What kind of floor tiles are there? What types of tiles are there? Ceramic tiles: characteristics, types. Paving slabs: types and sizes. Types of facing tiles. Vinyl and quartz vinyl tiles

When choosing facing materials for renovation of residential or office space, we spend more time on color floor tiles, its size and how well it will harmonize with the rest of the interior details. In the case of using ceramic materials for construction and repair work, it is also necessary to choose the right tile in terms of strength, resistance to mechanical damage and weather changes.

Has a certain level of moisture absorption. Not all types of floor tiles can be used outdoors. During heavy rain, and then frosts on the soil, tiles that are not intended for the street may burst or take on an unpresentable appearance. If the task is to tile an external exit or threshold on the street, then it is better to take ceramic tiles with the most high level water absorption. Then the ceramic tiles will last a long time, and they will not be afraid of frosts and temperature changes. Frost-resistant tiles are marked with a snowflake on the packaging. But do not forget that when ordering tiles from Italy or other countries with warmer climates, manufacturers do not always expect the frost that we know firsthand.

Tiles with a low level of water absorption are not recommended for use in shower rooms, saunas, or hallways. Although there is no sharp drop in temperature in these rooms, the excess permissible level moisture can have a negative impact on appearance facing material.

In addition, if you already pay attention to the degree of possible interaction with water, then you should not forget about the level of strength. For example, often many people do not pay attention to the special designation on boxes of tiles in the form of letters and Roman numerals. They indicate the number of times a product can be sanded before it becomes unusable. Accordingly, the higher the number, the stronger the ceramics. However, if we are talking about home repairs, and not about walk-through office building, then it is not necessary to purchase material with a high strength code. For offices or shops, tiles that have an icon in the form of a leg or foot on the box are perfect. Under no circumstances should you use floor tiles intended for walls. Such a product will quickly become unusable and can be dangerous, as it does not have any special “anti-slip” coatings.

If the tiles are laid on the kitchen floor, then, among other things, you should pay attention to the degree of chemical resistance of the product. This is especially important when purchasing floor tiles for establishments Catering with a large flow of people. In the kitchen, it is vital to regularly destroy germs and disinfect surfaces, including the floor surface. To do this, housewives use various household chemicals, and sometimes even mix them to better effect. This can not only have a detrimental effect on the appearance of the ceramic tiles, but also lead to its physical destruction. To prevent this, you need to select facing material with a high level of resistance to chemicals. This can be determined on the box, where the Latin letter will be indicated. The closer to the beginning of the alphabet, the stronger the tile will be. For public places In general, floor tiles with the designation AA are recommended; such a floor will not be affected by any household chemicals.

When choosing floor tiles, you need to keep safety in mind. It is not recommended to use smooth ceramic tiles in children's rooms, kitchens or showers. In contact with water or simply when high humidity the tiles become as smooth as glass, which can be life-threatening. In such cases, it is better to purchase tiles with patterns or a matte surface. This material will reduce the level of danger and give the room additional charm.

One of the most popular floor coverings is ceramic tiles, which have a very long service life, up to 40–50 years, while the tiles do not lose their performance characteristics, both in terms of pattern preservation and strength. Ceramic floor tiles come in the following types:
- glazed;
- unglazed;
- porcelain stoneware.

Glazed tiles

Glazed floor tiles consist of a glossy, glassy coating that gives them extra density and hardness. On this coating a pattern is applied that provides increased moisture resistance when using the tiles in wet rooms. The only drawback of such tiles is that they are simply slippery.

This coating is well suited for both the kitchen and the corridor or hallway. The tile holds up well detergents, household chemicals and is easily washed off from contamination.

Unglazed tiles

Unglazed floor tiles differ from glazed ones in that they do not have a pattern, but come in a variety of colors. This coating has a wide range of applications and can be used in any area of ​​your home. The only drawback would be the scarcity decorative solutions, however, designers often use it in mosaics and combined floors.

Like glazed, unglazed tiles can be glossy or matte. As a rule, glossy is used in public spaces as an interior. It is beautiful, but walking on it without using a special anti-slip coating is not recommended, so designers often use it to frame and decorate the main surface of matte tiles.

Porcelain tiles

Exists the new kind floor tiles - porcelain stoneware. This tile is obtained by mixing basalt and spar chips. IN finished form The tiles are very similar to granite, they can be used in the bathroom or toilet, as they are not very slippery even when exposed to moisture.

Porcelain stoneware is excellent as a coating when installing heated floors; it retains heat and is quite resistant to different temperatures. In addition, the tiles have an anti-vandal coating, so they are not afraid of either women's heels or children's cars.

Regardless of the type of tile you choose, pay attention to its manufacturer and its quality. U good coverage, which will serve you for many years, must have a quality certificate, the best of which is a certificate of compliance with UNI EN standards, developed by the European Commission for Standardization (CEN) in Italy.

Types of floor tiles differ in material, size, and artistic techniques. Decorating with tiles is relevant for any room, from the living room to the bathroom. Selected with skill, the material will create an exceptional design for your home.

Types of floor tiles

Cotto or Tuscan tiles

The material of reddish shades is obtained by extrusion. A variety of cottoforte with enamel is suitable for flooring.


Light plates with a pattern, covered with glaze, are obtained from rare breeds clay mixed with flux and sand by firing twice. The surface of the plate is painted and covered with enamel.

Monocottura, Bicottura

Monocottura is fired once. Non-absorbent, dense material made from a clay mixture. Bicottura is processed twice in a high temperature oven. Monocottura is characterized by greater thickness and strength.

Clinker tiles

Resistant to aggressive environments. It is prepared from clay with the addition of flux and fireclay, followed by firing. Used in showers and baths.

Gres (a type of porcelain stoneware)

It is obtained by pressing special clay (kaolin) with the addition of mica and quartz crystals. The material is resistant to damage. Differs in decorative properties.

Porcelain tiles

Durable material, made by pressing from a mixture of quartz crystals and kaolin clay. Characterized by high density and strength.

Types of ceramic floor tiles good quality differ natural clay base. There are also series of hand-painted tiles - this is an expensive and exclusive type of floor tile. These types of tiles are used for exclusive interior design.

Methods for making floor tiles - how are they made?

The ceramic material is a sand-clay structure interspersed with mineral crystals. Types of floor tiles are made in two ways.

  1. Extrusion (extrusion). The soft mixture enters through a special hole, which forms the final shape of the product (tile). The workpiece is subjected to heat treatment.
  2. Pressing. It is performed on special machines equipped with a press and a forming matrix into which the plastic mixture is placed. After molding, the blanks are fired.

The marking symbols on the packaging will help you figure out which floor tiles are best to choose. There are several standardized markings (but not all manufacturers mark their floor tiles according to the standards):

  1. Wear resistance

Divided into 5 categories in ascending order (PEI I to PEI V). For the floor, choose tiles of PEI III and higher (if you choose a lower class, there is a possibility that the tile will either crack under the pressure of furniture or a person, or be scratched).

  1. Water absorption factor

For the floor, products with an indicator of no more than 3% are selected (if higher, then wet spots are likely to appear on the tiles).

  1. Slip

A coefficient from 0 to 0.75 characterizes friction upon contact. 0.75 – the most safe option(recommended for use in the bathroom).

The choice of which floor tiles are best depends on the quality of the product. External side Each plate should not have chips, cracks, or swelling when purchased - carefully inspect the integrity of the packaging, and, if possible, each tile.

Which floor tiles are best to choose?

The product marking explains which floor tiles are best for the kitchen. The best choice– plates of wear resistance class 3.

Class 1 products are suitable for a bathroom - but it is better to consult with a specialist who will be involved in installation, or with a specialist in a store.

Floor tiles in the form of parquet

The parquet style makes the room “elegant”. Modern laminate floor tiles are visually indistinguishable from wood. An original waterproof coating will decorate your kitchen or bathroom.

Small rooms are not decorated in black or dark color. The effect of expanding space depends on the size of the floor tiles laid in the room. Large elements are suitable for a small bathroom. The floor covering is chosen darker than the walls. The shade should contrast with color scheme vertical building surfaces.

Types of floor tiles

Anticipating the upcoming renovation, many people wonder which floor tiles are best to choose. Depending on the type of raw material for production, several types of coating are distinguished:

Polyvinyl chloride

It is characterized by low cost and manufacturability. The floor lasts approximately 12-15 years (after which it may begin to fade and deteriorate upper layer– depends on operating conditions).

Metal and polymer

The polymer layer prevents the oxidation process. The material is often used in the “warm floor” complex (due to its good thermal conductivity).


The plates are made from natural or artificial stone. Service life exceeds a quarter of a century.

Vinyl, quartz vinyl

The surface is characterized by a fairly resistant surface. Well protected from acid-base influences (due to the protective layer that is applied to the decorative one).


Cork is distinguished by its original aesthetic effect and natural origin. Durable plates are obtained from bark exotic wood(or in most cases - from a balsa wood substitute).

What sizes are floor tiles?

When buying tiles, people choose them solely based on external characteristics. Of course, it is important that the tiles have an aesthetic appearance, but it is still worth paying attention to other characteristics of the building material. For example, the installation process will be easier if the tile parameters for the floor are selected correctly. And if the parameters were not taken into account when purchasing building materials, then as a result the design concept will be violated.

Tile composition

In most cases, the material from which the coating is made is durable. If the dimensions are incorrectly selected, cutting will be the way out of this situation. This process is quite noisy and inconvenient. In addition, as a result of cutting, chips may appear on the surface of the material, which do not look aesthetically pleasing.

Therefore, a logical solution that will allow you to avoid such situations is that the choice of material for flooring should be made based on the following parameters:

  • firstly, it will make the installation process much easier;
  • the second reason is that uncut tiles will not spoil the interior of the room.

What sizes are there?

There are two types of flooring – tiles and porcelain stoneware. The last option is a fairly durable tile, the manufacturing process of which consists of pressing under maximum pressure and baking at high temperature. This manufacturing technology allows it to ultimately withstand significant loads.

Due to the fact that the floor is subjected to significant loads, the coating must be durable.

There are the following standard specifications coatings:

  1. Square shape (200x200, 300x300, 330x330, 350x350, 400x400, 450x450 mm);
  2. Pentahedron shape (100x200, 150x300, 200x300, 300x400 mm);
  3. Polyhedron shape (5-sided, 6-sided, 8-sided)

In addition to these parameters, there are other options: smaller and larger.

Ceramic tile sizes

The parameters of floor tiles vary. Covering tiles made of ceramic material 40x40 are considered standard. The installation process using this type of coating is quick and simple. Another option that is popular is 600x600. This building material is most often used for large premises (for example, as flooring in the mall)

There are other options for floor tiles. One of the smallest parameters is considered to be a 5-centimeter building material. This option has a square shape.Nlarge size floor tileshas parameters 120*360 cm.

IN construction stores Most often you can find the following parameters of floor tiles in centimeters:

  • 25x125;
  • 25x25;
  • 30x30;
  • 40x40;
  • 30x45;
  • 25x50;
  • 30x60;
  • 40x60;
  • 45x90.

When laying, the size of such building material can be changed using waterjet cutting, but it is better to initially select correct parameters and as a result get the desired interior.

Dimensions of porcelain stoneware tiles

The options for porcelain tiles are so varied that there is a suitable option for every situation. The most common are square options, with sides equal to 30, 33, 50 or 60 cm.

There are also other possible types: 150*600, 300*300, 600*600, 450*450 mm. These options are the most common for coating.

Due to the fact that porcelain stoneware - durable material, manufacturers provide customers with such options as 600*1200 or 1000*2000 mm. Such coating parameters require precise calculations, but the end result is an amazing result. Due to the fact that there are significantly fewer seams on the floor, it looks more sophisticated and aesthetically pleasing.

This variety of parameters for building materials made from this material is explained by the method of its production. Initially, porcelain stoneware coating is produced as large floor tiles, and only then the necessary parameters are formed.

This fact is proof that manufacturers approach each client individually, since they can satisfy the needs of any variety.

Floor tile thickness

The thickness of porcelain stoneware varies from 3 to 30 mm. Building material with minimum thickness Quite rarely found on sale. The most common option is a thickness of 5 mm.

Based on the standards, if the floor covering will receive a minimum load in the form of insignificant weight, then its thickness should be at least 8 mm.

There is an opinion that the thickness and strength of products are directly proportional. This is an erroneous statement. A large coating thickness does not indicate strength. If you do correct installation 3 mm tiles, then the strength will be the same as one that is ten times thicker. Thus, if necessary, you can do without a thick coating.

Please note that the cost of tiles increases with its thickness. This is explained by the fact that the cost of manufacturing one square meter is significant due to the significant costs of raw materials and their firing. Plus, transportation becomes more expensive as a result.

Marking and strength of tiles

The following should also be taken into account important parameter Like tile abrasion, it is divided into six groups according to this indicator:

  1. PEI 0 Only used when laying on walls;
  2. PEI I Laying walls and floors with min load;
  3. PEI II Mounted in rooms with low traffic;
  4. PEI III Most the best option for the private sector;
  5. PEI IV Placed in office rooms, it is also widely used in private homes;
  6. PEI V is a special group with extremely high abrasion rates, applicable in industrial facilities.

Tile marking

Standard sizes

With a variety of floor covering parameters, there are standard parameters. Tile is considered an option square shape with a side of 300 mm. The following parameters in millimeters are considered standard:

  • Square: 48x48, 100x100, 150x150, 200x200, 250x250;
  • Rectangular: 100x1200, 150x300, 200x300;
  • Pentagonal: 86.5x150, 98x170, 115x200;
  • Hexagon: 150x173, 200x230;
  • Triangular: 58x83, 83x118, 98x139.

Most often, buyers purchase standard tiles for installation, since this shape and parameter is suitable for most interior options.

Unpopular tile formats

They also produce products with non-standard parameters, which are considered not very popular among consumers. But still, there is a buyer for such flooring formats.

Unpopular tile formats include flooring in the 10x10 format. This size makes it look like a mosaic and is rarely used for ordinary rooms. Most often, this coating is used as cladding in saunas.

Popular sizes

Among the popular flooring options are tiles in the 200x200 mm format. This is explained by the fact that this format is convenient to use for floors whose width and length are a multiple of the pair number 2 or 4.

In addition, tiles in the 500x500 mm format are popular. This format is convenient from the point of view installation work, since a significantly smaller number of copies are needed to cover it, compared to tiles in the 50x50 mm or 200x200 mm format.

For kitchen

The main factor that influences the choice of kitchen floor tile size is the area of ​​the room. If you choose the right flooring options, you can visually reduce or increase the space.

Most often in apartments the kitchen is not of significant size, for this reason the best option There will be tiles in the format 200x200 mm or 350x350 mm. Such formats are unproblematic in terms of installation, and they visually increase the small kitchen area.

For bathroom

For large rooms it is better to choose products with small parameters, and for rooms with small area- large tiles. This will visually make the room larger.

The most common mistake when choosing the size of bathroom floor tiles is to size them too large. As a rule, in such cases it has to be divided into several parts, which as a result makes the bath unaesthetic.

For the bathroom, square and rectangular tiles are considered the best tile format. Their parameters can be the following: 15x25 cm, 20x25 cm, 33x45 cm, as well as 20x20 cm, 30x30 cm, 40x40 cm and 50x50 cm.

Tiles are suitable for the bathroom small size, for example, mosaic. This option will make the interior of the room original.

For the corridor

For the corridor ideal option there will be coverage rectangular shape. This product will visually lengthen the room. The size of the tile is affected by the footage of the room. For small corridor select small parameters. It is best to take porcelain stoneware as the main material from which the corridor covering should be made. It is ideal for corridors where significant load falls on the floor.

In order to do original hallway, you can use tiles of different parameters as a floor covering.

Correct layout of tiles of any size

There are many options for laying out tiles. It all depends on your imagination. There are the most popular options for styling patterns:

  • Chess order. Tiles of two contrasting colors are used;
  • Linear order. It is considered a universal option because it is suitable for any room;
  • Ornament. Here it is important to make a large central part, this will make the floor prettier;
  • Kaleidoscope. In this version, as many colors as your imagination requires are used.

Why is it important to choose the right tile size?

Correctly selected coating size results in many advantages:

  • Aesthetically, the room looks better compared to a floor made of cut tiles;
  • Saving. There are no leftovers after properly selected tiles;
  • Installation work is easier and more comfortable.
