Pillows in the form of animals do-it-yourself patterns. Features of sewing original pillow toys using patterns. Making decorative pillows at home

Nothing fills the house with comfort like cute pillows. In order to sew them, you do not need to have any talents, just find the time and attach a piece of your soul to the product!

Agree, things that you make yourself according to own design, bring to the house an atmosphere much more comfortable and pleasant than those that were bought even in the most reputable store, released "in multiple copies."

Homemade things turn out the way you want them to be. Have you ever thought about making a pillow? It's very simple! You can create a piece of furniture that fits perfectly with the design of your room. In addition, such products can be considered a real exclusive, which means that you will definitely not find a similar product at home with friends or relatives. In this article, we will tell you how to sew a pillow that will give you comfort, sweet wonderful dreams and good mood.

It must be said at once that in general creative process can be divided into two stages: this is the manufacture of the pillow itself, as well as pillowcases for it. Note that for one pillow, you can sew several different covers at once and change them all the time depending on your mood or interior changes.

How to sew a pillow. What to Consider

  • So, we note that sewing a decorative pillow is practically no different from sewing a regular sleep pillow. By the way, we’ll say right away that it’s better to sew a product with a removable pillowcase, because it’s practical, since from time to time any pillow needs to be washed.
  • You will need a variety of sewing accessories: needles, threads, pins, etc., filler (cotton, synthetic winterizer, fluff and some other similar materials can serve as a filler), and, finally, fabric for making the pillow itself.

  • First you need to prepare the details of the pillow. There will be only two of them: either two rectangles or two squares, it all depends on what shape you want to get a pillow. When cutting out individual pieces, remember that you need to leave a few centimeters on each side for seams.

  • After the pieces are cut out, you put them together with the right sides and sew on three sides. Then you need to turn the product inside out, fill it with material to the required density (here you can safely rely on your own feelings) and carefully sew up the fourth side. That's it, the pillow is ready! Now you can safely decorate your own room with such an exclusive product. By the way, a homemade pillow can act a wonderful gift for close people. For its manufacture, you can use a variety of fabrics: satin, linen, velvet, velor, etc.

So that your pillow does not seem boring, but looks different all the time, you, of course, need to sew several pillowcases. Their design depends only on you: you can make plain covers, with a pattern, embroidery, created from various shreds of fabric - in a word, in this case, everything depends only on your own tastes and preferences.

How to sew a pillowcase

In general, there are several basic types of pillowcases: with buttons, with a lock, or, finally, a simple pocket option.

For a pocket pillowcase, the pattern will be completely elementary. There should be only one detail: the width is equal to the width of the pillow, and the length is two pillow lengths. Naturally, do not forget to leave a few centimeters for the seams. Fold the fabric in half, stitch on both sides, and leave the third open - it is in this hole that you will put your pillow. Carefully process the seams to make the pillowcase look aesthetically pleasing, and voila - your exclusive hand-made is ready!

As for the option with a lock, here the pattern will repeat the pocket pillowcase, however, when you fold the fabric and sew two sides, you need to sew a zipper into the third. It can be hidden or, conversely, decorative - it's up to you to choose.

Finally, when we talk about a pillowcase with buttons, we assume that on the third side, which serves as a hole for putting on, buttons should be sewn on, and loops for them should be prepared in advance.

Ways to decorate pillows

Most simple method considered the use of different colors of fabrics. You can sew different pillows that differ in color. For example, in the hall, you can sew products, different color and invoices. In the children's room, bright colors of cartoons or pillows-characters of the child's favorite cartoon look unusual.

More complex decor is considered:

  • relief;
  • application;
  • embroidery;
  • knitting.

With decorative elements create original compositions for different styles interior.

Ribbon flower appliqués look great on pastel-colored material. It is better if the flower is satin with different petals. You can complement the pattern with sequins, beads, beads, buttons.

How to sew a pillow. Photo Ideas

The invariable attribute of the bedroom is the pillow. A properly selected version of such a product contributes to quality sleep and pleasant dreams. Modern market presents a huge assortment of all kinds of models, among which are pillow toys. In this article, we will look at how to make do-it-yourself pillow toys.

How is the pillow toy different?

These products are made in the form soft toys, basically any animal. It is very interesting for children to play with such a pillow, they can sit on it, if necessary, lie on the floor, take it with them during sleep. Such a pillow can successfully emphasize and enliven the interior, made in a certain style.

Important! Toy pillows do not require a large amount of material, they can be made with your own hands from leftover wool or unused shreds. For children, such creativity also plays a developing role - with a variety of shades, a child can learn the names of colors. So, for example, a product made in the form of a house with windows or a typewriter helps the baby learn not only the names of colors, but also get acquainted with geometric shapes.

The process of making a pillow toy is quite simple. To do this, you can draw a pattern yourself or use the ideas of home needlewomen that can be found on the Internet.

Important! When choosing a material for a toy, you should remember that the fabric should not cause allergies and shedding.

Choosing an idea for a pillow

The shape of the future do-it-yourself pillow-toy depends on its purpose:

  • Cushion-roller. To implement such an idea, you can make a pillow in the form of a snake, a dachshund dog or a train.
  • Pillow for the road. For this purpose, you need to choose a semicircular shape, thanks to which the product can be placed under the baby's neck.
  • If the soft product is intended for sleeping, then you do not need to use strongly protruding, hard eyes and nose. Such a pillow does not allow you to snuggle up to her face to fall asleep. In this case, it is preferable to make a soft flannel or fleece toy.
  • Manufacturers produce a separate category of pillows, the use of which helps the baby fall asleep quickly.
  • In order to make it comfortable to sit on the pillow, it is given a flat shape.
  • If the baby likes to read or play lying on the floor, then a soft product needs to be made in a large size.
  • The long version of the cushion is suitable for window sills and draft doors.

Materials and tools

To sew any version of a pillow-toy with your own hands, you must first prepare the following materials:

  • appropriate fabric;
  • inner padding;
  • thread with a needle;
  • decoration elements;
  • sewing machine;
  • chalk for cutting or a simple pencil for transferring patterns to fabric;
  • scissors;
  • paper for making patterns.


An important element when sewing a decorative pillow is the fabric. When choosing a material, you need to turn on the imagination, paying attention to the texture and color of the fabric.

Modern industry is a wide range of fabrics, from which it is possible to distinguish the most commonly used in sewing decorative soft products:

  • flock and fleece;
  • cotton and linen;
  • upholstery material;
  • jersey;
  • felt;
  • velor and plush;
  • sackcloth;
  • velvet and satin;
  • jeans;
  • natural and artificial fur;
  • dermatin and skin.

Important! The most important criterion for choosing a fabric is ease of care.

Very often, fabrics are combined, but in this case, certain rules must be followed:

  • it is impossible to combine material that does not stretch with stretch fabric options;
  • the fabric of the pillow may not be combined with the upholstery of the bed, sofa or armchairs - such an accessory can be an accent in the interior solution;
  • you can combine colors, for example, if the interior is mostly green, then yellow, blue or blue material is used to make a decorative pillow;
  • when choosing a fabric with a pattern, it is necessary to give preference to lively and relaxed patterns, designed in the form of fruits or flowers;
  • checkered material and plant motifs look good;
  • for the children's room, fabrics of all colors of the rainbow are suitable, which depict drawings of loved ones fairytale heroes;
  • when choosing a material, you need to take into account its purpose - a softer and more pleasant to the touch fabric is used for sleep, and for decorative option products, you can use a denser material;
  • for more calm interior choose dark shades, the presence of light and brightly decorated pillows bring liveliness and energy to the atmosphere;
  • if feathers or down are used for the filler, then it is required to use a denser fabric capable of retaining the filler inside the product;
  • when choosing a fabric, it is preferable to choose universal cotton fabrics;
  • silk material is characterized by a cool surface;
  • brocade looks great when decorating decorative pillows in the bedroom.

Important! Exists for a long time known method checking the correct choice of fabric. It is necessary to look at the material in good light for 1 minute, then close your eyes. If flashes or bright spots appear before the eyes, then this fabric is not a suitable option.


When choosing fillers for a do-it-yourself pillow-toy, you should follow some recommendations:

  • the stuffing material must hold its shape;
  • only hypoallergenic fillers should be used;
  • the stuffing material should not be too hard, even or too soft;
  • after washing, the filler should not change its properties.

Important! In the absence of a filler, some needlewomen fill the product with what is at hand. So, for example, if the remnants of the fabric are used as a filler, then the product is not very neat.

All fillers that are used for decorative pillows are divided into the following types:

  • natural materials;
  • vegetable fillers;
  • synthetic and artificial variety.


More recently, when stuffing a pillow with natural materials, they used feathers, down, and wool. Virtues natural materials is:

  • heat preservation;
  • they do not stray;
  • do not wrinkle.

The disadvantages include:

  • moisture absorption;
  • favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria and other living creatures;
  • the occurrence of allergies.

Important! These decorative pillows require special care.


IN Lately decorative pillows began to be stuffed with vegetable fillers, such as:

  • medicinal herbs;
  • hop cones;
  • buckwheat peel;
  • bamboo.

Many consumers are of the opinion that this type of stuffing has a beneficial effect on human health and well-being. But this is sometimes false. The smell of some herbs can give you a headache. In addition, the vegetable filler, having absorbed moisture, dampens, and then rots.

Important! Plant-filled decorative pillows require frequent refilling and special care.

artificial and synthetic

For artificial and synthetic stuffing of decorative pillows, the following materials are mainly used:

  • synthetic winterizer;
  • sintepukh;
  • foam rubber;
  • holofiber;
  • polyester materials.

Such materials are hypoallergenic, non-toxic and do not absorb moisture. The disadvantages include the fact that after a while such materials are caked and pressed.

Here's what to consider when choosing:

  • It is best to use holofiber, which is soft to the touch and tolerates machine washing without problems.
  • As a filler good option can be sintepukh or firetek. Such materials are hypoallergenic, do not stray, pillows with such fillers are able to restore their original appearance without any problems.
  • Foam rubber can be used as a filler for roller pillows.

Important! In addition to conventional materials, for stuffing decorative items can also be applied:

  • cotton wool, but given material very quickly gets off, loses its original shape, the product takes on an unsightly appearance;
  • fur - this material is suitable for filling decorative products made from durable, coarse fabrics;
  • silicone balls, which are safe material suitable for stuffing baby pillows.


When choosing threads for sewing a toy pillow with your own hands, it is important to consider not only quality, but also compatibility with fabrics. So, for denser fabrics, strong threads are used. During manufacture, floss threads are used, which are suitable for making decorative seams, or you can make decorative tassels from them.

Choosing suitable option threads, you need to familiarize yourself with the classification of sewing threads:

  • Cotton - made entirely of cotton and is the most common type of thread used when sewing products made of cotton material.
  • Polyester - are dense threads with a wax or silicone coating.

Important! Polyester threads are used when working with knitwear, synthetics, stretchy fabrics and stretch fabrics.

  • Viscose - embroidery thread, using which smooth stitches are created.
  • Nylon threads are durable threads that are used when working with light and ordinary synthetic fabrics.
  • Silk is a durable thread used for wool and silk. Such threads are elastic and do not leave marks on the fabric.
  • Woolen - used for embroidery, they can process the edges of products from heavy fabrics.
  • Metal version - mostly found in golden, bronze or silver color, such threads are embroidered or decorated with products.

Important! When choosing threads, you must adhere to some recommendations:

  • the selected threads must correspond not only color scheme fabric, but also correlate with the thickness of the fabric used;
  • if a sewing machine is used to sew the product, then the upper and lower threads must be the same;
  • the use of a thin thread on a dense fabric contributes to the interruption of the thread, and a thick version of the thread on a thin fabric will tighten the product, while spoiling appearance finished item;
  • if it is not possible to select threads to match the fabric, then you can choose threads that are 1-2 tones darker than the material, so the stitched stitches will not be so noticeable.


Consider the process of self-made children's pillow-toy in the shape of a monkey with their own hands. In order to sew toys for children or an accessory on a sofa in the form of a monkey with your own hands, you need to cut out a pattern, and then proceed according to the algorithm:

  • We take a chocolate-colored satin material and cut out two blanks of a monkey's head from it.
  • From gabardine Brown cut out the muzzle of a monkey.
  • We cut out two blanks for the back of the ears from satin fabric, and cut out the front parts of the ears from gabardine.
  • Cut out the cut pieces.
  • Using white interlining, we duplicate the details of the monkey's muzzle and ears.
  • We sew the front back blanks of the ears, leaving a small opening, then cut the edges with scissors.
  • We turn out the details of the future toy, fill them and sew them up.
  • We decorate the head of the monkey, sew the muzzle to the front side, fasten the ears with pins.
  • We attach the back of the monkey's head, sew on sewing machine, not forgetting to leave an unsewn hole for filling the muzzle.
  • We turn the part on the front side, stuff it and sew it up.
  • To decorate the eyes, we use two small circles, which we sew on the muzzle, and sew black buttons on top.
  • In order for the monkey to smile, you need to embroider the nostrils of the nose with black threads and make a smile.
  • Applying woolen threads, we supplement the pillow-toy with a forelock, and the original product in the shape of a monkey is ready.


The pink elephant is a little girl's dream. Store-bought toy pillows do not always look attractive. A self-made elephant will bring joy to your baby.

Consider the process of making a do-it-yourself elephant toy pillow:

  1. We draw or print an elephant template of the appropriate size.
  2. We trace it on a fleece fabric folded in half, while not forgetting to add a few centimeters for seam allowances.
  3. We cut out the blanks and sew them together, while leaving a gap for stuffing.
  4. We turn the part on the front side.
  5. We fill the future elephant with filler.
  6. In exactly the same way, we sew the ears and tail.
  7. We sew all the details to the body.
  8. We decorate the pillow with eyes.
  9. From blue fabric cut out a small oval.
  10. We attach the cloud to the body.

Unusual elephant pillow is ready!


A pillow-toy in the form of a turtle can decorate not only a child's room, but can also fit perfectly into a gazebo located in the garden. To make a toy, you will need colored scraps of fabric that match the color scheme.

Consider the process of making a do-it-yourself turtle toy pillow:

  • Cut out the base round shape for the belly of an animal, the dimensions of which depend on the scale of the future product.
  • We cut out four triangles of different colors, slightly round the edges of the blanks.

Important! When folding these blanks together, you should get a circle corresponding to the diameter of the abdomen.

  • We prepare two parts of the head, two tails and eight paw blanks.
  • We sew all the elements in pairs, while leaving a gap.
  • We turn the parts inside out and stuff with padding polyester.
  • In pairs, we sew colored patches together, attaching the blanks of the head and tail.
  • We sew the belly and back of the animal, while distributing the details of the paws.
  • We turn the base on the front side and fill it with filler.
  • Sew eyes and mouth.

Pillow-toy in the shape of a turtle is ready!


Small children sometimes act up before going to bed when they are sent to sleep. A self-made pillow-toy in the form of an owl helps the baby fall asleep much faster.

Consider the manufacturing process soft pillow do-it-yourself owls:

  1. We take a sheet of paper that matches the size of the future toy pillow.
  2. On it we draw a sketch of an owl, cut out a template.
  3. We transfer it to felt material, draw a pattern.
  4. Cut out the eyes and beak of the future owl.
  5. Glue the cut parts on the double-sided adhesive base, ironed.
  6. We impose details on the body of the future product, sew with a zigzag seam.
  7. We fill the finished toy pillow with filler.

hug cat

Young children love to sleep hugging their favorite toy. The hugging toy can be made in the shape of your favorite pet - a cat.

Consider the process of making a do-it-yourself hug cat pillow:

  1. We prepare two patterns for the head, torso and paws of the cat.
  2. Having folded the synthetic winterizer several times, we make out the detail of the nose.
  3. Using a French knot, make eyes.
  4. We transfer the sketch of the head to the duplicate fabric.
  5. With thick threads using a zigzag, we embroider the mouth and mustache of the cat.
  6. We sew the nose, it is advisable to pre-glue it in several places.
  7. Sew eyes and ears in the same way.
  8. We sew the parts of the head from the wrong side, while leaving a gap.
  9. We turn the part on the front side and fill it with filler.
  10. Sew on the paws and tail of the animal.
  11. Separately, we produce a round or rectangular pillow.
  12. We stuff it with synthetic winterizer.
  13. We sew all parts of the animal to the pillow.

Important! If you add a bow tie, you get a cute cat, and if you attach a bow on your head, then the hug will be in the role of a cute cat.


It is hard to imagine a plain, inexpressive version of a toy pillow for young children. Home needlewomen try to give brightness to such products, decorating them in the form of cartoon characters and animals. For this, craftswomen use all kinds of materials and tools, only you need to first determine the purpose of the product being made. Colorful ribbons, bows, buttons, laces, lace, zippers, beads or beads are used as decor. If the pillow is intended for the smallest children, then the product should not have small accessories in order to protect the child from swallowing small items. Yes, and for older children, it is desirable to sew or glue all additional accessories well, thus prolonging the life of a funny little animal!

Everyone strives to create a cozy and quiet atmosphere at home or to update the interior a little. There are many ways to do this without spending a lot of money.

One of these options is to update or sew decorative pillows for the sofa and chairs. The stores sell a lot of different sofa cushions, but still the product self made will be unique.

Sofa cushions with their own hands, will be able to emphasize your individuality, convey the mood and just create cozy atmosphere in your dwelling.

There is a trick to this idea. You can sew several pillows and each of them has several sets of decorative pillowcases. This will allow you to constantly change notes in your interior, that is, you can change pillowcases depending on your mood, season, and so on, while the pillows themselves serve as the basis and do not require replacement.

When creating a decorative pillow or pillowcase, you should first of all decide on the theme of the room in which they will be located, choose a style.

Decorative pillows will complement any interior, but only if they match in color and style.

After that, you can look on the Internet for photos with ideas for pillows made by yourself and decide on the size of the product.

Making decorative pillows at home

For sewing a decorative pillow, it is not at all necessary to be an experienced seamstress and have a sewing machine. The main thing in this business is a great desire, patience and perseverance. Decorative and original pillows sewing is easy and simple, and expensive fabrics and accessories are not required.

The shape of the pillow does not have to be square or rectangular, it can be anything that your soul and imagination desire. All decorations that will be used in decorating will be needed for the pillowcase itself. The pillowcase can be easily removed, so it will not be difficult to remove it in order to stretch it or replace it with another one.

As a rule, the pillow itself is filled with stuffing, but there are cases when stuffing material is stuffed directly into a decorative pillowcase. The second method, of course, saves money, but the appearance of the finished product deteriorates.

Before you sew a pillow with your own hands, you need to choose the materials. For this purpose, not only fabrics are suitable, but also fur trimmings, remnants of leather or a substitute. Felt, felt fabrics, fleece look just as good in such products.

When creating pillow patterns, it is worth taking into account the fact that when filling it with stuffing material, the dimensions in ready-made will be significantly less. Therefore, 3-4 centimeters should be added to the selected sizes on each side, and this is in addition to the fabric allowances for the seams.

It is very easy to cut a standard-shaped pillow; it is a rectangle of 128 by 63 cm. The main part of the pillow should be made of dense fabric that will hold its shape.

It is necessary to stitch three sides of the pillow, and in the fourth, lay the line not to the end, leave room for stuffing, then this line can be done either on a typewriter or by hand seam.

You can use different stuffing materials, for example, synthetic winterizer, or foam rubber, or fluff.

Now that you know how to make your own sofa cushions, it's time to start making a decorative pillowcase. Cutting a decorative pillowcase is quite simple and will not take much time, because its dimensions completely coincide with the cut pillow.

Cushion decoration options

When creating a decorative sofa cushion cover, fantasize, dream, collect everything decorative elements which you have. There are a lot of ideas for creating such pillows, it all depends on the flight of your imagination.

The most commonly used materials for decorating pillows are:

  • multi-colored ribbons of different widths;
  • yarn different colors and invoices;
  • sequins, beads, glass beads, beads, rhinestones and other decorations;
  • all kinds of lace;
  • application elements;
  • embroidered elements;
  • finished or handmade puffs and so on.

Decorative pillows for children's room

With the help of decorative pillows you can decorate a children's room. Do-it-yourself baby pillows can make the room fun and the child will feel comfortable and cozy in it.

These can be pillows in the shape of fairy-tale characters, animals, or just a regular-shaped pillow, but the decorative pillowcase on it will be bright and cheerful.

DIY pillow photo

How to sew a pillow with your own hands? Every needlewoman thought about this. A pillow is needed not only for sleeping, with it you can make the design of the apartment complete and original.

After looking at photos of homemade pillows on the Internet, you might think that sewing requires experience and talent. But having understood the very process of creating a pillow, it turns out that it is not at all difficult.

Let's see how to make a pillow with your own hands?

The most important thing to know before you get started

Before you start sewing a decorative pillow with your own hands, you need to decide exactly how it will look. But more important than this is to choose the fabric and filler.

If you want to make a multifunctional pillow, it is important to choose a fabric that can be easily cleaned. The filler should not fall into dense lumps for as long as possible, losing its elasticity.

Materials. Textile

To make durable, practical and nice pillow you need to choose the right fabric.

Firstly, it should not be strongly electrified and attract any dust to itself, it can be easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Secondly, the material must prevent dust from entering the packing. Suitable fabrics:

You can use other fabrics, except for propylene matting. It is slippery, rough and hard, so it is not suitable for a soft pillow.


The pillow can be stuffed with many materials. It can be cotton wool, bird fluff or feathers, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, holofiber and many others.

Let's deal with each filler:

Cotton wool and synthetic winterizer fall into lumps at great speed. At the same time, it is almost impossible to evenly fill the product with cotton wool.

Feathers and down are not suitable not only because of the difficult accessibility, but also because of insufficient elasticity. No one will beat up a decorative pillow like a sleeping pillow, so as not to spoil the beautiful finish.

Hollofiber is readily available, available in two forms: sheets and fluffy granules. Sheet is more expensive, it can be replaced with cheaper foam rubber. Hollofiber is well suited for a pillow. It serves for about 10 years without rolling.

Another filler option is round silicone granules. They are best for baby pillows because they are hypoallergenic and can be easily poured out, rinsed, dried and put back in through a small hole.

Decoration. Colors

The easiest way to decorate the interior is to do it with pillows of different colors. Of course, they should match the colors of the interior items: furniture, curtains or even walls.

This is sometimes a difficult task - to achieve a combination - but very popular. From pillows of different colors, you can make an ensemble that will emphasize all the advantages of the interior.

The most interesting thing is that the idea with colorful pillows is not only easy to implement, but also financially affordable.


Do not stop the choice only on plain fabrics, materials with patterns and ornaments will look advantageous.


Recently, printing on fabrics has become more and more popular. Why not print on the pillow? This affordable option decoration of your product: printing prices are not very high, the pattern is stable and clear.

With the help of numerous computer programs you can make a design in advance and even see how the ensemble will look in the interior.

Shape and Fragment

Pillows can be made in absolutely any shape. There are no restrictions in this, the main thing is to show imagination. You can use the technique of modular sewing. To do this, several simple parts are made, which are subsequently sewn in place into a complex product.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is quite difficult to clean. You must either completely disassemble the product, or use a furniture vacuum cleaner.


Patchwork or patchwork is also used. Most often, they take a key fragment and place it in the center. The fragments combined with it are located along the periphery. Simple but very effective!

key element

The compact key element adds a touch of sophistication to the throw pillow. Such an element can be a button, tassels, bows and much more. There are also no restrictions.

You can ennoble a product from a modest fabric with the help of a key element. With his help ready product will look richer and more expensive, so you can use technical or furniture upholstery fabrics that do not differ in bright colors.

Knitting, embroidery, lace

Knitted sofa cushions are more difficult to make than just sewn from fabric. You must be able to knit or crochet - this is a laborious craft that requires care.

However, so is embroidery. On the pillow, you can embroider any plot with satin stitch, cross or ribbons. Here, too, everything depends on your skill, imagination and perseverance.

You can also decorate the product with lace. Of course, it is easier to buy ready-made lace in a store, but it will be much more expressive if you make the lace yourself.


Just imagine the faces of guests who saw pillows completely made by you.

To make a pillow, you can use, for example, an old sweater. The effect will be the same as from a self-bonded cover. Optionally, it can be decorated with various beads, buttons, and so on.

Cushion embroidery

As mentioned earlier, you can decorate the pillow with any embroidered plots, but you can not do them in any technique that you own.

Therefore, do not embroider with beads on the pillow. Why? It's just unhygienic. It will be problematic to wash out all the dirt from under the beads, but what got into the beads itself will remain there forever. Yes, and think about whether it will be comfortable to lie on such a pillow?

Cross stitch is best because it is the most durable. You can wash such a product without worrying that the threads will come out. You can use the smooth surface, but when washing the threads weaken, and the pattern loses its attractiveness.

From old clothes

So, you can make a pillow out of old sweaters, but what else can I use? Yes, whatever! Old T-shirts, sweaters, T-shirts - everything that is lying around in your closet and waiting in line for a landfill.

You can even use jeans. The product will turn out not so soft, but it will look very original.


These pillows are perfect for a child's room. They can simply stand on a bed or even a shelf, pleasing to the eye and finishing the nursery design. They can serve as toys or serve their intended purpose.

The figurine pillow can be of absolutely any shape, the main thing is that you and your kids like it.

Funny letters

With the help of such pillows, the child will quickly learn the letters. Often letters or numbers are sewn for the holidays. Letters can also serve as toys too.

Sleeping on them is sometimes not very comfortable, but they look great in the interior.

For the manufacture of capital letters it is better to use foam rubber, and fill only the edges with holofiber. In this way, you can stuff any large pillows.


Every mother of a baby knows the problem: how to protect the child from bumps while sleeping in a crib? The child has already been saved from falling from the crib, but what to do with these hard sides that the child constantly hits in his sleep?

For these purposes, you can also sew a pillow! Foam rubber is best for boards. It is dense and will not allow the child to feel the fences upon impact.

Any foam rubber can be sheathed soft cloth to which the child will not be allergic. In order for the pillow to hold on, it is necessary to sew on fabric ties with which the pillow will stay in the crib.

Any pillow, regardless of its shape, size and design, will fit perfectly into any interior.

Easy to manufacture, not requiring special talent and skills, these products will make a boring and dull apartment, original and cozy place for relax.

DIY pillow photo

Blog of Anastasia Skoreva Universal selection of gift ideas;)

Hello dear readers! Welcome to Anastasia Skoreva. Today I will tell you how to sew a pillow. Not just one, but dozens

In general, the pillow, in my opinion, is very good gift. Even to my beloved. It is sewn mostly simply, rarely requires exotic materials. That is why an amazing journey into the world of pillow dreams awaits you.

Step-by-step master classes and patterns or how to sew a pillow with your own hands

A lot of master classes are waiting for you now. Let's start with baby pillows.

Pillows - toys for adults and kids

Soft plush friends are always in the price of children. But what if we make them a little more practical, but no less original? In this section you will see a lot of children's pillows in the form of toys and just unusual and bright designs For have a great holiday baby.

Children's pillow - toy "Rosalina"

With this shy beauty, children's sleep will always be a joy. To sew a soft zaya for a child, you will need:

  • velsoft (for the base of Rosalina, you can take faux fur and fleece);
  • thin felt (for muzzle decoration);
  • threads in the color of the fabric + black;
  • lace 2 colors (for decoration);
  • small rose (for the central part of the bow);
  • synthetic winterizer (for stuffing);
  • dry pastel (to give a gentle blush);
  • cotton pad (optional)
  • chalk or pencil (for transferring patterns to fabric);
  • needle;
  • pins (for chipping parts);
  • scissors.

Here are the patterns for Rosalina (click to enlarge):

Cut them out carefully, velsoft is a capricious fabric. We start with the ears. Sew them as below. Turn the ears inside out and stuff with padding polyester.

Put the ears inside the head. Pin along the edge, baste and sew, leaving a hole at the bottom.

Turn the head inside out along with the ears. I got it like this:

Stuff Rosalina with padding polyester, sew the bottom hole with a blind seam.

Now we have to make Rosalina's face. To do this, take all the details of the face, pin them to the head with pins (so that they do not move out), and then sew them with a small hidden seam.

To apply blush, simply take a pastel chalk and rub the bunny's cheeks, rub with your finger. If the pile on the fabric is not very long, you can do this with a cotton pad, after applying a pastel on it.

Rosalina definitely needs to make a pretty headband! To do this, cut the lace so long that it is slightly longer than the distance between the ears.

Sew the ends of this piece to the ears, as if pulling it.

Now let's make a bow! To do this, take another piece of lace, fold it in half and sew the ends.

Now simply sew a line of running stitches down the center of the bow. And pull off.

Quad cat

Necessary materials

What is useful to us for a pillow - a Quadrocat toy?

Here is the list:

  • fleece of 2 colors (for muzzle and head);
  • felt (for eyes and nose);
  • threads in the color of the fabric;
  • synthetic winterizer or synthetic winterizer (for stuffing);
  • white acrylic paint for the pupil (or rhinestones)
  • a glass of water (if you use paint);
  • second glue (if you chose rhinestones);
  • pencil or chalk for transferring patterns to fabric;
  • sewing needle;
  • paper for transferring patterns to fabric;
  • scissors.

Before you start sewing, you will need the patterns that I have prepared for you (click):

First of all, I want to say: this is only a quarter of the pattern (for the head and muzzle), for the nose it is half. For felt parts, allowances are not needed. For everyone else, half a centimeter should be enough.

First of all, cut out and sew the ears together. Trim off excess seam allowances. Turn out the ears.

Ears while you can put aside, take the muzzle and head. Sew the muzzle into the head as shown below.

In order not to get lost, you can make small notes in the same places on the muzzle and border.

This is what the cat's face looks like:

Now put the ears inside the Quad Cat where you like and sew them on. Also sew the cat along the edge, leaving small hole at the bottom.

Turn out the pillow. While the Quadcat looks like this:

And now you need to fill the pillow with padding polyester as tightly as possible, since fleece is very sensitive to stretching and it can just turn out to be “orange peel” if the stuffing is not dense enough

And sew the bottom hole with a hidden seam. At the bottom you can see the already completely sewn hole.

Our cat is still without a face! Let's fix this. Take the eyes and nose and attach them where you would like to see the muzzle.

We will sew on the eyes and nose. To do this, bring the thread out, as below, and sew with a buttonhole, but VERY small. That is, there should be no distance at all between the stitches.

This process is quite painstaking, but it's worth it! Final photo:

Do-it-yourself letter pillows

A very common type of sofa cushions. They are sewn quite simply, the main thing is to have the alphabet with the right language. And increase the letters to right size, Certainly.

The most important thing is not to forget to cut right amount strips for the side jumper.

I found two such alphabets, but there are still very a large number of different fonts, each of which is applicable for letter art.

Photo of children's pillows

There will also be many inspirational photos at the end of the article, so don't miss it.

DIY decorative pillows: photos and creation schemes

There will be rollers, and flower pillows, and just unusual, practical and easy-to-do ideas.

Soft heart dear

Now we will talk about how to make a gift to your loved one with your own hands. And then Valentine's Day is about to come, and somehow I rarely prepare you for this)

What gift am I talking about? We will sew a beautiful pink pillow in the shape of a heart with frills from a veil.

Necessary materials

  • faux fur for the heart itself (the pillow is large enough, so the dimensions of the material are decent: 110 x 40 cm);
  • veil, chiffon or organza for ruffles and flowers (dimensions: 300 x 30 cm);
  • sintepuh or synthetic winterizer for stuffing;
  • threads in the color of the fabric;
  • satin ribbon for a bow;
  • rhinestones;
  • pattern paper;
  • pencil for translating patterns;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • pins for pinning patterns and frills.

You will need patterns (click to enlarge):

As you can see, this is only half of our heart. Therefore, when you cut it out, first translate one half, then the other. And so for both parts.

Cut out two pieces so that the direction of the pile on them is the same. Cut off a strip of the following sizes from the veil: 300 x 18 cm. Such a large length is needed so that, with further shirring of this strip, you can insert it into the edges of the pillow.

Now fold the strip in half lengthwise. Sew on the sewing machine two lines at a distance from the edge and from each other by about 5 - 7 mm. But do not fasten the ends of the thread! And leave a larger supply of thread on all sides.

We haven't secured our stitches, so now we can tighten them. Just pull on both threads and slowly gather our frill to the desired state (the length of the finished frill should be equal to the length of the edge of the pillow itself).

After the threads are tightened, tie all the threads into knots at the ends and cut off the excess threads.

Now you need to put the frill inside the pillow, as shown below, and stick it in.

And then sweep and sew, without sewing to the end. Leave a small hole. After everything is sewn, turn the future pillow inside out and stuff it with sintepuh.

Now sew together the ends of the frill, as in the bottom photo.

If you have a small spare of frill left, then you can hide the seam slightly by laying a small fold. It remains to sew up the left hole.

Our pillow, of course, is good, but there are not enough decorative elements on it, so we will make roses with you To make roses, you will need 3 strips of veil with the following dimensions: 9 x 50 cm, 5 x 30 cm and 4 x 17 cm. as well as a frill for a pillow.

It's time to wrap our rose! To do this, start folding the rosette, as below. But when wrapping the flower, bend the edges of the rose to make it look more natural. Make all 3 roses in this manner.

The roses came out great, didn't they? I hope everything worked out for you too. By the way, I wrote about creating similar roses in one of my previous posts.

It remains only to sew or glue the rose to the pillow. It comes out very nice:

Other sofa cushions

It seems that a few more detailed master classes will not hurt you)



Bear and dog



Roller “Princess Hotdog”(do not bother with the name, this is a character from one stoned cartoon)

I don’t have a detailed photo description, but I can say one thing: for the body you will need six elongated wedges and two parts (almost semicircles) for the muzzle.

Other fabric fantasies

It's nice to know that blog readers are inspired by my posts. The beautiful needlewoman Marina Grudzinskaya sewed pillows based on the works presented in this article. Come visit her (profile in In contact with And Instagram) and evaluate the products themselves:

Wanna show you where to buy excellent materials to create super-soft and delicate pillows, indistinguishable from the store. I bought this myself wonderful fleece- I'm not overjoyed, he's so glorious. The most important thing is - color palette on high.

On this, dear friends, I ask you. This time it turned out to be a very plump article on ideas (I personally counted about 50 ideas). I hope that you found exactly the option that you wanted. See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva
