financial mechanism. Market and market mechanism

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

One of the areas of fitness, which has recently come to Russia, but is rapidly gaining momentum, is pylon lessons(pole dance, pole dance). Correction of posture, improvement of the contours of the figure, weight loss - classes on the pylon, which include elements of sports acrobatics and dance, will help to achieve this.

Pole-dance as an alternative to aerobic exercise

Strict adherence to all kinds of diets guarantees only weight within the normal range. And for the beautiful tightened contours of the figure, the muscles are responsible, which can and should be forced to work, providing them with regular physical activity.

Pylon lessons will constantly keep literally all the muscles in good shape, and the ability to comprehend new acrobatic elements to incendiary music guarantees that you will not be bored.

Canada is considered the birthplace of pole dancing as a sport. This direction began to quickly gain popularity: first conquered the United States, then Australia, Europe and China. And this is not surprising, because pole training is a very dynamic sport, each training session is a discovery!

Fans of this growing fitness trend become not only the owners of a slender, toned figure. They are also distinguished by a beautiful posture, special plasticity and precise coordination of movements, self-confidence and artistry. Due to the fact that pole exercises combine a whole range of loads (cardio, strength plus choreographic component), changes in your appearance will become noticeable very soon. There are no strict restrictions on food - in one workout you will burn about 900 calories.

Pole lessons for beginners

It is a mistake to think that pole-dance is only for people in excellent physical shape. Engage on the pylon is within the power of even people without special physical training. And tightened muscles and the ability to control your body will come with time, the main thing is to continue training and not give up.

If the main purpose of coming to pole dance- this is weight correction, then it is better to start classes with a personal instructor. With it, the workout will be built in a cardio-strength key with an emphasis on burning calories. It makes sense to connect the choreographer a little later.

Strong muscles (calf muscles, muscles of the back and shoulder girdle are actively involved during classes) will allow you to wear high heels easily and naturally, while maintaining a proud posture.

Group pole lessons are also possible. This is a great way to loosen up and get rid of shyness. Only one nuance must be taken into account - it is unlikely that the instructor will be able to distribute his attention equally to all members of the group. The optimal number of workouts is three times a week. A standard session consists of stretching (15-20 minutes) and general strength training.

Dress assumes the presence of several sets:

For stretching - a T-shirt, long sweatpants and socks (clothing that retains body heat helps to quickly warm up the muscles);

To work on the pole - short tight shorts, a tight-fitting top, socks, leggings or Czechs.

To work on choreography - tight-fitting clothing (for example, leggings and a T-shirt); Clothing should emphasize the silhouette of the figure.

It should be noted that pole training is a rather traumatic sport. Therefore, you should not try to master complex tricks on your own. Even training with an experienced instructor does not promise that everything will go smoothly right away. The result of successful classes will be a spectacular dance, which includes elements such as twists, tricks and choreography around the pole.

Basic elements of pole-dance for beginners

In the first lessons, beginners are taught to feel the weight of their body and control it.

high chair- the first element for beginners to master. Just hold on to the pole with your hands, catching it with one foot.

Slingshot- hanging head down with legs wide apart. The basic element for subsequent tricks upside down.

Hang under the knee

half lotes- hanging in a vertical position. The pole is clasped with one leg bent at the knee.

Superman- hanging in a horizontal position. The body on the pylon is held by the legs and one hand. This trick can be used both in bundles and as an independent element.

plank- an element similar to "superman", only face up.

Embryo- holding the pylon with your feet, you roll around it in a pose reflected in the very name of the element.

Each simple element is a kind of base for reaching more complex elements.

There are several international organizations that unite all lovers of pole dancing. The main tasks of these associations are the development of pole-dance and the organization of competitions. The number of fans and those wishing to try themselves in this direction is steadily growing. Its worldwide popularity is already evidenced by the fact that Pole-dance is being seriously considered for inclusion in the list of Olympic sports.

Foundation is one of the two famous HTML/CSS/JS frameworks for front-end developers. And this is natural. In this article, we will explain what it is used for.

First for those who may be writing their own HTML but have never worked with a framework before:

Frameworks are basically large pieces of pre-written code that will help you get started on your projects faster. In the case of client-side code, HTML and CSS, this means you'll find things like grid layout, basic button styles, and commonly used UI elements in them. Larger frameworks may also include jQuery plugins.

They are not intended to be used as full site templates or themes, but are a set of blocks. You take what you need, change it according to the project and use it in your work. Frameworks mean that they need to be configured and tweaked a bit.

This can be a daunting task initially, as frameworks like Foundation and its main competitor Bootstrap are really huge. Each one contains thousands of lines of CSS . Before deciding to use any framework for your project, you need to evaluate how much time you will gain from it.

However, once you get used to the framework, using it can significantly reduce the amount of time you need to write markup and CSS code.

A bit of history

Foundation was originally conceived as just a general style guide with some commonly used codes. The guys at ZURB decided to speed up the prototyping process by taking some HTML codes and styles they used a lot and turning them into a framework. That's all. As a rule, this is how good things turn out. Someone needed something and he did it.

Over time, the developers decided that they got too a good product to use it exclusively for themselves, so they released version 2.0.0 for general use. They made everything responsive, polished the elements, and opened the source code for all of us. Now designers and developers around the world are using ZURB code to do their work faster and perhaps, dare I say it, better.

Since its release on October 18, 2011, the MIT-licensed framework has become one of the Big Two and has been used on thousands of websites.

Its popularity is due to its usefulness and versatility. If you decide that Foundation is what you need, it will keep you from being disappointed in yourself.


Foundation has been actively developed for about three years now. Therefore, it is not surprising that the list of its functions is already quite extensive.

In fact, the framework consists of CSS files ( generated from SASS files also available for download) and several jQuery plugins.

The base boot files do not include HTML code ( except for a very simple demo page), you get to write it all yourself.

At the same time, each component is accompanied by detailed documentation. Each section of the documentation has an HTML example that you can use and customize as needed. If you want to see the documentation, you can find it at this link.

If you want to set up an environment from scratch, there are two ways to do this:

Option 1

You can choose to download only the components you need directly on main download page. If all you want is grids, css styles, a navigation menu, and a jQuery plugin or two, it's easy enough to do. Just uncheck the boxes next to the items you don't need and go!

« Framework generator» also includes options to customize the grid, primary colors and several additional features. This option I would choose, say, for prototyping or developing applications for use within the company. The default presentation styles are usually great for this purpose, so why change them?

Option 2

This option is suitable for people who will use the framework for public projects. You probably won't want to use the default presentation styles, as they probably won't match your brand. For deeper customization, you will have to refer to the source files.

And by source files, I mean Sass files. With their help, you can customize each variable to your liking.

(A note about Sass files: Again, for those who may not be familiar with the term, Sass is a CSS preprocessor that introduces things like variables, mixins, and other programming features into standard CSS. Do a Google search with something like "Sass compiler for [your operating system]" and you'll find what you need. Personally, I recommend the cross-platform Koala App).

Once your Sass files have been compiled into a single regular CSS file, simply link to it in one of your sections as you would any other CSS file. Koala app , for example, will build Sass files automatically every time you save them so your browser always sees the latest changes.



I can't say for certain that all HTML frameworks include layout grid systems, but most do. Foundation Grid Out of the Box is a classic, nested, responsive, twelve-column grid.

The markup and classes are very simple, including for adjusting the layout to fit the screen. If you've worked with grid systems before, such as the 960 Grid System, you'll have no trouble getting to grips with Foundation Grids.

Note: These are designed according to mobile-first principles, so keep that in mind when designing your site.

Block grid

You can think of it as a "mini grid". It was created in order to set a certain number of elements, of the same size, located regardless of the screen size.

Example: You have three elements of the same size and you want them to be placed side by side on any device. To do this, you need to use this block grid example, which I shamelessly stole directly from the documentation:

Note that if you wish, you can specify a different number of columns for various sizes screen. Elements keep the same dimensions. The component is ideal for an element such as photo galleries.

Adaptive features

Media queries remain simple, but they are designed for a variety of screen sizes, ranging from smartphones to incredibly huge iMac screens.

Foundation was originally developed with mobile-first in mind. Therefore, the framework is always one step ahead of the others, including when it comes to specific components that will help you develop the adaptive elements of your sites.

First, it has the usual classes with which to hide or display various elements at different viewport sizes. You also get a little more advanced stuff like Interchange .

Interchange is a JS library that dynamically loads different content based on media queries. You can use this library to decide whether to upload, for example, a .jpg map image or to embed Google Maps.

Using this library, you can reduce the consumption of RAM resources and other capacities of the client machine. Just remember to implement a fallback feature for those users who have JavaScript disabled.

Navigation menu

The choice of different options for the navigation menu in Foundation is very diverse: ranging from a universal navigation bar ( complete with drop down menus) and ending with icon blocks, transition chains, split menus, sidebar menus and much more.

However, there are two navigation menu components that make Foundation different from other frameworks.


The first is Magellan Sticky Nav. Place this navigation bar anywhere on the page, and then when you scroll down the page, the bar will also move with the viewport.

If you use it to link to a section of the current page, you can highlight that section in the panel itself and then it will show up in the menu whenever you scroll down or up from that section.


The second is Offcanvas , a vertical navigation bar that is hidden by default. But when you press the button, the menu pops up from the edge of the screen.

Keep in mind that, like all Foundation components, these navigation elements can be implemented with a minimal amount of markup. The guys at ZURB put a lot of work into making these fairly advanced UI elements easy to implement and it shows.


The media components of any framework tend to be kept as simple as possible, and Foundation is no exception.

For example, the Clearing Lightbox enabled by default. This is a ridiculously simple lightbox image gallery. Just add a few thumbnails to it, including the appropriate classes, and you have a touch gallery that processes images. different heights without any problem.

Another example is Flex Video , in theory this component can be used for any embeddable object.

Just wrap your Youtube videos, iframes or other objects in a div with class flex-video and the rest will be done automatically. These objects will not automatically scale when the browser window is resized.

Finally, there are several styles for including image thumbnails. No specific effects ... just they will have a beautiful appearance.

What about Orbit?

People who have used Foundation below version 5 might be interested to know how things are now with the ZURB plugin - Orbit . It is a carousel, also sometimes called a slideshow, a responsive component with downloadable features. At the time it worked very well.

However, although it is still included with the framework, it is no longer supported by ZURB, nor is it under active development anymore.


Of course, the creators of the framework also took care of the basic styles for the forms. They were refined over the years until their appearance was brought to a truly incomparable beauty. You may think that I am exaggerating, but believe me, I am.

Years of experience have made it possible to turn basic form styles into a component that I believe can be applied to almost any project with a minimum of customization.

The guys at ZURB have managed to turn something as boring as a uniform into an item that is both functional and beautiful. So it's not surprising that many of the frameworks I've worked with try to mimic the Foundation style.

While forms still include boring stuff like text fields and radio buttons, some elements have been custom designed.

Take the value range element for example: You can implement slider ranges in HTML5, but they are boring and use the default look and feel regardless of the operating system you are using. At the same time, Foundation includes sliders that can be styled in CSS for more customization.

The framework also contains a form validation library ( it contains additional JavaScript scripts...), which allows you to ensure the correctness of data input by users. When they enter something wrong, such as an incorrect address Email, they will receive a corresponding message.


It's impossible to build a framework without a few default button styles. The default buttons in Foundation are not too different from any other framework. That is, they are implemented with a minimum markup, and have various classes for specific sizes and colors.

You can also group them into button groups for sorting or other group actions. These button groups ( horizontal or other) are designed to work with grids. They also have additional classes for sizes, colors, and rounded corners... standard elements.

Change the markup a little more and Foundation will also be able to provide you dropdown buttons and split buttons.

These last two components can be used as Foundation's built-in dropdown plugin. This means, among other things, that they use JavaScript. However, they are easy to implement. It's all about classes.


Foundation uses very simple font settings. They are easy to customize using some basic Sass variables, that's all it takes to adjust the sizes. Yes, Foundation uses rem .

Since the creators of Foundation pay great attention to usability, all fonts are large enough to be easy to read on small screens. Reading at a standard distance from monitor/laptop screens is also not a problem.
Additional font features include:

Built-in Lists

Do you need a list with horizontal text orientation? Do you need to place something in the footer of the site? All this is provided. According to the creators of the framework, for this you need:

Use inline lists when you need more flexibility than just spaces between items.

And they are right. The standard one sucks if you need to adjust the space between elements.


They are essentially tiny bits of text with colored backgrounds. What can you use them for? To indicate tags and other metadata. Or, as the name suggests, you can use them to highlight elements such as form fields.

Foundation includes standard labels, warning labels, labels to highlight. It's just another one of those little, useful features that I love about Foundation so much.

See also Keystrokes.

Conventions and hints

Sometimes on your website, and much more often on a web application, you need to grab the attention of your users. This may be necessary in order to either provide them necessary information, either show them that some form fields are blank or not complete, or teach them how to use the app.

If you are an unfriendly person, you can do this by adding an alert ... with sound.

But you can also do this with a modal window. Foundation has great modal windows with a wide range of behaviors, resizing options, attaching events... there's even an option to remove the background.

There are also notifications in the framework. These are large, bright alert windows that are statically set and stretch to fit the width of the container. You can always pin them in a specific location.

Did I already mention that you can change their color, set the rounded corners of windows, and add other view elements? Perhaps this is worth stopping, because such a variety is inherent in many components of the framework.

There are also hints. They can be applied to any element and can be set to display only on large screens or on all screens. ( On mobile devices, you must tap the item with a question mark to see the tooltip). They can also be placed anywhere on the element.

Joyride takes hints to the next level. This is a plugin that uses tooltips (and other things) to give users an overview of your site or app. Great for beginner site users.


Regular HTML/CSS frameworks give you the ability to organize your content on the page, and set some styling. However, Foundation is one of the largest frameworks, which means additional features even for content.

First, we have price tables, because the guys from ZURB know their audience quite well. Many people need an easy way to display pricing information for their products and services. The Foundation gives them this opportunity in a standard format.

Foundation also includes a basic accordion plugin and the expected tabbed content plugin. I think it will be interesting for you to know that you can put a tab in one of the accordion sections.

And also those little components that I find incredibly interesting: the equal-height column component. The developers call it Equalizer , but the name is only half as cool as the features this component provides. It does require the use of JavaScript of course, but it's a very simple way to make all columns in a given section keep the same height in a responsive design.

Just add a couple of data attributes and you're done. Here's what it looks like when combined with the price table component:

Where to begin

So you've covered the extensive list of features and you want to try them out! Right? Well, if I'm right, here's how you get started.

We will now create a beautiful, simple, basic template in Foundation. You can follow along as you add code to a text editor, or you can simply download the template.

After this section, I will list other great tutorials and tutorials to help you become a Foundation Master.

Go to download page and download the default base package and let's get started.

Including base files in the project

After you download the package, the file structure inside it will look something like this:

project-folder index.html (Demo file.) humans.txt (Like a readme file.) robots.txt (Just leave this alone.) /css foundation.css foundation.min.css * normalize.css * /img (Note : Empty) /js foundation.min.js * /foundation foundation.abide.js foundation.accordion.js foundation.alert.js (Etc. Huge list here. You can keep these files to see/play with the source, but you don"t actually need them to use the framework.) /vendor fastclick.js jquery.cookie.js jquery.js * modernizr.js placeholder.js

You probably noticed that I put an asterisk next to some of the files. These are just the files you actually need in order for the framework to work. The rest is source files or useful additional utilities. These utilities can certainly help you create amazing things, but they are not essential.

For example, placeholder.js implements the placeholder attribute for HTML5 forms for browsers that don't support it.

Only those files that you absolutely need to include in the corresponding section of your web page / application are marked. For this tutorial, I'm going to remove most of the files and keep only the ones I need. I'll start from scratch with a clean index.html file.

Let's start with the fact that our Homepage' will look like this:
