Who really rules the UAE. Paradise - United Arab Emirates. Features of national cuisine

Sheikh Country - United United Arab Emirates- located in the southwest of the Arabian Peninsula. The shores are washed by the waters of the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean (Gulf of Oman).

Why go to the UAE

The UAE is a fabulous country where skyscrapers made of glass and metal take off into the sky among the sands of an endless desert; a place where ancient customs are combined with the latest technologies. If you like excellent hotel service, shopping from morning to evening, swimming in the ever-warm sea and picky about the choice of entertainment - you are here. The Emirates are home to the world's largest aquarium, a ski resort in the desert, amazingly beautiful mosques and, of course, many shopping centers with thousands of shops.

Visa to the UAE

A visa is not required to travel to the UAE. Upon arrival in the UAE, a tourist's passport is stamped free of charge on arrival in the country. The visa is valid for 30 days. In the case of several entries / exits from the country, you need to obtain visas each time.

The country unites 7 emirates. The largest emirate is , the smallest is . All emirates, except, have sections on the coast of the Persian Gulf. located on the coast of the Gulf of Oman.

When choosing tours in the UAE, tourists prefer the emirates and.

Weather in the UAE

The season in the UAE lasts all year round Warm and almost no rain. best time to visit the Emirates is considered the period from late October to April, when it is not very hot. The water in the sea off the coast of the UAE is always warm: the temperature does not fall below 18°C. In winter, the water in the pools of the UAE hotels is heated, its temperature is 25-27 °C. In summer, the air temperature can reach 50 °C, and the sea - 35 °C.

Round trip flights to UAE

Ticket prices shown are for 1 person departing from Berlin

Attractions UAE

The Emirates cannot boast of many historical sights, like the cities of Europe or Asia. The rapid development of the country began only half a century ago. However, the lack of ancient ruins and ancient houses of the city of the UAE is more than compensated by ultra-modern skyscrapers, luxurious amusement parks, beautiful embankments and, of course, oriental bazaars in air-conditioned shopping centers.

The very best in the Emirates

If you want to definitely touch history and culture, then you should pay attention to beautiful mosques - for example, the Sheikh Zayed Mosque in - or the Bastakiya district, where clay houses, a fort building and the atmosphere of an Arab village have been preserved.

Picturesque oases are “scattered” throughout the emirates, and in the emirates there are healing mineral springs. Wildlife lovers are recommended to visit the unique mangrove reserve, the zoo and the Sheikh's Palace in the city of Al Ain in Abu Dhabi.

On excursions to the UAE, you can go to the desert in jeeps and ATVs, travel around all the emirates and even visit the neighboring Sultanate of Oman, sail on a yacht on man-made islands or simply in the Persian Gulf, even fly by helicopter near the Burj Khalifa or on hot-air balloon over the surroundings.


People go to the UAE for quality shopping - there are many multi-storey shopping centers and markets. The most famous of them - Dubai shopping mall(The Dubai Mall), Mall of the Emirates, Souk Madinat Jumeirah near Palm Jumeirah, Gold Souk in Deira Dubai, Abu Dhabi Mall. ​


The most popular souvenirs brought by tourists from the UAE are chocolate and candies based on camel milk, amazing dates with and without filling, soft toys, seven sands - a bottle of multi-colored sand from different emirates, small carpets, hookahs, jewelry and jewelry.


Compared to Russia, public transport in the UAE is very poorly developed. This is due to the fact that almost every resident has his own car. Buses and metro are mainly used by labor migrants and tourists. Regular city bus service is available only in and Abu Dhabi. A bus ticket is inexpensive - about 1.5 dirhams.

Most tourists take taxis. Each machine is equipped with a counter. If you are traveling from one emirate to another, be prepared for the fact that a certain amount will be added for crossing the “border” (each emirate has its own, but not more than $ 5). You will also have to pay extra for travel on toll roads.

The metro is popular local residents, and tourists. It is fully automatic, there are no drivers. In total, the Dubai Metro has 2 lines, they are connected to each other and to the tram line. There are 3 categories of tickets for payment - "gold" (with a panoramic view and a guarantee of a seat in the head / tail car, they cost 2 times more than regular tickets), women's and children's tickets (tickets to a certain section of the car) and ordinary. Ticket prices range from 1.8 to 11 dirhams.

There is a tram line in the Dubai Marina area, and a monorail railway on the Palm Jumeirah, which tourists like to ride. One trip on the monorail costs 15 dirhams.

To rent a car in the UAE, you will need an International Driving Permit and a credit card. All registered cards issued in the Russian Federation are considered credit cards. In some cases, you can rent a car with a Russian license and without presenting credit card. However, if you are stopped by the police, you will have to pay a huge fine. When renting, the amount on the bank card is “frozen” (750-2000 dirhams), it is important that it is available.


The UAE is a Muslim country where alcohol is banned. Each emirate establishes its own law on alcohol - for example, it doesn’t even smell like it: you can’t not only use it, but even transport and store it. Surrounded by , there are a couple of liquor stores. Can be found on the menu alcoholic cocktails but be prepared that they will be expensive. Alcohol can be brought into a hotel room in some emirates. You can buy wine, beer and other drinks in duty-free shops upon arrival, but very little. The quantity is monitored - alcohol lovers can easily deprive their favorite drink.

Customs and traditions

The religion in the UAE is Islam. Believers pray 5 times a day. The call to prayer is heard through the loudspeakers of mosques, as well as on radio and television.

holy month Ramadan- a special period for Muslims, a time of fasting, humility and prayers. Its beginning is determined by lunar calendar, every year is a new date. In 2018, Ramadan lasts from May 15 to June 14, in 2019 - from May 5 to June 3.

During Ramadan, Muslims are forbidden to eat and drink before sunset, so many cafes and restaurants are closed during the day. Tourists are not recommended to eat or drink on the street, and when going on excursions, it is worth taking food rations with you. Many hotels are being renovated just in Ramadan. However, there are also advantages from visiting the UAE at this time, and considerable ones - there are almost no traffic jams in cities and on the highway, there are no queues to attractions (many increase their opening hours until late at night), there are fewer crowds in shops, and in hotels and on beaches much quieter and more spacious.

On the street, women are strictly forbidden to appear in open or translucent clothes. Firstly, it’s indecent, and secondly, the locals will immediately call the police and “half-naked”, according to the Arabs, the tourist will be fined a round sum (the vice police is especially fierce). We recommend that you dress in such a way that your clothes cover your knees, elbows and décolleté. Don't hug or kiss on the street in public places.


The UAE is located on the coast of the Persian Gulf, so there will be plenty of seafood on the hotel menu: there are grilled lobsters, various fish, and shellfish. Many tourists like to try kebabs, hearty snacks based on chickpeas, Exotic fruits, dates. In the emirates, they sell camel milk ice cream and milk itself.

Good to know about the UAE

  • The plane is flying from Moscow to 5 o'clock. Transfer to hotels is about 1.5 hours, to hotels in Abu Dhabi - about 2 hours.
  • Time in UAE ahead of Moscow by 1 hour.
  • In the three emirates - , and - charged tourist tax for accommodation. The tax is payable upon check-in at the hotel (in dirhams, foreign currency or bank card). The amount of tax in and is $2 to $6 per night depending on the star rating of the hotel. In Abu Dhabi, tourists pay $5 per night, regardless of the hotel category.
  • In most hotels in the UAE upon check-in deposit is taken. Depending on the hotel, the spread can be very large: from $10 to $400 per day or from $50 to $600 for a period. Sometimes the deposit is calculated from the cost of the room (most often 50% of the cost of the night). The amount is returned upon departure from the hotel. In some hotels, you can agree not to pay a deposit if you empty the minibar and turn off the phone.
  • It is not recommended to drink tap water in the UAE, it is desalinated or purified sea water. Bottled water is produced from oasis springs. Medium water bottle price(0.5 liters) - 1.2 dirhams.
  • Religion in the UAE - Islam Sunni persuasion.
  • Language in the UAE - Arab. Most people know English language, on it signs, road signs, pointers are duplicated.
  • It is strictly not recommended to photograph local residents without permission, especially women. Also refrain from taking photos near government agencies.
  • In the UAE, many objects do not have a permanent address - residents are guided by signs and nearby buildings.
  • If you fall ill, contact the insurance service at the phone number indicated in the insurance policy that you received when purchasing the tour. If you just call an ambulance, you can get an impressive bill.
  • In the UAE, cleanliness is very strict. Fine for a discarded wrapper or cigarette butt on the street or the beach is from 200 dirhams (3,200 rubles).
  • Friday and Saturday in the UAE - weekend Thursday is a shortened working day. Banks, post office and government agencies close early- The working day starts at 8 am and ends at 3 pm, sometimes at 1 pm.
  • Mosquitoes and mosquitoes not in the UAE, so you can do without a fumigator. Most shopping centers and public places are equipped with powerful air conditioners. To keep warm, bring sleeves with you.
  • Snorkeling and diving in the UAE there is only in, in the rest of the emirates there is no bright underwater life. Flippers and a mask for those who came here on an excursion are given free of charge.
  • Surprisingly, in the UAE cannot be imported nothing that was produced in Israel and even things with the Israeli logo - will be taken away at customs and may be denied entry. If you have a favorite keychain with mogendovid or you are bringing Dead Sea cosmetics to someone, it is better to leave them at home or use the mail service. The list of items prohibited for export is standard: no weapons, antiquities and cultural heritage. From the unusual - from the Emirates palm trees cannot be exported Weather by months

United Arab Emirates(United Arab Emirates) occupy the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. Numerous deserts with rare (but well-aimed) oases stretch along the coast of the Persian and Oman gulfs. The UAE borders Saudi Arabia to the west and south, Oman to the southeast, and the Omani enclave of Madha to the northeast.

The territorial area is approximately 84 square meters. km, and the population of the country is about 4.5 million people, most of whom are Arabs, moreover, from the South and East Asia. The state religion is Islam, official language recognized Arabic, currency unit- dirham.

According to the state structure, the UAE is federal state, which includes seven absolute monarchies-emirates: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al-Kawain, Ras al-Khaimah, Fujairah. The capital is in Abu Dhabi. The country has large oil reserves, thanks to which the UAE lives and prospers.

There are quite a few different opinions about this country, most of which can easily be misleading. This article will help you distinguish a false statement from a true one.

Since the state of the UAE is located in the Middle East, it is very dangerous for travelers to be there, it is especially difficult for girls without male accompaniment. This is a very deep delusion. In fact, the UAE is the safest country in the Middle East. Security lies in the absence of crime and, importantly, poverty. The streets are striking in their cleanliness and politeness of the locals. And the famous city of Dubai is recognized as the most safe place on our planet.

The UAE has strict dress and behavior laws for tourists. In fact, everything is not so strict: in hotels you can walk in whatever suits you (mini-skirts, short shorts, etc.); if you are going on an excursion to the city, then, out of respect for the traditions of this country, it is better to cover your shoulders and not bare your legs. But even in the case when you are wearing "indecent", from the point of view of the inhabitants, clothes - no one will make a remark to you about this.

This country has a "dry" law, alcohol is prohibited. Pure truth. In the UAE alcoholic products do not sell. But that doesn't mean you can't bring alcohol with you. As a rule, tourists buy strong drinks in advance at Duty-Free, low prices. But you should not drink alcohol in public places (in parks, on the beach) - it’s not far from a fine!

If the girl is not yet 30 years old, then she will not be given a visa to the UAE. Today, this statement is somewhat outdated. Even if the girl is not yet 30, but she is going to take a vacation ticket to a five-star hotel, then in this case, one hundred percent that she will receive a visa. But, in order to be sure that they will let you into the country, you need to go there accompanied by a man (husband, father, brother - the main thing is that the last names are the same). The only thing is that they may not give a visa if the girl has a very common surname (Ivanova, Petrova), moreover, they refuse without explaining the reason.

In the UAE, you cannot kiss in public (in public places). If the kiss goes far beyond the purely friendly, then such a clear manifestation of feelings is punishable by a large fine.

Muslim women are not allowed to be photographed. Yes, this is prohibited by local law. Also, do not take photographs. interior design at home without the permission of the owner, and it is also forbidden to photograph mosques and people praying.

Arabs dislike Russians. Arabs are quite hospitable and courteous people. By the way, their hospitality is not feigned, but the most natural. And why should they pretend when they live not at the expense of tourists, but at the expense of their mineral reserves.

In the event of a divorce, a woman will have to leave her husband in what she is wearing. Quite right. That is why women in the UAE wear, at times, up to three kilograms of gold. Is there a little...

The Emirates are hot all year round. And there's nothing you can do about it! Therefore, this country can be called the most air-conditioned country in the world. Wherever there is no air conditioning: in shops, in hotels, in cars, and even in a zoo.

There is a real ski resort in the UAE. More artificial than real. However, it is a huge hit with tourists and is quite a popular holiday destination. It is located in Dubai and is something like a giant glass aquarium with a total area of ​​22.5 thousand square meters. meters. This complex can be compared to a huge refrigerator, where, thanks to special thermal insulation (despite the fact that in the UAE the air temperature exceeds 30 ° C almost every day), the temperature is constantly maintained below zero, which makes it possible to feel like a real ski resort! This wonderful complex can simultaneously accommodate up to 1.5 thousand visitors.

56711 9-03-2018, 18:26

Why do Kazakhs live poorer and worse than Arabs in the UAE?


The question posed in the subheading was not asked by us, except perhaps the lazy one. From the point of view of narrow-minded logic, since Kazakhstan is on the list of the world's richest countries in oil, then the standard of living here should be the same as in the United Arab Emirates...

True, our citizens do not know so much about the Emirates. Among the many myths about this country that exist in our society, the most popular are the following: the indigenous people of the UAE can afford not to work at all, because they are supported by the state, the elderly have fabulous pensions, and every child at birth receives a deposit of 50 (100 , 200) thousand dollars. In general, not life, but a continuous fairy tale ...
But is the life of UAE citizens really so carefree? And why, having significant oil reserves, Kazakhstan cannot become the same rich state? And in general, how appropriate is it to compare the two countries? With these questions, we turned to our experts.

Sergey Domnin, IMEP Program Manager: “It’s not worth idealizing the standard of living in the UAE”

- First of all, I would like to dispel the myth that could have formed among Kazakhstanis that our country has oil reserves comparable to the UAE or Saudi Arabia. According to a 2014 BP estimate, the total proven oil reserves in Kazakhstan were estimated at 30 billion barrels. This is more than Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador, Norway. But compared to the reserves that the Gulf countries have, they do not look so outstanding: the UAE - about 98 billion barrels, Kuwait - 101 billion, Iraq - 150 billion, Saudi Arabia - 267 billion.

Let's go further. According to the US Department of Energy, in 2016, the production level in our country amounted to about 1.7 million barrels of oil and condensate per day, while in the Emirates, 3.1 million barrels were produced daily. That is, we produce half as much.

And how much money do we get for the exported oil? Here the data of the International Trade Center at the WTO come to the rescue: in the same 2016, the UAE exported oil and oil products worth $33 billion, Kazakhstan - $22 billion.

It's time to ask the third question: how dependent are our economies on the extraction and export of hydrocarbons? And here we come to an unexpected conclusion. In the merchandise export of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the non-hydrocarbon component accounts for 39.6%, while in the Emirates it is 89.0% (2016 data).

The rather high complexity of the UAE economy provides a high level economic development. Despite the fact that the population of the Emirates is half that of Kazakhstan, the GDP of this country exceeds ours by 2.5 times. Accordingly, per capita GDP there is almost five times higher than in Kazakhstan.

However, how do these remarkable gross figures translate into the standard of living of the population? Here the advantage of the Emirates is not so obvious. According to the World Bank, life expectancy in the UAE in 2016 was 77.5 years, in Kazakhstan - 72 years. Public spending on health care in the UAE was at the level of 2.64% of GDP, in Kazakhstan - 2.37%, that is, the gap is insignificant. Unfortunately, there is no data on the GINI index (it shows the degree of wealth stratification in society) for the Gulf countries, and this is not accidental...

It is not worth idealizing the standard of living in the UAE: researchers note a high degree of social and gender inequality in the Emirates. Returning to the GINI index… If compared with other petrostates, then this indicator is at the level of Norway (26.5 in the Republic of Kazakhstan and 26.8 in Norway - data from 2014).

What conclusions should we draw from all this?

First, we need to get rid of the myth that oil is a sufficient condition for prosperity in the long run. We have seen from our own experience that this is not the case, and the experience of the UAE, at a close enough approximation, shows that success is ensured by a consistent industrial policy focused on the comparative advantages of the country, such as successful geographical position(access to the oceans) and available energy sources.

Secondly, the Emirates is a source of unique experience not only in diversifying the economy and creating free economic zones, but also in creating an international financial center, and this experience is now being adopted by the Astana International Financial Center.

Sergey Smirnov, economist: "The country's economy cannot stand only on oil rigs"

- The well-being of Kazakhstanis is often compared with the capabilities of UAE citizens. Say, the main source of income for both countries is oil fields but the standard of living varies dramatically. Yes, the standard of living of UAE citizens is really high, but only citizens - and this is only 1.7 million people out of the 9.2 million population of the UAE.

Information about a bank account with a deposit of 50 (100, 200) thousand dollars for each child is not confirmed by the Abu Dhabi government website. However, within social policy Emirates citizens receive a wide range of benefits and subsidies. For example, they all enjoy free and high-quality medical care and have free education. Moreover, if desired, students receive grants to study at any university in the world. At the same time, after graduation, they are not required to return to their homeland.

Upon reaching the age of 21, each citizen (male) is provided with land plot and funds for the construction of housing. Also, a young couple can get a loan (about 120 thousand dollars), which is considered repaid after the birth of a third child. Public utilities practically free, since state subsidies cover about 90% of their cost.

The retirement age for men is 55 years, for women - 50 years. With a basic pension of almost $3,000 pension accruals account for about 80% of the last income of a citizen of the Emirates. To provide yourself with such a pension, 20 years of work experience is enough.

Indigenous people receive a salary of approximately $10,000 and usually work in government agencies, justice bodies, are members of the boards of directors of international economic and financial institutions. In particular, at least 51% of the share capital of any commercial company established in the country must be owned by residents of the Emirates.

The UAE was formed in 1971, and then the basis of their economy was oil production (proven reserves of which are comparable to Russia's). But over the past years, the country has achieved impressive results in economic diversification: if in the early 1980s oil exports accounted for 73% of the country's GDP, today it does not exceed 8% of GDP. Everything else is tourism, real estate, trade. Once a completely oil country, today the UAE is the largest financial and trade center, offshore, transport hub. Behind all this transformation, one can see the understanding by the sheikhs that the country's economy cannot stand only on oil rigs.

Thus, all the benefits of the UAE citizens are paid not only by oil revenues, but also by the labor of foreigners working there, who make up about 85% of the total work force countries. In fact, all modern facilities - bulk islands, seaports, refineries, shopping centers, roads, desalination plants - were created by expats. Arabic - only money. The projects were created by Europeans and Americans, the workers were from South Asia. Even children are accustomed to having servants clean up after them.

Today the Emirates is a continuous free economic zone. Duty-free import and export of goods develops trade. The state receives money from the system of indirect taxes. There is no VAT, income tax in the country individuals, corporate and income taxes. The main taxes are collected from four areas of activity: oil production, banking, real estate and trade. So, foreign companies Those engaged in the production of hydrocarbons are subject to tax, which is determined by agreements between companies and the government of the Emirates on an individual basis and amounts to approximately 55% of operating revenue. Branches of foreign banks are also taxed (about 20% of operating income). All the prosperity of the UAE is built on cheap foreign labor.

And what do we have in Kazakhstan? Corruption, deindustrialization, constantly devalued currency, expensive loans, speculative financial system, low investment in the non-primary sector of the economy, high taxes, oligopolistic commodity economy. We have become a source of resources for Europe and China.

Finally, a comparison between Kazakhstan and the UAE leads to the conclusion that there can be neither a stable nor a developed country with almost 9 million economically active people wandering in the expanses of the resource-based economy with falling real incomes.

Many of us know that Arabs in countries like the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are doing well. Or rather, they live simply luxuriously.

Let's take the UAE with its Dubai and Abu Dhabi as an example.

Here is how the citizens of this country live:

There is not a single old brand of car on the streets. All cars are either premium or exclusive.

All Arabs live luxuriously and are literally hung with gold.

Across the country literally everywhere is the smell of money.

There is not a single beggar on the streets.

Many people think that the main reason for this wealth is oil. But this is only half the truth. And if this is half the truth, then the other half is not true.

Here is the main myth about life in the UAE:

Arabs don't work. Each of them is given a million dollars at birth, and during their lifetime each of them receives a percentage of the sale of oil.

It's actually - myth and fiction .

At birth, every resident of the UAE is given the following by the state:

Free housing

Throughout life, absolutely any medical care is FREE OF CHARGE

Free education anywhere in the world and any university

All. In fact, the state does not give anything more to its citizens.

Moreover, in the richest city of the UAE - Dubai, oil plays, one might say, the last source of income. The fact is that oil revenues account for only 4% of Dubai's total revenue .

Everything else is tourism, real estate and trade in anything.

UAE residents are the richest people in the world

With all this, the citizens of this country (Arabs) are indeed the richest inhabitants of the world. Residents of Russia, Europe, the USA will never be equal in terms of income with the inhabitants of this country.

It seems strange, but it's true.

Let's see why this happens.

Let's start with the fact that only 20% of the country's citizens live in Dubai, and 80% are foreigners. Foreigners simply buy real estate here and live for their own pleasure. This place is for the rich. It can be said to be a paradise for the rich, simply because there is no crime here. There are strict laws. For any violation of the law, any person is punished to the fullest extent of the law.

And this is what all rich people need. After all, if a person is rich, then he needs so no one can touch it And did not take his wealth . The rich already have everything else.

This is what the UAE offers with its strict laws.

Those. this is such a secluded corner where the rich people of the whole world have fenced themselves off from everyone else.

Of course, all these rich people must be served by someone. This is done by visiting Indians, Pakistanis, Iranians.

The average salary of such an employee does not exceed $500, but the usual salary for an employee is $300. But even these 300 dollars are just a cosmic sum for many workers. After all, in the same India average salary ordinary person does not exceed 50 dollars, and often even less.

Those. we can say that rich people exploit the labor of wage workers.

What are the Arabs doing? No need to think that the Arabs do not work. They work.

The whole secret lies in the fact that 94% of Arabs work as civil servants - officials, policemen, inspectors, ..

So here the minimum salary of such a civil servant cannot be less than 70,000 rubles.

But this is the minimum wage. But if you have already achieved something in the civil service, then your salary is about 2-3 million rubles a month. For example, a police officer holding the post of head of a division drives a Bentley or a Ferrari.

But if you receive only 70,000 rubles, then you will not drive a Bentley, but you will drive a brand new Toyota without any problems.

Of course, the Arab does not want to drive a Toyota, but wants to drive a Ferrari, and therefore he tries his best at his job and works a lot.

So, do not think that the Arabs do not work. Another thing is that their salaries are cosmic, yes.

I will reveal another secret - Foreigners are not accepted into the civil service.

Those. work for public service can only be a citizen of this country. That's all.

A foreigner can work in any private company, but will never be able to work in the public service.

If everything is so chic, then how to become a citizen of the UAE ?!

You could say it's IMPOSSIBLE. Only a person born to a UAE citizen can become a UAE citizen. Those. if you (Russian) marry an Arab, then you will not become a citizen of the UAE, but your children born from this marriage will become citizens.

We now turn to the answer to our main questionWhy do the citizens of this country live well?

Here are the main reasons:

No corruption

small population and a large number of oil

Let's talk in more detail about each of these reasons.

Complete absence of corruption in the UAE

Since only a citizen of the country can become a civil servant or official, the citizens of the country themselves control life in the UAE. There really is no corruption in the UAE.

As laws in the UAE, norms from Sharia are taken and therefore the law is observed here very strictly. And every person living in the UAE knows that if he violates the Law, he will be imprisoned.

On the other hand, the question arises - the inhabitants of the UAE are Muslims, and as we know, corruption is rampant among Muslims. Example Russia, Egypt, Iran, many African countries, ...

Why is there no corruption in this Muslim country?

For me it remains a mystery. Those. I do not understand how the country's authorities could completely eradicate corruption. Perhaps because of the strict laws.

But the fact remains there is no corruption in the UAE.

The UAE has few people, but a lot of oil

The eternal question in Russia - why is there more oil in Russia than in the UAE, and they live well, but we don’t? And everything is really simple.

Russia has a population of 140 million, while the UAE has 5 million. Thus, in Russia the population is almost 30 times larger than in the UAE.

And oil reserves in Russia and the UAE are almost equal.

In addition, there are a huge number of cities in Russia, and in the UAE there are only 2 cities - Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

In general, to put it in your own words, there is a lot of oil in the UAE, but there is nowhere to put oil dollars. There is no own cities and population where to spend this money.

In fact, the entire UAE is a desert with two cities and a small population. For example, in St. Petersburg lives more people than in the whole UAE!!!

What do you think if all oil revenues are spent only on St. Petersburg, how would the inhabitants of this city live?!

Let me tell you a little story:

During the formation of the UAE, it was the poorest country. But the country had money. Over the past 13 years, the President of the UAE has forgiven credit debts to all citizens of the country 5 times!!! Those. people took loans and instead of repaying them, the president of the country simply paid for all these loans.

I repeat, this was done 5 times!!!

This only says that there is a lot of money in the country, and very few inhabitants. Let's take the US as an example. The US owes other countries $17 trillion.

Can you imagine that the President of the United States suddenly took and paid at least once this debt? And in the UAE it was done 5 times!!!

Not one country in Europe, not the United States, not Russia simply cannot compare with so much money per capita.

Whatever you do, the average resident of Russia or the United States will never live like in the UAE. If we take Russia, we simply have huge territories that need to be protected. And this is the cost of defense and protection of these territories.

I am a Russian patriot. I was born here, live and die here. But I admire this country. I admire the way they fought corruption. I admire the way they built their country.

But there is one main reason for its possible further decline in the UAE. And this is the reason population decline .

Currently, in the main city of the UAE - Dubai, the number of citizens of the country is only 20%, and 80% are foreigners. And as I wrote above, only a person born only from a citizen of the country can become a citizen of the UAE. Those. even if you (Russian) marry a citizen of the UAE, you will never become a citizen of this country. But the children from your marriage will be citizens of the country.

It is easy to understand that in this way the number of citizens of the country will decrease. According to scientists, By 2030, the number of citizens in Dubai will be equal to 2%.

Imagine, in fact, Dubai will be ruled by foreigners and no one will even notice the citizens of the country. Accordingly, this is fraught with war and revolution. . And since the oil and gas reserves in the UAE are very large, I think someone will definitely want to take this "tidbit".

Actually this is a problem. And to solve this problem in the UAE, citizenship needs to be made more liberal.

Today we will look at 10 main reasons why you should definitely visit the United Arab Emirates.

The dry subtropical climate of the country is favorable for holidays in the United Arab Emirates at any time of the year. Weather can be called ideal in order to enjoy your vacation on the beaches of the UAE or go on excursions in the Emirates, the choice of which is huge. The exception is summer period when the air temperature is over 40°C. Starting from mid-October until the first days of May, the thermometer shows an average of 27 ° C. The sea in the UAE is comfortable for swimming, its water temperature is at the level of 20-25°C.

2. Tour duration and visa processing

Tourist vouchers in the UAE are sold for almost any period. You can plan a trip to the UAE for 3 days for a romantic weekend, a brief acquaintance with the resorts of the Emirates, profitable shopping or a business trip. Or you can book a hotel for a period of 7 to 10 days on an all-inclusive basis and arrange for yourself and your family good rest in the UAE. Tourists independently choose how much time and in which resort of the Emirates they want to spend. Applying for a visa does not require complex packages of documents and takes no more than 5 working days.

3. Level of comfort and customer service in the UAE

In the resorts of the UAE, any tourist will be able to stay at a hotel that satisfies him financial opportunities and requests. Regardless of the number of stars, the hotel complexes of the United Arab Emirates are distinguished by a high level of comfort and customer service, which are recognized as the best in the world. Holidays in the UAE can be spent in one of the world-famous branded hotels: Atlantis The Palm 5*, One&Only The Palm Dubai 5*, Rixos The Palm 5*, Waldorf Astoria Dubai Palm 5*, Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort 5* or give preference to a 2* hotel complex and save your budget.

The huge selection of upscale hotels in the country can confuse you when choosing a hotel in the UAE.

4. The level of security in the country

It doesn't matter if you plan to spend your holidays on the seas of the UAE, on excursions in the Emirates or walking in green areas and shopping, your safety in the country will be at highest level This is being monitored by the local authorities. The British research company Mercer Human Resource Consulting has compiled a rating according to which the resorts of the Emirates of Dubai and Abu Dhabi are among the 50 safest cities in the world. Dubai is 39th in terms of life safety, Abu Dhabi is 23rd, which is good performance on a global scale.

5. Favorable geographical position of the UAE

Due to its favorable physical and geographical position, the resort of Fujairah has access to the Gulf of Oman of the Indian Ocean. In the remaining six resorts of the UAE, holidays in the United Arab Emirates take place on the coast of the Persian Gulf. Tourists will have the opportunity to swim in the sea in the Emirates of Dubai, Ajman, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Ras Al Khaimah and Umm Al Quwain. There are a large number of excursions in the Emirates. For inquisitive tourists, daily trips are organized in the UAE from Dubai to Oman, which is a neighboring state.

If you want to see all the Emirates, then you will need maps of the Emirates to make a route.

6. Huge selection of excursions

Holidays in the UAE cannot be boring, because it involves not only swimming in the sea in the Emirates, but also various sightseeing trips. For connoisseurs of cultural and historical values, trips are organized to ancient monuments of local architecture, museums, exhibition galleries, desert areas and even mountains. For tourists who do not accept a relaxing holiday at sea in the UAE, extreme jeep trips, deep-sea fishing, scuba diving, parachuting, and helicopter rides are provided.

7. UAE - an opportunity to organize a quality holiday for children

Children are especially energetic, so the seas of the UAE may soon get bored with them. In this case, everything is provided for have a nice rest. The resorts of the UAE have the largest concentration of zoos, water parks and other entertainment for children:

  • Wild Wadi Water Park - located in the area of ​​​​the two largest hotels that are attractions of the Emirates - Burj Al Arab and Jumeirah Beach Hotel.
  • Dream Land Waterpark.
  • Aquaventure water park.
  • Water park located in Ras Al Khaimah.
  • Ice Land Water Park. Its territory has the largest number of slides that can advantageously replace holidays on the coast of the UAE.
  • Wonderland Amusement Park.
  • Dolphinarium Dubai Dolphinarium.

All the subtleties of relaxation and everything that the tour operator does not tell you can be found in the reviews of tourists about the Emirates.

8. Entertainment on vacation in the United Arab Emirates

Holidays for adults include not only the beaches of the UAE and swimming in the warm sea in the Emirates, but also a variety of entertainment. For lovers of horse racing, an equestrian club is open to visit, preserved since ancient times - Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club. It hosts the most expensive and prestigious competitions in the world - the Dubai World Cup. For those who want to change beach holiday at sea in the UAE, there is an opportunity to join the game of polo by visiting the Ghantoot Racing & Polo Club. Going to Khalif City in the Al-Forsan Sports Center, you can do:

  • motorsport;
  • horseback riding;
  • paintball game;
  • go karting and other sports.

Regardless of the time of the year for which a trip to the UAE is planned, it is worth doing shopping, for which there are many shopping centers, markets and shops with world brands in the country. The most popular are:

  1. Gold market - Gold Souk.
  2. Deira's shopping center is Al Ghurair City, which houses more than 100 stores.
  3. Shopping complex in Bur Dubai - BurJuman Centre.
  4. Mall of the Emirates, located in the Sheikh Zayed Road area.
  5. The Dubai Mall is one of the largest malls in the world.

You can read more about shopping in the Emirates in the article: Prices in the UAE.

Burj Khalifa video:

10. Striking skyscrapers

From anywhere on the UAE beach, skyscrapers are visible that amaze with their views:

  1. Burj Khalifa, which is considered the tallest skyscraper in the world - 828 meters in height. Its building has 163 floors, on the 124th floor there is Observation deck, from which the sights of the Emirates are visible.
  2. Dubai Miracle Garden, the only flower park in the world, covering an area of ​​70,000 m2. More than 50 million plants have been planted on its territory. various kinds flowers and shrubs.
  3. JW Marriott Marquis Dubai is recognized as the tallest hotel in the world - 355 meters in height.