What is forbidden to the student at school. The rights of the student to healthy and quality service. Behavior before class

Rules of conduct for students at school


1. Students are required to come to school in school uniform, clean, modestly combed, in ironed clothes, in polished shoes. You must have a change of shoes.

2. Students come to physical education lessons and sports sections in sportswear.


1. The student arrives at school 15 minutes before class starts; clean, tidy, takes off outerwear in the wardrobe, puts on a change of shoes, takes workplace with a warning for the lesson and prepares all the necessary teaching materials for the upcoming lesson.

2. At the entrance to the school, students must wipe their shoes, change into a change of shoes.

3. Students are immediately sent to class according to the lesson schedule.

4. In the event of the appearance of individual students in a sloppy look, the attendants require them to immediately put themselves in order.

5. All students report to school on time.

6. It is not allowed to bring foreign objects to school that are not related to classes.

7. The departure of students home after school is organized, accompanied by a teacher.

8. Only students engaged in social work or in circles according to the schedule can stay at school after classes.


1. At the call, students should take their seats at their desks and prepare everything necessary for the lesson.

2. Duty officers are required to prepare the classroom and equipment for each lesson, inform the teacher about the absence of students in the classroom.

3. Students should remember that the teacher starts the lesson only when the class is absolutely clean, with everything necessary for educational work.

4. Each student is responsible for the cleanliness, order and safety of the workplace in the classroom.

5. When the teacher and senior students enter, they must stand up and greet them.

6. There should not be anything superfluous on the desk, textbooks and notebooks can only be opened with the permission of the teacher.

7. During the lesson, students should sit straight, listen carefully to the teacher's explanations and the answers of their comrades, not to talk or engage in extraneous matters.

8. When called for an answer, the student must go with the diary to the board, when answering, the student must stand straight, speak loudly, clearly.

9. Students wishing to ask the teacher about something are required to raise their hand, after the teacher's permission to stand up and ask a question.

10. Students should not prompt, correct the answers of their comrades without the permission of the teacher.

11. At the call from the lesson, with the permission of the teacher, students leave the classroom calmly.


1. When carrying out changes in the school premises, students must behave calmly, disciplined.

2. When carrying out changes in the school premises, students are only on their floor.

3. When carrying out changes in the school yard, students should take care of green spaces: do not break trees, do not trample lawns, do not litter, do not push during games, do not interfere with others.

4. During breaks, students eat in the canteen at the time set for the class.

5. Each student, at the request of the teacher on duty or the student on duty, is obliged to report his name and class.

6. Walking along the corridor, you should keep right side Don't run, don't scream.

7. Be polite, say hello to all adults and familiar guys.

8. When entering or leaving the school, do not push others, let the elders and girls go ahead.

9. It is allowed to play games during recess, but in a way that does not disturb others.

10. Eating on the go during recess is uncivilized. You need to eat in the dining room, if you eat in class, spread a napkin on the table, do not litter, wipe your hands with a napkin after eating.

11. Do not enter the teacher's room, the office of the director or his deputies without permission.

12. During the break, only the attendants remain in the class, who ventilate the room and put the class in order.

13. Go to recess toilet room In order not to take time off from lessons, be careful in the toilet, do not forget to wash your hands.


1. All students are required to protect school property, take care of their belongings.

2. In case of damage to property through the fault of the student, its restoration or repair is carried out at the expense of their parents.

3. Pupils are obliged to preserve green spaces, including those at school, and, if damaged, restore them.

4. Textbooks, books, school diaries should be neatly wrapped.

5. All students should take care of their textbooks. Each book must have a bookmark. You can not tear out or bend pages, make notes and drawings on the book.


1. Be polite, friendly with everyone.

2. When talking to adults, do not keep your hands in your pockets, stay straight.

3. Greeting the guys, call them by name.

4.Keep clean and tidy, do not litter.

5. Help adults, comrades. Don't wait to be asked for help, be considerate of those around you.

6. Be neat, tidy. Keep your face, hands, hair, clean clothes and shoes clean.


1. On school holidays come smartly dressed, smart, neatly combed, at the exact appointed time.

2. When taking a seat in the hall, do not push, do not run ahead of everyone.

3. In anticipation of the holiday, you can talk calmly, you can’t push, run. As soon as the beginning is announced, it is necessary to stop talking.

4. During a concert, a movie, you can not talk, interfere with others, move from place to place, leave before the end of the event.

5. Noticing the adults who have entered, offer them a seat.

6. If something is not going well on stage, there is some kind of awkwardness, do not laugh

Do not turn school fees into horror

Trying on a suit, shirts, sundress, shoes, adjusting a school dress at a seamstress, running shopping, shopping malls and markets. For a child of six or seven years old, this is stressful. As a rule, parents spend almost all last month summer. Previously, it is impossible: it will suddenly grow, stretch out.

In fact, moms and dads themselves get tired of such purchases no less. In the fitting rooms, screams and reproaches are sometimes heard. Distribute the purchases so that you buy the portfolio last. Like a reward. Since the first-grader is interested in this particular subject of the student, and not in the shoes and socks in which he will go. In no case do not discuss aloud, “how much more you need to buy, we have already spent our entire salary”: September 1 is a holiday! Let the child not associate it with the money spent, nerves and endless shops.

You can't blame the teacher

No matter how much you like the first teacher (and this happens), never, under any circumstances, discuss the teacher with the child. “We got an old woman”, “Yes, she’s some kind of mumbling”, “She doesn’t want to do anything, she only asks at home!” Learning and diligent behavior at school depends on your child's respect and love for the first teacher.

Negative experience is harmful

If you see that your daughter or son, for some reason, does not have time, does not cope with the school curriculum, do not scold, do not make me cram for hours and draw letters in writing. Every child has their own stages of development. Don't let negative experiences take over. Talk to the teacher about best qualities child and develop in this direction. Ask questions like, “What is my child good at?” Yep, drawing. So, you participate in all drawing competitions. Physical training? All sports competitions are yours with your child.

The child is formed not by a bad experience, but by a positive one. After the first diplomas, the baby will begin to study well in other subjects.

You should... No, you shouldn't.

“You must be an excellent student!”, “You must be the best!”, “Do not let smart parents down!” Don't go crazy. The child is in first grade. Yes, his task is to study diligently, not to forget about additional tasks. And do it for yourself, not for your parents. This is important to understand in the first grade. Hang a poster or picture in your baby's room with motivational words: “I'm a schoolboy. I can do everything! I'm fine fellow!"

Instructions: how to prepare a room for a student

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If the child is in fifth grade

Instead of one teacher, many teachers

“Let every teacher remember you!” Familiar words? And let's say the same thing in a different way: “Study well to prove yourself! There are many of you." Significant difference for a child. You can remember bad behavior, and tantrums, and being late. You can not scare the child with the colossal responsibility of the secondary school. “Now you will have the most interesting time! There are many teachers, you can choose your favorite subject, and communication with each teacher will be exactly the way you want!”

I'll have to quit ... sports, dancing, hobbies

In no case! Children often drop out of extracurricular activities in secondary school. They do not cope with the curriculum, they switch to the second shift, they place bets precisely on study. Remember, don't sacrifice a child's hobby. No matter how the child cries that he does not have time, lags behind or does not want to. This is age. Additional classes, as practice shows, improve the educational process, organize the child.

Do your homework, then go for a walk

Not! After school, children 10-12 years old must definitely relax in the fresh air. Not at the computer, TV, tablet, but walking. Or a dream. The erroneous opinion of many parents that then the head works worse leads to accumulated fatigue.

Will you do your homework at least until one in the morning

Absolutely impossible. Do you need knowledge or essays, presentations, reports dictated by you at one in the morning? Schedule your time so your child can go to bed on time. It's difficult, but necessary.

Zakhar Prilepin: the school should not turn into flour for parents

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Don't relax baby, don't relax yourself

Can't say:

  • "I'll clean it myself, you just study." There should be even more responsibilities.
  • "Do it yourself, you're in fifth grade, you're an adult." Lessons still need to be checked and monitored.
  • "I'll deal with your deuce tomorrow!" Teach your child to independently solve school problems, interact with the teacher, retake tests, correct grades.
  • “I will find information for you on the computer, and you will choose what you need!” No. Together you look for answers, show how to work with books, search engine. Check and fix bugs.

Forget about it:

Cannot be applied physical strength for bad grades and behavior

Who is in charge in the house, the teenager already knows, there is no need to show his weakness.

Then we'll talk about it!

No. Here and now. You immediately discuss why the work was not handed in, why there was a conflict with the teacher, what will not work in physics, whether you need a tutor: which is better - at home or you will go yourself. The school question is very important, and we control it.

I'm ashamed of you

All the talk about studying annoyed the teenager at any time. Deal with it. You can’t say that the child is “stupid, not of our kind, lazy”, etc. This does not motivate. A teenager cannot be compared to other children. Support him, give your example: “I remember that I also fell into school in the seventh grade, and then I wanted to become a military man and realized what I was studying for. What do you think about future profession? Set goals for him, and do not say that you are ashamed of him.

Do not scold ... our education system

It's taboo. For a teenager, this is a fat plus in his “do nothing” piggy bank. Since everything is so rotten, why should I try? It's not my fault, it's the system. Do not raise a cursing Svetlakov in front of the TV in Nasha Rush.

Excellent student complex

Another bright NO. Many parents transfer their own unsatisfied desires to their child. “Let's go to a red diploma!”, “Die, but bring a five, a four is a shame!”, “The flu is not a reason not to do it!” Be careful, slow down. The complex of an excellent student is transferred to the rest of his life. A child is a fine line between success and failure that shapes his personality. There will always be someone who is better.

Help your teenager take his place in life, and not immediately all the seats in the front row

If the child is a graduate

The child is not a passbook

“We have invested so much in you ... We spent so much on tutors ...” This is the first road to nowhere. In a relationship, in a stressful situation at the Unified State Examination, in setting up a graduate's plans. It is impossible not only to talk about it, it is forbidden to think about it. Most schoolchildren could not concentrate on the exam solely because of this attitude of their parents, having an accompanying fear of not justifying desires and ... contributions.

August is a month of silence about the school

It is impossible in the last month of the holidays to strain the student by talking about studying. Only gently and in a friendly conversation. Give these days to the joy and carelessness of your child. Trust me, it will do him good.

11th grade ... Only study

“We won’t go skiing this year”, “All holidays are tutors and practice tests”. No, no and NO. All psychologists and training coaches say that it is very important for 11th graders to use their days off correctly. Do not change your plans, let the child also have a rest on skis, in warm countries, with his grandmother in the village. This is necessary and necessary for further study.

Not the end of the world

You can not discuss the lack of points in the exam as a personal apocalypse. Review all options in advance: college, another faculty with a further transfer, a year of preparation, a paid basis with a transfer to the budget. This is not a war, but the first adult task of a child.

Sports for boys, fitness for girls

You can't limit your child's life. Throughout the 11th grade, mental activities should alternate with physical ones. Often, any additional classes for a graduate become inaccessible. There is no time... There is time. Especially for sports. The experience of the study proves that it is these children who pass exams better, clearly set goals, and cope with stress.

Leonid Parfenov: History textbooks are impossible to read!

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Are you a passive spectator or an active creator of your own life?

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School is a gathering place a large number of people. And imagine if everyone here starts to behave as he pleases. What will it become then? public place? In the forest! To prevent this from happening, each student and his parents need to know all the rules of conduct at school.

General provisions

  • Each student is obliged to behave in a dignified manner, to know and adhere to all norms of ethics and morality.
  • Each student shows respect for the elders, provides assistance to the younger ones, if they need it, carefully treats not only their own, but also other people's things, fulfills all the requests and requirements of the employees of the school.
  • Students do not use physical force and rude expressions, do not enter into conflict situations.
  • All students give way to adults, boys to girls, older ones to younger ones.
  • It is forbidden to leave the school grounds during the lessons without the knowledge of the teachers or school management.
  • It is prohibited to use or carry drugs, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, intoxicants.

School uniform

Disagreements often arise on the issue of school uniforms. If it is customary to wear at school certain form, then problems should not arise, the main thing is to make sure that it is always neat: clean and ironed. But in some educational institutions do not require uniforms to be worn, hence the problems. Schoolchildren decide that they are allowed to dress as they please. As a result, their appearance leaves much to be desired. They look as if they were going to a disco or as if at home, they dress casually.

This cannot be allowed. Business attire must be respected. You can only wear skirts or sundresses as long as they are not too short and bright colors, trousers and jeans in dark shades, it is desirable that the trousers are with arrows. Various shirts, white blouses, vests, jumpers and sweaters are well suited to them.

It is very beautiful when boys come to study in costumes. Of course, they are more suitable for the holidays, as they do not give the opportunity to play football after school. You must understand that with your clothes you create a learning mood not only for yourself, but also for your classmates and teachers. The attitude towards a person in a business suit is completely different, more serious.


Every person who enters the school must have a change of shoes. This is required by the rules of conduct for students in the school. The change, as well as the shoes in which you walk down the street, must be clean. High-heeled shoes cannot be worn.


All students must be neat, tidy, clean. The hairstyle must also correspond to the business style, defiant haircuts, colorful hair dyes, haircuts under “zero” or “punk” bouffant are not allowed. The student himself must monitor the cleanliness of the teeth, nose, hands, body and carry a handkerchief.

locker room

  • You should arrive at school 10-15 minutes before the call for classes. Not later than 5 minutes before the lesson, all students must be in the classroom.
  • When entering the school, immediately change into a change of shoes.
  • Leave things in the dressing room on your hanger, for this, outerwear should have a loop. Don't forget a roomy bag for changing shoes.

On the lesson

  • Don't be late for class unless there's a good reason.
  • Prepare in advance notebooks, textbooks, a pen, pencil, ruler and everything else you need in class.
  • During the lesson, keep silence, listen to the teacher without being distracted, without talking, without doing other things.
  • It is not allowed to chew gum, swear, disrupt the lesson, interfere with classmates, the teacher and cheat.
  • Don't interrupt your teacher or classmates.
  • Wishing to answer the question posed, do not shout, but simply raise your hand.

Rules for safe behavior at school

  • Do not run along the corridors and stairs, it is not safe! Such fast games sooner or later lead to bruises or injuries.
  • Take good care of school property.
  • Fighting, harming other students is prohibited.
  • To protect the health of other students and teachers, do not come to class with high temperature, infectious and viral diseases.
  • Carrying weapons, spray cans or sharp objects with you is completely excluded.

School canteen

  • Each class visits the canteen at a certain break, so as not to destroy the order.
  • Do not come to the dining room without taking off your outer clothing.
  • Conversation with classmates should be quiet and calm, so as not to disturb those who have lunch in the neighborhood.
  • No need to run to the dining room, push everyone and break through the line to the buffet, ahead of the kids.
  • Follow all table manners.
  • Treat all employees of the school cafeteria with respect.
  • Clean up your dishes after every meal.


  • It is forbidden to make noise, talk loudly, litter in the library and reading room.
  • Return on time all the literature that you take home.
  • Don't harm the books.


The rules of conduct for children at school regulate the behavior of students not only during classes, but also at breaks, before and after school.

  • During breaks, students must clean their workplaces.
  • If the teacher asks everyone to leave the class, the students must leave the classroom.
  • It is forbidden to run around the corridors and classrooms.
  • You can not be in the attic, in the kitchen, in the basement, in chemical and physical laboratories.
  • You can not, without the permission of teachers, open the windows or sit on the windowsills.
  • If your class is on duty, you should all help discipline the teacher on duty.


You will start on duty from 7th to 11th grade and will be required to:

  • Help younger students to undress at the entrance to the school, check that they have a change of shoes.
  • Ensure that all dressing rooms are in order.
  • Follow the areas of the school that are assigned to you. They must be clean.
  • Help teachers and school management to organize the educational process.
  • After the end of the educational process, each duty officer cleans up his areas and hands them over to his class teacher or duty teacher.
  • If one of the students violates discipline, the duty officer does not have the right to use physical force against him.

Completing assignments, keeping notebooks, diaries, handling textbooks

  • Every day you must complete all the tasks that the teacher sets at home. They are only fully implemented.
  • If the teacher asks homework not the next day, you still have to complete it in advance. If you were absent for good reason at the lesson, you still do the homework that was assigned. If for some reason you did not complete the tasks, your grade will be unsatisfactory.
  • If you have special reasons that did not give you the opportunity to prepare for the lesson, inform your teacher about this before the class begins. If you were sick, then you had the serious reason do not attend classes, but you must bring a certificate from the hospital and be ready for the lesson with your homework completed.
  • Each notebook and school textbook must be signed and wrapped. The notebook covers are well designed.
  • Every day you must carry a diary and all the notebooks and textbooks necessary for that day.
  • All entries in notebooks are made with a blue or black pen (depending on the requirements of the school management). Rules of conduct in primary school require that all students in grades 1-4 take notes only with ballpoint pens. Without the permission of the teacher, the use of pencils, felt-tip pens, colored pens and stickers is unacceptable.

Knowing every rule of behavior of students in the school will lead to order, discipline and high level learning, so follow this charter every day. Success in your studies!

the brackets and use the correct form.

1. My friend was sure that Ferdinand Magellan (discovered, had discovered) Australia. But I told him he (is, was) wrong. 2. Our history teacher explained to us that the Revolutionary War in America (took, had taken) place in the 18th centry.3. Betty knew that she(did, had done) everything she could to win the competition.4. We asked Professor Smith when he(came, had come) to Moscow how many places of interest he already(saw, had seen). 5. Little JOHN delieved that Canada (is, was) in the South of the American Continent. 6. We all wanted to know where in New York the Statue of Liberty (is, was) situated. 7. The children asked what cities in the USA we (saw, had seen) . 8. Father told me that I (made, had made) a mistake in my school test. 9. We all knew that Germany (declared, had declared) war on several European countries in 1941. 10. He said he always (supported, had supported) me. 11.Not all the pupils kneww that the US President (is,was) the Commander in Chief of the countrys armed forces.

Translate into English please: Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich - was born in the family of a doctor who served in the Mariana Hospital in Moscow. In the family

had 7 children. After graduating in 1841 from an engineering school in Petersburg, he entered the military service. His first major work "Poor people". He was arrested and brought to trial for participation in a criminal community. He was sentenced to death, but at the last minute, when he was already on the scaffold, he was declared royal mercy. The death penalty was replaced by hard labor. In 1854, Dostoevsky, who fell ill with epilepsy in hard labor, was sent to the army. In 1859, the tsarist government allowed him to return to St. Petersburg. On February 15, 1867, he married Anna Snitkina. In Zhinev his son was born, but he died when he was 3 months old. In 1869, a daughter, Lyubov, was born in Dresden. Dostoevsky's most famous novels are Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, and the novel Besy. On January 26, 1881, the writer died of epilepsy. Glory came to him only after death.

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