What tool will you need to install interior doors. Tools and materials for installing an entrance metal door. Fastening platbands and additional strips

In order for the installation process interior doors went well it is important to choose right tool for its implementation. Today, many tools are available to make the job easier. The presence of some of them is not mandatory, but in any case, one cannot do without a certain set.

The right set of tools will greatly simplify the process of installing the door

Features of installation work

In order to understand what tools you will need to install interior doors, you should understand the very process of these works.

For the first experience, it may seem like a very dusty job. In fact, with proper organization of labor and the use of auxiliary devices, the amount of dirt can be reduced to a minimum.

The whole process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Removal old design. If necessary, the canvas is removed and the old frame is sawn out.
  2. Box installation. After pre-assembly and adjustment, the new box is fixed in the opening. Then all gaps are foamed.
  3. Aperture finish. Excess foam is cut off, the gaps are plastered and closed with platbands. Slopes are issued separately.
  4. Door and hardware installation. The hinges and the lock are inserted, the canvas is hung on the frame. Handles and additional fittings are also attached.

The main stages of installing an interior door

Necessary materials

In order for the installation work to be successful and not take much time, you need to prepare everything in advance necessary materials and stock up on tools for installing doors. Speaking specifically about consumables, the following can be distinguished:

  • Mounting foam. With its help, the gap between the wall and the box is filled, and it also provides sound and thermal insulation, depreciation when environmental conditions change, and reliable adhesion between materials.
  • Nails without caps. It is basically a way of connecting frame parts and with minimal visual defects.
  • Putty. It is used to mask defects on the wall, as well as to create a protective layer for foamed joints.
  • Serpyanka. Required for special difficult areas to be plastered, especially when it comes to depressions and wide joints.
  • Metallic profile. It is necessary for deriving even corners when finishing slopes.
  • Drywall. Another material that allows you to put in order the slopes in the opening.
  • Wooden wedges. it auxiliary materials for fixing the position of the box, installed between the wall and the frame before filling the gaps.
  • Struts. Hold the frame in position during expansion and drying polyurethane foam.
  • Dowel. They are driven into the wall to fix the position of the fasteners.
  • Bolts. The main fastener at.
  • Glue. Allows you to fix platbands and slopes without the use of nails.

List of materials needed to install the door

Required Tools

In order to work with the above materials, it is necessary to have at your disposal certain tools for installing doors. You can select a list of mandatory tools, without which it will be impossible to carry out such installation work:

  • Roulette. This is the main measuring tool, without which it is impossible to complete any construction process.
  • Level. Allows you to check the correct position of an element both vertically and horizontally.
  • Saw. It is used for cutting the elements of the box, extensions, platbands, etc. For metal, it is better to use a grinder.
  • Drill. Allows you to make holes in the wall for further fastening of the opening design elements, as well as in the door itself when installing fittings.
  • Chisel. It is used to remove a layer of material when inserting hinges, handles or locks.
  • A hammer. It is used for fixing platbands and fitting the elements of the loot.
  • Putty knife. With its help, plaster is applied and leveled when finishing the opening.

Basic tools needed to install an interior door

Which one else additional tool may be needed to install an interior door? The following devices can be distinguished:

  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • grater for plaster;
  • construction mixer;
  • wire cutters.

If you don't have the full arsenal of tools you need to install doors, some tools can be interchangeable, such as a screwdriver and a screwdriver or drill.

If you want to achieve the perfect result without excessive effort, prepare the maximum list of the devices described. Nevertheless, with knowledge and skill, you can get by with a minimum number of tools and this will not adversely affect the final work.

Hello, I am interested in the question, what tools will I need to install the doors?

You can install an interior door yourself if you have tools in your arsenal that allow you to perform all the work without the involvement of professionals.

Tools required for assembly and installation door frame
There are two ways to assemble the door frame by washing down vertical, horizontal racks. Connect the elements with self-tapping screws, proceed with installation in the opening. Installation can go quickly without problems. But there are situations that require improvements to the opening.

All stages are performed by the following tools:

For washing down corners - end a circular saw or a miter box with a hacksaw.

A miter saw and a miter box with a hacksaw are indispensable for washing down corners

To drill holes for self-tapping screws - a drill with a set of drills of the required diameter (according to the size of self-tapping screws).

Necessary tool for drilling holes for self-tapping screws

For screwing in self-tapping screws - a screwdriver with a set of bits or a Phillips screwdriver.

To screw in screws, you need a screwdriver or a set of screwdrivers

To install the box in the opening:

  • level;
  • foam gun;
  • mounting foam;
  • masking tape, so as not to stain the box;
  • screws and dowels.

Everything you need to install the box in the doorway

At all stages, you can not do without a pencil, tape measure, in order to correctly apply marks.

To properly mark, you will need a tape measure and a pencil.

If there are problems with the opening (it is smaller or larger in size), tools are used to correct the dimensions:

  • perforator;
  • Bulgarian;
  • a hammer;
  • nail puller;
  • chisel.

With these tools, you can increase or decrease the dimensions of the doorway

Using these items, you can increase the opening. To reduce the size, make additional inserts around the perimeter, foam or cement.

Many of the tools on the list are in the man's house. If something is missing, buy it. Useful on the farm.

The beauty of interior doors can be spoiled by unprofessional installation. To install, fix the box and decorative elements did not cause possible dissatisfaction with the result, it is important to choose the right tool.

In the arsenal of masters to perform these tasks, there is a large arsenal of devices and tools that greatly simplify the work and improve their quality. Nobody will deny that good tool and its competent use are the main condition for the successful installation of interior doors.

Mounting Features

Dismantling the old and installing a new box is accompanied by the formation a large number dust and debris. To cope with them, you need to prepare cleaning tools: buckets, a broom or brush, rags, a mop and a vacuum cleaner.

Installation process interior structures includes the stages of work at which it will be necessary various tool. The main steps are:

  • Dismantling of old interior doors. If the box remains old, the sash and platbands are removed. old frame cut out if necessary.
  • Box installation. The box is adjusted to the opening (or vice versa), assembled and fixed in it. Gaps are eliminated with foam and putty.
  • Decoration of the opening. The protruding sections of the foam are cut off, the plaster is cleaned with sandpaper. Slopes are formed and trimmed. Platbands are installed.
  • Interior doors are being installed. Hinges, locks are cut. The canvas is hung on the frame. Handles, linings are attached and other fittings are installed.

Everything you need to install interior doors can be conditionally divided into three groups: materials, electric and hand tools.

Expendable materials

The speed and quality of installation of interior doors depend on the quality of the consumables used. Materials are prepared in advance. It is better to buy in specialized stores. Installation will require the following:

  • Fasteners. It is necessary to purchase nails without hats, dowels and self-tapping screws.

They will be required for mounting the frame, hinges, extensions and trim. All kinds of fasteners should be with a large margin, so they are purchased in boxes.

  • Mounting foam. It will be required to blow out the cracks between the box and the wall. In addition, the foam will increase sound and heat insulation, as well as the adhesion of the box to the wall, therefore, its quality must be guaranteed to be high.
  • Putty. The mixture will be needed for sealing and grouting seams and irregularities.

You need to purchase from trusted suppliers, since the durability of the protective layer in the foamed areas depends on its quality.

  • Serpyanka. If the gaps are too wide, you can not do without it. Often it is necessary to plaster surfaces with complex relief. In such cases, the sickle allows you to achieve the required strength.
  • Metal corner. It is used when it is necessary to bring even corners on slopes.
  • Drywall. It will be needed for the design of slope planes.
  • Wooden wedges. To fix the frame in the opening, you need to have a dozen and a half small wedges. They are made from any wooden slats.
  • Struts. To keep the frame in the correct position until the foam is completely dry, spacers must be placed inside.
  • Liquid Nails. The fastening of platbands and slopes is often done using glue.

But that's not all. To make an opening you will need:

  • Solution container.
  • Master OK.
  • Several different sizes of brushes and rollers.
  • Grouting devices.

power tool

To install interior structures, the following set of electrical tools is used:

  • Perforator.

Installation of interior doors without this device is unthinkable. With it, holes are made for fastening the unit to the wall. The number of fasteners may vary depending on the mass of the structure and the characteristics of the opening.

  • Drill. Used for drilling holes for fasteners with self-tapping screws. The device must have a good chuck that provides high reliability of fixing the drill.

A drill that has not flown out of it in time can damage the structure or damage the health of the master.

  • Screwdriver. Screwing self-tapping screws and screws without a screwdriver requires a lot of time and effort. In addition, a quality tool allows you to drill holes without using a drill.
  • Electric jigsaw. The tool will be needed for cutting platbands.
  • Bulgarian. If the walls are too crooked, they and the architraves will need to be leveled. For this, a grinder is used.
  • Frazier. The tool is used for tapping hinges, locks, handles and eyes.
  • Electroplaner. To easily and quickly fit trims and trims, you need to have such a tool at hand.
  • End saw. The tool is used for cutting the bars of the box and platbands at an angle. You need to have it, but the thing is expensive and rarely used at home.

Hand tool

Marking, fitting, installation and fastening of interior doors must be performed by preparing the following tool:

  • Marker or pencil. The latter must be chosen one that will not scratch the surface. The sawing of the elements is carried out from the front side and if furrows from the pencil remain on it, the design will lose its appearance.
  • Roulette. To perform the necessary measurements, you need to use a tape measure with a minimum length of 3 meters to reduce the likelihood of errors.

  • Calipers. To determine the depth of the lock insert and mark up for fittings, you need to have such a tool with a depth gauge.
  • A set of chisels. The insertion of loops and overlays is carried out with chisels of different widths.
  • Building level. The bubble type instrument must be at least 50 cm long.
  • Plumb. Exhibition box in vertical plane must be done with level control.
  • Ruler. You need to use steel.
  • Metal square. You need to check the correctness of the catch exclusively with the help of it, and not by eye.
  • Miter box.
  • Mallet, hammer.
  • Screwdriver Set.
  • Saw.
  • Scrap (mount). Definitely required when removing the old box.
  • Foam gun.

On the video you can see the tool kit:

What tool you need to prepare for installing interior structures is understandable. The question is its quality. It is best to work with a professional. At worst, he should be High Quality manufacturing. He, of course, is expensive, but the pleasure of working with him is more expensive than money. Everything will be done quickly and quickly, and the end result will always be higher.

As a rule, such a tool is not purchased directly during the repair. Every man in the household should have it long before you decide to change or install interior doors. But if you decide to buy it just now, why not? It will have to be done sooner or later anyway.

Gone are the days when carpentry could be done with an ax, hammer and chisel. A self-respecting company that implements and installs, uses modern, professional tools.

To carry out high-quality, and sometimes filigree work, it is best to contact specialists who, without nails and self-tapping screws, will perform all work on. Experienced employees of the company "DM-Service" will qualitatively execute the order, using prof. tools created using the latest technologies. The range of works includes the installation of fittings, boxes, platbands, extensions (if necessary) and the canvas itself. Professionals use quality hand and power tools. To reduce the risk of damage to expensive materials, door panels, high-tech equipment is used.

Equipment for tapping door fittings:

  • manual electric milling cutter (with special equipment), convenient for cutting lock fittings, removing a layer of wood in the door frame and on the canvas, forming seats for hinges;
  • a drill is a more convenient and functional tool for drilling holes different diameter in the box, if there are feathers available, performs various operations.

For installation and adjustment of boxes (if necessary, we put extensions), platbands:

  • a puncher for increasing openings and installing anchors (the purchase of 2 tools, heavy and light, will not hurt);
  • miter saw with upper horizontal platform, for even cut bars and platbands at 45 or 90 degrees, a jigsaw and a hacksaw often “prick” the edge, making it uneven;
  • a circular saw is used to reduce the door in height (in the case when the opening is lower in height than the technological one), to cut the additional plank;
  • a screwdriver with various attachments greatly facilitates the process of tightening screws (in hinges, door handles, locks);
  • electric jigsaw, we use saws in places inaccessible for work;
  • a special gun for applying mounting foam (sealant).

For fastening platbands, many experts use liquid and finishing nails. We use micro-hairpins. They are fastened with a reliable, high-quality pneumatic tool, industrial grade- airgun. This installation of platbands is the most popular technology. If the size of the finishing nails is 1.5-3 mm, then the micro-stud is 0.64 mm. We use them for fastening platbands, glazing beads, overlays and fixing additional timber. Micro hairpin - reliable, inconspicuous fastening, without caps of nails and rivets. When used to perform carpentry robots, the door leaf looks monolithic.

Installation is carried out according to laser level- an accurate device with an error of 1 mm per 1 meter. The use of the device makes the work better.

Our specialists not only have professional tools, but also the skills to use them. When buying an interior door, contact professionals to install it so as not to be disappointed with a damaged product.

If you decide to do the installation of the interior door yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists, then you should prepare thoroughly for this matter. This is especially true of the availability of tools that will be required to install the door leaf. Installing interior doors with your own hands is not a difficult task, however, it is quite painstaking, and requires free space and all the necessary tools at hand. Especially if you took up the installation without professional skills and assistants.

The process of installing an interior door

The direct installation of the door leaf can be divided into several successive stages, each of which requires the use of the necessary installation tool.

Let us consider in more detail each of the stages, and also analyze what tools are needed to install interior doors on each of them:

  1. Mounting the retaining door frame.
  2. Fastening to the box and canvas of the accessories set.
  3. Finishing the finished doorway.

It is worth noting that for each of the stages of installing an interior door, completely different tools can be used, which is why their availability and readiness should be taken care of in advance.

Door frame installation

Installation starts first new door, is the mount box stage. AT this case You should have the following tools at hand for installing interior doors:

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At the first stage, installing the frame of the door frame of this tool will be enough; in addition, you may only need a saw or a hacksaw if you do not have an electric jigsaw.

Jigsaw design for mounting doors

Once all the tools are prepared, you can proceed with the installation of the door frame, if bearing walls interior doorway made of brick or other stone, then it will be very convenient to make holes in them for fastening with a puncher. Watch the video for an overview of the tool for installing interior doors.

Hardware installation

As soon as the installation stage of the box is completed, you can smoothly proceed to the preparation of the tool for hanging fittings and the subsequent installation of the door leaf. In this case, you will need to leave or add the following devices for installing interior doors:

  1. Pencil, tape measure, square, ruler in this case, we no longer need.
  2. A drill, a drill, a screwdriver, a saw and a foam gun - we still need these elements, so we don’t remove them far.
  3. Hammer and a set of chisels for additional work.

Installation door handle on interior door

Depending on the complexity of the fittings, this set can be reduced or additional small screwdrivers can be added to it, which may be required when installing the lock. In this case, we will analyze the use of each tool separately.

We will need a pencil and a measuring tool to mark and accurately measure the location of future fitting grooves and the place of attachment of the structure.

The insertion of the lock is carried out using a drill and a special drill in the form of a pen, which makes a uniform neat hole in the door leaf.

Drilling a hole for a lock in a door

A set of chisels and a hammer are used to prepare neat holes for door hinges. In this case, this tool is indispensable.

It should be noted that not always at hand is the entire essential tool which may be required for drilling holes. In this case, a screwdriver can replace a drill and screwdriver sets.

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Subsequent finishing of the opening

In the process of performing the work of the final stage, namely the fastening of the cashers, we will need the following tool, which you have previously used:

In this case, no special equipment is used; you can install an interior door with your own hands with only a few of the simplest tools at hand.

It is extremely convenient to prepare a solution with a perforator, since manual mixing of the mixture requires significant physical exertion. In addition, when using quality tool you will save a lot of time and, moreover, you will get a homogeneous mixture that will better lie on the wall surface.

The process of puttying the door slope

The solution is applied with a trowel and spatula. With help building level should evaluate and check how well the work is done. After the mixture dries, you can start painting. For this, a brush, roller and paint tray are used.

Final stage installation work- this is the fitting and fastening of the platbands. You can cut them to size hand saw on wood or electric jigsaw with the appropriate saw.
