Black currant. Currant Vigorous - description of the variety, reviews Arctic berry in folk medicine

In ancient times, a large number of currants grew on the territory of modern Moscow. It is believed that for the first time the appearance of the modern capital was predicted by Prophetic Oleg in 880. Then the Moscow River was also called Smorodinka, and these shrubs grew luxuriantly on its banks. Of course, scientists do not dispute the fact that the Russian capital was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. However, it is possible that its history goes much deeper.

The main interpretations of the meaning of the word "currant"

One of the most valuable berry crops of the Slavs was currant. in Russian, which is called a famous shrub, has two versions. According to one of them, it comes from the word "stench". In the times of Ancient Russia, it meant "smell", "aroma". Here the meaning of the word can have both positive and negative connotations.

The word "currant" comes from the ancient word "currant", which earlier could be called both a persistent unpleasant smell and incense. According to another version, the word "Currant" comes from the word "Nugget", which means "naturally born, having no beginning."

The first mention of the berry

There is a legend according to which currant berries were first tested by the Arabs in the 7th century AD. e. Then the successor of King Mohammed ascended the Damascus throne, and an army of armed Muslims broke into the territory of Spain. The conquerors decided to feast on which turned out to be similar to Palestinian rhubarb. Then the berry was called "Ribes". But currants have never been brought to the territory of Russia. It was found by the Slavs in finished form. Therefore, the etymology of the word "currant" has precisely Slavic roots.

Legend of the Kalinov Bridge

This word is also of particular interest in connection with numerous myths about the mysterious river of the same name. Currant with fiery waves, which separates the world of the living from the world of the dead, is crossed by the Kalinov Bridge. The path of the heroes of Slavic myths to the kingdom of the goddess of death Morana is filled with obstacles. One of them is the Smorodina River. The origin of the word according to another version means the color of this river - “red, fiery”. Some researchers are convinced that the phrase "Kalinov Bridge" is endowed with the same meaning. After all, the word "viburnum" also means "fiery red", "hot".

"Kalinov bridge" - the etymology of the word. Currant and mammoth hunting

Other scientists believe that the mythical bridge got its name not because of its color, but because it was made from the branches of a viburnum tree. The origin of this name may be related to the hunting of mammoths by ancient people. In order to catch an ancient animal, a pit trap was usually arranged, covered with branches. These branches, according to researchers, were the basis for the myth of the Kalinov Bridge. To catch a mammoth, it was driven in a certain direction with the help of fiery branches, which became the prototype of a river with waves of fire.

Analogues in the myths of other countries

The river of death existed not only in the Slavic epic. For example, in ancient Greek myths, it is known that souls were transported to the kingdom of the gloomy god Hades. But, unlike the Slavic notions, the banks of the river were not separated by a bridge. In the myths of Ancient Greece, the dead crossed the river of oblivion (Summer) and the river of sorrow (Acheron) in the boat of the carrier Acheron. According to the ideas of the Hellenes, the river, consisting of fiery waves, was an obstacle for the soul, separating the world of the living from the world of the dead.

Inhabitants of the banks of the Currant

Another enemy on the way from one world to another was a terrible guard - the Serpent, or Miracle Yudo. Heroes of ancient Slavic myths fought with him on the Kalinov Bridge. Baba Yaga is also a famous character who lives near the Kalinov Bridge on the banks of the Smorodina River. The origin of the word "Yaga" has many interpretations. The Russian ethnographer N. Abramov suggested that it comes from the name of clothing.

"Yaga", or "Yagushka" was a wardrobe item of the ancient Slavs, which was worn outside with fur. This type of clothing was a mandatory attribute of evil spirits in Slavic myths and beliefs. But some researchers go even further in their ideas about why the mythical inhabitant of the Smorodina River received such a name. They associate the origin of the word "Yaga" with the ancient Indian term "yagya", which means "sacrifice". The word "woman", if pronounced with an emphasis on the last syllable, means the concept of "hermit".

Where does the real Currant flow?

According to some assumptions, it has a very real prototype. Scientists who are interested in how the word "Smorodina" came about believe that it is actually the name of the one located in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. Its original name - "Sisterjoke" - comes from the word "Sister" in Finnish means "currant", and "joke" - "river". This hypothesis is confirmed by the legend about the Smorodina River. Indeed, according to legend, this turbulent river is surrounded by swamps, and it is wayward and turbulent. The same characteristics are characteristic of the Sestra River.

​Related Articles​

Redcurrant loves the sun very much. More berries grow on well-lit shoots.

Choosing seedlings

Given the fact that this plant is not too whimsical, if you follow the nuances of planting, you can get an excellent harvest of this healthy and tasty berry.

For autumn planting, it is necessary to prepare cuttings by cutting them from several summer branches. Each is cut in such a way that four kidneys remain. The top of the twig is usually not needed, so it is discarded. Putting the resulting cuttings in the water, you must wait until they give roots. This process usually takes 2-3 weeks. As soon as young roots appear, plants can be planted in the ground. It should be noted that the bushes will grow, so it is important to keep a distance between them - at least two meters.

The plant is pruned mainly in late autumn. Old shoots are removed near the ground, leaving 3 cm stumps to stimulate the growth of the most productive underground buds.

Preparing the landing site

Do blackcurrants need pruning?

Currant planting technology

water abundantly;

landing in October-November;

There is one trick that is used by gardeners and which is the main rule when planting blackcurrants.


The optimal conditions for planting all types of currants are autumn.

And in order for the bush to turn out strong, it is advisable to cut it when planting, leaving 10-15 cm from the ground. By the way, cut currant branches can be planted in moist soil, where they can easily take root.

An excellent currant berry - vitamin, fragrant, healthy! It is difficult to imagine even a small garden without her bushes. Beautiful clusters of white, yellow, red, pink and black berries serve as an undoubted decoration of both the garden itself and the harvest of horticultural crops. Since currants are very popular, many gardeners are also engaged in its cultivation. With proper care, a bucket of berries is harvested from one bush! And when and how to plant currants in order to get healthy shrubs that give a plentiful, tasty and healthy harvest?

In addition to the fact that the site must be well lit, it must also be well protected from the wind, which prevents insects from pollinating the plant. In addition, lowlands are not suitable for landing: cold air lingers there.

Blackcurrant planting rules

Read about the features of caring for currants in our article How to grow currants.

planting black currant

The same process is typical for planting currants in May. For this, branches are taken, which are cut in mid-April, prepared in the above way and planted in the ground. It is not recommended to prune in the spring, during the growing season, as the plant loses a large amount of juice and nutrients along with it through the cuts.

Pruning is aimed at the formation of a bush, to prevent thickening and to improve the quality of the next crop.

Trim the stems, leaving 30-40 cm in length;

How to plant blackcurrant in autumn

Dig a hole 40x60 cm;

A bush is planted at an inclination of 45o to the ground level so that the stems are fan-shaped and the lower buds on them are covered with earth. At least 2 buds should remain on the surface.

Shrubs are planted in the fall, usually at the end of October. The main thing is to plant a bush before the onset of frost. If you plant a bush in the fall, then before the onset of spring, the soil around the bush is compacted, and the seedling takes root well, and with the onset of the first heat, it starts growing intensively.

We plant the seedlings obliquely, approximately at an angle of 45 degrees. Deep and sloping planting guarantees the formation of additional roots and fresh shoots from the root collar and buds of the covered part of the stem. This is how a developed powerful bush with many strong branches is formed. With a direct ordinary planting, the bush turns out to be single-stemmed. At the seedling, the roots should be carefully spread, sprinkled with earth, slightly compacted the soil, watered (half a bucket per bush), then completely fill the pit. We form a hole around the bush and water it again. We mulch the soil with humus to avoid the appearance of a crust. If the weather is dry, water the plants after a few days and mulch again.​

Currant bushes are long-lived among fruit and berry crops. They begin to bear fruit in the second year, and already in the third and fourth they give a full-fledged harvest. With proper and careful care, they are able to bear fruit up to 15 years.

Good soil:

Red (colored) currants, unlike black ones, are not as watery as gooseberries; they are quite drought-resistant and heat-resistant, and should not be planted in a damp place with stagnant water. Only during the period of pouring berries should it be watered regularly so that the quality of the crop is not affected. When planting, the seedling should be buried about 10 cm above the root, put in a hole dug out taking into account the depth and covered with a mixture of soil and humus 1: 1. The shoots of the red currant begin to bear fruit on two-year-old shoots, so if you have a one-year-old seedling, then you will get the first berries in 2 years.

The best time to plant this berry is early spring or early September. Most often, red currants are planted in autumn, as this is a favorable period for the plant to take root and actively develop. It is very important that the redcurrant adapt to the harsh winter.

Blackcurrant grows in one place for 15 years. And high-quality and correct pruning helps to prolong fruiting for several more years. Such pruning consists in the fact that after three years only 6-8 shoots are left on the bush, from which even more powerful stems and even larger berries will grow.

  • Mulch.
  • fall asleep with 1 bucket of humus;
  • This should be done to form a powerful healthy blackcurrant bush.
  • The choice of landing site should also be approached responsibly. This plant is moisture-loving, so wet areas are suitable for it, but at the same time well protected from drafts. Planting currants in autumn is not allowed in wetlands.
  • Currants need to be watered regularly. Drying out of the soil, even once allowed, will lead to a decrease in yield and crushing of berries. Under each bush, it is required to pour 3-5 buckets of water at a time.
  • The best planting time is early autumn. Currants are planted with seedlings, it is best if they are two years old. For confident rooting, such a process must have at least three skeletal roots. If the seedling is purchased in a pot, then it must be removed from the pot without fail to check the root system.
  • The fact that currants love moisture does not mean that they can grow in wetlands. No no. It needs moist but well-drained soil. According to the mechanical composition, light loams with a neutral environment are best suited.
  • I dug a hole in one and a half bayonet of a shovel, swept manure mixed with humus, you get a hole with a depth of a bayonet, then you plant a bush and bury it with a tubercle and EVERYTHING. in a year we enjoy berries.
  • As a rule, it is best to plant currants in soil with groundwater. The distance between the bushes should be at least 1.5 meters. Red currants do not like dark areas, so care must be taken to ensure that they have enough light.
  • The redcurrant, as well as the white and pink varieties of this shrub, has several distinctive features and growing requirements. To get good yields, you must adhere to certain rules of agricultural technology.

Blackcurrant bush care

All branches that give a small increase and are older than three years are subjected to pruning to zero. Old shoots are easy to distinguish - they are darker in color.

Having planted a currant bush, I want the results of the work to please for many years. Therefore, she needs good care at an early stage of development.

add charcoal;

Next, you should make depressions around the planted bush, pour them with a bucket of water, tamp well and lay mulch around the bush in the form of peat, compost, straw, leaves with a layer of up to 10 cm. Depending on the size and variety of currants, the distance between the bushes is observed from a meter to one and a half.​

The best option is medium and heavy loamy soils. Currants are afraid of stagnant water, so good soil drainage should be established. To achieve good yields, currant bushes are formed. Initially - after planting - all branches are cut, leaving up to 5 buds on the shoot. In adult plants, the old fruit-bearing five-six-year-old branches are replaced with powerful young ones, and extra one-year-old shoots are also removed. It should form a bush with a wide base. The wider it is, the lighter and freer the middle of the bush, the better and more uniform the fruiting of the whole plant, and not just its peripheral branches, as usually happens with excessive thickening. The presence of 16-20 powerful branches of different ages says that the bush is formed correctly.

Pruning blackcurrant bushes

Currant is very often affected by various fungal diseases. Therefore, for planting, it is best to choose varieties that are resistant to such diseases.

Before planting, the entire area is dug up to the depth of a shovel bayonet, in parallel introducing 4 kg of humus, 100–150 g of superphosphate, 20–30 g of potassium sulfate for each m2. If peat is used instead of humus, then it is mixed with bone meal, adding it at 100 g per m2.

Currant loves moisture, sun, good soil.

It is advisable to prepare the soil two months before the proposed planting of the plant, having previously enriched the earth well with mineral fertilizers. An area with a low standing of groundwater is suitable for planting red currants - the powerful root system of the plant allows you to do this. This shrub easily tolerates drought, but long-term stagnation of spring water or moisture after summer rains, as well as the presence of cold winds, is undesirable for it. Therefore, you can plant red currants on any gentle slopes and on flat areas, with the exception of lowlands, and you also need to choose open sunny areas for it, protected from the northern winds. Planting red currants in the shade will deprive the gardener of most of the crop. Redcurrant is tolerant of different types of soil, but shows the highest productivity on slightly acidic or neutral soils, fertilized loamy and sandy loamy areas. If the acidity of the soil is increased (horsetail, mosses, sedge, sorrel grow on it), the area must be limed before planting. To do this, it is permissible to use fluff lime, dolomite flour or ground limestone. These minerals are introduced directly into the planting hole. Currant planting can be carried out in early spring before the start of sap flow or in autumn, from the second half of September to early October. If the seedling is purchased in a store, you must first place it in cold water for 2-3 hours, this will allow the roots to make an additional supply of moisture in the tissues and help the plant take root faster. You can add a solution of "Heteroauxin" or "Kornevin" to the water, in accordance with the instructions indicated on the package. The dimensions of the landing pit should be 50x50 cm, depth - 60 cm. food area. For each planting hole, you will need 2-3 buckets of humus, 200 g of superphosphate, 500 ml of wood ash. This nutrient mixture should be mixed with the ground, pour 2/3 parts into the planting hole and arrange in the form of a mound, on which the seedling should be carefully placed. Then the roots need to be covered with the remaining soil and compact the void. If the root neck is exposed, you need to add earth to the roots. From above, the plant must be thoroughly shed with water and mulched with dry peat. The branches of the seedling after planting should be cut to 1/3 of their length to help the plant take root. Before the onset of cold weather, planted plants should be covered with earth or mulched with a thick layer of humus or peat to protect them from freezing. With the onset of spring, the bushes will need to be unraveled. As the plant grows, it will be necessary to gradually change the old branches to new replacement shoots and thin out the bush, preventing its shading. Sick, damaged and weak branches should also be cut. To do this, it is advisable to use a sharp pruner, remove the branches “on the ring”, i.e. without leaving a hemp, and cover the sections with garden pitch to avoid the penetration of pathogens and pests into the wounds. Twice a season: after bud break and harvest, the plants need to be fed with a complete mineral or organic fertilizer - this will positively affect the quality and quantity of the berry crop.

Cut out diseased shoots and stems growing into the ground.

While the bush does not bear fruit, it is enough to water it, weed and spud. In the year of fruiting, it is already required to carry out top dressing in the form of mineral fertilizers (100 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium sulfate and 30 g of urea) and organic fertilizers in the form of chicken manure and manure. 1 kg of manure is insisted for three days in a bucket of water, this mixture is diluted with another bucket of water and poured under the root. All the same is done with chicken manure, only the water consumption is increased by 2 times.

shorten the roots, leaving 30 cm;

Planting blackcurrant video

Currant loves illuminated, open spaces, but partial shading will not harm her, although this will affect the crop in the future.

Many, having planted a blackcurrant bush, immediately forget about it, and remember only during the harvest. And, in vain. To get a good full-fledged harvest, you need to follow simple rules.

Roots should be protected from freezing. To do this, in the fall, the bush is spudded with earth, and the trunk circle is sprinkled with compost and peat. It is better to place currants not along the perimeter of the site, but in a separate specially designated place. It is convenient to plant in rows with a distance of 2 m in summer cottages and 3 m in industrial plantings. For cross-pollination, it is recommended to combine different mutually pollinated varieties on the site. This will increase the yield.​

The best time to plant currant bushes

Also, the varieties must be zoned, i.e. suitable for a particular climatic region of growth. Breeders who are engaged in breeding currant bushes have bred varieties that meet all the requirements of gardeners.​

In a permanent place, I will add. Doesn't like transplants.


Features of planting red currant

As practice shows, it is better to plant blackcurrant bushes in autumn - from the end of September to the beginning of October. Before the onset of cold weather, a plant planted in the ground will strengthen its root system and overwinter without problems. Many gardeners believe that blackcurrants can be planted in the spring, but May planting is less tolerated by this berry. If you are planning to plant it in the spring, it is recommended to find plots of land where almost no snow accumulates. The thing is that blackcurrant, like most plants, does not like cold weather, so freezing of the roots can prevent it from strengthening in the ground and fruiting.

Black and red currants are a real natural healer that copes with a number of ailments, such as sore throat, viral diseases, decreased immunity and much more. When to plant a miracle berry in order to get baskets of fresh currants in summer and enjoy jam from it in winter? Let's talk more about when to plant currants.

Sanitary pruning is done during flowering, those branches that are sick with terry.

When to plant blackcurrant?

In order not to lose the crop during spring frosts, during the flowering and budding period, the bushes must be well shed with water and covered. If you are not too lazy and do everything on time, the harvest is guaranteed.

Deepen the bush at a slope of 45o and bury;

Currant has a high frost resistance, but still it should be protected from late spring frosts, as the fruit buds that have started growing can freeze, which will affect the yield reduction.

The area allotted for planting currants is leveled, all depressions are filled up. Next, a spacious hole is dug - 40 cm deep and 60 cm in diameter. The bottom of the hole is covered with a bucket of humus and potash fertilizers are added at least 100 g in the form of charcoal.

Having planted currants in his garden, not a single gardener regretted it. Good luck growing this plant!​

Tell me where to plant red currant?

Irina Shabalina

Currant bushes are best planted in a permanent place in the middle of autumn - in the second half of October. For planting, you need to choose a sunny place, as all varieties of currants love the sun. But we should not forget that all varieties of currants love moisture. Therefore, it must be provided with sufficient water. But the soil should not be swampy, because currants easily get sick with fungal diseases. Therefore, the soil for currant bushes must be well drained.


Red currant can not be deepened. It's not too late to plant

Victoria Shesterneva

Red currant loves moisture very much and is very negative about droughts.
In order for the bushes of this wonderful berry to take root well and develop normally, it is necessary to take into account the nuances associated with currant seats. As a rule, they plant it in pits, the depth of which is 30-40 cm. Currant holes should be wide, since the bushes tend to grow, and they definitely need free space. If planting is planned in the fall, you need to fill the pits with a nutrient mixture a couple of weeks before the proposed planting of currants. Usually, such “top dressing” means a mixture of the fertile layer with organic fertilizers and mineral complexes.
Experienced gardeners believe that planting this berry is acceptable throughout the planting season, that is, from late April to mid-September. Like any plant, currants take root better when warm weather conditions come. In some cases, planting is allowed in mid-October, but we are talking about young bushes with clods of earth.
If a black spot is visible on the cut, these are pest larvae. Such a branch is urgently cut to a healthy part. All branches affected by larvae are burned.
Without fail, currants are watered during the formation of the ovary and the pouring of fruits, in order to avoid crushing them, especially if this coincided with a drought. After harvesting, watering continues. And in a dry autumn, before the onset of frost, winter watering is done, 3 buckets per bush.

Make recesses around the bush;

Briefly outline the rules that should be followed when planting blackcurrants:
For planting, two-year-old seedlings are taken, with roots 15-20 centimeters. Shoots should be at least 30-40 centimeters. You can also use one-year-old seedlings, but at the same time their root must be sufficiently developed.
Blackcurrant is one of the most famous and favorite berries of most people. Possessing excellent taste, it is also extremely useful for the body. The level of vitamin C in berries is one of the highest of all known foods containing this vitamin. These berries are used during colds, intestinal diseases, for general prevention of the body. In addition, jams, compotes, jellies and currant jams are the favorite dishes of so many people. Everyone knows about its beneficial properties, but not everyone knows when and how to plant it.

Blackcurrant leaves will help with:

  • scurvy;
  • anemia;
  • fatigue;
  • diathesis;
  • tuberculosis of the lymph glands;
  • scrofula;
  • kidney stones;

About the plant

Black currant is widespread in our country. This plant has about 150 species. A third of them grow in Europe, Asia and North America. Blackcurrant is also called alpine berry, mokhovka, brook, nugget. What are the benefits of blackcurrant leaves, most of the gardeners who cultivate this plant on their plots know.

Blackcurrant leaves help with metabolic disorders and reduced immunity. They have a good diuretic effect, helping with diseases of the urinary system. The leaves also have a laxative effect, beneficial in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Blackcurrant leaves tend to increase the effectiveness of antibiotics, so they are widely used in the fight against various infections.

Blackcurrant leaves have a cleansing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diaphoretic and tonic effect.


Blackcurrant leaves - 100%.

The leaves of this plant contain many vitamins and minerals. These include vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, P, PP, D, E, K. According to the content of ascorbic acid, black currant occupies one of the first places among plants. Blackcurrant leaves also contain rare trace elements such as potassium, iron, calcium, sodium, zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, boron, cobalt, molybdenum, fluorine.

How to prepare and use blackcurrant leaves

The medicinal properties of blackcurrant leaves are best revealed when cooked from them. infusion.

To prepare it, pour 5 tablespoons of dried leaves with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Then the infusion should be filtered.

In folk medicine, blackcurrant leaves have the widest application.

As a means of enriching the body with vitamins, it is necessary to drink an infusion of 1 cup 3 times a day.

With anemia and exhaustion drink it 1 glass 2 times a day.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system infusion take 1 cup 4 times a day.

When coughing you can drink the composition without restriction.

With diathesis it is useful to make lotions out of it.

The infusion can be used as a tea, adding sugar or honey to it.

Contraindications for the use of black currant leaves

Blackcurrant leaf has few contraindications. You can not use it for: individual intolerance; gastritis with high acidity; thrombophlebitis; increased blood clotting; pregnancy.

Where to buy blackcurrant leaves?

You can place an order on the website of our online store or by calling the phone number indicated in the "header" of the site, or in the contacts section. If you are in Moscow, you can come to one of our herbal pharmacies for a currant leaf or order a courier delivery.

For the regions of Russia, postal delivery is possible, and in many cities and courier, which is carried out by the SDEK service.

Useful properties of currant

, along with delicious taste, is incredibly beneficial for the body. It is currants that are called a storehouse of vitamins. The berries of this unique plant contain provitamin A, essential vitamins B and P, as well as pectin substances that are important for the body, healthy sugars, phosphoric acid, carotene and essential oil. Currant leaves contain a large amount of magnesium, phytoncides, manganese, silver, sulfur, lead and copper.

About 20 berries are enough to meet the average daily requirement of an adult organism for ascorbic acid. The use of currants avoids problems with the cardiovascular system and, moreover, prevents cancer. In addition, these berries have been proven to have an amazing ability to prevent diabetes and maintain visual acuity for many years.

The leaves and berries of this plant are used to effectively treat diseases of the liver, kidney stones and respiratory tract. With atherosclerosis, the use of berries is simply an indispensable remedy. It should also be noted that currants perfectly increase a person’s immunity and his resistance to colds.

Currant leaves. The leaves of the currant bush have a tonic and antiseptic properties due to the content of tannins and biologically active substances, vitamins and essential oils. The leaves of this shrub contain more vitamin C than its berries, so they are used for gout, gastritis, and also for cardiovascular ailments. Traditional medicine strongly recommends the use of decoctions for eye diseases and various diseases.

Currant berries are a combination of vitamins and various trace elements that give them unique healing properties. The acidity of currant fruits of various varieties can vary significantly. Berries contain malic, citric and oxalic acids. In addition, the fruits contain a large amount of fiber indispensable for the body. When the berries ripen, the level of sugar content rises, and the content of pectin substances decreases markedly. The presence of carotenoids in berries is very small, but they are rich in vitamin E.

Currant buds. This shrub is characterized by a uniform arrangement of buds. The currant bush has 3 types of buds - vegetative, dormant and flowering. Dormant specimens form at the base of the branches and germinate when the branches are damaged. Growth buds are laid in summer. Often there are mixed kidneys. They can develop as the beginnings of generative and vegetative organs.

The use of currants

Such a useful plant as currant has been widely used in folk medicine since ancient times. With an increase in body temperature, it is recommended to use fruit drinks, compotes and jelly from berries. Moreover, these drinks help to restore strength after a long or difficult illness. With effective juice from currants in combination with honey. Decoctions and infusions made from currant leaves have an incredibly wide spectrum of action. They are often used for treatment, as well as for diseases of the kidneys and such a vulnerable bladder. When assigned juice from red currant.

Currant juice. Excellent currant juice has unique healing properties. It has a tonic effect on the human body. Along with this, currant juice has hemostatic characteristics. The irreplaceable vitamin P, found in freshly squeezed juice, helps maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, and is also able to lower blood pressure, having a mild antispasmodic and anti-edematous effect.

With peptic ulcer and gastritis, this drink is very useful. It is also prescribed for serious diseases of the urinary tract. Thanks to vitamin C, currant juice facilitates the course of respiratory diseases, relieves, improving overall well-being.

Currant oil. Currant oil is obtained from the seeds of the fruit by known cold pressing. The resulting product resembles a viscous oily liquid that has a bright yellow color. The oil is rich in various fatty acids, including gamma-linolenic acid, which determines its high value in the field of pharmaceuticals and cosmetology. In addition, this product contains vitamin C, antioxidants and flavonoids.

Such nutrients endow currant oil with rejuvenating, regenerating, antitumor and anticancer properties. It should also be noted that currant oil helps to neutralize the action of free radicals. The antiviral effect of this agent is recommended for the effective prevention of serious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Currant recipes

It is no secret that currants have an incredible healing effect on gastritis, stomach ulcers, atherosclerosis, anemia, kidney disease, and also in cases of metabolic disorders.

Phytoncides contained in this beautiful shrub are surprisingly active against microscopic fungi, Staphylococcus aureus, pathogens of diphtheria and dysentery. An unsurpassed water infusion is able to increase the antimicrobial activity of penicillin, biomycin, tetracycline, and other well-known antibiotics by 10 times.

Delicious currant juice effectively destroys viruses such as A and B. It should be noted that preparations from the leaves, fruits and buds of the bush have a diaphoretic, diuretic, as well as antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects.

Currant decoction. Such a very effective remedy helps with bleeding gums, hypertension and other ailments. Baths from a decoction of the leaves of the plant are prescribed for all kinds of skin diseases. To prepare such an effective remedy, you need to take 2 tablespoons of berries per 200 grams of water and cook for 15 minutes over low heat in an ordinary enamel bowl, stirring thoroughly. This decoction will help people who have recently had the flu or acute respiratory infections. Take the remedy 2 tablespoons before meals 4 times a day. Such a course of treatment with currant broth is 3 weeks.

Currant infusion. This tool is designed to free the body from excess amounts of purine and uric acids. In addition, it can be used as a mild laxative. To prepare the infusion, take 50 grams of currant leaves, 50 grams of viburnum leaves and fill them with 1 liter of water. This tincture can also make lotions with. With tuberculosis of the lymphatic system, the following infusion can be made: 3 tablespoons of a mixture of crushed leaves must be poured into 500 mils of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours, then gently strained. A remedy is prescribed for 100 grams 4 times a day for 1 month. With anuria and kidney stones, you will need to pour 20 berries with two full glasses of boiling water, then insist in a thermos for at least 6-8 hours. it is recommended to take the remedy 1 tablespoon 6 times a day at regular intervals.

Currant tincture. For high-quality tincture, it is necessary to collect leaves and unblown buds of the presented shrub in dry weather in mid-spring. They should be thoroughly washed in a colander and then dried on a towel. Prepared raw materials must be tightly packed in a glass container and pour vodka. It will take one day to insist. After straining, the tincture is incredibly fragrant.

Currant varieties

Currant varieties are so diverse that they are subject to division according to biological characteristics and morphological characteristics that are directly related to the origin. Initially, species diversity can be divided into two significant groups - wild grouse and black currant. Depending on the origin itself, four main subgroups are represented: Siberian, European, hybrid and individual descendants of the wild grouse currant. Each species has rather pronounced signs of the original group, despite the ways of origin.

Red currants. Red currant is an excellent tool for quickly lowering blood pressure. The high content of coumarins prevents increased blood clotting, preventing heart attacks. It is this shrub that includes a substantial amount of pectin substances, due to which harmful substances are removed from the human body. Red currant berries can be called a natural anti-radiation agent.

Fruit drinks from these fruits perfectly quench thirst, are able to suppress the gag reflex, and also have amazing antiseptic properties. For expectant mothers with toxicosis, such a drink will help to significantly improve the condition. In diabetes mellitus, currant is used as a very effective remedy for a noticeable improvement in metabolism. Also, do not forget that the juice of berries increases efficiency, improves appetite and enhances the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Currant black. Extraordinarily useful blackcurrant fruits are the most valuable natural sources of substances necessary for the body. The use of such a useful product has a vasodilating and antispasmodic effect, strengthens capillaries, and also boasts an anti-inflammatory and anti-sclerotic effect. Blackcurrant is often prescribed for migraines and pains of vascular origin. It contributes to the appearance of vivacity in the body, and also perfectly fights with overwork.

Since ancient times, in folk medicine, this shrub has been used to restore metabolism and normal bowel function. In addition, it has been proven that such currants reduce the risk of cancer. Fresh juice without sugar is surprisingly useful in inflammatory processes of the stomach, in colic, in diabetes and liver diseases. When you can gargle with diluted blackcurrant juice.

Contraindications to the use of currants

Due to the high content of unique phenolic compounds and vitamin K, the use of currants is contraindicated in thrombophlebitis. Also, do not take it with increased acidity of the stomach. In some children, currant juice can cause allergic reactions.

Expert editor: Kuzmina Vera Valerievna| Dietitian, endocrinologist

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

Currant with black berries is a shrub that grows and bears fruit for 13-15 years on the same piece of land. The variety belongs to the Gooseberry family. The maximum height of the bush is 1.5 meters. The leaves are alternate, there are much fewer of them on top of the bush than on the bottom. The leaves have a fragrant specific smell, their width ranges from 5 to 12 centimeters.

Currant flowers are small - up to 1 centimeter long, lilac or pinkish-gray. The fruit is a round black berry, its diameter reaches 7-10 millimeters. The variety blooms from May to June, and fruit ripening occurs from July to August.

Blackcurrant varieties have taken root and bear fruit in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Siberia and partly in Asia. Wild shrubs grow most often near the banks of rivers, in forests with moist soil, on the outskirts of forest plantations and swamps, in meadows. Currants with black berries are cultivated in gardens and kitchen gardens by gardeners and simply lovers of odorous fruits.

How to plant blackcurrant and care for it?

Blackcurrant bushes should be planted in the aisles in the gardens, but so that a sufficient amount of sunlight falls on them. If the bush is planted in the shade, the fruits will be tart and there will be very few of them. If you plant a variety in a place lit by the sun, then the harvest will be good, and the currant berry will be large, juicy and sweet. It is advisable to choose a fertile soil, preferably slightly alkaline.

In order to get the desired crop, the soil must be prepared. The earth is dug up and fertilized. During planting, it is necessary to leave a distance between them (up to 1-1.5 meters). The pit for planting shrubs should be 40 centimeters deep and 50 centimeters in diameter.

After the hole of the required size is dug, pour half a bucket of water into it and plant a seedling. After planting the seedling, the ground is again watered with water (half a bucket). It is advisable to cover the soil with peat, humus or manure. Every day you need to water the bush with a small amount of water so that the earth is semi-moist.

Black currants are planted in autumn, namely, in early October. The shrub tries to take root and get used to the soil until spring and begins to grow in spring.

Features of caring for the plant are primarily in the periodic pruning of the shrub. 2-4 healthy currant buds are left (cutting height is 10-15 centimeters). A year after planting, only 3-4 most developed zero-order shoots are left, which will later become the skeletal branches of the bush. After another 2 years (on the 3rd year), almost all branches are cut off, leaving only the 5 most healthy and strong.

For the 4-5th year, the plant has from 15 to 20 branches, they should be cut (rejuvenated) a little every year so that the fruits are juicy and large, and the harvest pleases gardeners.

Types of blackcurrant

There are about 150 species of plants with black berries that grow on almost all continents with a cold and temperate climate. In European countries, almost all types of edible black currants grow.

In the northern regions, currants Boskop Giant, Kent Goliath and Neapolitan are grown. Each of these varieties survives the winter well (winter-hardy) and produce many fruits.

Belarusian sweet currant is a plant with large berries, which are distinguished by their excellent taste and aroma. The gross variety bears fruit late, but gardeners' reviews of the plant are the most pleasant: large fruits weighing up to 5 grams, an impressive yield, resistance to fungi. Gross currant is added to desserts - it adds spice to taste and rich color to any sweet dish.

Other varieties of black currant are also popular: Kent, Davison's Eighth, Moscow, Oryol Serenade, Premiere, In Memory of Potapenko, Treasure, Primorsky Champion, Vologda, Globus, Dove, Charodeyka, Dobrynya.

The benefits of currants with black fruits

Currant contains:

  • fruits contain a large amount of vitamins (, C,);
  • , carotenoids, and phosphoric acids, tannins, and;
  • the leaves contain silver, lead, phytoncides, and essential oil.

Thanks to vitamin complexes and trace elements, the plant has special properties. Useful properties of currants with black fruits: eating fruits fresh, as well as in the form of juice or decoction will help to survive the period of beriberi, increases appetite, improves metabolism. Berries treat diseases of the stomach and intestines, increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Currant has a diuretic, vasodilating, blood-purifying, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, tonic effect on the human body. The plant is recommended for atherosclerosis, anemia, radiation damage, inflammation of the lymph nodes. Also, with the help of blackcurrant decoctions, you can increase immunity, improve health, remove toxins and toxins from the body. With frequent disorders of the digestive system, a decoction of dried berries is used to treat.

Decoctions soothe a person with nervous breakdowns, depression, headaches, insomnia. Skin diseases have also been treated with blackcurrant tinctures at all times. They helped with dermatitis, allergies, rashes, eczema and lichen.

The priceless properties of the shrub were valued by our ancestors for a reason, because plants cured the most complex ailments and ailments. Nowadays, traditional medicine uses currants to treat various diseases and successfully cope with them in a short period of time. The fruits have found their application not only in medicine, but also in cooking and cosmetology.

Harm to the plant and its fruits

Despite its low (63 kilocalories per 100 grams) and positive qualities, the plant also has negative properties and contraindications. It is not recommended to eat a lot of berries for people who are prone to fullness, since the fruits contain a large amount of sugar.

Currant is contraindicated in diseases of the stomach and intestines (ulcers), chronic gastritis, increased acidity in the stomach, thrombophlebitis. Juice and berries have a positive effect on the liver, but with hepatitis, the use of blackcurrant is prohibited.

Scientists have proven that if you eat currants daily in unlimited quantities, there is a chance that the blood will begin to clot faster, and this can lead to negative consequences.

The plant can harm a person if he has an individual intolerance to berries, as a result of which the following symptoms will appear: a rash and an allergic reaction. In this case, you should consult a doctor to prescribe anti-allergy drugs, but only after a detailed examination and the results of the tests.

Healing tea from currant leaves

Black currant leaves are used to make aromatic medicinal tea. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and in order to prevent such diseases, you should drink a cup of tea several times a week.

Currant tea treats a sore throat (flu, sore throat), relieves hoarseness. It is also recommended to rinse the mouth with tea for inflammation of the gums, pain in the teeth. Currant sweet tea will help reduce body temperature in infectious and viral diseases.

The preparation of the drink is very simple. 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves are poured into 500 milliliters of hot. After that, the tea should be infused for 10-15 minutes. Together with the leaves, branches and fruits of the plant can be brewed.

In the drink, if desired, is added, or. Together with such useful plants, natural tea will be not only fragrant, but also useful.

The best blackcurrant recipes

Many people are interested in whether blackcurrants can be frozen and whether they will lose their beneficial qualities. Frozen berries only benefit the human body. For example, in winter, you can defrost fruits and add them to pastries or cook compotes, jelly, make tinctures from them. Therefore, frozen currants will come in handy in any case if they stand in a closed jar in the refrigerator until winter.

Blackcurrant pie is a wonderful dessert that can be prepared for any occasion and benefit from such a delicious dish. Ingredients: 5 medium, 200 grams, 400 grams, 400 grams of fresh or frozen currants.

You should preheat the oven to 180 degrees and prepare a baking dish (it needs to be greased and the bottom covered with parchment). The eggs are beaten, sugar is added to them and the egg-sugar mixture is thoroughly beaten until a thick foam (about 5 minutes). Then flour is added little by little and kneaded into a thin dough.

To make sure the dough has risen, you can add 1 teaspoon of baking powder. At the very end, currants are poured into the dough and everything is mixed. The resulting mass is poured into a mold and sent to the oven. In the first 20 minutes of baking, do not open the oven doors so that the dough does not fall. Then the readiness of the pie is checked with a toothpick (if the dough remains on it, then the dessert is not ready yet). The finished cake should cool down a little, this will allow it to be “painlessly” pulled out of the mold so that it calmly separates from the walls and remains intact.

Many housewives traditionally make blackcurrant jam for the winter. It has an incredible taste and can be added to pies, buns, and teas. For cooking you need: 2 kg of sugar, 2 kg of berries, half a glass of water. We sort out the fruits, wash and dry. Pour water into a saucepan and pour a glass of sugar, bring to a boil. Then pour a glass of currants and cook for 5 minutes. In this case, you should constantly mix sugar with berries. After 5 minutes, you need to pour out a glass of sugar and fruits again and add a glass of ingredients every 5 minutes until they run out.

When the jam is still hot, it is poured into previously sterilized jars and rolled up with lids. Banks are placed upside down until the currant jam is completely cooled.

Blackcurrant wine

Homemade blackcurrant is very healthy, which is why many gardeners grow the plant just to enjoy wine later. For cooking you will need: filtered water (3 parts), currants (2 parts) and sugar (1 part). It is necessary to mix the crushed fruits with half the sugar and place in a glass bottle. It should fill up to 2/3 of its volume. It is necessary to cover the container with gauze and put in a warm place. The contents of the container should be stirred every day to speed up the fermentation process. After 5 days, you need to taste the wort - it should have a sweet taste. If necessary, you can add a glass of sugar.

The bottle is closed (a water seal is installed) and tested once a week for 25 days. Then the contents of the container are decanted and placed in a cool place. The next 3-4 weeks, sugar is added to taste and the foam is removed. An alcoholic drink will be ready in 2-3 months. Wine should be stored in glass bottles in the cellar.
