sedaflex transformation mechanism. The mechanism of transformation of the sofa "sedaflex. How the folding structure works

Choosing a sofa is not an easy task, especially when it comes to compact upholstered furniture, which will be used daily for a good sleep.

The choice of a folding sofa should not begin with external "candy wrappers", but with the internal filling. This applies to the sedaflex mechanism, reviews indicate that for the daily transformation of the sofa into a full-fledged sleeping area it's hard to come up with something better. Moreover, a compact sofa takes up a minimum of space, and can stand anywhere.

The main characteristics of the sedaflex mechanism

The average consumer has no idea about the variety of sofa layout mechanisms, so enterprising consultants are trying to persuade buyers to choose not the most convenient variety. Each type of layout assumes enough space in the direction where the product will move apart - forward or to the side. Therefore, it is important to know that modern sofas are non-folding and with different type transformations to bed level:

  • layout forward;
  • roll-out models;
  • retractable forward or to the side;
  • unfolding;
  • drop-down;
  • automatic (walking) layout;
  • transformation in both directions (it is required to put the sofa at some distance from the wall).

The requests from consumers are different, and the functionality of the sofas is different - some are laid out extremely rarely, others are specially purchased as a compact bed. The simpler and easier to lay out the sofa, the more comfortable it will seem. The sedaflex transformation mechanism is just the case when you need a compact and lightweight sofa for daily use. However, it cannot be argued that only such a mechanism is universal, and it is worth understanding its advantages and disadvantages in more detail.

Layout details

Sedaflex or American folding bed (also called "Belgian bed") unfolds like this:

  • slightly pull the back up and towards you;
  • the mechanism allows you to transform into 2 steps;
  • 2 seating planes fold forward, resting on reliable steel supports;
  • it turns out a bed without a back;
  • sleeping planes are elastic and even, fit back to back;
  • the bed has excellent orthopedic characteristics and does not require additional mattresses.

The design of the sofa with the sedaflex layout is such that a mattress is laid inside the seat on a folding basis, and during during the layout, the contents of the sofa are laid out forward on props. Its mattress is one-piece and very comfortable for daily sleep. When buying, you only need to measure the dimensions of the back of the sofa and determine how much space you need in front of the sofa for the unfolded bed. It unfolds quickly, even teenagers can master it, although they prefer not to fold upholstered furniture at all. The legs of a Belgian bed will not scratch the floor, so it is not necessary to lay a protective mat.

It is believed that the sedaflex sofa mechanism is ideal in a teenager's room, where there is no room for a corner sofa.

Moreover, it is more stable than the French folding bed, which was finalized to a more perfect version. Inside the sofa - support ribs, armor or metal grid with an awning for greater elasticity. The sofa is comfortable both folded and unfolded, and thanks to it compactness is often used instead of a chair - for zoning next to a larger corner sofa.

How to choose a sedaflex sofa?

The owners of small apartments and offices like this American folding bed at a premium - many have managed to appreciate the merits of the design. If you often have to stay in the office at night for overtime work on emergency reporting, you should put such a compact sofa. In order not to waste time on a trip to the house and back, you can take advantage of the advantages of this sofa and have a good sleep for 3-5 hours - and again back to work. This best option and for a guest room in the house.

When buying a sofa through furniture store you should make sure that it is comfortable, sit down, try to unfold and fold it yourself, ask the consultant to demonstrate this.

You can even lie down - after all, you sleep on it every night, so you should not be shy about it. Ethics furniture stores regards this favorably. For example, pay attention to the Bristol sofa with the sedaflex mechanism or another, no less comfortable model. Pros:

  • can be used daily;
  • does not require removal of small structural elements from the sofa;
  • no additional equipment;
  • Looks good both folded and unfolded.

Good additions to the interior

Sedaflex is indispensable for furnishing a small 2-3-storey cottage, which more like steps around a chimney. If another sofa does not fit in any way, then it is worth looking after just such a model, especially since the choice of sedaflex with practical upholstery is always in a large assortment.

Attention: Such sofas have only 1 drawback - there is no niche for linen, however, if there is a small chest of drawers or a coffee table-cabinet nearby, where everything is folded bed dress, this "minus" no one will notice.

A sedaflex sofa can also be successfully used in a children's room, and when the child does not fit in full height, it will have to be laid out for sleep. If there are several children in the family, then this sofa will be just a godsend - in terms of continuity. It can also be placed in the kitchen where one of the adult children can sleep, for example, when the seats are in small apartment not enough for everyone.

Majority modern sofas has a mechanism that allows you to quickly transform upholstered furniture into a comfortable bed. IN small room convertible sofa can become good decision if the issue of saving free space is acute. Today, the most popular transformation mechanisms are accordion, dolphin, eurobook and sedaflex. The latter will be discussed.

What is the transformation mechanism of the sedaflex sofa

The sedaflex transformation mechanism appeared at the end of the last century as an alternative to a not-too-perfect roll-out system and immediately became in demand among consumers. Sedaflex developeris a Sedac company based in Belgium And. The invention made a small revolution in the furniture industry, as:

  • sleeping place became more comfortable,
  • the base is stable
  • eliminated the need for preliminary unfastening of pillows,
  • in general, the transformation process has become easier.

The frame of the sedaflex mechanism is made of steel pipes with a diameter of 30-40 mm, the mattress is fixed on a suspension of elastic straps and wooden strips - lamellas (lat). Double folded seating area tucked away inside the sofa A. During the transformation process, the frame and mattress are removed and unfolded. Fixation is carried out by a special mechanism, strong metal legs act as a support. Solid, without seams and connecting joints, the surface is comfortable for lying and night rest.

In the unfolding part of the sofa with the "sedaflex" mechanism, there is also an adjustment of the height of the head

The thickness of the polyurethane foam or spring mattress of such a sofa can vary from 100 to 140 mm, depending on the model. Accordingly, the cost of a product with a thicker and higher quality mat is higher. In some furniture options, multilayer combined mattresses are used. In budget models, the base for the substrate is usually made of steel mesh(lattices), sometimes with additional reinforcement from tension belts. In more expensive transformer models, orthopedic lamella bases can be used.

"Sedaflex" is found not only in straight sofas, but also in corner versions. Sometimes this system is referred to as "American" or " Belgian cot» . It is worth noting here that such a sofa transformation mechanism as the “French folding bed”, despite the similarity in name, differs from the “American folding bed”. The main differences are as follows:

  • number of additions: “sedaflex” is a two-folding mechanism (the third part is a headrest), “French folding bed” is a three-folding system;
  • installation niche depth: in models with a "Belgian" system it is 80 cm or more, in sofas with a "French" mechanism - about 60 cm;
  • mattress height: in "French folding beds" it is no more than 6 cm, in "American" - more than 10 cm.

The "French folding bed" system is different from the "sedaflex", it is more budgetary and less convenient

The order of transformation to the position "bed"

The Sedaflex system works according to the principle of a clamshell, familiar to many.

  1. Sofa with sedaflex mechanism in assembled does not require any additional manipulations before unfolding.

    When folded, such a sofa is not much different from other types of similar upholstered furniture.
  2. Pillows in this case removed. In some models, they are rigidly fixed to the upper part and, when transformed, turn over, ending up under the feet of a lying person.

    A slight disadvantage is that the removed pillows need to be attached somewhere for the rest
  3. The hidden part of the “clamshell” must be lifted up and pulled towards you using a special loop or handle. As a rule, even a fragile girl can easily cope with this.

    For a comfortable grip, manufacturers make a small cutout in the upholstery
  4. Further unfolding is carried out by unfolding the structure. But here you should be careful: in order not to pinch your hands, you should keep them away from the mechanism.

    Sofa with "sedaflex" rather does not unfold, but unfolds
  5. The sofa laid out in the middle of the room does not look very aesthetically pleasing, but at night this is not essential. Folding the "clamshell" is also not very difficult and is carried out in reverse order: the structure is folded, the folded mechanism is lowered into the niche of the sofa.

    With a light effort, the sofa turns into a comfortable bed

Schematically, the disassembly and assembly of a transformer with an "American" mechanism is as follows.
Pay attention to where the efforts are directed when disassembling and assembling the transformer with "sedaflex"

Video: how a sofa with a sedaflex mechanism unfolds

Advantages and disadvantages of the design

The use of sofas with the sedaflex mechanism, from a practical point of view, is the most acceptable in small-sized housing. Most users, meanwhile, agree that this type of upholstered furniture, rather, can be a temporary or “guest” option, since the mattress in the folding bed is not thick enough, and in general, when unfolded, “sedaflex” is not very suitable for a good rest.

Among other shortcomings, buyers note:

  • insufficient strength of the supporting elements, as manufacturers are trying to make the structure as light as possible and at the same time save money;
  • unreliable transformation mechanism (usually the problem occurs in inexpensive sofas, and more often it is not load-bearing elements that “fly”, but accessories: rivets, lamellas);
  • in addition to thickness, quick wear and poor quality of mattresses (with the exception of multi-layer products made of synthetic winterizer, latex, felt and polyurethane foam with a spring block), which threatens the health of the back of a person sleeping on them;
  • due to the design features, there is no space for linen (except for corner sofas, where the corner section has a free niche).

corner option"sedaflex" in some situations may be preferable

Despite everything, sofas with the Sedaflex system remain one of the most popular interior items on the upholstered furniture market. And, by and large, thanks to such undeniable advantages, How:

  • noiselessness - the sedaflex transformation mechanism does not emit squeaks, clicks and other noises;
  • the absence of bumps, creases and the like on the sleeping surface (however, this largely depends on the thickness and quality of the mattress);
  • stability - in quality products the frame is made of reinforced pipes and lamellas with a passport load of up to a maximum of three hundred kilograms;
  • no sagging and punching due to the use of elastic elements - lat.

Not less than important advantage sofas with the sedaflex mechanism is also their safety in relation to floor coverings. Due to the design features, this type of upholstered furniture does not threaten traces and damage (unlike, for example, roll-out systems) to parquet or laminate. However, the legs of the "clamshell" can leave dents on the carpet or linoleum.

In short, Sedaflex is a mechanism in a sofa for transforming it into a sleeping place and vice versa. Among others, it is considered one of the most popular because of its compactness, versatility and low cost. Plus it is suitable for small spaces.

The principle of operation of the mechanism

The sofa unfolds and folds easily. It is enough to pull in the direction - up / towards you. The sleeping place is established on metal legs. If necessary, hide the mattress headrest under the sofa cushions. It develops according to the same principle, only in reverse order.

Mechanism Sedaflex


    the compactness of the mechanism.

    It is easy to unfold, does not require much physical effort - even a child can handle it. A sofa with such a mechanism can be put in the nursery.

    having a flat bed. It will be comfortable to rest and sleep.

    durable and reliable. Can support the weight of two adults.

    minimal damage to the floor covering. Due to the fact that the mechanism does not “squirm” on the floor, it practically does not leave any floor covering scratches, abrasions.


    the main disadvantage is strength. Everything that was described in the paragraph above is an option when you buy a sofa from a trusted manufacturer, the quality of which you are sure of. Another thing is when the manufacturer saves on materials.

    the absence of a linen box in straight sofas with such a mechanism. The exception is the corner option.

The Sedaflex mechanism has been used in upholstered furniture as a transformation device for more than 10 years. Over the years, it has gained the same popularity among buyers as the sofa bed. Actually in sofas this mechanism is used. It is amazing that sedaflex works equally well in both corner sleeping sofas and straight sofas, allowing you to get a comfortable sleeping place when unfolding. However, the highlight of such sofas is that in addition to the spring mattress and ease of transformation, sedaflex also forms an ergonomic headrest when unfolded. You can have a great time relaxing on this sofa!

Stages of unfolding a sofa with the Sedaflex transformation mechanism

The simplicity and efficiency of unfolding sofas, in which the Sedaflex transformation mechanism is implemented, is simply amazing. You just need to make a few simple manipulations and turn a compact sofa into a full-fledged double bed.

  1. The first step is to remove the soft elements of the seat. Pillows can be hidden behind the back of the sofa or arranged on the side of upholstered furniture. On this the most hard part process is completed. Further, the sofa turns into a bed for one or two.
  2. Pull the special loop towards you and up a little. The additional section will “emerge” from the niche and you will only have to straighten the metal legs to firmly install the lumbar part of the bed.
  3. We lay out the second section of the bed and also install it on the legs. This completes the transformation process.
  4. Folding the sofa bed is done in reverse order.

Sofas "Sedaflex": technical characteristics and advantages

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Choosing a sofa layout mechanism
Sedaflex ("sedaflex")

The second name of this folding mechanism is “Belgian folding bed”. It is both easy to use and reliable, which makes Sedaflex ideal option transformations for permanent use.

The Sedaflex bed turns out to be perfectly flat, without bends and creases, and the folding mechanism itself is made of high-quality metal and therefore lasts a long time, it is produced by the Franco-Belgian company SEDAC-MERAL (which invented it).

"Sedaflex" is a two-fold transformation mechanism. Accordingly, first you pull one section out of the sofa, holding on to special loops, and then “unfold” it until the folding metal legs are on the floor. Load up to 200 kg.

Furniture with such a mechanism has a thicker mattress (usually a spring orthopedic mattress up to 18 cm thick is used), so the sleeping space is smooth and elastic. For more comfortable rest, the Sedaflex mechanism is equipped with an adjustable headrest.


The millennium mechanism has a very nice feature: sofa cushions no need to remove and fold in the corner of the room - when unfolding the sofa, they are below, under the bed. To expand this mechanism, you need to pull the back of the sofa towards you and lower it. Very easy to fold into full bed!

- the most reliable and rather expensive transformation mechanism, while it is extremely convenient when laying out and provides a comfortable sleep.

This mechanism is designed for daily use. Design features The mechanism is that at the bend points, not rivets are used, but rather unreliable bolted connections, based on a metal mesh and a rigid frame made of metal pipes.

The mechanism is very easy to unfold and fold thanks to powerful springs - all this ensures trouble-free operation of the mechanism in conditions of daily intensive use. The mattress is used up to 150 mm high, which is based on an orthopedic spring block "bonnel".


The mechanism "meralat" is not intended for daily use - it is a "guest option". It is usually completed with a polyurethane foam mattress.

To start laying out the sofa, you first need to remove the seat cushion, and then unfold one and the second sections in sequence.

Upholstered furniture with such a mechanism of transformation, as a rule, is used as a very convenient and practical "guest option".


The dolphin transformation mechanism is mainly used in corner sofas which are very popular today.

In operation, the “dolphin” mechanism is extremely simple and does not require special physical effort; even a child can easily decompose it.

For transformation, it is necessary to pull the hidden strap with a characteristic movement upwards and towards you, thus, the hidden part of the bed is lifted, installed and fixed in the same plane with the main seat, forming a flat and spacious place to relax and sleep.

The undoubted advantages of sofas with the "dolphin" system include its following remarkable qualities:

  • Suitable for everyday use.
  • Flat, spacious bed, which is high enough from the floor.
  • Ease of transformation.
  • Reliability and long service life. Retractable mechanism has always been considered more reliable than folding. Load up to 200 kg.
  • Low cost.

In fact, the Eurobook transformation mechanism does not have a mechanism as such, from which the most important plus follows - there is nothing to break!

This is the most reliable and simple transformation mechanism.

For the layout, you need to push the seat forward, then lower the back of the sofa.

Designed for daily use.

From the advantages:

  • a huge niche for linen;
  • the ability to place close to the wall;
  • wide range of sizes, both in length and width.
"Eurobook step by step" or "tic-tac"

The main difference is that the seat does not roll forward, but moves along a semicircle path. At the same time, in the process of unfolding, no wheels go on the floor. This ensures the safety of floor coverings.

"Book" or "click-clack"

The principle of unfolding is as simple as possible: raise the seat until it clicks, lower it and the sofa is laid out.

IN modern models an improved analogue of the "book" mechanism is often used.

However, the click-clack design provides for an additional intermediate position of the “relax” backrest (or even two of its variants).
Thanks to this improvement, a person can be in a half-sitting and reclining position.
