you organize your business - fertilize the land, select bean varieties, and tell you the rules for growing, harvesting and storing.

Beans, like any crop, require light, warmth, watering, lack of wind, and fertilized soil. The plant is very moisture-loving, so it is imperative to organize automated watering in large areas. Any drought immediately kills the plant, as does excessive waterlogging.

Rules for planting beans:

  1. The soil is dug up in the fall, adding humus, removing acidity with lime, and additionally adding sand in small quantities.
  2. In the spring, the ground is harrowed, the weeds are completely removed, and beds are prepared - 70 x 70 centimeters, or 50 x 50 if there is not much space.
  3. The seeds are sorted. Any suspicious seeds are removed. You can check the seeds in salted water - the unsuitable ones will float up. Next, rinse and add the seeds to water with potassium permanganate for disinfection. After 5 minutes, remove and dry.
  4. Beans are planted in the holes when the temperature has stabilized at +15 °C. Beware of frost. It is better to cover the ground with a film against a sudden cold snap.
  5. Place 2-4 seeds per hole. You definitely need to make a support - drive a strong stick deeper into the ground, but also so that it sticks out at least 1-.15 meters. That is, the size of the stick is 2 meters.
  6. You can (and sometimes need to) plant corn or sunflowers in one hole. Plants are not only friends, but also provide support for the beans, if you don’t want to think about artificial support.

Bean varieties for growing: Rubin, Lastochka, Gribovskaya, Shokoladnitsa. Choose varieties based on climate. 1 acre contains 400 holes, 2-4 seeds each. It turns out that on 30 acres you need 30 * 400 * 4 = 48,000 bean seeds or 16 kilograms. Purchasing seeds will cost 20,000 rubles.

The cost of seeds is 20,000 rubles. Inventory – 5,000 rubles, fertilizers – 5,000 rubles, automated irrigation – 50,000 rubles.

Planting care

We grow beans.

The area is constantly weeded and the ground is loosened. After sowing, the holes can be mulched with a thin layer of sand. The plant should be watered only when it becomes dry. You should not over-moisten the soil, just as you should not dry it out. Watering takes place in the morning.

If the beans are curly, they need to be tied up. To avoid thinking about the garter plant, plant corn and sunflowers with it. Otherwise, use supports in the form of posts or a rowan grid. Constantly give direction to the branches.

During the growing season you need to pinch the beans. Before flowering, you can water the bushes with water containing phosphorus fertilizers. During flowering, water with potassium fertilizers.

Harvesting begins approximately 70-100 days after planting, depending on the variety. To collect, hire a worker to help. The beans are harvested by hand, dry. All harvested beans are peeled. We blow off excess debris and collect it in bags. We collect and burn all waste on site. Ash is a fertilizer for the next crops. You should not wait until the branches rot - pests will infest them.

Annual maintenance costs: electricity for watering - 5,000 rubles, hiring a worker for collection - 10,000 rubles, fertilizers and preparations - 5,000 rubles.

Product sales and business registration

We sell grown beans

Selling beans is not difficult, since the crop is popular in our regions. I will highlight the following sales methods:

  • Wholesale sales. We hand over the entire batch to wholesale warehouses. So the price for 1 kilogram will be 40-50 rubles;
  • Selling in small batches. We sell to grocery stores and supermarkets in small quantities. Also from our warehouse. The price for 1 kilogram will be 50-60 rubles.

As for registration, we choose private household plots or individual entrepreneurs. Every year we pay the unified agricultural tax (USAT) - 6% of sales.

Expenses and income - counting profit

Cost chart for starting a business:

The initial investment in the business will be 90,000 rubles. You will also need a small warehouse to store beans. These costs may be included in “other expenses.”

Annual costs:

The annual cost of maintaining the business will be 50,000 rubles. Other expenses include bean bags, garters. In subsequent years we use our own seeds.

We count profits

Having 30 acres of land, you will receive approximately 3.3-3.6 tons of beans annually. The batch can be sold wholesale and retail. The market price is 50-60 rubles per 1 kilogram. The income from the business will be 3,450 * 55 = 189,750 rubles.

The yield from 1 hundred square meters is 115 kilograms, and the income is 6,000 rubles.

Profit will be 189,750 – 45,000 = 139 750 rubles. It will pay off in the first year. The profitability of a bean growing business is 70%.

This business has many advantages. It is worth considering that at the same time you can grow corn and sunflowers, increasing your profit several times. You will have to work only 5-6 months a year, and the profit with small labor costs is decent.

Compliance with the proposed technology will allow you to get up to 60 kg of beans from one hundred square meters.

General remarks.

Beans are one of the most valuable legumes. Beans are rich in proteins, microelements, and delicate fiber that improves peristalsis. gastrointestinal tract. Bean shells, in addition to useful fiber that removes poisons from the body, contain enzymes and amino acids that have a beneficial effect on the function of the pancreas and are used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, especially in combination with oat grass.

The plant is thermophilic. Responsive to nitrogen-rich soils. Relatively light-loving, but also tolerates shade.

It is better to prepare the soil for beans in the fall, but you can also in early spring. Main enemy crops weeds. Taking this factor into account, the proposed technology involves their destruction before sowing.

Due to the fact that in the southern regions there is enough heat and light to produce two harvests of beans, the proposed technology options can be used (preferably with the inclusion of irrigation as an additional item) to realize this possibility.

Preparing seeds for sowing.

Immediately before sowing, bean seeds should be immersed in a burgundy solution of potassium permanganate for one hour, then moistened with the “” solution, spraying it until drops appear with a spray bottle or fine spray. Keep moisturized for 3-4 hours. It can then be dried if you intend to plant using a seeder or corn planter.

Option I Oversowing beans into pea crops for green peas

The area for peas has been prepared since the fall. The peculiarity of the preparation is timely treatment with an EM preparation at a dilution of 1:500, namely from September to November, and careful leveling of the surface.

During the February windows (from February 11), peas are sown with a row spacing of 15 cm. Before sowing, the weeds are cut to a depth of no more than 5 cm and treated with an EM solution at a dilution of 1:1000 (the usual norm, that is, a bucket per hundred square meters). After the emergence of seedlings, five treatments are carried out with the “ ” solution with an interval of 14 days. Before ripening (technical ripeness), two more treatments “ ” (1:1000) with an interval of 3-4 days are required.

At the end of April (25-30) or at the beginning of May (1-10), beans are sown in the pea rows according to a pattern of 15 x 5-10 cm (in the row, seeds are placed every 5 cm for low-growing varieties of standard beans, after 10 cm for large bush beans beans).

After the bean shoots appear within two to three weeks, the peas should be removed (harvest the fruits), the pea stems should be trimmed with a Fokina flat cutter and left between the bean rows. Treat the entire mass of pea plants, previously dried in the bean rows, with an EM preparation (concentration 1:1000). After 5-6 days, repeat the treatment. Next, the beans are treated with the “” solution every 14 days.

Before harvesting, in dry weather, the beans are trimmed with a Fokin flat cutter, and after 1-2 days the dry beans are collected, leaving the wet ones on the bed to dry or removing them separately to dry on racks. Bean leaves are used for medicinal purposes or for mulching small-seeded crops.

The remaining mass of plants on the site is treated with the “” solution (1:500) and lightly mixed with the soil using hoes and Fokin tools.

Option II Combined sowing of beans and corn

This method differs in that the soil for corn is prepared in the fall, and in the spring, in April, weed germination is provoked using an EM preparation by treating the area with a “” solution (concentration 1: 1000) three weeks before sowing corn.

Corn is sown at the end of April (25-30) or at the beginning of May (1-10) with row spacing of 70 cm. Beans are sown at the same time.

Corn is placed in a row every 40 cm and climbing beans are sown next to it, sowing up to four seeds per hole. Bean seeds can be sown one at a time around a corn seed at a distance of 3-5 cm. Caring for corn and beans is the same as for peas and beans.

Climbing beans may ripen earlier than corn. It should be removed before harvesting the corn stalks. Corn stalks can be harvested green if the cobs are used at milky ripeness for food purposes.

They should be used for livestock feed or compost with EM crops.

Option III Pure sowing of bush and climbing forms of beans

For clean sowing, the soil must be prepared in April 3-4 weeks before sowing the seeds.

Using EM culture, the area is cleared of weeds. Before sowing, the area is cleaned using a Fokin flat cutter, trying not to turn over the soil layer deeper than two centimeters.

Bean seeds can be planted to a depth of 5-6 cm using a hand held corn planter. This device may be different. As long as it meets its purpose: to quickly and conveniently plant seeds at the required depth, while practically not damaging the existing soil structure.

Bush forms are planted with row spacing of 20-25 cm, and 5-10 cm are left in the row between plants. At ten centimeters between plants (nests), two bean seeds are dropped into the holes.

Climbing forms are cultivated on supports (so-called code crops). In this case, the plants are placed according to a 70 x 40 cm pattern, with 4 nests around the stake. The stakes are driven in rows into the designated places at a distance of 40 cm from each other.

The height of the stakes is 2 m, the depth is up to 50 cm. When the plants begin to climb the stakes, all rows (and there should be an even number) must be grouped in pairs and the corresponding stakes of each pair should be inclined towards each other until their tops are connected. Tie all the tops of the stakes in each pair of rows with twine, stretching the twine along the tops over the row spacings so that the frames of future tents are formed. All this will be overgrown with beans, and the harvest will be abundant.

Plants are treated with a solution of "" conc. 1:1000 every 14 days until the last beans are set. After the plants reach a height of 5-10 cm, the row spacing can be filled with any organic matter (straw, manure, sawdust, husks, husks, bean leaves). But due to the high responsiveness to the nitrogen content in the aqueous solution of soils, beans in pure culture are preferably mulched after emergence with humus or dry EM compost (bokashi). After the beans are harvested, the plants are used on site for mulching and on-site composting as above.
