Traps for mice from improvised means. How to catch a mouse - the most effective rodent control methods

Mouse- such a mammal that can climb not only on horizontal surfaces, but also on vertical and even on glass, therefore, with the problem of buying or self-creation mousetraps to catch mice sooner or later almost every family faces. A mouse feels just fine in a person’s house: it’s warm, full of places where you can hide and there is always something to profit from. Regardless of where people live - in the private sector or on the first, fifth or ninth floor high-rise building, the mouse can still get into their home.

I, for example, I live on the fifth floor, and despite this, I recently saw in my apartment a tiny gray mouse running along the battery pipe. I don’t have a cat, so I immediately turned on the computer and started looking on the Internet for how to quickly make a mousetrap from the materials I had. To be honest, I found enough options.

Mousetrap 1.

First I made a mousetrap out of a bucket and a lid whose circumference is smaller than the inner diameter of the bucket. It should work like this: when the mouse goes for the bait, it stands on the lid of the bucket, which turns over and the rodent falls inside. The author of this design recommended pouring 3-5 cm into the bucket. water so that the mouse cannot jump out.

For several days, I did not manage to catch the animal with the help of this mousetrap, since "jewelry precision" is needed when mounting the carnations to the lid. If there is even the slightest excess, then the lid turns by itself. Yes, and the mouse itself, probably, was too lazy to climb on the board on the lid. In general, I abandoned this design.

Mousetrap 2.

The next mousetrap I made consisted of plastic bottle. To create it, you need a square bottle, but since I didn’t have such, I decided to try to make a few pieces from ordinary cylindrical ones. I will not tell and show the design itself, since I did not manage to catch anything on such a mousetrap. The whole problem was most likely due to the cylindrical bottle, which is why it did not work.

Mousetrap 3.
The simplest do-it-yourself mousetrap.

The last design of the mousetrap, which I made, pleased me with a mouse caught in the evening, so I decided to tell everyone how to make it.

What is a mousetrap made of?

To create a mousetrap you will need:

  1. Bank with a volume of two or three liters;
  2. Hard cardboard or flat plastic;
  3. A piece of sausage, for example, doctor's.

Creation of the simplest mousetrap.

1. To begin with, from hard cardboard or flat plastic, you need to cut out the following figure:

2. Put the bait on the sharp part of the cut out figure. On the Internet you can read about different types baits, but I know for sure that mice love sausage. I caught the "gray" on a piece of doctor's.

3. The bait is ready. Now place the jar on top of the bait cutout and then place the mousetrap where the mouse was spotted. When the rodent crawls into the gap between the jar and the floor and pulls on the bait (in my case, the sausage), the figurine will fall and the mouse will be inside the jar.

This mousetrap is good because it is not at all difficult to make it from improvised things, and the design itself is made so that the mouse remains alive ( humane mousetrap), and you can let her go away from home.

For mice to live, a person in the house has all the favorable conditions: it is warm, there are many secret places and there is always some kind of food. And it doesn't matter where you live - in the private sector or on the eighth floor of a high-rise building. This rodent can go anywhere. People have been concerned about protecting their home for a long time, and during this time many clever traps have been invented. One of the most effective and simple is the trap.

There are many of them on sale today, differing in design and method of fishing. But why spend money on them when a do-it-yourself rat trap is made literally in a matter of minutes and from ordinary improvised means. In addition to saving money, you will a great opportunity demonstrate to your loved ones your craftsmanship skills, but only if you know how to make a mouse trap yourself.

When small children live in the house or there are pets, the use of poisonous substances to kill rodents is not desirable. Buying factory traps in the store can be quite expensive, and for a good result, you need to install several of them at once. And in this case, knowledge on how to make a mousetrap with your own hands at home will come in handy.

Making our own options

To create traps, you can use materials that are always in the house - paper, plastic bottles, other containers, a ruler, wire, and more. The main thing is that such homemade mousetraps are reusable, and some options are self-loading. You don’t have to constantly monitor them and you can catch several rodents with the help of one device.

More effective will be sunflower seeds, roasted sunflower oil or a piece of bread dipped in it.

However, it is not enough to know how to make a mousetrap at home, you still need to get pests interested in it, you need to be aware of what to put inside. For this you need an attractive bait.

Everyone knows mice love cheese, but that's a faster stereotype. No less effective are:

  • Sunflower seeds
  • Slices of bread fried in sunflower oil
  • Small pieces of fat.

Sesame oil is also a good bait for rats and mice, and is considered a win-win option, its aroma does not leave rodents indifferent.

A simple option from a bucket and a ruler

This is not only a simple solution to the problem, but also quite easy to implement. In addition, such a do-it-yourself mousetrap has a great advantage - all its elements are interchangeable. The bucket can be replaced with an old pan or other container, and instead of a ruler, use thick cardboard or a thin rail.

The design of such a mousetrap is unpretentious; to create it, you still need a knitting needle or a metal round and rigid wire. The spoke rests with its ends on the edge of the bucket. The ruler attached to it rests at one end on the edge, and the other should hang over the container. The bait is placed on it, closer to the end.

Such do-it-yourself traps for mice and rats will be effective provided the rodents have free access to the ruler located on top of the bucket. It is advisable to fill the container by a third with water. The mouse, passing along the rail, stepping over the place of its intersection with the spoke, shifts the center of gravity of the structure you created.

The free end of the ruler drops sharply down and the animal falls into a makeshift mousetrap. If the bait is securely fixed and does not fall off when it rolls over, then this design can work many times.

From a jar with cut paper at the neck

This model is similar to the previous one. Only the bait should be put in a mousetrap, and for rodents to make a path to the neck of the jar. From above it is tightened with paper, cut crosswise with a razor. Stepping on paper petals, the animal falls into the trap.

Such a mousetrap from a can is not always effective, as animals are sometimes afraid of thin paper vibrating under their paws. In this design, the bait can be placed not inside the tank, but hung on a string above it.

We make from a glass jar and a coin

Such homemade mousetraps can also be made from a small saucepan, and a large button is also suitable instead of a coin. It will serve as a support for the raised edge of the container. A string or strong thread is glued to it, at the end of which a hook is tied. A wooden or metal rod is placed inside the can. A cord with a hook is thrown through it, on which the bait is put on.

AT simple version the bait can be glued to the wall of the jar.

When the mouse pulls the food, the thread stretches and pulls the support out from under the jar. The trap closes, and the captured rodent is trapped. The disadvantage of the trap is the need to recharge.

Plastic bottle traps

There are many options for manufacturing models of this type. A do-it-yourself mousetrap from an ordinary plastic bottle is very simple:

The container is cut into two uneven parts, the bottom should be longer. A part with a neck without a stopper is installed in another in an inverted position. For structural strength, the mousetrap from the bottle is glued together.

The bait is inside the container. It is also good to grease the neck with oil. A small animal slips into a bottle and can no longer get out.

A humane DIY mousetrap can be even simpler. The neck of a plastic bottle is cut off, the bait is placed inside. The container is installed in such a way that most of it hangs over the edge of the table or shelf.

A do-it-yourself mousetrap from a plastic bottle is tied with twine to something above the table. The animal, getting inside, shifts the center of gravity, and the trap falls, sagging above the floor. With a little ingenuity, you can come up with other models of a mousetrap from plastic bottles.

Interesting video:Mousetrap from improvised means

A mouse trap will help get rid of unpleasant and sometimes dangerous rodents - it’s easy to make a device with your own hands that is not inferior in efficiency to commercially available models. Self-production of mousetraps from improvised materials will save money, because most often several devices are required to eliminate pests at the same time. According to the descriptions given, you can choose the most effective and simple designs.

If the use of poisonous substances for rodent control is undesirable due to the presence of children or pets in the house or cottage, and buying several traps in the store seems too expensive, it's time to learn how to make a mousetrap yourself. Required for manufacturing simple materials, always available in everyday life - paper, various capacities(often you can use an empty waste container), wire, ruler, etc.

Please note: most of the traps self-manufacturing reusable or self-loading, which allows you not to constantly monitor them and catch several rodents with one device, leaving the trap unattended for the time of departure (optimally - no more than a week, so that an unpleasant odor does not appear.


In order for pest hunting to be successful, it is not enough to know how to make a trap for mice. It is also important to "convince" the rodents to show interest in this trap, which means that an attractive bait is required. There is a common stereotype - mice are very fond of cheese. Animals really like this product, but sunflower seeds, lightly toasted sunflower oil or a piece of bread dipped in it will turn out to be more effective as bait. Sesame oil will be a win-win option - its aroma does not leave mice indifferent, and you can also use a piece of lard.

Bucket and ruler trap

This trap model is suitable for those who prefer the simplest, but effective solutions and prefers clear instructions, including how to make a mousetrap with your own hands. Another advantage of such a trap is the interchangeability of its elements - instead of a bucket, you can take old saucepan or plastic container, and the ruler can be replaced by any suitable rail or strip of thick cardboard.

In addition to the ruler, you will need a knitting needle or a rigid round cross section metal wire. The needle is glued to the ruler perpendicularly and serves as a support - it is laid so that both ends of it rest on the edges of the bucket. A rail or ruler glued to the spoke should rest with one end on the edge of the bucket, and hang over it with the other. It is at the overhanging end that the bait is placed. The trap is located in a place where the mouse can climb onto the rail laid on top of the bucket. The mousetrap will work even if the container is empty, but to increase efficiency, it is recommended to fill the bucket with water by about a third.

This trap works just fine. The mouse walks along the ruler, attracted by the smell, but, having overcome the intersection of the ruler and the knitting needle, it shifts the center of gravity of the structure, as a result of which the end of the ruler, freely hanging over the bucket, drops sharply and dumps the rodent into the container. In order for the mousetrap to work repeatedly, the bait must be fixed on a rail so that when triggered, it does not fall into the bucket with the mouse.

Trap from a jar with cut paper on the neck

Such a do-it-yourself mouse trap is made by analogy with the previous one. A "ramp" is installed to allow the mice to climb to the top of the jar, but the bait is in this case placed inside the jar, the neck of which is tightened with paper. To make the paper on the neck of the can become a real trap for rodents, it is carefully cut (for example, with a razor) crosswise. As soon as the animal hits the paper, the "petals" formed during the incision bend inward, the mouse falls into the jar. In other versions, it is possible to lay a lightweight bait directly in the center of the cut paper, or the bait is tied to a rope and located above the center of the can.

The disadvantage of such a simple trap is that it is not very high efficiency. Mice somehow sense a catch and are wary of the notched paper.

Glass jar and coin trap

Such a homemade mousetrap from a jar is simple and can also be made from a saucepan, and if desired, a coin can be replaced with a large button or a metal washer. A coin (button, washer) serves as a support for the raised edge of the can. A strong thread with a hook at the end is glued or tied to the support. A rod is installed inside the container (you can use a wire, a twig, etc.), through which the thread is thrown. The bait is put on the hook. Attracted by the aroma, the mouse pulls on the hook with the bait, after which the thread stretches and pulls the support out from under the can. For maximum efficiency the bait should be placed at a distance of 2-4 cm from the surface. The disadvantage of the trap is that it requires reloading. That is, having “covered” one mouse, the jar ceases to be effective.

In a simpler version, the bait can be glued to the wall of the can, then when you try to get to it, the mouse will shake the can, which will lead to the fall of the support.

In order to remove the caught rodent, it is convenient to slip a sheet of cardboard under the triggered jar.

Plastic bottle traps

1 option

Such a do-it-yourself mousetrap from a plastic bottle is made in a few minutes. The container is cut at the level of 2/3 of the height (the longer part is with the bottom). After that, the part with the neck is turned over (the neck without the cork becomes directed inside the structure). The neck is lubricated with oil, and the bait is placed inside the container. To prevent the parts from separating, they can be fastened with glue, wire or in another way. The mouse easily slips through the lubricated neck, but cannot climb back out.

Option 2

Another simple mousetrap that even a schoolboy can figure out how to make.

A plastic bottle (the neck is cut approximately at the point where the narrowing begins) with the bait inside is placed on a table or shelf so that a significant part of the container hangs from the edge of the surface. In this case, the bait should be located at the very bottom. Such a trap is tied to a shelf with a string, the length of which ensures that the trap hangs above the floor when it falls. The mouse, getting into the bottle, shifts the center of gravity. The trap falls and hangs along with the caught rodent.

Mousetrap from a bucket and a rotating bottle

One of the most ingenious solutions on the topic "how to make a mousetrap at home", while effective and easy to perform. It will require a metal rod-axis and a plastic bottle with a cap. Holes are made in the container (in the lid and bottom) along the diameter of the axis, after which the bottle is put on the rod so that it remains free to rotate. The rod is placed on the edges of the bucket. Optimal fix its position, while maintaining mobility. A bucket (you can also use a basin) is recommended to be filled with water. As a bait, the bottle in the center is coated with any (attractive smell for mice) composition (processed cheese, sunflower or peanut butter, etc.). After that, a "ramp" is built from the floor to the edge of the bucket. Having freely reached the edge of the bucket along such a “bridge”, the mouse tries to move to the bottle, but the latter, under the weight of the rodent, turns around its axis and dumps the pest into the container.

They cause disgust or fear, in addition, they are carriers of a number of diseases, eat food and spoil surrounding objects. The device for catching rats and mice described in this article will help to solve the problem on your own. A mousetrap will be made with your own hands using improvised means.

In situations where it is undesirable to use poisons, because children or pets live indoors, and there is no time to purchase store traps, you can try to make a mousetrap with your own hands. The process is quite simple and does not require complex equipment and skills. You will need paper, different containers (buckets, plastic bottles of different sizes) and household items that are in almost every home (wire, small pieces of wood, a school ruler, plastic bottles).

Many traps made from improvised means are able to work autonomously, without recharging, and are designed for repeated operation. Such mousetraps can be left when leaving home from the dacha (the main thing is not to leave the mousetrap for a long time, in order to avoid the appearance of a fetid odor). In a few days, there will be no trace of mice left, and nothing will have to be done or bought.

A little about bait

For the manufacture of a mousetrap to be productive, it is not enough to know how to make it correctly. Hunting cannot be successful without the desire of the mouse to go in the required direction, and only bait can provide it.

The opinion that mice are crazy about cheese is wrong and more related to stereotypes than reality. They really eat it, and most likely they like it, but there are much more the best views mousetrap lures:

  • Fragrant grains such as sunflower seeds
  • Fried bacon or sausage (especially blood sausage);
  • Dry bread soaked in vegetable oil(sesame definitely will not leave the mouse indifferent).

The best mousetrap bait - video:

Varieties of mousetraps made independently

Mice have accompanied humanity throughout its history, and during this period people have come up with a lot of ways and devices to deal with them. Modern technologies expanded this arsenal, but some old solutions are still relevant.

Plastic bottle

There are several ways to make a mousetrap from a plastic bottle, consider the most famous and simple:

  • We cut the bottle 3 cm from the middle closer to the neck;
  • We put the bait at the bottom;
  • Remove the cork and lubricate the inner surface of the neck with oil;
  • We insert the neck down into the second part and fasten both halves with glue or wire.

The mouse, smelling food, penetrates into the bottle easily, reaching the bait through the hole lubricated with oil, and can no longer get out on its own.

An alternative way to make a mouse trap:

  • We find a container with a neck diameter sufficient for the mouse to penetrate inside;
  • We tie a thread of sufficient length to the neck so that its other edge can be tied to something without stretch;
  • We put the bait at the bottom and put the container on the edge of the table so that it overturns with a slight change in the mass of the hanging part.

The mousetrap works as follows: the mouse, smelling the smell of food, climbs into the bottle and provokes its overturning with its weight. Since the container is tied by the neck, it hangs on a rope, and the mouse will not go anywhere from such a situation. In addition, it will remain alive, so that it is also a humane method of controlling rodents.

Electro mousetrap

Unlike the previous one, this method does not differ in humanity. The electronic mousetrap works on the following principle:

  • We attach one of the wires to the metal plate (the metal should not be painted);
  • We coat the second wire with something edible for the mouse and smelling strongly, for example, peanut butter.
  • We connect the device to the network in such a way that the phase is with the bait, otherwise the mouse will immediately feel a small discharge and may change its mind to go further.

Bucket with water

A mousetrap from a bucket of water is made quite simply and there are a great many variations of it. Let's consider one of them:

  • On top of the bucket we put a wire or a metal rod ( welding electrode best option), it is desirable to fix it to prevent displacement or falling into the bucket;
  • We place some flat and oblong object perpendicular to the rod, for example, a school ruler. The ruler with one edge rests on the top of the bucket, the other is above the water.
  • To make it work at home, you need to put the bait on the edge of the ruler that is above the water, and make it easier to lift the mouse to the top of the bucket by substituting a board for it.

Catching occurs as follows: the mouse follows the ruler for food, and at some point the ruler overturns under its weight. In addition to the ruler, you can use any object, for example, a tunnel made of rolled paper.

Another simple mousetrap using a bucket:

  • The plastic bottle is pierced with a thin metal rod through the bottom and neck;
  • Food of interest to the mouse is attached to its middle;
  • The rod is placed on the bucket so that the bottle is in the middle of the bucket;

The mouse goes for food and as soon as it stands on the bottle, it scrolls, and the mouse falls into the bucket.

Bank with a coin

A very simple and effective mousetrap can be made not only from a can, but also using any other suitable container, such as a saucepan.

  1. We attach the bait to the inner surface of the jar at a distance of about 4–5 cm from the neck (can be attached to adhesive tape);
  2. The jar is placed upside down and a coin or button is placed under one edge of the neck for support.

If a mouse is wound up at home, it will definitely try to sit down on the bait, and since the support is very sensitive (this can be seen in the process of placing the can on a coin), the can will certainly cover the rodent.


Do-it-yourself glue mousetrap is quite simple. To do this, you will need: special glue, the basis for its application and bait.

The base is lubricated special glue for mice, which is sold at specialized points of sale. There is nothing complicated in the functioning of this trap, made by yourself. On the way to food, a base smeared with glue is placed. The animal tries to overcome it and sticks to the base.

The method will be of interest primarily to those who vehemently hate mice. The reason is his complete anti-humanity towards them. A rodent caught in such a trap is in for a long torment. He will not die immediately, but will try to free himself for a long time, wriggling and food on the sticky trap that bound him. And all in vain - it is impossible to get rid of the glue even with the help of a person. In general, the method is not for the faint of heart.

Bank and sheet of paper

In addition to the jar, any container can be used. Also, you will need a sheet of paper, rope and bait. The tricky trap is done like this:

  1. We prepare a paper sheet, for this we cut it from the center to the edges, so that in the middle it looks like a cross from cuts (there should be no obvious hole).
  2. We cover the container with the prepared sheet, so that the center of the cuts is located above the middle of the container.
  3. We tie the bait over the center of the whole structure and wait.

The mouse or rat will go for food and when it is in the area of ​​the cut paper, it will fall into the container. The disadvantage of this method is that it works without misfires only with young individuals. An adult mouse, especially one that has had experience of getting into such situations, feels the danger and does not go further.

High-tech, computerized mousetrap

This marvel of technology uses several sensors to detect a rodent. A foreign developer, whose name is Jake Easton, thought of doing this. This homemade trap works as follows:

  • Special acoustic and visual sensors, having found a mouse in the reach zone, set in motion the operating lever of the device, under which the bait is located;
  • The mouse goes to the smell of the bait, and when it finds itself in the sensor triggering zone, the pneumatic actuator is started, which beats the unsuspecting mouse with a metal bracket with a force of up to 50 kg.

The result is the same as when a conventional spring mousetrap is triggered. Availability computer technology did not make rodent control more humane. Jake Easton called his invention "Better Mousetrap", which translates from English as the best mousetrap.


A fairly simple and safe trap for others, but to make it you will need a drill, drills, a hacksaw and some skill in working with these tools. Step by step:

  1. From a tree we cut out a bar with a section of 40x40 mm and a length of 100 mm.
  2. We drill a hole in it from the end to the entire length of the bar (but not through), with a diameter of 25 mm.
  3. At a distance of 10 mm from the end with a hole, we make a slit (2–3 mm) on top in such a way as to partially open the hole.
  4. Immediately behind the slot (3 mm) we drill two through holes nearby, so that the thread passed through them blocks the path to the end of the drilled cavity.
  5. On the edge of the bar, opposite the entrance to the trap, we attach a spring with a loop opposite the slot.

The wooden mousetrap is ready to use. Catching mice is as follows:

  1. We put the bait in the deaf edge of the mousetrap.
  2. We lower the loop into the slot so that it matches the diameter of the hole and fix the spring with a thread.

The principle of operation is simple: the mouse tries to get to the bait and gnaws through the thread, the spring works and clamps the mouse with a loop. This option mousetraps are reusable, in addition, there are "apartment" designs.

Overview and operation of the live mousetrap - video:


Using all of the above methods of trapping and destroying harmful rodents, it will not be difficult to put one of them into practice yourself. All you need is a minimum of improvised means and a little patience. If the options seem not humane enough, you can entrust the matter to nature and get a good cat.

Today we will tell you how to deal with mice, very dangerous and insidious pests. Nowadays there are many different ways rodent control, but still, I wanted to remember the oldest - mousetraps! To save money and not buy them on the market, you can do everything yourself from ordinary improvised means.

What kind of bait to use in mousetraps?

To attract a mouse to a trap, it is best to use the following baits:

- salo;

Vegetable oil;



How to make a mousetrap from a plastic bottle at home?

For such a mousetrap we need:

Plastic bottle;



1. We cut upper part to make an entrance for rodents.

2. Not far from the cut off part, we make a hole and tie a rope.

3. We tie the second end of the rope to the table.

4. We put the bait in the bottle and put it horizontally on the edge of the table so that Bottom part(where the bait lies) hung over the table.


VIDEO. How to make a mousetrap from a bottle?

How to make a mousetrap from a bucket?

For this method, we will use a bucket that will be equipped with a special lid.

So, let's begin:

1. You need to make a ramp so that the mouse can climb up to the level of the bucket. For this we use ordinary wooden planks.

2. We make a lid for the bucket. We take an aluminum can and we make a steel rod through it (or just some kind of stick, even). The structure must rotate freely on the bucket.

3. Put the bait on the jar, pour water into the bucket and set up the ramp!


VIDEO. How to make a mousetrap from a bucket?

How to make a mousetrap from a bowl?

The simplest mousetrap, which is used by many in homes. You will need a bowl, bait and two rods.

It is advisable to choose a heavy bowl so that the mouse cannot move it.

1. We turn the bowl over, and make a backup of two rods.

2. We fasten the rods with bait, it is best to use cheese.

We are waiting for our little guests!
