How to insulate an adobe house from the outside. How to insulate an adobe house. Olga, Salsk, Rostov region

What is the best way to insulate a house from the outside? This question worries all owners. The cool temperature in the living room during the cold season creates discomfort, in addition, finances are spent on additional heating, and this is not advisable.

Ruler modern heaters great. To choose correct thermal insulation, you need to familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of each.

External insulation: choice of material

Market of modern thermal insulation materials great. These are both synthetic heaters and natural ones. All of them differ from each other in technical characteristics - thermal conductivity, water absorption, specific gravity, installation methods, strength and others.

Among the natural materials for warming the house outside, the following can be distinguished:

  • adobe (clay + straw + additives);
  • expanded clay (relevant if the owner decides to build an additional outer wall in half a brick);
  • warm plaster.

The range of synthetic insulation that can sheathe the walls of the house from the outside is wider:

  • expanded polystyrenes (regular and extruded);
  • polyurethane foam;
  • penoizol;
  • mineral wool (basalt is preferable).

All heaters can be divided into two groups:

  • for self-assembly;
  • for professional installation.

The former include any types of plasters (adobe and warm), expanded polystyrenes (polystyrene and foam), mineral wool, expanded clay.

Polyurethane foam can be attributed to the ideal thermal insulation of the house from the outside, but only specialists can sheathe (insulate) it, since the material is sprayed.

The situation is similar with penoizol (carbamide foam). it liquid thermal insulation, for the installation of which a special installation is required and high-quality protection insulation against moisture.

In order to choose the right material, you need to decide on some conditions:

  • financial component;
  • quality of insulation;
  • complexity / ease of installation.

The most expensive insulation can be called the thermal insulation of the house from the outside with polyurethane foam. Most cheap option- Styrofoam. In addition, it is lightweight, so it is accessible. self-assembly(you can sheathe the house outside in a day). This insulation does not need a crate, it is glued special glue straight to the wall.

Advice. Expanded polystyrenes (polystyrene / foam) are demanding on the quality of the walls. Therefore, before warming, they must be put in order - cleaned of the peeling old coating, checked with a level for deviation from the horizontal and leveled, if necessary.

The next option for the price is mineral wool. It is not demanding on the evenness of the walls, but it requires double-sided waterproofing and the installation of a ventilated facade, which entails additional labor costs.

What insulation do you prefer? To answer this question, we need to look at some specifications each of them, and also decide how difficult it is to sheathe the walls of the house from the outside with one or another material.

Expanded polystyrenes

Polyfoam and penoplex are representatives of polystyrene foam. The differences between these heaters in price are significant. The same can be said about their technical characteristics:

  • Thermal conductivity. For foam plastic and foam plastic, it is approximately the same, but the water absorption of the first is 4 times higher (4% per day) than that of the second. Penoplex almost does not absorb moisture, therefore it is recommended for wall insulation from the outside.
  • Strength/brittleness. Styrofoam is difficult to work with, as it is fragile and crumbles on the cut. Penoplex has a fine-mesh structure, besides, all cells are very firmly interconnected, so the material is much stronger than polystyrene in bending and compression. It can be cut with a regular or clerical knife, the cut will not crumble.
  • Flammability. Expanded polystyrenes are combustible heaters. However, modern versions of them are produced using flame retardants, which significantly reduces the risk of accidental ignition. When choosing a material, pay attention to the marking "G". G1 - flame-retardant, self-extinguishing insulation. There is also foam specifically for facade insulation - PSB-S-25F. The proportion of fire retardants in this composition is significant, therefore it is prohibited to use it for insulation inside residential premises.
  • Sensitivity to solvents. Styrofoam and foam plastic are sensitive to organic solvents, therefore, to sheathe a house with them, use polyurethane foam glue or dry compounds, which are closed with water according to the instructions immediately before use.
  • The need for finishing. Both types of polyurethane foams must be protected from the effects of atmospheric phenomena. For these purposes, plastering on a fiberglass mesh is used and further painting or applying bark beetle plaster. Permissible to use warm plaster as additional insulation outside.

Important . Styrofoam and foam plastic are rather fragile heaters. Therefore the layer plaster mortar should be small.

The disadvantage of such thermal insulation of the walls is the love of rodents to arrange nests in polystyrene foam. So that they cannot reach the insulation, it is necessary to install a zero level from metal profile. It is impossible to protect yourself from the penetration of mice into the insulation in other ways.

Mineral wool

This heater is chosen by many and it is quite reasonable. Its technical characteristics are more than attractive:

  • Material is released different density, which allows you to sheathe them not only for the wall of the house from the outside and from the inside, but also use it for thermal insulation of the floor or roof.
  • Form of production of mineral wool - mats, rolls, plates, as well as foil insulation.
  • Basalt thermal insulation does not burn, withstanding heating up to 1000°C. This allows you to use it not only for wall insulation, but also for chimneys.
  • The thermal conductivity of mineral wool is low.
  • Water absorption is artificially reduced due to impregnation with water repellents, however, during installation, it is still necessary to lay waterproofing on both sides of the insulation.
  • Rodents are indifferent to cotton wool.
  • The material is inert to most chemical and organic solvents.
  • It is easy to work with cotton wool, so do-it-yourself installation is available.

The technology for installing mineral wool on walls from the outside and from the inside - on glue and frame. In the first case, finishing with plaster is carried out (system wet facade), in the second - siding, block-house, porcelain stoneware (systems of hinged and ventilated facade).

Frame technology installation of mineral wool includes the following steps:

  1. The wall of the house is treated with an antiseptic and dried.
  2. Then the waterproofing is installed and the bars of the vertical crate are stuffed.
  3. The insulation is cut to size and installed in the niches of the crate by surprise (both “hanging” it and “protrusion” is unacceptable).
  4. Thereafter mineral wool covered with a vapor barrier membrane.
  5. You can additionally install horizontal guides that will fix the wool in the niches.

Additional actions are not required to properly sheathe the outside of the house with mineral wool. Finishing such insulation - siding, block house, porcelain stoneware - any options installed on a frame or crate.

Expanded clay and adobe

Natural heaters are cheap, acquiring them is not a problem. Therefore, quite often the owners of private houses choose them. In addition, they are environmentally friendly, breathe, which is attractive to many.

The walls of the house are insulated with expanded clay at the construction stage. You can do this after it is over, but for such insulation you need to lay out additional walls at a distance of about 20 cm from the main ones. Get a well masonry. The space between the walls must be isolated from moisture and covered with expanded clay (mix the insulation of various fractions), then shed with cement milk to reduce its settling and increase strength.

Important . As additional thermal insulation, walls already insulated with expanded clay can be finished outside with warm plaster.

Saman has been used to insulate the walls of houses for a long time. But the technology behind it is complex. Precise prescription plaster composition no one knows, since a lot depends on the quality of the clay. Therefore, this method of wall insulation from the outside is considered complex and time-consuming (every time the master experiments). Insulated walls must be protected from moisture, so they are whitewashed with lime. The result of such thermal insulation is environmentally clean house, in which it is pleasant to be at any time of the year.

What material to focus on

After analyzing the installation technology and some qualities of heaters, it is easy to decide which one to choose. The most simple and cheap way- sheathe the outside of the house with foam. More expensive and better - penoplex. Mineral wool refers to breathable materials, but for it it is necessary to equip a ventilated facade. Polyurethane foam is not picky about the quality of the walls, it sticks to them perfectly, completely insulates the house from the penetration of cold air and moisture, but the price of such insulation is high. thermal insulation natural materials- for an amateur. They are cheap, but require significant labor costs.

In order to protect from rain, houses made of wood or adobe (clay with chopped straw) are often sheathed with boards that rot intensively. And plastering a wall containing organic matter is not only useless, but also harmful. The coating cracks, the wall stops "breathing" and a fungus appears.

A more reliable solution is to use a modern plastic lining(PV), plus competent ventilation walls. You can even lay a heater.

I give a diagram of such a design (Fig. 1). Air through the ventilation hatch penetrates into the space between the skin and the wall (or insulation), rises up and exits near the roof. At the same time, it is important that ventilation gap was at least 1-2 cm.

From above we cover it with a fiberglass facade plaster mesh and nail with plastic washers (cut from 4 × 4 cm flasks). We start under the washers copper wire, tying the fabric.

We nail the plaster shingles in the center. Caring for the wall is very simple: in the spring we open the hatches so that it dries properly, and close it for the winter.


Use foam plastic, pressed glass wool plates and mineral wool for insulation. aluminum foil You can’t - these are airtight coatings.

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