Magnesium, zinc and manganese for the prevention and treatment of allergic diseases. Alloy of the aluminum-magnesium-manganese system and a product from this alloy

Magnesium deficiency is primarily found on old leaves. Light green spots appear between the veins, and the edge of the leaf retains its natural color for some time. Then the leaf between the veins will turn completely yellow and become covered with brownish-black spots, and subsequently part of such a leaf will die off.

Which element is missing: nitrogen, magnesium or manganese?

Sometimes it's hard to discern signs of deficiency different elements nutrition, especially early stages plant development. This applies to the lack of nitrogen, magnesium and manganese. In all three cases, the color of the plants will become lighter at first. However, there are signs due to which they can still be distinguished. The lack of nitrogen is evidenced by the light, yellow-green color of the leaves of the whole bush. In the early stages, lack of manganese, the same color change is only visible on the upper leaves. Magnesium deficiency is manifested by the fact that the leaves become yellow-green, but only between the veins.

The photo shows early signs of magnesium deficiency.

Prevention of magnesium deficiency

Magnesium is vital for normal plant development. One of its functions is the production of chlorophyll. Magnesium deficiency is most common in acidic sandy loamy soils, as well as in calcareous heavy loamy soils, especially if these soils have a poor structure. Application a large number potash fertilizers also often lead to a lack of magnesium. The normal magnesium content is 75 mg MHO per kilogram of light and sandy loam, and 60 - 120 mg MgO per kilogram clay soil or black soil.

Different varieties react very differently to magnesium deficiency. An early deficiency of magnesium, manifested in the first half of the season, is replenished with several foliar applications (spraying) of fertilizers containing magnesium. If there is a lack of magnesium in light and sandy soil, soil analysis will show it after harvesting the predecessor crop. in clay and chernozem soil rarely enough magnesium.

Trace elements: watch out for manganese

Ware and seed potatoes are rarely deficient in micronutrients.
Sometimes a lack of manganese is found in lime-clay and loamy rocks. The lighter the soil and the higher its pH, the more likely it is deficient in manganese.
Fungicides containing mancozeb and used to control late blight also have manganese in their composition.

The benefits of liquid organic fertilizer

Applying a liquid organic fertilizer in the spring helps save a lot on fertilizer. However, in this case, a careful analysis of the composition of the liquid organic fertilizer will have to be done in order to accurately calculate the additional amount of nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizers that will need to be applied.

As a result of decomposition and separation of organic fertilizer, products are obtained best quality and consistency; these products are also easier to apply. Organic fertilizer should provide no more than half of the nitrogen needs of potatoes, since organic fertilizer complicates the optimal feeding of seed potatoes with nitrogen from an indeterminate level of mineralization in the organic fraction.

To correctly calculate the dose of liquid organic fertilizer, find out how much nitrogen and phosphorus it contains. This issue should also be discussed with the supplier, although the nitrogen content in different batches of organic fertilizer can vary greatly. Order a well-mixed fertilizer, preferably from one hole. A homogeneous product makes it possible to avoid many problems.

Application of liquid organic fertilizer under seed potatoes?

Mud on arable land should only be applied in spring. This is easy to do when growing ware potatoes. The least damage to the soil structure will be caused if this fertilizer is applied between planting and hilling. Upper layer soil, and the base is usually dry enough by this time. Exists technical possibility and economic feasibility of applying fertilizers in one step.

In sandy and peaty soils, liquid organic fertilizer can also be applied before shaping the ridges for planting, but this often delays the start of planting. The soil dries quickly enough for plowing and planting, but remains too wet for a long time to support the weight of the fertilizer tank and the spraying and digging equipment.

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Manganese is an element of a side subgroup of the seventh group of the fourth period of the periodic system of chemical elements of D. I. Mendeleev, with atomic number 25. It is denoted by the symbol Mn (lat. manganum).

The history of the discovery of manganese

Renowned naturalist and writer ancient rome Pliny the Elder pointed to the miraculous ability of black powder to lighten glass. For a long time this substance, which gives a black powder when crushed, has been called pyrolusite, or manganese dioxide. Vanocchio Biringuccio also wrote about the ability of pyrolusite to clean glass in 1540. Pyrolusite is the most important ore for producing manganese, a metal used mainly in metallurgy.

From the word "magnesia" got their names manganese and magnesium. The origin of the name of two chemical elements from the same word is explained by the fact that pyrolusite was opposed to white magnesia for a long time and was called black magnesia. After obtaining the metal in its pure form, manganese was renamed. The name was based on the Greek word "manganese", which meant to purify (a hint of its use in antiquity as a "cleaner" of glass). Some researchers believe that the name of the element comes from the Latin word "magnes" - a magnet, since pyrolusite, from which manganese is extracted, was considered in antiquity to be a kind of substance that is now called magnetic iron ore.

Manganese was discovered in 1774 by the Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele. True, neither manganese, nor molybdenum, nor tungsten was isolated by Scheele in its pure form; he only pointed out that the minerals he studied contained these new elements. Element No. 25 was discovered in the mineral pyrolusite MnO 2 · H 2 O, known to Pliny the Elder. Pliny considered it a kind of magnetic ironstone, although pyrolusite is not attracted by a magnet. Pliny explained this contradiction.

In the manuscripts of the famous alchemist Albert the Great (XIII century), this mineral is called "magnesia". In the XVI century. the name "manganese" is already found, which, perhaps, was given by glassmakers and comes from the word "manganidzein" - to clean.

When Scheele was investigating pyrolusite in 1774, he sent samples of this mineral to his friend Johan Gottlieb Hahn. Gan, later professor, eminent chemist of his time, he rolled balls from pyrolusite, adding oil to the ore, and heated the pyrolusite strongly in a crucible lined with charcoal. Metal balls were obtained, weighing three times less than ore balls. It was manganese. The new metal was first called "magnesia", but since white magnesia, magnesium oxide, was already known at that time, the metal was renamed "magnesium"; this name was adopted by the French Commission on Nomenclature in 1787. But in 1808 Humphry Davy discovered magnesium and also called it "magnesium"; then, in order to avoid confusion, manganese began to be called "manganum. »

In Russia, pyrolusite was called manganese for a long time, until in 1807 A.I. Scherer did not propose to call the metal obtained from pyrolusite manganese, and the mineral itself was called black manganese in those years.

The prevalence of manganese in nature

Manganese is the 14th most abundant element on Earth, and after iron, it is the second heavy metal found in the earth's crust (0.03% of total number atoms of the earth's crust). In the biosphere, manganese migrates vigorously under reducing conditions and is inactive in an oxidizing environment. Manganese is most mobile in the acidic waters of the tundra and forest landscapes, where it is in the form of Mn 2+ . The manganese content here is often elevated and cultivated plants in some places suffer from an excess of manganese. The weight content of manganese increases from acid (600 g/t) to basic rocks (2.2 kg/t). It accompanies iron in many of its ores, but there are also independent deposits of manganese. Up to 40% of manganese ores are concentrated in the Chiatura deposit (Kutaisi region). Manganese scattered in rocks is washed out by water and carried away to the World Ocean. At the same time, its content sea ​​water insignificantly (10 -7 -10 -6%), and in the deep parts of the ocean its concentration increases to 0.3% due to oxidation by oxygen dissolved in water with the formation of water-insoluble manganese oxide, which in hydrated form (MnO 2 x H 2 O) and sinks into the lower layers of the ocean, forming the so-called iron-manganese nodules at the bottom, in which the amount of manganese can reach 45% (they also contain impurities of copper, nickel, cobalt). Such concretions may become a source of manganese for industry in the future.

This metal is distributed about the same as sulfur or phosphorus. Rich deposits of manganese ores are found in India, Brazil, West and South Africa.

In Russia, it is an acutely scarce raw material, the following deposits are known: Usinskoye in the Kemerovo region, Polunochnoye in the Sverdlovsk region, Porozhinskoye in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Yuzhno-Khinganskoye in the Jewish Autonomous Region, Rogachevo-Taininskaya area and Severo-Taininskoye » field on Novaya Zemlya.

Obtaining manganese

The first metallic manganese was obtained by reducing pyrolusite with charcoal: МnО 2 + C → Mn + 2CO. But it was not elemental manganese. Like its neighbors on the periodic table - chromium and iron, manganese reacts with carbon and always contains an admixture of carbide. This means that pure manganese cannot be obtained using carbon. Now, three methods are used to obtain metallic manganese: silicothermic (reduction by silicon), aluminothermic (reduction by aluminum) and electrolytic.

The most widely used aluminothermic method, developed in late XIX in. In this case, it is better to use not pyrolusite, but manganese oxide Mn 3 O 4 as a manganese raw material. Pyrolusite reacts with aluminum with the release of such a large amount of heat that the reaction can easily become uncontrollable. Therefore, before restoring pyrolusite, it is fired, and the already obtained nitrous oxide is mixed with aluminum powder and set on fire in a special container. The reaction 3Mn 3 O 4 + 8Al → 9Mn + 4Al 2 O 3 begins - fast enough and does not require additional costs energy. The resulting melt is cooled, brittle slag is chipped off, and the manganese ingot is crushed and sent for further processing.

However, the aluminothermic method, like the silicothermic method, does not produce high purity manganese. It is possible to purify aluminothermic manganese by sublimation, but this method is inefficient and expensive. Therefore, metallurgists have long been looking for new ways to obtain pure metallic manganese and, of course, primarily hoped for electrolytic refining. But unlike copper, nickel, and other metals, the manganese deposited on the electrodes was not pure: it was contaminated with oxide impurities. Moreover, the result was a porous, fragile, inconvenient metal for processing.

Many famous scientists have tried to find optimal mode electrolysis of manganese compounds, but without success. This problem was also solved in 1919 by the Soviet scientist R.I. Agladze (now a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR). According to the electrolysis technology he developed, from chloride and sulfate salts, a rather dense metal is obtained, containing up to 99.98% of element No. 25. This method formed the basis industrial production metallic manganese.

Outwardly, this metal is similar to iron, only harder than it. It oxidizes in air, but, like aluminum, the oxide film quickly covers the entire surface of the metal and prevents further oxidation. Manganese reacts rapidly with acids, forms nitrides with nitrogen, and carbides with carbon. In general, a typical metal.

Physical properties of manganese

The density of Manganese is 7.2-7.4 g/cm 3 ; t pl 1245 °C; t bale 2150 °C. Manganese has 4 polymorphs: α-Mn (body-centered cubic lattice with 58 atoms per unit cell), β-Mn (body-centered cubic with 20 atoms per cell), γ-Mn (tetragonal with 4 atoms per cell) and δ-Mn ( cubic body-centered). Transformation temperature: α=β 705 °С; β=γ 1090 °С and γ=δ 1133 °С; α-modification is fragile; γ (and partly β) is plastic, which is important when creating alloys.

The atomic radius of Manganese is 1.30 Å. ionic radii (in Å): Mn 2+ 0.91, Mn 4+ 0.52; Mn7+ 0.46. Other physical properties of α-Mn: specific heat (at 25°C) 0.478 kJ/(kg K) [t. e. 0.114 kcal/(g °C)]; temperature coefficient of linear expansion (at 20°C) 22.3·10 -6 deg -1; thermal conductivity (at 25 °C) 66.57 W/(m K) [t. e. 0.159 cal/(cm sec °C)]; specific volumetric electrical resistance 1.5-2.6 microhm m (i.e. 150-260 microhm cm): temperature coefficient of electrical resistance (2-3) x 10 -4 deg -1 . Manganese is paramagnetic.

Chemical properties of manganese

Manganese is quite active, when heated, it interacts vigorously with non-metals - oxygen (a mixture of manganese oxides of different valence is formed), nitrogen, sulfur, carbon, phosphorus and others. At room temperature, manganese does not change in air: it reacts very slowly with water. It dissolves easily in acids (hydrochloric, dilute sulfuric), forming salts of divalent manganese. When heated in a vacuum, manganese easily evaporates even from alloys.

When oxidized in air, it is passivated. Powdered manganese burns in oxygen (Mn + O 2 → MnO 2). When heated, manganese decomposes water, displacing hydrogen (Mn + 2H 2 O → (t) Mn (OH) 2 + H 2), the resulting manganese hydroxide slows down the reaction.

Manganese absorbs hydrogen, with increasing temperature its solubility in manganese increases. At temperatures above 1200 °C, it interacts with nitrogen, forming nitrides of various composition.

Carbon reacts with molten manganese to form Mn 3 C carbides and others. It also forms silicides, borides, phosphides.

It reacts with hydrochloric and sulfuric acids according to the equation:

Mn + 2H + → Mn 2+ + H 2

With concentrated sulfuric acid, the reaction proceeds according to the equation:

Mn + 2H 2 SO 4 (conc.) → MnSO 4 + SO 2 + 2H 2 O

Manganese is stable in alkaline solution.

Manganese forms the following oxides: MnO, Mn 2 O 3 , MnO 2 , MnO 3 (not isolated in the free state) and manganese anhydride Mn 2 O 7 .

Mn 2 O 7 in normal conditions dark green liquid oily substance, very unstable; in a mixture with concentrated sulfuric acid ignites organic substances. At 90 °C Mn 2 O 7 decomposes with an explosion. The most stable oxides are Mn 2 O 3 and MnO 2 , as well as the combined oxide Mn 3 O 4 (2MnO·MnO 2 , or Mn 2 MnO 4 salt).

When manganese (IV) oxide (pyrolusite) is fused with alkalis in the presence of oxygen, manganates are formed:

2MnO 2 + 4KOH + O 2 → 2K 2 MnO 4 + 2H 2 O

Manganate solution has a dark green color. When acidified, the reaction proceeds:

3K 2 MnO 4 + 3H 2 SO 4 → 3K 2 SO 4 + 2HMnO 4 + MnO(OH) 2 ↓ + H 2 O

The solution turns crimson due to the appearance of the anion MnO 4 - and a brown precipitate of manganese hydroxide (IV) precipitates from it.

Permanganic acid is very strong, but unstable, it cannot be concentrated to more than 20%. The acid itself and its salts (permanganates) are strong oxidizing agents. For example, potassium permanganate, depending on the pH of the solution, oxidizes various substances, being reduced to manganese compounds of different oxidation states. In an acidic environment - to manganese (II) compounds, in a neutral one - to manganese (IV) compounds, in a strongly alkaline environment - to manganese (VI) compounds.

When calcined, permanganates decompose with the release of oxygen (one of the laboratory methods for obtaining pure oxygen). The reaction proceeds according to the equation (for example, potassium permanganate):

2KMnO 4 →(t) K 2 MnO 4 + MnO 2 + O 2

Under the action of strong oxidizing agents, the Mn 2+ ion passes into the MnO 4 − ion:

2MnSO 4 + 5PbO 2 + 6HNO 3 → 2HMnO 4 + 2PbSO 4 + 3Pb(NO 3) 2 + 2H 2 O

This reaction is used for the qualitative determination of Mn 2+

When alkalinizing solutions of Mn (II) salts, a precipitate of manganese (II) hydroxide precipitates from them, which quickly turns brown in air as a result of oxidation.

The use of manganese in industry

Manganese is found in all types of steel and cast iron. The ability of manganese to give alloys with most known metals is used to obtain not only different varieties manganese steel, but also a large number of non-ferrous alloys (manganins). Of these, alloys of manganese with copper (manganese bronze) are especially remarkable. It, like steel, can be hardened and at the same time magnetized, although neither manganese nor copper show noticeable magnetic properties.

The biological role of manganese and its content in living organisms

Manganese is found in the organisms of all plants and animals, although its content is usually very low, on the order of thousandths of a percent, it has a significant impact on vital activity, that is, it is a trace element. Manganese affects growth, blood formation, and gonadal function. Beet leaves are especially rich in manganese - up to 0.03%, and large amounts of it are found in the organisms of red ants - up to 0.05%. Some bacteria contain up to several percent manganese.

Manganese actively affects the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The ability of manganese to enhance the action of insulin and maintain a certain level of cholesterol in the blood is also considered important. In the presence of manganese, the body uses fats more fully. Cereals (primarily oatmeal and buckwheat), beans, peas, beef liver and many bakery products are relatively rich in this trace element, which practically replenish the daily human need for manganese - 5.0-10.0 mg.

Do not forget that manganese compounds can have a toxic effect on the human body. The maximum permissible concentration of manganese in the air is 0.3 mg/m 3 . With severe poisoning, damage to the nervous system is observed with a characteristic syndrome of manganese parkinsonism.

Production volumes of manganese ore in Russia

Marganetsky GOK - 29%

The deposit of manganese ores was discovered in 1883. In 1985, the Pokrovsky mine began mining ore on the basis of this deposit. With the development of the mine and the emergence of new quarries and mines, the Marganetsky GOK was formed.
The production structure of the plant includes: two open-pit mining of manganese ore, five mines for underground mining, three processing plants, as well as the necessary auxiliary shops and services, incl. repair and mechanical, transport, etc.

Ordzhonikidzevsky GOK - 71%

The main type of manufactured products is manganese concentrate of various grades with pure manganese content from 26% to 43% (depending on grade). By-products - expanded clay and sludge.

The enterprise extracts manganese ore from the ore fields assigned to it. The ore reserves will last for more than 30 years. Reserves of manganese ore in Ukraine in total for Ordzhonikidzevsky and Manganese mining and processing plants make up one third of all world reserves.

Intravenous infusions of magnesium sulfate have long been used in the emergency treatment of asthmatic attacks. The fact is that magnesium ions have the properties of calcium channel antagonists and due to this they have a pronounced bronchodilatory effect. In turn, this suggests the presence of similar properties in oral magnesium preparations. To date, several clinical studies have shown an improvement in clinical and spirographic parameters in patients with bronchial asthma taking oral magnesium preparations, and, very importantly, a decrease in overall allergic reactivity according to skin allergy tests. The latter fact suggests that it affects not only directly the smooth muscles of the bronchi, but also the mechanism of allergy itself.

The average therapeutic dose of magnesium is 400-600 mg per

zinc for allergies

Zinc. To date, there is no clear experimental and clinical evidence of a direct anti-allergic effect of a. However, epidemiological studies show that patients with deficiency of a have a significantly higher risk of developing asthma and atopic dermatitis, and mothers with low intake of this mineral during pregnancy have an increased risk of developing allergic diseases respiratory organs in their offspring. In allergic neonates, high a intake during the first two years of life was associated with a reduced risk of atopic eczema. In addition to the antioxidant action (it is part of the most important antioxidant a superoxide dismutase), the antiallergic effect of a may be due to its immunomodulatory properties, namely, by restoring the balance between Th1 and Th2 lymphocytes, the shift of which in one direction or another entails a chain of inflammatory and allergic disorders. In addition, do not forget that it plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the skin and epithelial integument (including bronchial epithelium), damage to which, as we said above, is one of possible conditions development of allergic reactions.

The average therapeutic dose is 20–30 mg per day.

manganese for allergies

Manganese. Manganese, as well as is the most important antioxidant mineral and is part of the dependent superoxide dismutase. It is this type of a that plays a key role in protecting the respiratory organs from free radical damage. At least, it is its activity that is most elevated in smokers, as well as those exposed to industrial pollutants. As evidenced by epidemiological studies, low consumption of manganese and its low content in the body are one of the most important risk factors for allergic respiratory diseases. In addition, in Soviet medicine, much attention was paid to the relationship between allergic skin diseases (atopic dermatitis and eczema) and the metabolism of manganese in the body. It is interesting to note that

The invention relates to the field of metallurgy, in particular to the compositions of thermally non-hardened wrought aluminum alloys of the aluminum-magnesium-manganese system with a magnesium content of more than 3% by weight. The alloy can be used in the production of mainly thin sheets used for subsequent stamping and bending for the production of products such as container elements, can lids, can keys, as well as for welded and non-welded structural elements in shipbuilding, construction, and the automotive industry. Proposed alloy based on aluminum and a product made from it, containing the following components, wt. %: magnesium 3.0-5.8, manganese 0.1-1.0, titanium 0.005-0.15, iron - up to 0.5, silicon - up to 0.4, chromium - up to 0.3, zinc - up to 0.4, copper - up to 0.25, at least one element selected from the group including nickel and cobalt, 0.0005-0.25, at least one element selected from the group including boron and carbon, 0.00001-0.05, aluminum and admissible impurities - the rest, while the total content of manganese, chromium, titanium and nickel and / or cobalt does not exceed 1.1. The technical result of the invention is that the claimed alloy and the product made from it have improved mechanical properties, as well as formability and corrosion resistance, which makes it possible to increase the service life of products, expand the range of manufactured products, and reduce labor costs for their manufacture. 2 s. and 6 z.p. f-ly, 3 tab.

The invention relates to the field of metallurgy, in particular to the compositions of thermally non-hardened wrought aluminum alloys of the aluminum-magnesium-manganese system with a magnesium content of more than 3% by weight. The alloy can be used in the production of mainly thin sheets used for subsequent stamping and bending into products, such as container elements, can lids, can keys, as well as for welded and non-welded structural elements in shipbuilding, construction, and the automotive industry. Alloys aluminum-magnesium-manganese systems have relatively low strength values, but high ductility and corrosion resistance in the annealed state, they are well welded, all types of semi-finished products (sheets, plates, profiles, stampings) are made from them, and due to this combination of properties they are widely used in various branches of technology. The only way to harden these alloys is cold deformation (work hardening), which increases strength but reduces ductility, formability, and corrosion resistance. Cold deformation also leads to the fact that during long-term storage of products or their low-temperature heating (for example, solar heating), the strength properties of these products decrease. . In Russia, these are: H - hard-worked, H1 - a quarter hard-worked, H2 - half-hard-worked, H3 - three-quarters hard-worked. Abroad, these are: H1 - strain-hardened, H2 - strain-hardened and partially annealed, H4 - strain-hardened and subjected to thermal stress during varnishing, paint or drying. Thin sheets from an alloy of the aluminum-magnesium-manganese system in hard-worked (H1) and hard-worked and partially annealed (H2 and H4) are widely used for the manufacture various products and structures. Such alloys, first of all, include domestic alloys AMg3, AMg4, AMg4.5, AMg5. GOST 4784-97 discloses an alloy of the aluminum-magnesium-manganese (AMg4) system containing the following components, wt.%: Magnesium 3.5-4.5 Manganese 0.2-0.7 Chromium 0.05-0.25 Iron Up to 0.5 Silicon Up to 0.4 Copper Up to 0.1 Zinc Up to 0.25 Titanium Up to 0.15 Aluminum H4 from this alloy have, on the one hand, insufficiently high strength values, and, on the other hand, low formability, which does not allow stamping complex-shaped products from it in this state. Patent RU 2156319 (C 22 C 21/08) discloses alloy of the aluminum-magnesium-manganese system for the production of rolled or drawn materials, containing the following components, wt.%: Magnesium 3.0-5.0 Manganese 0.5-1.0 Iron Up to 0.25 Silicon Up to 0.25 Zinc Up to 0.4 One or several elements from the group: Chrome Up to 0.25 Copper Up to 0.2 Titanium Up to 0.2 Zirconium Up to 0.2 Aluminum The rest, while Mn + 2 Zn> 0.75, and volume fraction the dispersoids of the material are more than 1.2%. Sheets of this alloy have a high strength of the welded joint and good weldability. The disadvantages of this alloy include the fact that thin cold-rolled sheets from this alloy in the state of H2 and H4 have insufficiently high strength, low formability and corrosion resistance, and sheets of this alloy in the states of H1, H2, H4, i.e. after work hardening or after work hardening and partial annealing, they lose their strength properties during aging or low-temperature heating, which leads to the appearance of tears in the products during sheet stamping, as well as early destruction during storage of products from this alloy due to corrosion damage and a decrease in strength, which, in turn, reduces the service life of products, limits the range of manufactured products, increases the complexity of their manufacture. curing (storage) products. group including nickel and cobalt, and at least one element selected from the group including boron and carbon, in the following ratio of components, wt.%: Magnesium 3.0-5.8 Manganese 0.1-1.0 Titanium 0.005-0 .15 Iron Up to 0.5 Silicon Up to 0.4 Chromium Up to 0.3 Zinc Up to 0.4 Copper Up to 0.25 At least one element selected from the group consisting of Nickel and cobalt 0.0005-0.25 selected from the group including Boron and carbon 0.00001-0.05 Aluminum and admissible impurities The rest, while the total content of manganese, chromium, titanium and nickel and / or cobalt does not exceed 1.1. In particular embodiments of the invention, the problem is also solved by the fact that the alloy additionally contains at least one element selected from the group including cerium, zirconium, vanadium, beryllium, hafnium, scandium and molybdenum up to 0.15 wt.% each and not more than 0.5 wt.% in total. The most favorable ratios for some elements in the alloy are as follows, wt.%: Magnesium 4.2-5.4Manganese 0.2-0.6Iron 0.1-0.3Silicon 0.05-0.18The content of admissible impurities in the alloy does not exceed, wt.% : lead, cadmium, bismuth, tin, indium, gallium, sodium, potassium, calcium, barium, fluorine, nitrogen, oxygen, lithium - 0.05%, hydrogen - 2.510 -5, sulfur - 0.005, niobium, tungsten, tantalum - 0.03, silver, yttrium - 0.15. thin sheet a thermally hardenable aluminum-based alloy made from the above alloy. The product can be a container element, in particular a can, for example, a lid, a key, a body. The product can be made welded, for example, part of a welded structure in shipbuilding, an element building structure in the form of lining, etc. The product can be applied on one or both sides protective covering, for example, lacquer, or the product can be laminated with plastic or painted. The essence of the invention is as follows. ) along the grain boundaries in the form of a continuous continuous grid, this leads to a decrease in strength properties, stamping, technological plasticity, corrosion resistance, in addition, the instability of the solid solution leads to the process of its further decomposition during long-term storage under storage conditions or during technological heating finished products and as a result, to a decrease in their properties, destruction and a reduction in service life. The composition of the proposed alloy is chosen in such a way that Co and/or Ni increase the solubility of Mg in Al. In this case, the stability of the solid solution of Mg in Al increases, and the stresses in the crystal lattice decrease. Therefore, the volume fraction of the α-phase (Al 3 Mg 2) released during annealing, process heating or aging (long-term storage) decreases, which leads to an increase in strength, corrosion resistance and increases the stability of properties during long-term aging. In addition, Co and/or Ni bind iron into more compact precipitates and more dispersed than Al 3 Fe particles of the AlFeCo and AlFeNi phase, which leads to an increase in processability (stampability) during cold deformation of sheets. Additives B and/or C form carbides and/or borides with elements such as Ti, Ni, Co, Fe. These particles serve as sites for the nucleation of the phase (Al 3 Mg 2) released during heating of the work-hardened sheet. Precipitation of the -phase on these particles or the particle/matrix interface reduces their amount released at the grain boundaries, which leads to an increase in technological plasticity, sheet stamping, and corrosion resistance. The presence in the alloy of one or more elements from the group: cerium, zirconium, vanadium , beryllium, hafnium, molybdenum, scandium in the indicated amounts leads to an improvement in the weldability of the alloy due to additional modification of the structure and a decrease in the degree of oxidation liquid metal in fusion welding. All this leads to the production of thin hard-worked and partially hard-worked sheets with higher values ​​of strength, formability (technological plasticity), corrosion resistance and reduces the effect of strength loss during long-term aging (storage), which leads to an increase in the service life of products, expands the range of manufactured products, reduces labor costs for their manufacture. Examples. Cast flat ingots with a cross section of 100500 mm, chemical composition which are given in Table 1. The ingots were homogenized at a temperature of 480-500C for 6 hours. into the cold one to a thickness of 1.8 mm, some of the sheets after additional annealing were rolled to a thickness of 0.3 mm, providing a work-hardened state. Partial annealing of all sheets 1.8 and 0.3 mm thick was carried out at a temperature of 100-150C for 10 hours. To simulate long-term storage of products and short technological heating, additional annealing of sheets 0.3 mm at 70C for 100 hours and aging at room temperature within 3000 hours. Except for the usual mechanical properties tensile strength, assessed the technological plasticity of sheets by bending tests (GOST 14019-80) and extrusion (stamping) according to the Eriksen method (GOST 10510-80) and resistance to stress corrosion cracking under bending according to GOST 9019-74. Mechanical and corrosion properties sheets are given in tables 2 and 3. As can be seen from the data given in table 2, the proposed alloy, compared with the known one, has strength properties higher by 20-60 MPa, while its technological plasticity and stamping are 1.5-2 times higher than the famous one. The resistance to corrosion cracking is also 2-3 times higher for the proposed alloy. From Table 3 it can be seen that after prolonged aging at room temperature for 3000 hours or simulating heating at 70C for 100 hours, the drop in strength properties of the known alloy is 50-80 MPa, and the proposed alloy has 10-25 MPa, which is 2-3 times less. Thus, the use of the proposed alloy allows you to increase the service life of products, expand the range of manufactured products, and reduce labor costs for their manufacture.


1. An aluminum-based alloy containing magnesium, manganese, titanium, iron, silicon, chromium, zinc, copper, aluminum and acceptable impurities, characterized in that it additionally contains at least one element selected from the group consisting of nickel and cobalt and at least one element selected from the group including boron and carbon in the following ratio of components, wt.%: Magnesium 3.0-5.8 Manganese 0.1-1.0 Titanium 0.005-0.15 Iron Up to 0.5 Silicon Up to 0 .4 Chromium Up to 0.3 Zinc Up to 0.4 Copper Up to 0.25 at least one element selected from the group including Nickel and cobalt 0.0005-0.25 at least one element selected from the group including Boron and carbon 0.00001-0 .05Aluminum and admissible impurities The rest, while the total content of manganese, chromium, titanium and nickel and / or cobalt does not exceed 1.1.2. An alloy according to claim 1, characterized in that it additionally contains at least one element selected from the group including cerium, zirconium, vanadium, beryllium, hafnium, scandium and molybdenum up to 0.15 wt.% each and not more than 0, 5 wt.% in total.3. An alloy according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that it contains magnesium, manganese, iron and silicon in the following ratio, wt.%: Magnesium 4.2-5.4 Manganese 0.2-0.6 Iron 0.1-0, 3Silicon 0.05-0.184. An alloy according to any one of claims 1-3, characterized in that the content of permissible impurities does not exceed, wt.%: lead, cadmium, bismuth, tin, indium, gallium, sodium, potassium, calcium, barium, fluorine, nitrogen, oxygen, lithium 0.05%, hydrogen 2.510 -5, sulfur 0.005, niobium, tungsten, tantalum 0.03, silver, yttrium 0.15.5. A product made of a thin sheet of a thermally non-hardenable aluminum-based alloy, characterized in that it is made of an alloy according to any one of claims 1 to 4.6. Product according to claim 5, characterized in that it is a container element. The product according to claim 6, characterized in that the container is a can. The product according to claim 5, characterized in that it is welded.

Belongs to the VII group. Located in the fourth period between chromium and iron. It has the 25th atomic number. Formula of manganese 3d 5 4s 2 .

It was opened in 1774. manganese atom weighs 54.938045. Contains the isotope 55Mn, and natural manganese consists entirely of it. The degree of oxidation of the metal ranges from 2 to 7. The electronegativity of Mn is 1.55. transition material.

Connections manganese 2 form oxide and dioxide. Displays the basic properties of an element. Education manganese 3 and manganese 4 have amphoteric properties. In metal combinations 6 and 7, properties are leading acid manganese. Element number 25 forms numerous types of salts and various binary compounds.

Manganese is mined everywhere both in Russia and in neighboring countries. In Ukraine there is a special Manganese - city located on numerous formations of manganese ore.

Description and properties of manganese

Silvery-white color with a slight gray tinge manganese. Compound The element has an admixture of carbon, which gives it a silvery white color. It surpasses iron in hardness and brittleness. In the form of fine abrasives, it is pyrophoric.

When interacting with air environment going on manganese oxidation. It is covered with an oxide film that protects it from subsequent oxidative reactions.

It dissolves in water, completely absorbs hydrogen without reacting with it. When heated, it burns in oxygen. Actively reacts with chlorine and sulfur. When interacting with acidic oxidizing agents, it forms manganese salts.

Density - 7200 kg / m3, melting t - 1247 ° C, boiling t - 2150 ° C. Specific heat capacity - 0.478 kJ. It has electrical conductivity. Contacting with chlorine, bromine and iodine forms dihalides.

At high temperatures interacts with nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon and boron. interacts slowly with cold water. In the process of heating, the reactivity of the element increases. At the output, Mn(OH)2 and hydrogen are formed. When manganese combines with oxygen, it forms manganese oxide. There are seven groups:

Manganese(II) oxide. Monoxide. Does not interact with water. Easily oxidized, forming a brittle crust. When heated with hydrogen and active group metals, it is reduced to manganese. Has green and gray-green color of crystals. Semiconductor.

Manganese (II, III) oxide. Brown-black crystals of Mn3O4. Paramagnetic. It occurs naturally as the mineral hausmanite.

Manganese oxide (II, IV). Inorganic compound Mn5O8. Can be considered as manganese orthomanganite. Does not dissolve in H 2 O.

Manganese (III) oxide. Brown-black crystals Mn2O3. Do not react with water. Found in natural environment in the minerals brownite, kurnakite, and bixbyite.

Manganese (IV) oxide or manganese dioxide MnO2. Water-insoluble dark brown powder. Stable formation of manganese. Contained in the mineral pyrolusite. Absorbs chlorine and salts of heavy metals.

Manganese(VI) oxide. Dark red amorphous element. Reacts with water. Completely decomposes when heated. Alkaline reactions form salt deposits.

Manganese(VII) oxide. Oily greenish-brown liquid Mn2O7. Strong oxidizer. Upon contact with combustible mixtures, it instantly ignites them. May explode from a shock, a sharp and bright flash of light, interaction with organic components. When interacting with H 2 O, it forms permanganic acid.

Salts of manganese are catalysts for oxidative processes involving oxygen. They are used in desiccants. Linseed oil with the addition of such a desiccant is called drying oil.

Application of manganese

Mn is widely used in ferrous metallurgy. Add alloy iron manganese(ferromanganese). The proportion of manganese in it is 70-80%, carbon 0.5-7%, the rest is iron and impurities. Element #25 in steelmaking combines oxygen and sulfur.

Mixes are used chromium - manganese, -manganese, silicon-manganese. In steel production, manganese alternative replacement no.

Chemical element performs many functions, including refining and deoxidizing steel. Widely used technology zinc manganese. The solubility of Zn in magnesium is 2%, and the strength of steel, in this case, increases to 40%.

In a blast mine, manganese removes sulfur deposits from cast iron. The technique uses ternary alloys of manganin, which includes manganese copper and nickel. The material is characterized by high electrical resistance, which is affected not by temperature, but by pressure force.

Used to make pressure gauges. The real value for the industry is copper alloy - manganese. Content manganese is 70%, copper 30%. It is used to reduce harmful industrial noise. In the manufacture of explosion packages for festive events, a mixture is used, which includes elements such as magnesium manganese. Magnesium is widely used in aircraft construction.

Some types of manganese salts, such as KMnO4, have found their way into the medical industry. Potassium permanganate refers to salts of permanganic acid. It has a dark purple appearance. It dissolves in the aquatic environment, coloring it purple.

It is a strong oxidizing agent. Antiseptic, has antimicrobial properties. manganese in water easily oxidized, forming a poorly soluble brown manganese oxide.

In contact with tissue protein, it forms compounds with pronounced astringent qualities. In high concentrations manganese solution has an irritating and cauterizing effect.

potassium manganese used to treat certain diseases and for first aid, and a bottle of potassium permanganate crystals is in every first aid kit.

Manganese is beneficial for human health. Participates in the formation and development of cells of the central nervous system. Promotes the absorption of vitamin B1 and iron. Regulates blood sugar. Involved in the construction of bone tissue.

Participates in the formation of fatty acids. Improves reflex abilities, memory, removes nervous tension, irritability. Absorbed in the intestinal walls manganese, vitamins B, E, phosphorus, calcium enhance this process, affect the body and metabolic processes in general.

Minerals essential for humans, such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, potassium, iron are added to vitamin-mineral complexes to eliminate vitamin deficiency.

Also trace elements zinc, manganese and iron play a huge role in plant life. They are part of phosphate and mineral fertilizers.

manganese price

Metallic manganese contains up to 95% pure manganese. It is used in the steel and metallurgical industry. Removes unnecessary impurities from steel and gives it alloying qualities.

Ferromanganese is used to deoxidize the alloy during the melting process by removing oxygen from it. Binds sulfur particles together, improving the quality characteristics of steel. Manganese strengthens the material, making it more wear resistant.

Metal is used to create ball mills, earth-moving and stone-crushing machines, armor elements. Rheostats are made from mangadin alloy. Element number 25 is added to bronze and.

A large percentage of manganese dioxide is consumed to create galvanic cells. with the addition of Mn, it is used in fine organic and industrial synthesis. MnO2 and KMnO4 compounds act as oxidizing agents.

Manganese is a substance irreplaceable in ferrous metallurgy. Unique in its physical and chemical characteristics. buy manganese possible in specialized outlets. Five kilograms of metal costs about 150 rubles, and a ton, depending on the type of connection, costs about 100-200 thousand rubles.
