How to print on mugs at home. Step by step description of the creative process. How to make a cup with flowers with your own hands: a master class

A mug with an original pattern is not only a great gift, but also interesting idea for business. For this purpose, you can either use special equipment or get by with the most simple means. How to do it? Read carefully and take note!

You can draw a picture using ordinary felt-tip pens! To do this, come up with a picture and select a transparent mug. Draw your layout on a piece of paper with a pen or pencil. In this case, the paper itself should be of such a size that it easily fits into a mug up to the rim. Lean your layout, or better, fix it on the mug with adhesive tape. Now circle the drawing with a marker on the surface of the mug and put it in the oven at 180 degrees. Your original cup is ready! To prevent the drawing from quickly washing off, cover the cooled mug with colorless nail polish. You can also decorate the ceramic mug yourself. Only for this you will need special paints for ceramics, as well as the ability to draw without a template. Start drawing the drawing first with contour paints, so that if something suddenly doesn’t work out, you can correct it. After that, apply the main paints, put in the oven, heated to 160 degrees, for 30 minutes, leave to cool for an hour. Be sure to read the instructions, as the manufacturer may have specified other conditions. The first two options are only suitable for you if, for example, you are a creative person who is looking for additional sources of income. If you are planning to build a serious business, then you cannot do without special equipment. After all, you are unlikely to be able to make more than 10 cups a day by hand, and with special equipment you can also do large volumes ordered by companies and enterprises. The first serious technology is a hot decal. This option is suitable for those who are confident in in large numbers the same orders. After all, even though the image turns out to be resistant to the impact external factors, which the previous two cannot boast of, but the same pattern will have to be applied immediately to at least 50 cups. And the cost of such application is not the cheapest and fastest, usually the order processing time reaches 5 days. Cold decolouration is an interesting way of applying a pattern, which, unfortunately, also has a number of significant drawbacks. The advantages include the speed of order processing, the absence of the need to act at high temperatures, as well as the ability to fulfill single orders. But one of the significant disadvantages is the instability of the pattern to external influences, which is why such dishes can only be used as a souvenir. Laser transfer is one of the most simple ways drawing an image. To do this, a drawing of a given size is printed on special paper, transferred directly to the mug, and then the result is fixed by exposure high temperatures. That's just in fact it turns out a simple film that is easy to scratch. Because of this, the drawing quite often becomes unusable very quickly. The most popular and sought-after technology is the sublimation printing method, which uses a heat press. The process is similar to the laser transfer application technology, but differs precisely due to sublimation, in which the pattern penetrates the surface of the mug. As a result, the image is stable, less susceptible to external influences, and the costs at the same time are minimal in the manufacturing process.

DIY Flower Cup Topiary

Master class Topiary "Flower Cup"

The master class is intended for teachers of additional education, technology teachers, for older and middle-aged children, for parents and for everyone interested in creativity. Topiary is great option for those who love to decorate their home with their own hands.
The main purpose of the topiary is interior decoration.
Target : making a topiary "Flower cup" from improvised means.

Familiarize yourself with the technology of performing topiary
develop creative imagination, fantasy;
inculcate aesthetic taste
develop motor skills of hands, perseverance;
to cultivate accuracy in the performance of work;

Topiary is small product from improvised means that are at hand - artificial flowers, shells, pebbles, etc. It's very beautiful gift - souvenir made by hand. The art of creating topiary originates from the ancient skill of cutting trees and shrubs, the crowns of which were given various intricate shapes.
A wide variety of materials are used to create them. As a rule, topiaries are made in the form of small spherical or cone-shaped trees, which are decorated with flowers, feathers, pebbles, cereals, cones, leaves, and so on. It is believed that the topiary is a "tree of happiness", so it is customary to give them to loved ones. Souvenirs made by hand, in which the master "puts his soul" into it, are especially valued. As for the decor, there are many individual variations possible.
Another entertaining option for making a topiary is a craft in the form of a cup of coffee or flowers floating in the air. This type of topiary would be appropriate as a decor in the kitchen or dining room.
In this master class, I will introduce you to the manufacture of the Flower Cup topiary. Such a topiary is sometimes called a "flying cup", as it seems to soar in the air.
Materials and tools that we need to work:

1. Tea pair (cup and saucer)
2. Small artificial flowers
3. Glue gun, glue sticks
4. Thick wire
5. Pliers
6. Masking tape
7. Scissors

Execution sequence:

1. Prepare a cup and saucer - degrease, wipe dry
2. We take a thick wire, bend it to the position we need in the form of the letter “Z” with the help of pliers.

3. We give the desired bend and align the base of the wire so that it fits snugly against the side of the cup and the bottom of the saucer.

4. We start working with a glue gun. We first glue the wire to the bottom of the saucer, holding the wire until the glue completely hardens. We do not regret the glue, we squeeze out so much that the mass completely covers the wire.

5. In the same way, glue the wire to the cup. The most important thing here is to wait for the glue to completely harden so that the wire does not lag behind the walls.

6. Wrap the wire masking tape. Unfortunately, I did not immediately wrap the wire with tape, but only after I realized that the flowers do not stick to the wire.
7. Glue the leaves to the bottom of the saucer in random order.

8. We attach larger flowers to the bottom of the saucer and cup

9. We decorate the cup to our liking by gluing the flowers in random order, interspersed with green leaves.

10. The Flower Cup Topiary is ready!

Flowers pour from the cup for a wonderful summer mood.


Topiary from a mug is an original gift for loved ones that you can make with your own hands. Such a creation is perfect for a present in honor of Valentine's Day. It can be made even with children and please your family. It is necessary to consider what a topiary is and how to make it from a mug.

What is a topiary

Topiary is a decorative figurine symbolizing wealth and abundance. Usually a topiary is a tree decorated with coins, coffee beans, shells, in general, various little things. The variety of elements that can be used to create a souvenir provides room for imagination. In the same way, but using various materials, you can make completely different topiaries.

Previously, topiary was called a special cutting of trees, which later grew into the creation ornamental plants, where the crown was depicted in the form of various gizmos. At the same time, you can make such a small and beautiful tree from any materials, a simple scheme of work allows you to make something similar even for children.

Currently, in addition to trees, they create various compositions where the tree is not present at all. It's all about the technique - gluing the elements to the base tightly to each other. You can decorate the craft with various details, paint them, tie ribbons to create a unique gift and attract wealth to your home.

Floating cup of coffee (video)

What can you make a topiary from?

In addition to the tree, the topiary is very popular in the form of a cup, from which something pours onto a saucer. That "something" could be coins, coffee beans, even pasta. This figure symbolizes abundance. The best choice of cup and saucer the same color, that is, a coffee pair.

Saucers can be with patterns, but it is ideal if the set is plain white color.

It is not difficult to make a topiary from a cup, the main thing is to choose what will pour from the mug, and also be patient to create a neat craft.

Coffee topiary "flying mug" will fit into the interior of a modern living room, bedroom, kitchen. This feng shui element will bring joy and wealth to your home, and making it is easy using the master class below.

Mug with coffee (video)

How to make a topiary from a mug

You can make a craft from a mug as follows. Step-by-step instruction(master class) will help create a beautiful and unusual craft.

You will need:

  • coffee cup and saucer;
  • Super glue;
  • coffee beans;
  • fork or thick wire;
  • pliers;
  • thin tape of foam rubber about - 10 cm;
  • various decorative elements.

Stepping through:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the base for the cup. To do this, a fork or a thick, strong wire needs to be bent in several places to form an arc. No need to overdo it: you should get something like a semicircle.
  2. The next step is to fix this element. If using a fork, attach the serrated side to the side of the mug with superglue. Glue the other end of the fork to the saucer. The result should be a mug flying over a saucer. It's okay if the cup outweighs the design, this will be corrected later.
  3. To mask the plug or wire, you need to carefully apply foam tape on all sides with glue.
  4. Now you need to glue the coffee beans. First, they are placed inside the mug one at a time (each must be carefully lubricated with glue). The type of coffee in this case does not play a role, the main thing is that the grains are whole.
  5. Then you need to do the same along the entire length of the foam strip. All actions are performed slowly, carefully, glue one grain at a time, pressing them tightly against each other.
  6. As a result, there should be no voids with foam rubber. If there are any, you need to stick smaller grains there, this will also give the craft volume.
  7. The coffee beans must also be attached to the back of the foam fork. If there are bald spots, then they must be closed with a few more grains. Attention should be paid to the sides of the fork so that there are no empty spaces anywhere.
  8. A few coffee beans can also be added to the saucer itself to create the feeling that coffee is really pouring from the cup.
  9. Now you need to leave the craft to dry. It may happen that the cup still outweighs the saucer. In this case, the situation can be corrected by adding various decorative elements. You can glue more coffee beans on the saucer, but it is better to attach them one at a time: it will turn out neater, albeit longer.
  10. In addition to coffee, crafts can be decorated with beads, hearts. It is necessary to remove all the threads that superglue leaves behind.

The craft is ready.

Thus, you can make a topiary, the basis for which will be a cup of coffee. Instead of grains, you can use flowers, shells, beads, in general, whatever your heart desires. Topiary can be created for any holiday, depending on this, use various decor.

In conclusion, you should pay attention to the fact that the “cup of coffee” topiary is a simple and at the same time creative gift for relatives and friends. Using the master class, you can create several very different and very beautiful topiaries, depending on the season or upcoming holidays.

flying mug with different design can be a wonderful gift for relatives, friends and acquaintances who are already difficult to surprise with something. The original idea and implementation will surely make you think about how the cup floats in the air. Finished flying cup (master class various options manufacturing and design is presented in the article) will bring only positive emotions both the giver and the recipient.

Flying cup: master class

Topiary - small decorative item, created from improvised materials: flowers, pebbles, shells, etc. A floating decorative cup will look appropriate in the dining room or in the kitchen. In this lesson, we will learn how to make a topiary with a flying cup with our own hands. We will need the following materials and tools:

  • cup and saucer;
  • wire;
  • hot glue;
  • small artificial flowers;
  • masking tape;
  • pliers;
  • scissors.

1. Prepare a cup and saucer: degrease them and wipe dry.

2. We bend a thick wire with pliers, creating a Z-shape.

3. Align the bottom and upper part wire so that it fits snugly against the saucer and against the wall of the cup.

4. Using glue gun glue the wire first to the saucer. We do not regret consumables: the glue must completely cover the wire. Hold the wire in position until the glue hardens.

5. In the same way, we glue the wire to the walls of the cup. Be sure to wait until the glue hardens completely: the wire should not lag behind the walls.

6. Paste the wire with masking tape. We did not do it right away, but only after we made sure that the flowers do not stick to the wire.

7. Glue artificial leaves in random order at the bottom.

8. We glue the largest flowers to the bottom of the cup and to the saucer.

9. From smaller flowers and leaves we create a "stream", gluing both of them in random order.

It turns out here is such a decorative cup with flowers.

We use kanzashi

To decorate a floating cup, you can also use flowers made using the kanzashi technique. It turns out very original.


  • thin floral felt;
  • sponge;
  • aluminum fork;
  • coffee or tea pair;
  • lighter or soldering iron;
  • tweezers for kanzashi;
  • stamens and small beads;
  • beads, decorative butterfly;
  • multi-colored ribbons 5 cm wide;
  • glue gun.

1. From thin felt or, if it is not there, then from a ribbon, cut out the leaves.

2. Cut the ribbon for the flower. One will need 5 pieces. We collect a sharp petal, but we are not in a hurry to solder. We draw along the line with a soldering iron or a lighter.

3. It turned out such a petal. Doing required amount from multi-colored ribbons.

4. We collect the centers of flowers from beads with stamens.

5. We glue the fork with hot glue, connecting the coffee cup and saucer with it.

6. After 10 minutes, once again smear with glue.

7. We use any heavy object as a load. We tied up old door hinges.

9. We collect flowers by gluing petal by petal to the stamen.

10. Decorate the cup. To begin with, we glue the cup and saucer with leaves, and then gradually cover the entire surface of the saucer, cup and fork with fabric flowers.

It turns out here is such a flying cup.

feng shui money cup

competition to the traditional money tree will make a flying cup of money, made according to Feng Shui.

To create it you will need:

  • coffee couple;
  • glue gun;
  • coins;
  • wire;
  • banknote imitation;
  • napkins;
  • scotch;
  • aluminum wire;
  • clear nail polish.

1. We bend the wire and glue it in the same way as in the previous microns.

2. To give the wire the appearance of a waterfall jet, wrap it with napkins.

3. We fix it with transparent tape.

4. We start pasting with coins, moving from the bottom up, as in the photo.

5. To make the craft look neat, first glue the side coins on top.

6. It turns out a strong, rather weighty design.

7. We twist the imitation of real banknotes into a tube, fix it with glue and add them to the composition.

8. So that the coins do not darken over time outdoors, cover the money stream with transparent varnish.

Try to make your first flying cup with our tutorials: we are sure that soon all your friends will have in their house different variants such handmade gifts!

A selection of videos on the topic of the article

AT recent times hand-made gifts are gaining popularity. For example, a do-it-yourself floating cup with flowers - the best souvenir friend, colleague and loved one. Such a gift symbolizes spring, happiness, kindness, beauty and prosperity. Today we will learn how to make this beautiful and elegant craft.

Many needlewomen call a floating cup a waterfall. If you look closely, it is precisely such a natural phenomenon that this craft symbolizes. The mug seems to be floating in the air, and coins, flowers, sweets, coffee beans, etc. pour out of it.

If you are new to this business, a few useful tips will help you easily make a floating cup with your own hands, and master classes will clearly demonstrate the stages of work:

  • any cup and saucer is suitable for work;
  • be sure to first slightly scrape off the surface layer from the cup and saucer, especially in places where the wire will be fixed;
  • in order for the adhesive to better fix the wire, we treat the surface of the saucer and mug with acetone, that is, we degrease it;
  • we cut the wire of the same size, taking into account the height of the craft;
  • we do not cut the wire, but bend it to create a kind of frame for the cup;
  • first, we perform all fitting actions, and only then we fasten the wire with an adhesive;
  • it is best to use for modeling such crafts
  • to create a waterfall base for decorating crafts, the wire must be wrapped with twine, which should be fixed with glue;
  • while decorating the product, you can show all your creativity and imagination using a wide variety of materials - coins, counterfeit banknotes, beads, buttons, satin flowers, ribbons, pebbles, coffee beans, etc.;
  • to make the craft look stylish and harmonious, most jewelry we place on a saucer;
  • the wire should be completely covered with decor items, especially at the points of its attachment to the cup and saucer.

flower waterfall

If you have visited arts and crafts exhibitions at least once, then you probably noticed that one of the most common products in this direction is a floating cup with flowers made of satin ribbon. Our master class will tell you how to make such an original product with your own hands. For modeling colors, any fabric trimmings of various shades and textures are suitable.

Necessary materials:

  • multi-colored satin ribbons;
  • leaf template;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun with rods;
  • pencil;
  • saucer and mug;
  • wire;
  • threads;
  • needle.

Give a piece of good luck

If you want to make an unusual gift close person, try to make a floating waterfall cup. Only here we will have a waterfall not ordinary, but coin. You can use any coins. Be sure to stock up on old nuts, bolts and washers. They will play the role of a weighting agent.

Necessary materials:

  • glue gun with rods;
  • saucer and mug;
  • fork;
  • coins;
  • bolts, nuts or other metal objects.

Step by step description of the creative process:
