How and what to poison bedbugs in the apartment. Measures for self-control of bedbugs

In order for bed bugs to appear in the apartment, certain conditions are needed, which tenants sometimes provide to these blood-sucking insects without knowing it. The problem is that these insects do not feed on leftover food, garbage or spoil household items, but on human blood, for which they damage the human skin.

The bug poses a certain danger to humans, but despite the fact that bugs are considered carriers various diseases, the bug during the bite does not infect a person with these diseases.

As a rule, a person practically does not react to insect bites, except for those people who have allergic reactions, or who may develop anemia. The most vulnerable to bedbug bites are children and the elderly, who have a weakened immune system for a number of reasons. In any case, when you find bed bugs in your home, you need to immediately start fighting them.

Before the very process of destruction, it will not be superfluous to analyze the conditions created in order to understand the reasons for the appearance of bedbugs. At the same time, the human factor must also be taken into account.

Ways of penetration of bedbugs into the apartment

Scientists have data on the presence of more than 5 thousand species of bedbugs. The most common is the bed bug, which prefers to settle in a human dwelling and feeds on human blood. Despite this, other types of bedbugs deserve attention. For example:

  • water bug. This insect prefers to settle in water bodies and feed on creatures living in the water. It grows in length up to 1.5 cm. For humans, the water bug is not dangerous. But his bites can cause allergic reactions and pain.
  • Bed bug. It prefers to live on various kinds of shrubs and, for a person, does not pose any danger, even if it climbs into an apartment or house.
  • green bug. A fairly common pest that settles on plants such as raspberries and strawberries. It does not pose any danger to humans, but it is dangerous for strawberries and strawberries, as it feeds on the juices of these berries.
  • red bug. They usually appear in early spring when the sun begins to warm up and in autumn, when the last warmth is observed on the street before the onset of cold weather. They can be seen by their bright colors and numerous groups that bask in the sun. These creatures feed on the sap of plants and adversely affect the condition of many trees.

Favorite places for bed bugs

Bed bugs are unpretentious to habitats and can live in any convenient place in the apartment. Naturally, they choose places that are located as close as possible to a person. The bug comes out to hunt at night, when a person is fast asleep. At the same time, the bug bites are practically painless, since the bug releases a special substance.

Bed bug detection

To determine the presence of bedbugs in the house, you need to pay attention to such factors:

Having found bedbugs in your home, you must immediately take all measures to destroy them, until they are divorced enough. In addition, the presence of bedbugs in the apartment is a deterioration in sleep, a feeling of discomfort, lack of mood, etc.

Fighting bedbugs at home

Is it possible to destroy bedbugs in an apartment on your own, without exterminators? Of course, you can, but everything needs to be carefully considered and the room prepared for processing. If the rules are not followed, it is possible Negative consequences for everyone who lives in the apartment, including pets.

Stages of processing an apartment from bedbugs:

It is better to boil bed linen, and it is better to wash all infected things at a temperature not lower than 60 degrees. At the same time, one should not forget about children's toys, fur products, foam rubber, etc.

When all the preparatory operations are completed, it's time to start preparing the working solution. At the same time, you need to carefully study the instructions in order to prepare the product in required proportion. After preparation, the solution is poured into a spray bottle. If these are aerosols, then shake the container well enough before use.

They mainly process places where bedbugs are possible: this is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bplinths, headboards, all internal parts of furniture, carpets, as well as places under them. You should not be limited to one room, but at the same time process the corridor, balcony, pantries, kitchen, as well as places under the windowsills where these bloodsuckers like to hide. After that, the room must be left for a certain time. After this time, the apartment must be well ventilated.

The most popular means in the fight against bedbugs are:

  • Pyrethrum. The substance is a white powder that simply crumbles within the bed, near the baseboards and in other places. Naturally, the remedy is not suitable if children and animals live in the house. Although the drug is considered safe for the inhabitants of the apartment, you should not eat it, as poisoning is possible.
  • Combat. This universal remedy, which is used to combat bedbugs, as well as cockroaches, ticks, spiders and other types of insects. Produced in the form of an aerosol, which allows you to process even hard-to-reach places. Rapid drug.
  • Tetrix. It is more preferred by professionals. Sold as a concentrated solution. 250 ml of the drug is diluted in 6 liters of water. This volume is enough to process a 3-room apartment.

When choosing methods for dealing with bedbugs, it should be borne in mind that bedbugs cannot stand temperatures above 60 degrees and air temperatures of -20 degrees. Therefore, they can be effectively dealt with both in winter and in summer. At the same time, bugs also die from solutions prepared on the basis of vinegar, chamomile, turpentine, ammonia (ammonia solution), etc. Solutions prepared on the basis of the above components are sprayed in places where parasites accumulate. The usual rubbing with these compositions of some surfaces, paintings, baseboards and even walls will not hurt.

When bed bugs are found in an apartment, many owners of the premises first of all run to the market or to a hardware store for Dichlorvos, Karbofos, Reid, which have already become familiar ... Their calculation is clear: these funds have already helped them or their friends or ants once. So, they can also poison bedbugs? ..

However, pest control by such commonly used means is carried out, money, time and effort are spent, but they remain and continue to actively torment the residents. The resistance of these insects and their ability to get used to various poisons is much higher than that of ordinary cockroaches and ants. And therefore it is necessary to deal with them in several other ways.

So, let's try to figure out how to poison bedbugs and how to do it correctly.

What is the best way to poison bedbugs today

Bedbug baiting should always be carried out by the most effective and well-known in the world. this moment insecticides. Bed bugs are an evolutionarily very dynamic species of insects, and with frequent exposure to the same substance, populations constantly arise that are resistant to this particular agent.

Therefore, in order to choose how to poison bedbugs in an apartment, the following tips should be adopted:

  • call the local SES and find out how they poison bedbugs and what remedies they can recommend. Sometimes it is the sanitary and epidemiological station that works most effectively, and their advice can be useful.
  • Ask friends who have encountered the same problem what insecticides they used and how successfully.
  • Interview neighbors, especially those whose apartments are suspected as a source of bedbug infestation. Find out what they tried to poison insects with and buy another remedy - if the insecticide indicated by them does not help, then using it is a waste of time and effort.

Executioner is a German insecticide produced Russian enterprises chemical industry under the license of the developer. It is considered by professionals to be one of the most preferred means for baiting bed bugs.

Destruction of bedbugs with insecticide

Insecticide - pretty efficient development Russian scientists, which often turns out to be even more effective than most other means. One bottle of insecticide with a spray bottle will be enough to process and completely destroy bedbugs in a standard two-room apartment.

The secret of such a powerful action lies in complex composition Insecticide: in addition to cypermethrin, it includes permethrin and piperonyl butoxide. Such a mixture of highly effective insecticides is stored for a long time in those places that the handler cannot reach when persecuting insects, and therefore a single treatment of the premises with Insecticide is enough to completely remove bed bugs.

“We bought this thing. Tin, not a drug. Mows everything that is on six paws. We thought we were going to die. My husband's hands cracked after processing at home, but then everything went away. Three months after the persecution, the floor in the hall was changed, so there was a real bedbug cemetery behind the baseboards.

Yana, Golma

But you should remember the high toxicity of Klopomor. Before you poison bedbugs with this drug, you need to read the instructions and take into account that even its remains in the room can cause allergic reactions in susceptible people.

After processing the apartment with Klopomor, a thorough cleaning of the entire apartment is required.

Tetrix from bed bugs

Tetrix is ​​famous for its rarity on the market (it can be difficult to get), a monstrous smell and amazing efficiency. No wonder it is used by many private professional pest control services.

Tetrix is ​​produced in Holland, and is a solution ready for spraying in an apartment.

On a note

Virtually no professional bedbug baiting organization informs its customers without a specific request that they use Tetrix. This drug is quite toxic, but very quickly disappears. After treating the apartment with him, already after three to four hours, he ceases to pose a threat, although his smell persists for a long time. Therefore, after such disinfestation, thorough ventilation and wet cleaning of the room are required.

For independent use of Tetrix, it is necessary to strictly observe all safety measures, and in addition, to free the apartment from the inhabitants for at least two days, until the persistent smell of the drug disappears.

“They called the service, paid off 4,000 rubles for two apartments on the site. The stench after the persecution stood up to the first floor. A week later, everything was washed. But the truth is, the bugs did not appear at all after that. Then they asked the guys what kind of remedy they have. They said it was Tetrix.

Lyubov Georgievna, Krasnoyarsk


Which is increasingly being replaced by more modern Executioner, Klopomor or Kombat. However, extremely affordable price and wide popularity still allow him to remain among the leaders in sales of insecticides against bed bugs.

True, before you eradicate bedbugs with it, you need to get acquainted with all the specifics of its use. Its use in general requires a little more effort and time, but is well suited for processing very large rooms. For example - private houses.

The disadvantages of Karbofos are a rather persistent smell, as well as the need to poison bedbugs with it twice: re-treatment is done 3-4 days after the first disinfestation procedure.

Aerosol Kombat

Many choose for a long time how to poison home bugs, due to the bad smell of most products. Combat is ideal in this case: this Korean product is made with the addition of mint and lemon flavors, and therefore even the remnants of the product after processing the apartment do not leave bad smell in her.

In addition, Kombat is available in convenient aerosol cans, like air fresheners. Thanks to this, it does not need to be dissolved in anything, which reduces the time for general processing of the room.

Chalk Mashenka - effective from bedbugs

No matter how it seems to be a kind of relic of post-perestroika times, it still confidently copes with bedbugs in the most different rooms. Part of its success is due to the fact that the manufacturer constantly enhances its composition with more and more new insecticides.

Poisoning bugs by Mashenka is a little more troublesome and lengthy than using the same Executioner or Combat, but this allows you to persecute without removing the inhabitants from the apartment.

In addition, Mashenka is the simplest and most effective drug today for preventing bedbugs from entering the house ( a wide line is simply drawn, the intersection of which will be deadly for crawling insects).

The above list is only a part of the means that today effectively poison bedbugs in homes. The following drugs can be used no less successfully:

  • Fufanon
  • Medilis Ziper
  • Microphos
  • Pyrethrum
  • Chlorpirimac
  • Sinuzan.

It is only important to follow the instructions. Proper observance of the instructions for using these drugs will not only ensure the complete removal of bedbugs from the premises, but also will not harm the handler himself and other residents of the apartment.

Before you poison the bedbugs in the apartment, you must carefully read the instructions for using the product used. Many of these tools involve diluting the concentrate (Tetrix, Karbofos, Hangman) or dissolving the powder in water (for example, Karbofos in bags).

The resulting solution must be processed the largest number surfaces in the apartment, including furniture and bedding. The handler should be dressed in closed clothing, use a cotton-gauze bandage and rubber gloves. This is especially true when working with Klopomor or Tetrix.

It is desirable to poison bedbugs when closed windows, and after processing the premises, leave and close it for several hours. Then thoroughly ventilate wet cleaning and wash clothes and clothes.

When working with powder products, the substance crumbles in places where bedbugs accumulate and move. After treatment, it is advisable to leave the room closed for at least a few days.

When treating an apartment with strong-smelling preparations, children and pets should be introduced into it only after the smell has been weathered.

Self-baiting bedbugs is not always cheaper than calling special teams. Yes, processing one-room apartment in the regions it can cost 1600-1800 rubles when calling the SES, and the purchase of the same Executioner will cost up to 2000 rubles.

It is important to understand that not all services work equally well, and if there are negative reviews about a particular company in your area, it is better to do everything yourself.

When dealing with bedbugs on your own, focus on highly effective proven products. It is better to purchase them either directly from the representatives of the manufacturer, or in large online stores because there are a lot of fakes on the market now.

Five effective ways to kill bed bugs in the apartment

How to choose a bed bug extermination service

  • traditional (folk);
  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • call for special services.

Destroying bedbugs in an apartment is not always a simple matter. The owner himself decides how to withdraw blood-sucking insects. When choosing a method, it is worth considering the degree of contamination of housing and the financial aspect. Calling insecticide services can hit a family's budget hard. However, professionals will help guaranteed to get rid of pests. It is advisable to call a special team if processing is necessary large area heavily contaminated area.

If you want to remove bedbugs yourself using chemicals, remember that many of them are unsafe for health. If a person violates safety regulations using insecticidal drugs, he can earn severe poisoning. It is always necessary to follow the instructions for use and not allow people who are prone to allergic reactions, as well as pregnant and lactating women, to be processed.

When there were no chemicals at all, our ancestors used only folk remedies to fight bedbugs. Many of them were safe for humans, while some required special handling. In order to poison bedbugs, people used herbs, independently treated infected surfaces with boiling water. Others resorted to mixtures of kerosene, turpentine, vinegar and other substances with a pungent odor. Plinths, floors and nooks and crannies of wooden furniture were treated with such solutions.

Mechanical way to destroy bedbugs

Chemical pest control

  • Raid;
  • Riapan;
  • Phenaksin;
  • Carbosol.

Carbosol- an insecticide of contact action, produced in the form of an aerosol. It allows you to effectively poison domestic bugs, but the spray does not work on eggs. The product is made from high quality raw materials, it does not leave stains on the floor, clothes and furniture and is practically odorless. The drug can be purchased at a low price at any hardware store.

You can choose any of the above chemicals to get rid of pests. The main thing for maximum efficiency and safety, always follow the instructions for use and take precautions.

If you realize that bedbugs have started up in the apartment, then you need to take action quickly. After all, they feed on human blood and are capable. And it doesn’t matter where the infected apartment is located: in Moscow, Ryazan or Novosibirsk - you need to start poisoning bedbugs without delay, and the sooner the better.

On a note!

The use of any poisonous substance, especially at home, requires compliance with safety measures. It is necessary to purchase a respirator or gauze bandage, rubber gloves, a spray bottle and protective clothing. Having prepared in this way, you can begin to destroy bed bugs.

Detailed step by step instructions about how and how to poison bedbugs in an apartment can be obtained from the videos posted on the relevant Internet resources. But first it is necessary. This will help "kill the enemy in his lair". After cleaning the apartment with a vacuum cleaner, you should begin the process of pest control. The chosen methods also determine the means by which bedbugs will have to be poisoned.


The maximum effect in this struggle can be achieved if you do the following:

  • Find all places if possible mass gathering insects and destroy them mechanically;
  • Provide access to walls and baseboards by moving furniture away from them at a distance of at least 15-20 cm;
  • Carefully, all soft and wooden furniture, beds, mattresses, plinths, door frames, ventilation wells, walls behind carpets and paintings, all holes and crevices;
  • Wash bed linen at high temperature, preferably 90 degrees, and dry clean.

Folk remedies

There are many recipes based on the above components. They are mixed in certain proportions, brought to the desired consistency and then used to treat the room. Some help better, others worse, it all depends on the number of insects. You should not categorically refuse these methods, because folk remedies have a good deterrent and preventive effect, and they are also absolutely harmless to humans. This is the most cheap way that allows you to poison bedbugs indoors. Right choice toxic substances will help clean the home.

Chemical poisons


Aerosol insecticides

This form of poisonous drugs is in high demand. Acceptable price and ease of processing distinctive features. One bottle is enough for a one-room apartment. The drug acts instantly and 100% upon direct contact with bedbugs. Getting into the respiratory tract and on the body of insects, the poison has a nerve-paralytic effect, which leads to their death. After 10 maximum 20 days, it is necessary to re-disinsect to consolidate the result. it is advisable to use in a not heavily contaminated room and take precautions when working with them. Bedbug persecution involves the use of one of the means:

On a note!

The use of all these toxic substances will bring a certain result. How to poison bedbugs in an apartment, everyone decides for himself, but in order to achieve maximum effect it is recommended to alternate several types of aerosol preparations.

Powder insecticides and crayons

  • Neopin and Chlorophos powder is used to prepare poisonous solutions that are used to treat places where bloodsuckers accumulate.
  • Inexpensive dust will help to eradicate bedbugs Clean house, . The drug crumbles in hard-to-reach places and can serve as a prophylactic.
  • The Riolan remedy showed excellent results in the fight against bloodsuckers, but the frequency of treatment with it can reach three or more times.
  • Chlorophos

    High Potency Liquid Preparations

    The most popular tools that have been developed and are widely used for and at home are:

    “They called the service to the house, paid 4 thousand rubles. The smell was incredible, but, however, the bugs disappeared. It turned out that the means by which insects were poisoned was Tetrix. You could do well on your own.”

    Lyuba, Omsk

    On the market of chemical products, in addition to the above-mentioned poisonous substances, a large number of modern . The quality assurance of the activities carried out depends on the use of only original insecticides.

Everyone, even if not seen, but at least heard about bed bugs. What harm can they bring to a person? And how to poison bed bugs in an apartment on their own, not everyone knows.

Consider the most reliable ways to destroy household pests.

This should include conventional insecticides, which are available in various forms and sold at any hardware store:

  • aerosols or sprays;
  • coils for ignition;
  • with plates;
  • gels;
  • crayons.

All products in their composition have a toxic substance that is aimed at combating bedbugs.

Aerosols, sprays

It is believed that the aerosol is very easy to use. The sprayed poisonous substance enters the body of the bug, into its respiratory tract, thereby paralyzing its nervous system.

It is easy for them to process any surface, to get into hard-to-reach places. The only drawback is the ingress of poison into the body of other inhabitants of the apartment.

Important! It must be used according to the instructions, in order to avoid poisoning.

Basic tips for using a repellent spray:

  1. Before processing, you need to prepare the room to the maximum. It is necessary to remove food, personal hygiene products, things, dishes. If possible, remove plants from the room, eliminate animals and children. Close the aquarium, vents and windows.
  2. Use funds personal protection: goggles, respirator, rubber gloves.
  3. Do not use spray cans near fire and electrical appliances. Do not direct the flow of insecticide in your direction.
  4. Carry out the treatment of all possible habitats of bedbugs.
  5. After the procedure, you must leave the room and open windows and vents for ventilation. Cleansing time poisonous substance indicated in the instructions for use.
  6. Upon returning to the house, you need to carefully carry out wet cleaning, wash all surfaces with soapy water.

On sale there is a large assortment of bedbugs from cheap to quite costly.

Consider the list of the most common and popular:

These are perhaps the most common, besides them there are many others, such as:

  • Perfos-P;
  • Prima-U.

All listed names refer to aerosol insecticides.

What is a spray. It's concentrated poisonous liquid, which is sold in small bottles, and is used for processing as a solution. May be odorless. To make the solution correctly, instructions are attached to each product. The solution is diluted depending on the size of the treated area and applied with atomizers and sprayers.

Here are the most used:

  • Microphos;

A larger assortment will be offered to you in the store. Processing the premises with such means does not require cleaning the room from plants and animals. Validity on the surface up to six months.

Advice! Before you treat the surface with a population of bedbugs, you need to shake the can well so that the settled substance is mixed. Spraying should be carried out on an outstretched arm and 30 cm from the surface. To enhance the effect, use several aerosols, alternating them.

Powders and crayons

Chalk from bedbugs "Clean House"

Crayons or have no less effect.

They work on the principle of infecting a blood-sucking individual, which in turn spreads poison among the rest. Bed bugs will not eat the powder, which is why the principle of the virus has been developed.

"Chlorophost" dust from bedbugs

In demand are:

  1. . Chalk white color, small size. Perhaps the most cheap drug to fight bedbugs at home. In addition, Mashenka destroys other insects, such as two-tails, wood lice, and ants. It is applied in thick lines where bed bugs move. The pencil acts for a long time and does not cause poisoning of the owner of the apartment.
  2. . The result of the application is positive, valid for 1 month. Not toxic. It should be applied in strips 2 cm wide in places where bedbugs accumulate. Do not use on soft upholstery furniture.
  3. . A powdered insecticide that kills bed bugs and their larvae. When treating the room with powder, you need to be extremely careful, since the drug is toxic and can cause poisoning if inhaled. It is used as a solution. To do this, 15 g of powder must be diluted in 10 liters of water. Apply to the habitat with a spray bottle.
  4. . The most effective, but difficult to get, since its price is quite high. Used on ships.
  5. Neopin.

Video: How to get rid of bedbugs folk remedies

All powders have both advantages and disadvantages. The good thing is that it has a duration of action, but the surfaces treated with it look dusty and dirty.

Advice! It is necessary to pour the powder on a dry surface in order to prolong the effect of the active substance.

Bed bug gels

If you came to the store to buy, then you will be offered a plastic syringe with a thin tip and a gel-like liquid inside.

This is the release form of the drug. The thin tip allows you to easily process cracks and seams, as well as cracks in furniture, walls, behind the baseboard.

A few common brands of pastes:

  1. blockbuster;
  2. Phoxide;
  3. Absolute;

Since the gel-like liquid does not evaporate, the action is prolonged for several months.

"Shock therapy"

  1. High temperatures. Here you can use boiling water, pouring cracks with them. Some furniture can be taken out into the scorching sun. But the most effective will be the use of steam generators and heat guns. Thanks to temperatures up to +50 degrees, bedbugs can be destroyed once and for all, without harming furniture and other household items.
  2. Low temperatures. Both high and low drops are afraid of bedbugs. This principle is used in the processing. This method is used.

All methods achieve high results, but their application is very problematic and costly not only in material resources, but also in time, physical strength. To freeze the whole apartment, you need to leave it for a while, turn off heating appliances. The same can be said about the heat, large furniture is very difficult to take out in the sun, and the use of boiling water can harm your home.

Folk ways

Some, proven for centuries, are no worse than chemical ones. But the effect of them is very low, so it is better to use them in combination with insecticides.

There are a lot of ways from home scrap materials, but their validity period is very short, not allowing to destroy bed bug, but only for a while to drive out of their homes.


A bedbug is an unpleasant cohabitant that feeds on human blood. Lives mainly in bedding and furniture. That is why it is called bed.

Insects are carriers of many dangerous diseases. Such a neighborhood is undesirable for a person. At the first sign of discovery uninvited guests you need to sound the alarm and take up the fight.

In addition, our great-grandfathers used improvised substances and materials that repelled insects. If you use everything together, then you will be able to defeat the enemy.
