All about office work and document flow of the Russian Federation. Basic rules of office work and document management. Rules for the organization of office work in federal bodies

Automation of office work and document flow confidently occupies its niche in the field of enterprise automation systems. But, before making a decision on office automation, it is necessary to correctly understand the terminology. Sometimes, for purely clerical tasks, they turn to programs that are completely not intended for this.

If we talk about things that distinguish us from the rest of the world, then first come to mind ballet, vodka, gas, flax, hemp and the first companion. Almost all of the above is no longer only the prerogative of Russia, only in the field of language and culture no one seeks to compete with us. Was no exception and the area of ​​work with documents. Office work in its modern form was born in Russia in 1811, it was and still remains so original that it is quite possible to talk about its national characteristics.

What is the difference between office work, document flow and business procedures

From software manufacturers in the field of working with documents, one often hears the words "office work", "document flow", "electronic archive of documents", "business procedures", etc. As a rule, they use all these concepts as synonyms to promote their solutions and technologies .

As a result, there was a significant difference in the opinions of manufacturers and users on all, even the simplest issues. Sometimes, for purely business tasks, they turn to solutions that are completely not intended for this. This, of course, harms the market, confuses users and slows down the development of the Russian office work industry. Perhaps we are already ripe for the creation of some kind of professional association designed to conduct educational work, bring terms and definitions to a common denominator and set standards for the automation of Russian office work.

But this is a topic for a separate discussion, and below we will not touch on it in detail. The purpose of this article is an attempt to classify the main concepts encountered within office work and document flow in the enterprise, as well as documentation support for management, give basic definitions and describe the main features of national office work. We will also briefly dwell on some products designed to automate the work with documents on the Russian market, and try to consider them from the point of view of these definitions and the essence of the solutions themselves. This can be useful, for example, for those who consider OCR to be the most important component in corporate workflow automation. In conclusion, we will try to assess the prospects for the development of the Russian industry of office automation and document management.

To begin with, let us briefly dwell on the concepts, terms and our vision of the place of office work in ensuring the management of Russian enterprises. Immediately make a reservation that these definitions are components of such a science as document management.

How is paperwork different from paperwork?

For many, the two terms are synonymous. In our opinion, they need to be distinguished.

Documentation support of management (DOE) covers the issues of documentation, organization of work with documents in the process of management and systematization of their archival storage.

Documentation is the creation of documents, i.e. their compilation, execution, approval and production.

Office work: a set of measures to ensure the DOW of an enterprise or organization. It is sometimes said that the preschool educational institution is the main function of office work.

Organization of work with documents- ensuring the movement, search, storage and use of documents.

Systematization of archival storage of documents- determination of the rules for storing information created in the organization, its search and use to support managerial decision-making and business procedures.

Document flow- the movement of documents within the framework of the DOW.

business procedure- the sequence of certain operations (works, tasks, procedures) performed by employees of organizations to solve any problem or goal within the framework of the activities of an enterprise or organization.

Electronic archive solves the problems of systematizing the archival storage of electronic documents within the framework of the DOW.

office work Responsible for documentary support of enterprise management.

business procedures are responsible for running a business or performing a target function and are a way to carry out the practical management of enterprises and institutions.

What is an electronic archive?

The popularity of the term “electronic archive” in Russia is, in our opinion, one of the national features of Russian electronic office work (as well as the triumph of the ideas of text recognition scanning). In the West, the term "datawarehouse" (data warehouse) is more popular. In our country, apparently, data is mainly understood as the contents of documents and records in the database. Hence the popularity of the clerical term "archive".

In clerical work, the archive is responsible for organizing the storage of documents and is one of the three main clerical tasks (creation, processing technology and systematization of documents). We often hear that a certain “archive system ideally solves the problems of document management”. This, based on our definitions, cannot be in principle, since in fact documents are moved (the essence of document management) as part of solving all three tasks, and not just as part of the systematization of archival storage.

Office work and business procedures

The difference between office work and business procedures is easiest to show with a real-life example. For example, a simple business procedure for selling a product to a customer might look like this:

  1. the customer calls the company to place an order;
  2. the order is registered in the customer database;
  3. an invoice is issued for the goods;
  4. the account is transferred to the accounting department;
  5. the accounting department receives money for the goods, which is recorded in the accounting system;
  6. the goods are shipped from the warehouse, which is noted in the warehouse database;
  7. an invoice and an invoice for the goods are issued;
  8. the goods are shipped to the client;
  9. Invoice and waybill are transferred to the accounting department.

Rice. 1. The difference between office work and business procedures

In this business procedure, items 3 (create invoice), 4 (transfer invoice), 7 (create invoice and invoice), and 9 (transmit invoice and invoice) are related to the workflow. If sales are more complex, for example, if there is a formal internal relationship between the sales department, the warehouse and the accounting department, then additional procedures may appear in office work.

Thus, clerical operations are, as it were, woven into business procedures where they need to be accompanied by documents. In some cases, this is especially typical for government organizations, business procedures may consist exclusively of office operations. This implies the main difference between office work and business procedures, which consists in their functional difference: office work is responsible for documentary support of enterprise management; business procedures - for doing business or performing a target function and are a way of implementing the practical management of enterprises and institutions.

In all cases, office work includes documentation of business procedures.

Another, no less important, national specific feature is the long-standing and clear separation of the concepts of "clerical work" and "business procedures". Perhaps this is due to the fact that document science as a science that studies documents was born at the beginning of the 19th century. in the bowels of the Russian state apparatus. In addition, both then and now we have much stricter legislation, unlike most Western countries, requiring clear documentary evidence of all steps in almost any area of ​​enterprise activity. For example, contracts must be stamped, information in databases is not official, electronic documents are not considered legally valid, etc.

Accordingly, an additional difference between automation products and technologies in the West and in Russia is that solutions for Russian enterprises should take into account the presence of paper documents in office work to a much greater extent and, paradoxically, offer a less rigid scheme for automating business procedures. This thesis, perhaps, requires a more detailed explanation.

Western office automation systems in Russia

The main computer programs for office work and business procedures can be roughly divided into four main categories (not including document creation and data warehouse tools):

  1. workflow systems (automation of business procedures);
  2. groupware systems (teamwork);
  3. document management systems (mainly provide registration, storage and retrieval of documents);
  4. e-mail systems (serve for the exchange of documents).

This division took shape on the market about three years ago. Now it is rather arbitrary due to the fact that the latest versions of the most popular applications are trying to combine all these and many more other technologies, such as Lotus Domino. In addition, each of these technologies (except, of course, e-mail, whose popularity in business from the very beginning was approximately the same as that of document creation tools), fashionable in the West 2-3 years ago, gave way to the new concept of collaboration & messaging ( "collaboration and messaging").

The reasons for this, in our opinion, are approximately the same for them and for us (if we do not take into account the purely linguistic, linguistic and technical problems of localization, support for code tables, search, recognition, etc.)

The thing is that automating business procedures and teamwork is, in principle, very difficult. First, no one has yet come up with universal rules for running a successful business. Each organization is absolutely unique in this respect. In addition, within the framework of an automated procedure, it is not always possible to adequately respond to emergency situations, from the occurrence of which no one, of course, is immune. Sometimes automation only harms the business, often a number of employees ideally solve their tasks in informal relationships, and the framework of the automated system only fetters them. However, reverse examples are not at all rare.

As a result, at this point in time, the most rational way to automate business procedures is reasonable to recognize the following: “Do not try to program the behavior of employees for every possible situation, but instead create a common information environment for them within which they can cooperate (i.e. jointly solve business -tasks) and exchange messages. In our opinion, this calls into question the cloudless future of existing workflow systems, in which the emphasis is on the creation of complete business process automation chains.

In addition to the above, there are a number of other circumstances that until recently seriously hampered the introduction of these technologies in Russia:

  1. the lack of complete Russian programs for automating workflow and office work;
  2. lack of active demand for automation of business procedures;
  3. confusion in positioning the programs of Western manufacturers for the purposes of office automation, etc.

To date, the situation has improved significantly. Finished Russian products have appeared, confusion in terminology and positioning is gradually being overcome.

There are two main challenges that need to be addressed to increase demand for office management software. Firstly, to explain the importance of improving and automating the documentation support of management (office work), and, secondly, improving and automating business procedures.

While the second task is more or less clear, the first should be considered in more detail.

Three sources and three components of DOW

The organization of work with documents is an important part of the management processes and management decision-making, which significantly affects the efficiency and quality of management.

The process of making a managerial decision includes obtaining information; its processing; analysis, preparation and decision making.

These components are closely related to the documentation management. To obtain an economic effect, first of all, the quality of information is important, which is determined not only by its quantity, but also by the efficiency, degree of complexity and cost. If the enterprise does not have a clear work with documents, then, as a result, the management itself deteriorates, since it depends on the quality and reliability, the efficiency of receiving and transmitting information, the correct setting of the reference and information service, the precise organization of the search, storage and use of documents.

It is customary to distinguish three main tasks to be solved in office work (DOE).

  1. Documentation (drafting, execution, coordination and production of documents).
  2. Organization of work with documents in the process of management (ensuring the movement, control of execution, storage and use of documents).
  3. Organizing the archive of documents.

Why is it vital for organizations to improve DOE?

Because the documentation support of management has a direct impact on the quality of managerial decision-making. Unfortunately, at present, the documentation support for the activities of Russian enterprises is carried out mainly spontaneously, without taking into account the existing regulatory framework and the rich experience in improving the preschool educational institution accumulated in Russia over the past 175 years.

Rice. 2. Components of enterprise management

With the growth of the scale of the enterprise and the number of its employees, the issue of the effectiveness of management documentation support becomes more and more relevant. The main problems that arise in this case look something like this.

  1. Management loses a holistic picture of what is happening.
  2. Structural divisions, not having information about each other's activities, cease to carry out their activities in a coordinated manner. Inevitably, the quality of customer service and the ability of the organization to maintain external contacts are declining.
  3. The consequence of this is a drop in labor productivity; there is a feeling of lack of resources: human, technical, communication, etc.
  4. We have to expand the staff, invest in the equipment of new jobs, premises, communications, and employee training.
  5. For manufacturing enterprises, an increase in staff may entail a change in production technology, which will require additional investment.
  6. In a situation of unjustified staff growth, falling productivity, the need to invest in production, there is a need to increase working capital, which, in turn, can lead to new loans and reduce the planned profit.

As a result, the further expansion of the enterprise occurs in a purely extensive way at the expense of previously accumulated profits or an increase in the budget deficit.

Realizing the importance of improving the DOE, organizations often make a lot of mistakes trying to automate it, and the problem of choosing automation methods is decisive in this situation.

The most common solution is the automation of individual workstations (AWP): assistant secretary, manager, accountant or manager. The main disadvantages of this approach, as a rule, are: the lack of ways to organize electronic information exchange between employees and departments of enterprises; lack of functional connection between the automation of applied procedures and the automation of office work.

As noted above, one of the most important factors for the successful development of an enterprise is its quality management. This will invariably result in increased turnover, profits and employee well-being.

If you try to identify the main functional parts (components) in the management of enterprises and organizations, they will look like this.

The office automation program should include tools and rules for creating documents, maintaining their electronic archive, supporting document management and, at the same time, be based on software and hardware platforms of the enterprise. To ensure the effective use of information, all other components of management must be based on a program of record keeping, only in this case it is possible to solve the problems facing the organization. From the point of view of complex automation of the activities of enterprises, their applied information systems should be based on software and hardware platforms and a program for automating office work and workflow.

Thus, an enterprise seeking to create an effective information processing environment to improve the quality of management faces serious challenges.

  1. Improving all work on the preparation and processing of documentary information by creating a mechanism for documentary support of the enterprise (DOE).
  2. Choosing the right automation strategy, including the right choice of products.

How to automate office work, business procedures and document flow in the enterprise?

It may seem incredible, but to automate such a seemingly simple subject as working with documents, you have to use the latest technological advances:

  1. database management systems;
  2. document search and text analysis systems;
  3. scanning and recognition systems for documents (printed and handwritten);
  4. client-server environment;
  5. Internet/intranet.

It should be noted that in the modern world, very few solution developers use all these technologies at once. As a result, users often receive eclectic solutions from different vendors, which significantly increases the cost of purchase, implementation and operation, and also reduces the quality of the system in operation. When choosing an office automation program and business procedures, pay attention to their quality and suitability for your tasks individually and as a whole (ie integration). It is also necessary to take into account the positioning of the versions of the offered products.

The main categories of users of office automation and document management systems

A feature of the Russian computer market is its increasingly clear division into two large areas, one of which covers home users and small offices (1-25 computers), while the other covers corporate clients, medium and large companies and institutions (25 or more computers).

While home users prefer to install the best software for free, medium and large companies are mainly concerned with improving the efficiency of their existing computer systems and are willing to pay for products and related services.

It is clear that a solution for home users should not be expensive and should take into account the growth in popularity of working on the Internet to a greater extent than the problems of office work.

A record keeping solution for corporate users must be based on modern record keeping methodology in Russia, client-server technologies, Internet/intranet, e-mail, scanning and recognition of paper documents, mass and prompt document entry, search and retrieval of documents, and be able to use various DBMS and be easy to use and administer.

A corporate workflow and business automation system has similar requirements: it must be based on the concept of “collaboration and messaging”, apply e-mail, client-server, Internet / intranet, scheduling and event logging technologies, be able to work with various DBMS and be simple in use and administration.

Prospects for the Russian office automation industry

With the development of market relations and the change in ownership in Russia, there is a steady demand for solutions in the field of automation of work with documents and business organization. There are a number of reasons for the huge potential demand for office automation software and services.

  1. Absolutely all organizations and a large number of individuals work with documents.
  2. Almost every organization faces problems in office work, even if we are not talking about its automation: documents are lost, not controlled, not executed, etc.
  3. By improving record keeping, enterprises and organizations get a real chance to improve the quality of their management, which is one of the most urgent tasks of the modern Russian economy.
  4. The qualifications of secretaries and persons responsible for record keeping in organizations are insufficient and require an increase in its level.
  5. User requests for improvement of office automation programs and their integration with numerous workstations, information and application systems are extremely high.

A number of national features in record keeping, language and culture do not allow the use of Western off-the-shelf application solutions. Fortunately, there is an increasing number of Russian manufacturers offering inexpensive high-quality solutions in this area. This gives hope that the prospects for the development of the industry are quite favorable, and already now there is a need for specialized events aimed at promoting solutions, developing standards and creating professional associations of subjects in this market.

The success of any enterprise lies in its competent organization. Both management and other employees need to know what office work is. What are its features and what documents are considered important in the activities of the organization?


What is office work? Any company, whatever form of ownership it may have, operates on the basis of various securities. They are orders, letters, protocols. They are classified as organizational and administrative documents. Office work is called the work of creating papers, which is carried out according to generally accepted standards.

Usually, enterprises have special employees working in this area for this. In small organizations, the duties of a secretary can be for any employee. If you decipher the essence of the concept (what is office work), then the origin of the term will be clear. This is the preservation of official information on a material carrier.

In this process, an organizational and administrative document is created, thanks to which further actions are clear. The very word "office work" arose a long time ago, but only since the middle of the 20th century has it become official.


There are the basics of office work and workflow for beginners. Thanks to them, it will be possible to learn how to organize a legal entity of all types. This is a complex process in which all management employees are involved. In one department they fill out and draw up papers, and in the other they monitor their movement.

Now there is a unified state system of office work, in which all the norms for conducting this sphere are indicated. It is important to control all the stages through which documents need to go. The state standard is also used, which outlines the rules for conducting such work.

The basics of office work and workflow for beginners are needed to unify the filling of papers. This is required in order to ensure comparability of data within one country and in the international sphere. Thanks to standardization and unification, it will not be possible to spend a lot of time on reports, since the procedure for getting to know the papers is simplified. An example is a form with details. They are developed for a single institution, country or for several states. Forms testify to the responsibility of the company. Before mass printing, you need to check the correctness of writing the data.

Document flow involves the mandatory registration of papers that are needed in production activities. The literacy of an employee is associated with the correct distribution of documents, their registration and grouping. Now various seminars are being held, at which they talk about the techniques and secrets of this profession. A highly demanded area is personnel records management, since this area involves working with a lot of documents.

This area requires skilled professionals. In addition to basic education, they must regularly improve their qualifications and undergo certification. Employees need to work with the analytical sphere as well. Employees create personal files of personnel, supplement and refine information.

Their important function is to control the compliance of papers with legal norms. Specialists must send obsolete documents to the archive in a timely manner, where they are stored for the required period, usually at least 5 years. Responsibilities include filling out questionnaires used for employment, preparing questions necessary for organizing an interview.

Office work and document flow

At any enterprise, you can hear such words as "office work" and "document flow". What it is? This work is done by secretaries, archivists, employees of the personnel department. Office work is the recording of information, the production of paper and electronic documents.

It develops a document flow. This concept is called the movement of an order, a letter from its creation to execution. Papers may be archived or destroyed. At the place of their creation, the document flow can be external and internal. The source determines the path of the order, order, letter.


Record keeping and document management is based on its own rules. They must be observed in order for the company to be legal. Internal document flow is carried out on the basis of the following stages:

  • Execution of the draft document.
  • Coordination.
  • Project signing.
  • Assign date and number.
  • Registration and performance.
  • Bringing information to performers and control.
  • Fulfillment of orders.
  • Formulation and storage.
  • Destruction or transfer to the archive.

By stages, the external document flow is almost the same, but slightly different. Papers are transferred to the organization from the outside. They are issued by upstream and downstream companies, affiliates, authorities, courts and citizens. They must be registered, which confirms their control. Followed by familiarization with them and implementation. If required, a response is generated. At the end, the paper is sent to the archive or destroyed.


There are other types of documents:

  • Ascending - from employees to superiors.
  • Descending - from managers to staff.
  • Horizontal - with equal positions.

The movement of papers is fixed in special journals. They can be issued in different forms, but now the most popular is electronic document management.

Court proceedings

What is court proceedings? The court case presents a different list of documents and material evidence. Thanks to its proper storage and movement, the law enforcement system works in accordance with the law.

Judicial office work, in comparison with organizational work, is not voluntary. It is conducted by authorized persons, and their work is controlled. It also has stages, including the destruction of papers.

Secretary job

Many employees do not know the basics of office work and document flow. But the secretary has professional duties. These employees carry out the main activity of documentary support of management.

In terms of form and work, an institution can be:

  • Centralized - secretaries are located in one department and report to a senior specialist.
  • Decentralized - employees are distributed among company divisions, therefore they report to their superiors.
  • Mixed.

The principles of workflow in an institution are determined by the form of the secretariat. These employees are responsible for paperwork.


The basics of office work establish that each enterprise should have a normative act that regulates the movement of documentation. The office work instruction is called the internal regulatory act of the enterprise, based on the order of the management.

The paper has an indefinite validity. It indicates the origin of the document, lists the positions whose signatures are official. The instruction includes design samples, forms, forms.

Record keeping

The basics of office work and workflow at the enterprise allow you to properly carry out this activity. In small firms, this work is usually done by employees or a manager. If such an obligation is not considered direct for the employee and is not indicated in the employment contract, then an order should be issued to add such functions. The document must describe duties, responsibilities and compensation.

HR principles

If at least one employee works in the institution, then you need to create labor documents. Personnel records management is called ensuring the movement of official papers related to the activities of people. Responsibilities are carried out by employees of the Human Resources Department. They accept, process and store papers.

It is their responsibility to process personal information that is considered sensitive. In personnel document management, secrecy and compliance with the rules for storing papers are important. The basics of office work allow you to effectively set up the work of people in the company.

Although digital technologies are actively developing now, most organizations practically do not use workflow optimization. This involves the use of paper correspondence and the maintenance of regular journals. The reason for this is the reluctance to innovate and the lack of money. But the management must take into account that optimization with small investments allows you to get a significant economic effect.

So, now you know the basics of office work. We hope the information provided was useful to you.

An enterprise is a complex mechanism that requires control over each of its sectors. Record keeping is an important part of managing an organization. Without this procedure, confusion and chaos will arise at the enterprise, it will be impossible to find the necessary documents, provide them to the regulatory authorities, and store them correctly.

For proper record keeping, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basics of this process. These basics will allow you to delve into, systematize the data. What do you need to know a beginner who is just starting to office work? Often these duties are delegated to the secretary even without special education. It is believed that it is not difficult to master these skills, but in fact this area has many nuances, aspects that are important not to miss.

The basics of organizing office work begin with the concept of the nomenclature of cases. This is a list of all the documents that the company has. A complex system with many branches - this is how this concept can be characterized. Each direction is assigned its own code to make it easier to find the right document.

The nomenclature allows you to archive the material, create a single system. To make it easier to process the information, a table is created in which the document codes, place in the archive, storage period are entered.

Experienced secretaries recommend grouping documents according to their types. There are many types of documents. The list depends on the specifics of production, the functions of the enterprise, the focus of work. But there are universal documents that can be found in both state and private enterprises.

These include:

  • incoming - such materials that enter the organization from outside;
  • outgoing - sent on behalf of the enterprise to other persons (including letters, replies, etc.);
  • internal - documents that regulate the internal work of the enterprise (regulations, orders, orders, etc.).

Each variety is conducted by the secretary separately. To do this, an individual journal is started, in which everything related to a particular document is recorded.

If, for example, the material was issued to one of the employees, then the log must necessarily indicate who it is, the signature of the responsible person and a copy of this document.

Office work is not only the accounting of familiar documents. Also, a log is kept of handing over keys, taking calls, coming to work and other important documents that can make the “life” of the enterprise better and more productive.

The next important point in the basics of workflow is the preparation of a Regulation on workflow for a particular organization. This main document is developed jointly with the director of the enterprise and reflects all the nuances of doing business.

What should be displayed in the Regulation:

  • rules for compiling documentation;
  • its procedure for transfer and disposal;
  • archiving procedure, etc.

This will allow you to put things in order and prevent you from losing important materials, help you quickly find what you need and track any “movements” of the document.

It is important for a specialist - a clerk to figure out in which cases a stamp or seal is placed on a document. Everything is simple here - the seal is affixed on outgoing forms, and internal documents are certified by the signature of the head. Incoming materials, after consideration by the head, are also certified with a seal.

The stamp is an auxiliary tool that helps the secretary to grade information, but it has no legal force.

Rules for the organization of office work

So that order reigns at the enterprise and work processes are not hampered by paperwork, you should master the rules for organizing office work. They will help you decide how to properly keep records of incoming and outgoing documentation, supplier and customer cards, call logs and other important documentation.

The following main theses can be distinguished:

  1. It is preferable to introduce a computer organization of office work. This means that a special program can be used that organizes the information itself, assigns codes and archives the data. But at the same time, paper media should not be thrown away either.
  2. It is also better to fill out documents on a computer. No matter how beautiful the handwriting of the one who fills them out, the typeface will create a neat impression.
  3. Staff should be taught to be responsible and respectful of documents.
  4. You need to send important letters only with a “live” seal, and not a copy.
  5. E-mail, although a quick way to send documents, is not always effective. This is because often at first the secretary looks through the information and decides what exactly to print and convey to the head. Because of this, some of the data simply does not reach the addressee.
  6. Business emails should always be answered. The answer to an urgent letter must be written within a day, the rest - within a week. This is an important rule of business ethics, the implementation of which will characterize the enterprise from the best side.

This is only a basic list of the basic rules for organizing office work. Each enterprise can develop its own individual rules, referring to the specifics of production, the number of staff, etc.

Rules of office work and document flow in the organization

Office work is closely related to the concept of "document flow". The latter is the movement of documents in the enterprise from the moment they are created or received until they are sent to others, filed in an archive or disposed of.

The direction in this area is determined by the rules of office work and document flow in the organization:

  1. Documents can be drawn up on a special form, a simple sheet of A4 paper, in electronic form.
  2. All details must be indicated, stamps affixed, and there was also the signature of the head.
  3. When creating an electronic document, it is important to fill it out according to an existing template.
  4. A nomenclature of cases must be created. Without it, it will be impossible to quickly track the desired document.
  5. Documents must be transferred to the archive. Important ones are stored for more than 10 years, less important - up to 10 years.
  6. Cases can be issued against the signature of employees for a certain period, after its expiration, the documents must be returned to the secretary again. This movement must be displayed in a special journal.
  7. In rare cases, the original document may be removed from the file. But then a copy must be attached.

Basic requirements for the organization of office work

In addition to the rules, there are also basic requirements for the organization of office work.

They are in the following main aspects:

  • records of incoming, outgoing and internal documentation should be kept;
  • for the operational organization, computer technologies, postal communications and other technical capabilities should be used that will allow faster delivery of information to the addressee;
  • each document must undergo primary processing, registration, preliminary review, approval by the head, then transfer to the performers and filing to the case;
  • registration must take place on time (on the day of receipt, the deadline is the next day);
  • a nomenclature of cases must be created;
  • ideal option - duplication of the document in electronic form. Electronic document management will greatly simplify the registration, processing, transfer and archiving of information.

As with other areas of the “life activity” of an enterprise, office work must be taken seriously, cards and magazines must be filled out in a timely manner, and documents must be carefully and attentively treated.

Storage of documents in the office work of the organization

Storage of documents in the office work of the organization is an important and necessary stage. Without it, it will be impossible to quickly find the desired document or it may not be found at all. This is the penultimate step before the disposal of documentation. Information can be stored in the archive for decades, so it should be properly formatted.

First, information needs to be systematized and cases formed. After that, a nomenclature of cases is created, which includes all the documentation that exists in the enterprise. It is stored in the Office of Records Management. Usually, the secretary or other person who is entrusted with the duties of a clerk is responsible for its formation and preservation.

Finished cases are transferred to the archive. But first they make inventories of cases in order to grade them according to the shelf life.

When the storage period for a particular document expires, it is disposed of. This is also not so easy to do. First, an Act of Withdrawal is drawn up, it must be signed by the head, so as not to suddenly dispose of an important document for him.

Exemplary Instructions for office work in the organization

Each organization must develop and approve an individual Instruction on office work in the organization. Items in it may vary depending on the direction of the enterprise. But you can give an approximate typical Instruction, which can become a template for developing your own version.

You should start with a “header”, in which you should indicate the date, document number and data of the person who approved the Instruction. Then there are the General Provisions.

1. General Provisions

1.1 A standard instruction is created to ensure the workflow at the enterprise, increase efficiency and normalize production, financial and other processes.

1.2 The document applies to the organization of all types of documents, on whatever medium they are presented.

1.3 The purpose of the management of the enterprise is to improve the organization of office work through the introduction of hardware and software equipment.

2. Requirements for the organization of document circulation and office work

2.1 Creating a nomenclature of cases and assigning a unique number to each case.

2.2 Consideration, analysis of each document, systematization of information.

2.3 Mandatory response to business letters within the framework of business ethics.

2.4 Timely registration of cases, their transfer to the archive and disposal over time.

3. Features of registration of some types of documentation

3.1 Orders and orders convey decisions of a regulatory nature and are endorsed by the head of the enterprise or heads of departments.

3.2 Documentation is printed on a special form and must have a title, date of signing, number.

3.3 The regulation includes a set of rules that must be followed for the operation of the enterprise

3.4 The protocol consists of notes that were made during the meeting, meeting

3.5 Official letters must be systematized and entered in a special Journal.

4. Acceptance and processing of documentation

4.1 All documents that are created or received by the enterprise undergo primary processing, primary consideration, registration, are submitted for consideration to the management, and then to the performers.

4.2 If the document is not addressed specifically to the management, but came in the name of the enterprise, then it is first considered by the secretary, and only then it passes to the director for consideration.

4.3 If the document is received on electronic media, then it must be accompanied by a cover letter with the text written in the document.

5. Organization of file storage

5.1 From the moment of creation or transfer of the file to the enterprise and until its submission to the archive, it is stored in the records management department.

5.2 The head of the enterprise and heads of departments are responsible for the safety of information.

5.3 Issuance of cases is carried out only against receipt for a specified period.

5.4 After the expiration of the storage period, the files are transferred to the archive.

You can supplement the Instruction with templates for document forms.

Organization of non-secret office work

Most often they are faced with the organization of non-secret office work. This responsibility falls either on the secretary or on the head of the clerical department.

Due to the fact that the materials are not classified, the organization of such a process is very similar to the standard one.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • obtaining or developing a document;
  • its processing and review by management;
  • transfer to performers;
  • storage of the document and its transfer to the archive.

Access of persons who can borrow documentation for a while is not limited.

Organization of secret office work

It is more difficult to organize secret office work. At the same time, the information is partially or completely closed from outsiders, therefore it is necessary to immediately clearly distinguish who can get acquainted with the documents.

You also need to pay attention to such nuances:

  • a commission should be created to oversee the process;
  • all the points of the correct organization of simple documentation should be present in this case, but more advanced;
  • special control during data transmission (via postal service, Internet, telephone, etc.);
  • a special room with safes and fireproof cabinets should be prepared for storing such information;
  • issuance of documentation is carried out in a room with a special window for issuance or a barrier that will delimit the space;
  • entrance doors must have working locks and be well locked;
  • in the room itself there should be all the means to evacuate documents if necessary;
  • there must be a second set of keys to the premises where secret information is planned to be stored;
  • the security system will help to avoid the theft of important materials.

Rules for the organization of office work in federal bodies

The rules for organizing office work in federal bodies are based on laws, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation. Therefore, they are clearly specified and displayed in the standard Instructions for office work.

These rules are very similar to other similar rules for organizing workflow in an enterprise.

But there are a few specific nuances that you need to pay attention to:

  1. Document flow is impossible without the interaction of the federal body, management bodies and the administration of the enterprise.
  2. Documents must be signed by the head of the federal body or his deputy.
  3. Coordination is an obligatory stage of document management organization.
  4. Documents must be registered on the day of receipt or on the day of signing.
  5. Special search engines are being created to search for the desired document.
  6. If you need to change the deadlines for the execution of the document, then you can write an order addressed to the head of the federal body.
  7. After the execution of the document, it is removed from control. This can also be done before its execution, but only after the permission of the federal authority.
  8. The nomenclature of cases of a federal body consists of the nomenclature of cases of a subdivision and the consolidated nomenclature.
  9. The formation of cases is decentralized in each individual unit.

In all other respects, the principles of document management are very similar.

Organization of office work on the appeal of citizens

Citizens often turn to state authorities for help. Such appeals also need to be systematized and the organization of office work in this area should be established.

Citizens are more likely to apply in writing.

Then the procedure will be like this:

  • receiving a written request;
  • its consideration;
  • organization of personal reception of citizens;
  • monitoring compliance with obligations to citizens.

A written appeal must be registered within 3 days. The date and registration number are put on the document.

The organization is better to conduct with the help of cards, and using computer technology.

If the appeal contains questions that are not within the competence of the executive authority, then within a week you need to redirect it to its destination.

The written response must be signed by the executive authority.

There are such reasons why you can not give an answer to a citizen:

  • if obscene language was used in the appeal;
  • no feedback from the sender;
  • the text is illegible;
  • the explanation contains classified information.

Cases are formed on the basis of such letters.

Organization of modern office work, new in office work

The organization of modern office work does not stand still. Continuous development in this area is the key to the "healthy" functioning of the enterprise. The emergence of new forms, forms, documentation, new rules for registration, transfer and storage makes the responsible person constantly improve, learn new things.

What's new in office work over the past year? The main innovation is that from July 1, 2018, a new standard for the execution of organizational and administrative documents is introduced. In particular, it touched on the important topic of using fonts in documentation. So earlier it was possible to use only Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana or Calibri. The new standard allows any free fonts. Their size: 12, 13, 14.

If you need to fill the table, you should use smaller fonts.

Also, new details appeared in the new document:

  • name of the structural unit;
  • the author of the document is indicated;
  • access restriction mark (if applicable);
  • electronic signature.

There are a number of new forms and software designed to help the secretary do his job.

Organization and management of office work at the enterprise is a top priority. Such systematization, processing and storage of data takes a lot of effort and money. But modern technologies greatly simplify the work of specialists. Now, with one click, you can find out about the status of the document, its storage location and the terms of its use in the documentation cycle.

Success in business largely depends on its proper organization. Both managers and ordinary workers should be paperwork. What are its features, what types are there, and what regulatory documents should be taken into account when organizing workflow?

What is office work

Any organization, regardless of the form of ownership and characteristics, creates a variety of papers in the course of its activities. These can be orders, letters, and protocols. All of them relate to organizational and administrative documentation.

Office work is the activity of creating documents of an organization, performed according to certain rules and requirements. Most often, enterprises allocate special employees employed only in this area. In small firms, the function of a secretary can be assigned to almost any employee.

If you understand the essence of terminology (what is office work), then the origin of the word will become clear. This is, first of all, fixation on a material carrier of official information. During this process, it is created which later initiates certain actions.

The term "office work" itself appeared quite a long time ago, but only in the middle of the last century it took shape officially, being enshrined in regulatory documents at the state level.

Office work and document management - what is it?

The organization cannot exist independently of the law. There is always office work and document flow in it. What is it, what are the features of the transition of papers, how to draw them up correctly? These issues are solved by specialists: secretaries, archivists, employees of the personnel department.

Office work involves fixing information on a material carrier, creating a paper or electronic act. On its basis, the document flow of the organization is built - the movement of an order or letter, starting from its creation and ending with execution and sending to the archive or destruction.

Depending on the place of creation of business papers in relation to employees and management of the organization, the document flow is divided into external and internal. The further path of the order, order, letter will depend on the source.

The internal document flow of the organization involves the following steps:

The stages of external workflow are generally similar, but there are some differences:

  • Documents come to the enterprise from outside. These can be papers of higher and lower organizations, branches, regulations from official authorities, court orders, letters from citizens.
  • All business papers received by the organization must go through the registration procedure. She confirms that they are under control.
  • The next step is working with the document, familiarization or execution of the instructions.
  • If necessary, an official response is issued.
  • The last stage is registration for long-term or archival storage, and possible destruction.

In addition, in relation to the management of the organization, the following types of document flow are distinguished:

All stages of document movement are necessarily recorded in special journals. They can be conducted in several ways:

  • movement of documents;
  • document cards;
  • electronic document management is most common in the vast majority of organizations.

Features of judicial office work

Many are wondering what it is and how it differs from the general. A court case is a slightly different package of documents and material evidence. Its proper storage and movement ensures the transparency of the work of the law enforcement system. Court proceedings, unlike organizational ones, cannot be voluntary. It is conducted by authorized persons and strictly controlled. For him, all stages are normatively and strictly defined, up to destruction.

Functions of the secretary

Most employees of the enterprise have a very vague idea of ​​what office work and document management are. For a secretary, this is a professional activity.

The secretariat of the enterprise performs the main function according to the form and characteristics of the work, the organization of the office work service of the enterprise is divided into the following types:

  • Centralized - all secretaries are in the same department and report to the chief clerk or senior secretary.
  • Decentralized - secretaries and employees who perform their duties are dispersed across departments of the organization and report to different bosses.
  • Mixed - most common in large organizations.

Features of the document flow at the enterprise will directly depend on what form of secretariat is adopted.

Office work instructions

Regardless of the size and form of ownership, any organization must have a regulation governing the movement of documents. What is it and how to make it? This question worries not only secretaries, but also managers.

An office work instruction is an internal regulatory act of an organization, approved by an order or order of management, of unlimited duration. It spells out all the stages of passing the document, gives lists of positions whose signatures can certify the authenticity of official papers, provides design samples, forms and forms.

Record keeping

In small organizations with a low level of document flow (less than 200 per year), the question of what record keeping is is not raised. Everything is decided by the employees themselves or even the manager.

If the duties of record keeping are not direct for the employee and are not spelled out in his employment contract, then a decree should be issued on the assignment of these functions. This document should detail additional duties, responsibilities and compensation.

Features of personnel office work

If at least one employee works in the organization, then labor documents will be created. The question of what is personnel office work is especially relevant for enterprises with a small number of employees.

Personnel records management is the provision of the movement of specific documents related to the labor activity of employees of the enterprise. Usually these duties are performed by employees of a special unit - the personnel department. Their functions include receiving, processing and storing personnel documentation. Including the processing of personal data that is confidential.

Personnel workflow is usually kept separately from the general one in compliance with the rules of secrecy and storage features.

Office workflow optimization

Despite the rapid development of digital technologies, many organizations find it difficult to optimize document flow. They continue to conduct paper correspondence in the old fashioned way and keep ordinary registration journals.

This is due to two factors:

  • resistance to innovations of employees of the enterprise;
  • lack of finance.

Managers should remember that the optimization of workflow with considerable investment gives a noticeable economic effect.


Doctor of Economics sciences, prof. A.E. Miller, Dr. ist. sciences, prof. V.D. Polkanov, Ph.D. ist. Sciences, Assoc. G.I. Evseeva

C 34 Office work and document flow : Textbook (for students of the Faculty of Economics) / Comp. T.V. Siganova. – Omsk:

Omsk. state un-t, 2004. - 71 p. ISBN 5-7779-0451-3

The manual discusses the issues of documentation support for management, computer technology in preschool educational institutions, documentation systems, organization of workflow and its analysis. The features and rules of working with personnel documentation and confidential documents are described. Control questions and assignments for practical work are given.

It is intended for students of the Faculty of Economics of full-time, evening and correspondence forms of study in the discipline "Office work and document flow".

UDC 65.012.224(075) BBK 65.052ya73


Documents form the basis of the information environment of any enterprise, organization or institution. The information contained in them will have legal force and can be used in professional activities only if a number of mandatory business operations are observed.

When working with documents, on a daily basis, you have to solve a large range of issues related to the registration of incoming, outgoing and internal documents, with signing, approval, sending, forming them into files, determining storage periods, transferring them to the archive or destruction. Without the proper organization of work, it is impossible to cope with the flow of documents, quickly find the required document, make inquiries on it, and also control its execution or ensure safety.

The realities of modern production and business dictate certain requirements in the field of documentary support for management (DOM). With the existing mixed system of office work, when all document flows in the organization are dispersed among structural divisions for their mandatory execution, knowledge in the field of preschool education is necessary for everyone. A young specialist who first came to work, in addition to the knowledge and skills of drafting documents, needs to have an idea about the features of the interaction and movement of documents in the enterprise. For managers who are not, as a rule, specific executors of paperwork, it is important to know not only the structure of the document itself, but also to have an idea by means of issuing which document and how this or that administrative situation can be resolved.

Thus, today all employees are participants in a single clerical process. Today, along with professional skills, an employee must be able to create documents in accordance with existing norms, state standards, laws of the Russian Federation, methodological recommendations of the Federal Archives, ministries, departments and organizations. Do not forget also that the creation and execution of a document, as a rule, means the performance of a specific production task by an employee, and the information contained in a particular document sometimes predetermines the development of a production or management process. A properly executed document ensures not only the efficiency of work, but also creates the image of a serious, business partner.

AT In connection with the introduction of new technologies into office work, knowledge about the organization of paperless office work is very important, the organization of which requires not only the use of modern technical means (computers, computer networks and programs), the acquisition of additional knowledge about the creation, use, storage of documents on machine media. The most important thing is the development of fundamentally new approaches to the organization of document management, the improvement of the general culture and the development of universal moral standards for working in a collective network.

It is also necessary to change the psychology of attitude to the document

and workflow, more clearly define the criteria for the value of a document, and finally, create new rules for working with documents and learn how to follow them. It is not enough to purchase a software product and unite the entire computer park of the enterprise into a common network; it is necessary for all participants in the “game” to learn the general rules, procedures and norms, which in many respects have yet to be created and implemented.

AT At present, a lot of educational and reference literature on office work has accumulated on store shelves and in libraries. The information contained in them is not always up-to-date and correct. Some publications contain information and examples that contradict the state standards of the Russian Federation, the instructions of the Federal Archives and violate the national traditions of Russian office work. Such a "diversity" of opinions and information in textbooks makes it difficult to study them on your own.

Justified in practice. rational forms and methods of creating document processing can be brought to the level of a general norm only on the condition that all those involved in these processes adhere in their activities to the uniform rules and norms of documentary support for management activities. In other words, DOW is a “game by the rules”, and all its participants should know these rules.

AT In connection with this, the urgent task is to study the basic norms of office work. And since the university trains future managers and performers, the question arises more and more often that a specialist with a higher education should acquire modern knowledge and skills in the field of document management, regardless of the chosen specialty. This circumstance determines the importance of studying such a discipline as "Office work and document management".

one . The terminological base of documentation

1.1. Basic basic concepts and terms

The term "document" comes from the Latin word "documentum"

- proof, testimony. This word refers to any written sources, properly designed and therefore legally binding.

In the dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov gives various interpretations of the concept of "document":

1) business paper confirming any fact or right to something (expenditure documents, travel documents);

2) something that officially certifies the identity of the bearer (passport, certificate, certificate);

3) written evidence of something (eg: ancient Russian letters are historical documents, the contract testifies

about conclusion of an agreement in the field of services or production, etc.) one . Term "office work" originated in Russia in the second half

XVIII century. Since that time, its use has been fixed by linguistic dictionaries. The term was formed from a combination of the words "case production". Initially, it meant the solution of a judicial or administrative issue and was understood as an activity associated with decision-making, i.e., with the production of cases. This is what was laid in the basis of the concept of "office work". The meaning of a case as a collection of documents relating to any issue is of a later origin compared to the first meaning.

The modern terminology of office work is regulated by GOST R 51141-98 “Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions”, in which "office work" is determined by the following

at once: a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents. Along with the thermal

nom "office work" in recent years, a synonym has been used

the term “management documentation support” (DOE) given to him.

Its occurrence is due to a change in the organizational and technical base of office work in connection with the introduction of computers in preschool educational institutions, modern information technologies for creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching and using information.

Business is based on documentation, which is understood as a regulated process of recording information on various

1 Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Russian language, 1984. - S. 148.

media in compliance with certain standards established by the legal and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation.

The result of documentation is a document - information recorded on a material carrier with details. A prop is a separately taken mandatory element of any document (seal, signature, date, number, etc.). The combination of such elements makes it possible to identify the document, i.e. to identify.

A document form is a set of document details and a diagram of their location on a standard sheet of paper. The presence of a form established by the state standard ensures the unity of documentation and documentation both within one institution and throughout the country. A form specific to a particular type of document is called model form.

The carrier is a material object used to fix and store speech, sound or visual information on it. The carrier is always the result of the technical achievements of the era. In ancient times, various materials were used as a material medium for creating documents: in Mesopotamia

clay tablets, in Egypt - papyrus, in the countries of Asia Minor, in Europe and in Russia - parchment - specially dressed bull or calf skin, which received the name "charter" or "veal" in Russia. In ancient Novgorod, as is known, birch bark and board were used.

AT For many centuries and up to the present time, paper has been the most common carrier of documentary information throughout the world.

Along with paper, new media are also widely used today: magnetic tapes, disks.

Compliance with certain rules for recording information gives documents legal force. Legal force- this is a property of an official document transferred to it by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the competence of the organization that issued it, a certain set of details and the established procedure for its execution.

Providing documentation is only one component of office work, its second component is is the organization of work with documents, which involves the whole range of actions for creating and processing documents.

The organization of work with documents involves the design document flow institutions, i.e., the movement of documents from the moment they are created or received until they are determined for archival storage or destruction, as well as their rational and operational use in the current activities of the institution.

In society, documents are the main carriers of various (managerial, scientific, technical, statistical) socially significant information. Documents are carriers of primary information. In them, information is recorded for the first time, while books, newspapers, magazines, etc. contain processed, secondary information.

The ability to save information in time allows you to distinguish between documents as carriers of operational and retrospective information.

1.2. Document Functions

Any official document is multifunctional, since it simultaneously performs several functions. There are general and special functions.

The general functions of the document include: informational, social, communicative, cultural.

The appearance of any document is always justified by the need to "materialize" information for its preservation and transmission in time.

and space. The document is always generated by a social need, is a socially significant object, and provides a link between individual elements of the social structure, for example, between enterprises. Through documents, cultural traditions are consolidated and transmitted.

The special functions of the document include: managerial, legal, and the function of a historical source.

The administration of any enterprise is carried out through documents. They ensure the consolidation and change of legal norms and legal relations in society through legislative and regulatory acts. After the transfer of documents for archival storage, they acquire the function of a historical source.

1.3. Documentation systems

Any document created in a society is an element of a higher-level system and is included in the corresponding documentation system as its element. Under documentation system is understood as a set of documents interconnected according to the signs of origin, purpose, type, field of activity, uniform requirements for their execution. Just as the letters of one language make up the alphabet, so do certain types and varieties of documents make up documentation systems. Until now, there is no general consistent scientific classification of documentation systems in document science,

types and types of documents. It is believed that each field of activity one way or another has its own documentation system (systems of medical, commercial, scientific and technical, financial, administrative documentation).

In the activities of the enterprise, local systems of personnel, planning, and accounting documentation function independently. The rules for their design, storage and use are strictly standardized. They are included in the nomenclature of cases as a separate section and are not included in the administrative documentation system, having their own information retrieval system.

The assignment of documents to a particular system begins with the division of all documents into official and personal origin. The latter include documents created by a person outside the sphere of his official activity or the performance of public duties. They include personal correspondence, memoirs (memoirs), diaries and are few in terms of types and varieties in the documentation system.

Official documents are created during business hours on behalf of the legal entity. They, as a rule, do not have an arbitrary form, but are drawn up on forms.

2. Regulatory requirements for the composition of the main details and their design

Modern requirements for the execution of organizational and administrative documentation are enshrined in the state standard GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified Documentation Systems. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. This standard establishes the composition of the details, zones and the sequence of their placement on a standard sheet of paper.

A feature of the new amended standard - instead of the previously existing GOST R 6.30-97 - is its advisory nature and a change in a number of details. And although the standard is not mandatory, but only advisory, it must be remembered that the uniformity of documentation will allow organizations, enterprises and institutions to achieve unity of information exchange. So, it must be followed!

2 Organization of work with documents: Textbook / V.A. Kudryaev and others - M .:

INFRA-M, 1999. - S. 67.

Requirements for the composition of details are also determined by other state standards for management documentation:

1. GOST 6.10.4-84 “Unified Documentation Systems. Giving legal force to documents on a machine carrier and a machinogram created by computer technology. Basic Provisions”;

2. GOST 6.10.5-87 “Unified Documentation Systems. Requirements for the construction of a sample form.

These standards establish the composition of the details that give the documentary record the legal force of the document, and are mandatory.

2.1. Requirements for the composition of props

The form is regulated by the state standard (GOST

State standard of the Russian Federation R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork” establishes the composition of details for management documents and determines their location on a standard sheet of paper. In total, 30 details are set by the standard. Their number, composition are determined by the type of document and its purpose. And since some details are mutually exclusive, there will be much fewer of them in a particular document. The following set of details is established by the standard:

01 - State Emblem of the Russian Federation;

02 - emblem of the subject of the Russian Federation; 03 - emblem of the organization or trademark (service mark); 04 - organization code;

05 - the main state registration number of a legal entity (OGRN);

06 - taxpayer identification number / registration reason code (TIN / KPP);

07 - document form code;

08 - name of the organization;

09 - reference data about the organization;

10 – name of the document type;

11 – document date;

12 – registration number of the document;

14 - the place of compilation or publication of the document;

15 - addressee;

16 - stamp of approval of the document;

17 - resolution;

18 - heading to the text;

19 - mark of control;

20 - the text of the document;

21 - a mark about the presence of the application;

22 - signature;

23 - document approval stamp;

24 – document approval visas;

25 - print imprint;

26 - a mark on the certification of the copy;

27 - mark about the performer;

28 - a note on the execution of the document and its direction in the case;

29 - a mark on the receipt of the document in the organization;

30 – identifier of the electronic copy of the document.

2.2. General requirements for the design of document details

State Emblem of the Russian Federation (01)

The coat of arms of the subject of the Russian Federation is placed on letterheads in accordance with the Federal Constitutional Law "On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2000. - No. 52. - Part 1. - Art. 5021). The right to place the state emblem on official documents belongs to state administration bodies, courts, prosecutors, arbitration, tax services, etc. Modification and change of the State Emblem is punishable by law.

Coat of arms of the subject of the Russian Federation (02)

The coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is placed on official documents in accordance with the legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Organization emblem or trademark (service mark)

The emblem of the enterprise is a symbolic graphic image. As a rule, a trademark is used as an emblem. The image of the emblem makes it easier to find the document, but it is not allowed to replace the name of an enterprise or institution with an emblem. The emblem is placed on the document in accordance with the charter (regulations) of the organization. It is inappropriate to place the company logo on internal documents.

Organization code (04)

All registered enterprises have a code according to OKPO - the All-Russian Classifier of Organizations and Enterprises. It can be affixed in advance in a typographical way. This code is a kind of confirmation of the eligibility of the organization - the author of the document.

The main state registration number (OGRN) of a legal entity (05)

The registration number of a legal entity is affixed in accordance with the documents issued by the tax authorities.

Taxpayer identification number / TIN/KPP registration reason code (06)

It is affixed in accordance with the documents issued by the tax authorities.

Document form code (07)

The code according to the All-Russian classifier of management documentation (OKUD) must correspond to the code of the unified form of the document contained in the classifiers of management documentation. This requisite is affixed when compiling a specific type of document.

Organization name (08)

This attribute indicates in the document the name of the organization that is the author of the document, it must correspond to the name fixed in its constituent documents.

Above the name of the organization indicate the abbreviated or full name of the parent organization. All these names are given in the nominative case. For example:

Ministry of Higher Education of the Russian Federation State Agricultural Academy

Agricultural Institute

If an organization is subordinate (subordinate) to several management bodies or public organizations at the same time, then no more than three degrees of subordination are indicated.

If there is dual subordination - to the ministry and local authorities, then only the name of the local authorities is indicated in the document.

The names of organizations of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which, along with the Russian language as the state national language, are printed in two languages ​​- Russian and national. Name of the organization in the state language of the subject of the Russian

Federations are located below or to the right of the name in the state language of the Russian Federation, depending on the method of registration of the form.

The name of the organization, which has a foreign equivalent of its name, is used in official documents in two languages ​​if it is so fixed by the statutory documents.

The abbreviated name of the organization is given in cases where it is enshrined in the constituent documents of the organization. The abbreviated name (in brackets) is placed below the full name. For example:

Omsk State University (OmGU)

The name of the branch, territorial office, representative office, structural unit of the organization is indicated if it is the author of the document. The author can also be an official representing the organization. To do this, use the forms of the official.

Reference data about the organization (09)

This requisite is indicated only in official letters. This may include: postal and telegraphic address; teletype, telephone, fax, telex number, e-mail address, Internet site name, etc. Letters relating to financial matters may, at the discretion of the organization, include bank details. In any case, information about the author of the document must be comprehensive and necessarily reliable so that the addressee does not have to request additional information.

Name of document type (10)

This requisite is one of the most important, since it allows you to judge the purpose of this document, determines the composition of the requisites and the structure of the text. The name of the type of document is regulated by the charter (regulations on the organization) and must correspond to the types of documents provided for by OKUD (class 0200000). It is affixed to all documents, with the exception of letters and faxes, and is printed in capital letters. For example: ORDER, INSTRUCTION,

ACT, etc.

The date is one of the main details of the document, which ensure its legal force. The date of the document is the date of its signing or approval, for the protocol - the date of the colleague

al event. Documents issued by several more organizations must have one (single) signing date.

The date in the document is drawn up digitally in the following sequence: day, month, year. For example, the date August 8, 2003 should be formatted: 08.08.2003. Also, the date can be formatted in accordance with the international standard: 2003.08.22.

AT texts of regulatory documents, as well as those containing information of a financial nature, it is allowed to apply a verbal-numeric way of formatting dates, for example: August 08, 2003.

AT faxes, telegrams, and telephone messages, in addition to the date, hours and minutes are affixed.

Document registration number (12)

Simultaneously with the date, the registration number of the document is affixed

The registration number is the symbol of the document under which it is entered into the information retrieval system of the organization. For internal documents (for example, orders, protocols), this is usually a serial number from the beginning of the year. For outgoing documents, it can consist of several parts: the index of the structural unit, the case number according to the nomenclature where a copy of the document will be stored after it is sent, the serial number of the document.

For example: No. 06-11/137, where 06 is the index of the structural unit, 11 is the case number according to the nomenclature, 137 is the serial number of the document.

On documents compiled jointly by several organizations, registration numbers are affixed through a slash in the order the authors are indicated on the document.

This requisite is affixed only on response letters. The date and reference number are copied from the initiative (received) letter. It is issued in the following way: On No. 02-13/36 dated 04.09.2003. This link will help the organization that received the response letter find their copy of the initiative letter. This requisite is not affixed to internal correspondence.

Place of compilation or publication of the document (14)

The place of compilation or publication of the document must be indicated

in in the event that it is difficult to determine it by the details “Name of the organization” (cf.: “Omsk shoe factory and “Shoe factory No. 6”) and “Reference data about the organization”. It is advisable to put it on all internal documents. The place of compilation or publication is indicated taking into account the accepted administrative-territorial division, and it includes only generally accepted abbreviations. For example:

Moscow; Omsk; Tara, Omsk region; With. Ivanovka, Lyubinsky district, Omsk region.

In letters, this requisite is included in the postal address, and an additional mention of the place of compilation or publication in it would be inappropriate. Abbreviation of the word "city" in the form of the letter "g." is not put when designating the capital of our state (“Moscow”), as well as when writing cities ending in “grad” and “burg” (St. Petersburg, Novgorod, Dmitrovgrad).

Destination (15)

This requisite is affixed on outgoing documents and on all types of internal correspondence (statements, memorandums, service and explanatory notes).

The maximum props "Address" may consist of the following components:

- the name of the institution, organization or enterprise (in them.

name of the structural unit (in the name of the pad.);

indication of the position of the recipient (in dan. pad.);

initials and surname (in dat. pad.);

- mailing address.

The presence of the address is necessary for verification with the address on the package in order to determine whether an insertion error has occurred, because if the address on the document does not match the address on the package, the document is returned to the sender.

The elements of the postal address in the requisite "Address" and when registering the address in the requisite "Reference data" are indicated in the sequence established by the "Rules for the provision of postal services", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2000 No. 725. In accordance with the Rules, the following procedure for writing a postal address on envelopes and documents is established:

name of the addressee (organization or name, patronymic, surname);

street, house number, apartment number;

locality (city, town);

region, region, republic;

country (for international letters);


For example, the address of an organization would look like this:

Prospect Mira, 7, bldg. 8, d. 45, of. 434, Omsk 644050;

respondents, with a full guarantee of the correctness of investments. In all other cases, it is necessary to avoid errors.

Before the surname (if any), the academic degree is indicated,

If the document is sent simultaneously to several homogeneous organizations, they can be specified in a generalized way:

General directors of production associations

The requisite may contain several recipients, but not more than four, information about the copy number of the document is not indicated. When a document is sent to more than four addresses, a mailing list is compiled, and only one addressee is affixed to each document. The attribute "Address" can be centered in relation to the longest line:

Chief Editor of the Drofa Publishing House

N.S. Selivanov

Document approval stamp (16)

The document may be approved by the relevant bodies or officials whose competence includes resolving the issues set forth in the approved documents, or by issuing an appropriate administrative document (order, order, resolution).

If the document is approved by an official, the approval stamp consists of the word “APPROVE” (without quotes), the full title of the position of the head approving the document (in their name), his personal signature, its transcript and the date of approval. For example:


Director of the enterprise Personal signature A. B. Sidorov

"____" ___________2003

If the document is approved by a specially issued administrative document, then the approval stamp will contain a reference to its name, number and date of the order. For example:


By order of the director of the enterprise dated 05.08.2003 No. 15

The word “approved” is consistent with the type and number of the approved document (act, acts, instruction, agreement), and the name of the approving document is written in the instrumental case.

It is allowed to center this attribute in relation to the longest line.


Director of the plant "Luch" Personal signature A. B. Sidorov

"____" _______________2003

Resolution (17)

The resolution fixes the instructions of the head regarding the execution of the document. The resolution is written by hand and is affixed in the upper right corner above the text of the document. If there is more than one resolution on the document, then the second and subsequent ones are affixed to any free space on the front side of the document. If there is no free space, then the resolution can be drawn up on a small additional sheet of A6 format.

The resolution includes the surname, name, patronymic of the performer, the content of the order, the deadline for execution, the signature of the head, the date of the resolution.

For example: K. A. Vorobyov.

Please prepare a draft contract by 26.01.2003

Personal signature of A.V. Frolov

There may be several performers. In this case, the person named first in the resolution is responsible for the execution of the document.

Title to text (18)

The heading is necessary for all kinds of documents. It may be absent only on brief documents made on A5 paper (for example, cover letters), and should be as short and precise as possible. The title should contain a summary of the content of the document. It is necessary for effective search, registration of documents without first reading the entire text.

In the appendix to the administrative document on the first sheet in the upper right corner they write:

Annex No. 2 to the order of the plant director dated September 15, 2003 No. 238

If the application is bound, then the number of sheets is not indicated.

The word "application" is allowed to be printed in capital letters "APPENDIX", and it is also allowed to center this attribute.

Signature (22)

This requisite consists of the title of the position, initials and surname. If the document is issued on a letterhead, then the title of the position will be short, without indicating the name of the enterprise, for example:

When signing a document on the letterhead of an official, the position of this person is not indicated in the signature.

When signing a document by several officials, their signatures are placed one under the other in sequence, respectively

current position, for example:


Personal signature

A.P. Popov

Chief Accountant

Personal signature

V.P. Berdyugin

When a document is signed by several persons of equal status

their signatures are on the same level, for example:



plant "Progress"

plant "Saturn"

Personal signature V.R. Frolov

Personal signature of A.M. Milov

The documents drawn up by the commission indicate not the positions of those signing the document, but their duties as part of the commission in accordance with

Document approval stamp (23)

Coordination is a preliminary consideration of the issues contained in the draft document. Coordination can be external and internal.

Coordination is formalized with a stamp. It has options: agreement with a specific official, agreement with a collegial body, agreement by letter. This is formatted as follows:


Deputy director of the plant "Luch" signature P. V. Dorofeev

"____" _____________ 2003


Minutes of the meeting of the trade union committee dated May 14, 2003 No. 4


Letter of the Federal Archive of September 23, 2003 No. 12/146

When a document is approved by officials of the same status, the vultures are placed at one level below the “Signature” requisite or on a separate approval sheet. The approval sheet is drawn up when the content of the document affects the interests of several organizations or individuals, which is noted in the place of the approval stamp. For example: The approval sheet is attached. Signature date.

Document approval visa (24)

Internal approval is called a visa. A visa consists of an indication of the position of the approver, a signature, its transcript and date. For example:

Chief Accountant

Personal signature of I. D. Lukonin

If the official with whom the document is being coordinated has any comments, additions or does not agree with the content of the document, then they can be drawn up on a separate sheet with an indication of this when signing “Comments are attached”. Sheet-by-sheet sighting of the document is allowed.
