Weight of FBS blocks - how much foundation blocks weigh. How to find out the weight of a foundation block? Dimensions and markings Dimensions and weight of concrete blocks

When choosing materials for construction country house or cottage, you must be guided not only by its cost, but also by its characteristics. When installing the foundation and walls, it is necessary to take into account the weight concrete block, its density, frost resistance and water absorption.

The weight of any material for construction depends on its fillers and, accordingly, density; concrete blocks are made of several types, each of which has its own characteristics and quality.

Knowing the dimensions and mass of 1 m 3 of material, you can calculate the mass of the product. When making calculations, first of all, the volume of concrete in the panel and the volume of its voids are calculated. If there are no voids in the block, then the volume of concrete is V = AxBxC, where A, B, C are the sides of the product. For example, if the sides of the block are 39x19x19 cm then V = 39x19x19 = 14079 cm3 = 14.079 l = 0.014079 m3. We multiply this result by the weight of 1 m 3 (for example, let’s take the mass of lightweight concrete equal to 1800 kg) of concrete and get the mass of the concrete block. That is, m=1800x0.014079 = 25.3422 kg.

When buying products for foundations and walls, you can always find out their weight from the seller. The weight of wall blocks, depending on the density of concrete, the size and brand of the product, ranges from 6 to 50 kg. Foundation panels can weigh from 250 to 1970 kg.

February 7, 2013

Fundamental fbs blocks take part in the construction of the foundation of the structure, as is clear from the name. These are rectangular reinforced concrete products, made of high-quality types of concrete, having a reinforcement frame and sometimes eyes for ease of unloading and loading operations. They are also called basement blocks. Some modifications are equipped with cutouts at the ends, which are filled with concrete during installation and serve for more elements among themselves. Manufactured products have strict compliance with GOST 13579-78.

In individual construction, in most cases, a strip foundation is chosen, which is due to the possibility of building on it basement, suitable for for various purposes. Among other things, experts’ estimates boil down to the fact that the installation of FBS blocks is on average a couple of thousand rubles per m³ cheaper than constructing formwork and constructing a monolith with concrete pouring.

Areas and feasibility of using a foundation block

The construction of a block foundation can greatly reduce the cost and speed up the construction of the building as a whole. In addition to the fact that FBS blocks are intended for foundations, they are often used in the construction of walls. Wall products are much lighter when compared with the foundation analogues of FBS blocks. Also, these reinforced concrete products are used for permanent or temporary fencing of objects. For example, when repair work on the roads. FBS blocks, which are called used, would be appropriate here.

Their feasibility of use is related to the following points:

  1. When there is free space on the construction site. This is due to the fact that the blocks have significant weight, and their movement manually impossible. Attract a crane.
  2. When there is a shortage of time. It doesn’t take long to assemble a foundation from FBS blocks; the main thing is to prepare a place for laying them.
  3. When carrying out work in unfavorable weather (autumn) and heavy continuous rainfall, which prevents the production of tape monolithic foundation pouring method. For example, when it is impossible to erect formwork, install a reinforcement “skeleton”, place and pour the solution, promote its heating and wait for the concrete to set.
  4. When the qualifications of builders are insufficient to carry out more complex types of foundation work. Device monolithic slab presupposes the presence of knowledge and skills, and it is possible to install foundation blocks in a trench without having either one or the other.
  5. When the tape is made not continuous, but interrupted. This device base allows you to further save on materials.

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Block characteristics

Overall dimensions are the main parameters considered when choosing foundation blocks. The main dimensions are length and width with height. Knowing them, they calculate required amount products for constructing the foundation of a building. All blocks are named according to the article number. For example, FBS blocks 8-3-6. Let's decipher what this name means.

All blocks are divided into several categories:

  • FBS, where C means solid;
  • FBP, where P – hollow;
  • FBV, where B is the cutout.

It is clear that the first two letters in the name are interpreted as foundation blocks. And the whole difference between them lies precisely in the last letter, which is different for different modifications.

Consequently, the three numbers indicated after the abbreviation FBS will mean the following: the block is 0.8 meters long, 0.3 meters wide and 0.6 meters high.

Or more. Let us decipher the characteristics of the product marked “FBS 24.4.6”. The numbers have the following meaning: length is 2.4 m, width is 0.4 m, height is 0.6 m. The weight of the block is 1300 kg. To transport 10 such products to the site, three cars will be required.

The weight of one block is also an equally significant parameter, which is important during transportation and when calculating the transportation of the number of products in one vehicle. The weight of foundation blocks can vary in the range of 250 kg - 2 tons (in accordance with the marking of the elements).

According to GOST, the grade of concrete for the production of this kind of reinforced concrete structures should be B12, 5M150.

You should try to use foundation blocks that are longer, which will reduce the number of joints and reduce the complexity of installation procedures and the difficulty of sealing connecting seams.

At hourly pay Using a crane, long products significantly reduce the cost of construction.

The base, which represents a reinforced concrete contour, is considered not only the most reliable, but also the most versatile, as it is suitable for buildings of any type. There are several technologies for arranging a foundation strip, and in some cases it is advisable to mount a block structure rather than a monolith. Assortment of ready-made artificial stones quite large, and purchasing the most suitable samples in terms of weight and size is not a problem. In this article we will consider the characteristics, specifics of application and estimated cost of reinforced concrete products often used in low-rise construction - FBS 2400x400x600.

The specifications for wall foundation blocks (this is what the abbreviation FBS stands for) are described in detail in GOST No. 13579 of 1978. All such samples are divided into 3 types, depending on the specific application. For solid stones the designation remains the same - FBS. If they have cutouts (which simplifies the installation of communication lines), they are marked as FBV. Blocks with voids, characterized by reduced thermal conductivity and lower weight - FBP.

Main characteristics of FBS

Large sample sizes significantly increase speed installation work. For example, building a foundation. If you make it monolithic (poured), you will have to wait at least 4 weeks (depending on construction conditions) until the concrete gains proper strength. To arrange a shallow prefabricated belt, you will need only 16 pieces of the largest blocks in this group - FBS 24-6-6. Their installation can be done in 1 day. Load bearing capacity comparable to structures made of cast monolithic stone.


  • Considering the weight of one element, the installation process cannot be done without special equipment.
  • The need for subsequent sealing of the FBS tape. The joints between foundation elements are not only “cold bridges”, but also channels for liquid penetration.
  • High price of stone. On average, monolithic tape costs ⅓ less.

Before you buy a product, you need to carefully look at its designation, especially at the last positions of the marking. The specifics of the application largely depend on this.

1. By type of concrete

The average stone density in kg/m3 is indicated in parentheses.

  • T – heavy (2,400).
  • L – light (1,800).
  • C – dense silicate (2,000).

There are foundation blocks on the market that are made from expanded clay concrete. In their marking, in the last position, the symbol “c/b” or “P” (porous) is placed. Their cost and weight are less than their analogues. Concrete grades M100 or M200 are used for production. In the first case, for example, for a heavy solution, the letter “t” is put in the designation, in the second – “2t”.

2. According to the specifics of the FBS reinforcing frame

  • Unstressed. The cost of this category is also slightly lower.
  • Tense.

As a rule, steel grade A1 (or 111) is used to reinforce samples 2400x400x600. They are most suitable for installing foundations.

Marking features

In the first position the name is FBS. The definition of the block abbreviation has already been given. Next (from left to right):

  • length: according to GOST, all sample sizes are expressed not in the usual mm (2400x400x600), but in dm, rounded to big side. In our case, the true length is 2,380, in the designation it is 24. The same applies to other linear parameters;
  • width: 400 (4);
  • height: 580 (6);
  • type of concrete.

The last position is GOST for products (13579-78). Tolerance(error) in dimensions no more than ± 20 mm.

Scope of application of foundation wall blocks

  • Arrangement of strip and column type foundations. Mainly for buildings that have a technological floor. In this case, the blocks used to lay the foundation are the walls of the basement. If you need to increase the size of the support sole, then it is more advisable to use 24-6-6 stones (the largest of the entire group).
  • For the construction of unheated industrial buildings (usually FBS 24-6-6).
  • Construction of artificial barriers and enclosing structures.
  • Overpasses, ramps guiding heavy equipment parking areas, and the like.

FBS cost

FBSBrandvolume, m3Weight, kgRetail price, rub/unit
2400x400x600T0,54 – 0,55 1 300 – 1 350 2 090
WITH1 780
P1 605

*Approximate data for Moscow and the region.

When purchasing blocks, you must read the product certificate. The production of FBS is possible only industrially, since the technology requires mandatory vibrocompression of the solution. It is better not to purchase “handicraft” stones, although they are much cheaper than factory ones.

Any house needs a foundation - something on which it will stand for many years, without going underground or falling on its side. Foundations are different - in damp places houses are placed on piles, sometimes the foundation pit is practically filled with concrete, but the simplest and convenient way create a foundation (especially when it comes to country house, which is no higher than two floors and which does not need a foundation pit as deep as the Mariana Trench) is the easiest of the special blocks.

What are foundation blocks

Foundation block and – these are special concrete plates different sizes, which are used for the fastest and simple construction foundation. Usually have rectangular shape and reinforcing frame, but, if the customer wishes, there can also be irregular shapes– if this is necessary according to the architect’s plans.

Scope of their application

  1. Construction of the foundation. This comes straight from the name - the blocks themselves were created solely to become a support for the house.
  2. Construction of simple buildings. Foundation blocks good for quickly building a barn or industrial building. They do not allow moisture to pass through, do not require additional maintenance and are very easy to use during the construction phase. Of course, the aesthetic qualities of the building will not be very high, but you can always paint it a cheerful red color.
  3. Construction of fences. Suitable for high security facilities or for those who value their privacy most. Such a fence, like buildings, will not be very aesthetically pleasing, but it will be extremely practical - easy to build, difficult to destroy, no holes and, if you have imagination (or barbed wire), great difficulty in climbing over.
  4. Covering basement walls. In the basement, the walls of which are made of foundation blocks, it will always be cool and never wet. In such a dry, cold place you can perfectly store any pickles.


  1. Load distribution. Foundation blocks distribute the weight of the house on the foundation so that it does not sag or crumble.
  2. Support. In fact, the house stands on them - all its walls rest on the foundation.
  3. Laying the necessary communications. IN certain types blocks, there are special voids in which it is very convenient to lay pipes or electrical wires connecting the house with the main city network.

What types of blocks are there?

  1. Solid. This type is the most durable and can withstand enormous loads. As the name suggests, there are no voids in such blocks - there is only concrete and reinforcement inside. Heavy houses on solid ground are usually built on such blocks. Their only drawback is their weight. If the soil is even slightly unstable (swampy, clayey, silty) the blocks will sag and the house will warp.
  2. Solid with voids. This type of blocks is lighter than the previous one, since they have special voids for laying communications. This makes it very easy to connect the house to the water supply, electrical network and the Internet - nothing needs to be drilled, everything runs inside the walls and ceiling of the technical basement.
  3. Void. The lightest type of blocks, usually used where heavy solid blocks are not suitable due to natural conditions. Inside, in the voids, there is a place that can be filled heat-insulating materials, for example, and get excellent heated floors or no less excellent warm walls basement

Block size and markings

The first thing to remember about the way foundation blocks are marked is that the first three letters indicate the type of block. Accordingly, FBV - with a cutout, FBP - hollow, where F is foundation, B is block, and the third letter is a direct reference to the type.

Also, when marking blocks, three numbers are indicated:

  • The first of them means the length of the block - the smallest of them are 40 centimeters, the largest are 240. In the marking this is displayed, respectively, by the numbers 4 and 24.
  • The second of them means width - the smallest blocks are 30 centimeters, the largest - 60, this is indicated by the numbers 3 and 6.
  • And the last digit indicates the height of the block - the lowest is 30, the highest is 60.

Thus, -6-5-3 is a solid foundation block, 60 centimeters long, 50 centimeters wide, and 30 centimeters high.

FBV-24-3-6 is a foundation block with voids, 240 centimeters long, 30 centimeters wide, and 60 centimeters high.

If you need blocks longer than 240 centimeters, for example, you can always order directly from the factory exactly what you need, and receive it, of course, for an additional fee.

Block weight

The weight of foundation blocks varies depending on their size. So, for example, the ratio of the sizes of solid blocks to their weight will be as follows:

Name Weight, kg
FBS-9-Z-6t 350
FBS-9-4-6t 470
FBS-9-5-6T 590
FBS-9-6-6t 700
FBS-12-Z-6t 460
FBS-12-4-Zt 310
FBS-12-4-6t 640
FBS-12-5-Zt 390
FBS-12-5-6t 790
FBS-12-6-Zt 460
FBS-12-6-6t 960
FBS-24-3-6t 970
FBS-24-4-6t 1300
FBS-24-5-6t 1630
FBS-24-6-6t 1960

The price of blocks also varies depending on the size and type. In the widest range, this spread ranges from 700 (the smallest possible FBS block, only 40 centimeters long) to 4000 (the largest, 240 centimeters long).

Advantages and disadvantages of blocks

Pros of FBS:

  1. Rapidity. Firstly, you don’t need to tinker with concrete, dilute it and mix it, which is difficult in itself for an unprepared person. Secondly, construction. Building something with blocks is like playing with a construction set, it doesn’t take much time and doesn’t require much effort.
  2. Convenience. The FBS design includes special hook couplings that allow them to be connected to each other in the simplest way. At the same time, it is also reliable - the blocks will not come apart once connected.
  3. Fortress. Typically, FBS is produced from good concrete, which is resistant to mechanical stress. It is not so easy to break through, and even constant pressure from the earth is not able to have any noticeable effect on it. In addition, the block design may include special grooves that can be used to further strengthen the foundation.
  4. Heat resistance and oxidation resistance. Concrete blocks do not enter into chemical reactions and will not mold or crumble over time. It is also not afraid of frost or extreme heat - when warming up or cooling down, it does not change its own characteristics too much.

Cons of FBS:

  1. Expensive. The blocks themselves will cost a pretty penny - after all, to build a foundation you need more than one, or two. You will also have to pay extra for special equipment, which, although it will quickly and easily lay the blocks as needed, still costs money.
  2. Unpredictability. If among the blocks there is a poor quality one or an error is made in laying, the entire structure (after all, it is interlocked and monolithic) may become warped and quickly collapse - then everything will have to be redone, just as if the calculation for the soil was in vain and it still cannot hold the entire weight of the blocks.

Pros of FBV:

In addition to the heat resistance, strength, speed of construction, convenience and resistance to oxidation already listed and common to all blocks, the advantages of FBV include:

  1. Emptiness. They greatly facilitate the laying of communications. With them, you don’t have to think too much about the way in which water and electricity will be supplied to the house - all communications, wires and pipes can be easily laid in the basement, along the walls from the inside.
  2. Ease. Where the FBS becomes warped because the ground subsides, the FBV will stand and serve for many years.

Their disadvantages are the same as those of FBS.

Some of the advantages of FBP include:

  1. Special lightness. FBP will stand on the most unreliable soil, which will not support either FBV or FBS, and will provide the house with a reliable foundation in conditions that make other types of blocks completely unsuitable for use.
  2. Voids that can be filled with any material of your choice. Thermally insulating, which will create cold basement, in which you can store pickles, waterproofing, which will definitely negate any possibility of flooding during spring floods - restrictions are imposed only by the imagination of the owner, but not by the characteristics of the blocks.

The disadvantages are the same as the others. FBP also needs a particularly accurate calculation, because if you put too heavy a structure on them, the blocks will begin to crack, crumble and sag, and soon the house will have to be demolished and rebuilt so as not to one day be buried under a collapsed ceiling.

Foundation block and – simple and reliable way provide the house with reliable support.

The foundation block is one of the main building materials in modern construction. The abundance of manufacturers indicates the high demand for this concrete product. The low price allowed us to create this look building material available on the market. The blocks are used to construct the foundations of buildings and structures, and basement walls. Most widely used in civil, industrial and individual construction found prefabricated strip foundations made of FBS blocks. The assembly speed of such a foundation is quite high, because ready-made reinforced concrete products are used guaranteed quality manufacturing plants.

Block characteristics

Reinforced concrete blocks FBS 24-4-6t are produced in accordance with GOST 13579-78. Have geometric shape in the form of a parallelepiped. Made from heavy concrete. Block dimensions: 2380 mm - length, 400 mm - width, 580 mm - height. The weight of the FBS 24.4.6t foundation block is 1300 kg.