Milling table with lift. Elevator for a milling cutter: several do-it-yourself manufacturing options. There are quite primitive lever-type designs

Any master will tell you that the quality of the final product depends not only on the fidelity of the hand, but also on the accuracy of the tool.

The elevator is designed for lifting and lowering the working cutter.

The hand router is particularly vulnerable in this regard. To ensure a clearly oriented fixation of the work item in relation to the workpiece being processed, different variants stationary devices with movable cutters. But factory milling tables are not cheap. Therefore, many private craftsmen prefer to make an elevator for the router with their own hands.

Why does a router need a lift?

A device for raising and lowering the working cutting head (milling cutter) on a woodworking machine is not some nice optional gadget, but completely necessary element. Moreover, on milling table he is the main element. The accuracy of its settings and the degree of stability depend, for example, on the production of such popular today decorative finishes furniture panels or various technological grooves and eyes on wooden products.

Using manual router without an appropriate stationary device, the worker's hands quickly get tired. And this is quite understandable, since the weight of not the heaviest of these devices reaches 5 kg. But another problem associated with the operation of this unit manually is even more serious. No matter how firm the hand of the performer is, it cannot be compared with the precision of a milling cutter mounted on a special table.

The presence of a wide range of manufactured items, types of decorative finishes and technological treatments for wood products has led to the need to ensure the mobility of the cutting element. So, the idea of ​​​​a special elevator was added to the milling cutter turned upside down, which is able to quickly raise or lower the milling head, as well as hold it above the table surface at a given level.

Moreover, thanks to the specified device, there is no need to remove and then reinstall the hand mill on the table each time. There is probably no need to say how much this speeds up and simplifies the production process.

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Elevator for a router: principle of operation and technical requirements

The elevator for the milling cutter is convenient in operation because the movement of the working cutting part is carried out without direct contact with the power tool by a person. To set the device in motion, either a crank, or a lever, or another method is used. This technology allows not only to smoothly and accurately set the dimensions of cut grooves and other relief recesses on wood blanks, but also quickly and without problems to change the cutters.

Figure 1. From below, a support base is attached to the tabletop of the milling table, which is a box made of plywood or chipboard.

Schematically, without detailing the design of an elevator, the principle of its operation is as follows. On the lower plane of the tabletop, a support plate made of metal or textolite is mounted in the appropriate size, to which two parallel racks are attached. A mobile carriage moves freely up and down along them. A manual milling cutter is attached to the carriage. Translational motion to the carriage and to the entire elevator is transmitted from the pushing device.

When embarking on the manufacture of this device, the requirements for milling elevators should be taken into account.

First of all, the entire design of such a device must be sufficiently rigid, which is extremely necessary not only for the accuracy of processing materials, the absence of errors in calculations, but also for the safety of the operator.

The lifting system should be designed in such a way that it guarantees quick withdrawal and installation of milling power tools and replacement milling heads. It is also worth designing a mechanism with a relatively small lift stroke (usually, moving the router within 50 mm is enough to perform most milling operations). Finally, in the manufacture of the fixture, it must be ensured that the milling cutter is rigidly fixed in a predetermined position during operation.

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Materials and tools for the production of a lift

  • manual milling cutter (without handles);
  • electric drill;
  • standard car jack (for an elevator structure based on a jack);
  • square wooden bars;
  • metal plate (textolite);
  • plywood sheets and chipboard;
  • aluminum profile;
  • a set of metal guides;
  • threaded stud;
  • a set of flat and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • wrenches;
  • pliers;
  • drill;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • nuts, bolts, washers;
  • measuring tape (ruler, square).

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Do-it-yourself router lift: product examples

Home craftsmen regularly engaged in milling wooden surfaces, have developed a lot of milling elevators of different sizes, weight and features of functioning. However, it is almost impossible to describe them all, so we will focus on two examples based on the most commonly used principles of operation.

The first option is a milling lift using a car jack. Its action is based on the fact that the miller raises or lowers the tip of the router with the cutting head by tightening the collar (pumping with the lever) on the jack.

Schematically, the process of manufacturing a lift for a manual router with your own hands (Fig. 1) is as follows. From below, an additional support base is attached to the tabletop of the milling table, which is a kind of box, in the manufacture of which fragments of 15 mm plywood or chipboard are used.

Figure 2. Router elevator device

Two long fragments, parallel to each other, by means of metal corners and screws are attached with their ends to the bottom surface of the table top. From below, a horizontal base is rigidly attached between them, to which the supporting heel of the jack will subsequently be screwed. The dimensions of the specified box are determined in such a way that, as a result, a manual milling cutter and a car jack, selected in advance, fit in height inside it.

Then the hand mill with its working (front) side through a special metal sole with the help of bolts is attached to the inner surface of the tabletop. This fastening is done in such a way that the router can move freely up and down.

With its lower (rear) part, the router rests on a metal (or textolite) carriage base plate, which moves up and down along two side metal racks. Racks-guides are installed in place of the previously removed handles of the router. For more reliable stability of the unit during operation, it is recommended to install thrust springs on the racks.

The second version of the milling lift is based on the use of a support disk, an axial threaded stud and a flywheel disk (Fig. 2).

To create this design, you first need to cut out a wooden circle, which later will rest against the manual milling cutter from below. A workpiece with a thickness of 18-20 mm will be used for its manufacture. in the center of the disk with furniture drill Forstner with a diameter of 20 mm, countersinking (partial drilling) is performed with a depth of 12 mm. After that, a through central hole is drilled, the diameter of which is 10 mm.

When the preparation of the platter is completed, a threaded stud of the same diameter as the hole is inserted into its central hole and secured with a pair of nuts and washers. It is worth noting that the stud should have a length that will provide the router with a free play of at least 50 mm.

After that, a flywheel disk is attached to the stud using a flange and an ordinary nut with a washer. Moreover, it should be located just above the middle of the axial stud.

From below, the hairpin will rest on a plywood bottom, which should be mounted between the legs of the table at a height of 75-80 mm from the floor. A flange nut built into the plywood will serve as a retainer for the lower end of the stud. With respect to this nut, subsequently, when the flywheel is rotated in one direction or another, the stud will move up or down, moving the hand mill.

Using the above, as well as other options for the elevator, you can start almost serial production of wood products, decorated with various relief cutouts.

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One good man said: “My purely personal opinion, any lift on the milling table is a beautiful, but not mandatory, “gadget.” Much more important is the ability to very quick installation(removal) of the router on the table (from the table). For this, I need to unscrew only one "lamb". "Perhaps, it is a pleasure for someone and it seems convenient to carry a router from the table and to the table. Just as it is probably convenient to have the pleasure of removing the wheel from the car to inflate the wheel - this But there are other opinions about what is a milling lift and what is a comfortable milling table in general.

A milling lift is not a beautiful lotion, but an extremely useful and easy-to-use design, fixture and tool. Top Models milling lifts help to raise and lower the router in the table very quickly, quickly change the cutter and quickly, simply and very accurately set the working height of the cutter. At the same time, you do not need to remove the router from the table at all, except when you use one router for all occasions. But the elevator has nothing to do with removing the installation of the milling cutter in the table. Although I can’t help but notice here - having one set of wheels for two cars - this, too, probably, will seem convenient to someone.

What is a milling table.

A milling table (or table for a router) is a structure consisting of a table base and a tabletop (table surface) with a router installed in it. In this case, the milling cutter, in most cases, is located vertically, that is, it is turned up with a collet with a milling cutter, although there are designs of milling tables with horizontal position router and tables with the possibility of tilting the router. Here we are looking at a milling table with vertical arrangement cutter in it.

It is quite possible to make a table for a router with your own hands, but it is advisable to know about the existing turnkey solutions. Making a router table with your own hands does not mean at all that you need to make a router with your own hands or puzzle over how to make an elevator for the router yourself. There are both ready-made fixtures for the milling cutter, and ready-made components from which you can independently assemble the milling table.

A complete set of accessories that make up a router table with a vertical router may consist of:

  1. Milling table base
  2. Milling table surfaces (so-called worktops)
  3. Profile with two T-slots for attaching accessories to the router table
  4. Milling lift
  5. Milling cutter of sufficient power, suitable for this elevator
  6. Set of collets for router
  7. kit (they close big hole lift plates, leaving a hole for the cutter
  8. Guide for a table with two movable halves (possible use as a guide)
  9. (height of the cutter relative to the table surface)
  10. Workpiece clamps in 2 planes
  11. Angle stop
  12. Movable table
  13. Milling Table Power Systems

Below in the article will be described in detail all of the listed elements.

Milling table base

The milling table base can be purchased from us or can be made by the user himself. This is the simplest part of the design, allowing wide range own creativity.

The base of the milling table can be a simple home-made structure, for example, made of plywood, aluminum or steel profiles. We invite you to consider the possibility of ordering a milling table base from us, made using carpentry technology. This will beautiful table with many drawers, with an integrated table top, the table will be movable on wheels. People who have already seen these tables said that this is not a milling table for the workshop, but an object beautiful furniture. Being sure that it is more pleasant to work in a beautiful environment, beautiful instruments turn out to be more beautiful products, we recommend to pay attention to such a decision. The project of such a table can be edited according to your wishes, but, in principle, it will be beautiful, well-made, mainly from solid wood.

The surface of the milling table (tabletop) can be made of aluminum, steel, cast iron, laminated MDF or reinforced carbolite. There are solutions based on artificial or natural stone. Each of these materials has its own advantages. The best combination of characteristics is fiberglass-reinforced carbolite - the material is stable, even, durable, with a smooth surface.

If you are purchasing a prefabricated worktop and intend to install a milling lift into it, you need to keep in mind that the milling lift you choose must match the selection in the worktop.

The advantages of the finished tabletop are:

  • a ready-made solution that allows you to immediately assemble the milling table and start working
  • high quality countertop fabrication and materials

If you prefer the path of self-manufacturing countertops, then the simplest option would be MDF sheet, preferably HDF, 35-40 mm thick, laminated with plastic. Also, the tabletop can be made of stone or wood. The advantages of a homemade countertop are:

  • free choice of milling table top size
  • free choice of color solution
  • free choice of worktop material

If you prefer independent production countertops or order this production, then pay attention to the possibility of installation on the countertop - even if you do not have it yet, this is not excluded in the future.

In a homemade countertop, on its upper plane, it will be necessary to make a recess in the shape of a milling lift plate. For our buyers of the milling table set, we offer free use of a template for making a sample or make a copy of this template for further independent use.

We recommend and offer ready-made worktops made of laminated MDF or reinforced carbolite with dimensions of 600 x 800 mm and 700 x 1100 mm (approximate dimensions, exact dimensions can be clarified when ordering). These tabletops will already be pre-selected to exactly match the plate of the milling lifts we offer. These worktops will also have three profiles already installed: two for mounting the rail and one for mounting accessories for routing.

Profile with T-slots

In both cases, you get the opportunity to precisely set the two halves of the guide in the same plane, the ability to extend one half relative to the other, for example, for jointing. In both cases, you get aluminum profile guides with parallel movement of the halves of the guide,

In the case of using a positioner, you get the possibility of absolutely accurate, precise, smooth, repeatable movement and positioning of the guide with much more functionality. You can read more about this decision.

Cutter height indicator

If you decide to purchase a milling table for yourself, then initially define as a goal - the acquisition complete set for a milling table, then - means and methods - to buy everything at once or in stages, starting with the most necessary so that you can start working, then buying additional add-ons to get a fully functional kit. We recommend that you choose this path from the very beginning.

If you decide to purchase a router table kit with our help, we will gladly and responsibly perform this work. With pleasure - because we are pleased that in the "shelf" of users quality tool arrived.

The procedure for purchasing with our help is very simple:

  1. We come to a decision on the necessary kit
  2. We calculate the total price including all costs
  3. You pay us this amount
  4. We will organize everything necessary for the purchase / payment / verification and delivery to Russia
  5. We inform you about the arrival of the goods
  6. If necessary, we send the goods to your city.

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The original literally says "Clothes and jewelry are nonsense and tinsel, it is important how much you need a thing (service, advice), how it is useful to you and how long it will last you. The most important thing is that you chose this thing (or service) when you heard a cry rogue or did you listen to the advice of a sage? Only a sage will advise you that which will not cause you troubles and problems. © (经验丰富的圣人)

Evgeny Fuks

  • 1 Why do I need a lift on the milling table, and can I do without it?
  • 2 Buy or make your own?
  • 3 There are quite primitive lever-type designs
  • 4 Using the screw adjuster
  • 5 Car jack option
  • 6 Option from an advanced master
  • How to adjust the depth of immersion (departure) of the cutter.
  • How to quickly change replacement tips.
  • Every time unscrewing the tool from the plate is too troublesome. In addition, a statically fixed router only works at a fixed depth in the workpiece.

    This problem is solved by installing a suspension with adjustable height on the router. And as soon as you were able to make a full-fledged milling table, installing an elevator of your own design is not difficult at all. In addition, a self-made device is developed taking into account all the requirements of the master, even those that are not provided for by the factory device.

    Why do you need a lift on the milling table, and can you do without it?

    This useful device is called the third hand of the master. Those who have tried a milling cutter with a microlift find more and more new applications for it:

    • Maintenance of the power tool does not cause difficulties, as well as the operational change of milling cutters.
    • You can change the height of the milling cutter in a matter of seconds, and most importantly - safely.
    • You can change the immersion depth "in dynamics", simultaneously with the movement of the workpiece on the table. This expands the possibilities of creativity.
    • Due to the fact that you stop regularly dismantling the tool for maintenance, the plate and its fasteners are subject to less wear.

    Buy or make your own?

    There is a wide choice of offers in the power tool market. Industrial microlifts look solid, work without failures, but their cost is like that of a new milling cutter. True, the device is quite well equipped. The kit includes rings for copy sleeves, and a very high quality mounting plate.

    Industrial microlift for a router with a set of copying rings

    It remains to electrify the device - and you can get a CNC machine. There is only one drawback, but it outweighs all the advantages - the price itself. Therefore, for a periodic home use it is an unaffordable luxury. So our kulibins are making, who is into what much. However, they have a lot to learn.

    There are quite primitive lever-type designs

    Homemade design linkage lift

    This technique allows you to use even a "foot" drive. For precise settings it is not suitable for departure, however, with the help of such a mechanism, it is possible to raise the router to its working position in one movement, and just as simply lower it to change the nozzle or service. This lift has a fairly large stroke, it does not allow for adjustable milling. Materials for manufacturing are literally lying underfoot, the cost price tends to zero.

    Using the screw adjuster

    Another example of a homemade elevator for a router

    The design is more advanced, and allows for relatively precise reach adjustment. However, it is inconvenient to use such a microlift; to rotate the handle, it is necessary to climb under the table, and then make a control measurement of the height of the cutter. But reliability is on top, and expensive materials are not required for manufacturing. Such an elevator can be made "by eye", without using drawings.

    The following flywheel design not only makes it possible to fine-tune the reach in small steps within 50 mm, but is also quite convenient.

    Flywheel lifting structure

    It will take more time to make, but the result is worth it. The flywheel allows you to adjust the height of the cutter, while visually controlling it above the work surface. In principle, it is already possible to dynamically change the overhang of the cutter.

    The main advantage is still the low cost of components for manufacturing, with increased functionality. Instead of a flywheel, you can install a gear and a motor with a gearbox. But this will require additional costs.

    Car jack option

    Quite expensive, since at least you need to purchase a jack. Rhomboid designs are ideal.

    The use of a screw jack as an elevator for a router is also possible

    Such a lift for a microlift is reliable, and thanks to the handle located parallel to the tabletop, it is convenient and quite accurate. Positioning the mount is very easy. It is enough to install a solid shelf parallel to the countertop.
    Electric variant available.

    Then, in general, you can install a foot pedal, and free both hands. And if you attach a programmer to all this - here you are homemade router with CNC.
    However, this comes out of the concept of an economy class device.

    Option from an advanced master

    Since the possibilities of a craftsman are endless, you can meet completely unexpected designs. This microlift is made using the same router for which it is intended.

    The original design of the elevator made by hand

    The design involves not only fine adjustment of the reach, but also a change in the angle of inclination of the axis of the router. With this potential, it is possible to greatly expand the woodworking tasks performed.
    The drive of the worm mechanism of the stud - the height regulator was originally solved.

    Toothed wheels (gear wheels) are made according to the spike method " dovetail". This allows the gears to be moved outside the mechanism, eliminates the need for lubrication, and makes the adjustment soft.
    The material used is moisture resistant plywood 20-25 mm thick. The microlift is executed so qualitatively - that I would like to suggest the author to organize industrial production.
    Of course, a preliminary drawing is necessary for such a design.

    Assembly drawing in 3D for microlift

    Moreover, it was made using a three-dimensional modeling program. Making such a device is hard work. But the financial side of the issue is the cost of a sheet of plywood and a screw stud. When performing custom work, such a design will quickly pay off.

    The verdict on this topic is as follows - when using a home-made milling table, you cannot do without a microlift. Other designs, such as a quick-release plate for a router or a folding table cover, are only suitable for servicing a power tool. And for precise positioning of the cutter above the table, you need a microlift.

    When using a handheld router installed in stationary table, two questions arise:

    1. How to adjust the depth of immersion (departure) of the cutter.
    2. How to quickly change replacement tips.

    Every time unscrewing the tool from the plate is too troublesome. In addition, a statically fixed router only works at a fixed depth in the workpiece.

    This problem is solved by installing a suspension with adjustable height on the router. And as soon as you were able to make a full-fledged milling table, installing an elevator of your own design is not difficult at all. In addition, a self-made device is developed taking into account all the requirements of the master, even those that are not provided for by the factory device.

    Why do you need a lift on the milling table, and can you do without it?

    This useful device is called the third hand of the master. Those who have tried a milling cutter with a microlift find more and more new applications for it:

    • Maintenance of the power tool does not cause difficulties, as well as the operational change of milling cutters.
    • You can change the height of the milling cutter in a matter of seconds, and most importantly - safely.
    • You can change the immersion depth "in dynamics", simultaneously with the movement of the workpiece on the table. This expands the possibilities of creativity.
    • Due to the fact that you stop regularly dismantling the tool for maintenance, the plate and its fasteners are subject to less wear.

    Buy or make your own?

    There is a wide choice of offers in the power tool market. Industrial microlifts look solid, work without failures, but their cost is like that of a new milling cutter. True, the device is quite well equipped. The kit includes rings for copy sleeves, and a very high quality mounting plate.

    Industrial microlift for a router with a set of copying rings

    It remains to electrify the device - and you can get it with CNC. There is only one drawback, but it outweighs all the advantages - the price itself. Therefore, for periodic home use, this is an unaffordable luxury. So our kulibins are making, who is into what much. However, they have a lot to learn.

    Milling lift, which Victor Travelller uses in his, as I understand it, extreme table. So to speak, latest model. Fraser uses the same long-suffering interskol FM32.

    The most interesting aspect of this lift is the ability to adjust the position of the router without bending over or getting under the table. This is done with an imbus key directly from the countertop.

    The entire block, together with the milling cutter, can be easily dismantled and replaced with a circular saw. Let's take a closer look at the device of this lift.

    The lift itself consists of two U-shaped halves that move relative to each other. One is fixed relative to the base of the router, the other is movable (it pushes the head of the router up)

    They are connected to each other (that is, with a hexagon head bolt with a stud of the appropriate diameter) using a pair of nuts (main and locking). At the same time, the hexagon bolt remains on top, flush with the table surface. Through a wide nut, rotation is transmitted to the stud, with which, respectively on the mortise nut in the lower half of the slide, which, due to rotation, are pulled up.
