How does the icon of the Mother of God of Tikhvin (Hodegetria) help? The Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God: the Significance of the Image in the Formation of the Russian Orthodox State

I turn to the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God when I want to find peace of mind, when I feel that I am under threat and need protection. Prayers help to gain a sense of invisible support and secure good luck in everything. I will tell you in this article about the meaning of this holy image and its amazing miraculous properties.

Icon painters did not disregard the image of the Mother of God, so this holy face does not exist in a single copy. It is believed that the most important and main icon located in the Tikhvin Church. This temple is located in the capital of our country. Believers believe that it was this holy image that helped during the Great Patriotic War drive the enemy invaders out of Moscow.

The image of the Tikhvin Mother of God is also in other churches, temples and cathedrals of our country. It is also in the Assumption, Trinity Cathedrals, in the Novodevichy Convent, in the churches of the Blessed, Bogorodsky, and others.

What helps the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God: the meaning of the image

Prayers addressed to the Tikhvin Mother of God are miraculous. There are many stories and testimonials about infertility treatment, solving the most difficult problems in life. Of course, the power of the holy image works only with sincere prayer and the true faith of the one who addresses it.

What properties of the icon are legendary:

  1. Helps to heal from mental illness and diseases of the joints. Both the sick themselves and their relatives can pray, turning in prayer for the health of a loved one.
  2. Helps to accept the right decision in a difficult situation. You can turn to the icon with a request to help, give a sign in order to understand what should be done so that everything will be resolved in a favorable way.
  3. Protects from the machinations of enemies and evil people who are trying to harm, deceive, direct on the wrong path. Prayers addressed to the Tikhvin Mother of God are very powerful amulet capable of bringing good luck in important matters.
  4. It is believed that the holy image patronizes babies and their mothers. You can turn to the icon if your child behaves restlessly, often gets sick or does not obey his parents.
  5. This icon is truly miraculous. There are cases when she helped people heal from paralysis, epileptic seizures, in rare cases even helped to bestow sight on the blind.
  6. This is generally a very powerful generic symbol. Prayers to the icon help to strengthen family ties, to establish mutual understanding between all participants in the tribal system, they greatly influence better side on the relationship between children and their parents.
  7. Women turn to the holy image when they want to get pregnant, to be healed of infertility. Or when they want the long-awaited pregnancy to proceed easily and without complications. It is believed that you can beg for easy childbirth, remove the fear of them.
  8. Parents can turn to the icon with prayers in order to protect their children from negative external influences: so that children do not fall into bad company, do not engage in unseemly deeds, live in harmony with God and his commandments.

This is not all, but the most important properties holy image.

History and meaning

The image of the Tikhvin Mother of God is considered one of the most miraculous. A huge number of miraculous healings and events that occurred after people turned to the holy face with their prayers are associated with him. This icon has existed for more than six centuries.

Some historical facts:

  1. The icon ended up on fire in the temple, which had already burned three times before. Believers saw this as a sign: the church should not be made of wood, it should be built more solidly, of stone. As a result, by decree of the prince, the Assumption Cathedral was built in the 16th century.
  2. For Christians, it was also a sign that during the war with the Germans the icon disappeared from the territory of our country. This happened because the icon was taken care of and sent out of the country to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chicago in order to protect it from damage and burning by the Nazis.
  3. It is believed that this is not just an icon painted on canvas. This is a real miraculous symbol that opens the Holy Gates for believers, through which their guardian angels watch over people, send their love and support.

It is important that the prayers addressed to the miraculous face be sincere and come from the heart, then you will definitely feel its effect on yourself and your life to the fullest.

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On July 9, 2019, the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of the Tikhvin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most ancient images revered by the Orthodox Church. According to legend, it was written by the Evangelist Luke during the earthly life of the Mother of God. There are many lists of this icon, which are stored in various temples.

We will talk about what the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God prays for, what is the meaning of this icon of the Mother of God, what the Tikhvin Mother of God helps with, and we will give the texts of prayers in front of the icon.

The meaning of the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God

The Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God is one of the main shrines of the Tikhvin Church, which is located in Moscow. During the Great Patriotic War, this image was surrounded by an airplane around the capital, after which fascist invaders were convinced.

What do they pray for the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God? This image is considered the patron saint of children and adolescents. He is approached by parents who want to adequately raise their children. However, the significance of the icon of Our Lady of Tikhvin is not only in this.

How does the Tikhvin Mother of God help?

This icon, which has a special healing power, is addressed by people suffering various diseases, including mental disorders. Numerous cases of healing of people who offered up prayers before this image are known.

Often, those who were paralyzed received help - people began to walk independently. If you pray for the recovery of a sick child, he will definitely get better. This image is also kept at home to protect yourself and your family from uninvited guests and various negativity.

Prayer before the icon of Our Lady of Tikhvin

“O Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the highest forces, Heaven and earth Queen, city and country, our Almighty Intercessor. Accept this laudatory and thankful singing from us unworthy Thy servants and lift up our prayers to the throne of God Thy Son, may he be merciful to our unrighteousness and grant His goodness to those who honor all-honest your name and with faith and love worshiping Your miraculous image. Nesma more worthy of His pardon to be, if not You propitiated Him for us, the Lady, as if all of You is possible from Him. For this sake, we resort to You, as to our undoubted and speedy Intercessor; hear us praying to you, fall us with your all-powerful cover and ask God your Son as our shepherd jealousy and vigil for souls, wisdom and strength as a city governor, truth and impartiality to judges, reason and humility as a mentor, love and consent to spouses, obedience to children, offended patience, offending the fear of God, grieving complacency, rejoicing in abstinence: all of us are the spirit of reason and piety, du% D

And in trouble, and in war, and in the problems of life, the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God will take away all the trouble. The shrine, to which the Orthodox have entrusted their fate and patronage for centuries, has not lost its relevance in our days. The icon, which miraculously preserved Holy Russia from enemy invasion, is famous for special reverence. It was the power of the Tikhvin Mother of God that was attracted to protect the people when the flames of global catastrophes threatened the future of the State.

  • Modern history contains evidence that the icon of Tikhvin Holy Mother of God by plane they surrounded Moscow when the enemy was already on the outskirts during the fascist invasion of the Great Patriotic War. In the most terrible days, when no one was sure of victory, she gave her support and protection. From the idea of ​​a cross flight with a prayer, calling on the Mother of God for protection, even the communist leaders were unable to refuse. And as it was centuries before, the enemy was defeated, and the country resisted, giving a worthy rebuff.

The icon of the Most Holy Tikhvin is very similar in style to the no less legendary Smolensk Hodegetria. Both are considered to be the legacy of the brush of the Evangelist Luke, and the history of their appearance is lost in the mists of time. In any case, the Blachernae icon is clearly seen as an unambiguous prototype of the Tikhvin Mother of God, the face of which was still kept by the Byzantine emperors in the days of early Christianity.

The image type of the icon is Hodegetria, when the Infant Christ is Pantocrator, the Almighty of the Orthodox Faith. The bowed head of the Heavenly Mother to the Son, whose hand ascended in the blessing of the earthly flock, arouses endless awe in the hearts of Christians. The Heavenly King is shown to the world by the Mother of God, realizing that she gave birth not to a simple child, but to God Almighty. Slightly leaning towards Mary, Jesus appears not as an infant requiring motherly care, but as an Executor whose word will change the world.

The classic half-length image, which is executed in color scheme of the usual purple-gold combination, always dressed in precious vestments with special reverence. All the most famous lists of icons were traditionally decorated with gold and skillfully inlaid with magnificent stones. The main miraculous image of the Tikhvin Mother of God is kept in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, and there are several revered lists in other churches.

Miraculous procession of the holy image

The first mention of the icon dates back to the 14th century, when in the vicinity of the city of Tikhvin, which stands on the Tikhvinka River of the same name, the miraculous image of the Mother of God appeared through the efforts of God's providence. In legends, there is a story that the local people from the Novgorod limits were mostly unbaptized pagans, dark and dense. But with God's help and the efforts of the visiting monks, the faith of Christ, blessed by the Holy Spirit, very quickly took off good shoots. What the Mother of God Guide Tikhvinskaya also contributed to.

The appearance of the holy face in the surroundings of Tikhvin, far from the centers of worship, is due to the iconoclasm that took place some time ago in the Roman lands. Fearing heresy that destroyed the shrines, through the efforts of the guardians, the Holy Mother of God of Tikhvin began to work miracles in lands that were previously unknown to her. Anticipating a celebration Orthodox faith in Russia, having provided her with the glory of the Third Rome, the Guide consecrated the new destinies of the sacred lands.

  • The first miracle is documented in the “Tales of the Tikhvin Face of the Mother of God” - the Assumption Church, dedicated to the Mother of God, burned three times, but each time the icon remained unharmed.
  • There are countless testimonies, when children were healed in prayer before the sacred face, the demoniac was healed, and those praying in spiritual confusion found the grace of torment relief.
  • Very often, the Tikhvin face of the Virgin participated in prayers blessing the army before the campaign. And since at the turn of the 16th century the centralized Russian state was finally formed, the Tikhvin face acquired the significance and glory of the patronage of power and sovereigns.
  • At the same time, the first stone cathedral was built in Tikhvin, which became a new abode for the sacred image, and the face began to be called by the toponym of the area - Tikhvinskaya.
  • The glory of the miraculous icon spread throughout the villages, and Tikhvin became a pilgrimage place where strings of suffering help and healing stretched. Even Russian tsars Vasily III Yes, Ivan the Terrible before important events asked for guardianship and help from the Tikhvin Guide.

The Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, sincerely revered in Orthodox Church, was born in 1383. According to legend, the creator of this miracle, which is considered the same age as the Most Holy Theotokos, is called an evangelist named Luke. The face of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God inspired and amazed believers with miraculous signs and properties a great number of times.

The significance of the holy image was great, therefore, monasteries and temples were erected in her honor with the donations of the people.

Read about the holy places in honor of the Tikhvin Icon:

  • Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in St. Petersburg

The history of the creation of the icon

In various cities of Russia and the world there are several copies of this image. The icon was created as a subtype of the image of the Mother of God Hodegetria (Guide). Another name is "Northern Queen".

The first appearance of the image in the legend dates back to 1383. The handwritten legends of that time say that the face of the holy virgin walked through the villages on the hands of angels and appeared before the eyes of the enthusiastic population. She stopped her procession on the banks of the Tikhvinka River.

The miraculous power is determined by the fact that the image arose in sparsely populated lands where there was no Christianity. Tradition says that on the banks of the Tikhvinka they built a wooden church of the Assumption of the Virgin, where this holy image found its refuge. Chronicle claims about three cases fires in the church itself, however, the image was not affected at all.

Important! To emphasize the antiquity and significance of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, they assert its connection with the prototype of the real Mother of God, who lived in the 1st century AD.

This miraculous face, according to history, moved from the cities where they fought against icon painting to favorable places. After the capture of Constantinople by Turkish troops, the icon found a new destiny - Holy Russia. Since these times, the status of the Slavic state has risen.

AT early XVI centuries, at the insistence of Prince Vasily, to worship the image that patronized Moscow, they built one stone cathedral, where everyone could read prayers and serve the Lord.

Tikhvin is now a popular place of faith, pilgrimage and pilgrimage. Tradition notes: Vasily III and Ivan the Terrible visited the Holy Cathedral.

Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God

Where is the image now

In the 20th century, the wanderings of the face continued during the occupation of the monastery by the Germans. They sent the holy image to Pskov, and then the image ended up in Riga. In 1950, the Tikhvin Icon ended up in Chicago, where it was carefully guarded. In the late 70s, a woman visited the Pskov-Pechersk Church, where she was presented with a darkened "tablet" as a gift. The image was not visible at all. Elder Seraphim explained that this is a holy image that will appear after the return of the Tikhvin face to Russia.

In the early 90s, churches began to revive, and faith came out of the shadows. A miracle happened in the woman’s apartment: the darkened “plate” began to show a gilded image. Two days later, everyone could see the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, another name for which is the “Northern Queen”. This incident was followed by the transfer of the original image to the monastery where he for a long time was. This sign is considered as the care of the Son of God over Russia. Believers understood that miracles prophesied changes that would not be easy to endure.

Today in Russia there are approximately 400 churches in which there are lists (copies) miraculous image written by the Evangelist Luke. The Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God is located in the Assumption Cathedral, but is revered in many monasteries in Russia.

  • Orthodox Novodevichy Convent on Devichye Pole.
  • Church of the Transfiguration in Veliky Novgorod.
  • Trinity Cathedral in Moscow, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, etc.

Icon painting style of the Evangelist Luke

The image is determined to a strictly regulated system of writing and attributed to the type of the face of the Virgin-Hodegetria, which almost always depicts the spiritual dialogue of the Mother of God and the little Christ. The Son of God in one hand compresses a scroll on which sacred messages are engraved, and with the other hand he blesses the environment.

The baby's legs are bent, he holds the right foot slightly higher than the left. The Mother of God bows her head in prayer. This fact is the difference between this icon and the Mother of God of Smolensk. The style of creation is considered the most orthodox and triumphant.

The elements of the face can be clearly seen in the photo of the Icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God.

Painting by Vasily Istomin

In 1798, the artist began work on a canvas depicting the transfer of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God to the Assumption Church.

There is no exact data about Vasily Istomin, but it is assumed that he is a student of Kvadal. The painting contains elements of provincial art. The order for writing came from Archimandrite Gerasim. Alexander I, seeing this picture, shed tears, showed true faith and joyfully thanked everyone who was involved in writing it, as well as the real transfer of the holy image.

Important! Many people pray for their own healing or for the recovery of others in front of the Icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God. There are many testimonies of the actual recovery of seriously ill patients.

Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God. XII-XIII centuries Assumption Cathedral of the Tikhvin Mother of God Assumption Monastery

Miraculous help to the population

On the pages of legends there are many facts showing divine incidents. Russian princes turned to the face, asking for strength against a military invasion.

The Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God from ancient times helped Russia from the invasion of dangerous enemies.

  • In 1613, the Swedes, under the command of General Delagardie, retreated after the prayers and services of a Russian pious woman to the Tikhvin icon. It seemed to the enemies that they were surrounded by a myriad of troops, and they fled in a panic. However, the Swedes did not give up, wanting to penetrate the monastery and brutally cut the shrine created by the Evangelist Luke. None of their initiatives were successful.
  • The story goes that on the list of the icon, stored in the Kyrgyz city of Karakol, there are traces of shots. The bullets could not penetrate the bases, which speaks of the divine survival of the image. Faith in these events is guarded unquestioningly.
  • During the Second World War, the miraculous icon of Tikhvin helped stop the Nazi invasion of Moscow. The pilots surrounded it around the city on an airplane, and on the same day the enemy was defeated. Soon the city of Tikhvin was also liberated.

Each encounter with the holy image gives rise to a miraculous incident, strengthens faith and the meaning of life.

Kaluga Church of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist, the miraculous list of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God

What does the icon help with?

The Mother of God always helps true believers who read prayers and sincerely ask for deliverance from misfortunes and serious illnesses.

The Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God helps with the following troubles:

  • It can save a person from the corrupting influence of mental illness.
  • People who want right decision difficult question, should be applied to the icon, reading holy prayers and believing in God. This will protect from an unkind look and deceit in business.
  • The Holy Mother of God patronizes newborns, granting peace and health to overly active children. It protects from the negative influence of the streets and bad company.
  • There is evidence that the image cures paralysis, epilepsy and joint diseases.
  • The icon strengthens the relationship between parents and children, increases the level of spiritual connection.
  • Infertile women return reproductive function, and Orthodox women in labor do not experience severe pain if they diligently pray to the image every day.
Advice! The Church strongly recommends that you have this shrine at home in order to offer prayers daily in the name of improving your situation. On a note! Those born between November 23 and December 21 ask for help from the Icon of the Mother of God "Tikhvin" and "Signs". heavenly patrons

The evil spirits that had plagued the woman for a long time retreated after she sincerely kissed the face of the Mother of God. She felt light and was able to stand up.

In 1860, a girl who preached Lutheranism was miraculously cured of paralysis and headaches. Not belonging to Orthodoxy, she loved to worship the holy face, seek meaning and observe fasts. At a significant moment, a revelation came to her, telling her about the prayer service of the Tikhvin Mother of God. The girl, who had fallen into a trance, was carried into the church. The audience saw how she was healed before God at the end of the prayer service.

At present, the miracles produced by the image continue to occur. In the Novodevichy Convent I saw the light Orthodox woman, which for a long time did not see the surrounding objects.

The Tikhvin icon, known under a different name - the "Northern Queen", has long been a sacred relic for the Russian people. Having survived many misfortunes, she continues to maintain miraculous power.

Important! The shrine grants deliverance from many ailments, drives away evil forces and returns the ability to independent living, if Orthodox person sincerely bows and reads prayers.

Watch a video about the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God

Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos, which was in Novgorod the Great in 1170

"Like an invincible wall and a source of miracles, having acquired Thee, Thy servants, the Most Pure Theotokos, we depose the opposing militias. We also pray to Thee, grant peace to Thy city and great mercy to our souls.".

The icon of the Mother of God, called "The Sign", depicts the Most Holy Theotokos sitting and raising her hands in prayer; on her chest, against the background round shield(or spheres) - the blessing Divine Infant, Spas-Emmanuel. Such an image of the Mother of God is one of Her very first icon-painting images. In the tomb of St. Agnes in Rome there is an image of the Mother of God with outstretched hands in prayer and with the Child sitting on Her lap. This image belongs to the 4th century. In addition, the ancient Byzantine image of the Mother of God "Nicopeia", VI century, is known, where the Most Holy Theotokos is depicted sitting on a throne and holding an oval shield with the image of the Savior Emmanuel in front of her with both hands.

Icons of the Mother of God, known under the name "Sign", appeared in Russia in the 11th-12th centuries, and they began to be called so after a miraculous sign from the Novgorod icon that happened in 1170.

This year, the combined forces of the Russian specific princes, led by the son Suzdal prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, approached the walls of Veliky Novgorod. Novgorodians could only rely on God's help. Day and night they prayed, begging the Lord not to leave them. On the third night, Archbishop Elijah of Novgorod heard a wondrous voice commanding him to take the image of the Most Holy Theotokos from the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior on Ilyina Street and bring it to the city wall. When the icon was being transferred, the enemies launched a cloud of arrows into the procession, and one of them pierced the icon-painting face of the Virgin. Tears flowed from Her eyes, and the icon turned its face towards the city. After such a Divine sign, an inexplicable horror suddenly attacked the enemies, they began to beat each other, and the Novgorodians, encouraged by the Lord, fearlessly rushed into battle and won. In remembrance of the miraculous intercession of the Queen of Heaven, Archbishop Elijah then established a feast in honor of the Sign of the Mother of God, which the entire Russian Church still celebrates.

Athonite hieromonk Pachomius Logothete, who was present at such a celebration, wrote two canons for this holiday. On some Novgorod icons of the Sign, in addition to the Mother of God with the Eternal Child, miraculous events of 1170 are also depicted. For 186 years after the appearance of the sign, the miraculous icon was in the same Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior on Ilyina Street. In 1356, the Church of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos was built for her in Novgorod, which became the cathedral of the Znamensky Monastery.

Numerous copies of the Icon of the Sign are known throughout Russia. Many of them shone with miracles in local temples and were named after the place where miracles occurred. Such lists of the Icon of the Sign include the icons of Dionysius-Glushitskaya, Abalatskaya, Kursk-Kornnaya, Seraphim-Ponetaevskaya and others. A feature of the Kursk Root is the image of a baby with covered hands.

In the Novgorod story of finding the icon, it is interesting how the Mother of God chooses the side she supports. After all, a dozen and a half years before, she appeared near Vladimir to Andrei Bogolyubsky himself, after which, by order of the prince, the icon of the Mother of God the God-loving was painted. Here, at Novegrad, the Mother of God turned out to be on the side opposite to the son of Andrei Bogolyubsky. If we follow linear logic, we had the right to expect Her patronage for the offspring of Prince Andrei. But no!

What is the conclusion? Even if an apple does not fall far from an apple tree, the tree and its fruit are still not the same thing. The holiness of the father does not preclude filial sinfulness. Everyone goes their own way. Responsibility is individual. Moreover, it seems that if Andrey Bogolyubsky himself set out to carry out some act that was not pleasing to God, the highest patronage would be removed from him. And just as the Mother of God acted in Novgorod against his son, she would have acted against him. Who knows, perhaps the violent death that Prince Andrei accepted in his native Bogolyubovo is evidence of the removal of the protective cover?

The “Sign” icon was carried daily during the days of the blockade after the liturgies with a procession around St. Nicholas Cathedral in Leningrad by the Metropolitan of Leningrad and Novgorod, who later, in 1944, became the Patriarch of All Russia. (It’s both wild and strange for us now to hear two names of the same city - Leningrad and Petersburg ... You can’t explain to a foreigner why it is so, what kind of “different” cities are we talking about, why is St. Petersburg now the capital of the Leningrad Region? But this is our native history, our common, albeit tragic, song, from which, as it was said, you cannot erase a word. history of meaning?

Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" Abalatskaya was written by the protodeacon of Tobolsk cathedral Matthew in honor of Sophia, the Wisdom of God, in fulfillment of the vow of the relaxed peasant Euthymius for the newly built Church of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Abalatskaya monastery. This temple was built in 1637 after the repeated miraculous appearance of the image of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos, with the upcoming Saint Nicholas and the Monk Mary of Egypt to the pious widow Mary. After painting the temple image, the relaxed Euthymius was completely healed. During the solemn transfer of the icon to the Abalatsky temple, many healings were performed. By appearance The Abalatsk Icon is similar to the Novgorod Icon of the Sign, with the only difference being that St. Nicholas and Reverend Mary Egyptian. There are many miraculous lists of the Abalatskaya icon, reverently revered throughout Siberia.

Icon of the Kursk Root Mother of God "The Sign", which is one of the greatest shrines of Russian Orthodoxy, since 1726 has been in the Znamensky Cathedral of Kursk and was taken out to the Korennaya Hermitage only for two weeks a year. From 1806, according to the Named Highest Decree, she stayed in the Root Hermitage from Friday of the 9th week of Easter until September 12/25, and returned to the Znamensky Monastery of Kursk for the rest of the year. Kursk this shrine was named after the place of its primary location, and Root - after the place of its acquisition.

The procession of pilgrims from all over the Kursk and Belgorod regions (in some years up to 40-50 thousand people gathered) to the desert and back to Kursk, annually performed with the holy icon, was a powerful spiritual conciliar act, as well as a majestic spectacle. Captured, in particular, in the famous painting by Chuguev Ilya Repin " Procession in the Kursk province. "In the Root Hermitage there is now one of the copies (stolen from the Znamensky Cathedral of Kursk and rediscovered this year), and the original is in the Church of the Sign in New York, USA. For a month in the year, the icon stays in the New Root Hermitage (about Magopak, 40 miles from New York), in the former country estate of the Prince and Princess Beloselsky-Belozersky.

Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" Seraphim-Ponetaevskaya was written in 1879 by a nun of the Seraphim-Ponetaev convent, located not far from Arzamas, near the village of Ponetaevka. The monastery is named after Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky, the founder of the monastery - the sister of the Diveevo community.

The icon, after six years of writing, became famous for numerous miracles and became main shrine monastery. During Divine services, the praying sisters saw distinct changes in the face of the Mother of God: Her immaculate face brightened and became as if alive. Numerous pilgrims flocked to the icon, and many healings from blindness and relaxation were performed. In total, about 70 cases of healing were noted.

And they pray to the "Sign" icon like this:

Oh, Most Holy and Blessed Mother of our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ! We fall down and worship You before the holy miraculous icon Yours, reminiscent of the wondrous sign of Your intercession, manifested to Great Novgorod from her in the days of the military invasion of this city.

We humbly pray to Thee, Omnipotent Intercessor of our kind: as if in ancient times Thou hastened our father to help, so even now we are weak and sinful of Your Mother's intercession and welfare. Establish the Holy Church, Thy city and our entire Orthodox country, and all of us who fall to Thee with faith and love and tenderly ask with tears of Thy intercession, have mercy and save.

Hey, Lady All-Merciful! Have mercy on us, overwhelmed by many sins, stretch out Your hands to Christ God, God-receiving, and intercede for us before His goodness, asking us for forgiveness of our sins, a pious, peaceful life, a good Christian end and a good answer at His Last Judgment, but save Your all-powerful to With prayers, we will inherit heavenly bliss, and with all the saints we will sing the Most Honorable and Magnificent name of the Worshipful Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and Your great mercy to us forever and ever. Amen.
