Who won a car in the color of the sofas? Factory "Color of Sofas". Furniture catalog and wholesale prices

Large holding

The Tsvet Sofanov company is part of one of the largest holdings in the furniture industry - Amethyst - the only holding that is an expert not only in the production and sales of furniture, but also in many materials and components for its production. We know furniture from the inside! More than 400 own and partner salons throughout the Russian Federation. We are always and everywhere nearby!

Own production

We produce the bulk of our products, more than 50%, at our own enterprises in Ryazan, Vladimir, the Moscow region, and also in Serbia.


For more than 10 years we have been selling and producing furniture, we can confidently say that we know better than anyone what our customers need. Thanks to this, only here you will find the most current and popular models, the latest new upholstery products, and the most current trends in the furniture industry!

18 month warranty

It doesn't matter how long ago you bought furniture from us. You can contact us with any questions. This applies to both warranty service, and post-warranty repairs. Thanks to our own service department– we are always nearby. 18 months warranty!

Quality furniture

We have developed many furniture models that are bestsellers throughout Russia. Thanks to our many years of experience and sales scale, only we can keep the price of furniture low without compromising the quality of the products.

Delivery speed

We have short period delivery of furniture, thanks to a high-tech warehouse in the near Moscow region. Area 6500 sq.m. allows you to constantly maintain a wide warehouse program. In addition, we try to keep stock various models, to offer you 2-day delivery on our most exciting items.

Our production

We work with large factories, technically equipped with modern Italian and German equipment that meet high requirements our company. Production areas reach 10,000 square meters. meters. The factories carry out constant quality control of their products. The company's warehouses have created optimal conditions for storing and shipping furniture.

The best fabrics

Collection furniture fabric constantly updated with the latest fashion trends. But we also do not forget about the quality of these fabrics. All of them undergo special checks and undergo rigorous tests before reaching us.

The pride of our collection is genuine Marussia leather and Bionica nanoleather. Thanks to the porous membrane made of modified polyurethane, Bionica “breathes”, and this is precisely the property that provides natural ventilation furniture.

Reliable mechanisms

We are constantly developing new models of upholstered furniture and improving the existing model range.

Much attention is paid to the quality of furniture, its functionality and affordable price. The furniture is made from high quality environmentally friendly pure materials, reliable fittings.

Upholstered furniture frames are made of natural wood or metal. Metal frames also meet high environmental standards and have increased strength. That is why the guarantee on metal frames is 25 years - we are confident in them!

Sleeping places are comfortable in all models, but for increased comfort some models can be equipped with an independent spring block.


First of all, I would like to thank all participants for their interest and activity! We were very pleased to communicate with you!
However, not everyone became familiar with the conditions; some reposted, but did not inform us about their participation. According to the terms of the competition, we took into account the activity of only those who sent us an application to participate.
From the most active competitors, the winner was chosen randomly.

Competition results:

The sofa leaves for Tatiana from Moscow - ok.ru/profile/458674544968

Some competitors showed the greatest activity and worked hard, so to speak, to receive the prize.
The management of STOCK SOFAS decided to give consolation prizes to three more randomly selected from the most active participants:

A gift certificate for 5,000 rubles is received by:
Ekaterina Krylova - vk.com/id90405454
Yana Averina - vk.com/yanaf1987
Veronica Andreeva-Alexandrova vk.com/veronika1006

Delivery of prizes will be agreed upon with the winners in the near future.
A little later we will post photos of the winners with their prizes.

Those who played and didn't win, don't be upset. Similar competitions will be held in the near future. Follow our news on social networks!
Once again we thank everyone who took part in the competition.


1. Repost (or copy) this competition to your page and invite your friends to share your news
2. Your task is get as many reposts of your news as possible. The more reposts you get, the more chances you have to pick up this cute sofa for free!
3. You can share in all its social networks - reposts are added up!
4. The results of the competition will be announced on October 31 random selection among 100 participants who dialed greatest number reposts your news
5. To participate in the competition necessary

I was simply robbed at Tsvet Sofas LLC. For 1.5 years now I’ve been fighting like a fish against ice, but I haven’t got a sofa or money (86,000 rubles), they just threw me away!!! And it was like this.... In February 2014, I ordered and paid corner sofa Saint Tropez, in fixed time I receive the goods, and here you are, a defect upon a defect: the pillows are half empty, the skin is torn off.

In general, I refused to accept such a product. The salon convinced me that they would send me to the factory to eliminate the defects, I filled out the necessary papers in their salon and went home to wait. All the deadlines passed (more than 45 days), and the store still did not call. I came to the store and they said “that the factory refuses to correct defects.” I wrote a request for a refund, but they told me “that they would deduct 30% of 86,000 rubles from me, since the order was carried out according to custom sizes"But the sofa is defective, what is my fault? I filed a lawsuit. At the trial, the lawyer of “The Color of Sofas” constantly tried to postpone or reschedule the meeting, in general, he was stalling for time. Then independent examination, in short it lasted about 4 months. And when, by a court decision, I won the case and received a writ of execution for Tsvet Sofas LLC, it turned out that the company, while the trial was going on, reorganized and now there was no one to collect the money from. This is how salons thrive, but there is no one to sue. Through the bailiffs, the prosecutor's office and all possible supervisions, it turned out that the legal address in the village was with my grandfather, and there were zeros in the bank accounts. It seems like a serious company, there are many branches throughout Russia, I would never have thought that they would do this, but in fact, neither the bailiffs nor the prosecutor's office can do anything. Even legal structures are unable to return my money. SO NOW THINK WHETHER TO BUY in the “Color of Sofas” salons or not.?...

On the wall in the office of the general director of the Color of Sofas chain of stores hangs a long list of addresses that goes down to the floor. “The plan for opening new stores and rebranding old ones is planned several months in advance,” says the head of the furniture chain Natalia Peksheva. Three years ago, she was invited as an anti-crisis manager to a company that was handed over to a new owner for debts of 600 million rubles. She says that the company will close 2017 with revenue of more than 2 billion rubles and, most importantly, without losses.

Who is the king of sofas

The first upholstered furniture store, “The Color of Sofas,” opened in 2004 on Krasnaya Presnya in Moscow. The network developed CEO Dmitry Khodasevich, who previously worked for several years at furniture factory in Saratov. Entrepreneur Arkady Chernov invited him to the capital; since the early 1990s, together with an American partner, he has been supplying furniture fabrics to Russia under the Arben brand. Khodasevich purchased textiles from Chernov for Saratov production, and in 2003 they met at a specialized exhibition in Moscow. “I liked Khodasevich, and we decided to create a retail chain together,” recalls Chernov.

The idea of ​​​​creating “The Color of Sofas,” according to Chernov, was initially to help small to domestic producers, who purchased fabrics from him, in the sale of finished furniture. This way Arben could increase sales and ensure a stable supply of fabrics a large number factories throughout the country. Chernov invested in new network$1 million, it was agreed with Khodasevich that he would head the “Color of Sofas” and receive 5% of the company’s shares with the prospect of further increasing the share. The remaining 95% belonged to Arben. “There was an agreement between them that Chernov would not get involved in business, and the leader and ideologist of the project, Khodasevich, would have full control,” notes a Forbes source.

Turbulence in the company began when Khodasevich and Chernov had a conflict. "Chernov with the help retail network controlled the supply of textiles - his main business. Khodasevich was more focused on the needs of clients, the prices they required, and the issue of fabrics was secondary for him,” explains one of the players in the furniture market, who is well acquainted with the situation. Chernov admits that the original idea for which “The Color of Sofas” was created failed because many manufacturers were unable to provide a price favorable to the retail network. “As a result, we stopped purchasing sofas from those who were not ready to provide low prices, and many furniture makers responded by rejecting our fabrics, viewing us as competitors,” says Chernov.

In 2012, Dmitry Khodasevich left the company, he had the idea to create own production in Saratov, and he invited Arben partners to invest, but they decided to concentrate on the retail furniture and textile business. Then Khodasevich, together with his brother, founded the “King of Sofas” company, and a little later launched his own retail chain “Mnogo Furniture”, which at the end of 2013 became largest producer sofas and sofa beds in Russia with a share of 17.9% in total production, according to RBC.research.

There was no more drive

Instead of Khodasevich, Arben partner, banker Alexey Blokhin, became the new manager. Subsequently, several more managers were replaced in this position. According to the source, along with Khodasevich, the entire star team of “The Color of Sofas” left - marketing, purchasing, logistics, which affected the condition of the company. “We wanted to bring the company to a certain level, automate all processes and sell this business,” says Chernov. As potential buyer considered financial funds. But these plans were not allowed to come true.

In less than a year, the furniture chain slipped to a pre-bankruptcy state. “For Tsvet Sofas, 2012 was the most profitable year in the history of the company - with a turnover of more than 3 billion rubles, and this relaxed the management,” says Natalia Peksheva, who at that time headed the wholesale textile company Amethyst.

Further, market stagnation and fierce competition forced the company to reduce margins. The expansion into the regions undertaken by the company in 2013 turned out to be a failure. The regional network, financed by bank loans, was unprofitable; the lack of working capital and the resulting cash gaps continued to drag the company to the bottom.

“There was no such drive anymore,” admits Chernov. As a result, by December 2014, when the crisis began, the retailer’s revenue had almost halved to 1.8 billion rubles, thousands of overdue orders had accumulated, and customers complained on online forums that they had become victims of the “Colors of Sofas” scam.

At this moment, David Minasyants, the owner of the company producing metal furniture frames “Via Ferrata,” became interested in the network. According to several market players, Minasyants also owns the distributor of furniture fabrics Amethyst. “This is a mastodon of the furniture industry and one of his oldest assets,” says a Forbes source.

A year before the crisis, Minasyants bought the Ryazan enterprise for the production of upholstered furniture “Rival”. “By merging the Via Ferrata and Rival design bureaus, we were able to increase the efficiency of developing new models and reduce the production time of sofas. All that remained was to resolve the issue of distribution of finished furniture,” Minasyants explains his interest. For several years, the entrepreneur looked closely at retail chains, in particular, he negotiated with the Sofas and Armchairs company, but it went bankrupt in 2013.

In the summer of 2014, Minasyants began negotiations with Arkady Chernov about the purchase of “Color of Sofas”. “All the main business processes in the company have already been established, the geography of the network is extensive, and the brand has been promoted,” lists Minasyants. Having united three enterprises, he wanted to establish production full cycle, which would significantly reduce the cost of products and give a significant advantage over competitors. There was only one caveat - “Color of Sofas” was almost in bankruptcy. By the fall of 2014, debts to clients, banks and suppliers amounted to about 600 million rubles, regional divisions were urgently closed. "Before complete elimination business remained for several weeks,” recalls Peksheva, who was invited for a preliminary risk assessment. According to Minasyants, in the end, the amount of the transaction, not counting the retailer’s debts, was purely symbolic - about 1 million rubles.

The new company was named “Moscow Furniture House”. According to Kontur.focus, 10% of it belongs to Mod Home Projects, controlled by Chernov, the remaining 90% belongs to to an individual Dmitry Smirnov. “The Color of Sofas” prefers not to comment on information about the ownership structure. Arkady Chernov, in turn, states that a 90% share was sold to Minasyants in 2015, and at the beginning of 2016 he himself completely withdrew from the project.

Total optimization

Optimization issues were key. The office and warehouse were halved. The team had to be changed almost completely. In order to save money, they closed all regional warehouses in Volgograd, Voronezh, Yaroslavl, Novosibirsk, Smolensk, Krasnodar, halved the number of their own stores and completely got rid of franchise points, which continued to operate under the sign “Color of Sofas”, replacing the assortment with furniture from third party manufacturers. Peksheva agreed with the factories to resume supplies, and within four months she managed to close the debts to end customers.

With the arrival of new management the lineup in “The Color of Sofas” was also reduced from 50 to 20 models. “If a store has 100 sq. m can fit two dozen sofas, then why more?” - Peksheva argues. In her opinion, the assortment should be well-founded. “In our democratic segment, people do not expect frills; it is important for them that the question optimal choice was decided professionally for them,” she adds. For one sofa model, there are 5–10 types of upholstery fabrics; they are selected or developed in our own design bureau. Production is in-line, and the custom program (production of sofas according to individual specifications) has been completely cancelled. At first, this caused a negative response from sellers and buyers, but it was thanks to this optimization that the sofa production time was reduced from 30–60 to three to seven days.

“From a production point of view, it is more efficient to focus on a few successful models and buy in volume, but this significantly limits the client’s choice,” warns Mikhail Kuchment, co-owner of the Hoff chain. “The assortment of our hypermarkets includes 200 models, and we have no need to reduce it.”

No longer a discounter

When Peksheva joined the company, the “Color of Sofas” chain considered Dmitry Khodasevich’s “Much Furniture” discounters to be its main competitor: the struggle took place mainly on price positioning. “I decided to completely move away from such competition and occupy a higher niche,” she explains. This required some modification, since the previous furniture was designed to last up to six months, no more. Peksheva ordered the first improved batch from Rival in November 2014. “My task was to ensure the production of furniture High Quality in the shortest possible time,” says Rival General Director Andrey Elizarov. Thus, “The Color of Sofas” received best ratio cost and quality of furniture. Today Rival produces 70% of the “Colors of Sofas” assortment.

Two years ago, on the initiative of Via Ferrata, a new patented product was introduced to the market - a sofa not made of wood, but of metal frame. “Thanks to our own retail, we have ensured demand for new generation mechanisms. During this time, the production volume of metal frames has increased 13 times,” boasts Minasyants. Elizarov from Rival confirms the benefits of cooperation: the company was able to engage in continuous production, fully utilizing its capacity, and eliminated the risks associated with unstable demand and delays in payments to customers. “The share of production for “The Color of Sofas” is now about a third, but it will never exceed half,” Elizarov stipulates. - For Rival it is important to maintain a variety of furniture and client base, which has already been developed.”

“Since 2014, the furniture market has been constantly falling, and our alliance allows us to develop steadily thanks to the creation of a new market niche,” Minasyants is sure. Mikhail Kuchment estimates the volume of the Russian furniture market at 600 billion rubles per year, 25% of it is occupied by cushioned furniture. The production volume of sofas is about 6 million pieces annually. The “Color of Sofas” chain, which today has just over 160 of its own stores, sells 8,000–12,000 sofas per month. The retail chain's revenue grows by 20–30% annually. Peksheva’s grandiose but realistic plan in 2017 is to finally pay off her debts and receive a long-awaited profit, according to exact calculations, 101 million rubles.
