Live near a power line. Safe distance from power lines to a residential building: minimum acceptable standards. The influence of the electromagnetic field on the human body

Modern man is constantly under the influence of a huge number of electromagnetic fields, in a very wide frequency range - these are both electromagnetic fields of power lines and EMFs created by a wide variety of office and household appliances, and radio waves mobile phones located in close proximity to the speaker's brain. It has been calculated that if we sum up the electromagnetic fields from all devices on Earth created by man, their level will exceed the level of natural geo magnetic field Earth millions of times. Nowadays, a connection has been established between the resonant frequency and the concentration of ions in the cell, which explains the disruption of metabolic processes in the human body when exposed to radiation.

Studies of the impact of electromagnetic waves from overhead line wires on the brain and the human body as a whole have proven that it can lead to a number of diseases: radio waves, an increase in the number of leukocytes, changes in heart rate and blood pressure. Sometimes, as a result of exposure to radiation from power line wires, disturbances occur at the cellular level. The negative impact of electromagnetic fields from power lines on humans and on certain components of ecosystems is directly proportional to the field power and exposure time.

To answer the question “How many meters from the power lines can you live and where can you build a house?” let's look at the standards. There is a document regulating the size of safe zones for power lines " Sanitary standards and rules for protecting the population from the effects of the electric field created by overhead power lines (OHLs) alternating current industrial frequency" (approved by the Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR on February 28, 1984 N 2971-84)

According to the sanitary standards of power lines, in order to ensure the safety of life from the effects of EMF (electromagnetic field), sanitary protection zones of power lines are installed along the wires of high-voltage lines, in which it is unsafe to live near power lines. The size of zones near power lines depends on the voltage class.
The safe distance to a high-voltage line is the area along the wires of power transmission line supports, in which the electric field strength does not exceed a safe value for life of about 1 kV/m. The impact distance of a high-voltage power line on human life is directly proportional to the power of the line itself.
When constructing a residential building, garage, fence and other structures, it is allowed to accept the boundaries of sanitary protection zones along the overhead line at the following distances from the projection onto the ground of the outer phase wires of the overhead line support in the direction perpendicular to the overhead line. You must also ensure the possibility of servicing the electrical network: the standard distance from electric pole the fence cannot be less than the security zone of the power line; it is prohibited to attach a fence to a pole, build a house under a power line, or plant trees under a power line.

Sanitary zones of power lines according to SN No. 2971-84

Overhead voltage 0.4 kV 10 kV 35 kV 110 kV 220-330 kV 500 kV 750 kV

Safe distance from power lines (protection zones of overhead lines)

2m 10m 15m 20m 25 m 30 m 40 m

The safe distance from 110 kV power lines is about 20 m; with an overhead line voltage of 500 kV, the standard distance from the power line is about 30 m; at a voltage of 750 kV - the norm is 40 m; and at a voltage of 1150 kV – 55 m is considered a safe distance from power lines. The width of the right of way is determined by multiplying the values ​​of the safe distances from power lines presented in the table by two. doing it yourself is quite simple - you need to pay attention to the number of wires in a bundle of one phase of the overhead line support. So: 2 wires - near a 330 kV power line, 3 wires - near a 500 kV line, 4 wires - 750 kV. The lower voltage class of the overhead line is determined by the number of insulators: about 3-5 insulators - 35 kV line, 6-8 insulators - 110 kV, 15 insulators - 220 kV.

When constructing a residential building near power lines, the electric field strength of power lines can be reduced by:
- removing the residential building to a safe distance from overhead power lines;
- the use of shielding devices to protect housing near power lines and other means of reducing the electric field strength near power lines.

At a close distance from the power line to a residential building, a grounded roof made of corrugated sheets or metal tiles protects well, reinforcement mesh inside the walls of the building (therefore, reinforced concrete walls are the safest from the influence of power lines and best attenuate radio waves). But the roof of the building and the grid must be reliably grounded at a short distance from the wire to the roof.

Permissible distances from overhead line wires to various objects(PUE-7 "Rules for electrical installations". Section 2. Chapter 2.5.)

1. The distance from the power line to the gas pipeline when laying the gas pipeline and overhead lines in parallel must be no less than the height of the electrical support of the overhead line, if the overhead line is up to 1 kW. When power lines and gas pipelines intersect, a protective screen insulated from the ground must be installed above the pipes in case the overhead line wires break. The fence should protrude on both sides of the intersection of the gas pipeline from the projection of the outer wires of the overhead line at their greatest deviation at a distance of at least: 3 m for overhead lines up to 20 kV, 4 m for overhead lines 35-110 kV, 4.5 m for overhead lines 150 kV, 5 m for 220 kV overhead line, 6 m for 330 kV overhead line, 6.5 m for 500 kV overhead line.

2. Distances from overhead lines to buildings, measured horizontally from the outermost wires of overhead lines with voltage up to 220 kV to the nearest parts of production, warehouse, administrative and public buildings and structures must be at least: 2 m - for overhead lines up to 20 kV, 4 m - for 35-110 kV overhead lines, 5 m - for 150 kV overhead lines and 6 m - for 220 kV overhead lines. The passage of overhead lines through the territories of stadiums, educational and children's institutions is not allowed.

3. Minimum distance from power line wires to a residential building, measured horizontally at the greatest deviation of the wires should be at least: 1.5 m to balconies, terraces and windows, 1 m is the minimum distance from power lines to the blank walls of houses. The passage of overhead lines over a residential building is not allowed, with the exception of the approaches of branches from overhead lines to inputs into residential buildings.

4. The distance from the overhead line to the road, located parallel to each other, must be no less than the value equal to the height of the overhead line supports plus 5 m. The minimum distance from the power line support to the road is measured from any part of the support to the base of the earthen embankment. The intersection of overhead lines of motor roads of category I must be carried out on anchor supports; other roads are allowed to be crossed on intermediate supports. Minimum cross-section of power line support wires passing over highways, must be 25 mm2 (steel-aluminum and steel) and at least 35 mm2 (aluminum). The shortest distance from the overhead line wires to the road surface must be at least 7 m. When crossing tram and trolleybus lines, the shortest distance from the overhead line wires to the ground surface must be at least 8 m.

5. Distance from overhead lines to gas stations and external technological installations Gas stations associated with the use and storage of explosive, explosive and fire hazardous substances are installed at least one and a half times the height of the power line support.

6. The shortest distance from the 6-10 kV overhead line wire to the ground:

7 meters from the wire to the ground in a populated area;

6 meters to the surface of the earth in an uninhabited area;

5 meters - the distance between the overhead line wires and the earthen or water surface of difficult terrain (swamps, swamps, etc.);

3 meters minimum between power line wires and inaccessible slopes of mountains, cliffs, rocks.

7. Distance from overhead line wires to trees, incl. fruit trees- 2 meters horizontally. Cutting clearings for overhead lines in the territory of orchards is not necessary.

As for the maximum permissible levels for safe life person accepted following values electric field strength:
- inside residential buildings - no more than 0.5 kV/m;
- on the territory of a residential development zone - no more than 1 kV/m;

However, the specified standard distances for sanitary zones near power lines, which are considered safe for humans, do not take into account harmful effects magnetic radiation VL, but only an electric field, and it is precisely the influence of the electromagnetic field on a person that is sometimes tens, and sometimes hundreds of times more dangerous to health!
So at what distance from power lines can you live?! To prevent power line radiation from affecting the safety of your life, multiply the permissible distances to power lines by 10... It turns out that the lowest-power overhead power line of 10 kV is harmless only at a distance of 100 meters from housing! Living under power lines is very dangerous; overhead line wires contain voltage that is in maximum contact with the corona discharge threshold. In bad weather conditions, this discharge releases a cloud of oppositely charged ions into the atmosphere. Electric field, created by them, even at a great distance from the overhead line, can be much greater than the permissible harmless values.

So how can you build a house next to power lines? There is a solution to this problem, but it is very expensive. Many builders are engaged in relaying overhead power line wires underground, since in this case the standard distance from the power line to the house is reduced to one meter. You can put the wires in special shielded boxes for safety and uninterrupted operation of the power supply.

Underground power lines are widely used when laying electrical networks in cities and industrial enterprises. But their cost is 2-3 times higher than the cost of overhead power lines. Cables are laid in the ground, in trenches at a depth of 0.8-1.0 m, in cable channels, blocks or tunnels. The most economical is underground cable laying - up to 6 cables in one trench with a distance between cables of 0.2-0.3 m. Laying at least 20 cables in one tunnel is allowed.

In this case, anything can be built on this site, and the builders get a whole site near the power lines. However, in any case, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of access to underground power lines in case of an emergency or maintenance work.

In the 60s, specialists in Russia paid attention to the electromagnetic fields of power lines (PTLs). After long-term and in-depth studies of the health of people who have contact with power lines at work, the results of these studies showed that people long time Those who were in an electromagnetic field more often complained of weakness, irritability, fatigue, weakened memory and sleep disturbances.

Currently, there are many problems associated with long-term exposure to power lines on the nervous system, cardiovascular, immune and reproductive systems.

Power line(power lines) - one of the components electrical network, a system of power equipment designed to transmit electrical energy through electric current.

The wires of a working power line create electric and magnetic fields of industrial frequency in the adjacent space. The distance over which these fields extend from the line wires reaches tens of meters.

Within the sanitary protection zone of power lines it is prohibited:

    place residential and public buildings and structures;

    arrange parking areas for all types of transport;

    locate automobile servicing enterprises and oil and petroleum products warehouses;

    carry out operations with fuel, repair machines and mechanisms.

SaNPiN No. 2971-84

And now what happens in reality:

One of the most powerful exciters of electromagnetic waves is industrial frequency currents (50 Hz). Thus, the electric field strength directly under the power line can reach several thousand volts per meter soil, although due to the property of reducing soil tension, even when moving 100 m from the line, the tension sharply drops to several tens of volts per meter.

Studies on the biological effects of electric fields have found that already at a voltage of 1 kV/m it has an adverse effect on the human nervous system, which in turn leads to disruption of the endocrine system and metabolism in the body (copper, zinc, iron and cobalt), disrupts physiological functions: heart rate, blood pressure, brain activity, metabolic processes and immune activity.

As for electricians and other power line workers, the situation is even worse.

Power line personnel experienced visual impairment, changes in color perception, narrowing of visual fields in green, red, and especially blue color, vascular changes in the retina. Studies have been conducted of professionals working 8 hours a day in contact with AMY. Some reported decreased sex drive, a tendency toward depression, and irritability. There was a decreased number of lymphocytes in the blood.

Look what happens to the biofield of a person living near power lines:

Human biofield– this is its electromagnetic field, that is, the totality of radiation from every cell of our body. In fact, any object on Earth, any living organism, has it.

Our electromagnetic field was formed under the influence electromagnetic field Earth. And since today’s electromagnetic background is tens of thousands of times higher than natural, our field cannot withstand such an onslaught.

If our electromagnetic field begins to be affected by other sources of radiation, much more powerful than the radiation of our body, then chaos begins in the body. This leads to a dramatic deterioration in health.

From an energetic point of view, the biofield performs a protective function. It is also called aura. In fact, this is the first protective barrier.

Fig. 1 - Normal human biofield. A person has protection from electromagnetic radiation

Rice. 2 - Biofield of a person living near power lines and in


One of the largest studies of this issue took place in England and Wales from 1962 to 1995.

Medical records of more than 29 thousand children under 15 years of age were reviewed

It turned out that the risk of leukemia in children who lived from birth at a distance of up to 200 meters from power lines is 70%, and from 200 to 600 m – 20%.

Statistics have shown that power lines have a significant negative impact.

"Our study shows that approximately 5 in 400 cases of childhood leukemia can be associated with high-volume lineages, representing about 1% of cases," said Gerald Draper, leader of the research team at the University of Oxford.

The works of V.N. Anisimov provide facts from Swedish scientists:

They analyzed information about the incidence of cancer among people living in close proximity to high-voltage power lines (at a distance less than 300 m).

In a group of 400 thousand. man was discovered 142 children With various types malignant neoplasms and 548 adults with a brain tumor or leukemia.

An examination was also carried out for reproductive function at 542 workers substations Power lines. This analysis allowed us to identify pathologies such as:
1) an increase in the number of congenital deformities if the father worked at a power plant;
2) decreased fertilization function among some male workers
3) The birth rate of boys has decreased.

Was also examined group of youth under 18 years old, living within 150 m from substations, transformers, subways, power lines railways and power lines. They were twice as likely to have disorders nervous system and leukemia.

In Denmark, 1,707 children under the age of 16 were examined during the period. Due to living near power lines, some developed brain tumors and leukemia.

Protection from electromagnetic fields of power lines:

So what should we do??

We understand that if a power line is built near your house, you cannot move it. And not everyone can afford to move today.

And even if you don’t live near power lines, then, believe me, they do a great job good contribution into the general electromagnetic background of the city in which, no matter how you look at it, you live.

Already exists today reliable protection from electromagnetic fields and their torsion component.

This must be done because the situation concerns your health and the health of your entire family. Especially if you are young and just planning it, or you have small children.

What should be the safe distance from power lines to residential buildings? To give a comprehensive answer to this question, we will analyze the reasons for the danger that power lines pose.

Electricity has become an integral part of our lives, and we can no longer imagine our existence without household electrical appliances, cell phones and familiar gadgets, and yet all of them are fraught with hidden danger.

Why is current dangerous?

The main danger, it turns out, is electromagnetic radiation, which comes from all electrical appliances and extends to long distance around. Only as you move away from the source does its indicator slowly fade. Differs in frequency ranges and is characterized by wavelength: radio waves, infrared and ultraviolet radiation, visible and x-ray radiation and, finally, gamma radiation. Their daily influence on humans is not safe.

Methods scientific research Scientists were able to determine the effect of these fields on the concentration of ions in the cells of the body. A pathological change in this value is fraught with metabolic disorders. Refrigerator, TV, electric hood, built-in hob electrical panel, air conditioner, washing machine, microwave oven - this is an incomplete list of secret spiteful critics. And yet, electromagnetic radiation from household electrical appliances is not so great, since it is determined by the power of the radiation source and the duration of exposure.

Let's take a look at the wires and cables stretched between power line supports. Caution: They are all high voltage. It is voltage that ensures the transmission and transportation of electricity from the source to the consumer, more clearly: from the power plant - to our houses and apartments. The power line voltage scale looks like this: 0.4; 10; 35; 110; 220; 380; then there are 500 kV and 750 kV, finishing with 1150 kV.

Power lines are a source of powerful electromagnetic radiation, and in addition to voltage, it depends on the length of the power line.

The influence of power lines on the body

Electromagnetic radiation leads to the following processes in the body:

  • heart rate increases, blood pressure rises;
  • the number of leukocytes in the blood is growing rapidly;
  • irreversible changes occur in the body at the cellular level;
  • Metabolism is disrupted.

What are we focusing on?

Above we have given the dangerous factors of the influence of these ill-fated waves. It is on them, first of all, that those who create all kinds of standards rely, so that the lives of the citizens of our country are long and happy.

IN in this case, the standards that interest us are set out in a document with a long but serious title: “Sanitary standards and rules for protecting the population from the effects of the electric field created by industrial-frequency AC overhead power lines.”

Everything is very clear. Neither subtract nor add. Further, when viewing, the gaze accidentally rests on the main face of these provisions that approved them. We read: Deputy Chief State Doctor of the USSR. The regulation dated February 28, 1984, approved under number No. 2971-84. Inspires confidence.

What does the standard say?

The document defines the standard: what distance from power lines is safe for the construction of residential buildings and living.

Important! According to the above document, the creation of sanitary protection zones is prescribed along all high-voltage power lines. Their size is determined by the network voltage class.

The safe distance is determined by the electric field strength, normally 1 sq/m. The greater the power of the power line, the greater the distance from it should be. This also takes into account the possibility of normal maintenance of high-voltage lines. You cannot build fences, install garages, plant big trees neither next to, nor behind, nor around the support. The sanitary protection zone must be strictly observed. To accurately determine the boundaries of this zone, the projection onto the ground of the outer phase wires of the support is conventionally accepted high voltage line in a direction perpendicular to the air line itself.

Table No. 1. Sanitary zones of power lines according to SN No. 2971-84

Let's continue the table: for 1150 kV, the safe distance is determined to be 55 meters.

The width of the right of way is determined by multiplying the indicators in meters given in the table by 2.

Many people are interested in the question of how to visually determine the network voltage. There are several secrets: you need to pay attention to the number of wires and cables in a bundle of one phase or to the number of insulators installed on the support. One insulator is designed for an average of 15 kV, which means that for a 35 kV line there are 3-5 insulators (depending on the type), for 110 - 6-8, and for 220 - 15. In higher voltage lines: 2 wires per a bundle of one phase - a 380 kV line above you; if 3 - 500 kV; 4 - 750.

Walkthrough air lines on the territory of children's and educational institutions, in stadiums, over residential buildings is not allowed. Allowed only for the input of residential buildings, and the average distance from the wires themselves to the ground in a populated area is determined by the value of 7 m. The standard also determines the maximum permissible level electric field strength inside residential buildings. This value is 0.5 kV/m and no more than 1 sq/m in the building area. All the given distances are, in principle, safe for humans, but do not provide complete protection from the harmful effects of the electromagnetic field.

Additional protection measures

Methods of protection against radiative effects of power lines include:

  • shielding devices;
  • a roof made of metal tiles or profiled galvanized sheets, which must be grounded;
  • reinforcement mesh placed between the walls, therefore reinforced concrete walls are most effective in buildings.

Citizens' fears are quite justified, because the main threat of electric current, voltage or electromagnetic radiation is that they are invisible.

Important! To calculate a safe distance that guarantees protection not only from electric field strength, but also from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation, you need to multiply the indicator from table No. 1 by 10! According to calculations, it turns out that a 220 kV power line will not have its insidious effect on you if you live no closer than 250 meters from it.

When laying cables hidden underground, this distance is reduced significantly. The cost of underground power lines is much higher than overhead power lines, and therefore they are less popular, but the country's energy sector is constantly searching for new efficient, environmentally and economically informed decisions. In the meantime... cities and villages are intertwined with an electric “web”, and we understand: our salvation lies in protecting ourselves. Follow our advice and be healthy!

Back in the early 60s of the 20th century, the negative influence of electromagnetic fields emanating from power lines on the human body was discovered. Scientists conducted a study in which people who were exposed to power lines at work took part. The results were alarming: all subjects experienced irritability, memory and sleep disturbances, and increased fatigue.

Later, depression, frequent headaches, decreased immune defense, muscle weakness, visual impairment, decreased potency, changes in blood composition, impaired color perception and spatial orientation were added to this list. This list goes on and on.

The most serious problems that manifest themselves in the population living near power lines are oncology, reproductive disorders in both women and men, as well as manifestations of increased electromagnetic sensitivity syndrome. Results of a study of foreign influence scientists electromagnetic radiation on the child's body are simply sad. Scientists from Sweden and Denmark have proven that almost all children living at a distance of up to 150 meters from power lines, substations and subways have nervous system disorders. And what’s most frightening is that such children are 2 times more likely to develop leukemia (blood cancer).

In a number foreign countries The concept of “electromagnetic allergy” appeared. Patients with this diagnosis are given the opportunity to change their place of residence to a place more distant from electromagnetic sources. All resettlement costs are covered by the state.

What do energy workers themselves say about the dangers of power lines? Different power lines have different voltages. There are such concepts as dangerous and safe voltage. The distance at which the influence of the magnetic field from the power line is created is directly proportional dependence from its power. How to find out the degree of tension? Everything is quite simple, you don’t need to be an expert in this field. We look at the number of wires in the bundle. Not to be confused with the number of wires on the support. If there are two wires, the voltage is 330 kV, three wires - 500 kV, four wires - 750 kV. To determine a smaller class, we pay attention to the number of insulators. If there are from 3 to 5, the voltage is 35 kV, with a number of 6 to 8 - 110 kV and with 15 - 220 kV.

To protect people from the harmful effects of power lines, there are standards that establish the so-called sanitary zone. It originates from the outermost wire of the line, projected onto the surface of the earth. For Moscow and the Moscow region, the standards are as follows: voltage less than 20 kV - 10 m, 35 kV - 15 m, 110 kV - 20 m, 150-220 kV - 25 m, 330 - 500 kV - 30 m, 750 kV - 40 m. Taking into account these standards, land is allocated for construction. However, existing standards do not take into account the negative impact of electromagnetic fields.

Any sane person has a question: how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the negative influence of power lines? Everything is very simple here too. We multiply the listed standards by 10. What do we get? Power line with the most low power will not negatively affect health at a distance of 100 meters or more.
