Psychology. The pursuit of harmony in the aesthetic and artistic culture of the XIX century

Each person strives to surround himself with pleasant things that please the eye, uplifting and vitality. Each of us is rightfully considered the “chief architect” of the interior decoration of an apartment or interiors. own house. However, there are people responsible for a larger scale harmony - for the well-groomed apartment building, for the improvement of the quarter, for architectural solutions an entire region or an entire city.

In the global “arrangement of harmony”, it is advisable to divide the problem into two parts. Firstly, the houses must be initially built harmoniously: that is, they must be successfully combined with neighboring buildings, have an attractive appearance, and be convenient for residents or other users of the building. And, secondly, already built buildings should be maintained in proper condition. The facade needs to be washed or updated periodically, and the cracks should be sealed so that there is no dampness inside the building, warmth and comfort are maintained.

Much has been said about the appearance of Moscow, especially during the change of the capital's mayor. One of the points of criticism was that not only housing and communal services, that is, apartment buildings have internal holes and serious problems with facades, but the same shortcomings are characteristic of “lonely standing” banks, commercial enterprises, office and other non-state buildings that “decorate” the city with shabby facades right in the center of Moscow. Perhaps the new mayor of the capital will soon get to this problem (there are too many of them at once), and in some other cities of our country, mayors systematically control the appearance of building facades. First of all, of course, goes to the owners of buildings in the central districts of the city. Especially if the buildings belong to banks, shopping centers and other commercial structures.

But in the residential sector, other problems often come to the fore. For example, other mayors are concerned not so much with the appearance of houses as with their "internal content", or rather, the loss of "maintenance", in the form of heat escaping from cracks. In order to take into account "by name" all the losses, in the late autumn of 2010, a helicopter equipped with thermal imagers, devices that record heat leaks, was launched over the city of Barnaul. More precisely, thermal imagers determine "how warm" a given object, or gap, is present in an object. The thermal imager displays leaks with a specific picture, which makes it possible to distinguish well-insulated buildings or heating mains from "too warm" from the outside.

For several days, while on board the helicopter, experts read the instrument readings. The result of the flights (with further "debriefing") was the accounting of heat losses in urban heating networks and in each particular house. But in Chelyabinsk, the city authorities were especially puzzled by the external appearance of the buildings. Experts emphasize that the mayor intends to fine the owners of office buildings, shopping malls and other buildings belonging to commercial structures for an untidy facade. Moreover, the size of the fines that were threatened with the owners of sloppy buildings are so significant, and this, according to the authorities, should stimulate entrepreneurs to urgently repair or clean the facades.

In Ulan-Ude, according to experts, the desire for harmony in the appearance of the city extends even wider. The authorities of the capital of Buryatia are ready to fine not only entrepreneurs, but also owners of private residential buildings that have an untidy appearance. The mayor took the initiative to introduce passports for the owners of private houses, which will describe the external appearance of the building, including the rules for decorating the facade, the color of the roof, windows and everything else. True, other experts are skeptical about the initiative of the city authorities. Doubt whether it is possible to "cut one size fits all" the owners of private residential buildings. Especially in Ulan-Ude. After all, this is not Moscow, there are many private houses on the outskirts - these are very modest buildings, the owners of which really cannot find funds for new facades, and some even for patches for leaking roofs.

But the authorities of Magnitogorsk took a more democratic path. The mayor's office announced a competition to change the facades of standard nine-story buildings in the city center. Moreover, in order to save budgetary funds, students-architects and designers were invited to participate in the competition, for whom the development of new projects is not so much work that requires decent pay, but the development of professional skills. Experts note that the desire for a harmonious appearance of cities is gradually gaining momentum throughout the country. Interesting developments appear that allow not only to give an original look to buildings, but at the same time to insulate them, as well as to develop a unified style in the design of city blocks. This approach is facilitated, for example, by the cladding of houses. hinged facades when identical facing materials are used, having shades that are in harmony with each other. Increasingly, in order to give buildings a unified style, the authorities initiate “centralized” glazing of loggias, and, of course, they strive to install the same (or in harmony with each other) new windows - during overhauls neighboring buildings. Moreover, the market has a huge selection of plastic windows of various colors and a wide variety of configurations. In addition, new developments are used to decorate and insulate facades: for example, heat-insulating paints and plasters.

Harmonious architecture
Former Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov was often scolded in the last years of his rule for new buildings. It was very disappointing to watch how replicas grew up on the site of historical buildings, although at the same time there were promises to preserve the historical appearance of buildings and build their exact copies on the site of dilapidated buildings. Most bright examples clumsy imitation - the hotel "Moscow" and the store "Voentorg". The majority of experts, residents and guests of the capital express a negative attitude towards remakes, especially since the dilapidation of Voentorg and the Moskva Hotel was very conditional. First of all, there was a large commercial interest, under which all the other arguments were "adjusted".

However, if we rewind a couple of decades ago, to go back to the 90s, we will remember Moscow in a deplorable state: buildings that have not been repaired for a long time, typical development of microdistricts, the absence of new architectural creations, which would be nice to stop looking at. Of course, even then Moscow was beautiful with its history, and the “Stalinist” buildings, no doubt, gave the city a certain charm. But completely new, unusual buildings began to appear precisely during the “early Luzhkov”. Experts note that some of them decorated the city, successfully fitting into the niche between Stalinist monumentalism and the styles of the pre-revolutionary era. Although almost every such house will certainly have critics who believe that it should have been built completely differently.

As one of the examples of a successful "bridge" between history and modernity, experts call the Nautilus shopping center, built at the intersection of Nikolskaya Street and Teatralny Proyezd. On the one hand, the “Stalinist Lubyanka” rises “monumentally” - the main task of the State Security and the Detsky Mir store. On the other side is the architectural ensemble of Tretyakovsky passage and the unique aristocratic appearance of the Metropol Hotel. According to many experts, the architects managed to "link styles", although there is no consensus on this. Building shopping center"Nautilus" on this side imitates color scheme and the arches of the "Children's World", and on the other hand, an ornament is included in the design of the facade, which is "neighbourly" harmonious with the design of the Metropol Hotel.

Experts consider the building of the Pullman business center on Myasnitskaya Street to be a much more revolutionary "insert" into the old building. In contrast to the Nautilus “connected with styles”, the “Pulman” rather resembles an extravagant “chessboard” patch, “sewn” next to a pre-revolutionary building with columns and other buildings of the century before last. Of course, the task of “cutting” new buildings into the historical landscape is not an easy one. Replicas built "antique" often scratch the eye with an unsuccessful "historical imitation" just like the hotel "Moscow" and "Voentorg". A building of a fundamentally new look, inscribed with historical buildings, should be very beautiful in itself. In addition, according to experts, harmony with neighboring buildings should still be present, even if it is the “harmony of the opposite”, as is the case with the “chessboard” facade of the Pullman business center on Myasnitskaya Street.

By the way, after the resignation of Yuri Luzhkov, the Moscow mayor's office, as you know, began to listen more to public opinion, especially in matters of preserving the historical appearance of the city. However, city officials (according to new trends, they are forced to give very detailed explanations) sometimes get into deadlock situations. The fact is that specialists who are able to “historically fit” new buildings into the old architectural development are not trained in our institutes. And there are even no specialties teaching this craft in architectural and construction universities at all ... Whereas the development in the historical centers of most world capitals (and other cities) is supervised by architects professionally trained in this specialty. It is worth noting another interesting (although not historical) building on the Khodynka field, which is popularly called the “house-ear”, and the more official “house-sail”. The house really looks like a sail, but, in the old way, the building is more like a “laying sail”. The house looks very original, although such architecture has many critics. However, historical buildings do not coexist with the “house-sail”, and therefore the “house-sail” looks like an independent architectural creation.

Foreign achievements
However, if you look at foreign experience in the construction of extraordinary buildings, it is worth recognizing that foreign designers in the flight of architectural ideas are sometimes ahead of their Russian counterparts. Very interesting is the "Dancing House", located in the center of Prague, which, being depicted in a photograph, strongly resembles a caricature from a magazine, or a picture drawn in a grotesque style. The gray building, “equipped” with crookedly built-in windows, adjoins a completely crooked glass tower, behind which curved beams and crooked window openings are visible. The facade of the gray building is also streaked with “crooked rounded” lines, and a crooked observation deck sticks out of the glass tower (you can’t call it otherwise), which, at the same time, serves as a spacious open balcony. Many experts admit that, despite the absurdity of the individual elements of the building, in the aggregate, the “crooked” house looks very harmonious, and really resembles a “building in a dance”.

However, "crooked" grotesque buildings also exist in Poland and other places. Often on uneven facade walls the same windows are located - with corners pulled up and semicircular window sills. And in China there is a very unusual building in the form of a piano, to which a glass guitar is “attached”. Now few people are surprised by one of the symbols of Paris - an office building in the form of a rectangular arch, of very impressive size. Perhaps because for many years it has been shown to tourists as a "logical continuation" of the two historical triumphal arches of Paris, one of which is located next to the Louvre, and the second - on Charles de Gaulle Square. The architectural design is unique in that the three arches are lined up in one line, and seem to be strung one on top of the other (especially when viewed from the side of the smallest arch located near the Louvre.) Perhaps that is why tourists do not look so carefully at the original relatively new architecture the largest arch, which (unlike the triumphal arches) is a large office center.

However, there are many houses that vaguely resemble the famous Parisian arch. For example, the building in Madrid, which received the name (in literal translation) "Observation Post". In the middle of a large rectangular building there is a huge rectangular opening. And the building itself is not monotonous, but large squares and rectangles are painted in brown, red, gray colors. Of course, the walls of the huge cavity inside the building have windows, and the “floor” of the opening is a terrace for walking and contemplating the surroundings. Among the original buildings, it is worth noting the "lying buildings" - there is, for example, one of these in Canada. The house is built in such a way that it seems to lie on one of the walls, and the “lying walls” are crowned with an imitation of a roof with a turret. It is clear that in fact the function of the roof is performed by the upper wall, protected by special roofing from bad weather. However, this is not visible from the side: it seems as if the building was laid on its side.

The house built in Poland looks even more interesting. They didn’t put him on his side, but as if they put him upside down, or, in relation to the building, they turned him over from the foundation to the roof. The “changeling” looks very decorative: right on the roof, seemingly “uprooted” foundation stones stick out. And the neat “roof” of green color itself serves as a support for the building. On the one hand, it reliably rests on a beam that imitates chimney, the second support falls on the "roofing ridge". There are many "alien" buildings. No less common are houses resembling air liners ready to fly. A very curious "alien" structure exists, for example, in Austria. And, curiously, the “big black jellyfish”, which has “bulging portholes” as windows, is successfully inscribed in the historical building of the city. Of course, the building is dissonant with the decorous Austrian houses with sloping tiled roofs, skylights and other traditional European look. And at the same time, the “black jellyfish” fits quite harmoniously into the landscape, especially since this is an art museum. By the way, many “lying” and “dancing” buildings are museums, galleries and other venues where original art is presented not only inside the building, but also in the entire appearance of the building.

Movable buildings
However, it is one thing to figuratively name a building unusual shape"dancing house", and quite another - to build a "somewhat mobile" building. More recently, a large office building with movable walls has appeared in Austria. The house made of glass and concrete is, as it were, dressed in a "shell" of large light movable panels. They can completely cover the building, and then it will look like a house without windows. And when the panels partially open, windows appear behind them. The degree of opening of the panels, and the "logic of movement" can be very diverse. Therefore, a building with dynamic walls can change its appearance even daily. Which often does, attracting the attention of potential customers of a similar architectural project. Although, on the other hand, the logic of opening and closing the panels can be quite appropriate if you use them as awnings. That is, cover the windows with panels from the side where bright sunlight shines. The experts explain that the panels on the walls of a dynamic building move along vertical guides (that is, they rise and fall). And the "parade of panels" is commanded by electronics.

And in Dubai, known for its abundance of original skyscrapers, another moving building is conceived, with much more serious engineering study of movements. The architectural design is such that all the floors of the building would rotate around its axis. A sort of observation decks, where not the floor revolves around a circular window panorama, but the floors along with the windows. And each floor is on its own. However, movable floors and walls are only half the battle, as movable buildings are already on the market. Of course, now you will not surprise anyone with a residential trailer on wheels, a trailer, or even a car equipped with a civilian residential block. They decided to surprise with a small house, which walks on its own hydraulic legs in the amount of six pieces. The hut not so long ago began to walk through the streets of Copenhagen. Democratic Danes position the “wandering building” as a home for people who want to live the peaceful life of nomads. It is assumed that gypsies, for example, may be interested in mobile structures.

The walking module looks like a recumbent straight prism with an equilateral hexagon at the base. The hydraulic legs of the house are fixed on the lower inclined faces. Three of the six "limbs" are always on the ground as a support, providing stability to the house. The "second three" of legs changes location - that is, moves the house. Then the "mobile" legs become "supporting", and the released "previously standing" legs take the next step. Experts emphasize that the house is able to cross small obstacles, although, in general, it is, so to speak, an urban "resident". It is unsuitable for cross-country travel. Although, given that the house is capable of speeds up to five kilometers per hour, then, theoretically, a “tramp” can move from one city to another in a few days along fairly smooth roads. Hydraulic legs drive 12 motors. The most remarkable thing is the complete energy independence of the house, since it draws all the energy from the environment. Motors fuel solar panels and wind generators neatly built into the module. True, the appearance of a walking house cannot be called too attractive. Everything is very functional, no frills. The “economical” house not only draws energy from nature, but also stores rainwater there.

The dimensions of the module are small: length - eight meters, width - 2.4 meters, height 2.3 meters. It is assumed that four people can live in the "wandering hut". It is for such a composition of residents that sleeping places are provided. They also turn into comfortable sofas, sitting on which it is convenient to contemplate the landscape changing on the windows. True, "natural" energy is only enough to move around the house and some other needs, but as heater a stove-stove is provided. There is a mini-kitchen, dry closet and other most necessary amenities - all to a minimum. Experts estimate the "walking house" at about $50,000. Experts believe that, theoretically, it is possible to create a multi-room dwelling from such modules, but only “legless”. Progress has not yet advanced so far that five-room "centipede apartments" roam the streets.

Harmony: consistency with the Divine Laws of Being.

Vasilets Marina, Klevtsova Irina,
Marusev Svyatoslav


Harmony acts as an ideal of beauty, all elements of which are internally balanced among themselves and create the perfection of integrity.

Harmony is the balance between masculine and feminine energies. To become a Human, you need to achieve a balance between these energies.

Harmony is the Power of self-awareness as a Human. Concentrating attention in the Heart, a person becomes in tune with his Essence (Male or Feminine): natural and free.

Harmony is the absence of internal contradictions, fuss and chaos, desires to assert oneself, proving one's rightness to someone, imposing one's opinion.

Harmony manifests itself as an internal order and discipline, due to the awareness of Being, the clear alignment of Life on the basis of Divine Laws.

Harmony in the ability to love and appreciate Life, every moment of it. Harmony in creative actions and impeccable service to the power of Love.

Harmony is the inner Power of consonance of the Spirit, Soul of a person, his body, consciousness and subconsciousness, which is manifested by naturalness and purity of thoughts, openness and sincerity, lightness and sublimity, a clear understanding of one's destiny as a person in any situation.


You can awaken the state of Harmony in yourself, feel it and be saturated with it - with the help of settings, relaxations, performing spontaneous dances, contemplating pictures of Nature, reading beautiful poems, etc.

(See Appendix 1 for more examples of settings)

Setting "Harmony of Life"

Imagine yourself standing in the middle of a huge meadow on a hot summer afternoon. The heat reigns around. The air is saturated with the smells of grass and flowers. The sun's rays warm the whole body. Breadth and spaciousness... Above the meadow, mysteriously shimmering, a barely visible haze sways... A bottomless blue sky... The Kingdom of Harmony and Life... You deeply inhale the aromas of meadow flowers and are saturated with the Harmony of Life...

The poem "Harmony of the World"

Harmony of the world - colored mosaic

Shades and colors in it all gathered,

Filled with light, sparkles, shines

Life showed its versatility in it.

Every drop counts here.

Each spark has its own meaning, its own essence

And so that the desire for Beauty is embodied

Here everyone follows their own Path flawlessly.

Spontaneous dance "Harmony"

“We feel the state of Harmony around, in the soft sunlight, in light touches warm air drunk honey aromas herbs and flowers, coniferous forests, the purest freshness of the river. With each movement of the spontaneous dance, we feel how the soft golden light of Harmony fills the body, strengthening the inner Harmony. We strive to manifest and strengthen the state through the movements of the dance, merge with the Harmony that reigns around. We fill with the state of Harmony many channels that connect us with the people around us, brighten them, saturating them with a soft golden light, strengthening Harmony in relationships. We become in tune with each other"

Examples of relaxations "Harmony"

  • Imagine a dark blue sky with a purple tint. Soak up its harmony and charm.
  • You feel yourself under the gentle rays of the sun. You feel yourself dissolving in their bliss...
  • Feel yourself at the top of the hill, you enjoy and are saturated with the depth of the sky and the surrounding space
  • You dissolve in an ocean of emotional warmth...

Manifestations of harmony

Harmony is perfection in the interaction of the Masculine and Feminine principles, all forces and energies in the World and Reality. Such interaction has complete consonance, a single aspiration, integrity, and is aimed at constant creativity and the birth of a new one, strengthening Life everywhere and in everything.

The basis of Harmony is Divine Love. Achieving Harmony is one of the main tasks of the development and improvement of Man, Humanity, Peace and Reality.

Development and improvement is accompanied by the transformation of old and the creation of new energy structures in people, Humanity, the World and Reality, which have Content and Form. The integral expression of Content and Form is Beauty.

Harmony of the physical body appears as a state of health. The health of the physical body directly depends on the health of the mental, emotional and spiritual.

basis Family harmony are Love, Respect and mutual understanding between a Man and a Woman. The task of the People living on Earth is to make relationships harmonious, based on Love and mutual understanding.

A woman, as an individual manifestation of Matter, is the bearer of those energies from which a man, as an individual manifestation of the Spirit, forms a reality that satisfies both.

Harmony between man and woman manifests itself through emotions and states: Joy, Love, Admiration, Tenderness, Tenderness, Care, Mindfulness, Sensitivity, Happiness, Fullness of life, Magicality of being, a sense of one’s own demand and “need”, Heroism, Calmness, Acceptance, Sympathy, etc.

You can consider the relationship between a man and a woman on the example of the harmony of sound. Intervals and notes tend to each other and want to sound beautiful. They are in search of consonance with each other, and therefore in Harmony. For example, intervals are Masculine, and notes are Feminine. They want to unite, resound and begin to live beautifully, i.e. harmoniously, building appropriate relationships. The Divine Powers act here as a pianist. The pianist knows which notes will sound harmonious, i.e. consonant, but at different moments he needs different harmonies, so he tries different chords. A chord is a consonance of notes and intervals. Likewise, the consonance of Man and Woman represents the Human Being.

Harmony in Life manifested in order, where each thing knows its place, according to its individual characteristics, cleanliness and tidiness reigns.

It is also very important to be able to interact harmoniously with electrical appliances. For example, with proper handling, the iron not only smooths out wrinkles on things, but also removes problems, inharmonious situations, and even restores youth to the face, reducing the number of wrinkles.

Harmony towards the Earth and Natural Forces manifests itself in a sensitive perception of Them as living beings and in a careful attitude towards Them. Harmony in an effort to be in tune with the emotional states of Nature, admiring its amazing Beauty, variety of shapes, colors and shades, enchanting sounds.

Harmony in relationships between people is based on sensitivity, respect and understanding, attunement to what the Divine Forces want to convey to me through this person. Harmony in the ability to achieve mutual understanding.

Often in transport strangers they begin to talk, telling each other about their lives, seeking understanding and sometimes asking for advice. This is a manifestation of Harmony in relationships, in the ability to listen and support each other. We are all children of God, and our Father dreams that his children live together, in Harmony and Love!

Harmony in society , in the work team is manifested in the ability to understand and accept the point of view of colleagues, respecting their professional experience in developing a common solution and searching for a program of joint actions while moving towards the goal.

Harmony in a team of like-minded people manifests itself in solidarity and unity of hearts, in sensitive attention to the manifestations of each and impeccable, responsible fulfillment of one's obligations. Harmony is manifested "in a sense of elbow", in mutual support, help, in cheerful encouragement of each other on the way to achieving a result.

Harmony in music , the harmony of sound is consonance, i.e. harmonious sound. Creations of great composers: Mozart, Chopin, Vivaldi, Beethovin and others bring Harmony to the world.

Harmony in the Sufi Tradition

The Sufi avoids all inharmonious actions. He keeps the rhythm of speech under the control of patience, so that he will never say a word prematurely and will not begin to answer without listening to the end of the question.

The Sufi carefully observes his every movement and expression, as well as other people, trying to form a consonant chord of harmony between himself and others. Achieving harmony in life is carried out in the same way as the ability to play music, although it requires an even longer and more serious study than the development of a musical ear and voice. For a Sufi, every spoken word sounds like a note, true - if the word is harmonious, and false - if the word is inharmonious.

To withstand the pressure of inconsistency coming from outside, it is necessary to practice resistance to what comes from one's own "I". It is more difficult to control one's "I" than others, but if a person is not able to control himself, he will fail.

In order to create harmony, the power of the Spirit is needed. A person who has found a state of harmony is capable, regardless of external and internal states act in accordance with human ethics, reducing disharmony in oneself and the surrounding space.

Inner Harmony is a very important acceptance criterion right decision. It manifests itself as calmness and light joy. Any business is done with love, and the result is radiant with Beauty.

Each Person is called to bring Harmony to the World, filling it with heart warmth and light, human emotions and creative deeds.

Ways to Achieve Harmony or Tips for Beginning Harmonists

  • Realize the value of Life and every moment of it, determine its meaning and purpose. Remember that the meaning of life and the goal are determined only when thoughts are pure (there is no admixture of egoism) and you realize yourself as a Human, concentrating Attention in the Heart. Build a strategy and tactics of your Being, make a plan to achieve your goals and strive to fulfill it.
  • Accept any life situation with Gratitude. Gratitude will not let you fall into disharmony (fear, panic, irritation, perception of life as a punishment, etc.), it will open a vision of the alignment of Forces and highlight those qualities that attracted the situation that need to be transformed, strengthening your Human Power.
  • Bring order to things, affairs and in Life. Develop self-discipline and self-ordering, thanks to which you will learn to value time and bring all planned tasks to their logical conclusion. Do not take on increased obligations and unrealistic plans, be adequate.
  • Perform all your actions with Love, which carries a charge of joy, lightness and efficiency.
  • Treat people and the world the way you want them to treat you. Realize that the World is a mirror, everything around you reflects you inside. Then, removing and harmonizing yourself inside, you can observe changes outside.
  • Respect the physical body as a living structure through which the spiritualization of the surrounding world takes place. Consciously accumulate health and wellness in your body by using appropriate settings, exercise, stretching, kill-free nutrition, tempering, and other healing methods.
  • reconsider your past life and return the energy spent in destructive and disharmonious situations, transform it into Human qualities and states. The revision will rid you and your life of such energies, and as a result will undergo a transformation. most of your selfishness. Carefully monitor any manifestations of egoistic states in Everyday life and immediately transform them, avoiding disharmony.
  • Be aware of yourself throughout the day. This gives an influx of Divine energy into the physical body, which constantly loses energy in daily activities, since all things, including social ones, are being done. physical body and demand attention.
  • Learn to laugh at yourself, you will stop feeling good or bad and depending on the opinions of other people. Having ceased to be afraid of looking like a fool, you will gain the ability to portray anyone and learn to easily and harmoniously participate in any situation that will give you strength.
  • Perceive the Man (or Woman) who is nearby as your other half, given by God. Learn to maintain a harmonious relationship with him on the basis of Respect, Mutual Understanding, Openness and Sincerity. Remember that the main task of Men and Women living on Earth is to learn to love each other and the whole World!
  • Realize yourself as the Essence, cultivate the qualities of the Human Essence, realizing in everyday Life the desire to become yourself!

Annex No. 1. Settings for the "Harmony" state

We very sensitively shift our attention to the Heart Center, listen to the beating of the heart and feel how with each pulsation, heart warmth and soft light spread through the body, the light of your gratitude and Love for your body. We strive to fill the whole body with this light, we feel how each cell begins to pulsate to the rhythm of the heart rhythm, being saturated with Love. The boundaries of the body are blurred and the soft light of your heart warmth and Love unites with the soft shining light poured around. This light is manifested everywhere and everywhere - this is Harmony. Feel how your emotional state has changed, balance and light joy, inner Harmony have appeared.

Feel how the state of Harmony manifests itself in the surrounding Nature. Harmony as a manifestation of Love of the Masculine and Feminine principles. The love of the Sun and the Earth is embodied in the Harmony of colors, shapes and the enchanting Beauty of flowers, in the fragrant aromas of various herbs, in the majestic power of stately trees. The love of Water, uniting with the Sun, fills the World with the iridescent radiance of diamond dew. The all-pervading Air, uniting with Water, is embodied in the Harmony of the movement of clouds, captivating the eye. Everything around in the surrounding Nature is in harmonious balance. Our Task, as Human beings with our emotions, words, is to strengthen this Harmony. We tune in with the Harmony reigning around, we ask the Forces of Nature to help us become harmonious.

Love and harmony

Imagine yourself sitting on the ground. Touch it with your hands. Lean towards the Earth and smell its fragrance. Listen to it and feel its Life. Let in the realization that the Earth is our Home. She is always with us, wherever we are. Her care, her warmth and softness, her Love are constantly manifested... Press your chest against the Earth, open up to meet her and immerse yourself in her caress, softness, warmth and Love...

Harmony and confidence

Imagine a rock hanging over a mountain lake. Feel its power, calmness and strength... Feel its unhurried wise rhythm of life. Tune in to the emotional states of the rock, merge with it. And together with the rock, admire the surface of the lake and the reflections in it. Listen to leisurely conversations with the wind and clouds. Feel the comfort of herbs and mosses, birds and animals. Bask in the gentle rays of the sun.


Imagine yourself among white spherical chrysanthemums. You admire the harmony of the stems of chrysanthemums, the openwork and lightness of their flowers. You admire the perfection of the petals, their purity and freshness. You inhale the aroma of flowers and with it you absorb their purity and freshness, grace and beauty, lightness and tenderness.

Harmony of life

Imagine yourself in the mountains. You see snow-white shining mountain peaks. Breathe in clean clear air. Admire the power and beauty of the mountains. You are bathed in the golden rays of the radiant Sun. You feel the virgin purity and tenderness of the snow caps of the peaks and dissolve in them, feeling the caress of the Sun ...

(When writing the abstract, materials were used from the website of the Central Public Financial and Social Fund "Unity" and the book by S.V. Baranova)

While most people may wish things were different, the fact is that we live in a dual world here on Earth. Our lives are day and night, light and dark, good and evil, hot and cold, male and female, light and heavy, yin and yang, above and below, feast and hunger... and the very ability to distinguish between two sides of duality arises from knowledge of such opposites; if we weren't faced with heat, we wouldn't talk about cold.

However, as soon as too much attention is paid to any one thing, it weakens the other, and the result is disharmony. Too many sweet things make us crave something sour.

Thus, balancing duality is the highest goal of our life on Earth. Only when we pay enough attention to the power inherent in balance do we have a chance to build a new heaven on earth together.

Our Mission: Rebalance

We lightworkers are here on Earth to restore balance. We are the balance, one of the two loops in the figure eight. To bring the Earth's lemniscate back into horizontal balance, we must focus our collective power on our light, love, generosity, empathy, peace, and unity. The time has come to use the energy of balance brought to us by the symbol of infinity for our personal development and expansion of our consciousness.

Our efforts will help create a new space for life on Earth, a place for our descendants. Past cultures have shown that too much emphasis on one approach or the other, where you have to choose one thing over another, eventually leads to destruction. Disharmony has always been the source of their downfall, and longevity comes from the harmony and interplay of dualities - in other words, from the balanced middle path.

The principles of balance and balance become apparent the moment a deficiency is felt or an error is noted - we strive to achieve balance and understand what we want. However, when we enjoy an excess of something, we have no desire to balance it, and he may reject any offer or try to do so. We can become fearful because our tendency is to take one of the two extremes instead of living in harmony.

Most people think and follow a pattern or/or alternatives instead of aiming for a harmonious, not only, but different approach. I don't want to give the impression that I don't believe that we should live in a country of plenty - far from it; it is simply a question of how we live in this abundance and can we also create space in it for our opposite, for emptiness.

Finding unity within ourselves

Just as we can't have endless sunlight here on Earth or the natural world dries up - rain and humidity are vital - so it is with everything around us. We can relax, welcoming both the dry warmth of the sun and the cold dampness of the rain, joyfully embracing. When we find unity within ourselves and learn to live by embracing it, we can create a new unity around us.

Harmony and balance - both for ourselves and for the environment - depend on aligning relationships and accepting duality. We will achieve this in turn by understanding the true power behind the simple symbol of the lemniscate. Earth is a planet of duality, and the more easily we come to terms with it, the better we will recognize and use the principles of duality within us, and the faster we will progress on our path to wholeness or being one.

food for thought

Take a few minutes to reflect on your daily life. Think about when you should have taken important decision. Remember how he felt compelled to make that choice and choose only one option?

Now think about those scenarios in your life that can be characterized as "not only, but also"; remember how differently you treat them deep inside. In any case, scenarios or scenarios usually do not have enough freedom for creative decisions and often make you feel at ease, while contrasting routes not only but also stimulate creativity, offering much more room to maneuver and therefore lead the center within us towards balance. .

How is your life at the moment? How often do you put yourself under the same pressure instead of tuning in to the vibration of the infinity symbol that traces both sides in a harmonious chain and creates a new order in your life? Allow yourself to follow the middle path and free yourself from the paralyzing energy of one-sidedness.

Exercise: Release Yourself from the Situation or Situation

Draw a large infinity symbol on a piece of paper. Write down all the "eithers" associated with the question you are trying to answer in one loop and all the "ors" in another. Trace along the line of the symbol with the pen a few times until you feel a little more at ease with yourself.

As you do this, imagine both sides of the symbol engaging in an energetic dance with each other as your thought paralysis dissolves into the vibrational energy and light of the lemniscate and then begins to resonate. Listen to what's inside you and keep telling yourself that you're open to both. Both possibilities are available and are not mutually exclusive.

Over the next few days, keep tracking the infinity symbol until you feel a new lightness in your innermost being - not necessarily associated with any of the options, but simply offering freedom for an independent decision inspired by lighting and the increased frequency of vibration of the lemniscate.

Here is a typical "either/or" situation as an example. Your question might be: “Should I move into a new apartment that is great but very expensive? Or should I stay in my old apartment, which no longer meets my requirements? Write down all the positive points of the new apartment inside one loop and the positive points for the old apartment in another, and loop around the symbol shape (as described above) for several consecutive days without burdening yourself with waiting or stress. You may find that a third option arises: neither old apartment, neither new, but a completely different choice that may have been under your nose but escaped your notice.

Rediscovery of relaxation, harmony and balance

The symbol of infinity relaxes, harmonizes and restores balance. It helps us find a way out of situations that are stuck in a rut. This allows us to get in touch with the inner wisdom of our masculine ability to succeed and our feminine intuition. This gives us the greatest possible support for our harmonious existence in the world of duality.

This is the key to a deeper understanding of how we can reconcile opposites - our daily life and our life in general will become much more relaxed and joyful.

Copyright 2018 by Barbara Heider-Rauter. All rights reserved.
Reprinted with permission from the publisher EarthDancer,
the imprint of the Inner Traditions.

Article Source

The Power of Infinity: Working with the Lemniscate for Ultimate Harmony and Balance

about the author

Barbara Heider-Rauter is a qualified educator and therapist with many years of experience. One of the world's leading aura-soma experts, she leads meditation evenings, personal development workshops and spiritual journeys. For over 15 years, she has run a specialty spirit shop in Salzburg, where seekers can meet kindred spirits.

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Law 8. striving for harmony instead of imposing balance

Harmony is an analogy of opposites, an analogy of similar elements of tone, color, line, considered in accordance with the dominant and under the influence of lighting, in joyful, calm or sad combinations.

Georges-Pierre Seurat

Success is the end goal, while significance is the path. Success-oriented people focus on goals, but significant people are well aware that goals are nothing more than justification for the game we play in between achieving goals. In this chapter, we will just pay attention to the quality of the path. Searching for meaning to the point where you constantly experience peaceful self-confidence. To enjoy the benefits of a meaningful life is not to do, but to be; not get bogged down in multi-tasking, as happens to many of us, but to organize our time more holistically, as well as find harmony in the never-ending melodies that sound in the lives around us.

How do you allocate your time? Divide life into meaningful pleasant moments and meaningless unpleasant hours that you have to spend for the sake of these pleasant moments? I hope not. If we are only satisfied with a salary paid out every two weeks, what about the eighty hours during which we earn it? Providing ourselves with a piece of bread is not enough - we must create life. Instead of going with the flow, you need to take control of your days and your destiny.

Every day we are overloaded with a lot of things, accordingly we perceive at least some part of the time as having meaning. Nevertheless, harmony is the highest law - confirmation that every moment should reveal our true essence. Champions do not divide their time into parts, but live every moment with a clear awareness of a single, common goal. They know that if you don't continually push yourself to unleash your potential, it will be done by someone else somewhere else. And when they meet this man, he will definitely win. To achieve significance, we must balance all the various components of our lives and view all the actions we take as meaningful, meaningful, and reveal our own, personal “why”.

Balancing and juggling

Most of us strive to find a balance between work and family life. But this rarely succeeds, because balancing between work schedules and domestic and social responsibilities involves an “either/or” choice that is neither reasonable nor acceptable. If we sacrifice family contact in order to spend more time at work, our loved ones suffer, guilt increases, and a negative, tense atmosphere is created in the house. Similarly, if we devote all our time to family and neglect work, our career suffers. Life is life, it is given to us only once. Multitasking in reality only reinforces the misconception that we are able to balance our lives. Those who claim to be able to solve many issues at the same time, in fact, undersign their mediocrity in many things. The fact is that in most cases we confuse activities with achievements. We give the impression of busy people, but we do not produce significant results and do not bring tangible benefits.

We remain blind to how rich and rich our minute-by-minute perception of time can be. Sooner or later, the failure of multitasking becomes obvious to most successful people, although they do not realize its reasons. And what do they do? They decide to no longer go passively with the flow, but to take personal control of their lives. Instead of trying to do several things at once, they try to do one thing at a time - juggling priorities, believing that this is the essence of achieving the balance between family life and work that they have been striving for for so long.

Juggling, no doubt, can be considered a step forward compared to multitasking. No matter how many balls the juggler manages, at any given moment he touches only one ball. No matter how many balls are in the air, he can only control the ball in his hand. Throwing one ball, he loses control of it until he catches the next, gaining control over it for a split second. Isn't that a wonderful metaphor for dealing with stress? The juggler clearly sets priorities: his attention is completely focused on the ball in his hand. Remember this, and life will seem less hectic to you.

At the end of the day, a person has to juggle four balls. The first ball is yourself. It is a crumpled 100 dollar bill. What if she falls and someone steps on her with a dirty shoe? Do you still need her? Whatever happens to this crumpled piece of paper, it will not lose its value and dignity. It was and still is the $100 bill.

Very often, the decisions we make and the conditions in which we live and work can give us a good shake. Sometimes we feel useless and worthless, however, no matter what happens, we will never lose our worth and dignity. A $100 bill is still a $100 bill, even if it's dirty, crumpled, torn, frayed, wet, old, dropped, or flying in the air. You are priceless! Failure is just an event. There is a big difference between a person and his activity. Being at the top is much better than being at the bottom, but your value doesn't change based on your location!

The second ball is family. It is made of glass. If dropped, it shatters into small fragments, which can be glued together in rare cases. It is extremely important to keep this ball in the air by any means.

The third ball is work. It is made of rubber. If he falls to the floor, he will definitely jump. Even if you step on it, it will only puff up around the edges. As soon as the pressure eases, he instantly returns to his previous form, ready for new jumps. The rubber ball, work, constantly reminds us that there is always some way out. You just need to find it.

Ball number four is faith. It is made of gold. It is heavy and bright, flooding the rest of the balls with light. When it falls, it leaves a dent, but remains in place, so that we can pick it up and throw it up again and again when we need to. The golden ball of faith has amazing property: if a dent forms on it, then further juggling somehow levels and smoothes it, as we continue to juggle, the defect disappears without leaving the slightest trace.

When we multitask and juggle, we endow at least some of the time with meaning. Juggling in particular brings us to the realization that time has meaning because it forces us to focus on one thing at a given moment. However, juggling becomes tedious and ultimately impractical. It becomes routine work. Think about your life: do you ever get tired of having to keep all the balls in the air? Maybe there is a better way?


Harmony is the best higher way, in order to understand it, I suggest immersing yourself in the world of music. Any written song consists of twelve notes. The only difference between the two songs is the order in which these notes are placed and the distribution of intervals between them. Some pieces of music emphasize only a few notes, such as the three fast Gs and long E-flats at the beginning of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5, which is probably the most recognizable tune of all time. From just twelve notes, the amazing music of Rachmaninov, Schubert, Bach, Paul McCartney, John Lennon and David Foster is composed. Beethoven's symphonies, Chopin's etudes, Vivaldi's violin concertos, Pachelbel's Canon and Rondo Mouret are all refreshing emotions. With the help of only twelve notes, these works fill us with delight, joy, sadness. Make you feel.

Since I am convinced that music is the embodiment of life, I sometimes say to my audience: “Imagine how wonderful your life would be if each of you, regardless of profession, considered himself a composer and had the opportunity to write a completely new composition every day. from the same twelve notes! How is the author of hits different from the author of one-day songs? The fact that one had an outstanding career, and the other just achieved success in songwriting. Meanwhile, both use the same twelve notes.

What is the difference between a great banker and a successful one, since they both have the same information about interest rates and the state of the economy? What is the difference between a meaningful sales champion and a successful sales professional, between a meaningful customer experience and a successful customer experience that meets the minimum requirements?

With regard to any situations and aspects of life, the answer will always be the same. The difference between a significant person who knows how to create harmony in everyday life and a successful person obsessed with balance comes down to determination, imagination and creativity. A significant person does not perform his duties thoughtlessly and mechanically, without forgetting his inner intention for a second, he saturates every moment with energy, breathing life and meaning into twelve lifeless notes. In other words, lives harmoniously. The songs begin with the melody we sing, but the harmony gives the melody originality, depth and color. Harmony describes the coordinated sound of two or more different tones that either repeat or complement the melodic line, or serve as an accompaniment to the melody, filling it with emotion. Harmony conveys this life and mental attitude, this energy, when we live in harmony, we do not just act, we sing.

The only difference between an outstanding and ineffective manager, a wonderful and mediocre military leader, cool and bad parent, a coach with many victories and a coach with only losses, a loving and troubled family, a real artist and an ordinary performer, is that for the first every moment life is filled with meaning and, in fact, is one and the same moment, capturing the penetrating projection of our attention and energy - our passion for what is happening here and now. It is not what we do that matters, but who we do it with; not how we do it, but why we do it; not what happens to us, but how we behave when it happens. Since harmony means living every moment as if it were our last, it goes far beyond the metaphors of work-life balance and juggling that most of us use to describe our everyday lives.

Passion, imagination and creativity

Harmony in music and in life includes three components at once: passion, imagination and creativity. When we focus fully on the present moment in order to achieve significance, we demonstrate a combination of these three things. Let's consider them in more detail.

If you have passion, you don't listen, you hear; do not have sex, but make love; do not touch, but feel; don't play a musical instrument, but become that instrument. Laugh louder, cry more hysterically, become more attached. Passion is an inner desire to always do more of everything, to experience absolutely everything that is possible, that is, to live a full life. In an interview with actor Peter Fonda (son of Henry Fonda), I asked him to name the most interesting person he had ever met. Peter told how, as a child, he lived with his sister Jane and his father in a coastal town in Spain. Due to the constant employment of his father on the set, the boy was left to his own devices and acutely felt loneliness. Once he became friends with an elderly gentleman - Pablo Picasso. The famous artist lived and worked right around the corner from Peter's house.

Peter often visited Picasso's studio, watching him swear in Spanish at the paint, dipping his hands into the cans and smearing it on the palette. He yelled, calling his work "ugly, worthless, useless, idiotic, ridiculous and cheap daub." Then, taking brushes and speaking respectfully in French, he praised the paint in a whisper as he applied it to the canvas: “You are so beautiful, refined. Amazing, amazing. I love you, je t'aime, je t'aime! Picasso cursed viciously in Spanish for what the paint was, but sincerely glorified in French what it had become. In every sense, Picasso's words embodied passion. Passion comes from the heart and embodies not what we do, but why and how we do it.

To have imagination means to be able to mentally imagine something, to show curiosity and spontaneity, to see more than others see, to read between the lines, to perceive reality not only with the eyes, but also with the inner eye, to go beyond the map, as Christopher Columbus did in 1492 . Imagination is when mind is above matter. It involves not changing reality, but improving it, revealing the potential inherent in us. Imagination manifests itself everywhere. After uniting scattered throughout North America From my six offices to one headquarters, I hired the amazing Laura to manage operations. After two months of work, convinced of her brilliant abilities, I suggested that she design her own business card. Laura agreed, but inquired about the title of her position. I replied that it doesn't matter, let him do what he wants. Five days later they brought ready-made business cards. They said: Laura Kalhera, Supreme Commander. Now that's imagination!

Seeing is not always believing: believing is seeing. Imagination is the ability to see the full and comprehensive potential in yourself and in every opportunity, looking at life from the heights of heaven. However, it is not just a matter of mental images. You can imagine a sound, a taste, a smell, a physical sensation, a feeling, or an emotion. By accustoming ourselves to the constant use of the imagination, we master the ability to combine all feelings, anticipate the future joys of life, proving the saying of Edgar Allan Poe: "Those who dream during the day comprehend much that eludes the one who dreams only at night."

Creativity is the ability to use tools in a new way in any field. Approaching creatively to this or that task, we turn the fruits of the imagination into something meaningful and of practical importance. We connect passion with the heart and mind and raise them to a level where they cannot exist separately. Thomas Edison had passion and imagination, and in the process of creating a light bulb, he constantly reworked the products of their “joint creativity”. Experimenting with a thousand possibilities, as the old but still relevant fable goes, Edison failed more often than others ever tried, and eventually failure led to success. My friend Bill Dore said, “If you keep living in the past, your life will become history. Create the future from the future. When Edison tried to invent the light bulb, he didn't improve on the candle."

Let me reiterate: passion, imagination and creativity are not mutually exclusive qualities cultivated in a certain order, one after the other. These are synchronously manifesting properties that feed each other and contribute to our progress towards the goal. Significant people understand that they are obliged to give vent to the three mentioned properties at work, in family and public life and on vacation.

According to the Nielsen Company, the average person watches TV for six and a half hours a day. In my interviews, I found that successful people reduced their TV viewing to three hours, and significant people to two, spending the rest of their time studying. foreign languages, painting or sculpting, playing a musical instrument, reading books, studying at a local college, listening to motivational CDs, or doing charity work. In other words, passion, imagination and creativity encourage us to not waste a single moment, so that every moment serves to achieve our goal and help us grow, improve and reach our potential. Without forgetting the three components, feeling harmony every moment of our lives, we are steadily approaching significance.

inspirational motivation

What about professional achievements? Does a harmonious life lead to significance, in which every minute is filled with meaning? The following is the story of a man who not only inspired enthusiasm in his career, but also created an environment in which others could do the same. Jack Johnson is a husband, father, grandfather, philanthropist and hero to all who know him. One of seventeen children, he grew up in the tiny town of Holden, Utah. After graduation high school moved to Southern California, where he met and subsequently married an incredibly intelligent, beautiful girl Ruth. In 1972, Jack founded his own company, A-Core, for diamond drilling and concrete cutting. The company, where there was only one employee - himself, grew into a multibillion-dollar international corporation with three hundred employees and ten offices. When I asked Jack to describe success in one word, the most important quality leader, he smiled and replied, “Faith. You must believe in yourself. Everything is possible if you only believe."

Digging deeper, I learned that the only way Jack thought he could get employees to believe in themselves was through inspiring motivation. In contrast to instructions and instructions, it awakens in every worker the desire to do right action. Coming to work in the morning, people do not just sit out their pants, they put a lot of emotions, passion, imagination and creativity into their actions, thanks to which they are able to achieve amazing results. Feeling like the masters of their work, they demonstrate meaningful behavior that comes from within, bringing it into line with their own goals.

In December 2006, Jack paid $323,000 in bonuses to employees. Instead of paying out the money to the insurance companies, he gave it to his people as a reward for their loyalty and quality work. Jack inspires the company's truck drivers to believe they can drive better and cleaner. If for a whole year they never have an accident, each driver receives a thousand dollars. In this way, Jack managed to create an almost perfect accident-free transportation department. Drivers don’t just turn the steering wheel, they drive harmoniously, remain extremely attentive, come up with new ways to do better work, take pride in their achievements, and generally demonstrate passion and interest in their work every day.

Jack runs other corporate incentive programs, including health care. He knows that workers who are in good physical shape are capable of more productive work and are less likely to get sick. He cannot force people to play sports, lose excess weight or quit smoking, so encourages them to believe in themselves by paying big bonuses for every kilo they lose. Jack also pays $1,000 to anyone who quits smoking, plus an additional $1,000 for each year without cigarettes. No wonder A-Core has no staff turnover. Employees of the company received the right to give vent to their personality. They go in for sports and refuse cigarettes because they want it, all their actions are charged with positive energy. They feel the strength and ability to strive for new heights, put their whole soul into their duties and take on additional workloads. Employees attach special meaning and importance to the time spent at work, and this sentiment extends to family life. Passion, imagination and creativity are not the exception for them, but the rule!

It should be added that Jack tries to choose people who are energetic and purposeful and does not get rid of them if they happen to go astray. A few years ago, one of his employees was arrested for drug use and a crime and spent several years in prison. After his release, he came to Jack in the hope of getting a job and starting a new life. Overjoyed at the opportunity to help him and his family, Jack accepted him back. Now, two years later, this man is the heart and soul of the store, always cheerful, positive, enthusiastic and undoubtedly one of the most charismatic, creative and inspiring leaders in the company. Today, Jack employs ten people who have had problems with the law in the past, and each of them turned out to be a brilliant employee. They believe in themselves, putting passion, imagination and creativity into every minute of their lives because Jack believes in them.

In 2006, Jack nearly died of appendicitis. I do not know a single person for whom so many people prayed so sincerely, so deeply concerned about his health. At the time of this writing, Jack has given away millions of dollars in bonuses and incentive programs to his beloved employees, whom he treats like family. I have warm feelings for this man and I am proud to be his friend.

Successful people strive to achieve balance in everything. Significant personalities live in accordance with the highest all-encompassing law of harmony, do not split up time either through multitasking or juggling, instead they live every moment meaningfully, putting their soul into it and guided by their inner purpose. They act consciously, knowing that the quality and quantity of time is the price we pay for relationships. Moreover, significant individuals achieve harmony through the perfect fusion of passionate love, creative service, and creative work. Aligning inner goals with their actions, they open the way to a spiritual, emotional existence, turning their lives into an orchestral masterpiece, an ear candy not only for themselves, but for all who hear it. Until we learn how to use opportunities to achieve goals that we consider important and meaningful, trying to become more organized and bring balance to life will remain a waste of time and a source of constant frustration.

1. Remember successful person with which you are personally familiar or know enough about. (Have you thought about yourself? If not, why not? Does anyone think of your name?) List ten qualities, qualities, and characteristics that you think make him successful. Now name a significant person. Make a second list of ten qualities, attributes, and characteristics that make this person's life meaningful. Are there qualities that are on both lists? What exactly? Do you have them? Can you develop them in yourself?

2. Choose one of those qualities, properties and characteristics that are on both lists, and make it a rule throughout the day to "implement" it in all thoughts and actions. Use it consciously to find more meaning in work, more passion in marriage, more imagination in parenting, more creativity in community service, so that everyone helps each other build a meaningful life. The next day, choose a different quality from the list. And so on. Go through the entire list (if necessary again) for thirty days.

3. Study the two persons chosen in the first task and try to find out what matters most to them. Then make your own list of what matters most to you. Significant people are sure to list factors such as: spouse, true love, spirituality, children, self-respect, education, job satisfaction, financial stability, health and fitness, independence, quality of life, and peace of mind.

4. Since harmony is a state of mind that needs constant reinforcement, small everyday reminders will help you. Buy a pack of 8×12 cards and write the following statements on them. Hang the cards in three different places where they will be constantly in your sight, reminding you that every moment should be filled with meaning, in other words, cultivating and feeling harmony is a choice that depends only on you.

“Today you have never been so mature. And today you will never be so young again. The present moment is of great importance because there are no ordinary moments, only incredible opportunities. Whatever your past, your future is flawless."

“When we define ourselves by what we do and not by who we are, we become not just human beings, but acting people. This is how it should be if we strive for significance.”

“The word yes ensures success. The word “no” gives us time and opportunity to improve and enjoy meaning.”

Kurysheva B., 2nd year student

Great philosopher - Epicurus,

He unfolded his thoughts about the atom,

What became clear - the atoms are different,

The shape and weight are not common.

Man is made up of all the atoms,

There is also a soul, attributed to the century.

With the death of a man, let everyone know

The soul, dispersed into atoms, disappears.

But in general, life, philosophers believe -

The pursuit of happiness.

The gods are resting!

And people can agree among themselves

Live peacefully and strive for harmony!

In Ancient Greece spontaneously ...

Zakharova N., 2nd year student

BC to the seventh century

Man became smarter

AT Ancient Greece spontaneously

Materialism has developed strongly.

Thales was at the origins,

Anaximander was the smartest:

He discovered that apeiron

From the beginning of all time

Was primary matter

Unlimited in motion

It all starts with him

Everything returns to it.

Thales claimed - water,

It was the beginning of all things.

Anaximander thought -

The beginning is air, ideal.

Aristocrats to torment

This is a new teaching!

Leucippus and Democritus of Abdera

Developed thoughts very boldly

That the world is open to them

It is made up of atoms.

Democritus was a follower of Heraclitus

Belyakova M. A., 2nd year student

Democritus was a follower of Heraclitus.

He was a great philosopher. Many centuries have passed since

But we are still studying the judgments of Democritus.

The reason for the movement of the body is the soul

The soul is material and also mortal.

Soul around, soul everywhere

When you breathe, your soul is in you.

The dead also have a soul, but not much.

He doesn't breathe anymore, he's already dead.

The rest of the soul is enclosed in his body.

Now let's talk about life purpose.

Do you want to know your purpose in life?

I will tell you a secret about this.

Calm mood

And devastation will not come to your house

I did not come up with the word "euthymia".

I will also tell you about the will, and I won't conceal anything.

The problem of will is solved, on the basis of the necessity of chance.

Nothing happens by accident, nothing passes sadly.

Oh Democritus, the great philosopher,

Through the years and centuries, what is there, millennia

Many of your thoughts have come down to our days, we know a lot now.

Serkunova E., 2nd year student

Glory to great minds, glory to pundits

Many of you and the world brought your teachings and have come down to us

The main idea is atomistic materialism

Atoms, particles in the void, move by themselves in the dark.

On the possibility of movement of a reliable value

The philosopher Democritus speaks to people.

Everything consists of two beginnings, more than one said about this

And we could say a lot about the birth of the Earth.

Thales said: there was water, water all around.

The beginning is that Love and Enmity

Fire and water about the teachings of Empedocles

We will always remind you.

A lot of different opinions

Didn't take away our doubts

Well, the disputes about the soul are so familiar to us already.

The soul is mortal or eternal,

You can argue - endlessly.

Divine, immortal...

Well, maybe it’s still mortal, it’s enclosed in the body,

And if you die, she dies. There is one truth in this.

The soul is the cause of all phenomena,

Admit it without a doubt.

We learned a lot

About the philosophers of the ancient country

Their ideas, their judgments were disturbing.

There were stormy disputes, everyone wanted to achieve the truth

Not many people have been able to reach the truth.

Epochs have flown by and centuries, we will remember them for a long time - forever.
