How to poison bed bugs at home. How can you poison bedbugs at home? Reasons for the appearance of insects at home

Few people know how to kill bedbugs in an apartment will be effective and safe, because bed bugs tenacious and resistant to stressful situations. Usually, having searched the Internet for advice on how to kill bedbugs at home, the apartment owner is determined to do away with them forever in one evening, but more often than not, such a struggle drags on for many months.

We have prepared especially for you detailed instructions How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment yourself. Multiply your zeal with our professional experience, and may the force be with you!

Destruction of bedbugs: barrier protection or collective treatment

Many who already have experience fighting bloodsuckers know that a few days after chemical treatment they often reappear. There are several reasons for this.

The first thing you need to do is make sure that neighboring apartments are not infested with bedbugs. These insects easily travel from neighbor to neighbor, while remaining unnoticed.

In one recent study, which was conducted in a large apartment building, it turned out that of all the apartments where bedbugs were found, only in half of them the owners knew about the infestation.

The fact is that many people do not feel their bites, which is why the bugs manage to multiply and spread to their neighbors. Therefore, the following rule applies here: if one apartment is contaminated, then all adjacent sections (left, right, top and bottom) are considered contaminated until a thorough inspection is carried out in them.

Just asking your neighbors if anyone is biting them is not enough - try to convince them to take action. After all, bedbugs in the entrance are like chickenpox in kindergarten- if they are not present in one apartment now, then after your treatment they can easily appear - kindly explain this to those who do not understand. By carrying out pest control together (even for preventive purposes), you will not leave the bloodsuckers any escape route.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to come to an agreement with neighbors. In this case, when processing, pay Special attention those areas through which bedbugs can get to you from other apartments (read more about this below). Check whether the cracks in the walls, floor and ceiling where communications pass are hermetically sealed and seal them ventilation holes fine mesh.

What means to kill bedbugs

If you don’t want to waste time, nerves and a lot of money, you have to look at things realistically - don’t look for a miraculous remedy that will easily and without hassle get rid of bedbugs, there is no such remedy.

I’ll briefly tell you what and how you can destroy bedbugs at home yourself. First of all, don't try to do this. folk remedies- in the best case, you will cause them slight confusion with pungent odors, nothing more.

Secondly, do not give preference to aerosols or sprays - they are ineffective against bedbugs. These pests are real guerrillas; they can hide in inaccessible places and sit out for several days, and short-term chemical exposure only makes them more resistant. In addition, more and more new larvae will hatch from the eggs, and treatments will have to be repeated again and again, this is costly and impractical.

It is best to use contact-type insecticides that remain effective for 5-6 weeks after application. Professional means, which are used by bedbug extermination services, are not commercially available, but there are similar retail pesticides available to the public.

Among them are drugs from the following groups:

  1. FOS: Averfos, Agran, Dobrokhim FOS, Dobrokhim Micro, Force-Site
  2. Pyrethroids: Biorin, Favorite
  3. Neonicotinoids: Confidant

(The above products are registered in Russia and approved for use by Rospotrebnadzor)

Besides the bedroom, bedbugs can live in any room where people sleep. Living room with soft sofas and armchairs - the next most popular room among bloodsuckers. A typical infestation begins in one room and then gradually spreads to wherever there are sleeping areas. The sooner you find them and take action, the easier it will be to get rid of them. If you wait too long, bedbugs will infest the entire house.

  • Don't rush to throw away furniture. In most cases, there is no need to throw away beds, sofas and bedding. It’s too expensive to change all this, and besides, the bugs remaining in the apartment will quickly populate new furniture. Rather than incur such expenses, it is cheaper to order professional disinfection.
  • Protect your sleeping space. It is fundamentally important not to change your place of rest at night to reduce the risk of bedbugs spreading throughout the house. After all, if you move to sleep in another room, the bedbugs will follow you, and as a result, the fight will become much more difficult. To make your bed a safety zone, follow these steps:

  • Treat the rest of the house. This is the most labor-intensive stage of the work. If you managed to find bedbugs in the first week of their appearance, then disinsection of the bed may be enough, but most likely they have already spread throughout the room. So don’t rely on luck and proceed further according to the instructions:
  • How to destroy bedbug eggs and larvae

    Newly emerged larvae are also very small (1-1.5mm) and colorless, so they are not easy to notice. After each bite, the larvae grow and become increasingly darker in color.

    Bedbugs are prone to migration and settlement already in the adult stage, therefore, to destroy eggs and larvae, it is enough. Although it's quite difficult task, but following these instructions, you will be able to find all the nests with a 95% probability.

    How to monitor the situation after treatment

    Pay attention to whether new bites appear on your body (if, of course, they appear on you). Every 3-4 days, conduct a thorough inspection of the room and furniture according to the scheme described above. Observe whether new insects appear in the traps (which are under the legs of the bed), and periodically clean these traps. Continue monitoring for 2-3 months.

    If after this period you do not find any signs of the presence of bedbugs, then your diligent efforts will be generously rewarded. You can celebrate your victory!

    But if after 3 weeks after treatment the bedbugs have not disappeared, do not despair - this happens not only to you. Gather your strength and carry out the entire procedure again, you may need to do this a third time. Be persistent and remember to alternate insecticides from different groups.

    Details No Insects April 19, 2018 Updated: April 19, 2019

    Despite the fact that the chemical industry has long entered new level and insecticides have become so safe that they do not even require mandatory removal of residents from the house (although they are recommended), but many still reject pesticides for fear of poisoning themselves. And it’s a pity to spend money on calling exterminators. So these would-be economists are trying to find ways to poison bedbugs for free and without hassle:

    All of the above methods make full claims to originality, but in no way to the result. But what really effectively poisons bedbugs is using proven, reliable means that take into account the peculiarities of the physiology and lifestyle of insects.

    Self-control measures for bedbugs

    There are two of the most accessible methods to the mass consumer:

    • Traditional methods.
    • Insecticide preparations.

    Modern means of chemical poisons with proven effectiveness are easy to use, have a long shelf life, which allows them to be used periodically for preventive purposes.

    Review of pesticides for controlling bedbugs

    All chemical insecticides are divided into groups according to their release form:

    • Aerosols.
    • Crayons.
    • Powders.
    • Concentrates.
    • Gels.
    • Traps, etc.

    How to effectively poison bedbugs in an apartment:

    Of course, these are not all the products that are available on store shelves. There are others that you can use to poison bedbugs yourself. The only question is the degree of their effectiveness. Disinfestation specialists consider themselves best methods extermination of bedbugs, chemical insecticides for wet treatment (concentrates, microcapsules, etc.). Small, powdery and other methods of destruction do not have such pronounced destructive power. Hence the following:

    Rule #2: Use means for wet processing as the main ones, all others as auxiliary measures.

    As already mentioned, it is better to use folk methods as additional measures in a set of measures or as preventive ones to prevent the re-occupancy of uninvited guests. However, there are two ways to get rid of the pest without the use of chemicals or any means at all:

    How to poison bedbugs in an apartment using pungent odors:

    Herbs with an aroma that is not tolerated by bedbugs. Grass bundles are laid out in places where pests accumulate, under mattresses, between clothes in the closet, hung from curtains, paintings, etc. Popular odorous repellers include:

    • Sagebrush.
    • Tansy.
    • Carnation.
    • Marsh rosemary.

    Liquids with a pungent odor. Solutions based on certain “odorous” household liquids can cause bedbugs to move to another place. True, a person in such conditions also has a hard time:

    • Vinegar is a hit in “anti-blop therapy.”
    • Kerosene.
    • Turpentine.

    The products are diluted with water in equal proportions, and a little liquid soap is added to the last two. The resulting mixture is used to treat furniture surfaces, curtains, floors, floors and ceiling skirting boards etc. Be prepared for the killer smell to permeate everything: curtains, clothes, hair, Stuffed Toys. A dubious pleasure, considering that they will also have to breathe.

    Aromatic and essential oils of the above herbs can be used to repel bedbugs by applying to skin, clothing, and bedding. To some extent, this will protect against insect bites, but temporarily, bedbugs have unique ability get used to changing living conditions, and hunger will sooner or later force them to overcome the aroma barrier.

    Mechanical extermination of insects. This has already been mentioned above: neither slippers nor traps are particularly effective against small pests of this type. However, you can organize an all-out hunt and turn over all the beds, upholstered furniture and other possible habitats. Some people use a vacuum cleaner to collect insects and their eggs. In this way, you can significantly reduce the size of the bedbug population, but without using more reliable methods, the population will recover and increase in literally a matter of weeks.

    How to poison bedbugs: personal safety rules

    Regardless of how you plan to poison bedbugs, respiratory protection measures are mandatory, as is the removal of all other residents from the apartment during the treatment, no matter how safe modern chemicals are for humans and animals. The instructions for such ultra-safe drugs refer to accidental short-term contact, and not to the fact that they can be used while neglecting personal protection and other safety measures.

    Personal protective equipment:

    • Gloves (rubber, latex, silicone - any will do).
    • Mask (respirator, homemade bandage, reinforced medical).
    • Equipment (robe, shoe covers, pants, jacket).

    Dishes and special detergents:

    • Containers for preparing working fluids.
    • Containers with a tight seal for storing leftovers (if any).
    • Detergents for eliminating residual odors, traces of prepared mixtures and cleaning the premises after weeding.

    Preparing the room:

    • Removal of children, animals, birds, and other residents from the apartment.
    • Packaging food in a hermetically sealed manner (it would be ideal to take it out of the house altogether).
    • Protection of utensils and equipment from contact with working solution (does not eliminate the need for thorough rinsing after completion of the event).
    • Washing bed linen at t +60C and above.
    • Treat all clothes (what can be washed at high temperature, treat the rest with steam or iron).
    • Sprinkle shoes with insecticidal powder and seal them tightly.
    • Carry out similar activities with bedding(pillows, blankets) and soft toys.
    • Move furniture away from the walls, open free access to baseboards, sockets, curtains, etc.

    Stages of self-disinfestation of bedbugs:

    Rule #3: Treatment must be carried out simultaneously in all areas of the apartment, without exception, including mezzanines, storage rooms, and bathrooms.

    Professional extermination of insects in the apartment

    Before poisoning bedbugs, a specialist will give recommendations for preparing the apartment:

    • Remove personal hygiene items, clothing, and dishes from the premises or cover them.
    • Lay out sofas and other folding upholstered furniture.
    • Remove bedding from beds.
    • Remove all residents and pets from the home.

    Professional services have in their arsenal the main methods of combating:

    Hot fog. Spraying a special substance using a normalized steam generator. The drug evaporates in the apparatus and is released outside in doses. When interacting with air room temperature turns into fog and instantly cools down. By chemical composition hot fog is a complex of tiny particles that can penetrate into any place, and temperature indicators enhance its effect many times over. The finely dispersed state of the active chemical, splashed under high pressure from the pump while hot, allows the insecticidal cloud to be evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the treated area. The gaseous consistency does not harm the interior (wallpaper, furniture, carpets) and indoor plants.

    Irrigation method. Spraying chemicals from professional spray bottles. The disadvantage of this method is that not all hidden surfaces can be treated, where one type of fog treatment can easily penetrate. That is, there will be places in the room where the insecticide is not applied. This increases the likelihood of a failed procedure. In this regard, when irrigating, specialized products are used that have a sharp and bad smell, to lure bedbugs out of their hiding places to come into contact with the insecticide. The method is quite effective and is widely used in modern disinfection services.

    How to poison bedbugs at home: the pros and cons of hot and cold fog

    Cold fog generators are also available for home use. This is a definite plus, but at the same time it speaks of a minus - cold fog can effectively eliminate small infestations in a small area. For large areas (eg hotel, hostel) or large populations, hot gas will show better results.

    Advantages of fog processing methods:

    • Cold processing leaves no marks on surfaces.
    • Hot fog is as effective on eggs as it is on larvae and adults (when using generator models with a high-temperature nozzle).
    • Hot fog particles are smaller than cold fog particles, so their penetration is higher.


    • Cold fog does not destroy egg laying.
    • The aerosol cloud of hot fog lasts much longer - up to 10 hours.

    Whatever method is preferred, it is necessary to take into account: not a single method of poisoning bedbugs provides a guarantee against re-infestation. But thorough cleaning, regular checking of bathrooms, folds upholstered furniture and mattresses, checking luggage after visiting hotels on vacation or business trips will help to significantly reduce the risk of unnecessary, dangerous pests appearing within the walls of your home. It is also necessary to take care of sealing the room in case of insects from neighbors. Seal with construction sealant the faces of sockets, switches, joints of water supply and heating pipes, holes in the ceiling where the chandelier is attached, and also install fine mesh on the ventilation grilles.

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    You can remove insects from the apartment yourself. On early stages will be sufficient simple ways without the use of special drugs. You can use the following:

    Such methods are great for cases when there is a child, pet or allergy sufferer in the house. These methods are completely safe. But they will only help if there are very few bed bugs. In other cases, it is better to use special insecticides.


    At home, you can destroy bedbugs using special insecticides that are sold in hardware stores. They can be purchased in this form:

    1. 1. Emulsion. Liquid substance. It is diluted in water in certain proportions, which are indicated on the packaging.
    2. 2. Aerosol. One of the most convenient options. It is enough just to spray the substance in the place where insects accumulate.
    3. 3. Powder and pencil. The product must be scattered in places where bedbugs appear. Suitable only in the initial stages, when there are still few insects.
    4. 4. Gel with microcapsules. It contains poisons that are fixed on the bodies of individuals and spread throughout the colony.

    Names of drugs that are considered the most popular:

    1. 1. Karbofos. Cheap and accessible remedy. The powder must be dissolved in water and sprayed in certain places. Repeat the treatment after a week.
    2. 2. Raid. It comes in the form of a spray. The drug is not very toxic compared to other drugs.
    3. 3. Microphos. Poisoning bedbugs with this drug is carried out very quickly. The product contains microcapsules. A 1 liter bottle is enough for 3 rooms.
    4. 4. Tetrix. Sold as an emulsion. This substance is extremely toxic for humans and pets, so we must not forget about protective gloves and a mask. The product has an unpleasant odor.
    5. 5. Clean house. Refers to dusts. To treat a room, 4-5 such packages are required.
    6. 6. Mashenka. Sold in chalk form. There is no smell. It can be used as a means of prevention. Thick continuous lines are drawn on the floor, in cabinets and other places where bedbugs accumulate.

    All of these drugs are considered quite effective. After treatment with sprays and emulsions, it is necessary to close the room for a while (several hours), and then ventilate and clean thoroughly.

    Available means

    Folk remedies also help get rid of bedbugs or prevent their appearance. Such mixtures are supposed to be processed various surfaces indoors (you can do this with a brush, a soft sponge, or spray it from a spray bottle), leaving the rooms closed for several hours. Then ventilate everything. The products cope not only with adults, but also with larvae and even egg clutches. The following substances can be used:

    1. 1. Turpentine and kerosene. You need to mix 1 tbsp. l. both components. Then add 30 ml of liquid soap and 70 ml of clean water.
    2. 2. Turpentine and carbolic acid. You will need 3 tbsp. l. both substances. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add another 1 tsp. salicylic acid.
    3. 3. Turpentine and naphthalene. For 0.5 liters of the first component, 50 g of the second is required. Then add a cup of kerosene and half a glass of vodka and water.
    4. 4. Kerosene and cresol. For 200 liters of the first component you will need 150 ml of the second. Then it is recommended to add another 10 g of naphthalene.
    5. 5. Kerosene in its pure form. It is also an effective remedy.
    6. 6. Denatured alcohol in its pure form.
    7. 7. Vinegar. You will need to mix 1 tbsp. l. this component, as well as naphthalene and denatured alcohol. This treatment will have to be carried out every 2 days.
    8. 8. Alcoholic drinks. They are less effective against bedbugs, so surface treatment will have to be done several times a day.

    Laundry soap is also effective - it creates an alkaline environment. Soap should be grated before dissolving in warm water. Then the product should be applied with a sponge to all surfaces and not rinsed off. This solution can also be used to fill cracks where bedbugs are hidden.

    You can use Vaseline. They just need to smear the legs of a sofa or bed. The bugs will stick and get stuck, and in the morning all that remains is to collect and destroy them.

    As a preventive measure, special herbs with pungent bitter aromas are suitable - tansy, wormwood, chamomile, wild rosemary, calamus. Because of their smell, bedbugs will not want to settle in the house. They can be crushed and the powder scattered around the perimeter of the room, into the mattress and sofa. Usually only above-ground parts of plants are used. You can simply tie them into bundles and place them around the room. You will have to periodically update the bouquets when the smell disappears.

    Decoctions are also prepared based on such herbs. You need 1-2 tsp. pour a cup of water, boil for 2 minutes and leave for half an hour. Then strain the product and spray it from a spray bottle around the room.

    Almost invisible to the human eye. An adult reaches a size of 4-8 mm.

    Where does the attack come from?

    Possible reasons for an apartment to be infested with bedbugs:

    • From unscrupulous neighbors. If there are often no people in such an apartment, then in search of food insects begin to move around using the ventilation ducts.
    • From a budget hotel. With things in your suitcase, you can bring one sexually mature individual from the hotel, which will become a source of reproduction for the colony.
    • Items from second-hand or second-hand. Sometimes people bring bedbugs on things they bought secondhand. In this situation, it is recommended to shake them well outside and immediately wash them at home at the highest possible temperature. hot temperature. Ironing will enhance the effect.
    • Along with used furniture. It is not recommended to purchase furniture second-hand. There may be larvae in upholstered furniture. If you have purchased a table, chair or cabinet furniture, then before bringing it into the house it must be treated with insecticidal agents.

    Consequences of bites

    At first, a person does not feel the bites or perceives them as an allergic reaction. But gradually the colony spreads, bites become more and more widespread. A characteristic chain of punctures appears on the sleeper’s body. Children suffer the most. Itching appears, the skin flakes and turns red. In addition to urgent measures taken To exterminate insects, it is necessary to treat the consequences of their bites.

    Bite areas should be treated with vinegar or soda solution. The products help relieve itching and have a disinfecting effect. From traditional methods Ice applied to a fresh bite site and subsequent treatment with parsley juice help a lot.

    Control measures

    If you suspect the presence of insects in the house, you need to check the bed linen and all secluded places. If it is possible to detect an adult, larvae, their waste products or chitinous shells, then urgent measures must be taken. You can poison bedbugs yourself in the following ways:

    1. Using industrial insecticidal preparations.
    2. By freezing or steaming.
    3. Traditional methods.

    It is worth noting that all the methods that came from the people are not effective. But they can be successfully used in combination with others, as a preventive measure and to maintain the desired effect.

    Insecticidal preparations

    When thinking about how to poison bedbugs at home, you can take advantage of the developments of scientists in the field of insecticides. Many drugs are quite effective and do not cause harm to humans if the instructions are followed.

    A liquid with the characteristic name “Executioner” will help you poison bedbugs yourself. The drug is supplied in small bottles, which require diluting the product with water. The resulting concentrate is convenient for processing upholstered furniture, textiles in the home, clothing and books. Using a brush or spray, the liquid can be applied to hard to reach places. It is recommended to pay attention to baseboards, wooden furniture frames and ventilation openings. Among all insecticides it is the safest for humans and pets. The properties are based on the paralyzing effect of fenthion and blocking the transmission of nerve impulses in blood-sucking insects.

    GET suspension

    It is noteworthy that the product sticks well to the bedbug’s legs. Even if only one individual walks on the treated surface, it will infect all relatives from the nest. Moreover, the duration of the drug reaches 12 months. It is also important that Get is completely odorless and is considered safe if precautions are taken. The main active ingredient is chropyrifos, which can be used in children's institutions.

    Aerosol "Raid"

    Quite a popular product, which contains several active ingredients: cypermethrin, imiprothrin and prallethrin. Therefore, the spectrum of action of the drug is very wide, but it helps in case of a small accumulation of bedbugs. "Raid" is produced in the form of an aerosol, which is sprayed in places where insects may accumulate. It is important that the effect does not occur immediately, because the components have a prolonged effect. The final goal can be achieved after two weeks of waiting.

    Among the disadvantages is the inability to get rid of large quantities bedbugs and a strong, unpleasant odor. The use of an aerosol involves leaving the apartment after treatment and subsequent ventilation.

    Powder "Riapan"

    The tool is convenient if you can temporarily move out of the premises. The powder is scattered along baseboards, on the edges of cabinet furniture and other horizontal surfaces. Particular attention should be paid to window sills, window frames, doorways and fallen wallpaper. However, it has several disadvantages. Judging by the reviews, it often causes allergic reactions, nausea and headache. These symptoms are associated with the active ingredient - permethrin, which has volatile properties. The powder sticks well to the bedbug’s paws, so infection of all individuals occurs quite quickly.

    How to poison bedbugs in an apartment yourself? Effective drugs discussed above. Their use requires special training and precautions. To prevent unpleasant consequences It is better to temporarily remove children, elderly people and pets from the house.


    Before poisoning house bugs, it is useful to know that insects are afraid of bright light and low temperatures. However, to completely destroy them, a frost of at least 20 degrees will be required. Otherwise, the bedbugs will simply hibernate.

    To do this, you need to take all furniture and textiles out to frost below 20 degrees. The room is also left open for 3 days. However, the method has disadvantages. It cannot be used in apartments with central heating and it is temporarily necessary to find a place to live.

    Using a steam cleaner

    When considering how to poison bedbugs in an apartment yourself, you need to adopt the method of special disinfection services. To do this, you need to purchase a device that is capable of releasing hot steam under pressure. There are many different models on sale. If the steam temperature is at least 80 degrees, then the larvae and adults die in a few seconds.

    How to properly poison bedbugs using a steam cleaner:

    • The treatment is carried out in the most likely habitats of bedbugs - sleeping places, linen and upholstered furniture.
    • It is necessary to pay attention to cabinet furniture, window sills, and baseboards.
    • Next, carpets and textiles are processed.
    • It is necessary to steam all the cracks in the floor.
    • Internal surfaces in cabinets are processed.

    Repeated steaming will be required to effectively kill bedbugs. A remedy aimed at heat treatment, quite effective. And, importantly, it is safe for humans.

    How to poison bedbugs in an apartment: popular remedies

    Such methods are suitable in case of a single appearance of an insect, as a supplement to the main methods and for prevention. To do this, use the following steps:

    To prevent the spread of bedbugs in your apartment, you can use:

    • sagebrush;
    • valerian;
    • chamomile;
    • tansy.

    And they will fit as natural plants, as well as their tinctures. Tea tree oil is particularly effective and can be used to treat wooden frame beds. In such sleeping place bed bugs, with a high degree of probability, will not appear.

    Main habitats

    How to poison bedbugs in an apartment depends on their main habitat. If insects have settled in a mattress or upholstery, then thermal methods are suitable. The best way out Moreover, steam treatment is considered completely safe. If the weather is suitable, you can take some things out into the cold.

    When fighting bloodsuckers, you must remember that during daylight hours they hide in secluded places. Their favorite hiding places are:

    • cracks behind baseboards;
    • inside the mattress;
    • in folds and seams of upholstery of upholstered furniture;
    • in the case household appliances;
    • in sockets;
    • in books;
    • under fallen pieces of wallpaper;
    • in the cracks window frames;
    • under carpets;
    • in clothes that are rarely used;
    • in the ventilation holes.

    All such places must be treated with the chosen product in order to completely get rid of the problem.

    How to understand that there is a bedbug at home

    Often the appearance of blood-sucking insects is noticed when their population has already grown in sufficient quantities. Therefore, how to poison bedbugs is not the main issue. The time of their detection is important, when it is much easier to get rid of them. Action must be taken immediately if:

    • bite marks of unknown origin appeared on the body;
    • the smell of sour berries, spoiled cognac or almonds is constantly felt;
    • chitinous shells and insect waste products are found.

    If after checking the premises a nest is discovered, it should be destroyed. Wrap in a plastic bag and throw in the trash.

    Trust the professionals

    If you don’t have the strength or desire to poison bedbugs yourself, calling specialists to your home will be the best solution. The disinfection service uses strong agents, so you may have to leave the premises for a while. However, such measures are taken in case of large scale problems. Thermal treatment methods coupled with insecticides may also be proposed. In any case, it is better to trust the professionals so as not to have to deal with the remains of surviving insects later.


    Bed bugs are quite tenacious. They have learned to adapt to many drugs that they successfully used ten years ago. However, scientists in the field of chemistry are constantly improving the formula of insecticidal agents, so industrial preparations are among the most effective. However, if the problem is quite serious and has affected more than one apartment in the house, then it is necessary to call a special service.

    It is not always possible to distinguish a bedbug from other insects because its color depends on the age and time of consumption of food. Adults are red-brown in color and do not exceed 10 mm in size. If there are bites on the body, blood stains on the sheet, or remains of scales on the bed, then pests have settled in the room. You will learn how to poison house bugs and how to choose an effective method in this article.

    Reasons for the appearance of insects at home

    You cannot insure yourself against bloodsuckers. For these insects, it doesn’t matter how often you clean and take out the trash, because they feed on human blood.

    Options for the appearance of bedbugs:

    If a person does not live in an apartment, then the bugs hibernate - pseudoanabiosis, but when a person appears, they become active and make themselves felt.

    Bed bugs are terrible pests. They drink blood and, when bitten, can transmit a virus or infection. In addition, insects multiply quickly and within a few weeks populate the entire apartment. If you find them, take immediate action.

    This is interesting: At one time, the female bug lays about 250 eggs, and after 7 days new insects emerge from them.


    • in furniture;
    • in baseboards;
    • in sockets;
    • under laminate or parquet;
    • in books and newspapers;
    • in bed or sofa;
    • in the pet's bedding.

    How to poison bedbugs with professional chemicals



    This is a more professional drug that can poison insects. The downside is that you need to dilute the concentrate yourself and pour it into a spray bottle, but the effect is better than other products. The choice of high-quality solutions is quite large: Cucaracha, Tetrix, Executioner, Get. Price from 120 rubles.

    Advice: When purchasing poisons to kill insects, pay attention to the composition. If the description indicates cypermethrin or pyrethroid, feel free to purchase such a product, because these substances are the most dangerous for bedbugs.

    Insecticidal powders

    The bulk preparation must be diluted with water and sprayed into hard-to-reach places. Wipe the remaining areas with a cloth soaked in the solution. After 6-10 hours, the liquid is washed off. If the treatment area is inaccessible to children, then you can leave the powder for 2 months. Price from 20 rubles.

    Insecticidal gels

    Most safe remedy, which is available in syringes. It is enough to apply the gel in places where bedbugs accumulate, and they will soon come running to the sweet smell. After contact with the poison they are paralyzed. The most popular drugs: Clean house. Brownie, Blockbuster, Global, Combat, Absolute. Price from 50 rubles.

    Temperature treatment

    Bedbugs live at +23 °C…-28 °C degrees. If the reading on the thermometer drops to -20 °C or rises to +40 °C, then the adults die, but the larvae survive. If you decide to get rid of them with heat, heat the room temperature to +50 °C, and within 2-3 hours the pests will be dead. You can freeze insects in winter period wait until the temperature is -30 °C and open all windows for a day.

    Advice: Treat areas where a cluster of bedbugs and masonry is found using a household steamer. Direct the steam stream to the occupied area and hold for 10 minutes. Adults and larvae will die.


    This method will not poison the bedbugs, but will disinfect the room from any infection they may carry. Turn on a lamp daily for 20 minutes in every room of your home. Be sure to use quartz after killing bedbugs to kill any viruses that the insects may have left behind. In general, such a disinfectant would be useful in every home, especially if you have pets.

    Cold fog

    This method will require a steam generator and specialized preparations that are poured into the device and form fog. It fills all the cracks in the room, and the insects die. You need to work in a protective suit, having first removed all food and personal belongings. Windows and doors must be tightly closed.

    How to poison bedbugs in an apartment yourself: folk remedies

    Essential oils

    The recipe is simple: combine mint, lavender, clove, tea tree, thyme and eucalyptus oils in equal proportions, 3-4 drops each. Add 50 ml olive or sunflower oil, mix the ingredients and rub the body overnight. This aroma will scare away bedbugs, and for better effect soak small pieces of fabric in the liquid and hang them throughout the apartment.

    Herbal infusions

    Plant repellents have been used to control insects for hundreds of years. Take tansy, wormwood, valerian, wild rosemary and chamomile, collect in small bunches, place in the corners of the apartment, near the windows and bed. You can dry the grass, put it in fabric bags or hide it under a pillow. Phytoncides contained in plants repel bedbugs, and they will not choose your apartment for their habitat.

    Effective methods of disinfectants

    How to carry out prevention correctly

    There are ways that will reduce the possibility of bedbugs by 70 percent:
