Sedaflex transformation mechanism. Sofas with sedaflex layout! Successful additions to the interior

The Sedaflex mechanism is used in upholstered furniture, as a transformation device, for more than 10 years. Over the years, it has gained the same popularity among buyers as the sofa bed. Actually, this mechanism is used in sofas. It is amazing that sedaflex works equally well in both corner sleeping sofas and straight sofas, allowing you to get a comfortable sleeping place when unfolding. However, the highlight of such sofas is that in addition to the spring mattress and ease of transformation, sedaflex also forms an ergonomic headrest when unfolded. You can have a great rest on this sofa!

Stages of folding out a sofa with the Sedaflex transformation mechanism

The simplicity and efficiency of folding out sofas, in which the Sedaflex transformation mechanism is implemented, is simply amazing. You just need to make a few simple manipulations and turn a compact sofa into a full-fledged double bed.

  1. The first step is to remove the soft elements of the seat. Pillows can be hidden behind the back of the sofa or placed on the side of upholstered furniture. That's it the hard part the process is completed. Next, the sofa turns into a one-two bed.
  2. Pull the special loop towards you and slightly up. The additional section will “emerge” from the niche and you will only have to straighten the metal legs to firmly install the lumbar part of the bed.
  3. We unfold the second section of the bed and also install it on the legs. At this point the transformation process can be considered complete.
  4. Folding the sofa bed is done in reverse order.

Sedaflex sofas: technical characteristics and advantages

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Review 12/01/2013

Sedaflex (otherwise known as “Belgian sleeping bed”) is a very easy-to-use bed transformation mechanism. Sedaflex has rightfully gained success in different countries and is recognized as the best of its kind. This is largely due to the material from which Sedaflex is made - it is a heavy-duty pipe, and Sedaflex, at the request of the customer, can be supplemented with an orthopedic spring block or a foam mattress. Sedaflex's versatility should be especially noted - you can use it both daily and as a guest sleeping bed. No special skills are required when handling Sedaflex; even a beginner can handle it, since Sedaflex is very easy to use and, regardless of external conditions, is always happy to offer you or your guests a spacious, comfortable and exceptional flat surface for sleep.

Sedaflex is available in several widths sleeping place– these are 150, 140, 120, 100, 80 cm, each option is complemented by an adjustable headrest. Another advantage of Sedaflex beds is that they are almost completely silent during operation; you will not hear any squeaks or other extraneous noises that can disturb your sleep. The Sedaflex mechanism has an exceptional quality, which is reflected in all its elements, be it metal structure, armor or belts. The undoubted advantages of Sedaflex also include the fact that this mechanism is practically harmless to all floor coverings during operation.

The activities of our company are entirely aimed at satisfying even the most demanding customer, therefore our catalog reflects the range of materials required for the manufacture of upholstered furniture that meets modern standards. Not the last place in this glorious list is occupied by the Sedaflex mechanism, manufactured in Russia together with the Belgian company Sedac-Mecobel. The association Sedak Instroy Assemblies LLC was created in 1998 with the aim of introducing Russian market transformation mechanisms for furniture. We can be proud to be largest producer such an important element in this area of ​​the market (various mechanisms are presented, including the fashionable and convenient Sedaflex) and are even able to withstand fierce price competition in this area. Choosing a sofa layout mechanism
Sedaflex (“sedaflex”)

The second name of this folding mechanism is “ Belgian folding bed" It is both easy to use and reliable, making Sedaflex ideal option transformation for permanent use.

The Sedaflex berth turns out to be perfectly flat, without bends or creases, and the folding mechanism itself is made of high-quality metal and therefore lasts a long time, produced by the Franco-Belgian company SEDAC-MERAL (which invented it).

"Sedaflex" is a two-fold transformation mechanism. Accordingly, you first pull one section out of the sofa by grasping special hinges, and then “unfold” it until the folding metal legs are on the floor. Load up to 200 kg.

Furniture with such a mechanism has a thicker mattress (usually an orthopedic spring mattress up to 18 cm thick is used), so the sleeping space is smooth and elastic. For more comfortable rest, the Sedaflex mechanism is equipped with an adjustable headrest.


The Millennium mechanism has a very nice feature: sofa cushions there is no need to remove them and put them in the corner of the room - when you unfold the sofa, they end up below, under the sleeping place. To unfold this mechanism, you need to pull the back of the sofa towards you and lower it. Very easy to fold out full bed!

– the most reliable and quite expensive transformation mechanism, while it is extremely convenient when unfolding and ensures a comfortable sleep.

This mechanism is intended for daily use. Design features mechanism is that in places of bending, not rivets are used, but weak bolted connections, at the core metal grid and a rigid frame made of metal pipes.

The mechanism is very easy to unfold and fold thanks to powerful springs - all this ensures trouble-free operation of the mechanism under conditions of daily intensive use. The mattress is used with a height of up to 150 mm and is based on an orthopedic Bonnell spring block.


The “meralat” mechanism is not intended for daily use - it is a “guest option”. Usually equipped with a polyurethane foam mattress.

To start unfolding your sofa, you first need to remove the seat cushion and then unfold one and two sections in sequence.

Upholstered furniture with such a transformation mechanism is usually used as a very convenient and practical “guest option”.


The “dolphin” transformation mechanism is used mainly in corner sofas, which are very popular today.

The “dolphin” mechanism is extremely simple in operation and does not require much physical effort; even a child can easily unfold it.

To transform, you need to pull the hidden strap upwards and towards yourself, thus the hidden part of the berth is raised, installed and fixed in the same plane with the main seat, forming a flat and spacious place for rest and sleep.

The undoubted advantages of sofas with the “dolphin” system include the following remarkable qualities:

  • Suitable for everyday use.
  • A flat, spacious sleeping area, which is located quite high from the floor.
  • Ease of transformation.
  • Reliability and long service life. Retractable mechanism has always been considered more reliable than folding. Load up to 200 kg.
  • Low cost.

In fact, the “Eurobook” transformation mechanism does not have a mechanism as such, which leads to the most important advantage - there is nothing to break!

This is the most reliable and simple transformation mechanism.

To recline, you need to move the seat forward, then lower the back of the sofa.

Designed for daily use.

Among the advantages:

  • huge niche for linen;
  • Possibility to place close to the wall;
  • Wide range of sizes, both length and width.
“Eurobook step by step” or “tick-tock”

The main difference is that the seat does not roll forward, but moves along the trajectory of a semicircle. At the same time, during the unfolding process, no wheels move on the floor. This ensures the safety of floor coverings.

“Book” or “click-clack”

The principle of unfolding is as simple as possible: raise the seat until it clicks, lower it and the sofa is unfolded.

IN modern models An improved analogue of the “book” mechanism is often used.

However, the “click-clack” design provides an additional intermediate “relax” back position (or even two variants of it).
Thanks to this improvement, a person can be in a half-sitting and half-lying position.

In the 21st century, sofas with a transformation mechanism are very popular. Convenient and practical to use, they come in three types: with a roll-out mechanism, unfolding and folding.

One of the types of unfolding models is the “Sedaflex” or “American clamshell” transformation mechanism. The main criterion by which buyers evaluate it is lightness and ease of use.

Sedaflex mechanism

This mechanism began to be actively used in upholstered furniture designs in the early 90s. The developers are Sedac. Representatives of the company took the “French clamshell”, which consists of three parts, as a basis, and improved it. “Sedaflex”, unlike the “French” one, consists of two parts, has a mattress with spring blocks, has the largest dimensions, and also has built-in, rather than removable, pillows in the folding mechanism, which serve as additional support.

REFERENCE Furniture with a transformation mechanism first appeared in the 17th century in France.

Sedaflex sofas are very compact in appearance. When folded, it does not take up much space, but when unfolded, it forms a full-fledged sleeping place. Fits harmoniously into any room interior. Durable and reliable mechanism allows you to easily transform it into a double bed every day.

Suitable for living rooms and offices. Often found in apartments with small living spaces. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following characteristics that affect the quality and service life:


Before purchasing, measure the distance from the sofa to the extreme point of the transforming part, so that there is room to move around the bed.

Characteristics of the berth

When purchasing a sofa bed, make sure that the sleeping place will be comfortable while sleeping. Optimal thickness The mattress should be about 15 cm, have a spring block and soft filler. Not all models can fully replace an orthopedic bed.

Price and quality

High prices are not a guarantee of quality. average cost sofa with Sedaflex transformation mechanism from 10,000 to 40,000 rubles. The price depends on the materials from which the product is made: wood, steel, sofa upholstery, mattress filling. It is worth noting that furniture with removable elements is always lower in price than with built-in parts into the main structure.

IMPORTANT When purchasing expensive furniture, you must ask for a quality certificate from the manufacturer. This important point when issuing a warranty for the product.

The Sedaflex mechanism is a structure whose base is made of metal pipe. IN horizontal position supported by durable legs that do not damage or scratch flooring. The mattress is one-piece, fastened with elastic straps. The entire transforming structure folds in half and is stored in a niche in the sofa.

Step-by-step instructions on how to turn a sofa into a bed

Even a teenager can turn the Sedaflex sofa into a full-fledged bed. Three steps, effortless transformation is the main reason for choosing this model.

  1. Remove all soft, removable elements, if any.
  2. Pull up and, at the same time, pull the retractable structure towards you.
  3. Unfold the folded sleeping place, placing it on its legs.

The procedure takes 2-3 minutes. You can also fold the bed back in three steps, only in the reverse order.

Advantages of the Sedaflex mechanism

The main advantages of the mechanism " American flip phone"are:

  • Simplicity and noiselessness during transformation.
  • The mattress has orthopedic properties, without seams in the joints between its parts, which allows for a more comfortable sleeping place.
  • The load on the structure is up to 300 kg.

The disadvantages that buyers indicate in their reviews relate more to the sofa than to the Sedaflex transformation mechanism. For example, the use of thin steel to make metal tubes makes the frame of the structure unreliable; thin mattress, as a result of lack of comfortable sleep; The linen drawer is present only in corner models.

Purchasing a new sofa is a major purchase that raises many questions and doubts. As with most pieces of furniture, the buyer wants to find a model that is equally comfortable, practical and stylish. The best way choose the most comfortable sofa- is to visit a furniture showroom and feel like the owner of a particular model.

  • Some sofa models are designed to perform only one function - they serve as a place to relax while sitting. These are the so-called guest sofas.
  • Another variety are models that transform into a bed. When purchasing such a model, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the mechanism of its operation to make sure whether it is suitable for the conditions in which it will be used.


The folding mechanism of the sofa makes it easy and simple to turn it into a sleeping place. Currently, there are many similar options. However, before buying a sofa with any of the transformation mechanisms, you need to carefully study their properties, as well as find out what material they are made of. These characteristics will allow you to judge how long-term and comfortable the use of the sofa will be. In case of complex mechanical devices the most preferable option would be the choice of transformation mechanisms made of reliable brands become.

According to the type of layout, the sofa can be:

  1. Turning, which is also called a transforming sofa or modular;
  2. Folding, This category includes both folding sofas (French or American) and Eurobook sofas;
  3. Roll-out, which can be straight or angular;
  4. With lifting mechanism, which can be on hinges, springs, or can be carried out using a system of gas shock absorbers;
  5. With walking mechanism, which is also called stepper; Such designs include “tic-tock”, “tango”, and “pantograph” sofas, which are variants of the improved “Eurobook” model;
  6. "Scissors"– most often these are corner structures;
  7. "Butterfly", which is also called the Versailles mechanism.

7 photos


One of the most convenient and frequently purchased sofa layout mechanisms. The base of such a sofa is on a retractable platform. While the structure is in the form of a sofa, the platform is invisible because it is hidden under its seat. In order to unfold the sofa, you need to roll out this platform and lift its edge a little up, pulling the special loops. This will ensure that the surface of the platform is level with the seat. The resulting bed has an elastic base and a comfortable height.

Folding this model is very simple: you need to pull it up, grasping the belt of the retractable base, it will rise and the mechanism will take it inside the roll-out platform. Then the platform itself slides down under the seat. This mechanism is very reliable, allows you to get a comfortable resting place for two people, and is suitable for use every day.

Sliding sofas "dolphin" can be either straight or corner. In the latter case, they are equipped with a storage box located under the ottoman.


This layout method is also known as an "alternative". This folding model, in fact, does not have any mechanism that ensures its transformation, being an example of simplicity and reliability. The movement of parts of the structure occurs thanks to rollers that move in the grooves of the base. This option is simple and suitable for long-term use.

To turn the Eurobook into a bed, you need to remove the pillows and move the seat forward. Then all that remains is to lower the section that was the back of the sofa and you will get a classic sleeping place. To return the sofa to initial position, you need to do the same operations in reverse order: first, the backrest is raised to its original position, and then the roll-out base is moved towards it.

Under the seat there is always a compartment for storing bed linen, which is very convenient for the owners. Such models can be angular or straight type.


The mechanism called the “pantograph” (also known as “Tick-tock” or “Tango”) is an updated and improved version of the well-known “Eurobook”. To turn this model into a bed, as in the case of the Eurobook mechanism, you need to move the seat forward. However, to do this, the seat must first be lifted up slightly by pulling on the hinges. Thanks to the folding mechanism, it will automatically take the desired position. The extended seat is placed on the floor and then the back of the sofa is lowered.

The result is a wide and elastic sleeping place on a spring block. The reverse transformation can be accomplished by placing the backrest in its normal position, and then lifting the seat and moving it close to the backrest. The mechanism is designed for daily use. Sofas of this type are suitable for those who have high-pile carpets at home, because the transformation occurs without moving the furniture directly on the floor.

In the case when the model with the pantograph mechanism is angular, it has a box for storing bedding.


A very simple and softly working spring mechanism for unfolding the sofa, which in terms of smooth movements really resembles steps wild cat, after which it is named. During transformation, the seat of such a model rises and, as it were, takes a step forward. In order to do this, just pull the loop built into the bottom of the seat. At the same time, an additional platform hidden there will move out from the depths of the sofa, which, taking the vacant seat space, will transform the sofa into a full-fledged bed. This transformation occurs through one single movement, softly and smoothly, facilitated by correctly selected springs equipped with a synchronizer.

Folding this model is also very simple. The folding process is performed in one motion, using the same sewn loop. Using it to lift the front part of the berth, you need to push slightly back towards the back of the sofa, and the built-in mechanism will lower both platforms into place. This mechanism is ideal for everyday use.

A straight “puma” sofa does not allow the design to have space for storing linen, however, in the corner modifications equipped with an ottoman, a similar compartment is present.


This type of transformation is also called high-rise and roll-out.

The mechanism consists of three fragments, folded and compactly packed in the depths of the sofa. The outermost part of the bed is frame design, the middle part is a platform that stands entirely on the floor and serves as assembled form seat, the head part is in the back.

When laying out such a sofa there is no need to remove it soft pillows, they will not interfere with pulling out the structure from the depths and installing three retractable parts. The frame part is pulled out first to the level of the legs; it pulls the seat behind it, which, moving, gives impetus to the extension of the head part of the berth. Special rollers with brackets moving along guides made of hard rocks wood and a well-functioning mechanism make it possible to carry out such a transformation without special effort. In order to fold the “conrad”, you need to lift the frame part by the built-in loop and push it towards the back.

However, with everyday use, this model may not seem very convenient in layout. This will be especially problematic for a woman or child, since the retractable parts have significant weight.

The advantage of this model is its compact and elegant appearance, creating a comfortable and reliable sleeping place without kinks and the presence of a drawer built into the back for storing linen.

Since Conrad mechanisms are not produced in the Russian Federation, this affects their cost: sofas with similar components have a fairly high price tag.


This is a sofa that has swivel mechanism transformation, which is also called “scissors”. Usually these are large corner sofas with an ottoman. Outwardly they are not very distinguishable from corner sofas other designs, however, if you look closely, it becomes clear that the ottoman of this model has a slightly longer length than usual. With the pillows removed, its length will be about 190 cm, thus this part of the structure can simultaneously serve as a sleeping place without any additional transformations.

If you move the main part of the seat at an angle of 90 degrees and move it close to the ottoman, you can get a full-fledged sleeping place, designed for two people. For ease of movement on the floor, the transforming sofa is equipped with rubberized wheels. For reliable fixation, the wheels are equipped with brakes, which are installed as needed.

You can move the seat not only close to the ottoman, but also in the opposite direction, getting U-shaped design. Some models of transformers have an additional lowered backrest, so the buyer can choose exactly the option that seems optimal to him. Any of these models has two spacious storage drawers and is an alternative to the usual roll-out sofas.


The accordion folding mechanism is strong and durable; when unfolded, it turns the sofa into a full-fledged bed. It works on the accordion principle, which is why it got its name.

When assembled, it has a double-folding backrest, which, when unfolded, straightens and creates the basis of a berth. In order to unfold the “accordion”, the seat is raised slightly up (until it clicks), then the mechanism begins to move forward, stretching the folded backrest. For stability and reliability, such models are usually equipped with armrests.

Assembling the “accordion” occurs without much effort, but requires some skills. In order to start the assembly mechanism, you need to lift the outermost part of the structure up and push it towards the back: the “accordion” will curl up.

This model is usually straight, has a drawer for storing linen, is very compact when folded and takes up minimal space. Such models are designed for daily use.

"French" folding bed

The transformation mechanism called the “French” clamshell also has a second name: such designs are called “mixotual”. This is the so-called metal frame mechanism. It consists of steel tubes various thicknesses(in domestic designs it is 1.5 mm, in imported ones - 0.8 mm), an awning made of durable fabric (most often polypropylene) and equipped with transverse support strips - “battens” (made from bent plywood) and equipped with a mattress made of polyurethane foam, which is in a fabric cover.

When unfolding and folding, the mattress remains inside the structure, since it does not have its own frame. To open the “mixotual,” almost no physical effort is required; to begin with, it is enough to pull the frame of the mechanism itself, which is also the edge of the sofa seat, up and forward. Then the entire mechanism needs to be lifted up and “rolled” forward, like a regular folding bed. At the same time, the sections folded into each other will straighten out, each of which is equipped with folding legs-supports made of metal semicircular tubes. In this way, a sleeping place is unfolded, designed for a weight of about two hundred kilograms and dimensions of 185 * 145 cm. The sofa cushions are removed before transformation.

When assembling, the outermost segment of the structure is first lifted, which is “wrapped” onto the middle one, and then both of them are laid on the base of the sofa. The mattress is not removed, but bedding, pillows and blankets must be removed to avoid damage to the mechanism.

The “French folding bed” is a convenient and easy-to-transform mechanism, designed for occasional use, the so-called guest bed option. In many ways, the service life of this model depends on the quality of the steel fittings located at its base, the reliability of the battens and the density of the awning.


This mechanism has another name - it is often called the “American” clamshell.

The copyright for this design belongs to Sedac, hence the name “sedaflex”. It is an improved version of the “mixotual”, and the mechanism is divided not into three, but only into two parts. Another innovation is the filling of the mattress with a spring block, which increases the comfort and stability of the sleeping place. Reliability is also facilitated by thicker pipe legs, which are 3 mm thick.

Another advantage of the “American” is the fact that the sofa cushions do not need to be removed before transformation. The design is designed in such a way that when the sofa is laid out, the pillows turn over and end up on the floor, thereby increasing stability and saving time and space for the owners. Also, as an advantage of the “sedaflex”, we can mention the fact that it was decided to replace the slats and armor in it with elastic belts.

The transformation of the “American folding bed” occurs similarly to the transformation of the “mixotual”; both models fold forward using physical effort. By pulling the edge of the seat of the folded sofa, it is lifted up a little and the entire structure with the attached mattress is laid out.

The dimensions of the Sedaflex are slightly larger than those of its French counterpart, which contributes to the greater popularity of this particular model.

There is no drawer for storing linen in any of them, since everything interior seat The mechanism itself occupies the sofa. However, if clamshell models come complete with an attached section, which can be located on either side, then in this section it is possible to place linen for storage.


This mechanism got its name due to its resemblance to the unfolding of a telescope. When implementing it, the transformation occurs as follows: first, by pulling the built-in hinges, the lower tier of the structure, previously hidden under the seat, is rolled out. This will be the basis for the sleeping place, or more precisely, the part where the sleeper’s legs will be located. When pulled out, it will pull a platform behind it, which will become the middle part of the bed base.

To assemble the structure, first return the spring block to its original place, then push it bottom part sofa It is worth noting that in the first pull-out section there is space for bed linen or clothes.

One of the disadvantages of the telescopic design is the fact that it is not suitable for a large sofa. First of all, these are two- or three-seater sofas, which are good for a child’s room.

How to choose?

Any sofa, whether folding or non-folding, has similar design features that need to be taken into account when choosing:

  1. Doesn't exist for them standard sizes. The height, width and depth of such upholstered furniture vary depending on the type of sofa layout and whether it is corner, straight or modular.
  2. When purchasing such furniture, you need to take into account the size of the room: a model for daily sleep should fit freely in the room when unfolded.
  3. Types of such sofas are divided into straight and corner. The latter may have different angles: left, right or so-called universal angle.
  4. You can choose either a model for every day or a guest option; to do this, you need to decide how often you need to transform the sofa into a sleeping place.

Immediately before purchasing, it is advisable to visit furniture showrooms to see it live various models and personally check how convenient and easy the transformation mechanisms work. At the same time, you should not stand and watch the process of unfolding the sofa by a consultant; it is better to ask the seller to show the principle of the layout and then do this procedure with your own hands. Only in this case can you understand whether it will be convenient to perform such actions on a daily basis.

For every day, it is better to choose the mechanisms that are easiest to transform, such as a “Eurobook”, “telescope”, “pantograph”.

The service life that a sofa can withstand without repair depends entirely on the quality of the materials from which its base, body and folding mechanism are made.

You should definitely make sure that the internal parts of the sofa are made of solid wood and not chipboard or plastic, because in this case they can become deformed and crack. The quality and type of wood are also very important. Softwood such as pine is cheap and used in inexpensive sofas, but it can warp or dry out over time, usually after five years. More expensive wood, for example, kiln-dried oak, ash or beech will make the sofa durable and maintain its beautiful appearance.

Therefore, you definitely need to carefully question the consultant and carefully examine the insides of the sofa. In this case, it is worth paying attention to how the connections and joints are secured. It is important to remember that a structure whose component parts are held in place with screws, dowels, or special furniture pegs will last much longer than one whose parts are fixed together only with glue or secured with simple self-tapping screws.

An important factor when buying a folding sofa is, of course, the availability of space in the apartment for its transformation.

If you have limited space, but need additional sleeping places, then instead of one huge sofa, it would be preferable to purchase two small folding sofas. In addition, the hardness of the sofa mattress

is another important factor that should be taken into account when choosing a model. This largely depends on personal preference. But, as a rule, a firmer mattress will be healthier, and when using this sofa as a bed, it will give you the opportunity to get a good night's sleep. It also has to do with personal preference and choice. Some people don't like bouncy sofas, while others don't like them. To evaluate a future purchase from these positions, it is worth sitting on it before purchasing, or better yet, lying down.

If there are animals in the house, which, of course, will definitely be happy to lie on a brand new sofa, you should choose the upholstery especially carefully. Contaminants such as pet hair and fluff are easily removed from flock and leather, but get stuck in the tapestry; On such a covering as a shinil, there are puffs left by their claws.

And finally, the weight of the sofa is another important aspect which the buyer must take into account.
