System of public administration of the Russian Federation scheme. Structure of state power of the Russian Federation

The state is a complex political and legal structure that unites a large number of people. Initially, there were no powers on the planet at all. Their predecessors were tribal communities, which were built on a patriarchal basis. As they grew, such formations ceased to properly cope with the process of social regulation. That is, it was necessary to invent a new organization that was more functional in nature. This is what states have become.

Today there are a large number of similar structures in the world. They all function differently, however, they have common features. For example, every state is governed by power. This phenomenon also has its own character traits and structure. In the Russian Federation today, the power structure consists of several interconnected elements, each of which carries its own information about the state. Thus, this issue has great importance for the activities of the Russian Federation as a state, which necessitates a detailed study of the phenomenon and its system.

Power: concept

The power structure of the Russian Federation is the initial concept and phenomenon of the classical form of management. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to analyze its features. According to modern scientific trends, power is a set of methods and real opportunities to impose will in order to control the activities of individuals, social groups, communities, etc. Moreover, this phenomenon can be based on completely different theoretical and practical principles, and also use methods of a certain nature, for example, authoritarian, democratic, violent, dishonest, provocative, etc. A specific form of the classical type of power is state power.

State power

Public administration implies the real ability of an influential elite or political elite to control the population of a particular country through the use of legal levers. Power in a state is always based, first of all, on the law, that is, current legislation, and cannot go beyond it or contradict it. In addition, at present state power has a clear structure, the existence of which is due to the rethinking of this category during the New Age and the creation of certain principles on which the entire management system is built in most states. Russian Federation in in this case is no exception. The power structure and the entire country functions on the basis of certain provisions.

Principles of Russian state power

Today, there are several basic principles for the functioning of the management system in the state. These include the following:

  • Democracy. Implies the existence of a single source of state sovereignty, which is the population. It, in turn, influences the country through special bodies.
  • Federalism implies a federal structure of a territory.
  • Political diversity is the permissibility of existence large quantity parties and movements.

Russia is a secular state, which excludes the presence of an official religion.

The principle of separation of powers

The power structure of the Russian Federation operates on the basis of the principle of separation government controlled. Not everyone understands what it is said idea. It was developed by Charles Louis de Montesquieu and John Locke.

According to its provisions, the structure of power in any state must contain legislative, executive and judicial segments. At the same time, governance of the country cannot be concentrated in the hands of the ruling elite or one person (monarch, leader, tyrant, etc.). This principle has found its application in almost all countries. Of course, some states have modified the principle of a three-tier structure, however, the idea as a whole has remained unchanged. Today there are few examples of one-man power left.

Structure of the federal government of Russia

Today in the Russian Federation a fairly functional, and, most importantly, effective, has been developed. Its activities are based, firstly, on the principles that were mentioned earlier, and, secondly, on the democratic orientation of Russian politics. In addition, the structure of the federal government of the Russian Federation also incorporates the provisions of the principle of separation of public administration. According to it, there are three main branches, namely: legislative, executive, judicial. Based on this provision, a whole structure operates in Russia federal bodies power, consisting of the following elements, namely:

  • Federal Assembly.
  • Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Courts of Russia.
  • President of Russian Federation.

The presented elements essentially make up the system and structure of government bodies in the Russian Federation. They, in turn, are absolutely independent and perform specific functions.

System and structure of executive power

All three presented segments of government are important. Moreover, each of them performs its own functions. In this case, the activities of the executive branch are of great importance. With the help of this branch, in essence, the implementation of state policy occurs. The basis of the entire executive is the President and the Government of the Russian Federation. Further, the federal structures of the executive branch are united into ministries and separate departments with different purposes.

The functional tasks of the head of state include protecting the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, the inviolability of its borders, independence, etc. In addition, the corresponding regulations and the Constitution give the president the responsibility to determine the direction of the foreign and domestic political agenda. The Government of the Russian Federation, in turn, is a coordinating body headed by a chairman. In addition, the government actually manages an entire structure of ministries, federal services and agencies.

Legislative segment

The structure of federal authorities contains three interrelated elements, as was already indicated earlier in the article. One of them is the legislative branch. This segment exists to systematize the country’s regulatory industry and develop official acts. In other words, the legislature makes laws. Its existence is necessary in order to ensure the legality and effectiveness of the constitutional principles of the state. Thus, the activities of the legislative branch are aimed at achieving certain goals, the implementation of which is entrusted to a separate government body.

Federal Assembly - purpose and structure

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the structure of power includes parliament. This is an elected collegial body that functions to ensure that the Federal Assembly contains in its structure two elements called chambers, namely: the upper (Federation Council) and the lower (State Duma). The chambers carry out their activities separately, but in some cases they can carry out general meetings, for example, to hear messages from the Constitutional Court or the President of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that the Federal Assembly is a purely electoral body.

That is, it is filled by Russian citizens who nominate their candidates. However, each parliamentary chamber is filled with members in completely different ways. For example, the Federation Council is formed by representatives from each subject of the state. The Duma, in turn, consists of deputies, which can be any person over 21 years of age.

In its activities, the Federal Assembly issues federal and constitutional laws. Statutory acts must be passed by both houses of parliament before they can actually be issued.

Judicial sphere of Russia

The structure of the Russian Federation would not exist without the presence of a judicial branch. This is a fairly important segment, the basis of which is a whole system of relevant organs. Today, the highest judicial bodies can be called the Supreme and Constitutional Courts.

These institutions are engaged in resolving certain cases or disputes that arise in the legal field of the state. As a rule, legal proceedings take place in the criminal, administrative, civil, and economic spheres of human life. At the same time, the Constitution enshrines the following principle: only the represented system of bodies can administer justice. The existence of other departments with similar activities is not allowed.

Public administration on the territory of the constituent entities of the federation

It should be noted that the structure of power has a specific form if we are talking about the subjects of the federation. Territorial entities of the state are governed through their own bodies. At the same time, the division of federal and local power occurs at the level of the Constitution. Besides this, a rather interesting question is local government. According to the provisions of the Constitution, this area of ​​regulation does not relate to any branch of government and is completely self-study. Its main goal is nothing more than ensuring the normal life of a territorial population group.


So, the article presented the structure of organs state power in the Russian Federation, existing today. It is worth noting that its activities are effective if we take into account the features modern world. But theoretical and practical innovations in this area are necessary if we want to build a truly democratic state.

Absolutely all world powers exist thanks to power. This power is manifested in the complete control of the highest bodies, the elite or even the individual over the society of the country. The doctrine of power has been familiar to humanity since ancient times. Thanks to power, empires were created and civilizations collapsed, nations united and communities died out. Today this term has acquired a completely new meaning. Power has ceased to be violent and inhumane. A citizen of any legal power represents the concept of “power” as the command of the highest state bodies, thanks to which the power functions and is represented on the world stage. State power has a structure, methods and purposes of functioning. Moreover, in each country these factors are constructed and interact in completely different ways. We will try to understand the principles of state power using the example of the Russian Federation, because it is in this country that one can see a well-constructed structure of the highest bodies of sovereign functioning. But first of all, you need to understand the history and meaning of the term “power”, which was formed for many centuries in a row by philosophers and lawyers.

Power, political power - the meaning of concepts

Over time, the concept of “power” was supplemented and modified. In the classical sense, power is the ability to impose one's will through leverage. main feature power is that the subject of influence will obey the will despite his beliefs and resistance. Greek scholars believed that power is the internal desire of society to organize around something or someone. Thus, power will always accompany human development. As the world evolved and people began to build states, political power emerged.

Essentially, this is the same ability to impose one’s will that social group, class in a certain state. The impact is aimed at large groups of people – society. In order to somehow structure the management process, certain mechanisms were created, which, in essence, are the state.

Power sharing

The structure of government emerged as a result of the theory put forward by John Locke. He argued that power in the state should be divided into components that would be independent of each other.

Thus, the doctrine emerged that the structure of government consists of three main elements: executive, legislative and judicial. The method of dividing the sphere of control was first used in Ancient Persia. Over time, it migrated to the political system Ancient Rome. In any modern rule-of-law state, the principle of division of powers is not new. As for the Russian Federation, the legal climate in this state is developing in step with the times. The structure of state power in the Russian Federation has a classic division into three elements, each of which will be discussed in more detail below. In addition, state power, represented by certain bodies, performs a number of functions.

State power: structure and functions

The Constitution of the Russian Federation established in detail the principle of separation of powers. According to Article 10, state power is exercised by dividing it into legislative, executive and judicial. The same article indicates the independence of structural elements. It follows that the state functions on the basis of law and the principle of democratic division of power into independent branches. Article 11 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation describes the highest bodies of each structural element of power: the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly, the system of courts of the Russian Federation.

Also, the structure of state power contains another element - the president. This institution of constitutional law does not belong to any branch of government and was created only for balance in the system of supreme bodies. It should be noted that each of the presented elements must be considered separately, since they all have an internal structure and features.

Executive power in Russia

The structure of government bodies of the Russian Federation is the general name of all bodies, each of which belongs to one or another branch of government. Before considering the executive authorities, you need to understand what the executive branch is. Domestic legal theorists say that this is a system of special bodies that implement the norms of the constitution, federal laws, and other regulations in order to maintain the legal climate in the state.

The executive power is needed to implement and control the law. There is an opinion that this branch of government is completely dependent on the legislative one and is under its control. full control, however, this issue is controversial, since executive authorities are independent in many matters. The structure of the executive bodies of state power is built on the principle of inviolable hierarchy, which allows for the fastest possible implementation of individual norms of law, laws, the constitution, and other regulations.

Structure of executive authorities in Russia

As mentioned earlier, the structure of the state executive power is built on the principle of hierarchy. There are three levels of organs in this branch in total. The division is made depending on the entity that coordinates and regulates their activities.

  1. Federal ministries and services coordinated by the President of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Federal Security Service, Foreign Intelligence Service, FSB).
  2. Federal ministries and their subordinate bodies, coordinated by the Government of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Sports, etc.).
  3. Agencies and services that report exclusively to the President of the Russian Federation (Migration Service, Customs Service, Federal Service for Nationalities, Space Agency, etc.).

Any activity of these bodies is carried out on the basis of the constitution and federal laws, which are issued by the body representing the legislative branch.

Legislative authorities

The structure of state power in Russia includes, as one of the mandatory elements, the authority to exercise executive power. This term refers to the ability to manage the state in the field of legislation. In other words, the exclusive right of the bodies of this branch is lawmaking. Usually, legislative branch endowed with one of the organs, which, in fact, implements it, puts the mechanism into action. Also, such bodies have a number of functions, for example: adoption of the state budget, formation or control of the government, ratification of international treaties, declaration, termination of war. In the Russian Federation, the branch of legislative power is exercised through a bicameral parliament, which is called the Federal Assembly.

Federal Assembly: structure

The Federal Assembly has the right to make laws (legislative power) and is also a representative body, since deputies are appointed by popular vote. The Parliament of the Russian Federation consists of two chambers - upper and lower. The Federation Council consists of 170 senators, who are elected two from each federal subject. This chamber provides representation from each region, direction and implementation of strategic goals for the further development of the state. The State Duma is the lower house of the Russian parliament. Every citizen who has reached voting age can be elected to it.

The Duma's powers and role in the daily life of the state are much higher than those of the Federation Assembly. It is the State Duma that can bring charges against the President of the Russian Federation, form the Accounts Chamber, pass no confidence in the Government, declare amnesties, etc.

Judicial branch

Branch judiciary is the most independent industry. The judicial system does not depend on any other government bodies. The structure of federal government bodies is built according to this principle. This allows us to talk about fair consideration of cases in courts, because there is no pressure from other bodies. The bodies of the judicial system or the judiciary perform the following functions:

  1. Application of criminal or administrative measures to persons who have committed relevant violations of law.
  2. Resolution of disputes between citizens.
  3. Checking and monitoring laws for compliance with the Constitution of Russia.

Signs of the judiciary of the Russian Federation

As we know, the structure of government bodies in Russia is based on democratic principles. The same can be said about the judiciary. She has a number characteristic features, namely:

  • judicial power can be exercised exclusively by the courts;
  • the judicial power does not depend on anyone;
  • The judiciary is characterized by the presence of a unified judicial system, which operates according to the principle of the rule of law.

The presented features are of a fundamental nature. They are manifested in the built system of courts that currently operate in Russia.

Judicial system of the Russian Federation

The term “judicial system” itself means a set of special institutions (courts) that are authorized to administer justice. In each country, the court system may be different, because everywhere there is a basic law, customs and a number of other factors that influence the construction of this system. There are four types of courts: general jurisdiction, military, arbitration and the Constitutional Court.

Each authority is authorized to consider only cases within its jurisdiction. Separate view is the Constitutional Court. He is authorized to monitor and check regulatory acts for compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as consider constitutional and legal torts. Judges, regardless of the authority, can be citizens who have reached a certain age and have a higher education in the field of jurisprudence.

Political regime in Russia

The structure of the highest bodies of state power is an indicator of the political regime. The principles of structuring bodies, their interrelation - all this characterizes the political regime of the state. As we know, with the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Federation is moving towards building a democratic country. It follows that the structure of state power, and in particular bodies, should be based on democratic principles. To date, Russia has achieved positive results, since government bodies function relatively independently, taking into account mutual regulation. As a result, the rule of law reigns, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen are enshrined and protected in the constitution. Therefore, we can say with confidence that Russia has a democratic regime of government.


So, we have found out what the structure of state power in the Russian Federation is. This complex and rather extensive mechanism is designed to regulate and coordinate social relations within the state, basing its activities on the constitution and federal laws. In conclusion, we can conclude that absolutely the entire structure of government bodies of the Russian Federation was created through the implementation of democratic institutions into the legal system of the country.

1. President of the Russian Federation

Head Russian state is the President of the Russian Federation (Article 80 of the Constitution).

President of Russian Federation- the highest public position of the Russian Federation, as well as the person elected to this position. The President of Russia is the head of state. Many of the president's powers are either directly executive in nature or close to the executive branch. Along with this, according to some researchers, the president does not belong to any one branch of government, but rises above them, since he carries out coordinating functions and has the right to dissolve State Duma.

The President of the Russian Federation is the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. In accordance with the procedure established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it takes measures to protect the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, its independence and state integrity, and ensures the coordinated functioning and interaction of government bodies. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, it determines the main directions of internal and foreign policy states. As head of state, he represents the Russian Federation domestically and in international relations.

The President is elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. The same person cannot hold the position of President for more than two consecutive terms.

Initially (in 1991) the President of Russia was elected for a term of 5 years. In the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, the term of office of the President was reduced to 4 years. However, according to paragraph 3 of the Final and Transitional Provisions of the Constitution, the President exercised his powers until the expiration of the term for which he was elected. Based on amendments to the Constitution that came into force on December 31, 2008, starting with the 2012 elections, he is elected to a six-year term of office.

At the moment, the President of the Russian Federation is V.V. Putin.

2. Federal Assembly

The legislative and representative body of state power (parliament) of the Russian Federation is the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (Article 94 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). It is a permanent body (Article 99 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

The Federal Assembly consists of two chambers: the upper house -

The Federation Council (full name - Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation) and the lower house - State Duma (full name - State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 95 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council includes two representatives from each subject of the Russian Federation: one from the representative and executive bodies state power.

The total number of members of the Federation Council (senators) is 172. Two representatives from each subject of Russia, of which there are 89. The number of members of the Federation Council has changed several times since 1993 due to the merger of existing and the formation of new subjects of the federation.

The Federation Council is the “Chamber of Regions”, representing the interests of the regions at the federal level and reflecting the federal nature of the Russian state. As an institution for integration and consolidation of regions, the Federation Council ensures a balance of federal and regional interests when making decisions aimed at achieving the strategic development goals of the country.

The Federation Council is formed and structured according to a non-partisan principle. Members of the Federation Council do not create factions and party associations.

The Federation Council is a permanent body. Unlike the State Duma, the Federation Council cannot be dissolved by the President. Its meetings are held as needed, but at least twice a month. Meetings of the Federation Council are the main form of work of the chamber. They are held separately from meetings of the State Duma. The chambers may meet jointly to hear messages from the President of the Russian Federation, messages from the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, and speeches by leaders of foreign states. Members of the Federation Council exercise their powers on a permanent basis. Members of the Federation Council enjoy immunity throughout their entire term of office. They cannot be detained, arrested, searched, except in cases of detention on the spot, and also subjected to personal search, except in cases where this is provided for by federal law to ensure the safety of other people.

The State Duma(in the media the abbreviation is also used State Duma) - lower house Federal Assembly. Elected by adult citizens of Russia who have the right to vote in elections, based on the results of alternative and free elections held every five years. Legal status The State Duma is defined in the fifth chapter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The State Duma consists of 450 deputies, exactly half of whom are elected directly and in one round based on the results of voting in single-mandate constituencies. The second half is being formed political parties Russia, having overcome the 5 percent barrier based on the results of voting for party lists. This is precisely the scheme that operated in the Russian parliamentary elections in 1993-2003 and will operate again starting in 2016. In 2007 and 2011, all 450 State Duma deputies were determined by the results of voting for party lists, and the entry barrier was 7%. A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 21 and has the right to participate in elections can be elected as a deputy of the State Duma (and the same person cannot be simultaneously a deputy of the State Duma and a member of the Federation Council). A deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation could simultaneously be a member of the Government of the Russian Federation (according to the transitional provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

The Federation Council and the State Duma sit separately, but can meet together to hear messages from the President of the Russian Federation, messages from the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, and speeches by leaders of foreign states.

The powers of the chambers of the Russian parliament are described in Art. Art. 94-109 of the Russian Constitution of 1993.

The procedure for forming the Federation Council and the procedure for electing deputies to the State Duma are established by federal laws. Since the adoption of the constitution, they have been changed several times.

Federal laws are adopted by the State Duma, approved by the Federation Council and signed by the President. The State Duma can override the veto of the Federation Council by re-adopting the law with a two-thirds vote. A presidential veto can only be overridden if the law is re-adopted by both the Federation Council and the Duma by a 2/3 majority vote. total number members of both houses.

A federal constitutional law is considered adopted if it is approved by a majority of at least three-quarters of the votes of the total number of members of the Federation Council and of at least two-thirds of the votes of the total number of deputies of the State Duma. The adopted federal constitutional law must be signed by the President of the Russian Federation and promulgated within fourteen days.

3. Government of the Russian Federation

Executive power is exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation. The Chairman of the Government is appointed by the President with the consent of the State Duma. In the event that the State Duma rejects the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government three times or in the event that the Duma passes a vote of no confidence in the Government. The President has the right to dissolve the State Duma. The Government includes, in addition to the Chairman, his deputies (“vice-premiers”) and federal ministers. The government heads the system of federal executive bodies: ministries, federal services and federal agencies.

4. Judicial system of the Russian Federation

Judicial power in the Russian Federation:

· carried out only by the courts represented by judges and jurors involved in the administration of justice in accordance with the procedure established by law. No other bodies or persons have the right to take over the administration of justice;

· independent and acts independently of the legislative and executive authorities;

· carried out through constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal proceedings.

The judicial system of the Russian Federation is established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Judicial System of the Russian Federation”.

The unity of the judicial system of the Russian Federation is ensured by:

· establishment of the judicial system of the Russian Federation by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Judicial System of the Russian Federation”;

· compliance by all federal courts and justices of the peace with the rules of legal proceedings established by federal laws;

· application by all courts of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as constitutions (charters) and other laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

· recognition of the mandatory execution throughout the Russian Federation of court decisions that have entered into legal force;

· legislative consolidation of the unity of the status of judges;

· financing of federal courts and justices of the peace from the federal budget.

The highest judicial bodies in Russia are the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court. Judges of higher courts are appointed by the Federation Council on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is the highest judicial body for civil cases, resolution of economic disputes, criminal, administrative and other cases, jurisdictional courts established in accordance with federal constitutional law, exercises judicial supervision over the activities of these courts in the procedural forms provided for by federal law and provides explanations on questions judicial practice. The highest courts and their subordinate courts make up the federal court system. Subjects of the Federation have their own constitutional or statutory courts that are not part of the federal system. The newly introduced magistrate judges are also not considered federal judges.

The chapter of the Constitution on the judiciary also mentions the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. However, the Prosecutor's Office is not included in judicial system and is independent from all branches of government. The Prosecutor's Office system is headed by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, headed by the Prosecutor General. He is appointed to the position by the Federation Council on the recommendation of the President.

On November 21, 2013, the State Duma adopted a bill on the unification of the Higher Arbitration Court RF with the Supreme Court of the RF. On February 6, 2014, the law on the merger of courts, approved by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, was signed by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

Courts of the Russian Federation

Constitutional courts

Courts of general jurisdiction

Military courts

Arbitration courts

Higher courts

constitutional Court

Supreme Court

Courts of first instance

City and district courts, justices of the peace. (the latter are the courts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, for which the district (city) courts are the appellate authority)

Garrison military courts

Arbitration courts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Considering cases

Compliance of normative legal acts of all levels with the current Constitution of the Russian Federation - Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Compliance of normative legal acts of the constituent entities of the Federation with their Constitutions (statutes) - Constitutional (statutory) courts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Criminal, administrative, civil and other cases within the jurisdiction of courts of general jurisdiction

Criminal, administrative, civil and other cases under the jurisdiction of courts of general jurisdiction related to military personnel and organizations in which there is military and equivalent service

Litigation in the field of economic activity

5. State authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Chapter 8 of the Constitution determines that local self-government in the Russian Federation ensures that the population independently resolves issues local significance, possession, use and disposal of municipal property. It is carried out by citizens through a referendum, elections, other forms of direct expression of will, through elected and other local government bodies (Article 130).

Municipality- a self-governing administrative-territorial unit with a clearly defined territory and the population living in this territory (usually a group of settlements, a city, a town or a village).

Local government bodies independently manage municipal property, form, approve and execute the local budget, establish local taxes and fees, and provide security public order, and also resolve other issues of local importance. They may be provided by law with separate state powers with the transfer of material and financial resources necessary for their implementation. In this case, the implementation of delegated powers is controlled by the state (Article 132 of the Russian Constitution).

Diagram 1. Control system Old Russian state in the 10th century

Scheme 2. System of governance of the Novgorod feudal republic (“Mr. Veliky Novgorod”)

1 The highest authority in Novgorod, a meeting of free citizens - owners of courtyards and estates.

It decided issues of domestic and foreign policy, invited the prince, and concluded an agreement with him. The mayor, the thousand and the archbishop gathered at the meeting.

2 I was invited to the evening.

3 He carried out administration and administered justice, controlled the activities of the prince.

4 He headed the people's militia and held court in commercial matters.

5 Since 1156 – elective position. He headed the church in Novgorod, was in charge of the republic's treasury and its foreign relations.

6 Self-governing territorial-administrative and political units.

Scheme 3. The highest, central and local state apparatus of Russia in the 17th century.

Scheme 4. Social class representation at the Zemsky Councils of the 17th century.

Scheme 5. Authorities and management in Russian Empire in 20–70 XVIII century

Scheme 6. Class structure of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 18th century.

Scheme 7. Government and management bodies of the province and district in late XVIII V.

Scheme 8. Judicial institutions of the province and district at the end of the 18th century.

Scheme 9. City management at the end of the 18th century.

Diagram 10. Structure of governance of the Russian Empire in the first quarter of the 19th century.

1 Absolute monarch.

2 Retained its functions as the highest legislative, administrative and judicial government agency for Russian affairs Orthodox Church since the time of Peter the Great.

3 The “Keeper of the Laws” of the empire is the highest authority for overseeing compliance with the law.

4 Established in 1810 on the initiative of M. M. Speransky as the highest legislative body. The chairman and members were appointed by the emperor from among influential officials. The State Council included ministers ex officio.

5 The highest administrative institution, a meeting between the emperor and senior officials on issues of government. Created simultaneously with the ministries. Consisted of ministers and chief executives with the rights of ministers. After the establishment of the State Council, its chairman and the chairmen of the departments of the Council entered the Committee of Ministers.

6 National higher institution, the body connecting the emperor with all government agencies on the most important issues domestic policy. Within its composition it was created (in different years) 6 branches. A special place among them was occupied by the III department - the body of political investigation and investigation.

7 Central authorities management created on the basis of unity of command in 1802 instead of collegial bodies. Subjected to transformations in 1810–1811.

Scheme 11. Higher and central government institutions of the Russian Empire after 1905

Scheme 12. The highest bodies of state power and administration of the Russian Empire during the First World War (1914–1917)

1 Supreme Commander-in-Chief from June 1914 was Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, in August 1915, Nicholas II assigned these responsibilities to himself.

4 On June 24, 1914, the Council of Ministers was granted extraordinary powers: to independently resolve most cases on behalf of the emperor, to approve reports of all subjects.

5 A special meeting of ministers to unite all activities for the supply of the army and navy and the organization of logistics under the chairmanship of the Council of Ministers. Carried out supreme supervision over the activities of all government and private enterprises that produced combat and material supplies for the front, promoted the creation of new enterprises and the repurposing of existing enterprises, distributed government military orders and monitored their execution. Possessed broad powers, including sequestration and requisition of property.

Higher government agencies presided over by ministers, answerable only to the emperor. Created in opposition to public military-economic organizations.

Scheme 13. All-Russian public military-economic organizations in 1914–1918.

Diagram 14. The highest bodies of state power and administration in Russia in February - October 1917.

1 The highest body of state power formed after February Revolution. During the existence of the provisional government, four members were replaced. “Council of Five” is a government body, a board of five ministers of the Provisional Government. Declared Russia a republic. It ceased to exist with the formation of the 3rd coalition Provisional Government.

3 The position of chief prosecutor was abolished (August 5, 1917), and the Ministry of Confessions was created on the basis of his office and the Department of Spiritual Affairs of Foreign Confessions.

4 The Supreme Criminal Court, the Special Presence, and the Supreme Disciplinary Court were abolished within the Senate.

5 Actually inactive.

6 Created at the Democratic Conference as a permanent representative body of all Russian parties until the convocation Constituent Assembly. Was limited to advisory functions. Dissolved by the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee.

7 Formed by deputies of the State Duma during the February Revolution. On March 1, he assumed the functions of the highest state authority, created (in agreement with the Petrograd Soviet) the Provisional Government, then acted as a representative body of the Duma (until October 6).

8 Created in March 1917 for preliminary examination of bills.

9 After the February Revolution, they retained their tasks and functions.

10 Created on June 21 to develop a general plan for organizing the national economy and measures to regulate economic life.

11 Regulatory body for individual departments and institutions to carry out measures to streamline the economic life of the country. Created simultaneously with the Economic Council.

12 Established on July 25 from five ministers of the 2nd coalition Provisional Government. It had no specific functions.

Diagram 15. Supreme bodies of power and administration of the RSFSR in 1918–1922.

1 The highest body of state power in the RSFSR.

2 The highest body of legislative, executive and administrative power in the period between All-Russian Congresses.

3 A permanent operational body of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the highest authority in the period between sessions of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee.

4 Government of the Russian Republic. Carried out general management affairs, issued decrees having the force of law, and coordinated the activities of local authorities.

5 Standing Commission of the Council of People's Commissars, an emergency body that mobilized all forces in the interests of state defense. In April 1920, it was transformed into the Council of Labor and Defense, which, upon completion, led Civil War economic work in the country.

6 Standing Commission of the Council of People's Commissars. Considered financial and economic issues.

7 A single management body for all military institutions and armed forces of the country.

8 All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution, Profiteering and Sabotage. Initially, the Cheka was entrusted only with the investigation and prevention of crimes. After the announcement of the “Red Terror” in the fall of 1918.

The Cheka was given the right to shoot on the spot, without trial or investigation, any suspect.

9 Created as part of the People's Commissariat of Justice as a supervisory body over the observance of revolutionary legality. The prosecutor of the Republic, as a rule, was the People's Commissar of Justice or his deputy.

10 Established in December 1917 as a single general economic center. After the creation of the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense, it became a governing body for industry, capital construction and motor transport. Since 1920, it finally took shape as an industrial people's commissariat.

Scheme 16. Supreme and central bodies of power and administration of the USSR in 1922–1936.

1 The highest body of state power in the USSR.

2 The highest body of state power between the All-Union Congresses of Soviets.

3 The highest legislative, executive and administrative body of power in the period between sessions of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.

4 Appointed by the Presidium of the USSR Central Executive Committee. The prosecutors of the union republics did not obey him.

5 The executive and administrative body of the USSR Central Executive Committee, which partially performed legislative functions (preparation and preliminary consideration of decrees and resolutions that were submitted for discussion to the USSR Central Executive Committee and its Presidium).

6 Created under the People's Commissariat for Military and maritime affairs as a collegium. The Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR was also the People's Commissar.

7 All-Union body for the protection of state security under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. Abolished after the creation of the NKVD of the USSR, the functions were transferred to the Main Directorate of State Security (GUGB) of the NKVD.

8 United (Union-Republican) People's Commissariat. Managed industry throughout the USSR

9 State control body. It acted together with the Central Commission of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks as a single party-Soviet body.

10 He led the People's Commissariats in charge of economic and defense issues, adjusted economic and financial plans.

11 Created under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. Headed the entire system of state statistics. In 1926 it was given the rights of the People's Commissariat. In 1930, it was liquidated as an independent institution and became part of the USSR State Planning Committee as the Central Directorate of Economic Accounting (TSUNKHU).

12 Main Directorate for Literature and Publishing. Created in 1922. Censorship body.

Diagram 17. The highest bodies of power and administration of the USSR according to the Constitution of 1936.

1 The only all-Union legislative body, the highest body of state power in the USSR. Consisted of two chambers. The session was to be convened twice a year. The Supreme Council elected the Presidium, formed the government (SNK), appointed the Supreme Court and the Prosecutor General of the USSR.

2 The highest legislative and executive administrative body in the period between sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He was elected by the chambers and was accountable to them. Gradually the powers of the Presidium expanded. Since 1938, he received the right to declare martial law in the country, controlled the work of accountable bodies - the government, the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General.

3 The highest body of government is the government. Lost legislative functions and became an executive and administrative body. He resigned his powers before the newly elected Supreme Soviet of the USSR, which at the 1st session formed a new government. In 1944, the Bureau of the Council of People's Commissars was created for the day-to-day management of subordinate institutions and organizations (in 1953 it was transformed into the Presidium). In 1946, the Council of People's Commissars was renamed the Council of Ministers.

4 In 1946, renamed ministries.

5 Created in November 1937 instead of the Council of Labor and Defense as a permanent commission under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. Body of operational economic management. Existed until 1944

Scheme 18. Bodies of state power and administration of the USSR during the years of the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945

1 During the war years, the Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, I.V. Stalin, concentrated all power in his hands. He was simultaneously Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, Chairman of the State Defense Committee (June 30, 1941 - September 4, 1945), headed the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command (July 10, 1941 - September 1945), was People's Commissar of Defense (July 16, 1941 - September 1947), Supreme Commander-in-Chief (August 8, 1941 - September 1945).

2 An emergency body that headed all state, military and economic leadership in the country.

3 On June 25, 1941, the Presidium decided to postpone the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the powers of the deputies of which expired in the fall of 1941. The first post-war elections took place in March 1946. In fact, the Soviet system was subordinated to party committees at various levels.

5 Working body of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command.

6 Created in May 1942

7 Provided general management of party political work in the army. Acted as the military department of the Party Central Committee.

Scheme 19. Bodies of state power and administration of the USSR according to the Constitution of 1977.

1 According to Article 6 of the 1977 USSR Constitution, the CPSU was recognized as the leading and guiding force Soviet society, the core of it political system, government and public organizations.

2 Republican, regional, regional and other party organizations and their committees organized the implementation of the directives of the CPSU Central Committee.

3 The highest body of state power in the USSR, heading unified system Soviets. Consisted of two equal and equal chambers. Sessions of the USSR Supreme Council were convened twice a year.

4 Elected in constituencies with equal population.

5 Elected according to the norm: 32 deputies from each union republic, 11 from each autonomous republic, 5 from the autonomous region, 1 from the autonomous district.

6 The highest body of state power, constantly operating in the period between sessions of the USSR Supreme Council. He was elected at a joint meeting of the chambers consisting of the Chairman of the Presidium, the first deputy chairman, 15 deputy chairmen (one from each republic) and 21 members of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council. Was accountable to the USSR Armed Forces.

7 The Government of the USSR - the highest body of government, was formed at the 1st session of the USSR Supreme Council of the new convocation, was responsible to and accountable to the USSR Supreme Council, and in the period between sessions of the USSR Supreme Council - accountable to the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council. Had the right to suspend the execution of resolutions and orders of the Council of Ministers of the union republics.

8 Central government bodies: 32 all-Union and 30 Union-Republican ministries of the USSR, 6 all-Union and 12 Union-Republican ministries state committees THE USSR.

9 Governments of the Union Republics. They were responsible to the Armed Forces of the Union Republics and accountable to them. They had the right to suspend the execution of decisions and orders of the Council of Ministers of the autonomous republics, to cancel orders and decisions of the executive committees of regional, regional and lower-level people's deputies.

10 Supreme authorities in the union republics.

11 He headed the system of bodies of people's control and was elected by the USSR Supreme Council for a period of 5 years.

12 The highest judicial body of the USSR, which was entrusted with oversight of the judicial activities of the courts of the USSR. Since 1979, it acted as a court of first instance, considering cases in the order of supervision and in cassation. He was elected by the Supreme Court of the USSR for a period of 5 years, consisting of the Chairman, his deputies, members and people's assessors, in addition, it included the chairmen of the Supreme Courts of the Union republics by position.

Structure of government bodies in the Russian Federation. The Russian Federation is a federal legal state with republican form board. Government departments.

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