How long does the menopause last? Menopause: age, symptoms and hormone therapy. How long do menopause symptoms last in women

Menopause is an absolutely natural process that occurs in the body of every woman who has reached the age of about 45 years. Climax or, as it is also called in another way, menopause, implies the complete cessation of the menstrual cycle, as well as the inability to become pregnant. This condition does not need to be treated: menopause is not a disease and pathology, however, in order for it to proceed more normally, some preventive measures must be observed. Most often, women are interested in the question of: how long does menopause last?

Some women, about half, endure menopause much easily, with virtually no difficulties. But the other part has a hard time: there are violations in the work of some organs, which leads to the so-called climacteric syndrome.

Attention! Paradoxically, the climacteric syndrome can begin to develop long before the onset of menopause as such, and may occur after it, even when menstrual bleeding has completely stopped.

  1. The most common symptom of pathological menopause is hot flashes, which are characterized by heat in the chest, arms and head, excessive sweating and uncontrollable fear.
  2. Frequent headaches accompanied by dizziness.
  3. Unstable body temperature, due to which a woman can sweat a lot, then she has chills.
  4. The level of sexual desire and libido as such is noticeably reduced.
  5. Since a woman does not feel well, it often prevents her from falling asleep at night and resting normally. After that, it becomes simply problematic to work and lead an active lifestyle.
  6. The psycho-emotional state is unstable, the woman becomes whiny and touchy.
  7. During menopause, some women may noticeably put on weight and develop diabetes. In the latter case, you need to go to an endocrinologist.
  8. The period of menopause is characterized by the fact that the walls of the vaginal mucosa become noticeably thinner: a woman experiences pain during sex, after sexual contact, even bleeding from the vagina caused by mechanical damage can be observed. In everyday life, this phenomenon makes itself felt with itching and discomfort.
  9. Frequent urge to go to the toilet in a small way in a short time.

For those women who experience these or similar symptoms, there are many herbal and hormonal preparations available. They can seek help from a doctor, and he will select something optimal for them on an individual basis. He will also talk about how long the climacteric syndrome can be, and when everything will go down.

At what age does menopause begin and how long does it last?

Typically, menopause begins in women at the age of 45-50 years, and its duration lasts up to about 50 years. However, not all women fit into this framework at all; some of the fair sex show signs of menopause as early as 40 years old.

Attention! Early menopause occurs in those women who have never given birth, have bad habits (especially smoking), as well as those who have been engaged in hard physical labor all their lives, lived in areas and areas with poor ecology.

However, the first signs of menopause appear 4-5 years before a woman stops menstruating. The period of intense hormonal adjustment itself is called menopause, and then postmenopause begins, which lasts until the end of a woman's life. Menopause continues without any symptoms.

late menopause

There are times when menopause in women occurs a little later than usual. This is due to hereditary factors, since it is almost impossible to delay the onset of menopause artificially. You can talk about late menopause when its signs begin to appear after 55 years.

It would seem that such a duration of youth should only benefit, and one should be glad that the aging processes of the body have slowed down, and a woman can remain young and beautiful much more. However, this condition is fraught with extremely unpleasant consequences, including the risk of developing a tumor process in the reproductive organs and breasts.

In order for such consequences not to occur, a woman should be examined by a gynecologist and regularly do mammograms.

Surgical menopause

This is a special type of menopause, which is associated with the fact that an operation was performed on the female genital organs with their complete or partial removal. After the operation, an artificial menopause occurs, the symptoms of which develop in an accelerated mode. In order to avoid this, immediately after the operation, you need to consult a doctor about taking hormonal drugs that would help simulate a normal menstrual cycle.

Attention! As a rule, some organs of the reproductive system are removed due to severe prolapse, with oncological formations and uncontrolled inflammation.

How to delay the onset of menopause?

It is impossible to radically change the arrival of the menopausal period, but by following some simple rules, you can stay young for a little longer.

  1. After 40 years, you need to start actively eating a lot more foods that contain vitamin E. These are various greens, green fruits and vegetables, nuts, bread and bread with bran and whole grains. In addition, it is important to increase the fiber content in the diet, and it is contained in exclusively fresh vegetables and fruits.
  2. Since bones become more fragile after the age of 40, it is important to eat as many foods with calcium as possible, and, if necessary, additional vitamin and mineral complexes during menopause.
  3. Try to lead an active lifestyle: walk more in the fresh air, do exercises. If possible, sign up for a gym or dance class. Many people can improve their health in this way, a woman at the age of menopause is no exception.
  4. In order not to mope and reduce the impact of stress, find a new hobby or make friends.

Thus, it is impossible to say exactly how long menopause lasts: it does not have a strictly fixed time frame, it usually comes to a woman at the age of 45-50 years. Its active phase is called menopause, but after it the menopause will continue more calmly, and will accompany the woman until the end of her life.

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With age, certain transformations occur in a woman's body - the hormonal background changes, the reproductive function fades. This period is called menopause or menopause. It can have different duration. It all depends on the genetics, health status and individual characteristics of the body of each representative of the weaker sex.

On average, the duration of menopause in women is about 2-6 years.

Menopause occurs in women after the age of 42-50 years. Menopause is characterized by the cessation of the body's production of female sex hormones. This leads to a gradual decrease in the size of the ovaries and uterus, the disappearance of menstruation. As a result, a woman loses the opportunity to conceive and have children.

Additionally, menopause is accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms that cause inconvenience to a woman and cause depressive states.

And if all women come through menopause, then not everyone has menopausal syndrome. Most often, the problem occurs with hereditary, cardiovascular, gynecological and other diseases, a decrease in the adaptive function of the body, stress, disorders of the nervous system, etc. The syndrome may occur seasonally. Most often, he worries a woman in spring and autumn.

Periods and symptoms

Speaking about how long menopause lasts in women, you should consider its individual periods and symptoms.

The signs of menopause are:

  • hot flashes / fever of the body or skin;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • regular headaches;
  • sharp mood swings;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • depressive state;
  • unmotivated aggression;
  • tachycardia;
  • panic attacks;
  • dryness of the genitals;
  • pain when urinating;
  • itching and burning in the area of ​​​​the internal genital organs;
  • frequent urination;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased libido.

Other less common symptoms of menopause may also be present.

There are several periods of menopause. So, experts distinguish:

  • premenopause;
  • menopause;
  • postmenopause.

Each of them has its own characteristics and characteristics.


Premenopause is the beginning of menopause, during which changes in the menstrual cycle occur. According to statistics, it occurs between the ages of 42-47 and can last quite a long time. On average, the phase lasts 2-10 years.

A woman may have an unstable menstrual cycle. Specialists distinguish several relevant periods:

  • Hypomenstrual. It is characterized by an increase in the duration of the cycle and the intervals between menstruation. The amount of uterine discharge becomes much less.
  • Hypermenstrual. The interval between periods remains stable. The amount of discharge and the duration of menstruation increase.
  • Absence of menstruation. Sometimes there is a complete cessation of menstruation. There are no other symptoms of menopause.

The occurrence of a particular period is due to hormonal changes, a decrease in estrogen production and the individual characteristics of the young lady's body.


Menopause occurs in women aged 50 or over. The duration of the period is 2-6 years.

It is characterized by various manifestations:

  • Heat, flushes, sweating. Periodically there is a feeling of heat in the face and body with or without reddening of the skin. This significantly increases perspiration. The phenomenon is called tides. The duration of the attacks does not exceed a few minutes. The frequency may vary.
  • Sleep disturbance. Menopause and hot flashes contribute to the deterioration of the quality of sleep and the occurrence of insomnia.
  • Migraine. The cessation of the production of sex hormones and nervous shock lead to periodic headaches.
  • Nervousness. During menopause, many women experience a sharp change in mood, apathy, aggression, irritability, panic attacks, tearfulness.
  • Progress in chronic diseases. During the menopause, various diseases are often exacerbated, which have passed into the chronic phase and for a long time did not make themselves felt.
  • Deterioration of the cardiovascular system. During menopause, there are jumps in blood pressure, increased heart rate. This is due to the restructuring of the body.
  • Decreased attraction. Many patients experience vaginal dryness, discomfort during sex, and a general decrease in libido.

There is also increased fatigue, decreased performance.

In some cases, a hysterectomy is indicated. This is the complete removal of the uterus. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Indications are multiple formations in the cavity, premature drying and other problems. Removal accelerates the process of withering of the body and the cessation of the production of sex hormones.


After the final restructuring of the hormonal system comes postmenopause. The period continues all subsequent years of life. At this stage, the ovaries and uterus decrease in size and cease to perform their functions.

The period may be asymptomatic. Postmenopausal health problems are caused by age-related changes. Most often, during this period, the work of the cardiovascular system worsens, violations of the excretory function occur, immunity and working capacity decrease, etc.

To avoid a heart attack, stroke and other problems, you should promptly seek help from a doctor who can prescribe adequate therapy and, possibly, surgery.

How is menopause in women

Speaking about how long menopause lasts for women, it is worth focusing on the features of how the period passes.

Hormonal changes in the body invariably lead to deterioration in the emotional and physical condition of the lady. This manifests itself differently for each person. Someone quite easily survives this period and continues to lead a habitual way of life, others suffer from pain and other unpleasant consequences.

Change in the menstrual cycle

During menopause, women experience a change in the menstrual cycle. It can increase or decrease in size. Periodically, menstruation disappears, returning again after a few months. In each case, the process is carried out individually. This may depend on genetics, the presence of concomitant diseases, individual characteristics of the body, stress and other factors.

Features of the menstrual cycle during menopause:

  • Smooth cessation and decrease in menstruation. The average duration of the period is several years.
  • Abrupt disappearance. At a certain point, menstruation completely stops and does not go for a long time. In some cases, it no longer appears.
  • Resumption of menstruation. A few months later, menstruation resumes on its own. The interval between periods can be 2-12 months.

Regardless of the nature of the menstrual cycle, it gradually fades away and stops completely. For some it takes several years. Others have more than a decade.

How long do hot flashes last during menopause

More than half of women have a hard time with menopause. The greatest inconvenience is delivered by the tides. For many, this phenomenon occurs at night, which contributes to sleep disturbance. Hot flashes irritate the nervous system and lead to excessive emotionality, breakdowns, depressive states.

On average, the duration of an attack is several minutes. The intensity can be from once every few days, but 2-3 attacks per day, sometimes more. The average duration of the period is individual. It can range from one to 3-4 years.

Watch the video to learn more about menopause and how long menopause lasts:

How long does the climax last?

A synonym for this term is also the concept of menopause, that is, the cessation of a regular menstrual cycle. Normal menopause is not a disease or pathological condition, it simply means that conception and pregnancy are no longer possible. Consider the features of this phenomenon, its symptoms and the average duration. Menopause is a physiological process, accompanied by the cessation of the secretion of female sex hormones.

Menopause begins when the structural components of the ovaries, the follicles, are depleted in the female ovaries. This is a signal to reduce the production of estradiol and other female sex hormones. The feedback mechanism is switched on, stimulating hormones of the pituitary gland also stop being produced. These processes lead to a decrease in the size of the ovaries and the extinction of their functions. During this period, male hormones produced by the adrenal cortex begin to predominate in the body of a woman.

A decrease in the level of estrogen in the blood causes a change in almost all systems and organs. Half of the women tolerate menopause relatively easily, but the remaining 50% develop various disorders in the reproductive system and other organs. This condition is called pathological menopause and can last for several years. It is characteristic that the climacteric syndrome can develop not only during the period of menopause itself, but also before it, as well as several years after the cessation of menstrual bleeding. Early signs of pathological menopause are known as hot flashes.

These are states of hot flashes to the face, head, or upper body. Hot flashes last from 20 seconds to 3 minutes. The condition may be accompanied by the following manifestations. In some cases, hot flashes can take on the character of a crisis, the heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, and a feeling of loss of consciousness appears. Sometimes there are pains in the heart of a neurotic nature.

In rare cases, women develop coronary heart disease or menopausal cardiomyopathy. Pathological menopause is also accompanied by disorders of the psyche and nervous system. Women may experience. In some women, fat metabolism is disturbed and weight gain occurs. Metabolic disorders can cause diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism, thyroid dysfunction.

On the part of the reproductive and urinary systems, there are also violations. Normal menopause in women can also cause hot flashes, but they disappear after the end of the menopause period. If the hormonal level decreases gradually, women do not experience any unpleasant symptoms, or they are mild and do not last long. In some women, during menopause, breasts, height and weight decrease, there are also problems with the skin (it becomes thin and dry) and hair (they become brittle. Pathological menopause requires mandatory clinical observation and treatment.

How to behave during menopause?

If you have crossed the 45-year mark, you need to be prepared for the fact that menopause will begin soon. This difficult period for every woman cannot be avoided. But do not despair! Menopause is not a serious illness, not the end of life, but just another stage of it. However, the course of this “new life” depends entirely on you: on your attitude to your own condition, on how early you understand what is happening to you, and what measures you will take.

About how to recognize menopause and how to help yourself during this period, we talked with Olga Viktorovna Veselova, a gynecologist-endocrinologist of the highest category at the Diagnosis Medical Center.

How does a man in love behave with the lady of his heart?

At a certain stage of the relationship, every woman really wants to know if her chosen one got into the “network”, or is it not yet the time for a more confident offensive. But to do this, alas, is not so simple. Each representative of the fair sex sooner or later wonders how a man in love behaves, what signs of falling in love exist, and in general - can this be somehow understood?

If you are very attentive, you can read in his eyes, evaluate by actions or words spoken. Although a loving man can behave very non-standard, after all, he is an individual person, with his own feelings and views on relationships. In any case, all men in love can be divided into those who love, and those who are trying to hide their feelings for a woman.

How to recognize a cold heart?

How many wonderful feelings we can see every day, people fall in love and enjoy emotions, sensations, but there are also people with different outlooks on life. A man may doubt his feelings, but it is worse if there are no feelings, and he knows about it. Here a woman should be extremely careful, you need to recognize falsehood in time.

  • There should be no secrets or secrets between lovers, and if a person is trying to hide something, then you should think twice about what the problem is. Not without exceptions, of course, but in most cases it is. After all, secrets are based on long-standing sins that a man can hide for years. Undoubtedly, there are secretive people, but if they love, then sooner or later everything should be known to both. This advice should always be used carefully, you should not immediately pounce and interrogate your loved one after confessions.
  • Love “walks side by side” not only with trust and care, but also with jealousy, if there is no pure relationship with the manifestation of jealousy at least sometimes, then we can say that there is no love either. This is explained simply: if all the women who surround a man are indifferent to him, then he does not care about them and is not jealous.
  • Harsh criticism of his chosen one, and sometimes tyranny, betray a cold, indifferent person. Here, of course, there are no feelings. A man can even disregard a lady, her desires. All major decisions are up to him, and her word will mean nothing. A girl can act as a convenient toy, but by no means a favorite. And besides, it should be remembered that criticism, witty and sharp, like a wasp's sting, is a sign not only of a cold heart, but also of a liar actor.
  • An excessive amount of compliments that have nothing to do with the truth is just a "blurring" of the ears. An experienced seducer knows that ladies love with their ears, so his weapon is his flattering word. You have to be very careful with such people who, already on the first date, scatter in compliments and scream that they fell in love like a boy. They don’t talk about sincere feelings right away, but only when there is no more strength to be silent about them!
  • The first signs of menopause in women are emotional stress.

    Psychological signs of menopause in women are very common. They are associated not only with the influence of low hormonal levels on the state of the nervous system, but also with emotional experiences.

    After all, menopause is a new and, what can I say, not a very pleasant state in the life of every woman who has reached the age of 50.

    The initial manifestations of menopause are fears and worries

    For a woman, the onset of menopause is emotional stress! Most often, you have to cope with solving the problems of the menopause on your own. But lack of life experience. As a rule, they do not turn to psychologists. Friends can't help either. So they boil, poor fellows, in their own juice.

    An inner voice tells you that menopause is the transition to old age. This causes fear and protest. This is very difficult to come to terms with. And now, after 40 years, a woman is not so much afraid of the future physiological manifestations of menopause as she is worried, due to the appearance of wrinkles, a gradual weight gain.

    Do you know the golden rule of psychotherapists? If you cannot change the very situation that causes psychotrauma, you need to change your attitude towards it. We will try to do it ourselves. Otherwise, sad thoughts will eventually lead to depression. And then without the help of psychoneurologists and psychotherapists you will not get out.

    Usually, when a person is afraid of something, he drives these thoughts away. Creates an illusion or psychological protection. For example, “I won’t have menopause soon.” “M.b. it will generally come to me very late, when I will be quite old. ” A woman behaves with a share of protest: both in behavior and in clothes she tries to appear younger, as if pushing back aging in this way.

    Uterine fibroids, symptoms and signs in menopause: progress or regression?

    Our reader asks how uterine fibroids behave during menopause, what are her symptoms and signs. Our expert gynecologist Alla Garkusha talks in detail about all the nuances of the behavior of uterine fibroids, about the symptoms and signs of progress or regression of nodes during menopause.

    The uterus is one of the first organs to respond to female hormones if they are out of balance. Two of the most common diseases in menopause are endometriosis and uterine fibroids. Women with premenopausal syndrome often experience painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea), which most often occurs when the uterus is affected by fibroids. Hormonal imbalance in different periods of a woman's life is the cause of fibroids. When the endometrium is rejected, menstruation occurs, and blood enters the muscle layers, causing severe pain. Conventional medicine treats this pain with non-narcotic anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, but ignores indicators of the metabolic hormonal imbalance that caused myoma growth. The problem can often be solved simply by maintaining proper levels of progesterone, which restores normal and rejection of the endometrium. The location of fibroids that cause symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding is submucosal or submucosal, just below the endometrium. Even tiny submucosal nodules cause extremely profuse menses with large clots. Uterine fibroids, located in the thickness of the muscular layer, may not have symptoms at all, the only sign is an increase in the uterine size, which is detected by chance. Myoma, located on the surface of the body of the uterus, the so-called subserous, especially if it is large, or has a leg, undergoes necrosis, causes various symptoms.

    More than half of all women have fibroids. They are normal, benign formations. If fibroids run in your family, then you have a genetic predisposition. Fibroids often proceed in such a way that there are no symptoms. Most women are unaware that they have this disorder until a doctor identifies an enlarged uterus during a pelvic exam. The causes of uterine fibroids are unknown, but increased amounts of estrogens, especially estradiol, promote the formation of nodules. After the onset of menopause, fibroids in most cases disappear. But because estrogen levels can increase at the onset of menopause, previously asymptomatic fibroids may begin to grow during this period as well (until menstruation completely stops). As a result, symptoms of uterine fibroids during menopause, such as a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, pain in the lower back, pain during intercourse, frequent urination or urinary incontinence, difficulty in emptying the intestines or severe menstrual pain and bleeding, can appear and cause suffering. An increase in estrogen in the blood without a monthly balancing effect of progesterone is the cause of fibroids. Sometimes this leads to a significant increase in the body of the uterus, which presses on other organs. New signs appear, such as frequent urination, constipation, abdominal discomfort, and heavy menstrual bleeding. Some fibroids can grow to the size of a grapefruit or melon, causing constant bleeding and long, painful periods.

    Progress or regress

    Fibrous, myomatous tumors are not cancerous, they are not malignant. Less than 0.1% of all uterine fibroids become malignant. The myomatous node consists of smooth muscle cells and connective tissue, fibroids mostly grow slowly until menopause occurs. Fibroids have two predictable growth spurts that are natural and not a cause for concern. After menopause, fibroids shrink and become small nodules and calcify. The first rapid growth spurt usually occurs at the age of 30-40, after several years of growth slowdown. The second is just before menopause, when women experience hormonal changes associated with the onset of menopause. About a year after menopause, myomatous nodules begin to slowly and gradually regress to a negligible size. The size of the uterus with fibroids is different.

    There comes a moment - and the woman's body ceases to actively produce estrogen - the female hormone. A gradual decrease in estrogen leads to menopause - a phenomenon when the childbearing function begins to fade, and a new phase of life begins for a woman.

    How to relieve symptoms of menopause

    This process does not go smoothly and smoothly for everyone: menopause, unfortunately, is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

    The body is rebuilt, so it reacts to changes with hot flashes, headaches, sleep disturbances, menstrual irregularities and many other annoying deviations.

    During hot flashes, the body is covered by a hot wave that starts from the head (face) and covers the neck, chest. The feeling of heat is unpleasant in itself. Often, hot flashes are accompanied by ringing in the ears, dizziness, nausea, lethargy throughout the body and profuse sweating.

    In a few seconds, clothes can get wet through. And if this happens in the cold season, chills follow the heat, and wet clothes can provoke colds and even pneumonia.

    In menopause, it is advisable to wear underwear made from natural fabrics, wear wardrobe items that can be easily replaced or removed: T-shirts, sweaters, jackets. The purse should contain a spare change of linen, a blouse, a bottle of cold water. While the heat lasts, you can apply a cold bottle to a hot face and drink water in small sips - this helps to cope with the surge of the tide.

    With tachycardia, it is advisable to use sedatives: valerian, motherwort, corvalol or other drugs. What to take with menopause, the doctor advises

    Hormonal imbalance also affects the general condition: at this time, mood swings, nervous breakdowns are characteristic, stressful situations are created that are difficult to cope with. Therefore, a visit to a gynecologist will help to cope with possible deviations in health. An experienced doctor knows the menopause well, the symptoms and treatment that is optimal for his patients

    With symptoms of mild and moderate severity, non-hormonal phyto-based drugs are prescribed, for example, Climaxan, which includes plant components that can improve hormonal levels, reduce the manifestation of hot flashes, and stabilize sleep.

    With menopause, it is important to adhere to the daily regimen, engage in simple physical education, avoid unrest and food, which provoke an exacerbation of climatic symptoms.

    How long does the climax last?

    The characteristic signs of menopause are:

    • sudden mood swings;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • sweating and hot flashes;
    • panic attacks;
    • dry skin and vaginal mucosa;
    • pressure surges.

    Many women experience infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, loss of libido, and severe headaches. Each woman reacts differently to hormonal changes: some suffer from severe menopause symptoms, while others feel only mild anxiety.

    When menopause begins and how long menopause lasts depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. Usually menopause begins at 45-50 and ends at 65-70 years, that is, the duration of this process takes an average of 15 to 20 years.

    Stages of menopause

    From a medical point of view, there are three phases of menopause. The time before the last menstrual period is premenopause. During this period, the production of follicle-stimulating hormone slightly increases and the synthesis of progesterone decreases. This leads to an increase in the menstrual cycle, but its regularity is still preserved. Since premenopausal estrogen levels are elevated, menstrual bleeding becomes more intense and prolonged.

    Premenopause is the heyday of acute menopausal symptoms. Its duration determines how long the tides will last during menopause. As a rule, the average duration of premenopause is from 2 to 5 years.

    The peak of menopause takes an average of 6 to 7 years. In this phase, there are significant violations of the menstrual cycle. The formation of progestins can occur faster than the production of estrogen, there are spasmodic changes in the ratio of their concentrations, which provokes mood swings, increased nervousness, and palpitations.

    The postmenopausal phase begins a year after the last monthly period and lasts until the hormonal balance reaches a new stable level. How long menopause lasts until a new hormonal balance is achieved depends on the individual characteristics of the body of each woman. For five to ten years in postmenopause, all symptoms lose their severity and decrease significantly.

    Studies show that vasomotor symptoms such as hot flashes and sweating affect European women for an average of 6.5 years. Women of African descent go through menopause longer than Japanese and Chinese women. Comparing the effect of menopausal symptoms on all races, we can conclude that the average duration of menopause is 7.4 years.

    But there are other factors that affect the duration of menopause:

    • frequent and prolonged stress;
    • genetic predisposition;
    • surgical operations on the reproductive organs and mammary gland;
    • use of hormonal contraceptives.

    Read also:

    • Insomnia with menopause
    • Menstruation with menopause
    • Consequences of menopause
    • Yoga and menopause: exercises
    • How to distinguish menopause from pregnancy?

    Women in menopause retain the ability to conceive a child, so it is important to clearly establish the time of cessation of ovulation. You are safe from an unwanted pregnancy if you have not had a period for a year.

    This guide has been compiled to help women find answers to the most important questions about menopause.

    Since in most women menopause occurs naturally, with the achievement of a certain age, speaking below about “menopause” or “menopause”, we will mean exactly “menopause that has come naturally”.

    As you know, menopause can also occur at a younger age, after an operation in which a woman's ovaries were removed. In this article, we will call such a menopause "surgical" and, at those points where it will be necessary, we will give separate recommendations on this matter.

    Before jumping directly into the answers to questions about menopause, we would like to list the most important facts about menopause:

    The reappearance of “menstrual” or bleeding during menopause (after they have not been for almost a year or more) can be a sign of serious illness

    If you notice that after a long break you have “menstruation” again, be sure to consult a gynecologist. In women who have reached menopause, spotting can be a sign of serious illness (including uterine cancer) that can be cured if caught early.

    Unpleasant menopause symptoms can be alleviated

    Many women who are approaching menopause (menopause) experience unpleasant symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and heavy night sweats.

    If you are also concerned about these symptoms, you should know that they can be eliminated with the help of a special treatment, which we have described in detail below.

    brief information

    Menopause is the time when a woman's menstrual cycles stop. In connection with the transition to menopause, hormonal changes occur in the body, which affect her well-being and have various manifestations. When menopause occurs, the strength of bone tissue often decreases, which is associated with its rarefaction. Elevated blood cholesterol levels increase the risk of heart disease.

    At what age does menopause begin and how long does it last?

    The average age of women during menopause is 51 years. The average duration is from 48 to 55 years. About 1% of women experience a premature onset of this condition, when the first signs of menopause appear already before the age of 40.

    The onset of menopause occurs earlier in women who smoke, have never been pregnant, or live in high altitude conditions.

    The hormonal changes associated with menopause (menopause) usually begin 4-5 years before the last menstrual bleeding, this time is called premenopause. Women begin to experience the first symptoms of menopause, even if their periods are still normal. The period of premenopause and the year after it are united by the concept of "perimenopause". Postmenopause is the time that begins with menopause and lasts until about 70 years of age (up to 5 years - early, after that - late postmenopause).

    Menopause is the moment when a woman does not have a period for a year. However, the menopause preceding the cessation of menstruation and continuing after that has a different duration and in some women it can last up to 10 years. Menopause usually occurs after the age of 45 - 50 years. If it occurs before the age of 45, it is called early, and before 40 it is called premature. Most of these patients develop climacteric syndrome.

    late menopause

    It occurs in women over the age of 55. The reasons are usually hidden in genetic characteristics; it is almost impossible to artificially delay the onset of menopause. The danger of this condition lies in the increased risk of oncological formations of the ovaries and mammary glands, because these are estrogen-dependent tumors. Therefore, with the continued secretion of sex hormones, the likelihood of such diseases increases. To prevent negative consequences, every woman, regardless of age, should undergo an annual examination by a gynecologist, and also do a mammogram on time.

    Surgical menopause

    The cessation of menstrual bleeding in this case is associated with the removal of the ovaries. This may be necessary for diseases such as ovarian cancer, polycystosis, ovarian endometriosis, advanced inflammation of the genital organs, tuberculosis. After surgery, an artificial menopause occurs, while its symptoms begin suddenly and develop rapidly. To avoid this condition, immediately after the operation, it is necessary to start taking hormonal drugs that will mimic the normal cycle.

    If the uterus is preserved, then with an intermittent regimen, menstruation will also be preserved. Menopause after removal of the uterus often occurs with the simultaneous removal of the ovaries. Such an operation is necessary for endometriosis, tumors, prolapse of the genital organs. However, even with preserved ovaries, their function after hysterectomy fades earlier than normal. Such patients need competent hormonal therapy.

    See also: early menopause

    Causes of menopause

    Menopause occurs due to complex complex hormonal changes. First of all, with the onset of this period, a decrease in the number of active eggs in the ovaries is associated. At birth, women have from 1 to 3 million eggs, by the time a girl begins her period, there are usually about 400,000 of them. By the time of menopause, about 10,000 eggs remain.

    A small percentage of eggs are lost during the monthly ovulation of the menstrual cycle. Most of them undergo atresia (degeneration and subsequent resorption of immature ovarian follicles).

    Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is responsible for the growth of follicles in the first half of the menstrual cycle. As menopause approaches, the eggs become less and less sensitive to this hormone, and the ovaries dramatically reduce estrogen production. The secretion of FSH compensatory increases, but it is not able to restore the work of the ovaries. This condition is called hypergonadotropic hypogonadism.

    During menopause, the number of eggs decreases very quickly, and after the cessation of menstruation, single follicles remain, and then they disappear.

    Estrogens (female hormones) affect many parts of the body, including blood vessels, heart, bones, mammary glands, uterus, urinary system, skin, and brain. Decreased estrogen levels are thought to be the cause of many menopausal symptoms. With the onset of menopause in the ovaries, the production of the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for sexual desire, also decreases.


    How does the climax manifest itself? We list 10 common signs of menopause:

    1. Its very first satellites are the tides. According to some studies, hot flashes occur in 75% of women. The symptoms of this condition can vary. A flush is usually felt as a feeling of warmth spreading throughout the body, lasting from 30 seconds to several minutes. This condition is often accompanied by redness of the skin, palpitations, chills, sweating, and insomnia. Hot flashes usually last up to 3 years, but some women persist for 5 years or more. In a small number of patients, the duration of hot flashes up to 15 years was noted.
    2. Urinary incontinence, burning when urinating.
    3. Vaginal changes: Estrogens affect the vaginal mucosa, so in perimenopause, pain during intercourse and a change in the nature of vaginal discharge may occur. Discharge during menopause may resemble menstruation, but if they appear, you should consult a doctor.
    4. The mammary glands change shape, which is associated with the gradual atrophy of the glandular tissue.
    5. Dryness and thinning of the skin, hair loss.
    6. Rapid loss of bone mass. Most women reach peak bone density between the ages of 25 and 30, after which bone mass decreases by 0.13% annually. During menopause, the rate of bone mass decline increases to 3% per year. This condition does not cause pain or any other discomfort. However, osteoporosis gradually develops, which can lead to bone fractures. Fractures can significantly impair the quality of life and even cause death. Often there is a fracture of the femoral neck or spine in a fall, even from a height of one's own height.
    7. During menopause, the cholesterol profile changes significantly. The level of total and "bad" cholesterol increases. This increases the risk of heart and vascular diseases, and blood pressure may rise. Many patients also complain of low blood pressure and headaches.
    8. Increased chance of heart disease after menopause. It is not clear how much this is due to the aging process, and how much to hormonal changes in the body. With premature menopause or surgical removal of the ovaries, cardiovascular diseases occur already at a young age. In many respects, the reason for this is the development of tissue resistance to the action of insulin in perimenopause, which leads to increased blood clots in the vessels and an increased risk of heart attack, stroke. Dishormonal myocardial dystrophy also develops, manifested by heart rhythm disturbances, decreased exercise tolerance, shortness of breath, and stabbing pains in the region of the apex of the heart.
    9. A study of healthy menopausal women showed that, on average, their body weight increases by 5 kg over 3 years. Among the possible causes are both the manifestations of menopause and the general aging of the body. The so-called menopausal metabolic syndrome is formed, accompanied, in addition to weight gain, by a violation of the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates with the formation of prerequisites for the development of myocardial ischemia and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
    10. Often there are emotional changes - irritability, anxiety, depression, unmotivated weakness, mood instability. They are associated both with the direct influence of hormonal imbalance, and with stress factors - loneliness, fear of losing beauty, a sense of approaching old age, and so on.

    Menstruation with menopause is initially normal, regular, as a result of the ovulatory cycle. The number of anovulatory cycles gradually increases (without the formation of a mature egg and its release into the abdominal cavity), bleeding becomes irregular, long delays are possible, as well as uterine bleeding.

    Causes of bleeding during menopause:

    • natural hormonal changes;
    • diseases of the reproductive system: fibroids, tumors or polyps of the endometrium and others;
    • taking hormonal drugs;
    • diseases of other organs, such as the blood or liver system.

    In addition to troubles, perimenopause can also help a woman. So, often uterine fibroids and endometrioid ovarian cysts with menopause begin to gradually decrease, since the stimulating effect of estrogen in these diseases ceases. However, this applies only to small formations.

    Large fibroids, on the contrary, can cause uterine bleeding. If it has a leg, its torsion and necrosis of the myomatous node are likely, which requires immediate surgery. If the patient's ovarian cyst does not decrease after menopause, this is a very suspicious sign regarding the development of a tumor of this organ. In most cases, such cysts are subject to surgical removal, which can also be done using laparoscopy (without long incisions and major surgery).

    When to See a Doctor

    All women in the perimenopausal period should be fully examined annually by a general practitioner or family doctor. In addition, they must undergo gynecological examinations and breast examinations, including mammograms. Ultrasound of the mammary glands in the menopause is usually of little information due to the onset of atrophy of the glandular tissue, which makes it difficult to detect formations in the gland.

    Women of this age should be aware of the risk factors for heart disease and bowel cancer and, in consultation with their doctor, be screened for these diseases.

    Is it possible to get pregnant during menopause?

    Women with persistent periods (even irregular ones) and continued sexual activity may become pregnant. To prevent pregnancy and relieve symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, your doctor may recommend taking oral contraceptives containing low doses of estrogen. In any case, if menstruation is delayed by more than 1-3 days, it is recommended to do a home pregnancy test in order to make a difficult, but very important decision in the life of every woman about the birth of a baby in time.

    Medications and lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, can help manage hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause, including high cholesterol and bone loss.

    During menopause, it is necessary to monitor menstrual flow. You should immediately consult a doctor with such signs:

    • bleeding accompanied by abdominal pain;
    • secretion of dark clots;
    • more abundant than before, bleeding;
    • reduction of the interval between bleedings less than 3 weeks, or its lengthening - more than 3 months.


    In order to determine that a woman is in the period of perimenopause, they examine the blood for the content of FSH, that is, they conduct an analysis for hormones. An increased concentration of FSH and a reduced level of estrogen are determined. The climax test gives the following results:

    • the content of estradiol in the blood is less than 80 pmol / l;
    • the level of FSH is greater than the luteinizing hormone;
    • the concentration of estrone is greater than that of estradiol;
    • testosterone levels may be reduced or relatively elevated.

    Additionally, a Pap smear is performed, thyroid function is assessed, a biochemical blood test and a coagulogram are taken. To determine the state of the endometrium, a transvaginal ultrasound is prescribed.

    The standard for detecting bone loss, or menopause-related osteoporosis, is dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DERA). This study measures bone density and compares it to the normal value for healthy young women. The World Health Organization defines osteoporosis as a decrease in bone density greater than 2.5 standard deviations from the mean. The condition, known as osteopenia, means less severe loss of bone mass (1 to 2.5 standard deviations).

    DERA is usually done before prescribing osteoporosis drugs that restore bone mineral content. The femoral head and bones of the lower spine are assessed. Scanning is repeated 1 time in 2 years to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

    A simple screening for osteoporosis can be done with ultrasonography (ultrasound) of the calcaneus. If low bone density is detected, the patient should be referred for DERA.

    To determine the risk of heart disease, the doctor prescribes a blood test for cholesterol. If cholesterol levels are high, risk factors for heart disease are corrected.

    How to relieve menopause

    Menopause cannot be prevented, but steps can be taken to reduce the risk of problems associated with it. Some microelements and vitamins are especially useful for menopause. A woman should consume 1200-1500 mg of calcium daily with food, if necessary, use calcium-containing dietary supplements, as well as 800 units of vitamin D.

    With proper nutrition, you can quite easily get 1000-1500 mg of calcium per day. So, a glass of regular or skim milk contains 300 mg of calcium, a glass of kefir - 400 mg, 100 grams of salmon contains 200 mg of this trace element.

    You can also take calcium supplements. Calcium carbonate preparations are the cheapest, but they can cause bloating in some women. Calcium citrate supplements are the best option.

    You need to know that no more than 500 mg of calcium is absorbed from one serving of food or supplement, so its intake must be distributed throughout the day. Excessive doses of this trace element should not be taken, as they can lead to urolithiasis. Women with kidney disease should consult their doctor before taking any calcium supplements. Vitamin D overdose should also be avoided.

    For a full life during menopause, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin: strengthen it with massage and hardware procedures, moisturize it using special anti-aging creams, and be sure to protect it from the sun. Soft scrubs are also useful, accelerating the renewal of skin cells.

    Finally, a few psychological tips that can help you deal with pre-menopause confusion:

    • at this time, the woman already knows what she can give to her companion and what she wants to receive in return; in many cases she has an established relationship not only with a man, but with life in general;
    • at this age, much is already known about her own sexuality, a woman can afford to be more liberated, she has something to talk about, a smart man is simply more interested in her than with some young girls;
    • children have already grown up or become adults, you can relax a little and make your old dreams come true, especially since usually by this time important steps have already been taken on the career ladder and financial independence has been achieved;
    • a woman can start taking care of herself, update her wardrobe, hairstyle, make-up, so she will become more confident and attractive;
    • finally, you can stop depending on the opinions of other people; climax is a time of liberation from complexes and gaining freedom.

    So, the right attitude towards yourself and taking care of your health will help you survive such a difficult period in life as menopause.

    What determines the onset and duration of menopause?

    Each human body is individual, and all the processes occurring inside it also differ in their own scenario. When the menopause occurs and how long the menopause lasts, a number of factors affect:

    1. Heredity is one of the fundamental indicators that determine the temporal criteria for menostasis. If your grandmother and mother had an early or, conversely, late onset of menopause, then it is likely that you will repeat this scenario. The duration and nature of the symptoms can also be inherited. Therefore, in order to get indicative information about how menopause can proceed with you, talk heart to heart with your closest relatives.
    2. Postponed sexual infections, surgical interventions, diseases of the reproductive system, abortions can also adversely affect when and how menopausal changes will occur. Any hormonal "explosions" leave their characteristic traces.
    3. Harmonious intimate life, pregnancies ending in successful delivery and prolonged breastfeeding have a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system and hormonal levels. The conception and birth of children is the mission of the female body laid down by nature itself, therefore its successful implementation serves as a certain guarantee of maintaining health until old age.
    4. Pathologies of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, diabetes mellitus are additional provocateurs to accelerate the reproductive decline.
    5. Oncological diseases, the treatment of which is accompanied by radioactive irradiation and chemotherapy, can cause an early onset of menopause, inhibiting the work of the ovaries, in addition, these methods of exposure adversely affect the nature of its course.
    6. Removal of the ovaries or uterus leads to early menopause.
    7. Strong emotional upheavals, as well as diseases of the central nervous system, can provoke an early onset of a reproductive decline.
    8. Addictions can increase the severity of pathological manifestations and their duration.
    9. The socio-economic conditions of life, as well as the climatic zone in which a woman lives, also have an impact.

    How long can menopause last for women?

    Nature itself has laid down the gradual completion of the reproductive mission. To answer the question of how long menopause lasts in women, you need to consider the dynamics of the development of menopausal restructuring of the body.

    Modern medicine distinguishes 3 stages of menopause:

    1. Premenopause is the initial stage of menopausal changes. The average age of the first menopausal symptoms occurs at 45 years. It was at this time that the characteristic symptoms of menopause are noted, although internal changes that do not manifest themselves externally in any way start at the age of 35-40 years, when the production of female sex hormones by the ovaries gradually begins to decrease. But premenopause begins its countdown precisely from the registration of the first symptoms. As a rule, at this time there are failures in the menstrual cycle, a woman has episodes of hot flashes, headache attacks become more frequent, and signs of psycho-emotional instability appear. The duration of this period is individual for each case, but on average it varies from 2 to 5 years, in rare cases dragging on for a whole decade.
    2. Menopause is the main stage of menopause. This is the time of the most significant changes. There is an active restructuring of the reproductive system, the production of sex hormones by the ovaries tends to zero, ovulation gradually stops and menstruation completely disappears. Many women have pronounced menopausal symptoms: emotional lability occurs, intense attacks of hot flashes, insomnia, sweating, sexual interest in a partner often decreases, memory and concentration deteriorate. During this period, signals of trouble from all systems and organs may appear, especially if there are any chronic diseases. Only about 10% of women go through this period of life relatively asymptomatically. Menopause usually occurs at age 50 and is considered complete when a year has passed since the last menstrual period.
    3. Postmenopause is the final stage of menopause. Its duration is limited by the life of a woman. Pathological symptoms are gradually smoothed out, although they may remind of themselves for another 3-5 years. At this time, external and internal age-related changes become more pronounced. The reproductive system enters a phase of complete rest, the synthesis of hormones by the ovaries finally stops, a certain amount of estrogens continues to be produced by peripheral structures. Atrophic phenomena gradually cover the work of all organs and systems.

    If we combine the above indicators, then the answer to the question of how long menopause can last is as follows: the average duration of active menopausal changes is about 5-6 years. And then comes the postmenopausal period.

    Minasyan Margarita

    Climax is a natural biological process, the essence of which is the gradual completion of reproductive activity. Hormonal restructuring that accompanies this phenomenon entails a number of changes in the work of all organs and systems. These changes significantly affect the health status and quality of life of a woman. Therefore, each representative of the fair sex is justified in worrying about how and when her first menopausal changes will begin, and how long the menopause lasts as such.

    What determines the onset and duration of menopause?

    Each human body is individual, and all the processes occurring inside it also differ in their own scenario. When the menopause occurs and how long the menopause lasts, a number of factors affect:

    1. Heredity is one of the fundamental indicators that determine the temporal criteria for menostasis. If your grandmother and mother experienced earlier or vice versa, then it is likely that you will repeat this scenario. The duration and nature of the symptoms can also be inherited. Therefore, in order to get indicative information about how menopause can proceed with you, talk heart to heart with your closest relatives.
    2. Postponed sexual infections, surgical interventions, diseases of the reproductive system, abortions can also adversely affect when and how menopausal changes will occur. Any hormonal "explosions" leave their characteristic traces.
    3. Harmonious intimate life, pregnancies ending in successful delivery and prolonged breastfeeding have a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system and hormonal levels. The conception and birth of children is the mission of the female body laid down by nature itself, therefore its successful implementation serves as a certain guarantee of maintaining health until old age.
    4. , adrenal glands, diabetes mellitus - additional provocateurs to accelerate reproductive decline.
    5. Oncological diseases, the treatment of which is accompanied by radioactive irradiation and chemotherapy, can cause an early onset of menopause, inhibiting the work of the ovaries, in addition, these methods of exposure adversely affect the nature of its course.
    6. Removal of the ovaries or uterus leads to early menopause.
    7. Strong emotional upheavals, as well as diseases of the central nervous system, can provoke an early onset of a reproductive decline.
    8. Addictions can increase the severity of pathological manifestations and their duration.
    9. The socio-economic conditions of life, as well as the climatic zone in which a woman lives, also have an impact.

    How long can menopause last for women?

    Nature itself has laid down the gradual completion of the reproductive mission. To answer the question of how long menopause lasts in women, you need to consider the dynamics of the development of menopausal restructuring of the body.

    Modern medicine distinguishes 3 stages of menopause:

    1. the initial stage of climacteric changes. The average age of the first menopausal symptoms occurs at 45 years. It was at this time that the characteristic symptoms of menopause are noted, although internal changes that do not manifest themselves outwardly in any way start at the age of 35-40 years, when the production of female sex hormones by the ovaries gradually begins to decrease. But premenopause begins its countdown precisely from the registration of the first symptoms. As a rule, at this time there are failures in the menstrual cycle, a woman has episodes of hot flashes, headache attacks become more frequent, and signs of psycho-emotional instability appear. The duration of this period is individual for each case, but on average it varies from 2 to 5 years, in rare cases dragging on for a whole decade.
    2. Menopause is the main stage of menopause. This is the time of the most significant changes. There is an active restructuring of the reproductive system, the production of sex hormones by the ovaries tends to zero, ovulation gradually stops and menstruation completely disappears. Many women have pronounced menopausal symptoms: emotional lability occurs, intense attacks of hot flashes, insomnia, sweating, sexual interest in a partner often decreases, memory and concentration deteriorate. During this period, signals of trouble from all systems and organs may appear, especially if there are any chronic diseases. Only about 10% of women go through this period of life relatively asymptomatically. Menopause usually occurs at age 50 and is considered complete when a year has passed since the last menstrual period.
    3. Postmenopause is the final stage of menopause. Its duration is limited by the life of a woman. Pathological symptoms are gradually smoothed out, although they may remind of themselves for another 3-5 years. At this time, external and internal age-related changes become more pronounced. The reproductive system enters a phase of complete rest, the synthesis of hormones by the ovaries finally stops, a certain amount of estrogens continues to be produced by peripheral structures. Atrophic phenomena gradually cover the work of all organs and systems.

    How to safely overcome menopausal changes?

    Having talked about when the menopause begins and when it ends, it would be useful to discuss how to most successfully overcome this exciting time.

    Everything ingenious is simple. In order for menopause to end safely, it is important to provide comfortable conditions for the functioning of the body. You should pay attention to all areas of your life and make the necessary adjustments.


    Try to find a type of physical activity for yourself, even if you have never had sport in your life before. Courses can be an excellent option. This ancient practice helps to balance not only the course of physiological processes, but also restore inner harmony. An alternative would be swimming, water aerobics, jogging, or walking regularly.

    Balanced diet

    One of the keys to well-being during menopause. The food that we take is a kind of material from which our body is built. The higher the quality, the higher the result. During menopause, it is better to avoid excessive consumption of salt, refined sugar, animal fats, and also refuse dishes prepared by frying. It is desirable to focus on the use of plant foods, cereals, dairy products, dietary meats and fish. Read about the most. Do not forget to drink enough clean water - at least 1.5 liters.

    sex life

    The presence of full-fledged intimate relationships helps to harmonize the activity of the reproductive system, stimulate the production of estrogen, avoid congestion in the genital area, which together helps to smooth out the symptoms of menopause.

    Psychological comfort

    The nervous system is very sensitive to a decrease in estrogen levels, so most women are characterized by psycho-emotional lability of varying degrees of intensity. To maintain its work, herbal teas based on herbs with a sedative effect (mint, lemon balm, valerian, motherwort) are perfect. If you feel that it is becoming increasingly difficult to control your emotional state, then do not postpone a visit to a psychologist, because sometimes during menopause there are cases in the form of deep depression.

    Vitamin supplements

    To help even out the general condition of a woman and give the body additional strength to overcome the stressful load of menopause, you can enrich the diet with various vitamin and mineral supplements, in particular, those that include plant extracts rich in phytoestrogens.

    Health control

    It is important to undergo an annual medical examination, even if there are no alarming symptoms from the body. Timely therapy of pathological manifestations will help alleviate the course of menopause, because menopausal changes affect the work of all organs and systems.

    It is not so important how long the menopause lasts, it is much more significant how well its course is. Be attentive to your body, listen to the signals it sends. Love and care for yourself and your own body is the surest way to overcome all the pitfalls of menostasis.

    From puberty, women begin menstruation, which lasts until menopause. The associated unpleasant, sometimes frightening, symptoms make women who have reached a certain age or approaching it wonder how long menopause lasts in women and how to slow down the aging of the body.

    What is a climax

    Menopause is a period when the reproductive system of the fairer sex begins to age, ceases to function and loses its main role - the reproduction of offspring.

    This process develops gradually and goes through several stages:

    • Premenopause (menstrual cycle failure).
    • Menopause (hormonal imbalance).
    • Postmenopause.

    The climax lasts on average from one to 3 years. But there are times when the restructuring of the body takes up to 8 years.

    This is due to the following factors:

    The average age of women who have entered the menopausal phase is 45 years, but it can come earlier or later - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

    How is premenopause

    During premenopause, the fair sex has reproductive system failures that last up to 5 years.

    A distinctive feature of this stage is the violation of the menstrual cycle.. At first, menstruation appears irregularly, the amount and consistency of discharge begins to change. The cycle goes astray, it becomes less frequent, it can reach the appearance of discharge every 3-4 months, and then they disappear altogether.

    This is due to the fact that after 40 years, the level of female sex hormones in the body decreases significantly. The hormonal background becomes unstable, and in the appendages the follicles are replaced by connective tissue.

    Premenopause is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    The beginning of the next stage is characterized by very rare discharge, absent up to 2-3 months.

    Symptoms and features of menopause

    Menopause usually lasts up to 3-4 years, but it can be established only after a year, or even a year and a half.

    Menstruation completely disappears, and all the symptoms of premenopause intensify and cause much more discomfort.

    The mucous membranes are depleted, which leads to dryness in the genitals, and this, in turn, entails severe pain.

    Sexual desire disappears in women, sex does not cause any pleasure, and even, on the contrary, irritates and gives unpleasant sensations.

    In this regard, the general aging of the body only intensifies: the nails exfoliate and break, more wrinkles appear, the hair becomes brittle and falls out, and the structure of the skin also changes.

    Unfortunately, for all women this period is extremely unpleasant, and for some it is difficult. At this time, chronic diseases and mental problems may also worsen.

    Signs and duration of postmenopause

    Postmenopause occurs 2-3 years after the last menstruation.

    Postmenopause continues for the rest of a woman's life. Over time, unpleasant symptoms disappear and health becomes better.

    At this time, the ovaries decrease in size and cease to function. The metabolism is disturbed, which entails a set in weight. The heart and blood vessels weaken, therefore, they require constant monitoring by doctors.

    Despite the fact that the genitals lose their functionality, they are still susceptible to infections and diseases. Therefore, do not forget to undergo an annual examination by a gynecologist and monitor your health.

    How to alleviate the condition

    The following tips will help slow down the process of withering of the body and relieve the discomfort of the middle period - menopause.

    Healthy food. As you remember, diets and overeating are the main reason for the duration and severity of discomfort. Therefore, by reviewing nutrition, you can improve the quality of life, especially at such a difficult stage in your life. Smoked and fatty foods should be abandoned and steamed or in the oven. It is also necessary to monitor the amount of salt, spices and sugar in the diet. It is also better to refuse black strong tea and coffee. But 1.5 liters of water per day will benefit your health.

    Sports. It doesn't matter what sport is in your life. It can be swimming, aerobics, fitness or yoga. If for some reason you cannot work out with a trainer or in the gym, then at least increase the number and duration of walking.

    intimate life. If sex does not cause discomfort and you can continue sexual relations, then you should not completely refuse them. Making love causes the production of the female sex hormone estrogen and also prevents congestion in the genitals.

    Supplements and vitamins will additionally help facilitate the entire process of restructuring the body. It is advisable to consult a doctor who will prescribe the vitamin complexes you need.

    It is quite natural that ladies care about what happens to a woman during menopause.. This is a very serious stage, after which the whole life changes. However, do not be discouraged: you can influence the course of menopause, prolong good health and health, while maintaining a full and happy life.


    In the life of any woman, there comes a stage when the reproductive function fades or menopause (menopause) occurs. The duration of this interval depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. The average duration of menopause is 15 months.

    What is climacteric syndrome

    The physiological period of cessation of menstrual and childbearing functions is often called menopausal syndrome. The reason for the development of this stage is a gradual decrease in the activity and amount of estrogens (sex hormones), which provoke the production of the pituitary hormone. The climacteric period is divided into 3 stages:

    • Premenopause. precedes the cessation of menstruation. How long does the menopause last at this stage? As a rule, the duration of the stage is from 3 to 7 years.
    • Actually menopause. The phase that occurs after the end of menstrual bleeding.
    • Postmenopause. This time is determined by the complete cessation of the ovaries.

    Many ladies are often interested in how long does the menopause last? It is impossible to answer this question precisely, since everything depends on the individual development of the organism. Although in the normal course of menopause passes for a year. The severity of the symptoms of menopausal syndrome depends on the characteristics of the female body. The main signs of the onset of menopause are:

    • headache;
    • sweating;
    • pressure drops;
    • apathy;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • vaginal dryness;
    • burning and discomfort when urinating;
    • itching in the vagina;
    • frequent urge to urinate;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • decreased sex drive.

    How long does menopause last in premenopausal women?

    It is known that the premenopausal phase is the time preceding the onset of menopause, during which a woman's production of sex hormones produced by the ovaries decreases. How long does menopause last in premenopause? The duration of the period averages from one to 7 years. The stage begins after 45 years with a change in the intensity and duration of menstruation. The onset of menopause is a great stress for the adrenal glands, since they are responsible for the independent production of estrogen (without the ovaries). The state of premenopause is accompanied by:

    • increased sweating;
    • hot flashes;
    • rare menstruation;
    • rapid heartbeat;
    • itching and dryness of the vagina;
    • frequent urination.

    How long is the menopausal period

    The stage when the last menstruation occurs is called menopause. In this phase, the level of progesterone drops to almost zero, the ovaries stop producing estrogens. On average, menopause occurs at the age of 50, although some factors (smoking, alcoholism) contribute to its onset 3 or 4 years earlier. The menopausal period lasts from one to three years. As a rule, according to its duration and premenopause, women calculate how long menopause lasts. Changes during menopause can go like this:

    • weight increases;
    • fat deposits appear in the waist area;
    • frequent dizziness occurs;
    • the cervix becomes inflamed;
    • disease such as osteoporosis.

    How long does menopause last?

    The final period, when the ovaries no longer work, but at the same time atrophic changes occur in the uterus, is called postmenopause. This stage can be determined and ascertained if no menstruation was observed during the year. It will last until the end of life. During the postmenopausal period, the production of male hormones may increase, estrone prevails over estradiol, so there is a risk of developing tumors. Main symptoms:

    • sleep disturbance;
    • hot flashes;
    • mood swings;
    • sweating;
    • emotional swings.

    How is menopause in women

    Changes in hormonal levels affect the physical and psychological state of a woman. Half of the female population endures menopause easily, but the remaining 50% may experience pain and discomfort. At the same time, no one can accurately determine how long menopause lasts for women, since genetic factors, habits, and working conditions influence the onset of menopause. But the symptoms are almost always the same:

    • skin redness;
    • flushes of heat;
    • decreased libido;
    • profuse sweating;
    • chills;
    • headache;
    • increased irritability;
    • insomnia.

    Change in the menstrual cycle

    The regularity of menstruation during menopause and how they go directly depends on the functioning of the female body, her health, environmental conditions, surgeries, etc. For each woman, this process proceeds differently. At first, the discharge is irregular, there may be failures, then menstruation stops altogether. The delay period can reach several months. Menstruation during menopause can occur in several ways:

    • The cessation is gradual. Allocations are scarce, the interval between cycles becomes longer. This condition can last from one to three years.
    • Sudden stop of menstruation. It may be painless.
    • Resumption of discharge after a long period. Gradually, the break will become longer and there will be a complete cessation of menstruation.

    How long do hot flashes last during menopause

    Many women endure menopausal syndrome easily, without experiencing any particular discomfort or pain. However, some of the fairer sex feel bad during menopause. The most common symptoms of the onset of menopause are hot flashes, which cause serious physical and psychological discomfort to a woman. Hot flashes are a momentary sensation of warmth accompanied by heat and sweating. The cause of their occurrence is the expansion of blood vessels near the surface of the skin.

    The duration and intensity of hot flashes in different women depends on individual characteristics. Some may experience them for only one year, others do not feel discomfort at all, and others have to put up with them for many years. The duration of such phenomena can be from one to 2 minutes, in rare cases up to an hour. Gradually, the severity of such ailments is reduced.


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