Enable safe boot mode windows 10

Entering Safe Mode on Windows computer 10 may cause some difficulties for users. The fact is that pressing the familiar F8 key (or another key, depending on the device manufacturer) during the boot process may no longer start the troubleshooting mode.

There are several ways to boot in Safe Mode. Some of them are simple, while others are more suitable for experienced PC users. Advanced users will appreciate special commands that can be used in scripts and batch files (.bat) to easily launch Safe Mode.

1. The easy way

The easiest way to reboot your system in Safe Mode is to click the Start menu, go to Power Management Options, and while holding down the Shift key, click the Restart link. As a result, the computer will restart and during boot operating system the advanced options screen appears. On this screen, select a section Troubleshooting > Extra options> Boot Options > Reload.

After that you can choose required parameters boot in safe mode.

The advanced boot options screen also appears automatically if the system fails to boot after several attempts.

2. Manual start

If the first method seems too easy for you, then you will probably like it. manual way. Launch the classic System Configuration application by clicking on the Start menu and typing msconfig.exe. Then switch to the tab. Turn on the option Safe mode and, if necessary, select one of available options Environments: Minimal, Other Shell, Active Directory Recovery or Network. Reboot.

To exit Safe Mode, repeat the steps above and disable the Safe Mode option. On the next reboot, the system will boot in normal mode.

3. For advanced users

You can use the command prompt or Windows PowerShell to boot into Safe Mode. Launch Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell as an administrator (right-click on the Start menu, select Command Prompt (Admin) or Windows PowerShell (Administrator)) and enter the following command:

Shutdown /r /o

Your system will reboot and a screen with boot options will appear during boot. Select Troubleshooting > Advanced Options > Boot Options > Restart.

4. For the most advanced

This is the most complicated method- it uses commands that you need to use in command line with administrator rights.

To launch an elevated command prompt, press the Windows key, type cmd.exe, hold down Shift + Ctrl keys and select an application Command line.


It is important to keep in mind that when using these commands, the system will boot into Safe Mode an infinite number of times. To exit the boot loop in Safe Mode, you need to use a separate command (listed below).

If you are using additional ways login (for example, a pin code), after entering the command to log in, you will need to use the password from account Microsoft or local account password.

Launch a command prompt and enter the following command if you want to enter Safe Mode with standard options:

bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal

If you want to enter Safe Mode with Networking:

bcdedit /set (default) safeboot network

After applying these commands, reboot the system.

5. Boot type selection mode as in Windows 7

Another command is available that allows you to enter the standard boot type selection mode as in Windows 7 after a reboot by pressing the F8 key:

bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy

After entering the command, the boot selection mode will be activated exactly after pressing the F8 key before starting the system, and not constantly, as in the previous commands.

To return to Windows 10 standard boot mode, start the command prompt in safe mode and enter the command:

bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot

Found a typo? Press Ctrl+Enter

is an excellent tool for solving various problems with the Windows operating system. If your system does not boot or is not stable, then you can try to enter safe mode and fix the problem. In many cases, this approach allows you to revive even a badly damaged system.

Before the advent of Windows 8, in order to enter safe mode, you just had to restart the computer, and at the time the . After that there was a list possible modes Windows, among which was the safe mode. But with the advent of Windows 8 this way stopped working. Now you need to enter safe mode in a different way.

AT this material we will talk about how to enter safe mode in Windows 10. Moreover, we will consider two possible situations: When Windows 10 boots normally and when Windows 10 doesn't boot. Let's start with the first situation, since it is the simplest one.

How to Enter Windows 10 Safe Mode Using MSCONFIG

If your Windows 10 is still loading, then you can use the MSCONFIG utility. To do this, open the Run menu (Windows-R) or search Windows string 10 and enter the command " ".

This will open the System Configuration window. Here you need to go to the "Download" tab and enable the "Safe Mode" function. After that, you need to close the window by clicking on the "OK" button and restart the computer.

The next time you restart your computer, it will automatically boot into Safe Mode. But one must take into account important point. After enabling the "Safe Mode" feature in MSCONFIG, the computer will boot into safe mode each time. In order to return to normal operation, you need to go to MSCONFIG again, uncheck the "Safe Mode" checkbox and reboot.

How to Enter Windows 10 Safe Mode Using a Boot Disk

If your Windows 10 does not boot at all, then the above method will not help you. In this case you need boot disk with Windows 10 (or bootable flash drive). Insert the boot disk into the drive and boot the computer from it the way you do before.

At the very beginning, you will see a window with a choice of language options. Here you can not change anything and just click on the "Next" button.

In the "Diagnostics" section, select the "Advanced options" item.

After that, will appear on the screen. Here you need to enter the command " bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true” and press the enter key. Next, close the command line by clicking on the button with a red cross.

After closing the command line, select the "Continue" menu item.

As a result, the computer should restart. We boot the computer not from the boot disk, but as usual. If everything is done correctly, then the Boot Options menu should appear on the screen.

Using this menu, you can enter the safe mode of Windows 10, as well as activate other special operating modes of the system.

It should be noted that after the above steps, the computer will display the Boot Options menu every time it is turned on. In order to disable this feature, you need to boot from the boot disk again and use the command line to execute the command " bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings)advancedoptions».

You can launch the System Configuration utility using the built-in search in the taskbar. Just enter a request and click on the very top row in the search results. In the window that appears, go to the "Download" tab and check the "Minimal" item. Confirm your choice by pressing the "OK" button. You will see a dialog box asking if you want to restart your computer right now. After your consent, the operating room Windows system 10 will boot into safe mode.

Method 2. Command line

Experienced users should remember that you can boot the system in safe mode by holding the F8 key when starting the computer. However, in Windows 10 this feature has been disabled to speed up system startup. To fix this "improvement", you need to enter only one command at the command line.

  1. Right-click Start on the taskbar and select Command Prompt (Admin) from the menu that appears.
  2. Enter the following command in a command prompt window: bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy
  3. Press Enter. Close the terminal window and restart your computer. Now when you press the F8 key during system startup, the boot method selection dialog should reappear.

If in the future you want to return everything as it was, then this can be done using the following command:

bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy standard

Method 3: Custom Boot Options

This method does not require any tricks from you and seems to lie on the surface. However, how many can boast that in the wilds of Windows 10 settings they independently discovered this useful feature? Therefore, I decided to include this download method in the article too.

So, open the "Start" menu, click on the "Settings" link, and then follow the address: "Update and Security" → "Recovery" → " Special options downloads". Click the "Restart Now" button. This will take you to the Select Action screen. It offers three options, of which we are interested in the "Diagnostics" item.

On the next screen, click the "Advanced Options" button, and then "Boot Options". At the end of this long path, we are waiting for the desired option called "Enable safe mode." By the way, you can significantly shorten this journey if you simply hold down the Shift button while clicking on the Shut Down command in the Start menu.

Windows 10 Safe Mode is used to fix various problems. It starts when the system is unstable, during the removal of viruses, when installing new drivers. This mode will allow you to find out the cause of the blue screen of death.

How to enter safe mode?

Prior to the release of Windows 8, entering Safe Mode was possible by pressing the F8 key on the keyboard during a system reboot. But in new versions there are several options for enabling this mode.

Using the Msconfig utility

Press the Win+R keys to open the Run window:

Run –> msconfig –> System Configuration –> Boot

Important! If you check the "Safe Mode" checkbox, the system will start to constantly boot only in this state. To establish a standard boot, go to "System Configuration" again and uncheck the box, then restart the PC.


For more information on how to exit safe mode on a Windows 10 computer, see the video.

From Command Line

  1. Run Command Prompt with System Administrator rights. Run the command: bcdedit /copy (current) safeboot minimal .
  2. Restart your computer. This can be done in the standard way, or from the Command line using the command: Shutdown -f -r -t 0 . After that, Windows 10 will always boot in safe mode.

Healthy! In order for the dialog for choosing a startup method to appear during the reboot, you need to enter the command in the Command line: bcdedit / set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy . To return to standard boot, type bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy standard .

During computer restart

Using a boot disk/flash drive

This method is used if Windows 10 does not start at all on the computer. Create a boot disk or flash drive on another device, then follow all the steps that you do when reinstalling the operating system. In the language options window, click Next.

In the next dialog box, run System Restore. After that, follow the path:

Enter the command: bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal . After completing it, close Command Prompt and click Continue. The computer will automatically restart in safe mode.


To increase the speed of starting Windows 10, it disables the ability to enter safe mode during a PC restart. You can enable the function in several ways, as described above and shown in the video. According to the editors, best option- using the Msconfig utility.

Windows 10 inherited all the features of the boot system from Windows 8, providing the same graphical environment for performing system recovery tasks. It is anticipated that system failure recovery operations will be predominantly performed by the automatic recovery system. In the event that Windows 10 does not boot correctly, the automatic recovery system starts, which, without user intervention, tries to find and fix problems that prevent the system from loading normally. However, this does not mean that Windows 10 does not have a safe mode (Safe mode), just that this boot mode is hidden from users by default.

In some cases, it is necessary to start the system in safe mode, for example, to debug or, a driver, or an application. Let's see how to enable safe mode in Windows 10.

Windows 10 can be booted into safe mode in several different ways.

MSConfig Utility (System Configuration)

The easiest way to boot Windows 10 in safe mode, just like the previous ones Windows versions, use the utility msconfig.exe. For this:

Advice. You also need to disable booting in safe mode using msconfig by unchecking the Safe boot item.

Shift + Restart combination

In the start menu, press the Power button and, holding Shift on your keyboard, select Reboot System ( Restart)

Note. The same Shift+Restart combination can be used on the login screen.

In the dialog that appears, select the items Troubleshoot(Diagnosis) -> advanced options(Advanced options)-> Startup settings(boot options).

Reboot the computer by clicking the button Restart.

After the reboot, a window will appear with the available options for booting the system (9 options, including three types of safe mode). To boot into Safe Mode, press F4 or 4 (or F5/F6 to boot into Safe Mode with Networking or Command Prompt, respectively).

Launching diagnostic mode from the interface of the new Control Panel

To launch the new modern Windows 10 Control Panel, click the button start and select menu Settings. Then go to section Update &security.

Go to section Recovery and in section advanced startup click Restart now.

Starting safe mode from the command line

It is also possible to configure Windows 10 to start in safe mode and from the command line. To do this, open a command prompt (cmd) with administrator rights and run the command:

Then restart your computer with the command:

Now Windows 10 will always boot in safe mode. To return to normal boot mode:

bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot

Returning the old text boot menu

In Windows 10/8 it is possible to revert to the old Windows text loader that supports the key F8(Shift + F8) and the ability to select system startup options.

Note. The boot speed of the system with such a bootloader will be lower.

To return the test loader, run from a command prompt with administrator rights:

bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy

Now, when booting the computer after the self-test stage (POST), you need to press the key several times F8. The good old text menu with system boot options should appear.

To disable the bootloader's text mode, and return to fast loading, run:
bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy standard

Launching Safe Mode from Recovery Mode

Few people know that in order to enable safe mode and other recovery options in Windows 10, it is enough 3 times in a row interrupt the system boot with the power off button.

The system recovery environment will start for 4 times ( recovery mode), from which you can choose to boot in safe mode or other options for booting the system.

Select an item See advanced repair options and follow the instructions from the second paragraph of our article.
