How to find a job you love. Where to quickly find a job or a part-time job. How to draw the right conclusion


So it turns out that the most popular articles on our site are devoted to life. From this we can draw 2 conclusions.

First, more and more people are thinking how to find a job you love. And they are looking for techniques and knowledge that can help them.

Secondly, this means that the topic of determining one's purpose must be continued.

(Despite the fact that the series of articles turns out to be 2 times larger than originally planned ... And from what, in principle, it only gets better.)

Furthermore. Soon there will be a next article that will go against the previous ones ... at a cursory glance. But in fact, it will simply reveal the place and role of work according to its purpose in our life. And everything will become an order of magnitude easier than it might seem.

But today is a test. Let's get started →

Can I work in someone else's place?

How often do you have to watch a picture when a person is out of place? There is no benefit from this.

First, he deceives himself, thinking that he is working according to his calling and that he has found a job he loves, but in reality he simply sells his time and effort for money.

This, it would seem, is very honest - to work. But if a person does not fulfill his destiny, but simply earns, he is not completely frank with himself. At the very least, it's self-deception.

Second, he deceives nature and society, because he has been given specific skills that he can use well during his stay here on planet Earth.

Some even believe that he takes someone else's place. And the other person, whose nature and purpose correspond to him in more, can't take it. Because it is no longer free.

This, of course, is not entirely true. Why? Well, how ... The material world is so accurately calculated that .

But when a person is confused, here we are talking about a lesson that we must learn.

We do in life what is supposed to be by fate, that is, for some reason we need it. The lesson has passed - we have developed and more favorable opportunities. But many of them are dismissed without using, and some do not learn the lessons for the rest of their lives.

Hence the problem.

Why do many people fail to understand their calling and do not know how to find a job they love? We are too distant from nature, from ourselves. And in order to understand yourself, you need to apply strength to spiritual growth, and then higher power will show you the right way.

Test: How to find a job you like

Let's do a little test. Ancient scriptures very clearly describe how to choose a field of activity, knowing your nature and personality traits.

Below you see 4 groups of character traits. Decide which qualities are most relevant to you. In the transcript, you will find the answer, which field of activity suits you best according to your nature. Well, it's not far from there to work.

Group 1

Ownership of your mind (the ability to control yourself, directing thoughts in the right direction)

Feelings (the ability to control emotions)

Asceticism (the ability to limit oneself in some kind of entertainment, including the rejection of intoxication)

Purity (of body and mind)




The pursuit of knowledge



Spirituality, deep faith into god

Group 3

The desire to ensure material well-being

Sense gratification

Ability and desire to make money


Entrepreneurial Cunning

Group 2

Patriotism (military prowess)



Strength (physical and mental to control others)



The ability to forgive

Inexhaustible cheerfulness




Group 4

Lack of hypocrisy


Love for your work

No tendency to steal

The desire to protect in every possible way the property that is given for use

Qualities of group 1

If you find that these qualities are inherent in you more than others, it is better for you to work in the field of science and education, the social and spiritual sphere.

This includes the professions of doctors, teachers, preachers. These people are distinguished by high morality, they cannot be deceived, lead an inappropriate lifestyle, and they are provided from above, that is, they should not be fixated on earnings at all.

Qualities 2 groups

If you find these qualities in yourself, you are better off working in the field of management and public service, including power structures.

This is work in a military unit, ministries, in the position of chief and other positions related to organization and management. Such qualities are simply necessary in these professions.

Qualities of the 3rd group

If you have more of these qualities, it is better for you to work in the field of economics, finance and entrepreneurship, in agriculture.

These people are allowed to have some trick (for example, in setting prices by merchants), since they move the progress, the country's trade turnover, it is important for them to take care of the development of the economy.

If we want to correspond to a certain group of people, then we must take care to develop precisely those qualities that are prescribed for them.

If a person, engaged in some kind of activity, does not develop these qualities, we can say that he is not in his place or he does not fulfill his destiny.

For example, a social teacher who is engaged in the preventive education of adolescents (quality group 1) is a drinker and smoker. This is fundamentally contrary to what he does. Although, for example, for working people it is not so important.

It can be said that a job to your liking is not when you just like the activity, but how much you are motivated to responsibly approach its implementation. Not only in the process of work itself, but in general in life. To what extent you fit her internally, to what extent your soul corresponds to what she loves.

[Video] How to find a job you love

Watch Ruslan Narushevich's seminar about finding your destiny. And although this is only the first of three days, there will definitely be enough thoughts in it for a month of deep reflections about your path, life, work and vocation.

Sit back and press play.

If you know someone who might benefit from this article, please send them a link to this page or (social buttons just below).

Ludmila Ponomarenko

And today on the Internet new trend- money esotericism. The essence of the approach: money is energy that you need to be able to attract, retain and increase. You can “pump” your money thinking different ways. Play the famous Cash Flow game, work hard, develop good habits.

Do not be alarmed, we will not teach “conspiracies for money”. I just wanted to note that in all such books and trainings, a valuable thought runs through the “red thread”. Good money brings that work / business that you really like! And to which we have the ability.

So today I'm going to talk about how to find your favorite job with a simple but surprisingly accurate test.

There are a sea of ​​aptitude tests on the Web. And in blogs, and on forums, and on specialized sites. They are published even in glossy magazines, so that between a haircut and a manicure, women can choose something to their liking.

Sometimes among the tests come across and surprisingly accurate!

The authors of a unique methodology called Clifton StrengthsFinder, Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton are recognized experts in leadership and leadership. They developed a test to identify innate "talents for work", and wrote an excellent book: "Get the Most Out: Strengths of Employees at the Service of Business".

I'll try to sum it up in two words. The authors believe that 99% of people make the same mistake from childhood. We focus on what doesn't work. And we try to bring this “something” to at least an average level. Let's say mathematics is not given - we study with a tutor.

Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton believe that this approach is fundamentally wrong.

If a person focuses on weaknesses and not on strengths- everything is given to him through force and with great difficulty. It is much more logical to focus on your natural talents and develop them in your favorite job or business.

For example, if your strengths are the desire for competition, the ability to unite people, charisma and strategic thinking, then you are a born businessman and manager. And you are unlikely to be successful in accounting, programming or writing poetry.

The difference in efforts over "one's own" or "someone else's" profession is colossal! It's like going with the flow or against it.

  1. Talents are innate and repetitive patterns of thought, behavior, and response. Such talents can be revealed by the Clifton StrengthsFinder test.
  2. Skills are skills brought to automatism by repeated repetitions.
  3. Knowledge – lessons learned and facts

In a complex, all three components are "strengths". The authors of the methodology believe that the most important “ingredient” of success at work is innate talents that are laid by nature.

How to identify your key talents?

Finding your strengths is not as easy as it seems. One can only rejoice for those who from childhood know exactly who they will be in the future.

Everyone else has to find their way by touch. For example, once every six months or a year to master the new kind activities. Natural inclinations allow you to quickly learn and master new skills in "their" field. But how many of us can afford "testing by practice" before the age of 40?

Testing the StrengthsFinder will help you quickly “find yourself”. The test is based on the results of a 30-year study of the strengths of the most different people and their impact on job performance. Testing is based on general model positive psychology.

The Clifton StrengthsFinder Topic Profile will help you choose five dominant "themes" or talents from 34 options. Found "five" - ​​areas of activity that provide maximum opportunities for development.

The test results will make it easy to find a job to your liking in Kolomna or Moscow. And do what you truly love.

Examples of Dominant Talents

"Student". A person receives the same pleasure from the learning process as from its results. Not afraid of new challenges and projects. Constantly improving in areas that attract him.

"Self confidence". Self-confidence makes it possible to take additional risks. A man without fear takes on more challenging tasks. Great for overcoming obstacles.

"Adjustability". Easily adapts to any situation, using all the possibilities of the current moment. Can perform several diverse tasks at the same time.

"Caution". People with such talent analyze any situation and soberly assess the risks. They do not like to act spontaneously and make only informed decisions.

"Charisma". Such personalities evoke sympathy from the first minutes of communication and easily attract people to their side. It is they who most often start a conversation and call for frankness.

"Positivity". Congenital optimists see the bright side in everything. They infect others with a positive attitude and inspire efficient work. For them, failure is a useful lesson, not a reason to give up.

The respondent needs to answer 180 questions for 20 seconds. Each question consists of two statements. You need to choose the one that matches your behavior. For example: “I carefully read the instructions” and “I prefer to get down to business right away” (assemble furniture, deal with a new gadget).

Based on the responses received, the program will select five dominant talents. Using his strengths, a person at times increases his efficiency!

The Clifton StrengthsFinder online test is also available in Russian ( True, I did not find it for free on the Web. Each book of "Maximum" has a unique code that must be entered into the form before passing the test. The book with the code is also sold in in electronic format(I definitely saw it on

What if I don't know what I want?

Sit down and honestly answer yourself these three questions:

  1. What do I like to do the most
  2. What am I willing to do even for free
  3. What I always try to learn more about

How did you find your favorite job?

What we do in life significantly affects our mood, environment, attitude towards ourselves, health, standard of living and even appearance. Unfortunately, the ranks of the "unfortunate" wandering to work with a "Need" sign around their necks only grow over the years. How not to be one of them?

If you played Dr. Aibolit as a child, and after a couple of decades you opened a veterinary clinic, then you are in luck. You have managed to "save yourself" and the ability to do what you really like.

However, in most cases, reaching adulthood, young people lose the thread with their "I" and begin to look for jobs that are more profitable, prestigious and satisfying to their parents.

If you want to reconnect with yourself and live a happy and joyful life, start by choosing your occupation. It is very important that you do what you really enjoy.

Often, happiness, especially in youth, is associated with the presence of a particular person or thing in the life, and only later do we begin to understand that it is our favorite work that can become a salvation from depression, does not allow one to plunge into a routine, improves family relationships gives joy and fullness of life.

When you are on fire, you create attraction around you, the space around you is constantly changing, you are focused on creating, improving your life, and this always has a positive effect on relationships with others. Your skills and experience, unlike people, always stay with you and allow you to make new connections, provide an influx of new opportunities, keep your self-esteem high and are the main guide for the future.

To do what you really like, just take three simple steps.

  1. Write down everything you like to do, i.e. activities that you are ready to do daily, a lot and with pleasure. Write as much as possible, sincerely and honestly with yourself: communicate, search for information, write, play the guitar, knit, sew, sculpt ... It is important to feel these classes not only at the level of the words “like”, but physically - with your body. Good sign if at the mention of some activity your mood rises, it is possible that warmth, energy, a thirst for action appear in the body. If you saw some occupation only from the outside, then try to train at this job for at least a few days. It is important to feel “how it is” not only in your imagination, but also physically.
  2. Study yourself. Do it as objectively as possible, do not stoop to self-criticism and introspection. Describe how you look, what kind of job that you like, you could apply for right now, what abilities and skills you have, what your teachers said about you, what hopes you gave. Take a closer look at what area of ​​your daily activities you are most praised for, what you do better than others.

Assess your opportunities in terms of geographic location. Consider your habits, such as going to bed early or waking up late, swinging for long periods, or working only to music. Gender and age are purely personal indicators. You can achieve success even at the age of 14, or you can start a career at 60. It all depends on your inner thirst for life and the desire to “be useful to people”.

  1. Determine who and what you are. This is the most important step. You know what you like to do, you know what abilities and skills you have for this, now you need to present yourself favorably. Describe yourself as a unique employee who will be very lucky to get. Example: vigilant, always cheerful dispatcher, vigilant nanny. Anti-example: professional chef (that you are a professional is assumed by default, the wording does not say anything about your advantageous difference from other chefs), the best accountant (who determined that you are the best? the wording does not say about your personal qualities that distinguish you from others accountants).

Work on appearance, use some detail in your clothes that will make you recognizable. Do not overdo it: green hair in the corridors of the law office will be clearly superfluous.

Watch the directions you are interested in: what are the requirements, who are they looking for. Gather “helpers” around you who can spread the necessary information about you. If there are acquaintances who have access to the “desired place”, arrange with them. Self-presentation is less effective than stories or rumors told about you through third parties.

Start a blog. Your successes and achievements should be open to society. Respond to your interest. Meet when you are ready to meet and are interested in communication.

And remember that the search for an activity "to your liking" has no end point. Throughout your life, you will return to the question “what to do?” more than once, and your interests and desires will change. Most importantly, learn how to easily switch to new level and not be afraid of change. Agree, it is much more terrible at the end to realize that you carried the “Need” sign around your neck and lived someone else’s life, imposed on you in your youth.

Material provided by PAVEL-KOLESOV Training Center


useless article, after reading it, I realized that if there is half of what is in the article, what surrounds it, then the choice is easy to make, but if there are no such
conditions, what to do?

09/19/2016 10:31:41 PM, vadim34642

Comment on the article "3 steps to an occupation to your liking. How to find your favorite job?"

Section: Work and the child (how to build a dialogue with the personnel department if they are not waiting at work after the decree). Free places maybe not. But you're not planning to get a job...


Please provide contact details of the company

I left the office (distance learning specialist) for school. Satisfied as a boa constrictor. My friend left the office (accountant) and stood at the stove (cook). Satisfied as a boa constrictor. We now live in harmony with our inner world)
But we did not leave the hated work, but to our favorite business - perhaps the whole trick is in this?

Homemade food at work. A question for those who carry food to work from home - do you have a separate bag for the trays or do you fit everything in the lady's? Doesn't fit in my lady's room...



I bought 2 backpacks on ali**express. One summer, khaki, the second winter, more, harder, black. There are two containers with vegetables and meat, a package of cottage cheese, an apple, a couple of sandwiches and a 200-ml bag of milk. This is for my 12 hour shift. A backpack is more comfortable than a bag: there are many functional pockets, plus it is more convenient to carry on the back than on one shoulder or in the hand.
I ride the metro across Moscow.

You need to choose a university and a direction. Strictly in the specialty only dentists work. Choose a university, not an office where your daughter will work. But somehow it's the other way around...


I, too, will look for a job at 12. There they pay more and spend less on a nanny. because all the same, I myself will hardly have time to pick it up from the garden.
and when the day off I can pick up the middle one from school in time

Everywhere has its pros and cons. I had a problem when a shift fell on the weekend. It’s a shame that the children were deprived of their mother ... But it was also convenient when on weekdays they managed to do a lot of things, without any problems taking the child to the doctor, to the museum (without queues and crowds of people), and in general. But now I generally work at home, and this is my most best chart))

Section: Districts of Moscow and Moscow region - pros and cons (there is no work in the Moscow region and there is no normal transport to Moscow). live in the suburbs and work in Moscow a reality or ...


All my conscious life I live in the suburbs, and I work in Moscow. Even a dozen years ago it was a great option - fresh air, water, nature, etc. Now this is simply NOT in the nearest suburbs. Crowds of people, undeveloped social infrastructure, housing is being built at an accelerated pace, and social programs are at the level of the 90s. There are not enough kindergartens, schools are very different from those in Moscow, and those too will soon be missed. Driving to work is unrealistic ((Think ... And we also have Khimki Mont Blanc (((

28.04.2010 00:37:53, From Dolgoprudny with greetings)

I've been living in Kotelniki for almost a year, it's opposite Lyubertsy, I work in the center, it's an hour 10 on the way - the city's average indication of the time spent on the road from the outskirts to the center ...
travel - minibus to kuzminki, metro, on foot and back on foot, metro, minibus ... normal ...
no, well, there are traffic jams that oh, on Friday, but on the way home, for all the time there were two times ...
Children study in Moscow, in the morning their dad brings them in - 30 minutes on the way, as a rule, it is faster, they go back themselves public transport, since Mega's mime also has traffic jams ... but tolerable
110 meters justify it ...

Unskilled home work is easy to find. How did you find such a job? Why not officially...


No one can answer this question for you but you.
Look at vacancies, make a list of job requirements.
Go to the labor exchange. They may offer retraining courses.

So my friend who lost engineering work, went to free courses and became a seamstress. All her life she dreamed of sewing, but she did not sew professionally. And then she received a discharge, hung out with interesting people and found a clientele. Works at home. Sewing. She is a very expensive dressmaker now.

After six months of courses from the labor exchange, I myself decided to get a second higher education. It came in handy for me, I abruptly changed my field of activity. Just because of the child. I adjusted to his rhythm ..

Come on, the professionals will help you.
You just need to be able to clearly formulate your requirements. What do you expect from work. And what can you offer and how much you are ready to grow.

Unskilled home work is easy to find.

children have a tendency to grow. It is not necessary to follow their growth next to them, you can grow with them. :-)

I have a very similar situation, I would also work at home, but I have no idea where to look for such a job, I don’t know how to do anything like that :(

Finding a job on your own or through recruitment agency, interview, resume, career, salary, dismissal What is this job? What are the responsibilities? What do you need to know and be able to do?


Read attentively the message of Ket. As for the duties of the secretary, I can subscribe to many :)) based on my experience as a personal assistant to the gene. director of a foreign company :)) Below you ask why I don’t want such a job anymore. I answer. This work involves the knowledge of very diverse areas of knowledge (I have 2 languages ​​fluently, computer courses, 2 years of the Code of Criminal Procedure at school with a degree in office work with the qualification of an inspector of the personnel department, experience in a bank as an economist, personal assistant to the president), keeping in mind a huge the amount of information requires too much emotional cost. With my knowledge and track record, I can earn good money without such stress :)) (Now I teach and have a good income for 3 hours of work a day.)
I'm 29, I have a family, a house, a child, I feel like a "lady" :)), and not a "girl", and a secretary, no matter what level she is, is still "attendants". I want, and thank God, I can afford it, NOT to get up at 7 in the morning, leave the child to the nanny, rush to work, where I spin like a squirrel in a wheel, and rush home late at night - the working day is most often irregular: ((But again, I repeat, to each his own... It just seems to me that trying to work in your specialty is a complete hopelessness ...

For example, a programmer. Especially with the specialty "microelectronics"

Not everyone knows from childhood what he wants to do in life. It is quite rare to find a person with a pronounced talent or a strong attraction to a particular job. It happens that even by the end of school, a student cannot decide until the end what he wants to do in life. He chooses a university or a specialty, not because he really wants to work in this area, but because it is prestigious, his parents convinced him or it was easy to enter. There will be only a few people who will follow their dream, and even have this very dream of a specific employment.

There is nothing wrong with that, self-determination is a long process. Not all young people at the age of 17-18 have established views and understanding of what they should do. But you should still think about this issue, because your favorite work will bring you satisfaction, fill your activity with meaning.

Decide on your features

In order to understand what kind of work you like, you should think about what you like to do. Surely there are many areas in life that you pay attention to. If you like to communicate with people, do not get tired of them and get a kind of recharge from such communication, choose professions in which you can use this strong side. Do not like to sit still - find employment with constant business trips or trips around the city. You can draw or write for hours - plunge into the world of creative specialties. And you like to classify and subordinate everything to the system - you may like to work with numbers and logical data.

Such a selection of specialties according to the characteristics of a person’s personality is the first stage in determining which activity is suitable for you. You can not decide on the field of activity completely - you can take a test for career guidance. There they will determine the type of personality, and the most favorable areas of employment for a person. Passing such a test is recommended not only for future students, but also for quite adult people who think about.

Be in constant search

Don't be afraid of change. Even if you entered the institute and realized that this specialty does not suit you, go to another one. It is better to lose a year or even several years than to finish your studies and become a specialist in a field that you do not like. If you work for a company and realize that this is not at all what you were looking for, leave your job and look for another one. Keep looking for so long until you find a job that you like. Only by trying, making mistakes, facing a job you don’t like, you can understand what really suits you.

However, in your search, you should not make too hasty decisions. Always remember: any work requires the expenditure of effort, labor, time, and the acquisition of knowledge. To begin with, you need to invest a lot in it in order to decide whether you get a return or not, whether you like this activity or it is better to look for something else. There is a small rule to decide: if after 3 months in a new place you experience disgust and discomfort from work, you need to change this activity. Some employees give a new job six months or even a year and then leave, but usually the three-month rule doesn't let the employee down.

To find Good work, it is not necessary to be a rare professional or have a long experience, although, of course, professionalism is very important. It is important to understand that many employers are ready to educate their staff. That is, it is not the main thing. And what is the main thing?

Finding a job is often a grueling process that drags on for months or even years. despite the crisis, age and strict selection of employers?

To uncover the secret of a successful job search, first we will figure out which employees the employer is interested in.

Everyone knows that cadres decide everything. And every employer will tell you that it is not easy to find an employee. The goal of an employer is not to employ those who are concerned about finding a job, but to find the right person.

On the one hand, we have a lot of job seekers who cannot find a job, and on the other, employers with a problem finding valuable employees.

Who is the employer looking for?

To find a good job, it is not necessary to be a rare professional or have a long experience, although, of course, professionalism is very important. It is important to understand that many employers are willing to educate their frames. That is, it is not the main thing. And what is the main thing?

The Secret of the Indispensable

There are people who never have problems finding a job. It seems that they are irreplaceable. No matter how young they are, they are in demand until old age.

Become such an indispensable employee and find high paying job at home or abroad, everyone can, discovering and realizing what is inherent in him by nature.

How to recognize your talents and strengths, how to use them, and, finally, how to find a job that will bring satisfaction? Answers to these questions at the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

How can I find a job that is interesting and suitable for me?

Each person has innate mental characteristics that allow him to ideally perform a certain job, while enjoying it. Knowing yourself "from the inside", it is easier to realize yourself professionally, find a suitable job, your unique place of work and specialty.

After all, often people find work where they can not open up. To work "in one's place", to be a specialist "from God" - this means that a person not only found a job, he found a place to realize his talents.

For example, consider a few.

    Be sincere. It is better to warn about your excitement than to look stupid during the interview. Sincerity has. It is for this reason that it is worth abandoning deception and fraud during an interview and when writing a resume. Any discrepancy during a conversation with an employer will cause distrust and will not help to find a job.

    Despite the excitement, talk about your real strengths, strengths and experience (or lack of it). Decent behavior will help you find a decent job.

    2. It's hard to find a job because deep down you don't want to work.

    And it comes through in the interview. You may or may not be aware of it. Perhaps someone close to you insists that you find a job, gives advice on how to do it, but something inside you opposes this idea.

    Even a simple temporary job pleases if you need money or really want to realize yourself. On the other hand, you can find flaws in any “good” job if you don’t feel like working. Either the work schedule is not suitable, or the place of work is not pleasant.

    Reasons for reluctance may vary. For example, a sound engineer immersed in himself seems to want to find a job, but deep down he would like to fence himself off from people, noise and senseless, according to his feeling, fuss. The owner of the visual vector may feel threatened by people (), unconsciously trying to avoid contact with them. This also makes it difficult to pass an interview and find a job.

    What to do?

    Psychologist's advice: the reason that "sits" in the unconscious and blocks the job search can be detected and eliminated by studying system-vector psychology. The states level out, come back to normal when there is an understanding of the structure of one's own psyche, the underlying causes of one's reactions.

    The study of system-vector psychology is the study of oneself and others, understanding one's desires and states. Per short period this eliminates many psychological problems, allows you to understand yourself and find the job of your dreams.

    Get rid of the reasons that prevent you from finding a job

    It happens that a person is not hired for unknown reasons. He is not shy at the interview, he really wants to find a job. It doesn’t matter for him whether he has an official place of work or not, he agrees to any conditions, to any work schedule. Perhaps he is even a great specialist with great experience. Why can't he find a job?

    When choosing a new employee, the employer is also guided by irrational feelings: “I liked it - I didn’t like it”, a pleasant feeling remained after the conversation or not, I want to deal with a person or not.

    It will be difficult for a person with whom they do not want to deal with to find a new job.

    The reason is his internal suffering, which he informs others about with his smell (pheromones). Simply put, if a person is tormented, if he lives in resentment, phobias, those around him unconsciously feel this and shun him.

    Fortunately, the situation changes when lightness and joy come to the place of suffering. It is not difficult for a person who causes irresistible sympathy to find a job without experience, even if it is his first job.

    Bad internal states is nothing more than unfulfilled desires:

    • Depression, which completely discourages the desire to find a job, occurs if the desires of the sound vector for knowing oneself and the structure of the world are not filled. Depressive sound suppresses desires in other vectors, it becomes very difficult for a sound engineer to find a job to his liking - any job seems meaningless. But depression disappears as soon as the desires for sound are filled.

      Fear fetters the owner of the visual vector if he does not realize his huge emotional potential. Conversely, the ability to direct emotions forever frees from fear.

    Each vector is a whole system that can work smoothly, or it can fail. When the vectors are in order, I feel good, I am pleasant to others. When the system fails, I suffer and bring suffering to others. The mere understanding of how it works removes many bad states, which means it allows you to become capable of realizing yourself in professional activities, to answer the question yourself - how to find a job.

    After the training "System-Vector Psychology":

    “I was disoriented, I didn’t know where to stick and what to apply myself to, I thought that the main thing was to believe in my dream, and it would come by itself. I was a wild girl who does not speak well, cannot clearly express her thoughts, does not know why she lives.

    Yana Parshina, sales manager

    The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»