How to unscrew a screw with a stripped thread. How to unscrew a screw with torn edges: methods. Methods for loosening complex bolts and screws

How to unscrew a screw that has broken edges? Anyone who is even a little involved in the economy is familiar with a similar situation.

You need to unscrew the screw. You take a screwdriver, start to twist and make sure that your efforts do not bring results. The screwdriver turns but the screw stays in place.

Most often, this happens with cross screws.

What to do, how to unscrew?

You can, of course, pry with a screwdriver and try to grab the screw with pliers. This gives a result, but there is a high risk of scratching the surface, and you will have to tinker decently.

We offer a simple way that anyone can handle, even a woman. Moreover, this method is perfect when there is no suitable screwdriver.

The essence of the method is elementary. It is necessary to put any rubber band on the head of the screw. Though from money, though for hair. Fits any size rubber band.

It is necessary to put an elastic band and calmly unscrew the screw. That's all.

For clarity, watch the video, after which everything will be clear to you.

How to unscrew a broken screw. Video

So simple and useful way. Keep this information for yourself, and you will never be afraid to unscrew any, even the oldest screws.

The edges of a screw usually break at the most inopportune moment, regardless of whether you are a master or a beginner. Due to the fact that the tip of the screwdriver does not fit tightly into the grooves on the head of the screw, during rotation the tip of the screwdriver slips, as a result of which the edges on the screw are torn off. When heated, the screw, although not by much, will expand and increase in volume, compressing the material into which it is twisted. Due to the lubricating properties of the liquid, the friction force between the screw and the material will be significantly reduced and the screw will become easier to unscrew. There are no hopeless situations, and the solution to the problem of unscrewing a screw with torn edges is a confirmation of this.

Video - The best ways to remove a broken screw

You need to choose the right size for screwing into a torn slot. Install the extractor in the chuck of the screwdriver and tighten the chuck securely. Since the extractor is reverse threaded, this means that a drill with an extractor set to reverse will drill into the head.

Why do the edges on the fastener break off?

The screw breaks even when too little pressure is applied to the screwdriver. On the other hand, a screw may be quite new, but it bends and subsequently breaks due to poor quality. As soon as the screwdriver slipped over the edges for the first time, do not get excited and repeat the procedure. Perhaps in your case, the screwdriver simply does not fit the screw you have chosen. Therefore, you can try your luck by using several attempts with other screwdrivers. The screw will move out of its place and then it can certainly be removed. This method is also applicable if a stripped thread does not allow the screw to be unscrewed.

To do this, it is enough to have any sharp enough metal object, made from durable metal. With such a nozzle, you can not only pierce wood, but also clean the slots from paint. And their main drawback is that the slots are not deep.

Maximize the quality of the screw-driver grip. Be sure to check that you are turning the screw in the correct direction when you remove it. Strong pressure on the screwdriver itself prevents it from slipping in the hat. Heat the screw building hair dryer or gas burner moving the appliance constantly to avoid overheating.

Step 1: Rubber band (elastic band)

Ideally, tools designed for repairing glasses should be used for twisting (there will be no difficulties in finding them, and they are not very expensive). It is advisable to insert the tip at a slight angle to increase the contact area. Use a nail file.

This screwdriver is well suited for durable building structures, but it can damage electronics and fragile equipment. A rubber mallet will help prevent scratches on the screwdriver handle. Check the direction of rotation of the screwdriver. Repeat the procedure until the screw yields.

Step 1. As noted earlier, there is only one recess on the head of such a screw. Use only an unnecessary card, because it may well be damaged during twisting. Step 7. The last way is to use pliers.

Types of screws

The slot on this screw is broken. In such fasteners, the entire load falls on the screws. Both the hole and the slot are damaged. Then, by removing the slot, the fastening materials are damaged. Even if adhesives are not used, corrosion can also do a “dirty job”: rusting, metal fastener becomes one with the tree. Do you know anything about a special nozzle designed to unscrew damaged screws? Hit the center punch with a hammer, but not very hard, because the diameter of the rod is already small, do not damage it even more. The size of the extractor must match the size of the screw.

You can fix the problem by heating the fasteners. When it cools, space will be released in the structure of the workpiece, which will weaken the grip. As soon as the fastener becomes hot to the touch, it is necessary to stop heating.

If a broken screw sits in the material at a decent depth, and there is no other option how to remove it ... The time has come for the “cheap and cheerful” option.

If so, then you should only work with a recess of greater length to simplify the task. The method often works only with small screws. Step 5 Use an old CD. After waiting a bit for the melted plastic to solidify, turn the brush counterclockwise.

Edge sawing

Fastening with screws of any products, convenient and reliable way. Let's try to figure out how to make unscrewing more efficient. More precisely, the slot in his head breaks.

To do this, you should use a hacksaw for metal with the thinnest blade possible.

Often, the corners (edges) formed by the intersection of the recesses grind off and become brittle, which greatly complicates the unscrewing of such screws. Use your fingernail. Insert the edge of an old CD into the long groove and turn it counterclockwise. Use pliers. Torx protected screws also exist; they have a rod in the center of the recess in the shape of a six-pointed star. Use a small flathead screwdriver.

It fits well into the hat and is fixed on its inner surface with the help of numerous notch teeth. Set the punch exactly in the center of the screw head. Take a quality drill bit designed for drilling hard metals. Drill slowly and evenly (if possible, use drilling machine). Tap the extractor until it locks securely into the drilled hole.

Of course this method not applicable so often, since not every part can be heated in this way. Alternatively, instead of a blowtorch, you can use a soldering iron or an industrial hair dryer, this option is suitable for small screws. Substitute a chisel to the head of the bolt and try to rip it off. strong blows hammer. There is an electrochemical option for loosening old screws and bolts.

It is important that the tip fits snugly into the groove and is not damaged.

Pretty clear and understandable wooden structures. But what to do if the threads on the bicycle bolts are torn off? Bgg, I blew off on the steering wheel, just on the mount to the stem.

The most effective and generally accepted method of dealing with non-loosening bolts is to wet it (the bolt) with penetrating liquids (WD-40, kerosene). Such liquids penetrate deep into the threads of the bolt and lubricate it, after which the bolt slides more easily along the thread. effective method unscrewing stuck bolts is oblique blows to the hat. Usually it is a drill with a reverse thread.

Step 6: Leave him alone?

A little trouble, like a broken screw, happens different reasons. It happens that in a hard material, the screw simply breaks off, and part of it remains in the body of the material. It is possible to remove a broken screw different ways. If there is no protruding part, then you need to deepen them in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe screw to the edge of the break and grab them. So far, it doesn't really pull anywhere. Perhaps this is the most important thing.

The meaning is the same - “to tear off the rust from the place ... And if the screw has become attached, then a common way to deal with this trouble is to soak it in Coca-Cola. After the screw has turned sour, or better longer, for example, left overnight, it must be warmed up well! We work with glasses. The hole as a result may not be very even, but after a little correction building mix, in this place you can again hang a shelf, for example. A very good and useful tool, it comes with nozzles (bits) for all occasions, and it is not very expensive.

The solution to the problem can be an extractor. On the opposite side of the device there is a perpendicular crossbar, with which you can rotate. Next, you need to use the extractor itself. Then you need to turn the device several times.

We try to push it as hard as possible. Instead of stationery gum, you can take any rubber plate or other part. To no longer suffer with licked screws, they can be fixed.

Maybe, of course, not quite in the subject, but my father, when in the old days he screwed something at home, constantly asked me to bring him soap from the bathroom. First, you first need to make one sharp biting blow to the head of the screw. I was in such a situation and, to be honest, I didn’t always twist it positively.

Moving under light pressure to the handle, the nozzle will also inform about the depth of the hole. hand drill will help you out when you need to wrap a large number of screws.

Why is it so important to preserve the material? By revealing the question, it will be possible to get a more reliable answer, avoiding disputes between those who give answers. The main thing is to do everything confidently so as not to break the drill. And if the hat is deep and there is no way to get close to it?

Very often, in this case, we are faced with torn screws, the removal of which sometimes seems almost impossible. If there are no edges on the torn screw at all, try unscrewing it with a small adjustable wrench. If you have heated the part, start cooling the screw. If you have heated the screw, cool the part. As a result of the resulting temperature difference, the broken screw must be loosenable.

Check the condition of the screw. Be careful not to damage the new notch with excessive force. Before taking on the removal of a torn screw, you need to assess the need for its removal.

I've always managed to get it out this way. Then there is no way to get close to him. How to make a hole in a tile for an outlet? Yes, elementary, a professional will answer! In this video, we will consider one method, the other two, I will simply describe the manufacturing technology. Maybe you decide to talk about your repair, write, we will listen with pleasure.

You should take a tool with an unworn sharp sting and try to non-violently remove the naughty fasteners.

Something simpler, the simplest, so as not to damage. And at the expense of burnt screws (as I understand it, they were exposed to high temperature) - they could harden or, on the contrary, sink. Probably everyone, at least once, has come across such a nuance as sagging ceiling. Holding the other end, mark the place where the nail will be hammered.

On trend:


To begin with, try to still get the self-tapping screw with a regular screwdriver - with the help of a needle file, make a groove under the straight slot of the screwdriver and try to unscrew the part. If it doesn’t work out, don’t try too hard, it will only aggravate the situation. Use other methods.

If the case is not completely neglected, then you can try the following fairly simple method - select a drill bit that matches the diameter of the self-tapping screw in diameter. And drill it until the hat separates from the leg. This must be done very carefully, since the metal shavings flying at this moment are very small and actively strive to get into the eyes. Be sure to use special protective glasses! Many craftsmen strongly advise using a stud driver, marking it high functionality and efficiency even in the most difficult cases.

After the part holding the screw is eliminated, all that remains is to pull the leg out of the base. This can be done with pliers or simple pliers.

If the diameter of the self-tapping screw allows, you can use another rather effective, but also very time-consuming option. To do this, drill a hole along the axis in the screw, sufficient to insert a carnation or any other thin and hard metal part. After that, carefully drive it halfway into the hole made. Bend and, again, carefully, begin to unscrew the screw. In this case, be prepared to spend considerable time - jewelry work.

If the screws are rusty, use WD 40 - this is a tool that allows you to remove excess moisture. Just pour it on the stubborn part and, if possible, try to stir it up to improve the penetration of the substance between the self-tapping screw and the base. After about half an hour, try to unscrew the screw again. At the same time, please note that the surface that has been degreased with WD 40 must subsequently be lubricated. Otherwise, corrosion and, accordingly, destruction of the part cannot be avoided. Therefore, use this tool only for cases similar to the problem described, as well as to remove moisture from mechanical surfaces details and devices.

Unscrew the bolt, rusted or stuck to the base, it is not so easy to become. It happens that loosening one bolt or unscrewing one screw takes up to 90% of the total repair time of the product. Problem loosening bolts or nuts occurs most often on parts that are intensively used in aggressive environments.

For metal, from which both fasteners and structural elements fastened by this fastener are usually made, water and moist air are the aggressive media.

Most fasteners are right hand threaded and unscrew counterclockwise arrows.

Why is it difficult to unscrew a bolt or screw

Before you start unscrew the bolt let's evaluate the probability of its successful unscrewing, or rather, the probability of problems with unscrewing:

The bolt or screw is rusted (rusty head, smudges from under the cap, etc.);

The base (nut) where the screw or bolt is screwed in has undergone a change (swollen wooden plank, flattened metal base, etc.);

The fastened parts are displaced relative to their original position, which increased the load on the fasteners.

If at loosening a bolt or screw we see manifestations of the above factors, after the first test, we should proceed to measures aimed at facilitating the unscrewing of our fasteners.

Methods for loosening complex bolts and screws

The most effective and widely accepted method of dealing with non-loosening bolts- this is wetting it (the bolt) with penetrating liquids (WD-40, kerosene). Such liquids penetrate deep into the threads of the bolt and lubricate it, after which the bolt slides more easily along the thread.

Usually, when unscrewing a complex bolt, it is enough just to move it from its place, then the process of turning away becomes easier. You can move the bolt from its place with light blows on the wrench. You can move the screw from its place by hitting the impact screwdriver.

effective method loosening stuck bolts is oblique blows to the hat. Because it is not possible to hit the head of a bolt or screw with a hammer; a chisel is used. The chisel is placed on the edge of the cap at an angle and short blows are applied to its base. Using a chisel, you should control the condition of the hat unscrewed bolt, if you cut it down, the process may be delayed.

There are special tools for loosening complex bolts and screws. They are called extractors. Usually it is a drill with a reverse thread. Crashing into the head of a non-rotating bolt or screw, the extractors with their thread create the necessary contact area with the screw and force it to turn at the base.

If a loosen a bolt or screw if it doesn’t work, you can cut it off (or drill it out). If you have to cut off the head of the screw, then it is almost impossible to get it out of the base, and at the same time, they usually mark a new place for fasteners or drill the screw completely, after which they hammer a cork into this place.

If the problem loosen a bolt or screw stands not because of the attachment of fasteners at the point of contact, but because of the lack of a suitable tool, then you can make such a tool yourself, or use another tool.

So for screw loosening with a cross slot, you can use a flat screwdriver smaller. A thin flat screwdriver with a flared tip can unscrew a bolt or screw with an asterisk or hex slot.

Slot "large hexagon" can be unscrew the head of the bolt of the appropriate size, for this a nut is screwed onto it and secured with a lock nut.

The “oblique triangle” slot, intended only for twisting, can be unscrewed with a drill, unscrewing it in the opposite direction (counterclockwise) or, if space permits, cut it down with a chisel or screwdriver.

For loosening deep-seated screws(usually in household appliances) you can make a long screwdriver from a piece of steel wire. To do this, flatten one end of the wire and sharpen it with a file in the shape of a slot, make a handle on the other side of the wire by bending the wire to the side.

Unscrewing a complex bolt or nut, remember that with considerable effort, you can damage the structure itself - be careful!

The screw is one of most popular species hardware products of the present. Often repairs can not be done without a set of self-tapping screws. The self-tapping screw differs from other hardware in that it has a special external thread, which, when screwed, forms in the target hole of the connected object internal thread. Unlike its counterparts, a screw and a screw, a self-tapping screw has a triangular thread that completely covers the surface of its core. Our calculation of self-tapping screws will help you choose and buy the right amount of hardware. Indeed, in the store, hardware is sold by weight, and the ratio of the weight of hardware to their number is easy to determine using this calculator. Possessing the right amount self-tapping screws, as well as a tool for screwing them in, you can get to work. However, there are often situations in which the hardware is mounted incorrectly. After all, there is always the possibility that the self-tapping screw will be screwed in crookedly, or in an inappropriate place for it. What to do in such situations? The answer is obvious: you should always buy hardware with some margin. However, this is not enough. In addition, you must be able to properly dismantle the "unsuccessful" self-tapping screws. It turns out that this process is not as simple as the process of dismantling any hardware product. In the case of a self-tapping screw, its removal is even more complicated due to the fact that it deforms the surface into which it is screwed. He himself cuts the thread in the material, and when unscrewing, you need to act very carefully so as not to damage the surface even more.

Let's assume that the self-tapping screw was screwed unsatisfactorily into the wall or other structure. It sits tightly in the surface, and it is not possible to unscrew it. How to be in this case?

In the case when the self-tapping screw does not lend itself to the unscrewing action of the screwdriver, and the screwdriver, in turn, begins to walk and scroll without catching the edges in the screw head, there is no need to continue panicking attempts to unscrew the hardware! This can lead to the fact that the edges in the hat will be torn off. And in this case, the process of removing the hardware is greatly complicated.

It is necessary to take a screwdriver, install it in the recesses on the hat, press with great effort on the end of its handle and try to unscrew the screw with alternating movements to the left and right. If it was not possible to unscrew the hardware in this way, then you need to take a special screwdriver with a hexagon located at the end of the handle. A hexagon is needed to provide additional impact on a screwdriver with a wrench. If this fails, you can try to unscrew the screw with the extractor screw. This is a special nozzle for screwdrivers, which is able to completely cover the edges of the self-tapping screw, which will significantly improve the grip of the tool with the hardware. In addition, you can try to loosen the grip of the screw with the surface by hitting the end of the screwdriver. And you can also insert thin rubber inserts into the slots on the hat, which will prevent the screwdriver from scrolling. And finally radical way get rid of the self-tapping screw - drill it with an electric drill and a metal drill.
