Problems of improving the quality of products and the effectiveness of quality management at the enterprises of the tool industry. Ways to improve the quality of products

High quality is an urgent task in the conditions market economy at the micro and macro levels. In market conditions, the consumer is the main figure. It determines the direction of development of production, acquires goods and services in accordance with own desires and needs.

Therefore, the main control of the quality of goods is carried out by the consumer. However, do not forget that quality is complex concept, which characterizes the effectiveness of all aspects of the enterprise's activities: the development of a strategy, the organization of production, marketing, etc.

For Russian enterprises currently one of serious problems is the creation of a quality system to ensure the production of competitive products. Quality assurance is costly, but only high-quality products open the way to the foreign market. High-quality products ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise, and this has a positive impact on the development of the economy as a whole.

The quality of products is higher, the higher the culture of production. This concept includes the degree of perfection technological processes, the level of mechanization of production, the rhythm of the enterprise and the organization effective system control. This includes compliance with the requirements of industrial safety and order in production.

To assess the quality of production, special methods have been developed. For each type of product, its specific level of quality, fixed in the standards, is taken into account. Quality is characterized by a certain technical and economic parameter (consumer property).

The achieved quality is compared with the standard and can correspond to it, be lower or higher.

Solving the problem of quality is an integral element of the development strategy modern companies. Therefore, it is at least unreasonable to begin the implementation of the SC without considering the place of this system in the overall strategy of the company.

Since the activity on the formation of the QC through the implementation of ISO 9000 series standards and TQM principles is focused on improving the quality and competitiveness of the company's products (services), all processes associated with this activity should begin with an analysis of the needs and expectations of consumers of these products (services). Therefore, the company must first of all determine a marketing strategy that will reflect the interests and characteristics of consumers and the nature of competitive advantage its products (services) through which the company expects to succeed.

In accordance with the marketing strategy, the company's assets and its technological potential should be developed. Therefore, a technical development strategy is needed.

The quality of products and their competitiveness significantly depend on the quality and mode of supply of materials and components. Therefore, a strategy for the interaction of the company with their suppliers is necessary.

The quality strategy should be considered as one of the most important functional strategies and developed as an integral part of the overall company strategy. Therefore, the company's management, when deciding on the development and implementation of the SC, should think about the formation of the entire complex of strategic components.

Thus, in our country, the decision of the company's management to create an IC should be preceded by the development and adoption of a general strategy, in which the quality strategy is the most important, but not the only component that is organically related to other functional strategies and focused on achieving the strategic goals of the company. In this case, factors that encourage Russian companies to master modern SCs, will encourage them to introduce more and more advanced elements of regular management.

An organization that decides to start working on the implementation of a modern QS must purposefully engage in change management, which in Russian conditions cannot resist.

Among the problems associated with quality in Mebelgrad LLC, at the enterprise level, elements of the production culture are distinguished, such as the lack of rhythm in production, the qualifications of workers. Since production is not rhythmic, it means that there is no clarity in production planning. Hence the monotony of labor as a problem. For example, during the shift, 10 Tingstad sofas are produced. It is in this model that there is a different shade of fabric, and at the end of the shift, attention to this production aspect is dulled. The same problems arise when assembling identical models, when some nuances are forgotten due to the monotony of the workflow.

The quality of products depends on the rhythm of production. In order to ensure high quality and durability of products and reduce waste, it is necessary to establish uninterrupted uniform operation of all sections of the workshop. For this, the heads of shops and sections must clearly organize operational and production planning, improve the activities of dispatch services, and choose the most effective forms of organizing technological processes correctly.

The next problem is the hiring of workers and employees without appropriate qualifications. In Mebelgrad LLC, when considering candidates for the vacancy of a master, preference is given to people with experience of impeccable work, rather than applicants with education. But for managerial positions, a university diploma is required, since here knowledge is needed on the method of organizing production and the team, and a competent leader significantly affects both the quality of products and the psychological atmosphere in the workshop.

The quality of products depends not only on a skillfully organized work process, but also on the performers themselves. Technological progress requires a significant increase in the level of qualifications, professional selection and training of personnel. To address this issue, it is proposed to organize quality schools at the enterprise, where workers, under the guidance of experienced specialists, would increase the level of theoretical knowledge, learn the most rational methods of defect-free operations.

The next problem is the supply of low-quality semi-finished products. On this moment batches of defective semi-finished products are returned to the supplier on the basis of an acceptance report. For example, the frames of the sidewalls of the Tingstad sofas come in with poor-quality clogged brackets. In this case, semi-finished products are not returned, but the upholsterer must hammer the staples. This takes a lot of time and disrupts the technological process, and is also dangerous to health, because. the sharp edges of the staples can injure your hands.

To resolve such issues, it is proposed to revise the list of suppliers of semi-finished products and work only with responsible and conscientious firms.

The problem of quality is not only a problem of each enterprise separately, it is significant for each consumer. The public importance of quality, especially the safety of products for the population and environment, presupposes the existence of appropriate rules of production, formalized in the legislation and regulations which establish the rights, duties and responsibilities of producers and consumers, regulate internal and external trade relations.

These circumstances require not only the development of proposals to improve the quality of products, but also the justification of their economic efficiency.

Reducing the consumption of materials, improving product quality. Since the growth rate of production determines the well-being of the enterprise, the first path of development has often been and still is preferable. The lack of interest among enterprises in reducing material costs, replacing expensive scarce types of raw materials and materials with cheaper and more affordable ones leads to inefficient use of resources and stimulates the development of production in an extensive way.

The growth of stagnant and crisis phenomena in the economy, the slowdown in economic growth by the mid-1980s. intensified the search for a way out of the situation. Initially, this search was carried out within the framework of the socialist system. The slogan of transformations remained the maximum use of the potential of socialist society. The renewal of socialism at this stage was conceived through the acceleration of the socio-economic development of the country, the improvement of all aspects public life. The cardinal acceleration of scientific and technological progress was brought to the fore. Great importance in ensuring acceleration was given to improving management and the economic mechanism as a whole. Serious attention was paid to the use of such acceleration reserves as the activation of the human factor, the improvement of product quality, the improvement of the distribution mechanism, and the improvement of discipline. It was proposed to abandon the costly path of economic development and switch to the path of intensive development.

In the case of quality, we think we can go the other way. Apparently, we must proceed from the well-known position that, along with quantity, all objects and phenomena created by nature or human labor objectively also have quality. Such a view of the content of the disciplines taught in universities allows us to see more clearly that practically each of them sets out certain problems, tasks or methods for ensuring or improving the quality of products in general, its individual elements, the processes of its creation, manufacture, use.

A mirror image of the problem formulation process is the goal development process. The goal describes the result to be achieved. It is very common to confuse purpose and coercive ties. For example, the company's management decided to increase profits - this is the main goal. Coercive links are conditions that, on the one hand, describe how the goal can be achieved, and on the other hand, limit the goal. There may be several variants of coercive ties. One of the possibilities in this example may be to increase the degree of automation and mechanization of production. Other possibilities may be to improve product quality.

Increase the volume and improve the quality of products. release more products and best quality is the goal of every enterprise. With modern, production-modernizing machines on the market, it becomes more and more difficult for any firm to deal with old, worn-out equipment, especially when the firm's competitors have embarked on the path of production modernization. This, and the fact that the modern consumer has become extremely discriminating, urgently require that the company direct all its efforts to improve production and improve product quality.

Thus, another economic law is manifested in the market system - the law of competition. It is competition that forces producers (sellers) of goods and services to achieve the most favorable conditions production and sales, and by improving the quality and lowering the individual cost of products, expand the sales market and receive excess income in the form of additional profit. If, on the other hand, there are monopoly producers of some products on the commodity market, then the additional profit of the latter is transformed into monopoly excess profit (through the monopoly price). Under these conditions, competition is weakening as a factor in the development of the economy and increasing the efficiency of production. There is a need for regulatory influence on the part of the state to overcome the monopolistic activities of economic entities and develop a competitive environment.

SAVINGS in folk art- saving labor, material and financial resources as a result of their more rational use. It is expressed in a reduction in costs per unit of manufactured and sold products, services rendered and work performed, in a reduction in the cost of maintaining government bodies. Size E. serves as an important indicator of economical. efficiency of capital investments, scientific and technical. progress in the national economy. The value of E. is determined using a system of natural, labor, and cost indicators. Natural indicators are used to identify the decline unit costs raw materials, materials, fuel per unit of output, unit of power, or to calculate the increase in finished products obtained from a unit of raw materials, area, equipment capacity (in metallurgy, industry, for example, iron removal from 1 m3 of useful volume of a blast furnace). The main labor indicator of E. is the reduction in the labor intensity of products (services, works), measured by the number of man-hours or man-days spent on its manufacture. E. social labor is also achieved by improving the administrative apparatus, planning, accounting, management x-tion and the development of culture in the country. An indicator of E. here is a decrease in the number employed workers, which, with the improvement of the quality of the work of the apparatus, characterizes E. in the use of labor resources. Cost (monetary) indicators make it possible a) to summarize E., expressed in natural and labor indicators, b) to calculate E. not only for a certain type of product or cost, but also for the entire site, workshop, enterprise, construction site, industry, district , the economic council and the national economy as a whole, c) to identify E. both from all measures and from their individual types, aimed, in particular, at the modernization of equipment, the use of new, more advanced machines and equipment, and the introduction of new technology , improving product quality (increase operational properties, durability and

Identification in the course of a banking analysis of the state of affairs regarding the quality of products, an assessment of the measures planned for the future to improve the quality, reliability, durability of manufactured products, and its periodic renewal serve as the basis for the application of economic impact measures by the bank. Such measures include the provision of special credits for the costs associated with improving product quality, or the imposition of sanctions on those enterprises that do not carry out necessary work(reduction of the size of loans against settlement documents on the way, etc.). Finally, the bank in the course of product quality analysis and development necessary measures he often has to coordinate his work with the bodies of the State Standard of the USSR, inspections of the USSR Ministry of Trade for quality, using their information and analytical material.

Of course, such an idea is not indisputable and is not applicable to all types of products, because the role of science cannot be belittled. It is known that the impetus for the development of microelectronics was given not by the market, but by scientific achievements. Yet much of this pragmatism owes much of its success to world commodity markets to many capitalist firms. According to F. Crosby, almost any way to improve quality will give positive results. But the question is how long it is (it can be five years or more) and how much it costs - 2% or 20% of all production costs. Therefore, the fastest and less risky way to increase the profitability of production through improving product quality is the use of the market factor.

The implementation of national economic socio-economic plans requires the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the close integration of science with production, and the transfer of the economy to an intensive path of development. In accordance with the requirements of the scientific and technological revolution in the national economy, the complex equipping of all its branches with a system of high-performance machines and automated equipment is being consistently carried out; highly efficient technological processes are being developed and introduced into production, ensuring the development of low-waste production methods, the integrated use of raw materials and materials, labor productivity.

The decisions of the May (1982) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU signify a new major step towards improving the economic conditions for managing agricultural enterprises, strengthening the principles of cost accounting in all sectors of the agro-industrial complex. The measures developed contribute to strengthening the economy of collective farms and state farms, strengthening their material interest in increasing production and improving the quality of products. Purchasing prices for the main types of agricultural products are increasing, super-

Many Asian, American, and European firms have pursued product improvement programs, starting with marketing opportunities through customer outreach (ensuring the quality of a new car in various road conditions, reducing the maintenance of a new electronic computer, the effectiveness of a new drug). Firms worked fundamentally to improve the reliability and safety of their products, created standards for their maintenance, and ultimately ensured that the struggle for a high level of quality became a way of life both in workshops and in offices.

Economical technical efficiency. and org. measures is estimated by comparing the estimated annual savings in operating and production costs, achieved as a result of the implementation of this measure, with the amount of one-time costs for its development and implementation, including additional capital investments for the purchase and installation of new equipment to replace the previously used for the same purpose. A generalizing measure of effectiveness is the return on costs in units of time (in years) or the reciprocal value expressed by the efficiency coefficient, i.e., the amount of annual savings per unit of one-time costs for the implementation of the event. Efficiency is calculated according to the methodology established by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Methodology for determining economic efficiency from the introduction of new technological processes and means of mechanization and automation in industry. However, for organic linking with other sections of the industrial plan and for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the planned plan for new technology, it is advisable, in addition, to apply other indicators. Among them, in the first place are indicators of improving product quality, its durability and reliability. An important role is played by indicators of growth in the volume of production and an increase in the removal of products from a unit of production capacity or fixed assets of enterprises. Exceptional importance belongs to indicators of saving labor, increasing its productivity and facilitating it. This is an abbreviation of the normative and factual. labor intensity of products, an increase in hourly, daily and monthly output per 1 worker, the release of workers (in% of their original number), a change in the structure of labor costs, i.e. the ratio of working time employed when performing manual, mechanized, automated work.

In 1965, the United States is expected to produce about 600 thousand tons of polystyrene plastics. A certain relative slowdown in the rate of polystyrene production that has now become apparent is due to many reasons, including the relative saturation of the main consumers with this plastic in a number of countries, primarily in the United States, where more than half of the world's polystyrene production is concentrated, the emergence of new, high-quality plastics that focus on the use of more affordable non-aromatic raw materials, as well as the fact that various industries are currently placing more and more high demands on strength and other physical and chemical properties synthetic materials. Meanwhile, it is known that ordinary polystyrene is extremely fragile. Plasticized vinyl resins and non-plasticized polyethylene are far superior in this respect. In this regard, an intensive study of ways to improve product quality is underway. New durable grades of styrene plastics were developed, obtained by copolymerization of styrene with acrylonitrile, methyl methacrylate and rubber, as well as new methods of styrene polymerization - in suspension and block polymerization, etc. At present, the name polystyrene means a whole group of polystyrene plastics, including both pure polystyrene, and numerous copolymers of styrene. Actually polystyrene is subdivided by polymerization methods into block, emulsion, suspension, isotactic, foamy. Depending on how you get

By the decision of the September (1965) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, major measures were taken to improve management. A firm course has been taken towards a more complete use of economic methods based on the wide use of cost categories and full cost accounting. It was expressed in a decrease in the number of regulated indicators, the introduction of greater independence for enterprises and individual departments, and a change in the essence of the planned indicators. This provided more correct connection centralized planned leadership with local economic initiative and, as noted at the XXIV Congress of the CPSU, had big influence to improve production efficiency. At the same time, in order to find optimal solutions to enhance the impact of the reform on accelerating scientific and technological progress, improving product quality, increasing labor productivity, and increasing the interest of teams in accepting intense plan targets, continuous improvement of economic management methods is required by improving the system wholesale prices, profit distribution systems, methods of formation and use of economic incentive funds.

The restructuring of pricing is based on the following requirements 1) consistent reflection in prices of socially necessary costs for the production and sale of products, its consumer properties, quality and effective demand, more complete consideration of payments for labor and natural resources, environmental protection costs material consumption and energy intensity of products, the widespread use of low-waste and waste-free technologies 3) increasing the role of the consumer in setting prices, organizing effective control over the correctness of setting and applying prices at all levels of economic management 4) ensuring that the retail price policy is in line with the objectives of the full implementation of the principle of social justice 5 ) further improvement of the zonal differentiation of purchase prices by enlarging the location of agricultural production, etc.

The modern policy of advanced domestic and foreign enterprises in the field of quality lies in its interconnectedness and inseparability from the general policy of the enterprise. Product quality improvement strategy is the most important integral part enterprise strategy. The quality policy can be formulated as a principle of activity or a long-term goal and include:

  • improvement of the economic situation of the enterprise;
  • Expansion or conquest of new sales markets;
  • · achievement technical level products that exceed the level of leading firms;
  • Orientation to meet the requirements of consumers of certain industries or certain regions;
  • development of products functionality which are implemented on new principles;
  • Improving the most important indicators of product quality;
  • Reducing the level of defectiveness of manufactured products;
  • Extended warranty periods for products
  • service development.

In modern quality management, ten fundamental conditions are formulated:

  • 1. Attitude towards the consumer as the most important component of this process.
  • 2. Acceptance by management of long-term commitments to implement the company's management system.
  • 3. Belief that there is no limit to perfection.
  • 4. Confidence that preventing problems is better than responding to them when they arise.
  • 5. Interest, leadership and direct involvement of management.
  • 6. Standard of work, expressed in the wording "zero errors".
  • 7. Participation of employees of the company, both collective and individual.
  • 8. Focus on improving processes, not people.
  • 9. Belief that suppliers will become your partners if they understand your tasks.
  • 10. Recognition of merit.

According to domestic and foreign experts, the quality of products is laid down in the design and technological documentation, and both should be assessed accordingly.

1) You need to start with mastering the production of a product that is in demand, i.e., to produce something that someone will buy, and if you improve this product, then the number of its buyers will grow, improve economic indicators enterprises and it will be possible to find funds for the implementation next steps solving quality problems.

However, a product that is in demand is most often a new product. Therefore, it is necessary to start with studying the demand in the market and taking it into account when creating and mastering the production of new products.

  • 2) You need to have a dealer, sales network, as well as distribution of goods and information about it. If this is not the case, no product quality will save the enterprise.
  • 3) It is necessary to minimize production costs. To this end, it is necessary to recalculate everything, rethink the material and technical base of the enterprise, abandon everything superfluous, and restructure. Without doing this, it is not even worth starting a fight for quality.
  • 4) We must learn to manage finances, and this is an art, and not an easy one. First of all, it is necessary to debug financial control. Lack of control is the path to financial losses, their plunder and bankruptcy of the enterprise.

All four prerequisites for the successful operation of enterprises, noted above, are considered in various quality concepts, but there we are talking about their improvement. At the majority of Russian enterprises, these conditions need to be created practically from scratch. And only after the enterprise has somehow coped with this task, it can begin to solve the quality problem by creating and certifying quality systems that meet the requirements.

At the initiative of the Head of the Republic of Armenia Murat Kumpilov, for the first time, a business part of the program was provided within the framework of the Adyghe cheese festival. For producers of Adyghe cheese, representatives retail chains, republican authorities, scientists and social activists organized a round table on the topic: "Adyghe cheese - the heritage of ancestors, a gastronomic brand of Russia."

The participants of the meeting were welcomed by the Head of the Republic of Armenia, noting that such communication makes it possible to analyze the prospects for the development of the industry as a whole and in relation to their industries and territories. aim round table is also to strengthen cooperation between manufacturers and trade, access to new level interactions.

Murat Kumpilov stressed that the demand for Adyghe cheese is constantly growing, which gives grounds for making long-term plans. In this regard, the leadership of the republic considers Adyghe cheese as one of the engines in the implementation of the Development Strategy of Adygea-2030 and is interested in promoting this product.

“Adyghe cheese is one of the main brands for our republic. Not so long ago, the exclusive right to manufacture a product with the name "Adyghe Cheese" was assigned to our republic. This fact imposes on us a special responsibility - both for the quality of the product and for the saturation of the Russian and foreign markets with it. This is one of the main tasks that are being solved in the republic today, and we intend to achieve serious success. And today we have stepped up our efforts to promote our national product to foreign markets,” said Murat Kumpilov.

The republic is already exporting Adyghe cheese, in 2012 they entered the German market (the exporter is Krasnogvardeisky Dairy Plant LLC). Today, negotiations are underway with representatives of other foreign states.

The quality of their products is in line with high requirements foreign markets. For the development of cheese production, the enterprises of the industry were completely modernized. In addition, in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of Adygea for the exclusive right to produce Adyghe cheese, a non-profit organization- Union of Producers of Products "Cheese Adyghe". Its leader Murat Tlyustangelov made a report on the measures taken to promote Adyghe cheese to foreign markets, the fight against unscrupulous manufacturers of counterfeit products and further tasks to maintain the priority of Adygea in its production. Rosselkhoznadzor takes a fundamental position in this matter. Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea. The head of the department, Yuri Petrov, who previously headed the ministry Agriculture RA, noted that the work to combat counterfeit products will be strengthened.

Chairman of the State Council-Khase of the Republic of Armenia Vladimir Narozhny also announced the readiness of the legislative body to use its resources to promote the national brand.

According to the Head of the Republic of Armenia Murat Kumpilov, the quality of Adyghe cheese depends on many participants in the production chain. In particular, good opportunities in the agricultural sector opens cooperation. Its development is strategically important task nationwide. This is one of the instructions of the head of state under the new May decree.

Aslan Dzekhokhov, head of the non-profit partnership "Union of Farmers of Adygea", told about how to use such a tool as cooperation in the production of cheese products. According to him, thanks to the federal program to support beginner farmers, the economy of the republic began to develop, the number of cattle and milk production is increasing. The number of farms whose products can compete with goods is also growing. large enterprises. Farmers associate the further development of farms with a new federal program to support cooperation.

Manufacturers of unique cheese products also expressed their opinion. Among those who successfully promote their goods on the market is Kazbek Tsishev, the owner of a peasant farm. Many have already appreciated the new products - originally designed Mate cheeses. The peculiarity of its products lies in the active use of the historical component both in production and in product branding.

It was noted that in many countries the products of small farms are present on the shelves of retail chain stores. Therefore, the organizers of the round table invited representatives of federal retail chains to the dialogue. The products of a number of manufacturers of Adygea are already sold in large shopping malls. Their representatives declared their readiness for further mutually beneficial cooperation. The head of the RA recommended organizing a platform for a more substantive dialogue between commercial organizations.

During the conversation, special attention was paid to the historical component associated with the Adyghe cheese, as well as the ideas for organizing the festival. A brief scientific excursion into the history of the origin of the Adyghe cheese, which was mentioned in the Nart epic, was presented by the candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the department of history and culture of the Adyghe Adyghe state university Zarema Tseeva. She drew attention to the unique taste qualities And nutrients national product. Due to its properties, Adyghe cheese, born of centuries of experience, has since ancient times become a universal product that is suitable for everyone and is used in the preparation of various dishes. In fact, Adyghe cheese opens the way to healthy lifestyle life.

In conclusion, Murat Kumpilov noted the productivity of the dialogue, which will be continued. The republican authorities are ready to assist the enterprises of the industry in the development of their production, as well as to promote the national brand "Adyghe cheese".

“Adyghe cheese for our republic is not just a part of the image. This is one of the main brands of Adygea, by which many Russians learn about our region,” the Head of Adygea summed up.


Ways to improve product quality at the enterprise


      Concept, indicators and product quality control

      Stimulating the improvement of product quality

    Ways to improve product quality at the enterprise




In the conditions of developed market relations, each company, each entrepreneur must have its own strategy, find the main link to win in the fierce competition. Without a "strategic vision" of the future, without the search for long-term "quality" advantages, it is impossible to achieve effective business functioning.

In its most general form, quality is understood as rivalry by individuals interested in achieving the same goal (attracting the largest number of buyers, despite the fact that the price of a product may not be low).

Although the market, quality and competition are not omnipotent, nevertheless, they allow solving the central problems of the economy (standard of living, structure and efficiency of production, product quality and its certification) much better than other economic systems, including those based on public property and central planning.

Decrease in product quality reduces its competitiveness. The deterioration of the competitiveness of products leads to the emergence of reverse trends: a decrease in sales, profits and profitability, a decrease in exports, national wealth and the well-being of the people. This implies the need for constant, purposeful, painstaking work of commodity producers to increase the competitiveness of products, improve the quality of products, which has great importance for the manufacturer, consumer and the national economy as a whole. Release quality products contributes to an increase in the volume of sales and return on capital, an increase in the prestige of the company. The consumption of products of improved quality and greater consumer value reduces the unit cost of users and provides a more complete satisfaction of needs. This implies the need for constant, purposeful, painstaking work of commodity producers to improve the quality of products in comparison with analogues of competitors.

The relevance of the topic is due to the need to improve product quality, which is of great importance for the manufacturer, consumer and the national economy as a whole. The national economy from high-quality products has a number of advantages: an increase in the export potential and the income side of the country's balance of payments, an increase in the living standards of the population and the authority of the state in the world community. The deterioration of product quality leads to the emergence of reverse trends: a decrease in sales, profits and profitability, a decrease in exports, national wealth and the well-being of the people.


    1. Concept, indicators and product quality control

Improving the quality of products is of great importance for the manufacturer, consumer and the national economy as a whole. The release of high-quality products contributes to an increase in the volume of sales and return on capital, an increase in the prestige of the company. The consumption of products of improved quality and greater consumer value reduces the unit cost of users and provides a more complete satisfaction of needs. The national economy from high-quality products has a number of advantages: an increase in the export potential and the income side of the country's balance of payments, an increase in the living standards of the population and the authority of the state in the world community. The deterioration of product quality leads to the emergence of reverse trends: a decrease in sales, profits and profitability, a decrease in exports, national wealth and the well-being of the people.

This implies the need for constant, purposeful, painstaking work of commodity producers to improve the quality of products in comparison with analogues of competitors.

Product quality is a set of product properties that determine its suitability to satisfy certain needs in accordance with the purpose. It is fixed for a specific period of time and changes when more advanced technology appears.

A product property is an objective feature of a product that can manifest itself during creation, operation or consumption. The products have many various properties which must be taken into account during its development, production, storage, transportation, operation or consumption. The term "exploitation" is applied to such products, which, in the process of use, consume their resource (machine). The term "consumption" refers to products that, when used for their intended purpose, are consumed by themselves (food).

Properties can be simple or complex. The simple ones include mass, capacity, speed, etc. The complex ones are the reliability of technical means, the reliability of the device, the maintainability of the machine, and others.

A quantitative characteristic of one or more product properties that make up its quality, considered in relation to certain conditions of its creation, operation or consumption, is called an indicator of product quality.

According to the way of expression, product indicators can be natural (meters, kilometers), relative (percentages, coefficients, points, indices), as well as cost.

According to the stage of determination - predicted, design, normative, actual.

According to the properties characterized, the following groups of indicators are used: purpose, reliability, transportability, safety, economy, patent law, technological, ergonomic, aesthetic.

Purpose indicators characterize the properties of the product that determine the main functions for which it is intended.

Reliability is the property of an object to keep the values ​​of all parameters and required functions within the established limits over time. The reliability of an object, depending on the purpose and conditions of its use, includes non-failure operation, durability, maintainability and persistence.

Ergonomic indicators characterize the convenience and comfort of consumption (operation) of the product at the stage of the functional process in the "man-product-environment of use" system.

Manufacturability indicators include: specific labor intensity, material consumption, energy consumption of manufacturing and maintenance.

Transportability indicators characterize the suitability of products for transportation. Patent-legal indicators testify to patent purity, patent protection, as well as the possibility of unhindered sales of products on the world market.

Environmental indicators characterize the level of harmful effects on the environment.

An indicator of product quality that characterizes one of its properties is called a unit indicator (power, caloric content, etc.). A complex indicator is one that characterizes several of its properties. Complex indicators are divided into group and generalized. The group indicator is determined by a set of individual indicators.

The purpose of quality control is to ensure the established quality of products, prevent defects, and prevent the release of low-quality products. Responsibility for product quality is borne by all employees of the enterprise. The presence of certain quality control authorities and officials depends on the size of the enterprise and the functional responsibilities of the staff.

Means of product quality control are instrumentation, tools and automatic control devices. Particularly effective are automatic controls built into technological equipment that provide control directly in the process of manufacturing products. This reduces the number of controllers and prevents the occurrence of marriage.

Types of quality control are established depending on the nature of production and product quality requirements. There are the following types of control:

a) group - for a group of related operations associated with the complete or partial processing of a part;

b) operational control of compliance with the technological process in the production of great complexity and accuracy;

c) selective - a certain number of products selected as representatives are controlled;

d) continuous - carried out over each product. By appointment, control is divided into intermediate and final.

Product quality control methods: visual inspection, dimensional check, mechanical and physical property check, environmental check. A special place is occupied by the statistical method of technical quality control. The mathematical basis of this method is the theory of probability. For a technological process that is at the stage of statistical control of product quality, it is possible to establish a statistical method of control, the essential features of which are:

a) regularity of systematic observations;

b) control of selective samples;

c) plotting the results of observations on a control chart;

d) the use of control results to adjust the conditions of the technological process and prevent marriage.

Expert methods for assessing product quality are based on the use of generalized experience and intuition of specialists and product consumers. They should be used when it is impossible or difficult to use more objective methods of control. The expert method is also used to characterize the aesthetic properties of the product.

In recent years, in world practice, much attention has been paid to intra-company product quality control, which is called total quality control (TQC). The main features of this system are as follows.

1. Transfer of quality control authority from the top management to the lower level.

2. The development of a movement within small groups called "quality circles".

3. Striving for recognition in the market based on the priority of customer requirements.
