How to choose curtains for a kitchen in the Modern style (36 photos). Art Nouveau curtains - a stylish design with a special charm! (60 photos of modern curtains) Curtains in the modern kitchen

Most people today do not have an accurate idea of ​​how modern curtains differ from others.

Fortunately, the most ordinary curtains, roller ones, and those made of pleated fabric can be used in this style.

By introducing non-standard details or changing presentation options, it is possible to achieve the desired result.


During its life, Art Nouveau has gone through many changes: The main details are sharp, smooth and dreamy. Despite the chaotic nature of the composite objects, there is balance in the composition.

Modernity repeats elements of nature. Based on this, interesting drawings made up of simple lines are used. This leads to asymmetry and curvilinearity of the composition.

Colors cannot be contrasting. They are designed to complement each other, creating a picture pleasing to the eye. It is allowed to use a discreet, slightly shimmering shine.

Distinctive features

The most difficult thing when decorating a room in the Art Nouveau style is to follow a sense of proportion when organizing the environment of the room. To make it look clear and at the same time chic, it is important not to forget about several points:

Introduction of asymmetry. A combination of loose and heavy fabrics is welcome. They can be positioned arbitrarily and asymmetrically, just like the tie-backs that tie them up.

Using multiple layers. Be sure to use at least two layers of canvas. The first one can be a sheer curtain, and on top of it you can hang thicker curtains. The colors of the individual components of the entire composition should be in harmony with each other.

Composition of the main parts. Modernism does not allow the use of blinds. Therefore, in order to hide from sunlight, it will be necessary to introduce curtains made of denser materials into the interior. Velvet and satin are well suited for this purpose.

Mixing paints. In addition to harmonizing bright and white colors, it is allowed to use non-contrasting combinations. The combination of the following color groups looks most attractive: beige, yellow and light gold, as well as sea ​​wave, blue, and dark gold.

It is allowed to use one motif on different components in various designs. To choose the right color, you should carefully study the photo of curtains in the Art Nouveau style. You can experiment with shades and combinations, but it is important to remember that this way you can easily switch to a different style.

Popular shades. All more people give preference purple color curtains For many, this color is associated with something modern and somewhat futuristic. Dark green and burgundy shades are also welcome.

Different curtains for different types of rooms

When decorating different types of premises, do not forget about restraint and harmony. It is important to remember some subtleties that allow you to properly decorate a room:

Bedroom. Light shades should predominate here. Drawings can be complex and dense. Curtains are required to take up little space.

Living room and study. In these rooms you can use all your imagination. Strict lines in patterns on curtains dark colors will create the required climate for work. It is worth including specific and eye-catching details in the design of the living room.

Kitchen. Light, asymmetrically hung curtains would fit in well here. The short version of the curtains guarantees visual magnification area.

So, the Art Nouveau style is associated with expressive natural motifs, designs and surprisingly harmonious elements. In many ways, this is why the direction has remained popular for many years.

Even at the stage of choosing curtains, seek help from specialists in the field of curtain design in the Art Nouveau style in order to avoid stylistic mistakes when decorating your room.

Photos of beautiful curtains in Art Nouveau style

The Paris World Exhibition, which took place in 1900, made the Art Nouveau style popular throughout the world. Today this style has not lost its relevance. It is considered one of the most free and versatile styles. Before choosing this style to decorate your living space, you need to familiarize yourself with its distinctive features. Modern curtains are distinguished by thoughtful details, asymmetry and elegance. Many designers turn to the Art Nouveau style to make a room original and unique.

You can find out which style a particular curtain belongs to by its shape, type of fabric, folds and lines that they create. A distinctive feature of the Art Nouveau style is the asymmetrical lines, which creates a somewhat careless look for curtains. Waves that fall freely to the floor are usually collected with a decorative cord.

One of the main distinguishing features of curtains is the curved lines that repeat the pattern with which the curtains are decorated, or the curtain itself.

When choosing curtains, you should pay attention to their characteristics, especially if the curtains are purchased ready-made. It is important to note that curtains can be positioned asymmetrically. They can be tied at different levels, which will add originality to the overall atmosphere.

Curtain characteristics:

  • Asymmetry. The drapery of the curtains can be shaped as desired. The fabric should fall in loose waves.
  • Multi-layering. Curtains usually consist of two types of materials: double and combined curtains.
  • Harmonious color. The materials from which the curtains are made should not be too contrasting.

When choosing a fabric, you should pay attention to its texture. The fabric should be either plain or decorated with a bright pattern. The lines and curves on the fabric should blend smoothly into each other. Curtains in this style are usually hung on curtain rods, the tips and pins of which have a sharp shape.

How to choose modern style for curtains: photo

To sew curtains in a modern style, it is extremely important to successfully select materials. When choosing the size of the canvas, you should pay attention to the fact that the style is distinguished by its richness of folds. Therefore, the size of the canvas should be large enough - it is better to take fabric with a reserve.

The choice of color largely depends on the style of the interior and the personal preferences of the owners of the room.

Usually, when sewing curtains in the Art Nouveau style, designers advise choosing fabrics pastel shades. For those who love bright solutions, there is only one piece of advice - choose bright colors possible, but they should look harmonious. Curtains in a modern style are distinguished by refined, artificial negligence.

Curtains for different interiors:

  • Modern. If the wall decoration is made in white, for sewing curtains it is best to choose fabric in pink color. It's good if it's pastel.
  • Classical. If the walls are decorated in a light color, for example, beige, and the color of the furniture is not too bright, green, light green and white fabric is perfect for sewing curtains.

The color of curtains and curtains can be the same as the color of the interior in general, but then the fabric should be half a tone or tone brighter. Curtains can be decorated with tassels, metal fittings or fabric tiebacks made from rope or thick rope. To make the interior original, you can experiment with the colors of curtains and drapes.

How to design Art Nouveau curtains for the living room

Art Nouveau style originated in the last century. It did not have time to gain a large scale, but it was able to be revived in our time. It is distinguished by lightness and grace, luxury and sophistication. Curtains in a modern style make the interior complete and holistic.

The Art Nouveau style differs from other types of curtains in its presentation and special method of design. The Art Nouveau style has clear features that will not allow it to be confused with any other style of curtains.

Curtains in a modern style are characterized by smoothness, complexity of lines, and asymmetry. Slight negligence results from the painstaking work of designers. Thoughtful composition, fantasy and aestheticism - all this character traits modern curtains. A single picture that complements general interior, emerges if there is no strict geometry in the design of the curtains, and the folds convey natural outlines.

Tips for decorating your living room:

  • When working with fabric, you can give free rein to your imagination. The fabric can be decorated with an abundance of draperies, lambrequins, frills, and decorative tiebacks.
  • It is important that the decor is dynamic. Art Nouveau style manifests itself in pseudo-chaos.
  • Curtains placed on a forged cornice decorated with animal or plant elements will look great in the living room.
  • The color scheme should be chosen depending on how the living room is decorated in general.
  • Designers advise using deep, rich, dark tones. They will look especially beautiful on large windows, in the living room with large space.

The main thing when decorating a living room is not to be afraid to experiment. It is important to be able to create that slight negligence that distinguishes the style from all others. You need to pay attention to the size of the living room, the style in which it is decorated, the geometry of the space, the color of the decoration and furniture.

Distinctive features of curtains for a modern style kitchen

Those who decide to decorate their kitchen with modern curtains should note that the style of curtains for the kitchen will differ from the style in which they decorate the living room or bedroom. Distinctive feature modern curtains for the kitchen is the lack of multi-layering in the fabric and the rejection of complex draperies. Long and heavy curtains in the kitchen will simply be inappropriate.

To decorate the kitchen, it is better to use light, translucent curtains with neatly formed folds.

For sewing curtains, you can choose tulle or organza. For the kitchen, you can choose fabric with an original pattern. To diversify the interior, you can play with contrast. To decorate a window in the kitchen, you don’t have to give up asymmetry.

Features of Art Nouveau curtains for the kitchen:

  • Practicality. Materials for curtains should be purchased that are easy to clean and resistant to dirt.
  • Functionality. The fabric should protect the room from the penetration of sunlight, and also protect from prying eyes if the kitchen is on the ground floor.
  • Decorative. We are often in the kitchen, so curtains should be not only functional, but also beautiful.

When choosing curtains, you need to pay attention to their features. Not suitable for every kitchen this style. You should not hang Art Nouveau curtains in a kitchen whose interior is radically different.

Modern modern curtains (video)

Curtains in the Art Nouveau style can be hung in the living room, bedroom or kitchen. The choice of curtain fabric depends on the room and the overall style of its design. Curtains in the Art Nouveau style are characterized by lightness, elegance, elegance and slight negligence. Curtains are distinguished by their asymmetry and rich drapery. The popularity of the Art Nouveau style means that it looks simply chic in the interior. To make the curtains look impressive, it is important to purchase a sufficient amount of fabric, since Art Nouveau “loves” many flowing folds. Curved lines and decorativeness are one of the main features of modern curtains.

Hall design in Art Nouveau style (photo)

Now we will talk about curtains in the “modern” style. In what interior should they be used, what are their distinctive features? You will find these and many other answers in our material.

This style welcomes shine, but not bright, but shimmering, giving the curtains a calm and noble look.

Modern - signs, features, types

After the Paris World Exhibition in 1900, the Art Nouveau style in interior design gained worldwide popularity. These days, this free and universal style The design of curtains is back in fashion. A distinctive feature of this style is the asymmetry in the lines. The resulting “creative mess” is actually rigorously thought out and elegant. The free-flowing waves of rectangular curtains are gathered with a cord; another piece of fabric is attached to the top, either asymmetrically picked up by a holder or simply wrapped around the cornice, creating the impression of a carelessly thrown piece of linen.

Another distinctive feature of this style is the curved lines repeated in the shape of the fabric pattern and the curtain itself.

Main characteristics

Curtains made in the Art Nouveau style must meet the following requirements:

  • Asymmetry. Arbitrary arrangement of canvases, tying curtains at different levels, asymmetrical drapery, loose waves on the fabric.
  • Multi-layering. This style must contain at least two types of fabric materials (read about double and combined curtains here).
  • Color harmony. For curtains in the Art Nouveau style, a prerequisite is the absence of contrast in colors (white, gray, brown, chocolate). Even if the curtains bright colors, they must be in harmony with each other.

For this type of curtains, textured fabrics with a single color or fabrics with bright patterns, lines or curves that smoothly flow into each other are suitable.

In the design of cornices, for tips and pins, it is advisable to use a sharp shape.

Selection of materials

The following materials are suitable for making curtains in the Art Nouveau style:

  • Chintz.
  • Acrylic.
  • Nylon.

Since this style is quite diverse, you should choose the fabric based on color range and texture of the canvas. Velvet and satin fabrics are very suitable for this style.

Selection of accessories

For curtains of this type, classic cornices are suitable (read more about how to choose curtain rods). The Art Nouveau style harmonizes very well with metal. The following accessories are used in these curtains:

  • Fabric tiebacks
  • Rope or rope grabs.
  • Brushes.
  • Metal fittings.

Decorations in the form of arrows, rhombuses, and leaves will look good.

Selection principle

The main thing to consider when choosing fabric for curtains of this style is the size of the fabric. It should be taken with a large margin to form folds and waves.

Color solutions may vary and depend on the design of the room. Typically, curtains in the Art Nouveau style are made in soft pastel colors, but brighter colors can also be used, the main thing is not to forget that they should not contrast with each other.

The main rule is to avoid clear geometric lines or shapes in the design of the canvas, since the style itself suggests asymmetry and slight, but at the same time refined negligence.

Successful combinations

Curtains in the Art Nouveau style are successfully combined with classic, modern or interiors of the same name.

In a modern style room, where it predominates White color(walls, furniture) a good decision there will be the use of a lilac or pink shade of pastel colors.

IN classic interior , with walls in light colors, such as beige shades and furniture made of light wood, green curtains with a light green curtain and a white curtain will look good. You can also choose curtains and curtains to match the color of the room’s interior, choosing fabrics that are half a tone brighter.

To add your own “zest” to the interior, you can experiment with the color of the curtains, which will differ from the main color of the curtains.

Curtains for a certain type of room

Living room and office

For a living room or office, you should choose thick curtains in dark, warm, rich shades. Curtains that harmonize in color, as well as canvases draped in many waves and laid in neat tiebacks, will give the room an aristocratic style.


Bright colors are suitable for the bedroom, bright hues or pastel shades. The drapery must be thick. The length of the curtains in the bedroom should be such that the curtains lightly touch the floor.


When decorating a kitchen, you can use light, thin fabrics hung asymmetrically. The ends of the curtains can be cut diagonally, or shortened curtains can be used.

Interior items

Art Nouveau does not tolerate cheap materials, so it is characterized by the use of furniture from valuable species wood decorated with carvings. The following are used in the decoration of the premises:

  • Stone.
  • Glass.
  • Marble.
  • Ceramics.
  • Expensive fabrics.

Highlights this style very well forged metal and turns, the main thing is to maintain the smoothness and curvature of the lines, which should be “airy” and give the interior a touch of romance and exclusivity.

The colors used should be close to natural shades; golden and silver also look harmonious.

The style itself indicates the subtle, refined and aristocratic taste of the owners of the room.

Types of premises

Art Nouveau curtains can be found in:

  • Country houses. It will be beautiful to look at general style modern

The style itself was at the peak of fashion for only a couple of decades. When its popularity faded, it remained with those who did not want to change anything or who did not have the money for new renovations.

Now that retro has become fashionable, it has shone with new colors. In particular, curtains of this style add a new vision to any kitchen.

Curtains for the kitchen in the Art Nouveau style can be found in specialized stores or made to order. The main thing to remember is that they must fit harmoniously into the kitchen design. It should be noted that this style loves a little and harmonious chaos, it creates a feeling of disorder that does not exist, and at the same time looks very interesting. Curtains should have folds and uneven lines.

Fabrics in light pastel shades work best. They will create a favorable and warm environment in the kitchen. When using dark shades, try to limit them.

It is best to use curtains from synthetic materials– nylon, polyester, viscose. They are much stronger than natural fabrics and are easier to clean. various contaminants. Still, the kitchen is a place for cooking, therefore, no one excludes the possibility that curtains can absorb odors and get dirty. The main thing is that the fabric allows sunlight to pass through. Modernism welcomes maximum penetration of sunlight into the room, for which purpose window openings are often widened or additional windows are made, depending on what the apartment layout allows. If you don't have much big kitchen, then it is better to take short and airy fabrics for curtains, they will make the kitchen visually larger. Drapery is best avoided.

As a design, you can choose fabrics with images of mystical animals and creatures or curved lines. Drawings should be diluted with plain fabrics - this will give completeness to the compositions. Curtains can also be replaced with blinds: vertical or horizontal, with a pattern. For example, roller blinds will definitely not spoil the design of the kitchen; they perform the same functions as blinds, while being made of fabric.

Modern is suitable for apartments with large kitchen, and with the little one. The main thing is to correctly arrange all the elements and choose the right kitchen set. This style is suitable for those who prefer a fast and rhythmic look. big city, for those who appreciate every minute of life and all the conveniences that modernity can bring.

Despite the fact that we all associate the word “modern” with innovation and modern technologies, in design this style has radically opposite features.

Having originated more than a century ago, it never managed to gain much momentum, since with the onset of the First World War, attention to the interior practically disappeared. However, today, he has found a second wind, becoming one of the most popular. It combines lightness and grace, luxury and sophistication, which are sensitively visible in every detail. And curtains in the Art Nouveau style will add integrity and completeness to the interior. , the features of which we will now consider.

Distinctive features of the style

Those who expect to see some new, radically different type of curtains will certainly be disappointed, since the design of a window usually involves the usual curtains, curtains, Roman, roller, pleated. The whole secret lies in the presentation and design method, which has its own characteristics that clearly distinguish modernism from other styles.

First of all, it is the smoothness, complexity of the lines and their asymmetry. The apparent chaos is actually a carefully thought-out composition, not devoid of fantasy and aestheticism. The design of curtains in the Art Nouveau style does not tolerate strict geometry, repeating natural curves and outlines in its forms. That's why they meet here so often smooth transitions, connecting the details into one complete picture.

Requirements for curtains

To avoid leaving or confusion different styles, when selecting curtains, it is advisable to follow several basic rules. We have already mentioned asymmetry earlier, since this is perhaps the most striking feature of modernity. It can be realized through the use of lambrequins, multi-level tiebacks, and asymmetrical draperies. This effect can also be achieved using a chaotic arrangement of fabrics. different densities.

Multi-layering is considered an integral attribute of modernity. How large quantity layers are used, the more clearly the style will be expressed. However, you should not get carried away, otherwise the window decor will become comical and tacky. However, using one curtain is not the best option, since the acceptable minimum is still two layers. And the most popular ensemble is a translucent curtain with two curtains of different density and color, draped in a free style. You can see what curtains in the Art Nouveau style might look like in the photo.

Fabrics also need to be given Special attention. For thick curtains the best option would be velvet or satin. Curtains should be light, airy and flowing. These characteristics most closely correspond to organza, tulle, nylon, silk, guipure or veil, which will create an atmosphere of luxury and chic. It is best to abandon the idea of ​​using blinds as protection from the sun's rays, since they are absolutely inappropriate in this style; it is still better to give preference to a thick curtain. As a last resort, you can resort to roller blinds with floral ornament. This option is suitable for curtains for a living room in the Art Nouveau style.

Rigid framework regulating color scheme, in modernity no. However, the most preferred are still rich violet, deep green, purple or burgundy. Along with these rather prominent tones, calmer sand, gold, snow-white, and metallic gray are used. Combinations of both shades of the same range and fairly contrasting tones are allowed. Distinctive feature is also the presence of a pattern, which uses floral ornaments, borders that echo interior details, mythical animals and plants.

Decorating curtains for the bedroom

The bedroom is a place for privacy and relaxation, and everything in it should contribute to this. That’s why it’s so important to think through everything down to the smallest detail, especially when it comes to curtains for a bedroom in the Art Nouveau style. Design features suggest ornateness and an abundance of fabrics and draperies, which, in the absence of a sense of proportion, can turn elegance into ordinary clutter, thereby weighing down the interior.

The presence of thick curtains is mandatory here, since they are the ones who close your home from the outside world, which is especially important in this room. It is desirable that they resonate with the rest of the textiles, thereby creating a harmonious composition. The color scheme here should be light and delicate, creating an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation. These will be pastel colors, you can also use delicate blues and pink tones. A print with images of vegetation or animals will look organic. Several options for curtains for a bedroom in the Art Nouveau style can be seen in the photo.

Window decor for the living room

If you can give free rein to your imagination, it is when decorating curtains in the living room. The abundance of draperies, the ability to use lambrequins, de jabots, a wide variety of decorative tiebacks - all this is used for one purpose: creating dynamics. Sometimes it can manifest itself in pseudo-chaos, however, this option will be a classic manifestation of modernity. You can complement the picture with a forged cornice with plant elements; it will look especially impressive when combined with holders in the same style.

Color palette depends entirely on the design of the room itself. It is quite appropriate to use deep, rich and dark tones, especially if we are dealing with large windows and large spaces. You can see what curtains look like for a living room in the Art Nouveau style in the photo below.

Modernism in kitchen curtains

Curtains for a kitchen in the Art Nouveau style have their own characteristics, the main one of which is the lack of multi-layers and various draperies. For this room, curtains are selected according to a different principle. As a rule, the kitchen is quite limited small space, which makes the use of long, heavy curtains inappropriate; the best option is neatly assembled short translucent curtains. Fabric with a pattern is an excellent option; you can also play with the contrast of tones, which will look very impressive on asymmetrical pieces of fabric.

The colors should first of all be harmoniously combined with the overall decoration, but it is better to give preference to “delicious” shades: vanilla, chocolate, peach or sand, which also do not get dirty so actively. Ensembles that can be created with curtains for the kitchen in the Art Nouveau style.
