How to putty walls - step-by-step instructions. How to putty the walls with your own hands using finishing putty The procedure for puttingtying walls

In the previous article we looked at, and now we will learn how to properly putty walls.

There is no point in describing how to hold a spatula, hold it as conveniently as possible. When pressure is applied to the spatula, its plane bends, the edges rise, and there is more pressure in the middle. This is why putty is applied to a spatula in more to the middle.

Using a spatula, we perform two actions:

  • We apply putty on the walls,
  • Let's level it out.

The harder you press the spatula against the surface of the wall, the stronger the deflection and waves subsequently. Therefore, when leveling holes on the surface of the walls, or keep the trowel blade perpendicular to the surface. Sometimes the technology of puttying walls allows you to press the corner of the spatula blade with your second hand when aligning the corners and edges. A large spatula can be held by the edges.

What spatulas to use

To putty the walls with our own hands, we will need spatulas measuring 600mm, 450mm, approximately 300mm and an overlay spatula measuring about 80-100mm.

Prepare a putty mixture if using dry putties. Or we take required amount ready and mix thoroughly.

Remember: Fugen and Multifinish have a limited time of use (40-60 minutes), Shitrok longer. And unused Vetonit can be closed with a lid and continued work even the next day!

Apply putty to the spatula, along the blade, more in the middle.

We apply it to the wall, spreading a layer, pressing it to the plane with the blade of a spatula.

Now we level it, that is, remove the excess. The blade is closer to the perpendicular angle.

Re-spread the removed material with an overlay spatula over a bucket. And we repeat: apply, level, remove.

It is more correct if these movements are mutually perpendicular.

To avoid sagging putty, do not apply too much. Watch the angle of the putty to the surface, the putty has a larger angle (60-50 degrees), the putty decreases and the angle of inclination decreases towards the wall. There is no need to press hard.

How to avoid sagging when layers of putty overlap? We begin to move the spatula towards the already puttied area, that is, we retreat 60 cm (for example) and apply the putty (move the spatula) towards the already puttied area. Let's smooth out the transition. If the putty has dried out and is scratching, you can spray it with a spray bottle. Vetonit is especially responsive to such a procedure.

How to level walls with putty

If the walls are fairly even, and it is necessary to equalize differences of 3-4 mm per large area, then we create a plane using the plaster rule.

Apply putty (Fugen or Vetonit under wallpaper) with a 450-600mm spatula to the entire area in an approximately even layer, and level it using the rule. We hold it perpendicular to the surface of the wall and “cut off” all excess. At this stage, we do not pay attention to scuffing from the movement of the rule; it is important to bring out the plane.

After the first (rough) layer of putty has dried, we prime it and begin to putty the walls using a 600 mm spatula, applying a continuous layer leveling the surface. If done well, then the rule step is not necessary. We immediately work with spatulas.

In places where cracks may form, we glue fiberglass or painting mesh. In the corners we use mesh and paper bandage tape, the application was discussed in detail in the article, sheet joints.

When gluing the paper bandage tape, press it into the corner with a long spatula, and level it in both directions with an overlay. We wait until it dries and first putty on one side of the corner and only after it has dried, we level the other. About painting fiberglass and him correct application on the entire wall plane, read the following articles.

Afterwards, we use a 450mm spatula and apply the next continuous layer, perpendicular to the previously applied layer.

Remember: Apply and smooth the putty in two mutually perpendicular directions.

After drying, use a short 300mm spatula to apply putty to the “stripping” surface and eliminate minor irregularities.

We wait for it to dry and sand it using sandpaper on the hinge.

We prime and apply a finishing layer of putty, filling in all remaining holes and scratches. If you are puttingty on walls for painting, then using a 450mm spatula we apply a continuous layer of finishing, then 30cm for stripping, and small 80-100mm spot corrections. We sand with fine-grained sandpaper with a grit of 240 or more.

Sometimes it is necessary to visually level the walls with putty without using plaster according to the beacons, how to do this.

First of all, we level the corners and perimeter with putty, that is:

  • Connecting the wall to the ceiling,
  • Vertical wall corners,
  • Corners near baseboards.

When leveling the corners, start with only one side (the right one), and after it dries, proceed to the adjacent one (the left one). If the corners of the walls deviate from the desired value by more than 4 mm, then they can be leveled with Rotband plaster, and after the plaster has dried, with putty.

After leveling the perimeter, use a 600mm spatula and make the transition to a plane. We apply the putty to the wall, and level it, holding the spatula perpendicular to the wall (on the tear), leaning on the already leveled perimeter, cutting off the excess. We also do the same with all the holes and differences on the wall.

After this, we move on to the stages of wall putty described at the beginning of this article.

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How to putty walls - this is the question most people who plan to carry out renovations in any room ask themselves. It is always more profitable to do at least part of the work yourself. And careful preparation of the walls for subsequent finishing works implies getting perfect smooth surface, without flaws and roughness. The article will tell you how to do this correctly.

It is not always necessary to putty the walls until they are completely smooth. For example, this should not be done if the wallpaper, after decorating the surface, hides small scratches from cleaning. Putty allows you to remove cracks and holes on the wall, level it well and, if necessary, bring it to a perfectly smooth state.

After that:

  • Paste wallpaper on smooth walls much easier than on curves. In this case, the glue will be absorbed evenly, and the risk of wrinkling of the canvas will be minimal.
  • Putty is used to remove various bumps from plastered walls that are visible when sunlight, which will make the surface pimply.

Tip: The instructions for puttying walls indicate: if the old putty crumbles after removing the wallpaper pasted on it, it must be completely removed and the surface must be puttied again.

Tools required for putty

Before you start plastering the walls, you need to purchase minimum set tools for work:

  • An electric drill with a mixer attachment. Usually putty is supplied in the form of a dry mixture, in which required quantities liquid is poured in - normal pure water. For ideal mixing of the putty mixture, a special mixer is used, which will allow you to obtain a homogeneous, sufficiently thick mass without lumps or pieces.

  • Set of spatulas different widths . In the process of performing the work, you will need large and small tools. IN hard to reach places It is impossible to obtain a high-quality putty wall with a large tool; here you need to use spatulas of small width.
  • Brushes and rollers for applying primer to wall surfaces. This stage cannot be skipped. After priming, a thin film appears on the walls, which significantly increases the strength of the wall and ensures high-quality adhesion of the treated walls, regardless of the type of facing material.
  • Rule. It may be necessary due to large uneven walls when applying putty in a very thick layer. To ensure high-quality leveling of a thick layer of putty, it is convenient to use a long metal rule.
  • Construction level, laser or spirit. Wall surfaces are often far from perfect. Before you putty the walls yourself, test beacons are installed, with constant monitoring using a laser or spirit level.
  • Sandpaper. To obtain a beautiful and very smooth surface, so that it is pleasant to look at, very fine sandpaper should be used during finishing rubbing; the ideal result would be sanding with number two hundred and forty sandpaper. To grind the initial starting putty, grouting should be done with coarse, coarse sandpaper.
  • . When using such a tool, sanding becomes more convenient. This is a special device, the handle of which has clamps for fixing the skin, as can be seen in the photo.

  • Containers for preparing putty.
  • Brushes and rollers for priming walls.

Tip: Walls should always be primed. It provides a very thin film on the wall, which significantly increases its strength and improves the adhesion of materials.

How to choose the right putty

What putty is better to putty on walls?

In composition they are:

  • Cement. They are more moisture resistant, but their big drawback is that they are too high level shrinkage.
  • Acrylic (see Acrylic putty - types, features, application). They have excellent adhesion to the base.
  • Polymer. They have good moisture resistance and do not shrink. The use of polymer putty allows you to obtain high quality area after wall treatment. The high price is a significant disadvantage of the material.
  • Plaster(see Gypsum putty: its advantages and problems of use). Such coatings do not shrink, their cost is low, they can be leveled perfectly, but they have low resistance to moisture, which limits the scope of their use.

According to the purpose of putty there are:

  • Leveling or starting. Have:
  1. excellent adhesion of materials;
  2. increased strength;
  3. fairly coarse grain size.

Rough material is used to make them. This putty is quite convenient to use to remove large differences on the surface of walls, to hide existing holes and grooves. For the first time, you can easily apply a layer up to one and a half centimeters thick.

Repeated layers are applied after the previous ones have completely dried. The maximum result can be achieved after installing a special painting mesh to evenly distribute the putty.

The advantages of this technology are that it allows layers of putty to be laid perfectly evenly. In this case, the surface will be more even and quite durable. The coarser the material of the painting mesh, the smoother the surface of the walls after processing.

  • Lighthouses. Such materials are not much different from leveling putty. The only difference is the use of beacons. A lighthouse is a rod made of:
  1. gypsum;
  2. metal;
  3. tree.

The part is positioned strictly vertically, which is controlled by a level. The beacons to the walls are fixed to the gypsum mixture, which dries quite quickly, and then puttying is performed directly. This is how the wall is aligned along horizontal lines. A rule is used to level the applied layers of putty.

Using these recommendations, after completing the starting work, you can get flat surface, which is controlled by the level. Due to the high cost, this type of putty is used quite rarely, and visually they are almost the same.

  • Universal. Combine positive properties starting and decorative mixtures. Their cost is relatively high, but their properties are inferior to other coatings. It is better to use for leveling walls that do not have large defects.
  • Finishing or decorative(see DIY decorative plaster: how to do it right). After applying the beacon or starting composition, a finishing coating is performed, which gives the surfaces ideal smoothness and eliminates pores and the smallest cracks.

One of the most simple ways To check the correct spelling of a word is to type it in a text editor. Typically, if there is an error in a term, the program will point it out. However, there are times when this method does not work. For example, as with the word “putty” (or “putty”). How can it be described correctly? Indeed, in most programs both options are recognized as correct. Let's look at this problem and also find out why it happened in the first place.

What is a wall?

In order to better understand the essence of the issue, it is worth finding out the meaning of the noun in question.

So, putty (putty) is the process of leveling any flat surface by applying it to it. In the vast majority of cases, it is carried out to level walls in rooms during repairs.

However, a similar process exists in painting (priming the canvas), as well as cooking (leveling the surface of the cake before “covering” it with mastic). Moreover, even similar tools are used in both areas.

It is also worth remembering that putty (putty) also refers to the mixture itself used to smooth out uneven surfaces on the walls.

Such substances are produced in different compositions (gypsum, cement, mineral, etc.). Also, such mixtures are divided into main and finishing. The first ones consist of larger particles and are applied in a thick layer to hide all the unevenness and imperfections of the walls. The second, on the contrary, contains the smallest components and they are applied in a thin layer to give the surface a “marketable” appearance.

Which is correct - putty or putty - according to the standards of modern language?

Having figured out the meaning of the noun in question, it is worth finding out how it is written.

So, which is correct: putty or wall putty?

The correct answer would be both options. Since on this moment in Russian these terms are considered equivalent. Therefore, we can safely say both ways.

However, among professional repairmen, the option with “t” is still more common - putty.

Origin of the word "putty"

Having figured out which is correct: putty or putty (both options are correct), it’s worth finding out why this confusion arose and why professionals still prefer the “t” option.

It's all about the etymology of the term. The variant "putty" was the first name for this process and was derived from the name of the tool used for it - a spatula.

This is the name given to a metal, plastic or silicone flat plate, which can be passed over a thick mass to level the surface and remove excess.

In addition to the difference in materials from which the spatula is made, this item also differs in design and scope of use. In addition to construction spatulas, there are pastry spatulas, as well as those intended for artists.

Etymology of the word "putty"

Knowing which is correct: putty or putty (you can do both), it’s worth considering the origin of the second spelling. This will help you understand why it is less favorite among professional builders.

So, the word “putty” was formed from the name of the material “tow” (coarse flax or hemp fiber, which is a waste product from the production of fabrics).

In the old days it was used to plug cracks in huts, barrels or various types boats. For greater strength, the tow was impregnated with resin, which also gave it moisture resistance.

Today (when most buildings are built of brick and concrete) there is practically no need for tow or caulk (that’s the name given to the process of filling cracks with tow). At the same time, the happy owners wooden baths continue to use this method to insulate rooms.

As for the term “putty,” it arose during the period when ordinary peasants (accustomed to plastering huts) began to be very actively hired to build houses for the rich.

When they hear the word “putty,” they habitually reinterpret it in their own way with the letter “k” (after all, in essence, the goal of both processes is the same - to correct surface imperfections). This pronunciation quickly spread and began to be used in speech along with putty. And in the twentieth century. and completely became its synonym and was included in most dictionaries.

Are there other spellings for this term?

Having figured out the question: “Which is correct: putty or putty?”, and also having learned why both options are correct, it is worth asking: “Were there other ways to write this noun?”

It turns out that they were, or rather was - this is the word “spadel”, which was the norm of the Russian language until the middle of the 19th century.

The fact is that the "progenitor" of putty - the noun "spatula" was borrowed from German language from the term Spatel. However, the Germans had another way of writing it, with a “d” - Spadel. In this regard, many builders of German origin, as well as people who lived abroad for a long time, often called the process “putty.” Moreover, this form was no less common than “putty”, and therefore ended up in Dahl’s dictionary.

However, by the middle of the 19th century. gradually it was forced out of speech. For this reason, when studying the question: “Which is correct: putty or putty?” The “putty” option is not even considered, because according to modern standards it is erroneous.

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Watching the work of professional plasterers, you can’t help but admire how smoothly and evenly they manage everything. It seems that it is simply impossible to repeat this with your own hands. This is wrong. Puttying is not a complicated job and does not require specialized knowledge. We will describe in detail how to putty walls correctly, how to choose the composition of the mixture and what tools you will need for the work.

Putty - a leveling layer to eliminate minor wall defects

Putty is a mixture of water and a dry compound. The dry composition may contain only gypsum powder or gypsum powder with the addition of chalk, plasticizers or other fillers.

The question often arises: from putty. Nobody really knows the answer to that. The composition of putty and putty is the same, the application method is also identical. So it turns out that both of these names mean the same material intended for leveling walls.

Why do you need putty?

The main task of putty is to create a perfectly flat surface suitable for painting or. Not a single renovation can be done without gypsum mixture; this material is used at the final stage of finishing.The putty is applied in several thin layers, each of which fills the smallest irregularities on the surface. Using this composition you can fill uneven areas up to 2 cm deep.

Important! Professionals do not advise applying the putty mixture in a thick layer; it may fall off within a couple of days after the completion of the repair.

On average, one layer of putty should not exceed 7 millimeters, and the finishing layer should not exceed 2 millimeters.

How to choose a spatula for puttying walls

Range of tools for plastering works very big. IN hardware store I'm just confused about what to choose?For putty you will need a wide flat metal spatula with a smooth edge and a spatula - a spatula.

When choosing a façade trowel, pay attention to its edge: it is important that it is perfectly smooth, without jagged edges. The metal on the edge should not bend. To work outside the building, use a tool up to 60 centimeters wide. For interior work, a width of 30-40 centimeters is sufficient.

Small spatulas are designed for neat processing of corners. If you decide to do this kind of work for the first time, do not take a very wide tool; a small one will be more convenient to work with.

Another important point in the selection of a spatula - its weight. The lighter the tool, the better.It is convenient if the second spatula, spatula, wooden handle. It doesn't slip in your hand. The spatula is selected in such a size that it is convenient to scoop the mixture from the bucket.

The metal part of the tool must be made of stainless steel. Any other option is not suitable, since contact with water will quickly rust and leave marks on the surface being treated. You can find spatulas made of durable plastic on sale, but they are much more expensive than metal ones.

Which putty is better and how to choose the composition for walls

Putty mixtures can have different contents; let’s look at each type in more detail:

Type of mixtureApplication FeaturesApplication area

Putty on acrylic base characterized by elasticity and resistance to high humidity. As a result, you will get a smooth surface that is resistant to mechanical damage and does not shrink or form cracks.External and internal work, leveling, roughing, starting and finishing

The plastic mixture forms very thin layers that do not crack or fall off. This finish reacts negatively to lower temperatures.Only for interior decoration

Used to level walls and can be applied in a thick layer. It reacts poorly to humid air and is destroyed by water. Does not withstand mechanical stress.For interior work

Not afraid negative temperature, does not react to humidity, is resistant to mechanical damage. It shrinks when applied and may crack during use.Suitable for facade works and interior decoration

It is impossible to give a definite answer which of the listed mixtures is better. For different conditions you need to select the appropriate compositions. For the facade of a building it is better to take cement putty, for or - acrylic, for living rooms– latex. If you are wondering what to use, take plaster.

How to choose a putty mixture for different types of finishes

The putty mixture can be divided into three types according to purpose:

  • universal;
  • finishing;
  • starting.

The difference lies in the grain size of the filler. The starting mixture has larger fractions. With its help, you can level surfaces with significant damage: cracks, differences, potholes. The starting putty can be applied in a layer 2 centimeters thick. It is thrown directly onto the layer of plaster and leveled using the rule.

The purpose of the finishing layer is to complete the leveling before application. The fractions of this mixture are very small, and the resulting layer looks smooth and even. The final putty has a layer no thicker than 5 mm.The universal mixture can be used both as a starting and finishing layer. This type of composition is used in cases where the walls do not have significant defects.

Expert's point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Technical director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

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“If there are significant flaws on the surface being treated, take the starting one and finishing mixture, and not one universal one. The universal one costs more. In addition, the result of using two mixtures is much better.”

Basics of wall putty technology

- the costly part of the construction budget. If you want to save money, do it yourself. It’s only scary before starting work; after the first wall the process will improve.

The main thing is to follow the sequence of work, clearly separating the stages and fulfilling all requirements.Let's look at how to properly putty walls for painting or wallpaper.

How to properly prepare and prime walls

Preparing the foundation is a critical stage of the work. The result of your efforts depends on it. If the walls were wallpapered or painted, all layers decorative covering needs to be removed. Wallpaper can be soaked so that it comes off the wall easily. Particularly resistant layers should be treated with hot steam.

Paint is much more difficult to remove. You can mechanize the process using a drill with an attachment. But cleaning must be done very carefully, otherwise you will have to devote a lot of time to puttying. It is better to remove the paint by hand using sandpaper, fixed on a wooden block.

Important! During the process of cleaning the walls, a suspension of cement, whitewash and dust will hang in the air. Be sure to use a respirator to protect your respiratory system.

Oil paint can be softened with a solvent, but all such compositions have a pungent odor; you can only work in a well-ventilated area.After cleaning the decorative coating, the walls should be brushed and wiped with a slightly damp cloth. This will remove any remaining dust and construction debris.

Essentially, a primer is an adhesive that forms a durable film on the wall. It includes different components: resin, lime, bitumen, alum. If you want to know whether a primer is suitable for your walls, pay attention to the recommendations for use on the composition packaging. There are mixtures designed for processing metal, concrete, and plastic.

How to make your own putty

You can cook it yourself. In this case, it will cost you a little less, and the quality will not be inferior to the purchased composition. The ingredients for the mixture are not difficult to find; you will need ordinary gypsum powder and chalk, which is used for whitewashing. For hardening and plasticity, a solution of laundry soap, wood glue, drying oil and varnish are added to the chalk. During the manufacturing process, chalk and gypsum are first mixed dry, and then the powder is poured into glue solution. And now a few putty recipes for different surfaces:

Chalk – 2 kg

Plaster – 1 kg

Wood glue solution 3-5%

Concrete walls, alignment of seams on plasterboards. Designed for dry rooms.Hardens quickly after application. This mixture must be prepared in small portions.
Chalk – 1 kg

Wood glue – 100 g

Drying oil – 1 kg

For finishing wooden surfaces, which will subsequently be painted oil paint. Suitable for rooms with high humidity.Hardens slowly, forming an airtight film. To prepare, the heated glue is mixed with drying oil and then chalk is poured in.
Chalk – 2 kg

Wood glue solution 10%

Drying oil – 25 g

Laundry soap – 50 g

Designed for puttying ceilings and plastered walls.The soap should be dissolved in a small amount of water, glue should be added to the desired percentage and then chalk should be added.

Leveling walls with your own hands using “homemade” putty is no different from working with a factory-made mixture.

How to prepare a factory-made mixture

To prepare the mixture, you need to select clean dishes and, preferably, a construction mixer. Manually mixing putty without lumps is difficult and physically difficult.

Do not try to knead the entire package at once, especially if you are new to this matter. The composition dries quickly, so while you are training on small area walls, the whole batch may freeze and have to be thrown away.

Use water to knead room temperature. After preparing the putty, let it sit for a quarter of an hour. The consistency of the finished putty should be similar to thick sour cream. If you have prepared a polymer, acrylic or latex mixture and have not had time to use it completely, fill the container with putty with water. Next time, carefully drain the surface layer of water and use the composition.

Leveling walls using starting putty

What does the process of starting to putty walls with your own hands look like:

IllustrationDescription of work
Mix the mixture according to the instructions on the mixture packaging. Use a construction mixer for quality mixing.
Scoop up the thick mixture with a spatula and apply it to a spatula, spreading it over the entire length.
Using an upward motion, apply the putty to the surface. Fill the wall section this way.
Using a wide spatula, using upward and sideways movements, smooth out all the seams that have formed.
After the putty has hardened, level the surface with sandpaper.

For a beginner in this business, video material on how to putty walls with your own hands:

Video instruction: how to properly putty walls using beacons

You are lucky if the main surface is made with high quality, in compliance with the level and without major flaws. If not, you can level it with putty.For perfect results on uneven wall beacons will be required. To set them, you need to pull the thread along the wall, vertically and diagonally. The direction of the thread should be checked with a building level.

After the marks have dried, the main putty work is carried out.

How to properly level walls with putty using beacons, in the following video material:

How to apply finishing putty to a wall

As a finishing layer, you need to use a polymer composition - acrylic or latex.

IllustrationDescription of work
For kneading finishing coating you need to carefully measure the proportions and prepare the amount of water recommended in the instructions.
The mixture is poured into water, and not vice versa. It is necessary to thoroughly mix the solution until the consistency of sour cream is obtained.
To apply the finishing layer, use a spatula 30-40 centimeters wide
The first layer of topcoat should be the thinnest, it will help reveal all existing irregularities
The second layer of putty is applied only a day later, after the first has completely dried.

Beginners most often face the question of how to work with a spatula correctly. Not everyone succeeds the first time. Pay attention to the video recommendation on how to apply finishing putty on the wall:

Related article:

We will talk about the different compositions and purposes of solutions, methods of their preparation, necessary tools and materials, as well as about the application technology itself.

How to properly sand walls after puttying

No matter how hard you try, after the finishing layer of putty, traces of a spatula will remain on the wall. If you don't remove them, they will show through. On final stage the surface needs to be sanded. This is a labor-intensive task, but without sanding you will never achieve the desired result.

The difference between putty and putty is only in the spelling of the term

By carefully studying packaging with construction leveling mixtures in hypermarkets, you can discover an amazing thing. Same material from different manufacturers can be called differently: putty - putty.
Which is correct? Are there any differences between these mixtures?
Let's figure it out.

Anyone who has had any experience with repairs knows that a spatula for applying mortar to the surface and leveling it is called a spatula. We can conclude that it is correct to write and say “putty”, since in this case the root “spar” is preserved.
But it is not so. Let's explain why.

Origin of the word putty

In the Russian language, the term putty or putty, meaning the sealing of cracks and uneven surfaces with a thick, viscous and quickly hardening substance, came after the German word spatel, meaning a flat spatula, with which the leveling mixture is applied. It in turn comes from the Latin spatha (spoon) or spathula (spoon).
Since Latin is the progenitor of many modern European languages, similar words can be found in them.
For example:

  • In Italian – spatola;
  • In Polish – szpadel.

This is interesting. In Dahl's dictionary, in addition to the terms putty or putty, there is another one that was used in those days: putty. Perhaps its use is related to the Polish sound of the original word.

A spatula is the main tool of a finisher

In each of these languages, a spatula was a tool that was used not only by builders, but also by pharmacists, doctors, and artists for their work. Depending on the scope of application, it had (and still has) different shapes and sizes, but the essence of its use is the same: taking a small amount of the mixture, applying it to the surface and then leveling it.

Origin of the word putty

If we take the root “spar” as the basis for word formation, then according to the logic of the Russian language the correct terms should be considered putty (see Putty for parquet - types, properties, application), putty. But where did the putty come from then? Maybe this different materials? Then what is the difference between putty and putty?
Today - nothing. But earlier in Rus' it was customary to seal various cracks and holes with tow, that is, to peck. Often, tow was mixed with liquid resin, which, like putty, hardened after some time, reliably plugging the cracks.

The photo shows the process of piling a log house

The packing process in its essence is very similar to the actions you do yourself when correcting surface defects with leveling mixtures. The words “paklevat” and “putty” are similar in sound. Apparently, the merger of these words led to the appearance of a new word in the Russian language.

How to write correctly

If you ask how to spell putty or putty, they can answer you differently. In fact, in modern dictionaries both of these terms are recognized as equal.
Perhaps with some caveats:

  • Putty – literary form, generally accepted, used in everyday conversation;
  • Puttying is the form adopted by specialists. This spelling is most often found in regulatory and technical documents (GOST, technical specifications, instructions for use, etc.).

This is about verbs.
Almost the same story with nouns, but there is also a difference between the words putty and putty:

  • Putty is the name given to the leveling compound itself, which is applied to the plane to level it and fill potholes, cracks, and crevices;
  • The term putty refers to the process of applying the mixture, that is, the action performed with it.

Note. It is unlikely that it occurs to producers to understand the linguistic features of the origin of terms. Therefore, putty and putty are equally often found in stores - we have already found out what the difference is. She simply doesn't exist.


Since our portal is not aimed at learning the rules of the Russian language, but at helping novice builders in the difficult task of renovating their home or other real estate, the video in this article is dedicated to the actual process of leveling walls with putty. Or putty - whichever you prefer. The price of the material and the cost of work do not depend on this.
