Chipboard egger who is the manufacturer. Egger Germany overview of the manufacturer and characteristics of manufactured coatings. Chipboard Egger. Reviews

The German company EGGER began its journey as a small family business more than half a century ago. Today, the EGGER group of companies consists of 17 plants throughout Europe. The EGGER brand combines an extensive range of wood products: chipboard, chipboard, MDF, fiberboard and furniture elements. Egger has developed its official website, focusing on various countries. The main one is in the link.

Of the entire range of materials produced by the company in Russia, chipboard Egger is in the greatest demand, reviews of which are always extremely positive. Produced particle boards with a layer of moisture-resistant flexible laminate on top differ high quality performance and a wide variety of colors.

All products manufactured by this chipboard manufacturer in terms of the level of formaldehyde emission belong to the highest class of environmental safety E1. Decors EGGER various forms and sizes are used in decoration as public spaces, and residential.

Parameters of German laminated chipboard:

EGGER laminated chipboard is available as panels 8, 10, 16 mm thick. Its base consists of a chipboard, and as outer coating laminated paper is used.

Standard chipboard dimensions sheet: 2800*2070 mm. But under the order "sawn" and other options.

Color range of laminated chipboard:

The range of colors is striking in its diversity. More than a hundred shades and patterns under the stone and different varieties wood. The line has both plain and wood options with different structure and texture. Additional effects mother-of-pearl and metallics are provided to the designer endless possibilities in the choice of decor for the interior in any style.

Acquisition of EGGER chipboard in Moscow:

Laminated chipboard is an excellent option for interior decoration of offices, hotels, and other premises. LightPlit will cut Egger panels(and not only) to the size required by the customer. Our experts are always ready to help you choose panels with a harmonious combination of colors and advise on their installation. German decors are suitable for offices and public spaces, as well as for private apartments.

Order decorative panels from chipboard EGGER - get away from the standards and create your own unique interior.

The main activity of the company is the woodworking industry: sales and production in Moscow. Also, the company's activities are: ceilings, floors and floor coverings: sales and production, installation in Moscow.

EGGER (EGGER) - a group of companies for the production of wood-based materials, headquartered in Tyrol, St. Johanna is a small urban-type settlement.

Today, the EGGER Group is one of the leading manufacturers of wood-based materials used in furniture industry and construction. Opened in 1961 by Fritz Egger Sr., the chipboard plant became the basis of the EGGER family business, which includes 17 plants, 2 of which are located in Russia - the cities of Gagarin and Shuya. The Russian sales office of EGGER is located in Moscow.

In addition to chipboard, MDF and OSB, EGGER manufactures a wide range of products for further processing that can be used in various fields from construction to furniture manufacturing.


Fritz Egger Sr. laid the foundation stone for EGGER by opening his first chipboard plant in St. Johann in Tyrol. Gradually, EGGER has grown into a group of companies with 17 factories located in seven different countries, with a total staff of 6,500 people.



  • Companies alphabetically
  • Companies founded in 1961
  • Enterprises of the Moscow region
  • Companies in Austria
  • Furniture manufacturers
  • woodworking

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EGGER advantages of laminated chipboard

  • The leading position of the company is provided by unique technologies production and the highest quality
  • All panels have emission class E1. The emulsion used at production and hardeners do not contain chlorine. The formaldehyde content in EGGER laminated chipboard is, on average, only 6.5 mg / 100 g. (The norm for the E1 emission class in Europe is 8.5 mg., In Russia - 10 mg.)
  • Furniture made from EGGER panels DOES NOT SMELL! This is one of the most environmentally friendly chipboard in the world.
  • The plate is perfectly processed and finished
  • Raw materials for the production of panels are carefully selected and sorted. It is not allowed to use RECYCLED (restored) wood!
  • Chipboard EGGER lighter domestic analogues, which increases it consumer properties, ease of use of furniture made from EGGER laminated chipboard and reduces the wear and tear of used furniture mechanisms.

    Egger laminated boards are made from environmentally friendly wood.

The basis is chipboard, made according to European standards quality EN 312 and EN 14322 on which a decorative multi-layer melamine film is applied.

A large number and variety of ornaments imitating valuable breeds wood, the texture of a smooth painted surface or metal, allows you to implement almost any solution and creative idea when decorating the interior and in the manufacture of furniture.

The plate is manufactured at 17 European factories with a high degree of automation and certified according to the strictest control system for harmful emissions and quality. finished products(PEFC / FSC).

The production of particle boards is being improved by the company to achieve the highest results. The Egger Group is an example of the consistent implementation of a high-tech and environmentally friendly production plan. The standards introduced by Egger were the most innovative in the industry at the time and are now the industry standard for safe Chipboard boards- environmental declaration of the product.

Environmental declarations chipboard boards are today a mandatory condition for the manufacture of particle boards in Europe. The European Declaration of Safety, which accompanies every product of the company, is a source of information for designers and manufacturers, an important starting point for the end user who cares about his health and the cleanliness of the environment.

Egger guarantees environmental safety Chipboard throughout its life cycle: starting from production, ending with use in furniture and subsequent disposal.


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The world-famous Egger company, which was founded in 1961, is engaged in the manufacture of this material. Like many other laminate manufacturers, Egger started out by making wood-based panels.

At the first stages of development, chipboard was the main product, and later the company moved to MDF production slabs that were sold to furniture companies. In 1994, a specialized factory was acquired, and the production of our own furniture began. 2006 was the beginning of a new stage in the development of the company - the production of laminate.

Where is produced?

The first laminate of this manufacturer saw the world almost ten years ago at one of the German factories. Now Egger is the most powerful Austrian concern with an annual turnover of more than one and a half billion euros.

Laminate flooring is produced in 16 factories scattered throughout Europe. The largest production capacities are concentrated in Germany. Recently, production has been established in Russia.

Egger collections and their features

country styleBrilliant

This collection has a luxurious sheen that perfectly complements the relief and structure of the flooring.


The collection embodies the combination of classic ornaments with the structure of natural wood.


Thanks to harmonious combination textures and textures, this laminate accurately imitates Oak, Walnut and Spruce wood planks.


Another realistic collection. The laminate has an increased size in length and width. The decors of this collection imitate Oak, Pine, Ash and Spruce boards.

Country Style Super Plus

The combination of bright colors and pronounced wood patterns is what sets this collection apart from others.


A large collection in which you can find material for any room.

CS King Size

A collection of laminate flooring with larger lamellas. Used in large areas.


The laminate of this collection has smallest size among all collections. Class 32, suitable for any residential premises.

Classes, thicknesses and decors

The service life of the floor covering directly depends on the wear resistance class. The higher this class, the longer the material will retain its original appearance. Egger laminate can be grade 31, 32 or 33. The manufacturer gives it 15, 20 and 25 years of warranty, respectively.

The thickness of the material determines its strength and soundproof characteristics. The thicker the laminate, the higher these characteristics. But as the thickness of the flooring increases, so does its cost.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose based on the operating conditions and your financial opportunities. The thickness of the Egger material ranges from 7 to 11 millimeters.

Exists a large number of decors Laminate Egger. They differ in textures, the presence or absence of chamfers and the nature of the embossing. Each laminate collection has its own combination of these decorative elements.

Benefits of Egger Laminate

  • High wear resistance and strength. Egger material will last for decades, retaining its attractive appearance.
  • Ease of installation and the ability to dismantle the flooring for its subsequent laying in another room.
  • Practicality. No special detergents are required to clean the flooring.


  • Unpleasant odor that can last up to two weeks after installation of the flooring.
  • Specific noise when walking on the floor. But this is more a feature than a drawback.

Laminate Rating

This material is very popular, but at the same time, users note frequent cases of factory marriage. There are many positive and negative feedback about flooring this manufacturer.

Chipboard is widely used in construction and for the manufacture of furniture. There is a wide variety of such plates on the market, differing among themselves not only in cost, but also in quality. One of the manufacturers is a company from Austria with a worldwide reputation - Egger. Her product range is very diverse. The company's product catalog contains more than 200 types of various plates, among which there are plain, colored, with a pattern, imitating the texture of wood and other materials, surfaces. Surfaces can be matte or glossy. Picking up the desired chipboard sheet, suitable for the interior of the buyer, is not difficult.

Distinctive features and properties of the material

Chipboard Egger have a high quality that meets all the requirements of standards (SNiP and EN). The range of products offered by the company is constantly increasing due to new technologies and developments. The following products are produced:

  • The sheet laminated by a chipboard Egger - is a part of the Eurodekor series.
  • Uncoated boards, countertops and window sills of the Eurospan series.
  • Light chipboard Eurolight.
  • Thin chipboards.

Chipboard has the following technical characteristics:

  • For their production are selected conifers trees (in 90% of cases).
  • Raw materials for plates are selected only fine-grained.
  • The raw materials do not contain debris, sand and other impurities.
  • The laminating film is stronger and more resistant to mechanical influences(despite the smaller thickness) than Russian manufacturers.

Wide area chipboard applications Egger:

  • as a material for the construction of furniture to be used both at home and in other premises (offices, restaurants, etc.);
  • for finishing walls, building partitions and all kinds of boxes;
  • as window sills and ebbs;
  • as a floor covering;
  • for the manufacture of interior doors.

Variety of species

Egger chipboard colors vary depending on the type of board. There are more than 200 of them. The catalog includes the following variations:

  • White, which differ in the degree of gloss and the presence of mother-of-pearl. This is the base color scheme introduced in 6 various types: white, platinum, gloss, solid, premium, porcelain.
  • Solid colors which include 78 different colors. They can be glossy or matte, saturated or muted. The colors are chosen so that they can be combined in the design.
  • Wood reproductions - more than 100 options, of which more than 90 are considered basic, and 12 are designed specifically for the production of interior doors.
  • Fantasy chipboard Egger - imitation of materials. There are 60 variations that reproduce marble, textiles, leather, concrete, metal and minerals. Such plates are used for the manufacture of doors, countertops, furniture.
  • Color photo printing, which consists of 12 drawings on various topics.

Simultaneously with the decor, chipboards differ in their texture. Egger offers the following types:

  • Glossy ("Diamond", "Gloss Finish").
  • Matte ("Silk", "Office", "Perfect", "Matex").
  • Semi-matte fine-grained ("Granite", "Elegance").
  • Volumetric ("Wavelan", "Artwave").
  • Mosaic ("Velvet").

Eurospan series

Plates from this series are used for the production of high quality furniture. Chipboard sheet Egger consists of a high-density inner layer topped with fine-grained layers. This allows you to get the perfect flat surface well-kept shape. At the same time, the boards have an even cut and are easy to process (lamination, edge finishing, veneer, postforming).

This series have standard width 207 cm, thickness 0.8-2.5 cm and length 561, 411 or 280 cm.

Plates of the Eurospan series for countertops and window sills perfectly withstand mechanical loads and impacts chemical substances(acids, alkalis, abrasive detergents), without losing aesthetic appeal. And they serve more than 10 years. You can damage the surface with a knife, hot dishes or a cigarette.

They have dimensions of 410x60, 410x91, 410x120 cm with a thickness of 3.8 cm.

Window sill dimensions: thickness - 1.9 and 2.2 cm, length - 410 cm, width - 16-10 cm.

Plates of the Eurolight series

Chipboard Egger Eurolight series, which are also called light boards, consist of two layers:

  • Internal, which consists of compacted cellular cardboard.
  • External, made of plates with a thickness of 3 to 8 mm.

This structure makes the plates light, suitable for them standard mounts and accessories. They are used for the production of furniture, interior decoration.

Chipboard Egger. Reviews

Wood chipboards have a number of advantages. But despite this, many consumers argue that laminated chipboard is harmful to health. They associate this with supposedly prominent ones, but this is far from being the case. Chipboard is an environmentally friendly material.

When choosing chipboard, give preference to the material that is produced directly by the Austrian by Egger. As they say folk reviews, such material is much superior in quality to goods manufactured at other manufacturing plants. Naturally, the price of such products will be higher than those produced in Russia. But the choice always remains with the buyer.
